#truly one of the best duos on television
littlealexhorne · 2 years
“We’ve got quite an interesting dynamic, me and Greg ….”
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eternally-racing · 7 months
baby steps | lando norris
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pairing: lando norris x wife!reader (plus their adorable lil kiddo) 
genre: fluff
warnings: none 
word count: 2.5k
summary: Lando needs a little bit of encouragement to head off to his first race after the birth of your daughter, so what better thing to do than surprise him on race day?
note: this fic can be read as a stand alone or as part of the racer girl series !
When you first showed Lando the two lines on your positive pregnancy test, your entire world had changed. It felt like such a whirlwind of excitement, and before you knew it you were 9 months pregnant watching Lando’s races on television. It was pure luck that your water only broke the day after the season ended, which meant that Lando had a cherished couple of months with your baby girl, Piper, before heading back to racing. 
The two of them had become quite the dynamic duo in your household. From the moment that Lando first looked at your daughter, he knew that he was in love. He was an amazing father and you told him exactly that at every moment you could. It was one of the biggest fears that Lando had, being an absent father or not knowing what to do. Before you met Lando he was fully in his bachelor lifestyle, not once even thinking of kids, but now he was the biggest girl dad you’ve ever seen, giving into your daughter’s every whim. It’s exactly why Lando says he wants to give up racing all together once he sees your daughter cry for the first time when he leaves to go to the MTC for the first time since she was born - he would do anything for Piper, he would give up everything he loved if it meant that his little girl would be happy. Luckily, he had you to keep him grounded, and after more than a couple of tearful conversations you had helped Lando make peace with continuing on with his career with you and your daughter there to support him in the background. This was the first week that this was truly going to be tested though, since it was finally time for him to fly to Bahrain. 
“Say goodbye to daddy!” you say as you pick up your daughter’s hand to make her wave. 
You can see the way the wheels are turning in Lando’s head as he stays frozen in the entryway. He’s not forgetting anything, there’s no way he could with your packing lists that he’s used for every single race since you started dating. Even if he did forget something, he knows he could easily get someone from the team to either shop for him or send it over.
“Y/N I - , I don’t know anymore about this,” Lando mutters with his grip on the door handle loosening. 
“Lan, cmon now, I can’t have two babies in this house at once.” you joke as you pinch his cheek. “But seriously, you’re gonna be okay? Just do your best out there. I’m only a phone call away all the time if you need me. You’re going to be great and we’re cheering you on from here. I’ll send you all the pictures and videos and everything so it’ll feel like you’re still with us.”
While Piper can’t talk yet, she still reaches out to Lando to gently pat his shoulder - which only brings more tears to the forefront of Lando’s eyes. He always said his daughter was smart beyond her years, able to sense things even some adults don’t notice. 
“What if Piper can’t fall asleep without me reading her story? What if she learns how to walk before I’m gone? Or what if she forgets that I even exist?” 
“First off, I have memorized “the Rainbow Fish” perfectly from the 7 different times you taught me it. She’s not going to walk because she’s barely 8 months old. And lastly, she’s not going to forget you Lando, I promise you that. Do you trust me?” 
Lando doesn’t miss a beat when he says “always.” 
You hand your daughter off to Lando’s arms in exchange for the carry on that’s currently in his hands. You know that all he needs to do is hold her, to remember that feeling of being with her so he can keep that memory with him for the week ahead. You’re not the only one who’s noticed the way that Piper always immediately seems to calm down whenever she’s in her dad’s arms. There was something special between the two of them, something so unbreakable - which is exactly what you tell Lando. 
“Plus I think she’s in that phase where she’s starting to like you better, so I could use some alone time with our little bug” you tease as you squish your daughter’s cheeks. When Lando sees you cracking jokes it makes him feel a little more at ease - if you were so comfortable with this then why shouldn’t he be too? With one last hug and kiss, Lando finally walks out the door with a promise to facetime you once he gets to the airport. 
Piper starts crying the second she realizes that her dad is really gone, and honestly you shed a few tears too.
 “Don’t worry Pipes, we’re going to see daddy sooner than you think,” you whisper to your daughter as you try to soothe her. Little did Lando know that you had a bag packed in your bedroom for you and your daughter to surprise him at the paddock on race day.
The expectations were low for Lando in Bahrain, both from the media and from himself. He had been very upfront about having different priorities this summer than just racing, so he had been a write-off in so many people’s minds. That’s what made it even sweeter when Lando saw the checkered flag first in Bahrain, marking the very first time he had ever won at the circuit. It’s no secret that Lando had become more sensitive since he had become a dad, but when he says “This one is for my girls, I love you Y/N and Piper” over the radio, it brings tears to everyone’s eyes. 
Lando is already over the moon. He gives a big cheer to the roaring crowd before going to hug the rest of the team. It’s absolutely electric and it really seems like everyone, regardless of whether they are a McLaren fan or not, could appreciate how much this win meant to him. 
