my-world-my-stories · 11 days
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Nothing is as spicy as a baby dragon. Especially Wild.
Warning, she's a biter. Protect your hair and ankles when attempting to pet.
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leomitchellart · 5 months
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2024 officially marks a new ‘Year of the Dragon’, and with it comes many fitting releases: The dancing toothless meme, HotD season 2, and possible mutterings and hopes of a new Spyro game. Whether the latter is true or not, what better time could there be for fans to come together in a fun, year-long art challenge? 
A fun fan-art challenge thought-up by myself and @my-world-my-stories (Be sure check out her socials if you love Spyro fan-art, especially great OCs). Simply drawing each of the chosen dragon elders from the Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. Corresponding to each month, as if they were pin-ups for a calendar. 
They can be in whatever style, medium, tone you choose: Fun, sexy, action packed or simple - all up your creativity. Once uploaded, share with the hashtag #YearOfTheDragonElders so everyone can see it.  
ALSO, as an optional bonus; you can choose, any time of the year, to draw your own Dragon Elder in the Reignited style! Could be any of the others missing from this prompt list, an OC, yourself, or a dragon from another franchise. Whatever takes your fancy. 
There’s no pressure to finish this challenge to completion. Whether you do one, two, a dozen or a baker’s dozen; This isn’t a race nor a competition with a set deadline. The purpose of this is to have fun in celebration of these characters and their brilliant designs.
Feel free to ask us any questions you may have. Now go, fellow Artisans! Looks like you’ve got some things to do!
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#YearOfTheDragonElders Official 2024 prompt list
Challenge created by @leomitchellart and @doodling_all_day_24hours 
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xxnessa-morgothxx · 28 days
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Another for Trondo 🤣🤣🤣🤣 maybe he can't get a date because he has his full face covered in blood.
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trondopeacekeeper · 9 days
//I wrote something quick yesterday. Muse is a bit down these days for rping (just because I'm extremely tired, lazy and LoL is trapping me) but I managed to write this little thing about Trondo. I hope you enjoy it! Picture is made by me with Xnalara :). It seems Trondo had a nice night of passion and the feelings coming after it. Slightly NSFW, some descriptions of implied sex.
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Moonlight bathed the Artisans tranquil night in an ethereal glow. The pale luminescence danced across the carved stone structures, setting the jeweled walls blaze with a mesmerizing light. Amidst the whispering shadows, nocturnal owls hooted softly, their wise eyes ever watchful for unexpected prey. A gentle breeze rustled through the grass, its soothing melody playing along with the distant ocean's rhythmic pulse against the rugged cliffs. The occasional melancholy ballad of insomniac sheep wove through the serene tapestry of the night, a haunting serenade to the world beyond.
Trondo stood at his window, the wind caressing his long, loose hair as he gazed out at the breathtaking panorama. The rolling green hills, perched with towers and castles, stretched towards the mountains that embraced the coast. The classic architecture, elegant yet unpretentious, spoke to the Artisans' affinity for both beauty and practicality. As a Peace Keeper, Trondo had long foregone the luxuries many of his kind coveted. A humble lair carved into the same ground, a place of safety, was all he required. Yet, here he found himself within the grand Artisans castle surrounded by silks of vibrant hues and the sweet perfume of wild flowers. The opulence was quite long away from his usual rustic preferences but he couldn't deny the occasional allure of such refinement.
His gaze wandered through the room, taking in the intricate tapestries and plush carpets. And it was the sight of the canopy bed with that figure nestled within silken sheets that truly captured his attention. A fairy of sensual curves and shimmering wings lay deeply asleep, a vision of peaceful loveliness. Trondo felt a pang in his chest, a mix of longing and regret.
This Peace Keeper was known for their stoicism, his passions simmering beneath an unyielding exterior. As Trondo sat beside the fairy and watched at her naked form bathed in moonlight, he found himself succumbing to a desire he couldn't ignore. The Artisans fairies were renowned for their audacious nature, their willingness to embrace life's pleasures. Trondo had always dismissed such tales as mere fantasy, until he met her. Her fearless approach, her bright smile, had breached his defenses in a way few others ever had.
Memories of their impassioned encounter still burned within him. The push and pull of their bodies, the fervor of their kisses, the sweet surrender. He had let his guard down, allowed himself to be covered in the tide of her affection. And now, as he gazed upon her serene face, he couldn't help but wonder at his own vulnerability.
