#elihas starr
marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Defenders #42 (Conway/Giffen, Dec 1976). Okay, they do make an effort to reconcile this with Hulk… Strange complains that the team is tired after fighting him. But the absence of Red Guardian and the reappearance of Valkyrie’s old armor suggest this was a hasty backfill adapted to meet this month’s deadline.
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87ofbite · 9 months
Got some marvel legends for around 10 bucks each, and I gotta say, these things are a blast
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agent-42 · 1 year
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I did want Yellowjacket back and how they did it was interesting. I do see the logic of having Darren be Modok. would I prefered having both Yellowjacket and Modok. like couldn't Elihas Starr be Modok? that would have been cool right?
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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spreadsheet cleanup EGGHEAD (ELIHAS STARR)
Comicvine: 127 issues Marvel.Fandom: 75 appearances across 18 variants 2-3 video games*
classic Ant-Man (Hank Pym) rogue Ant-Man and the Wasp (flashback) 
borderline medium-high priority for the @MCOCwishlist
- Other Gabe
*Depending whether he was in both LEGO Marvel’s Avengers and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. It appears that he was. He was definitely in the 2007 Marvel Trading Card Game app.
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comicchannel · 1 year
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Marvel Legends Series Build a Figure Ultron Comics Hasbro F6577
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3jW4Dhx
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3lD9o03
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Villain Breakdown: Ghost
Like I said before, Ava feels like they took a mulligan on Iron Man 2. Her backstory is completely identical to Whiplash's. Her dad used to work for Hank Pym until he was fired and deported for reasons, and now she's back armed with his super-science.
The key difference between the two, however, is that Ava doesn't want to be armed with his super-science. She's an old-fashioned lab accident superhuman and it's killing her.
There's also a bit of Winter Soldier in her, in that she's a deadly S.H.I.E.L.D. secret trained to be an unstoppable infiltrator and assassin. And it shows.
It always felt like Whiplash had a lot of untapped potential as a character. Ghost is the fulfillment of that potential. The complex and fractured relationships between Hank Pym, Elihas Starr, and Bill Foster are all put on full display. These arrogant men of science simply couldn't get along; Their egos driving them to the breaking point. And Ava is paying the price for it.
In the end, all she needs is for Bill and Hank to work together to fix the effects that brief exposure to quantum nonsense have inflicted on her. But they can't do that. They both mean well, but they can't put aside their grudges and self-involvement for long enough to even have a civil conversation, and so desperate and violent solutions are applied instead.
They can't listen to each other, and so Bill ends up pursuing options to save Ava that would put Janet's life at risk while Hank tries to save Janet with little regard for what happens to Ava. It's a bit awkward that the resolution winds up being "Janet has super-healing powers now and can just fix Ava", but that's still more care and attention than the Vanko/Stark dynamic got.
Ava's powerset is also fun for fights. Ava fighting Scott and Hope is a hilarious set of whiffs and stumbles every time, which matches the film's tone perfectly. Their powers aren't the same, but in a sense they kind of are. Gotta roll a nat 20 to hit. So whenever they start throwing punches, they just waft through each other constantly. It's great.
Less of an intense fight and more of a slapstick action scene.
So, yeah. Overall, Ava's great. She ties in well with the overarching story. Hank and Janet's experiences with the Quantum Realm are what the film's about, and Ava's a byproduct of that history in need of correction just as much as Janet's subatomic disappearance is. It all fits together well and keeps focus on what the story's about and where it's trying to go.
Is good.