But the sweetest moment is when he spots you. You’re a little bit off to the side, a couple of security guards standing around you to make sure that nobody would try and trample over you and Piper. Little Piper is wearing a pair of noise canceling McLaren branded headphones on her ears as she hangs out happily in your arms. It’s like she spots her dad at the same time too, since she starts waving her arms in Lando’s direction. Lando immediately stops everything he’s doing to run over to you two. You have a knowing look in your eye, like you were just waiting for him to finally spot you both. 
“Oh my god, you’re here.”  Lando lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. Having you both here makes him finally feel complete, like his heart was finally whole again. 
“There’s no way we were going to miss daddy’s first race of the season. Congratulations, babe” 
Lando has questions of course - how you managed to pull this off without him noticing, whether Piper gave you trouble on the plane, and so much more. For now, though, he just wants to spend time with you two. He almost forgets that he’s at the race entirely, let alone that he won it until a team member comes up behind him to ask him if he’s ready to do his interview 5 minutes from now. 
When Piper reaches over with her little grabby hands for Lando, you of course give into her whims as you pass her over to the sweaty driver. It also gives you a second to pull out your phone and capture the moment for yourself. Piper is playing with the visor on Lando’s helmet, learning a new form of peek a boo that you know that she’s going to want to keep playing when you get home. You’re the one who helps keep Lando on track, giving him one last kiss on his helmet before you tell him to head off towards the hoard of media personnel eagerly awaiting his appearance. When you go to take Piper back from him she refuses to budge, and with both Piper and Lando giving you their classic puppy dog eyes, you know you’re outnumbered. 
“Keep her safe, Lan, okay?” It’s a rhetorical question. You know that Lando wouldn’t let anything happen to her - but it’s still a big crowd, the biggest you’ve ever been since you gave birth, and it’s a little scary to not hold onto her here. 
You don’t think anyone has ever seen Will Buxton this happy as he pulls Lando aside for his post-race interview. 
“I have to say, congratulations on an absolutely brilliant drive from you today, Lando - and would you like to introduce the special guest you’ve brought with you?” Will asks with a grin. 
Lando can’t help the similar smile that is etched on his face as he looks at his little girl. “This is my daughter Piper, and she’s just the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I can’t share enough praise for my beautiful wife Y/N too - words can’t describe how much she means to me.I really wouldn’t be standing here in front of you today without her support.”  Lando looks back at you with a smile and kisses Piper on the cheek to end off his sentence, but Piper seems to be more interested in the texture of the mic than her dad at the moment. 
“What does it mean to you to have this be your first win as a father, Lando?” 
“Oh man, this little girl is everything to me - I just want to do my best on the track so that Piper can look back and always be proud to have me as her dad.” 
The moment is made extra sweet as Piper tosses and turns in Lando’s hold so that she can cling to him like a koala bear, pulling herself further into Lando’s chest. She is starting to like the microphone just as much as Lando, so she pulls her face right onto it before she says her very first word - “dada”.
At first Lando thinks he’s hallucinating - there’s so many people around and there’s so much noise that he can barely hear himself think. But then Piper says it again and he can’t help but start to cry.
“She -, she- called me dada, oh my god I can’t believe it,” Lando’s in pure disbelief as he stares in awe at his little girl and looks back at you watching in the crowd. For a minute he forgets that there’s a full corral of people watching him until he hears a collective “awww” from the crowd.  “Sorry it’s just -, wow, she’s never done that before.” he says sincerely as he wipes the tears from his cheeks.
It’s now Piper’s turn to cry as she gets overwhelmed with all the eyes that are staring at her, pushing the microphone away from her as she buries her head into Lando’s shoulder. She is just a little kid, after all. Lando wraps up the interview as fast as he can, apologizing as he whisks Piper away to try and lift her spirits. 
Luckily it’s time to head into the cooldown room, which proves to be the perfect place for Piper to calm down from her outburst. The antics continue there as Lando bounces Piper on her lap, pointing to the TV screen to show her all the highlights. 
“Look at daddy about to overtake uncle Charles! And there’s uncle Alex, and uncle George...” Lando continues to retell the story of the last two hours as the other two podium sitters, Max and Oscar, chime in intermittently. Sometimes Piper’s gaze falls to Lando’s new hat instead of the screen, but he’s happy to have her in the room with him to share this moment. 
You have to really bargain with Lando to get him to hand Piper back to you so he can head to the podium by himself - it’s only at the rational explanation of not wanting your baby covered in champagne that he finally gives in to reason. Piper loves seeing the celebrations on the podium, adding in some cheers of her own when she sees her dad jumping up and down with joy on the podium. The little girl is addicted to the shine of the Bahrain trophy in the sun and you and Lando both later joke that she likes the piece of metal better than the both of you combined. 