With a quiet sigh, Trondo rose from the bed, carefully to not disturb her. He moved to a nearby mirror, his reflection staring back at him. His physique, honed from countless battles, seemed revitalized by the magic of their night together. But beneath the surface, a turmoil brewed.
He quickly gathered his belongings, his movements fueled by that growing sense of urgency. Before leaving the room, he took a glance at the sleeping fairy, wishing he could stay longer there with her.
As he navigated the castle's corridors, a question echoed within him: Could he truly embrace this peaceful existence, devoid of the pressures and passions of war? The notion seemed as a capricious as a dream upon waking. He was a dragon from Peacekeepers, his path forever intertwined with the fate of the Realms. His duty was clear: to wield the power of justice, to bring balance through the fiercest of the means.
Stepping into a vine-shrouded balcony, Trondo gazed out at the sea, its expanse mirroring the dawn-kissed sky and touched his own face with a sad expression. His respite had come to an end. The call of battle, of his true purpose, beckoned. With a heavy heart, he spread his wings, the wind whipping his hair as he took to the heavens. The Artisans' serene world fell away, replaced by the familiar thrum of battle, of dust and adrenaline. He was the Assassin, and this was his destiny.
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fyeahspyroandcrash · 4 months
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Trondo took a proper look to Reyna, a curious frown growing on his face.
"Are you... A dragon?"
Modals were not his thing, after all.
Huh, now that was a unique looking...dragon perhaps? Or maybe a dragonborn, or even just another lizard. Of course, the question makes her think the 1st idea might be right. So many assume she's a dragon though, it's a bit strange to her really.
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"Not quite. I'm actually a lizard. My name is Reyna by the way, nice to meet you!" She says offering him a curtsy.
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twelvedozenterrors · 8 months
Conniving Children Concealing Celebrations
{♚}—; Upon setting Andy down, he expected him to do something like at least continue to explore around or run off but instead he just stood there starring straight ahead. It couldn’t be said if Cosmos’ spell would let him walk around normally or if he could just use it again if he tried but regardless, he wasn’t testing that. “Come now Andy, you wanted to be let down but you’re still staying put?”
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Spyro knew taking Craig up to the dessert table would make him happy, and he could easily get him some of what he wanted. Though as soon as he jumped up and nosedived straight into his back it made his knees bend momentarily but he stood his ground. He’d carried him before, but it had been a bit since he decided to take a dive into position but luckily he didn’t accidentally land on a wing. Though seeing this Sparx couldn’t help but begin giggling, his buzzy voice heard loud and clear by the purple dragon who rolled his eyes at his friend making fun of this. Although neither of them really minded, since Spyro was just trying to help the little one. So he quickly spread his wings and began to take their short trip to the top of the table. “Here we go kiddo!” With that he took off, a few jumps and hovering with his wings and there they were able to now feast their eyes upon various desserts all made to perfection by Devlin whom he was sure was proud of these. “Here we are! What would ya like to try first?” Zantor chuckled at the idea, Argus could shout pretty good sometimes if he got to that point. “Trust me, I can see it now!” He could already imagine the various ways in which they would get scolded and that he would no doubt come at them, or any other culprits in full force. Nils smirked, he knew how much she enjoyed getting a gift of sorts from any one of them and so having her balloon returned to her serving as practically what was like a pause button. It was clear that she had completely shifted her mood from being as excited as she was to being much calmer now.
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With a chuckle Nils nudged Lindar playfully. “I can see that! It looks like things changed pretty quick like we didn’t just have a speedster on our hands not long ago. I bet you wish you could do that with Spyro too whenever he gets the drop on you.”  Now that Daisy was calm now, Zantor decided he could go along with an idea Nils shared with him a bit ago. “Maybe now, we could do a game with some of my cards.” Zantor suggested, as he began to levitate a few of them.
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Even then, Andy’s expressions and posture remained static. He had his freedom and he was going to use it however he wanted; being obedient to an irritatingly literal degree wasn’t the best of time - especially at a party - but coming out on top of the mind game he was subjecting Trondo to would be an ample source of entertainment.
A kid like him wouldn’t dare let a smile peek through during an episode, but rest assured, deep down Andy was quite pleased with himself.
