#triple z motel
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Longwythe, World of Ruin. When Noctis returns from the crystal you get a glimpse of Longwythe as Talcott drives past on the way to Hammerhead, but I wanted to see more.  After arriving in Hammerhead I used the God Mode mod to travel back and explore the area.   The Crow’s Nest looks a mess from the outside with daemons prowling around,  a seemingly drunken Kenny Crow on the bench and the scattered clothes of daemonified people on the ground.  The inside, however remains untouched.  The JM5 machines are up and running (although the game crashes if you try to play them) and there is even fresh food on the counter.  You won’t get any service though, the place is completely deserted. Across the road the Triple Z Motel is also unchanged.  The front desk stands empty but you wouldn’t want to spend the night there with so many daemons around.
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odysseywritings · 5 years
An interview with Vic Zapper
A woman with finely styled black hair and a gray suit interviews the leather-wearing dirty blond, now with a full golden beard, on a green couch in a motel. She presents herself as Iris Lopez, a journalist working for rock magazine Feedback, and shares greetings and introductions with Vic as he changes his sitting position every 15 seconds to be comfortable
Lopez: With the latest news that you’ve disbanded from Vile Massages, are you hoping to begin a project you’ve thought about?
Zapper, sitting normally with an arm stretched on the back: Yeah! I got like 3 in my mind right now, and one that I had before this interview. So I’m thinking rock feels very showbiz now, right? Lot of pop stuff, lot of advertising. So I wanted to go full underground.
L: Would you care to explain?
Z, sitting in the lotus position: “I’m thinking of making a bunch of recordings with musicians that are not going to be sold in stores at all. Instead, we’re going to scatter records across towns. And it’ll be like a scavenger hunt that the most hardcore listeners will look for.
L: Fascinating. But how do you plan on making money on this if your fans can’t find a vendor to pay for them?
Z, straddling the arm: The money’s not important, I still have at least triple digits in my bank account. And the generous fans will leave money where the LPs were. And if someone happens to take that money before we get to it, then it’s going right back to the economy. It’s a win-win.
L: It’s certainly an authentic choice. But I’d like to ask a question where you get your stage presence and songwriting influences from.
Z, upside down: I guess like all things, it started when I was born. But from the parts that I still remember, I liked a lot of opera singers, big band leads, great showmen. I feel if you’re loud enough, people just let you do anything ‘til you stop. And like for general songs, a lot of it comes from Blues legends, urban myths, the people who used to loiter on my yard. Great material, all of it.
L: Was there a single incident in your life that told you this was the route you wanted to take?
Z, posing on his side: There were a lot really, but I think the biggest came to me in... I wanna 7th, 8th grade. I was a bored kid in class, fidgeting a lot, not enough to do. So I look around for something to do when I see a plastic fork on the floor. And as any kid is prone to doing, I swung it around like a sword, used it like a baseball bat, ended up putting it in the electrical outlet.
Z, on his belly kicking his feet back and forth: And I remember a surge of electricity going through me that almost shut down my heart for a split second. But I ended up making a loud yell that turned into a full blown rock n roll shout. And while the school lights shorted out, I made a dramatic stage exit to the applause of my classmates. And that’s when I knew that singing and the carpe diem lifestyle was meant for me, y’know?
L: Wow. Insightful is one way to put it. I think that concludes the interview on a high note. Thank you for having me.
Z: Ha! I get it! High note, that’s good...
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boggirlsummer · 3 years
Crazy Al’s Last Rodeo: June 23 - 30
Zoey started her thru-hike of the Tahoe Rim Trail (165 miles, ~10 days) a few minutes ago and after writing this I’m headed back to Berkeley. How did we get here? What happened to the PCT?? It’s a long and heartbreaking story...
Last Tuesday, riding the high of our low mileage creekside day and my amateur culture critique, we set out for our next campsite/water source, 21 miles away. We came across our first trail register early in the day and before I could stop her Z signed us in under the name “Crazy Al.” By 1 pm I was already blasting Kate Bush through my fancy new athletic headphones, which didn’t bode well for my physical and mental state given we still had 10 miles to go. At 3 pm we took a break under a big tree on a ridge and triple checked the maps to confirm: yep, there was our final destination far, far in the distance. My left foot was starting to hurt (as it had since our second day) and my legs were more disgusting than ever (feet pics available for paying subscribers - Venmo me $5). Side note can you believe I brought condoms on the trail?? LMAO but hey at least I didn’t bring TWELVE like Cheryl Strayed in Wild…damn gurl.