It’s no surprise that Piper falls asleep on the car ride home - you do the same next to her as the jet lag catches up to you both. Piper still keeps one hand firmly on the trophy, having barely let it out of her sight since Lando brought it to her. Lando can’t help but feel so lucky as he looks through the rearview mirror at the both of you. 
It never gets any easier - leaving. The next weekend Lando heads to the United States and Piper cries the whole day once she notices that he’s packing a suitcase. You’re honest with Lando when you tell him that you’ll see him once he gets back, there’s no way you and Piper would be able to handle all the time changes and long haul flights that would come with going to every race.
You still watch every race though, throwing sleep training to the wind as Piper often stays up at all odd hours to watch with you. There are so many moments where you wish that you could be there with Lando, especially with the season he’s having. As the journalists would say, Lando’s “dad powers” have brought him his best ever start to a Formula 1 season, as he has yet to finish outside the top 3 so far. 
“What do you think is going to happen when I don’t come home from a trip with one of those?” Lando jokes as he sees your daughter absolutely enamored with the newest addition to her trophy collection. It’s the Australian GP trophy, which proves to be the perfect vessel for Piper to put her cereal pieces into. The little girl has taken to yelling as her new favorite hobby, and she shows it off every time she squeals with joy when Lando walks through the door after a race.
“I don’t want to find out, so you’ll just have to keep getting podiums, Lan” you joke back as you lean your head onto his shoulder. 
author's note: oh man, this has been sitting in my drafts FOREVER as i tried to perfect it but i really wanted to share it with you all. Thanks for all the love - asks are open if you want to say hello or make a request! Until next time! - Em 🤍
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Miriam Hopkins (Design For Living, Trouble in Paradise)—miriam hopkins had great range as an actresses, truly a woman who could play a passionate outburst for either dramatic or comedic effect and sell the ever-loving hell out of it. she's wonderful in the witty and sophisticated comedies she made with ernst lubitsch, great examples of movies that could never have been made after the hays code; the frothy musical comedy the smiling lieutenant where she plays a naive princess who accidentally gets betrothed to maurice chevalier, the polyamory classic design for living where she gary cooper and hot vintage shadow king fredric march are a throuple, and the ineffably exquisite comedic masterpiece trouble in paradise in which she and hubert marshall are sexy jewel thieves trying to con sexy rich lady kay francis, but will emotional complications ensue???? watch to find out!!
Dorothy Dandridge (Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess, Island in the Sun)— The first Black actress to ever be nominated for best actress, Dorothy Dandridge was a groundbreaking actress who deserved better. She started her career as a singer, being put in a song-and-dance duo with her sister by their stage mother, and singing in soundies (I highly recommend cow cow boogie, it's adorable), proto-music videos. She started appearing as a featured singer in films. Her star was on the rise and she soon became a star solo performer. She continued acting, but had limited options because she refused to do stereotypical roles. She finally landed a starring role in Bright Road in 1953, but it was the movie Carmen Jones that truly cemented her as a star and sex symbol. Not to sound cheesy, but she literally sizzles on screen. You can't help but understand how poor Harry Belafonte gets caught in her trap, just look at her. This is the role that got her that Oscar nom. She didn't win cause I mean #OscarsSoWhite, but she was a sensation and continued starring in films, despite troubles in her life (including a shitty director bf who fucked with her career and a traumatizing pregnancy/delivery). Outside of her filmwork, she was also an activist, fighting against racism. She left behind an amazing legacy, and continues to inspire many actresses to this day (including also very hot first (and only) black woman to win best actress, Halle Berry).
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Miriam Hopkins:
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She is an incredibly charismatic and versatile actress who brings a certain captivating je ne sais quois to each and every one of her roles that makes her impossible to ignore. Her pre-code films were considered quite risqué, with her part in a thrupple in Design For Living, and some saucy scenes they had to cut from Jekyll and Hyde. She also had a strong career in early television, so good that this queen literally has TWO Hollywood Stars, TWO!! One for TV and one for Film
Also she is Gorgeous, capable of being the girl nextdoor and also a stunning blonde bombshell. She's not as well known as some golden-age Hollywood stars but she's really incredible and I recommend everyone watch her films
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In Trouble in Paradise she plays a pickpocket who flirts by stealing from her criminal boyfriend and I fell in love
Linked gifset
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She's got this sly slouchy confidence that just draws you in. Almost no one wore 30s fashion as well as her
queen of the pre-code era. often her roles were of carefree, flirty and lighthearted but intelligent women. famously in the movie where she was part of a fredrich march/gary cooper throuple.
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We all know that Design for Living is THE pre-code movie and she is so iconic in it. Her eyes are everythingggg. Also everyone look at her in a suit in She Loves Me Not please
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A Frequent collaborator of Ernst Lubistch, Miriam Hopkins like up the screen in her comic roles, as is especially sexy in her pre-code performance in Design for Living; probably one of the first movies to showcase a coded polyamorous relationship. She toes the line between adorable and sexy, and had the acting chops to back it all up.