Everything Spyro and Sparx said went through one of Craig’s ears and right out the other. The only thought in his noggin (if there even was one) was to devour; he spared no time alighting from Spyro’s back and switching to autopilot the second he set foot on the tablecloth.
The event horizon had been crossed - the black hole known as Craig began his onslaught by yanking the nearest unclaimed cupcake into a bear hug and wolfing it down.
Rife with smug satisfaction from achieving what the parents of overly rambunctious children could only dream of doing, Lindar had been relishing in Nils’ compliments - that was, up until he struck enough of a chord to make his confident aura falter.
Great. Cosmos already reminded him of the pink hair debacle a while ago, and now everyone’s favourite beanpole was stirring the pot.
To be fair, it was probably karma for what he’d done to Nestor.
“Wouldn’t I just.” the humbled horologist groaned, rolling his eyes. “Nils, from the day he was born we’ve been trying - and failing - to neutralise him.” Of all the dragons that could have gotten their dragonflies early, the Artisans really lucked out with it being Spyro...not that Sparx fared much better with reining him in.
All annoyance soon faded once their whereabouts reminded him of the perfect evidence to support his claims.
“Now concerning party favours and other merry little souvenirs specifically, we know from experience that teeny toddler Spyro wouldn’t be mesmerised into borderline catatonia by a helium balloon,” yet again nodding his head towards the example on the floor, “he’d snatch up as many as he can the instant Nestor spends over a second looking away from him, then get yanked back down before his maiden voyage takes him more than six feet into the air.”
Lindar’s grin widened the further he went into his tale, culminating in more laughter once he reached the point where it could have been the epitome of comedy or horror. “So far, that has been the only time in my life I can say I’ve heard the most stalwart Artisan there is shriek like a little girl!”
A tickle in his throat made the blue dragon realise he was still feeling hoarse from putting his lungs through the wringer and he coughed into his hand to clear it.
Seemed like it was also time for him to calm down.
Daisy hadn’t appeared to listen to the conversation at all and remained unresponsive on the floor, not even when Zantor announced what he had planned; staring at the big pink balloon was basically everything she needed to reach nirvana.
Lindar cocked an eyebrow, intrigued as the Magic Crafter prepared his cards and took it upon himself to get the tot out of the trance he indirectly put her in. “Hey sleeping beauty, are you still with us?” When glancing down and speaking directly to her proved ineffective, he gingerly nudged her with his tail to no avail. “Oh good, I’ve broken her.”
Shrugging, Lindar’s eyes darted towards the clock hanging from his waist and he jokingly insinuated “Yep, definitely hypnosis. I may need to reconsider my wardrobe.”
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dracocheesecake · 2 years
I was watching Kung Fu Panda 3 and you know what I'm gonna say it:
Kai is really hot, actually. 🔥🔥🥵🔥🔥
Also a really cool villain both in an aesthetic and literary sense. I feel like he could have been fleshed out just a tad bit more (maybe a flashback on his perspective of Oogway's story- like maybe he wanted to use the chi stealing technique to win wars and usher in a new age of peace for what he saw as the better, or maybe he just wanted to rule China with Oogway at his side, etc. etc. something like that) but overall I love how evil he is! Absolutely bad! Wonderful!
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hxuse-of-muses · 2 years
Doing his best to slink across the ground at minimal volume, Andy sneaks up on Trondo from behind and assaults him with a pillow.
{♚}—; Trondo was normally known for watching his surroundings but he had to admit that Andy was quite crafty and had already managed to learn a few tricks on how to slink around to avoid notice. 
In this case once he suddenly felt a pillow strike at him with a good amount of force which shifted his position. The warrior turned around quickly to see the hatchling still holding onto that same pillow. “Some entrance you had there Andy.” 
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my-world-my-stories · 4 months
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The hardships of co-parenting between PeaceKeepers dads
🧡Trondo: Yo, I saw a booth at the fair that's selling wooden swords. Does Wild need a sword??
💚Gunnar: No! Absolutely not!
🧡Trondo: Double negative, so that means it's a yes to the sword. I'm getting it
💚Gunnar: That is NOT what I said!!
🧡Trondo: Sorry, can't hear ya, it's too loud here.
💚Gunnar: Oh so you're deaf all of the sudden?? How convenient!
💚Gunnar: Listen Trondo, if you get her a freaking sword, she's gonna train with you all weekend and wreak havoc on you and the others with that! Your choice buddy!
