#trixie starr
marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Giant-Size Defenders #4 (Gerber/Heck, Apr 1975). Disturbing tale! Kyle isn’t ready to commit to his new girlfriend, Trish Starr. When a car bomb injures them both, the Defenders seek out the Squadron Sinister. Meanwhile, Hank Pym seeks out his old nemesis (and Trish’s uncle) Egghead. Turns out, Egghead caused the explosion to punish his niece for not financially supporting his villainy. Trish loses her left arm, and Kyle remains unwilling to commit! No one comes out clean this time — it’s all really bleak.
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homoashell · 4 months
Feeling the hyperfixation on drag queens creep in again
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theres-a-bea · 2 years
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he's eyeing the cheese puff in my dad's hand
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New Goal List for NEW Models
So first off, I officially finished my new years resolution from last year several months ago. And reached the models on the list I aimed to make. But obviously that hasn't stopped me from making even more.
So late Yay! Anyways as you all know I am now making My Little Pony Faunus Models too for Remnant. But that's actually been something I've been planing for months as well. I just wanted to test it and see if they'd be any good or well recived which Applejack very much was...
So yeah here's the new updated list involving them as well, also Eves been moved up cause Sun's Cousin kinda feels like a excuse to genderswap Sun so why not...
Note This list does not include (Incubitches or Succubitches) because those are not entirely new models but altered ones.
01.) Pearl Arc (Jaune's genius little sister)
02.) Applejack (MLP)
03.) Viola Arc (Youngest Sister)
04.) Pinkie Pie (MLP)
05.) Beryl Arc (Tomboy sister)
06.) Spike (MLP)
07.) Rarity (MLP)
08.) Livia & Lapis Arc (Arc Twins)
09.) Rainbow Dash (MLP)
10.) Rogue Arc (Oldest Sister)
11.) Juniper Arc (Mama Arc)
12.) Fluttershy (MLP)
13.) Twilight Sparkle (MLP)
14.) Eve Tarus
15.) Sunset Shimmer (MLP)
16.) Starr Sanzang (Sun's Cousin)
17.) Starlight Glimmer (MLP)
18.) Coco Adel
19.) Celestia (MLP)
20.) Nebula Violette
21.) Luna (MLP)
22.) Dew Gayl
23.) Apple Bloom (MLP)
24.) Gwen Darcy
25.) Sweetie Belle (MLP)
26.) Octavia Emher
27.) Scootaloo (MLP)
28.) Ann Greene (Beacon's Stealth & Security Teacher)
29.) Maud Pie (MLP)
30.) Iris Marilla (Second Year Bacon Student Fall Survior)
31.) Ember (MLP)
32.) Rowena Sunnybrook (Shade's Weapons Training Teacher)
33.) Trixie
34.) Xanthe Rumpole (Shade's History Teacher)
35). Gabby (MLP)
36.) Lisa Lavander
37.) Ember (MLP)
38.) Stella (Hei's Secretary)
39.) Aurelia (Neo's Teacher from the Book)
40.) Crocea Mors (Tsukumogami)
41.) Atlas Milfs (Jaune's Fanclub)
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brynnsx · 1 year
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Por Glinda e sua varinha mágica !! Olha só se não é 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐍𝐍 𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐃 caminhando pelos corredores da 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐔𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐒. Por ser filha de 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐔𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐇𝐎 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐇𝐎, é previsto que ela deseje seguir caminhos parecidos com o da mãe. Ao menos, é o que se espera de alguém com 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐒, mas primeiro ela precisará concluir o 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐎 𝐈𝐈, para depois se assemelhar como um conto de fadas.
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FC: Kennedy McMann
Skeleton: Emboscada, como Masha, a sensata
Poder: Claritangência — obtém memórias ou sensações relativas aos objetos que toca. Ganha conhecimento desde os fabricantes, usuários, até aqueles que passaram a usar o objeto e o que foi feito com ele
Inspirações: Nancy Drew, Hermione Granger, Elizabeth Benneth, Sherlock Holmes, Beatrice, Emily Starr, Trixie Belden, Lyra Belacqua, Gwen Tennyson, Lydia Martin, Velma Dinkley, Miss Marple
Conexões & Pinterest & Playlist
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જ⁀➴ Para conferir a biografia completa, e também saber mais sobre seu Daemon, clique AQUI.