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Dorothy Dandridge propaganda:
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Beautiful actress and hand-working and talented singer, she's especially notable for the number of firsts she accomplished such as the first African-American woman to receive a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress and the first African-American woman to appear on the cover of Life magazine.
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Dorothy Dandridge was a classic Hollywood triple threat, singing, dancing, and acting with the best of them. She was the first African American nominated for an academy award for Best Actress for her role in Carmen Jones and she was just jaw-droppingly beautiful.
this og of black film needs no introduction (star on the hollywood walk of fame anyone?), voice of an angel, heavenly features, just an overall stunning lady :)
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Look at her!!! She is so unbelievably charismatic in Carmen, it’s insane. Her chemistry with Harry Belafonte is off the charts, and every time she puts another outdoor [sic] on it’s like ‘oh god this is a whole new level of stunning’ 🥵. She was so so talented, when she’s on screen I genuinely dare you to tear your eyes away from her. Deserves to be known so much better but due to Hollywood racism and a tough personal life she didn’t make it as big as she should have done. She’s incredible.
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First Black actress to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress! Was the first choice for the role of Cleopatra that went to Elizabeth Taylor (we were ROBBED).
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cringefailvox · 7 months
what do u think abt the dynamic of the vees? they’re truly a fucked up lil family hehe and i wonder how they work in relation to one another ! also specifically val and vox ! i think it’s interesting how there’s some respect between them considering their different strengths lol ( porn and tech/news)
TY FOR ASKING bc i looove the vees so bad.
vox + valentino: most obvious, they're that messy on/off couple with severe issues that nonetheless do genuinely care about each other at the end of the day. val breaks his phone, vox screams in his face, they giggle and dance together, they have the range. they might rile each other up and throw each other under the bus for petty reasons, but in a life or death situation, they protect each other without hesitation. power vacillates between them like a seesaw. manipulative, toxic beyond belief, unexpectedly wholesome - they're made for each other.
valentino + velvette: i just know these bitches live for the drama. they keep each other updated on the latest gossip, they make fun of vox together, they're that awful best friend duo from high school who look at you like you're a bug under their shoes and then they skip class to go vape in the bathroom. val is very fond of her and she likes the attention, but she also gets easily annoyed with his lack of impulse control and inability to play a long con like her & vox. i think she's also one of the few people in existence that val won't sexualize (both bc she'd kill him and bc he sees her as a real person, not a toy).
velvette + vox: these two are the real power houses of the vees. i think vox was a mentor figure of sorts at the beginning, impressed by her ambition and drive, who gave her the tools to succeed and then stood back and watched as she clawed her way rightfully to the top. he respects her and her take-no-shit attitude. she loves him as much as she sees right through his bullshit, and even though she knows he needs her for his empire to function, she acknowledges that she needs his support too. they're both strong leaders and rule their employees with an iron fist. vel doesn't hesitate to call him for backup and both her and val trust vox to take care of them.
vox + val + vel: most importantly, all of the vees see each other as equals. they're all self-obsessed tyrants who view everyone around them as lessers EXCEPT FOR one another. at any given moment, all of them are thinking "i can't believe i'm the only sane one here." vel rolls her eyes and buries her face in her phone while voxval make out with each other over dinner, vox/vel stop val from doing something crazy and impulsive again, vel/val physically drag vox away from his desk to make him take a break from his work.
you disrespect one of the vees, you disrespect all of them. they're fiercely protective of each other and they still let vox humiliate himself on live television for shits and giggles. they're terrible. they love each other. they're a family in every sense of the word, dysfunction and all. they enable each other's worst tendencies while also keeping each other in check. they are everything they are the moment
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nattaphum · 1 year
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Earlier this year at the Gateway of India in Mumbai, Phakphum Romsaithong — or more affectionately known by his nickname “Mile” — was spotted at the Dior Women’s Fall ’23 show together with fellow co-star “Apo” Nattawin Wattanagitiphat. There was plenty of buzz surrounding their attendance: #MileApo appeared on Twitter’s trending page, while “Did Mile and Apo come to India” became one of many common Google searches about the two actors. Despite being just two years into their careers in the Thai entertainment industry, the duo requires no introduction — and it is all thanks to the seminal action and romance television series KinnPorsche: The Series.
Since it first aired on 2 April 2022 after a year of production delays, the show consistently trended worldwide as each weekly episode arrived. While a shift in scriptwriting — especially as the story pursues themes of the Mafia with darker, complex themes that most series in Thailand have shied away from — many have reasoned that the natural interactions of Mile and Apo in the series are a rarity. Coupled with an intense promotional strategy that saw graphic teasers each time an episode was announced and a slew of behind-the-scenes footage available in durations twice as much as the series, it made sense why these actors have rapidly risen into contemporary pop culture knowledge.