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earth-93 · 9 months
Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.06]
C: \login\Nowhere_Man
Directory of C: \BrigadeFiles\Avengers
04/21/2006 11: 43 AM Total Files Listed: 16 File(s) 538, 687 bytes
Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Avengers\VANDYNE_JANET.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Wasp
Legal Name: Janet Van Dyne
Other Aliases: Jan, ジャネット(Janetto), The Unstoppable Wasp, The Wonderous Wasp, The Winsome Wasp, Waspie, Fashion Fly, Giant-Woman, Tinkerbell
Date of Birth: March 5th, 1981 (Age: 25)
Status: Alive
Species: Human Mutate
Sex: Female
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 5'4'' (1.63 m) / 110 lbs (49.9 kg)
Hair/Eye Color: Auburn / Hazel
Timeline (1981 - 2002): Jan was born in the Big Apple while her parents, scientists Vernon Van Dyne and Nozomi Akatsuki, were staffing the Tomorrow Academy. Jan would spend her earliest days a fly on the wall to her future teammates and a bunch of other movers-and-shakers, but of course she doesn't remember any of that. Most of her time in the Academy was spent being playmates with the other baby of the Academy, Johnny Storm. The two of them were looked after by Johnny's big sis, in what Sue called "Yester-Daycare." Jan's parent's marriage didn't last long outside of the Academy's eventual shutdown, calling it quits when she was ten. Jan spent her adolescence bouncing between Japan and America between her parents. She says this played a big part in her wanderlust and love of art and culture.
For all her landmarks in the field of nanorobotics, Akatsuki-san is, evidently, a bit of a pill. She nudged Jan all her life to become a scientist like her, and allegedly discouraged Jan from keeping in touch with her father. By the time she was college-bound, Jan shot back at both of these burdens, enrolling in school in the US to be close to her old man. Going to UCLA with eyes on an art major, Jan made fast friends with her dormmate, fellow future heroine Jen Walters. Jan made sure to head up to San Fran once a month to check up on her dad, which since he was such a workaholic was often just PymTech HQ. This is how Jan met Hank, and the two started to go steady after a beat.
Timeline (2002 - 2003): By Jan's senior year, things started to smell fishy over at PymTech. Vernon stopped answering Jan's calls, as did Hank. Strolling up to the joint herself, Jan was informed a change in management barred non-employees from touring the premises, which only got Jan's dander up even more. Evading security, Jan made her way to her father's lab, where she saw him chewing out the newly-minted CEO, Elihas Starr. Now, not to speak too ill of the dead, but by all accounts Vernon Van Dyne was a real pushover. He was exactly the type for someone like Starr to keep on hand in his scheme at the time to take over the company, but when it came time to start cooking up the company founder's signature shrinking particles to be weapons of war, Vernon finally grew a spine, and his defiance to Starr was what Jan walked in on.
Jan's stealth slipped at that point, but when Starr noticed her, he suddenly lightened up, chumming it up to her like an old friend. He told Jan he and her father were hashing out a test run to a new particle accelerator and offered her to be an audience. Probably out of fear of Starr exposing him in front of his daughter, Vernon went along with this cover, and out of want to uncover what was really going down, Jan went along with it. Unfortunately for father and child, Starr was exactly the type of person to waste two people who might interfere with his business, and he over-calibrated the accelerator. Vernon was vaporized almost instantly. Jan was a bit more lucky and fell into a coma. Even luckier for her, Starr was unable to finish the job, as quickly after the "lab accident" Jan was found by Hank and put up in his family home for personal care.
Timeline (2003): For the next few months, Jan remained bedridden while Hank and his family staged a heist to expose and discredit Starr from their company. Jan would awaken the night of the job, and would unwittingly botch up those plans. Jen Walters and Bill Foster were tending to Jen at the time, and they reported seeing Jan spring up from her coma, and shortly after her bed would collapse from underneath her. By the time she got to her feet, she had doubled in size, and had kept growing. As the Pyms would determine later, the bombardment of Pym Particles Jan endured months earlier had altered her body, making her the first living organism to produce and process the previously synthetic particles. A mix of that and some hazy memories through the Jan into a flurry of vengeance against Starr, and she leapt out the window and made a mad dash for PymTech, growing bigger as she went along. By the time she tore off the roof of the building, she was well over fifty feet tall. Hank managed to subdue her and bring her back to proper size, but at the cost of Starr making a getaway.
On Hank's insistence, Jan remained a guest of the Pym estate, going through physical and psychological therapy all while Hank ran a million different tests before concluding what I had said earlier. Eventually, Hank got a second opinion, which just so happened to be Jan's own neesan, Sue Storm. Finding out that her old babysitter had become a super-scientist, expectant mother and, most pertinently, leading a team of super-people with super-powers herself, Jan couldn't care less about her own condition and pleaded for Sue to catch her up on the last few months. By the end of it, Jan was certain a new wave of superheroes was rolling, and with the powers she had been granted wanted to get in on it.
