#trolling in the deep
fluffmugger · 2 years
lol @ a clownshoes mcgee creepin’ into my dm’s trying to censure me for “spreading disinformation across the internet” with a post I didn’t create, didn’t validate, confirm nor in any way encourage, but simply quoted a previous users tags that cracked me up on.   honk harder baby, lemme see that red nose.
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sandflakedraws · 28 days
trolls is like my little pony but they're bipeds to me. but the important thing is your having fun
very very true anon. tho it is fun to make the trolls into a different kind of biped.
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and-! the statement is extremely on-topic to me, because the more i spend time rotating trolls in my mind, the more i feel this twitter exchange sink deeper into my bones
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tumbleofdorks · 4 days
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When the trio is actually, in fact, a fully functional Troll quad.
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felsicveins · 7 months
The whole lack of gender preference thing is reminding me of homestuck quadrants and how fucked up would that be in the trolls universe. That said I can see Floyd ♠️ Otto.
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Is this what kismemes do 😳😳
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protagonist-art · 10 months
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little guy alert!!!!!!!!!!!!
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spooky-pop · 3 months
Time for Spooky's Town Hall meeting, we all here? Yeah? Good
I have gathered you all here to announce:
I WILL NOT stop drawing Trolls
Ty for ur time
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
you guys see it right
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@microwavedfishsticks @champmorado @orchestra-of-demonic-screeching
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ilonacho · 16 days
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old patty doodle i never posted
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Shanks, because he is infinitely more politically minded than Mihawk (a man actually in the government) will ever have the patience to be, is more than likely aware that the marines will be extremely rattled and that the blow back would be intense if a Warlord of the sea was seen around an Emperor.
And sinces he’s not trying to cause a WG incident everytime he tried to go on a date with his pretty bird and also because he’s just a troll at heart. Shanks has collection of increasingly ridiculous giant sunglasses that he insists (read pouts) that Mihawk wear to hide his gorgeous eyes, before they go anywhere they could be seen.
What started out as a “necessity” had quickly grown into Shanks’ pet project of finding out just how absurd a pair of sunglasses could be and how much would he have to beg before Mihawk put them on?
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lavenoon · 9 months
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Before domestication comes a good, thorough hosing down
So, uh. This was supposed to be a wet beast wednesday and "stinky sewer troll" joke in one. And then it got entirely away from me. I continue ignoring canon and living in my made up timeline of Severing Hell's Leash (if you look closely, you can see Angor wear his ring!), and in that timeline he needs a shower.
Also version without the water below the cut
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gandalf-the-fool · 2 months
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sandflakedraws · 4 months
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self control lost. its posting flickory hours
bonus delta :
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thequeervampiric · 1 month
forgive me if I'm wrong, as I've never been in a similar situation or especially familiar with one, but I like how...realistic Rancilda and Putrice's relationship to Ella feels.
at one time, Rancilda and Putrice feel like Ella is just another sister to them. they complain about her just like they complain about each other, even that Ella gets things and special treatment that they don't. but she's very much the scapegoat. any "special treatment" the troll sisters feel like Ella gets, it's just to keep her in line and afraid, or to keep up appearances.
but their mother feels superior to Ella and broadcasts that sentiment, so Rancilda and Putrice feel the same way, even though they don't entirely understand the reasoning for it. they're young in comparison to, the gods know how old the Stepmother is. they're impulsive, and easily distractable, and want their mother's love and approval. they only know what she teaches them.
they treat Ella like a pest to be tolerated and killed at their whim, and, well...to them, that's basically what she is. at the same time as being like another sibling, because they feel like their lives aren't fair and they're competing against her for that fair treatment and their mother's attention.
but it isn't at the sisters' whim that Ella is killed, it's the mother's, which, in the sisters' eyes, is more unfairness to them. Putrice whines, "can't we just kill her?" when Ella says something completely innocuous that upsets them, like a child might complain that their sibling won't share their game, can't their mom just make their sibling share?
this really got away from me and is more of a stream of consciousness about the sisters' relationship with Ella at this point, but basically, yeah. "she's our sister and the most abused and terribly treated by the family but c'mon, she's getting something nice for a single day and we're not? that's not fair!"
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
Dirk: Oh, wow, you can make steak in an air fryer
Terezi: TH4T 1S TH3 MOST T3X4N TH1NG 1'V3 3V3R H34RD
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ladykettlechips · 7 months
It's Not That Deep
Being kind is a choice. Sadly, so is being a dick.
I absolutely adore being part of a community where I can share my passion with others, be it as a writer of fanfic or simply a bystander. However, there are also downsides to being within a community, and sadly, it is other people who can ruin that joy and our experience of creating something for other fans, who want to devour content while a series is still being created, or has come to an end.
It seems like it is a frequent thing for a handful of people to ruin the fandom experience for others. They become anonymous or hide behind a name in order to actively go out of their way to harass creators within the community. There have been threats and vile accusations thrown about, and for what? To scare people off of AO3 and tumblr, just because you don't like something they created for a FICTIONAL character within a FICTIONAL setting?
Loves, it's not that deep.
Sadly, these kinds of people have run creators off of various apps and websites with their continued harassment. They have gone above and beyond to act horrible towards people they don't know, for a story or a piece of artwork they could have clicked the back button on. For something THEY can actively turn their back on and ignore.
If they had as much passion and energy for real world issues, their time would be much better spent. Instead, they have chosen to take a cowards route and harass other people online for something that is, in truth, insignificant to them. It is as if these people are consciously ignoring tags or warnings, because they WANT to start a fight and act in such a disgusting manner.
I can't understand it, really. Your time is much better spent doing things you enjoy, rather than coming after people who are doing the things that they enjoy.
Now, if the creators were actively promoting bad things, then yes, call them out on it or report them. Half the time though, these creators put disclaimers about how they don't promote certain things, but it is there for fictional purposes.
Our time and energy is precious, and for those taking time out of their hectic schedules to share their passion with us is a wonderful gift. Yet there are those who want to destroy that passion, and it is a sad thing when they win; sadly, cruelty often trumps kindness, and I have seen one too many creators fall to the whims of people who prefer to be dicks over being kind.
I would hope these people eventually see some sense and stop what they are doing, but trolls don't always see reason or see the light. I just hope that someday they get the hug they have been craving, or perhaps the talk they need to understand why they act like this. Until then:
It's not that deep.
It's not that serious.
It is FICTION, not reality.
Your favourites won't notice you regardless of how hostile you become.
You are not making the internet a better place with your harassment.
Have a hug, eat a snickers. I highly doubt you'd act like this in real life to people you know, or to someone else's face, so go have a nap and chill a bit. Don't make a mountain of a molehill, and remember that these fictional characters you are getting into a tizzy over are not real.
Thanks. Peace out.
Edit to add: I have yet to be harassed. I know it will happen one day, because it is inevitable at this point, but I am speaking out for my friends and fellow writers who have sadly experienced it.
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maaruin · 2 years
Okay, I made a very interesting discovery today. Or rather, I remembered something I had read many years ago, but didn’t understand the implications back then.
In the last tale of the Silmarillion, called Of The Rings of Power and the Third Age, there is a sentence about the War of the Last Alliance:
All living things were divided in that day, and some of every kind, even of beasts and birds, were found in either host, save the Elves only. They alone were undivided and followed Gil-galad.
All living things except Elves. This means there were Orcs fighting for the good side!
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