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By 5 miles out my foot was completely trashed and I limped/used my pole as a crutch/tried not to cry/breathed through my mouth like I was in a fkn Lamaze class for those final miserable hours. We finally arrived at the creek and were bitten by literally hundreds of mosquitos instantly. We also discovered that Zoey had developed trench leg, and since mine was looking even worse we started freaking out that maybe it was poison oak and who knows how many times we had touched our faces and eyes and why didn’t we have LTE so we could do some research?? Morale was extremely low (mostly me).
Wednesday morning we hiked five miles to the highway to hitch a ride into Burney, our first resupply stop. We were picked up by a nice off-duty truck driver who bless him had a cooler full of water bottles in the front seat. I asked him about his work and he said he used to drive 11 hours a day without any days off for up to three months and that his new local gig is much better, though the pay isn’t as good. It got me thinking about what “good money” means to a lot of people, especially outside of the Bay Area tech bubble, and what they have to do to live decently. It makes me mad and also makes me feel like a piece of shit for wanting to never work a comfy well-paid desk job again.
Anyway, we got dropped off in Burney around 10 am and discovered that every motel in town was booked for the night. We went to a diner while we figured out what to do and ate our first off-trail meal (Z: sweet potato pancakes and fruit, Me: a chicken fried steak ofc). I slowly broke the news to Zoey that despite my lifelong dream of being airlifted I was scared to keep walking on my busted foot and get stuck somewhere/ruin my body. We also realized that a “historic” heat wave was about to hit the West Coast and even if Zoey continued on solo she’d be hiking in ~105 degree heat for a week or more. So, I convinced Z to head back to Berkeley with me to regroup.
We killed the next four hours loitering at various locations in Burney while waiting for the bus to Redding. The diner was full of characters and I had a lot of fun eavesdropping. Highlights included an overly affectionate couple who were DEFINITELY having an affair, a teen with a shaved head who hates small towns and everyone in them (lol), and an asshole Elvis lookalike who tried to incite a fight between two waitresses while his hot wife(?) sat silently and was either mortified or used to it, I’m not sure which is worse.
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We eventually left the diner and posted up in front of the post office, Rite Aid, and finally the sporting goods store. Rite Aid is the best pharmacy because they sell their in-house brand of ice cream, Thrifty, which is all around delicious and also makes my favorite crazy flavor: lemon ice cream (NOT sorbet) with pieces of lemon warhead candy mixed in. WTF!! My mom took me to Rite Aid the day I got my first period and bought me baby tampons and a double cone with chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate malted crunch, so it felt right to get a scoop on yet another day of transition and bodily trauma.
I’ve never really loitered before and it was actually pretty fun. So many random people stopped to talk to us about the PCT. One woman who had spent the morning collecting cans and was off to enjoy her day with a tall boy and a pack of cigs stopped to chat and as she walked away said, “Be careful!” but then corrected herself, “Actually, don’t be careful, be safe!” We loved that, so badass. Sound off in the comments if you think we should get that tattooed somewhere, maybe on our rib cages.
We caught the bus to Redding, where we spent the night in a motel room that smelled like smoke and had no shampoo. I booked us a queen bed but the front desk guy was like, are you sure?? and upgraded us to a king. I’ve had this happen more than once when I’ve checked in to a hotel with another woman. It’s like they think two women shouldn’t sleep in the same bed and a bigger bed is more appropriate. Like bigger bed = fewer opportunities for us to accidentally brush feet in the middle of the night and suddenly become gay?? These people need to stop watching Carol. Also if we were actually gay I think we’d be more hyped than anyone about the upgrade cuz king beds are the sexiest thing ever. ANYWAY.
Thursday morning we took the train back to Berkeley and were rescued by our housemate Amy, who drove us back to the Bog (our co-op). The best part of coming home was reuniting with our housemates’ dog Blossom, who considers us her crazy aunts. After the novelty of being able to shower and sleep in a bed wore off, I slipped right back into my pre-PCT depression. Three cheers for staring at the ceiling all day and eating Popeyes in my car! Even Zoey was uncharacteristically angsty 😬
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The good news is that my foot isn’t broken, but almost a week off the trail and it still hurts to walk on. The heat wave persists and wildfires are starting already along the PCT (the town where we were supposed to resupply this week is currently under evacuation warning). As bummed as we are to change plans after months of planning, we think the best thing to do is bail on the PCT for now. After Zoey finishes the Tahoe Rim Trail, she’s heading to Washington state for a few days with her mom before we reunite in Portland for the remainder of July. We’re hoping to thru-hike the Oregon Coast Trail in late July/early August, but may bikepack it if my foot is still busted.