Jan cajoled Hank to join in on this venture with her, and with the help of Sue and her formula for Unstable Molecules, Jan lent her eye for aesthetic to making custom suits for the two of them. She worked her beau's ant-keeping hobby into his suit, and wanting to compliment the bug gimmick (And probably also wanting to get some distance from being the "50 Foot Woman of Sam Francisco"), hatched her new identity as the Unstoppable Wasp. The duo would patrol the Bay Area over the following spring and summer, with special attention on fighting back on tie influx of super-weapons Starr was looking to facilitate. But all that would be small potatoes compared to what would play out that following September.
When Bruce was finally caught and locked up by the feds, a small team that included Hank volunteered to assist on a procedure that could potentially cure him of the big green monkey on his back. Jan tagged along, wanting to give Bruce a smile and a hug as a favor for Jen, who was too choked up about the whole thing to go herself. While the surgery was underway and Jan was left to wait and twiddle her thumbs, some folks at SHIELD tried to schmooze her up, get her to fight for them. Before Jan could even be talked into a handshake, the Breakout went down. Jan scoffed at the call for containment and sprang into action. She, Hank, Stark and Thor eventually came together to try and settle down the Hulk, but all five of them found a mutual threat in the rampaging Graviton. Once the day was saved, it was Jan who first coined the name for the house the five of them would build, though Jan herself admits there wasn't much thought behind "Avengers" just sounding colorful or dramatic.
continue data? y/n]
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BARON: Helmut Zemo
CAPITAL: The Spear
The Reich looks at a possible reality where the Red Skull and his allies won the war. Here, H.Y.D.R.A. reigns supreme and S.H.I.E.L.D. never had the chance to form. Lost to the ice was one STEVE ROGERS, the hero known as CAPTAIN AMERICA. Without him, all hope was lost and the Reich has ruled for decades. Now under the hand of its Baron, HELMUT ZEMO, the Reich has started a war against any and all superhuman individuals that threaten both the norm and the ideals that the domain has been built upon. Enforcing the status quo remains the WIDOWS, the mind controlled Russian assassins under the supervision of NATALIA ROMANOVA, a former Widow herself. The Widows run all checks and arrests on those suspected of being anything other than human. All Widow’s are subjected to mind control procedures and conditioning that keep them as effective and efficient as possible with little emotional interference. There’s been rumors of dissidence, however. Whispers that Captain America was never truly lost but locked away, tortured for years on end. Those rumors came to a head when former head agent BARBARA MORSE defected and the supposedly dead hero was freed by the resistance group known as THE SHIELD. With their new secret weapon, can the Shield finally topple H.Y.D.R.A. and usher in a new era for the domain?
The Reich is steeped in decorum, tradition and history. It’s based on a proud ideology that promotes supremacy and spurns individuality. Super humans are illegal within the Reich following the near catastrophic work that Steve Rogers was able to enact against them. As a result, there are routine checkpoints and check-ins to ensure that no super humans are present. Those who are caught are sent to the SHIELD DOMAIN as a punishment, while those aiding them are forced into the Reich Reeducation Centers to be rebranded into model citizens or soldiers. Between the Widow’s acting as police and special enforcers like Agent DAISY JOHNSON, AVA STARR and JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES, H.Y.D.R.A. has a firm grip on the Reich that’s threatened only by the resistance group known as Shield. Shield seeks to free the Reich from that grip, but decades of power accumulating makes that easier said than done. Prominent locations include the H.Y.D.R.A. Facilities within the Spear; the Shield resistance base; the Serpent Lounge bar; and the Control Commons, a public place for all to engage in orderly interactions.
AVA STARR – born the daughter of H.Y.D.R.A scientist Elihas Starr, Ava was only a child when a lab explosion killed her parents and left her with a molecular disequilibrium that caused the girl to constantly slip in and out of tangibility. Left in chronic pain, Ava was groomed by H.Y.D.R.A. into becoming the Ghost, an elite assassin and spy. Due to the quantum energy that she was inundated with, Starr now needs a constant supply to survive. Her time is limited and H.Y.D.R.A. has made an exception to the no super powered individuals rule as they see her as an incredible asset. Starr has never made any attempts to escape, knowing that she needs the energy provided by H.Y.D.R.A. to prolong her time.