🧡Trondo : Bet!
🧡Trondo: Boris already approved this!
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bcllbcy · 19 days
Random starter for @trondopeacekeeper ❤
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Misha was a little uneasy as he didn't know where he was nor how he ended up here, he gulped a little before dusting off his clothes and venturing forth. His mind was racing with many questions as he took note of his surroundings, everything looked so dry, like a desert of sorts?
He couldn't tell, this was unfamiliar to him and part of him wondered if he was visible here as back in his own world, he was entirely invisible to most.
Only time will tell at this point.
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xxnessa-morgothxx · 10 months
I made this edit of my Nessa and Trondo some weeks ago but I couldn't upload it until now because my cat destroyed my laptop 😅. Both models are made by me, Nessa on ZEPETO and Trondo on Hero Forge as always.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I love my two muses. Nessa showing Artisans to Trondo, even its most secret places...
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trondopeacekeeper · 2 months
Hearing the Dreamweaver's question about the origin of his trauma -and therefore of his nightmares- left the Peacekeeper breathless for an instant, releasing a small string of smoke flowing from his nostrils. Oh, the war. A cruel love that he felt for war, since it was what he was born for, what he was made for... And what pain, sadness and rage it left inside him. He had given so much for the war and the only reward for that love was desolation and an irreplaceable emptiness.
With a lost look, he nodded very slowly at that question. Lutalo was now talking about how the Dream Weavers helped the Peacekeepers in their bad spiritual times... And that irritated him greatly.
In a sudden move, he got up and went to the balcony, stopping at the edge with a dark and gloomy look. A long silence filled the surrounding and only the cold, silent wind, blowing through his scales, disturbed the peace.
"Don't mock me. I know perfectly you don't make your job well. If that was the case, my nightmares would be gone forever. Why don't you help me? I'm just... Already lost?"
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fyeahspyroandcrash · 1 year
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luteoflaughs · 2 months
There is a slight laugh from the bard as he sees Trondo's reaction. Tomas knew what he was doing, but the bard couldn't help it he liked playing tricks. He always jumped at the chance to amuse himself when he had the chance. Normally, he was busy working on his songs. But, boredom struck a bard need to do something to get the mind working again. What better way than playing pranks?
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"Oh my, however did that happen? I don't see any proof that it was me. You can't assume, it might be someone else."
Tomas smiled as he played a tune, totally not conjuring up another cake above Trondo which soon attempted to fall down upon the Peacekeeper once more. Tomas played it off like it wasn't him.
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"Why, it must be raining cakes!"
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twelvedozenterrors · 1 month
Two Bastards On Vacation
Judging by Andy’s terrified face, that extreme maneuver might have been too strong and scary for the little boy. Trondo had to be more careful from now on, if he didn’t want to look like a real idiot again in his life. He tried to lift a frightened Andy onto the ground, looking at him with a little smile on his lips. “Don’t sweat it, Andy. Don’t you like a little excitement now and then? I do, it gets my heart racing and my blood pumping. But you’re right, I better not do anything crazy to make you scared again.” He might not have scared Andy - which he had - but their arrival had certainly provoked a whole series of reactions from the people around them. The vast majority had run away. Others looked curiously at the pair, wondering fondly if they were father and son. “Well, look what we have here, a funny place to explore with my you. Let’s go, kiddo.”
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Andy kept shaking despite Trondo’s reassurance. Being launched into the air with no control over his trajectory was not his definition of fun.
The moment he had the chance, he interrupted the assassin’s attempt to move him by latching onto his bandolier for safety and quietly demanded “No more sky stuff,” just wanting to get back to actually being excited to go to the amusement park.
Trondo’s presence usually managed to stir up conversation and other drama. This time, he’d also stirred the pot by seemingly trying to kill someone like many feared he would eventually do. Even near the entrance, the crowds seemed dense - a plethora of species of all shapes and sizes, though many weren’t as tall as grown dragons and (most) gnorcs.
Speaking of routines, it would almost be time for Trondo to make Gniles his first proper (and unintentional) victim.
If it wasn’t the Peace Keeper’s inability to temper his raging hatred of gnorcs that gave the poor showman more than his recommended daily intake of stress, it’d probably be courtesy of some unintentional mishap during his quest for another record-breaking thrill.
The terror of Dragon Shores was officially back...and he had brought an underling with him.
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