While we have come to know both Mile and Apo, rarely do we get a glimpse of Mile without his tether to Apo. Once a communications and journalism graduate, the 31-year old — who never expected that acting would be his calling — has been going back and forth between personas. For faithful fans, he might be Kinn but within closed doors, Mile remains just as he was before the series. Two years on, Mile is still intensely committed to his fans. “I approach my work with an open mind, not knowing the extent of its potential success,” Mile mentions. “Nevertheless, my main focus remains on giving my absolute best and ensuring the happiness of those who witness it. Their satisfaction is of utmost importance to me.”
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Hello Mile, how are you these days?
I’m currently doing well, although quite occupied at the moment. If we were to represent it as a graph, it might appear as a lull period. However, I am utilising this time to engage in self-care — both physically and mentally — and to make necessary preparations.

What did it feel like waking up the morning the show debuted? 

I’m thrilled to be addicted to the series once again. Its irresistible charm keeps me coming back for more, just like others who are captivated by its captivating story. Seeing people enjoy it and receiving positive feedback brings me immense joy. These moments are truly cherished, and I take great pleasure in being a part of it.
In a few interviews, you mentioned that a career as an actor and singer/songwriter was not your first choice. Looking back, do you still have any reservations about acting?
Each of us harbours a multitude of aspirations, not confined to a singular goal. For me, true fulfilment lies in pursuing what truly ignites my passion and brings me joy. I am steadfast in my commitment to constant self-preparation and growth.
When presented with an opportunity, I choose to wholeheartedly embrace it — giving nothing short of my best. I am prepared to immerse myself in the pursuits that captivate my interest, dedicating my heart and soul to them. Though it may not be my ultimate objective, I am aware of my deep desire to embark on this path and so, I persistently ready myself for it.
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Your life has now changed seeing that you are arguably one of Thailand’s most recognisable personalities. What is one thing you miss from before your fame arrived?
Engaging in conversations with strangers holds a special place in my heart. As of right now — due to time constraints — I haven’t had the opportunity to fully immerse myself like that anymore. The days of encounters and spontaneous conversations with unfamiliar faces have become a rarity. However, such encounters have always been a source of genuine enjoyment for me. The sheer pleasure of conversing with individuals from all walks of life knows no bounds. Regardless of their background or disposition, I find immense fulfilment in the simple act of exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Any moments with your fans that have had a lasting impact on you?
Each encounter with my fans brings an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfilment. Lately, I’ve been immersed in reading the heartfelt messages written on cards by my devoted supporters. I’m already halfway through this heartfelt endeavour. Last night, I came across a touching note from a fan expressing their desire to learn English in order to communicate with me. It’s remarkable to witness the lengths people go to — dedicating their time and efforts to learning languages like Thai, English, or even regional dialects — solely for the purpose of connection. Their dedication truly moves me.
You are almost inseparable from Apo, both on and off-screen. What is your most fond memory of him?
It has been twelve years since we coincidentally worked together, and his unique appearance remains vivid in my memory. Recently, passionate fans stumbled upon a video of our first meeting, leaving me pleasantly surprised. This unexpected revelation serves as a gentle reminder of life’s unpredictable nature, occasionally gifting us with delightful surprises along our journey.
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On fashion, Mile elaborates that “the fashion world captivates us and draws us into its allure. Active participation in this industry involves immersing myself among talented stylists and continuously expanding knowledge.” But while Mumbai is not his first breakthrough with Dior, Mile has always had his eye on fashion. “I actually embarked on this journey at the age of eight,” Mile explains. “Seeing my mother in beautifully crafted clothes when I was young and experiencing the influence of television were transformative moments that sparked my passion for the captivating world of fashion.”
Tell us more about the Dior Men Fall 2023 collection you are wearing today. What did you like most about it? 

This collection exudes an exceptional uniqueness and embodies the distinctive character that Dior presents. I was remarkably comfortable during my time in Mumbai, which pleasantly surprised me. Despite the inquiries from others about its potential heat-inducing qualities, I found it to be quite the opposite. Even with its simple yet captivating designs and understated colour palette, it effortlessly stands out. Wearing these pieces becomes easy and is an enjoyable experience. Rather than mere excitement, my emotions were fueled by an intense enthusiasm when I delved deeper into the realm of Dior.
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How about your first fashion show with Dior, what was it like?

Attending a fashion show proved to be a transformative experience, one that expanded the horizons of my perception. It was a delightful and invigorating journey, allowing me to witness the unfolding of a whole new world. The show by Dior in the enchanting city of Paris was truly remarkable. Each garment conveyed a profound message, intricately woven into the fabric of the event. This combination of creativity and storytelling made for an unforgettable spectacle.
Are there any Dior items in your wardrobe that you would consider your favourite?
I love the Dior Lingot bag in the large size, I believe it is the 50. It truly holds everything I need. And when you have a very busy schedule, a large bag is just what you need.