Resumo: filha de um relacionamento proibido entre um lobisomem da alcateia do Lobo Mau e Chapeuzinho vermelho, Brynn viu sua vida mudar completamente quando por vingança o vilão do conto de sua mãe matou seu pai, também ordenando um companheiro de sua alcateia dizimar a vida de sua avó. Após as tragédias, sua mãe enlouqueceu, e com 6 anos ela se viu tendo que aprender a se virar sozinha. Com o tempo, adquiriu várias habilidades investigatórias, começando a trabalhar com isso. Quando os vilões tomaram conta de todos os contos, ela conseguiu esconder a si e a mãe em uma cabine abandonada por alguns anos, sobrevivendo com a ajuda de lobos (que não gostavam muito dela, pois não herdou o talento da família) e outros insumos da natureza.
Quando finalmente a encontraram, foi obrigada a deixar a mãe de lado e ingressar em Tremerra, cumprir seu papel e aceitar seu futuro conto. Dona de uma personalidade um pouco introvertida na frente dos outros, ela aceitou o destino, mas nunca deixou de se preparar para uma vingança. Usando de sua boa habilidade investigativa, está sempre a procura de casos para desvendar todos os mistérios de Tremerra (e também de sua vida pessoal). Para alguém que parece tão quietinha, ela gosta bastante de se meter onde não é chamada. Tem uma boa relação com sua dragão, Lustray, apesar de terem personalidades bem diferentes.
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partylikemajima · 3 months
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Omg thank you Trixi!!!! Im panicking at who to forward this too im kinda out of it rn but thank you!!!
In no particular order:
1. Feather - Nujabes (Feat. Cise Starr & Akin from CYNE) (my most comfort song)
2. Fortress of lies - Nier Automata OST (soothing and sad to me)
3. Motion - Khalid (this song is forever romantic to meeeee)
4. The Blast - Talib Kweli & Hi Tek (this song just comforts me a lot too)
5. Comfortable - THEY. (feat. Fana Hues) (my god this song 🗣📢😳)
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ejzah · 1 year
Scene: Deeks and Rountree walk into a strip club.
Rountree, exhaling loudly: Ok, where do you want to start?
Deeks, taking a quick look around, completely at ease: Well, I see Starr. She’s always helpful. But Missy, the redhead in blue, can be kind of uneasy. You better leave her to me. Trixie, Chell, and Kay won’t give you any trouble.
Rountree, incredulously: Wait, you know these women?
Deeks, with a shrug: Yep.
Rountree: But they’re strippers. Does Kensi know about this?
Deeks, patiently: Yes, and while she had a problem at first, she accepts it now.
Rountree, shaking his head: This is unbelievable. You’re the last guy I would ever think of going to a strip club.
Deeks: Relax, Rountree. They’re contacts I formed while I was with LAPD. I’m not a degenerate. Not to say that everyone who patronizes a strip club is automatically a terrible person.
Rountree: Seriously? Strippers never trust cops.
Deeks: Well, I didn’t act like a lot of other cops do. I offered protection when I could, didn’t threaten their livelihood, and most importantly—he pauses and grins—I used my considerable charms.
Rountree: No wonder LAPD didn’t like you.
Deeks: Rude, but fairly accurate. Oh, by the way, if you could take Desiree, that would be great. She’s always had a little bit of a crush.
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 12 - Punch First, Ask Questions Later
Hank Pym may be good at quitting but he’s terrible at keeping it that way. He returned to the Avengers again as Yellowjacket after a brief stint with the Defenders despite still suffering from the effects of the microbe when shrinking and psychosis when enlarging. Honestly, not a great blend. We start to see Hank really cut loose with violence here, often having to be restrained by his teammates. Everyone has a limit before they snap, but Hank’s was shrinking fast.
Luckily there was another scientific genius named Hank on the team looking out for him once Beast joined up.
Giant-Size Defenders vol 1 #4
Nighthawk was attacked in his civilian identity, nearly dying when his car exploded. While the Defenders assumed he was the target, Hank heard about it on the news and immediately knew the real target was the woman who had also been in the car, Egghead’s niece Trixie Starr. Because she helped Hank when he was trapped at ant size he swore to get vengeance for her as Yellowjacket. Hank assaulted Egghead in the street and got him to confess that he’d caused the explosion, hoping to disfigure Trixie as revenge for her siding against him. Back at the hospital, Nighthawk revealed his identity to Hank and sent him to save Doctor Strange, Valkyrie, and Hulk, who had pursued the wrong lead and attacked the Squadron Sinister.