BARBARA MORSE – beginning as a researcher, Dr. BARBARA MORSE rose the ranks until she was a senior agent of H.Y.D.R.A. known as the Mockingbird. Agent Morse worked diligently for H.Y.D.R.A. for years, eventually gaining top clearance. It was shortly after that PROJECT EAGLE was broken into and the asset was stolen. The Reich has been looking for Agent Morse ever since, but have yet to locate her. In actuality, Morse met and fell in love with resistance member CLINT BARTON. She helped him and the others break in and free the captured STEVE ROGERS before eloping with Barton and joining the Resistance. One of the last things that Morse did is tell DAISY JOHNSON, the superhuman agent she was handling, that if she ever wanted to break free there would be people there to help her. As it currently stands, Morse is one of the most wanted women in the Reich.
BUCKY BARNES – the best friend of STEVE ROGERS, Barnes was taken hostage in the early stages of the wars and experimented on; brainwashed, Barnes soon became known as the Winter Soldier. He mindlessly served H.Y.D.R.A. for decades until he was sent to work with the WIDOWS alongside NATALIA ROMANOVA. What no one knows, however, is that Barnes has been freed from his conditioning since he joined the Widow Program as an enforcer. Although he’s not a spy, Barnes has been tasked by the Resistance with also freeing the Widow’s from their conditioning so that they can rise up against the system that exploited them. While Romanova  remains untouchable, Barnes first target is her sister, the head of the Widow squad known as YELENA BELOVA. Once Barnes frees enough Widow’s, he can finally reunite with Rogers and join the Resistance in earnest.
CLINT BARTON – originally from a poor family, Barton was turning tricks as a kid before he was recruited into H.Y.D.R.A.’s academy for youth. There, he became an expert bowman and combat archer before eventually defecting to join the Shield. Barton was made point person with a H.Y.D.R.A. agent who wished to also leave the organization, and shortly after meeting BARBARA MORSE the two fell in love. Once Morse’s access codes were high enough, the two broke STEVE ROGERS out of PROJECT EAGLE and rejoined the resistance. Over time, Barton has become one of the most wanted men in the Reich due to his involvement in toppling Project Eagle. Barton once had a young mentee by the name of KATHERINE BISHOP, but she was taken by the Reich and has not been seen since, now presumed either dead or absorbed into the Reich’s forces.
DAISY JOHNSON – an abnormality, Agent DAISY JOHNSON is a superhuman employed by the Reich. Her father, Calvin Zabo, was a H.Y.D.R.A. biochemist who fell in love with a superhuman individual named Jiaying, and as a result she became pregnant. After Jiaying gave birth the relationship was discovered and Jiaying was taken and sent out of the domain to fend for herself at the SHIELD. Zabo was punished as well; he was taken to be experimented on in the labs. As a result, Zabo fractured into a being known as Mister Hyde that became an enforcer for H.Y.D.R.A. Daisy, on the other hand, was brought under consideration while they decided if the superhuman child was a threat that needed to be neutralized. In the end, they decided to use her as a weapon and enforcer once she was old enough. Raised within the Spear, Johnson eventually became an incredibly valuable asset under the instruction of Agent BARBARA MORSE. Life was disrupted, however, when Morse abandoned post and joined the resistance. Before she left, she offered Johnson the chance to come with her. While Johnson was unable to go due to the chip that she had implanted in her as a child, she’s become the resistance’s mole on the inside and keeps them up to date. Johnson has yet to be detected, but she’s actively looking for a way to remove her implant and leave the organization that destroyed her parents.
HELMUT ZEMO – after years of dedication to H.Y.D.R.A. and endless training, HELMUT ZEMO became the Baron of the Reich, now known as Baron Zemo. He has been charged with overseeing PROJECT EAGLE, collaborating with the RED ROOM WIDOW INITIATIVE and preserving the dignity of the Reich. Zemo still answers to the GOD EMPEROR DOOM, however, as well as the Commission that oversees the Reich. His leash isn’t as long as some people think it is.