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Yet, despite the tremendous achievements he currently possesses, the story is far from over for Mile. In some ways, KinnPorsche could be likened to only the dawn in what promises to be an impressive career. Be On Cloud — the company managing Mile and Apo as well as a host of other up-and-rising Thai stars — has recently announced a new film later this year and it involves Mile as its lead actor. Titled Man Suang — an ancient descriptor which translates to a “heavenly city of gods and angels” — the film will be set around the emerging Thai kingdom and its historical inception as a modern civilisation in epic proportions. Teased as a complete departure from the contemporary themes explored with KinnPorsche, the film has been marked as one of the largest and most ambitious film projects in Thailand with a production budget that rivals even that of Hollywood.
Much of what is shown in the trailer is meant to mislead, Mile teases, with more yet to be revealed at this point of writing. Apo will return as Mile’s co-star, but with a different dynamic between both actors this time. Its quality is meant to be top-notched too and make no mistake, there is plenty of anticipation for the film to be huge — the film’s trailer arrived weeks before its premiere at the 76th annual Cannes Film Festival, suggesting that Be On Cloud has its eyes on taking the film all over the globe.
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There has been quite a bit of buzz about Be On Cloud’s Man Suang, especially since there has not been much information released at this moment other than its debut at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. It is noteworthy to mention that the film marks your first main role in a motion picture. Can you tell us more about it? 

This movie carries a truly unique essence, captivating its viewers with a narrative that invites imagination and contemplation. It weaves a mysterious tapestry intertwined with the rich traditions and stories that unfolded in Thailand during the Rattanakosin period. The beauty lies in the artful portrayal of each character as they share their tale, allowing us to witness the profound transformations that humans undergo. It serves as a reminder that our beliefs — though held strongly — may not always yield definitive outcomes, offering a glimpse into the diverse possibilities that exist.
Let’s also get into the fact that it will be a historical film, and it marks a departure from the contemporary style of KinnPorsche. What kind of research did you do to get into the role?
For every character I embody, I dedicate myself to meticulous preparation, adopting a consistent approach. I delve into the era in which the character resides, immersing myself in its historical backdrop. It is almost like method acting and it is very similar to how I live my life. This thorough understanding enables me to comprehend the motives behind their actions and thoughts. I am grateful to be surrounded by a supportive team that encourages my creativity throughout this process, granting me the freedom to explore and bring my own unique perspective to the role.
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While it is a new project for you, you will be starring alongside Apo again. Will we see a different dynamic between the characters both of you are slated to play? 

In every performance I deliver, there lies a remarkable blend of 90% embodiment of the character and a 10% essence of my own being. This 90% is a testament to my growth as an actor, an opportunity for people to witness my evolution through each role I undertake. I wholeheartedly invite audiences to appreciate the dedication and effort I invest in every project. As each character holds a unique identity, spectators will recognise the striking distinction, unveiling the diverse range and versatility I hope I can bring to the stage or screen.
Before we end, would you like to share any messages with your fans? 

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the devoted fans who have supported me wholeheartedly throughout my journey. Your unwavering support has touched me deeply and means the world to me. Thank you for being there, from the bottom of my heart.
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angrypedestrian · 3 months
It's halfway through the year! Got any favorite albums/books/tv shows/whatever to recommend?
I'm gonna be honest, I feel like I have been VERY behind on reading/watching/listening to ANYTHING this year. I've only gotten through 3 books, and have big to listen to/to watch/to play piles, but! I shall try to find something to rec.
Books/Comics I have only read 3 books this year and I hattteeee it, but at least one of them was Hanif Abdurraqib's A Little Devil In America, which I finally got around to after buying it almost 3 years ago. 1000% must read imo. I'm sitting on his new one that came out a couple months ago, and I AM going to read this year. I AM. Also, I went to go see him speak a few weeks ago and he complimented my Fireworks shirt because he is one of the few people who loves them as much as I do.
I have read a lot of comics this year though! James Tynion's The Deviant is probably the one I would recommend to you most specifically, it is VERY dark, but VERY good. It's still in progress though, but I think should be wrapped up by the end of the year. Also Jeff Lemire's Phantom Road. It's real weird, I dunno what the hell is going on with it, but I'm enjoying the ride so far. Jeff has another book running right now called Fishflies, which is more traditional Lemire, weird and sad and Canadian. Also very good, but Phantom Road is the one I'm currently enjoying more of the two if I had to pick.
TV/Movies I finally got around to watching the first season of The Terror, which I was a FOOL for missing out on when it was first released. What a fucking television program!!! But other than that, I think anything else you might be interested in that I've seen you've already watched lol. I don't know if Julio Torres' work is up your alley, but his new show Fantasmas is fucking great so far. Very in the weirdo vein of Los Espookys, or like, literally anything he has ever created.