Defenders vol 1 #23-25
The Sons of the Serpent burned down an apartment building because it’s residents were predominantly black, latino, and elderly people. They also hijacked the local television signals in an attempt to recruit more racists to their cause. Yellowjacket assisted the Defenders as they went after them, but he, Valkyrie, Doctor Strange, and Nighthawk were captured. Clea summoned Daredevil and Daimon Hellstrom to free the captured Defenders, but passed out before she could reach Luke Cage so they just called him on the phone instead. The Serpents planned to burn Valkyrie to death on an upside-down cross as a show of force, but they were stopped by the good citizens of New York who caught them by surprise and proceeded to beat the shit out of them while the Defenders attacked their base.
Avengers vol 1 #137-140
After Mantis and Swordsman were married, as well as Vision and the Scarlet Witch, the four of them left the Avengers for their respective honeymoons. Because Hawkeye was the only remaining active member, Moondragon was offered a trial membership. Iron Man called on all of the former members to rejoin but only Wasp and Yellowjacket accepted. To fill the remaining gaps, Hank suggested tryouts and Beast responded eagerly. The tryouts were interrupted by an attack from The Stranger, who injured Wasp badly enough to hospitalize her. When Beast was able to prove that this was actually Toad using machines to impersonate the Stranger, Hank lost his temper and pummeled him.
Hank finally realized that Jan’s chauffeur was Whirlwind after he tried to kill her again at the hospital. Enraged, he altered his size recklessly in pursuit of Whirlwind, although ultimately it was Beast who felled him as a token of their budding friendship. The strain of the fight caused Hank to collapse in front of the hospital and he continued to grow steadily with no signs of stopping. Beast was able to synthesize a cure for the microbe he’d been infected with by experimenting on Jan’s blood and Vision phased it directly into his heart to save him.
Avengers vol 1 #141, 146, 148, 150-153
After spending several issues in the hospital recovering, Hank and Jan got out in time for the Avengers to officially determine their lineup moving forward. Iron Man was named the leader when Thor opted for reserve membership. Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Vision, and Wasp voted to stay on active duty. Yellowjacket opted out, again hoping to pursue the life of a scientist rather than a superhero. Beast accepted, while Moondragon and Hellcat left with Thor for more training. With one spot remaining, Yellowjacket walked back in and changed his mind. Much as he would rather be a simple bio-chemist, he couldn’t bring himself to give up the life of a superhero either.
Tomb of Darkness vol 1 #22
This story showed Hank as a much younger man as the assistant to Albert Poole, a scientist who dreamed of becoming huge and taking over the world. Since he could not figure out the formula to change his size he instead had Hank help him build a giant robot suit named Grutan. Once the suit was finished Albert fired Hank and sent him away. Albert accidentally left the keys to operate the suit outside of it after sealing the hatch and wasn’t strong enough to free himself. It is implied that he died inside Grutan since only Hank knew his whereabouts.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Black Goliath vol 1 #1
Avengers Annual vol 1 #6
Avengers vol 1 #154-156
Super-Villain Team-Up vol 1 #9
Marvel Treasury Edition vol 1 #13
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decemberhigherpower · 11 months
i feel like ive entered a fugue state graydon told rile1y to kill himself then they starr talking about trixie mattel...?unt grag race
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wqbytop100 · 3 days
Top100 for the week ending June 23, 2024
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT f/Jordan Shaw -1 [5weeks @#1] --8weeks--
I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -5 --6weeks---
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -2 [#2] --13weeks--
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -3 [#3] --10weeks--
Lovers In A Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man --7 --9weeks--
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -4 [#3] --11weeks--
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -9 [#1**] --19weeks--
Buscando Money --TWENTY-SIX, Tayson Kryss -8 [#3] -9weeks--
Multiply --Becky Hill -6 [#6] --3weeks--