So stay tuned, Bog Girl Summer hobbles on! Lucky for you, the future holds significantly less trench leg content and more ice cream, bikes, and Portlandia vibes.
In the wise words of Dawes, “Things happen, that’s all they ever do.”
Crazy Al
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My Summer Vacation - Ice Cube
“This is the final boarding call for flight 1259 Departing from Los Angeles final destination to St. Louis Thank you
Damn G the spot's gettin' hot So how the f**k am I supposed to make a knot? Police looking at n****s through a microscope In L.A. everybody and they momma sell dope They trying to stop it So what the f**k can I do to make a profit? Catch a flight to St. Louis That's cool, cause nobody knew us We stepped off the plane Four gang bangers, professional crack slangers Rented a car at wholesale Drove to the ghetto, and checked in a motel Unpacked and I grab the three-eighty Cause where we stayin', n****s look shady But they can't fade South Central Cause bustin' a cap is fundamental Checkin' out every block close Seein' which one will clock the most Yeah this is the one no doubt Bust a you Bone, and let's clear these n****z out
Hey hey man, whats up n***a? Yo, well this Lench Mob n***a!
Now clearin' 'em out meant casualties Still had the L.A. mentality Bust a cap, and out of there in a hurry Wouldn't you know, a driveby in Missouri Them fools got popped Took their corner next day, set up shop And it's better than slangin' in the Valley Triple the profit makin' more than I did in Cali Breakin' off rocks like Barney Rubble Cause them mark-a*s n****s don't want trouble And we ain't on edge when we do work Police don't recognize the khakis and the sweatshirts Getting b*****s and they can't stand a Nineteen-ninety-one Tony Montana Now the s**t's like a war Of gang violence, where it was never seen before Punks whirl when the gat bust Four jheri curl n****s kickin' up dust And some of them are even lookin' up to us Wearing our colors and talkin' that gang fuss Giving up much love Dyin' for a street, that they ain't even heard of But other motherfuckers want to stand strong So you know the phrase, once again it's on
Top of the news tonight, gangs from South Central Los Angeles which are known for their driveby shootings Have migrated into East St. Louis Leaving three dead and two others injured No arrests have been made Police say this is a nationwide trend With similar incidents occurring in Texas, Michigan, and Oklahoma "If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere"
Boom, my homie got shot he's a goner black St. Louis n****s want they corner back Shooting in snowy weather It's illegal business, n****s still can't stick together Fuckin' police got the four-one-one That L.A. ain't all, surf and sun But we ain't thinkin', bout the boys Feudin', like the Hatfields and McCoys Now the s**t's gettin' tricky Cause now they lookin' for the colors and the khakis Damn, the spot's gettin' hot from the battle About to pack up and start slangin' in Seattle But the NARC's, raid about six in the morning Try to catch a n***a while he's yawnin' Put his glock to my chest as I paused Went to jail in my motherf****n' drawers Tryin' to give me, fifty-seven years Face'll be full of those tattooed tears It's the same old story and the same old n***a stuck And the public defender ain't givin' a fuck The fool must be sparkin' Talkin' about a double life plea bargain You got to deal with the Crips and Bloods by hand G Plus the Black Guerilla family And the white pride don't like Northside And it's a riot if any one of us die No parole or probation Now this is a young man's summer vacation No chance for rehabilitation Cause look at the motherf****n' years that I'm facin' I'ma end it like this cause you know what's up My life is f**ked”
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Have you ever noticed something missing from motel rooms?  There is no bathroom.  Well, there kind of is in the Triple Z motel but it doesn’t exist.   There is one cut scene that looks like Gladio has finished using the bathroom and Noctis goes in afterwards.  Gladio waves Noctis in, he walks up to the door, then walks THROUGH the door and then stands in the dead space behind the door that hasn’t been rendered because no-one can see it (apart from people like me using NVIDIA’s Ansel).  All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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