JESSICA DREW – when scientists Jonathan and Miriam Drew first began experimenting for H.Y.D.R.A, they had no idea that their daughter, JESSICA DREW, would become ill with radiation poisoning from their work. Knowing that the young Jessica would be killed or subjected to worse, the Drew’s absconded and went into hiding. They put the young Jessica in stasis while her healing treatments begin, all the while not knowing that it would give her super abilities as well. It was while Drew was in stasis that H.Y.D.R.A. found Miriam and Jonathan; both scientists were promptly put to death for their insubordination while Drew remained concealed. When H.Y.D.R.A. later recovered her tube and brought Jessica back to consciousness, she had grown up into a woman with abilities. The organization took Drew into captivity to experiment on her and try to figure out what the Drew’s had done. Drew is able to leave the confines of her cell when on H.Y.D.R.A. missions, and has been falsely told that her parents died honorably in the name of H.Y.D.R.A. Her allegiance relies on her inability to know who she is, but H.Y.D.R.A. has no issue capitalizing on that.
JOHN WALKER – following the apparent death of STEVE ROGERS, H.Y.D.R.A decided to create their own version of a Captain America. Due to the fact that they were never able to replicate the super soldier serum, the mantle of Captain Supreme has been passed down throughout the decades, with the current Captain being one JOHN WALKER. Walker is the spineless figurehead that H.Y.D.R.A needs to keep people pumped up and invested in the cause.
MARGARET CARTER – directly after the abrupt and untimely death of STEVE ROGERS, the fledgling Shield resistance decided to use their second and last dose of the super soldier serum to try and give themselves one last Hail Mary. Although she never asked for the powers or abilities, MARGARET CARTER was the one selected in the hurried decision and injected with the serum. Serving now as Captain Carter, Carter has been a staple in the resistance due to her slowed down aging and enhanced abilities. Her recent reunion with former flame Rogers has been overshadowed by the magnitude of the threat they face. The Reich is going to fall, and Carter is going to be the one to help topple it.
NATALIA ROMANOVA – once a Red Room Widow herself, NATALIA ROMANOVA became known as the most effective and dangerous Widow to ever graduate from the program. Romanova succeeded the former head of the Red Room, DREYKOV, following his death. As leader of the Red Room, Romanova has proven herself to be cold and ruthless with little mercy to spare. This lack of mercy extends even down to her sister, YELENA BELOVA, who became the head Widow once Romanova took over. Currently, she works alongside JAMES BUCCHANAN BARNES, the Winter Soldier, to ensure that no superhuman sets foot in the Reich or hides in the shadows.
SAM WILSON – from average man to a head of the resistance, SAM WILSON has put in blood, sweat and tears to try and help the Shield Resistance overthrow H.Y.D.R.A. He grew up a citizen of the Reich and served in their armed forces until the day that his partner, Riley, was killed during the trial run of new technology. Sam stole the prototype wings and defected to Shield. Well liked, Sam worked hard until the day that he was offered the mantle of Captain America. It was him who led the charge into the Spear to rescue STEVE ROGERS, and the two became fast friends after. Even though Steve is back, Sam remains Captain. He’s got a good head on his shoulders and will do what it takes without compromising his beliefs. Some haven’t quite gotten used to the idea of him as Cap yet – especially because Steve is back – but Sam can tune them out and focus on ending H.Y.D.R.A. once and for all. There’s no more super soldier serum for him to use. Sam’s just an ordinary man doing his best. He’s got a duty, and he doesn’t take it lightly.
STEVE ROGERS – cast as the former figurehead of the Shield. resistance group, STEVE ROGERS went from a scrawny and ill into the superhuman known as Captain America after being injected with the super soldier serum. Rogers led Shield until the day that he sacrificed himself in order to take down the then Baron, the RED SKULL. While everyone mourned Steve, only a select few knew that he lived on and was on ice in the Spear headquarters. It wasn’t until Shield got a tip from reformed agent BARBARA MORSE that Steve had been held prisoner that the resistance group hatched a plan to free him. Awoken in the present, Steve found that while he had been in stasis for decades, the Reich hadn’t been defeated. He joined arms alongside the new Captain America – SAM WILSON – and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. fighters to topple the Reich once and for all. Now, he’s awake one more. After the ship left the Negative Zone following the Incursion, Rogers woke up in his Battleworld body eight years after the planet was created. While he still wants to topple the Reich, he also knows he needs to fix the world at large. The first step should be finding others like him, others who know Battleworld is nothing more than a facade. 