In a weird twist I've watched a lot more movies this year than TV, which hasn't happened in perhaps ever? My biggest recommendation will be for The People's Joker, which unfortunately is not available to stream anywhere yet, I don't think, but hopefully should be soon. I also, to very much my own surprise, really enjoyed the Glenn Powell vehicle Hit Man. Richard Linklater I think can be very hit or miss, but this one was fun if bizarre.
Music I've been trying very hard not to get caught up in the FOMO of roughly 40 albums being released a week that I want to listen to. I think I've finally hit a wall of how much new music I can actually sit down and listen to and appreciate in a given week, so this year has been an exercise in letting go of the need to be on top of everything the second that it drops.
There's this band called Super American that I love, and I can't really figure out why? They're a scrappy little pop-rock-ish duo thing, and they can write hooks for days, but it's often mixed with some of the corniest shit I've ever heard. There's one track on their new record (called Gangster of Love, I fucking hate it) that has a part that sounds like a fucking LFO song. It should suck! I don't know why I don't think it sucks! So your mileage may really vary with that one, but I think baseline it's a fun and silly little summer record.
Also, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the new Story So Far album...rules? Truly did not expect it at all. Parker I am so sorry your dad died, but my god you guys wrote some of your best songs out of it. And for a left-er field rec, the new Hurray for the Riff Raff that came out earlier this year is fantastic, a kind of meandering back to some of their original sound, but in such a more realized way than those earlier records. Just a very gentle and beautiful album.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@voxmedia-billsans45 sent:
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[[The following picture presentation is brought to you by the VoxMedia Broadcast Network! (powered by VoxTek!) TRUST US with your entertainment!]]
It was around a few days after the recent extermination attempt by the leader of the angelic army, the entire Hotel has been rebuilt into a larger, more stunning tower-like structure! Demons and overlords are still in disarray. Word has it that the Vees are steadily expanding their large entertainment empire, taking full advantage of the chaos and disarray behind the scenes! Though in a place like the underworld, was chaos NOT to be expected?? One could argue that the "chaotic" nature of this city has sort of..."escalated" since the events of a few days ago, and at present?...Hell's number one multi-media entrepreneur is now broadcasting via his assortment of various Television systems! Vox always enjoys jumping into the spotlight at the most opportune moment.
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[["Greetings! WELCOME and TOP OF THE HOUR my fair-yet-maliciously driven malcontents! and welcome back to yet another ENTHRALLING feature presentation! or as WE on the VoxMedia Broadcast Network-(brought to you by VoxTek)-like to call our show--!"]]
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[[--"VOX-2-NIIIIITE~!"]] The TV headed mastermind behind VoxTek and the Vees SKIDS across the show-stage! holding his lapel in his fingers with a look of cheery excitement across his on-screen face display! He seemed...a lot more cheery than usual, if one had been mistaken...one could swear he was in FAR great a mood...what in all the seven rings of hell could possibly be the occasion for such pep and energy??
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[["But before we begin the show I know your all just DYING to see! our TOP STORY TONIGHT! Alastor the RADIO DEMON! missing in action??...or RAN with his tail stricken between his two twigged tinglers?? STICK AROUND my subservient viewers because this is a story that'll be SURE to know your BOOTS into embers!!~"]]
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An awkward silence falls over the duo as Vaggie comes to an abrupt stop, almost causing Alastor to bump into her, as her attention is stolen by the broadcast played on the TVs of a tech store. Normally, she doesn't care much for what the Vees do, unless it affects the Hotel and his residents, but it's hard not to get distracted by something so loud and colourful.
The former Exorcist shoots the Radio Demon a look as Vox mocks him from the screens, and she's ready to swear that she has seen his eye and ears twitch in annoyance.
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"Geez, what a douchebag," Vaggie huffs out, rolling her eye. "I don't get why people waste their time with his shit. I mean, the stuff he makes is good, but the guy? Can't stand him."
She and Alastor don't always get along, but he has risked his life for them during the battle. The least she can do is standing up for him.
"And I can't fucking believe that he's acting all smug after you kicked his sorry screen in front of the whole city. Seriously, does he have a death wish or something?"
Alastor cocks an eyebrow in the angel's direction, even if it's hard to say whether or not he is surprised by her open support. It's certainly new, he can admit that much, but he can see where it comes from. Before her banishment, Vaggie's whole world used to revolve around the kinship among comrades-in-arms. The two of them have become that, in a way, during the past year, so it makes sense that she would look at him as such.
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"That's one of the many reasons why I don't waste my time with these foolish picture boxes, my dear," he claims, hooking his arm around hers to more easily stir her away from the shop window. "While I find your distaste very relatable, it's best to pay no mind to any of that. After all, the most effective way to deal with attention seekers is to ignore them."
Of course, he's very well aware that he won't go unnoticed. Whenever he's closed to any of Vox's visual devices, he distorts their feed, alerting the other Overlord of his presence. He could avoid it, if he truly wanted to, but deep down he enjoys how he can unsettle his self-appointed rival with his mere presence.