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -10 --12weejs--
Hero --Vintage Culture, Emily Taylor -11 --4weeks--
Shallow Water --Elderbrook -22 --2weeks--
I Go Dance --Kiesza -13 --3weeks--
Role Model --Fat Boy Slim, Dan Diamond, Luca Guerrieri -16 --5weeks--
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -14 --9weeks-- [#6]
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -17 --17weeks-- [#11]
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT f/Ekko -15 --15weeks-- [#5]
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -18 [#3] -- --15weeks--
No Shade At Pitti -The Chainsmokers -19 --6weeks-
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers -12 [#9] --12weeks--
Midnight Ride --Orville Peck, Kylie Minogue, Diplo -79 --2weeks--
LA --Northeast Party House -46 --5weeks--
One Cry --Galantis, Rosa Linn -29 --5weeks--
Larger Than Life --Armin Van Buuren, ChefSpecial -77 --2weeks--
***Unsure --Alan Walker -(new) --1weeks--
Hell Together --David Archuleta -26 [#10] --12weeks--
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -27 [#11] --19weeks--
Left Or Right --Laidback Luke, Mathew Nolan -28 --4weeks--
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -21 [#3] --15weeks--
Whatever --KYGO f/Ava Max -30 --[#22] --9weeks--
The Craving --Twenty-One Pilots -31 --4weeks--
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -24 [#1**] --22weeks--
Houdini --Eminem -36 --2weeks--
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -22 [#8] --9weeks--
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -49 [#11] --15weeks--
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -34 [#12] --12weeks--
Morning --Cheat Codes, Jason Derulo -37 --4weeks--
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -13 [#13] --11weeks--
Kissing Strangers --USHER -25 [#5] --20weeks--
Automatic --Roosevelt -32 [#25] --4weeks--
God Don't Leave Me Alone --Gioli & Assla -35 [#35] --6weeks--
Can't Slow Down --Almost Monday -55 --3weeks--
Gravity --Frank Walker, Tyler Shaw -75 --3weeks--
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -38 [#23] - --8weeks--
Old Fashion Feeling --Midland -45 --3weeks--
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -33 [#22] --11weeks--
Disconnect --Becky Hill, Chase & Statis (Tiesto Remix) -53 --6weeks-
Shadow --Trixie Mattel -48 [#37] --7weeks--
Come Come --Vintage Culture, Tube & Berger, Kyle Pearce -50 --5weeks--
Forgive Me --ODESZA, Izzy Bizu -52 [#50] --6weeks
Promised Land --Vintage Culture, Paige Cavell -54 --5weeks--
A Tear In Space --Glass Animals -73 --2weeks--
Only Way Is Up --Robin Schultz, Izzy Bizu -74 --2weeks--
Naked & Alive --Milky Chance -62 --4weeks--
Lost In Space --Foster the People -78 --2weeks--
Without You ---Felix Jaehn, Jasmine Thompson -61 --6weeks--
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -39 [#29] --9weeks--
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -40 [#30] --9weeks--
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -41 [#32] --12weeks--
Weight Of The World --Bonnie X Clyde -42 [#1**] --18weeks--
Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -43 [#35**] --7weeks--
Anthem --Diplo, Sharam, Pony -44 [#26] --15weeks--
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -47 [#31] --15weeks--
Weatherman --Zach Hood -63 [#63] --6weeks--
Southern Rock ---Travis Denning, HARDY -86 --3weeks--
Paradise --Madison Rose -72 --3weeks--
Sun Comes Up --Timmie Trumpet, Sam Feldt, Ekko, Joe Taylor -71 --4weeks--
It's Love --Kolsch, Goldtrix, Andrea Brown -87 --2weeks--
Me Caes Muy Bien --Deorro -90 --2weeks--
Love Bites --Nelly Furtado, Tove Lo, SG Lewis -76 --2weeks--
I Believe --Bassjackers, WUKONG, D Jayne -70 --5weeks--
NNTS --Ookay -78 --4weeks--
Carry You Home --Alex Warren -88 --2weeks--
Whateva --Kyle Walker -89 --2weeks--
My Fault --Shaboozey, Noah Cyrus -91 --2weeks--
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -60 [#9] --18weeks
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -67 [#3} --26weeks--
Make Me Your Mrs --Mae Stephens -58 [#3] --16weeks--
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -57 [#16] --15weeks
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -68 [#45] --11weeks
Low Again --BAKERMAT -56 [#12] --18weeks--
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -51 [#12] --21weeks-
Reckless Child ---Milky Chance -64 [#6] --[#5] --21weeks--
Monster --A7S, ALOK -59 [#4] --16weeks--
U Should Not Be Doing That --Amyl and the Sniffers -85 --3weeks-
***Barcelona --Alan Walker, Ina Wroldsen -(new) --1weeks--
Man In Finance --Girl On Couch, Billen Ted -84 [#84] --4weeks--
Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -69 [#60] --7weeks--
Houdini --Dua Lipa -66 [#2] --22weeks--
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -65 [#51] --11weeks--
<> Better Me --Michael Schulte, R3HAB - (re-entry) [#81] --8weeks
<> Why Should I --Z3LLA -(re-enty) [[#80] --5weeks--
<> Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali Koa (re-entry) [#82] --13weeks
<> Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botan -(re-entry) [#73] --13weeks
<> Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -(re-entry) [#53] --3weeks--
***Perpetual Motion --Phantoms -(new) --1weeks--
<> Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -(re-entry) [#77] --7weeks
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -93 [#41] --11weeks--
<> Give It To Me Good --SIDEPIECE, Disco Lines -(re-entry) [#89]--5weeks-
Wherever You Are --Martin Garrix, DubVision, Shaun Farrugia -100 --2weeks--
3 ***new on the chart this week 6.23.24 #25 Unsure #86 Barcelona #96 Perpetual Motion 7<> re-entries #91 Better Me #92 Why Should I #93 Regret The Morning #94 Kettles Up #95 Same Drunk #97 Good As It Gets #99 Give It To Me Good
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wahwealth · 5 months
Jackie Gleason, Art Carney | Early Episode of The Honeymooners (1951) | ..
Four years before The Honeymooners became a series, Jackie Gleason created The Honeymooners for the TV show, Calvalcade Of Starrs.  This is one of these earliest episodes.  The Honeymooners began as a series of sketches on the Cavalcade Of Stears. The Honeymooners stars are Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden Art Carney as Ed Norton Pert Kelton as Alice Kramden Joyce Randolph As Trixie Norton You are invited to join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded, https://www.youtube.com/@Mr.PsVintageTVFans .
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dog-lover22 · 2 years
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Title: Wedding. Pink and Alfie
We'll be on a Train to New Zealand, find a minister to marry us and we'll be together forever. "Are you OK with doing this Josh?" "Off course I am; I've seen a few Mel Brooks films, and the part from Modern Family. And my initals are JC" J: "Do you, Pink Wolff, take Alfie to be your husband, renouncing all others. And will you be there to look after him, to care for him in sickness and in health, to love and to hold, until death do you apart? P: "I do" J: "Do you Alfie, take Pink to be your wife, renouncing all others if any. And will you be there to look after her, to care for her in sickness and in health, to love and to hold, until death do you apart? A: "I do" J: "And so By the power invested in me, and the gallery of Dog-lover22 and all pages affiliated. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss. They kiss *applause*. Alfie's mum is so proud of her son. J: "Damn I'm good at this" I've been wanting to do this one for a while. Note: I'm not big on religion, but I'm still a nice person Cast: Groom...Alfie                        Bride...Pink Best men...Bandit Heeler and Alfie's boss Bridemaids...Trixi Starr and Vicky Ring bearer...Lil Doggeth Flower girl...Abigail Starr Cameraman...Thomas Starr Minister...Josh C Alfie from Bluey -- Why I said renouncing al others? Because Pink had an abusive wolf boyfriend, and he treats her like crap (Thinking he's God and such), he's the worst example.
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marvelousmrm · 2 years
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Marvel Feature #5 (Friedrich/Trimpe, Sept 1972). Still stuck in his shrunken size, Pym stumbled across an old foe’s latest scheme. Egghead’s niece stitches Hank a teeny new outfit to replace his soda-stained super-suit.
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ninewheels · 3 years
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019)
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jidjip · 4 years
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I finally finished this wallpaper of Trixie Colette. I wanted to try something different with this one. I’m also still learning the functionality of Clip Studio Paint. This is the first drawing I’ve made with it and I’m pretty satisfied with it!
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notatrixieblog · 6 years
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This is the content I come to the internet for
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