YELENA BELOVA – as the most accomplished child assassin to ever grace the Red Room, Black Widow agent YELENA BELOVA has spent her entire life serving the Red Room. Subjected to mind control from a young age, Belova was trained to be the best assassin that the Red Room produced, even surpassing her NATALIA ROMANOVA, her sister/mentor. When Romanova was called to replace DREYKOV, Belova took over as the lead Widow. As it stands, she has been tasked with working with enforcer BUCKY BARNES to help keep the Widow’s in line. Yelena does not know the extent of her subjugation or that the Shield resistance and Barnes are trying to free the Widow’s. All she knows is what she’s told, and that’s to be the best Widow there ever was.
Maria Hill – S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick Fury – S.H.I.E.L.D.
Sharon Carter – S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Marvel Masterpieces - Series 11 (2020)
#79 Egghead
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merrymarvelite · 3 years
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Cover of the Day: Marvel Feature #5 (September, 1972) Art by Herb Trimpe
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Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera x Doctor Egghead from Marvel Comics
Requested by Anonymous
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Giant-Size Defenders #4 (Gerber/Heck, Apr 1975). Disturbing tale! Kyle isn’t ready to commit to his new girlfriend, Trish Starr. When a car bomb injures them both, the Defenders seek out the Squadron Sinister. Meanwhile, Hank Pym seeks out his old nemesis (and Trish’s uncle) Egghead. Turns out, Egghead caused the explosion to punish his niece for not financially supporting his villainy. Trish loses her left arm, and Kyle remains unwilling to commit! No one comes out clean this time — it’s all really bleak.
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enixamyram · 4 years
Watching Ant Man And Wasp... And can, for once, they just have the good guy’s mentor be a dick?
The second Ava said Hank Pym got her father fired, I knew it was gonna turn out that her dad was a bad guy. Which is just kinda boring by now. Especially since it’s not a big plot point anyway so would it really have hurt if Hank admitted he and Ava’s dad just had a fight and Hank was a little spiteful?
Just a little thought.
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How I’d write the opening to the next Ant-Man and the Wasp movie:
We start off with a cold opening to the moment when Elihas Starr’s (Ava / Ghost’s father) Quantum Realm machine exploded. Young Ava is taken away by SHIELD and Elihas is presumed dead. Only...he isn’t. SHIELD realizes he’s been knocked unconscious. Advanced Idea Mechanics (this is before Iron Man 3) shows up and takes Elihas’s body away.
Aldrich Killian, Guy Pearce making a cameo appearance, says that Elihas has failed AIM and orders that Elihas’s brain be placed in the MODOK program (MODOK is the main villain of the movie).
Cue Marvel opening logo
Cut to Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne on a date. Scott is strangely nervous and Hope has no idea why. A few hilarious shenanigans later, Scott uses his ants to bring a ring to Hope, his way of proposing to her. Hope happily accepts, leading to Cassie and Luis bursting into the room and congratulating the both of them.
The next scene is a montage of Scott and Hope happily telling their friends (the Avengers) that they’re engaged. We get the following cameo appearances:
1) Sam Wilson, in his Captain America costume, roasts Scott before saying that he’s happy for the both of them.
2) Carol Danvers says she’ll fight anyone for the honor of being Hope’s maid-of-honor.
3) Nebula says she’ll fight Carol to be maid-of-honor and Hope just facepalms.
4) Old Man Steve Rogers goes into a rambling speech about how married life with Peggy was awesome, boring the hell out of Scott and Hope. Scott eventually cuts Steve off by saying that he forgot to pay his wi-fi bill.
5) Valkyrie is happy for them but says she doesn’t know who they are.
6) T’Challa is annoyed and says that they should only call him for emergency reasons...but then says he’s happy for them and that, if they want, he could fund their wedding since he has the money to spare.
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sebeth · 4 years
Hit The Deck!
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reading-hawkeye · 6 years
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The Avengers #65, 1969
Clint's backstory !
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