svenskjavel · 2 years
Jag vilar min låda
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prec1ousboy · 2 years
2, 4, 5, 7, 12-18, 21, 22, 24, 25 👀
Don't need to ask 26 cuz I know you are 💕
-triplestaff 💚
2. I want to rail you
4. I want you to be my sub
5. I want to tie you up
7. I'd let you bite me
12. I want you to moan for me
13. I'd moan for you
14. I want to kiss you
15. I want to make out with you
16. I want to feel you up
17. I want you to feel me up
18. Let's do it in public
21. I want you to be blindfolded/gagged
22. You'd look cute in lingerie for me
24. I want to give you head
25. I want you to give me head
(And 26. My kinks are ____, are you into those as well?)
You're gonna make me blush 🤤 I would gladly go through this entire list with you 💗
I'm especially curious about 7 and 18 though 😳 Instantly thought of me biting you to release some tension as you pound my pussy relentlessly 😵‍💫
Is there a specific public place you'd like to fuck me in? 🥺
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stolligaseptember · 3 years
Ahhhh grattis!!! Hoppas du haft en bra dag ♥️🥰
Tack så mycket!! Och jag har haft en otroligt mysig dag med min familj, så jag har ingenting att klaga på 😊
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Where did you get Emil from? As a Swede it's a bit odd seeing non-swedes with such swedish names. It's an excellent name tho!
it’s also czech! my family is czech and it’s a common name for eldest sons in our family since the man that first brought our family over from Czechoslovakia was named emil
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dagenssvenska · 4 years
Buller känns för mig mer dovt och basigt medans oväsen känns som generellt störande ljud. Buller är oväsen men allt oväsen är inte buller
Buller ser jag mest använt i sammanhang som det här:
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Och det känns inte som om det kan beskrivas som endast basigt /mjukt / dovt etc eftersom det kan skada hörseln? Idk if that makes sense.
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oertendahlii · 4 years
Grattis!! 🥰❤️
ååh, tusen taaack ♡
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neurotypical-karen · 4 years
I know you didn't reblog it but you're gonna answer them anyway 👁️👄👁️ 12, 36, 69, 84, 100
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
Either The Crane Wives or The Crooked Still, so I’m definitely feelin like. anything that has really good bluegrass-ish instrumentals and a soft female voice. Something that reminds me of being in the woods.
69: what are your favorite board games?
I like monopoly in theory or when I’m winning, and no one around me will tolerate it enough that I get actual experience to counter my idealizations. Illimat is also VERY GOOD, although that’s more of a card game with a cloth mat than a board game.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
hfhjkdf for a while I wanted to get a tape recorder on my ribcage made out of eyes. Now that I’m closely approaching the situation where I’ll actually be able to get tattoos I’m thinking maybe something smaller in a similar vein. I really want an eye tattoo. getting a spade somewhere would also be cool.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I mean I prolly  wouldn’t pick either if I could, but if I had the choice I’d definitely go to the future. Anything that lets me see more of how we Change Over Time
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svenskjavel · 4 years
Har inte brytt mig om mello på flera år. Är som Superbowl, märker inte av det förrän det är överallt på alla sociala medier.
Jämför du Melodifestivalen med frukostflingor?
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icekirbys · 4 years
I got Noir, is that good or bad?
Good!! I realise now Noir’s description is kinda shady, but she’s a sweetheart and I love her
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stolligaseptember · 4 years
triplestaff replied to your post “decided to write today’s grocery list in english so you could see just...”
for real tho, Milk, bananas, potatos, biscuits?, Tea?, Eggs, Cream, chilisauce
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Boys can have little titty, as a treat
i see a soft warm titty and smile
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 years
Your face looks really soft
thanks, i am very soft because i eat a lot of food that i probably shouldnt
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dagenssvenska · 5 years
Det enda som är binärt it mitt liv är min dator!
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oertendahlii · 4 years
Music asks: 13, 24, 34, 47
Tack Emrik! :)  13. An artist you’ve recently discovered? Since most of the things I’ve discovered this year is musicals with a cast of actors who sings (so not actually artists) or musical artists I already knew about, this is a hard question. I guess I have to go back some months to Eurovision season to answer this, soooo Daði Freyr, maybe. 24. A song everyone should listen to? Änglamark is the first one that comes to my mind. I think it’s beautiful and I just really appreciate the message about caring for and respecting nature.
34. A song that hits different? There is something special and quite eerie but also so very close to home about Vintersaga, whether it’s the one made by Amanda Bergman, Ted Ström or Jerry Williams. 47. Can you play an instrument? Unfortunately not! I really wish I could play piano and violin. As it is, I can barely play the melody to Greve von Dy’s menuett and a few other short things on piano, but that’s pretty much it.  Music asks
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dat-soldier · 5 years
Hepp borf! One year closer to death.
Rather excited for the natural conclusion of my existence in due time! I wish for no ceremony and to be buried far in the woods, wrapped in a canvas shroud.
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svenskjavel · 4 years
Msp asså, det är nåt jag nog inte tänkt på på minst fem år...
Förståligt, men nostalgin är stark XD
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