"Come along now. We have actually relevant affairs to take care of. Let them waste their time with this nonsense."
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Wrestling Eye: November 1992
By Steve Muller
Transcript Below!!!
[Shawn Seems to be enjoying his new found success.]
Shawn Michael’s classic philosophic turn from babyfaced hero to arrogant, conceited bad guy was completed when he threw his longtime partner, Marty Jannetty, head-first through the plate glass window of Brutus Beefcake’s Barber Shop. If it was not the end of an era, it was certainly the end of the beginning of one. Until that rather dramatic partnership dissolution, the Rockers tag team had been one of the most successful duos in the mat sport’s history. 
Bugun as the Midnight Rockers in Verne Gagne’s now defunct and almost forgotten American Wrestling Associate, the Rockers were among the most exciting high flying teams this side of Japan. They became AWA World Champions at a very young age and it seemed they were destined to join teams like the Bastien Brothers, The Fabulous Kangaroos, the Graham Brothers, the Midnight Express and the Road Warriors in wrestling’s mythical Tag Team Hall of Fame. 
Indeed the Rockers possessed all the important elements necessary for tag team success as well as a few extras. They worked well in the ring together and employed complimentary styles. They moved dynamically and complicated teamwork was executed smoothly. Loaded with charisma, they excelled on interviews and in involving the arena crowds in their own personal dramas.
The Rockers were major successes not only in the AWA But on the independent circuit and then in the WWF, the Land of the Super Giants, where they excelled despite their relatively average size. Unfortunately, success did not last for Rockers. Insiders now say the team was doomed to fall from its inception. The team had a fatal flaw that eventually destroyed it.  Outside the ring, Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels simply did not like each other/ Perhaps the mutual dislike developed  from a kind of friendly rivalry that often develops between longtime team members,  perhaps they never really liked each other only because they were so successful in the ring. But whatever the cause, the Rockers team had no future. 
The fated break-up was foreshadowed many times. Once, in a hotel in London, after a tough match, Micheals and Jannetty were stopped from punching each other into oblivion only by the quick intercession of WWF road managers. Another time, when there were no managers present, the tag duo battled each other in a parking lot behind a denver saloon, The two tag partners beat each other so badly that they had to be pulled off television for a month. 
The breakup of the team and subsequent emergence of Shawn Michaels as a major singles star was one of the best handled pieces of booking ever by the WWF brain trust. Shawn Michaels was craftily depicted as the cause of the breakup. 
 [Shawn and Sherri are quite a pair!]
During the buildup of the angle, Micahels slowly developed an arrogant, nasty persona. He repeatedly reprimanded Jannetty during matches for mistakes, mostly imagined ones, in full view of the arena crowd. Michaels utilized many tricks to steal the spotlight from his partner including refusing to tag out during easy television matches and pretending to leave the ring with Jannetty after a victory, only to return to it to enjoy the applause of the crowd alone. Shawn acted as if he were solely responsible for the team’s success. And the fans began to truly hate him. 
After the break-up took place, hardcore fans expected an exciting series of four star bouts between Jannetty and Micahels, both accomplished ring technicians and aerial move artists. 
Unfortunately, that was not to be.
Marty Jannetty experienced some legal problems, and amid a cloud of rumors, left the WWF. He continued to wrestle on the independent circuit, and now that his legal problems have been resolved, there are rumors circulating that he will return to the WWF to feud with his former partner. However, at this time of this writing, the possibility of any Jannetty/Michaels matches is pure speculation. What is not speculation, however, is the amazing success Michaels has enjoyed since the break-up.
Shawn Michaels is now one of the WWF’s top singles stars and one of their top three villains. His interaction with new manager and spiritual cohort, Sensational Sherri clearly has established his new egotistical “boy-toy” persona. Additionally, his already great ring skills are increasing. Some of the matches in his continuing feud with Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Title have been cited by experts as among the WWF’s best of the year–a major accomplishment even if it is a somewhat slow year for great matches in the WWF. There are some who believe that Michaels will eventually win the I-C belt and may already have done so by the time you read this. 
[Watch out, Shawn may be coming after you!]
Additionally, in the land of comic book mutants and graveyard denizens that the WWF has become, Michaels stands out as the wrestler who has gained success the old fashioned way–he has earned it through hard work in the ring and well planned character development outside of it. Michaels is a throwback to the days in the WWF when wrestlers had real names and believable personas. It seems Michaels has stepped directly out of those halcyon days when wrestlers were called Bruno, Pedor,, Bobby and Buddy, not Undertaker, Ultimate Warrior, Bezerker, or Mountie. 
[Michaels is determined to wear gold in the near future]
Also, impressive is the transition itself, from tag to singles wrestling. Very few wrestlers have been able to make this change successfully, and even fewer have become bigger stars in singles competition than they were as part of a tag team. It seems that Michaels, together with Sensational Sherri, or the Sensational Sherri look-alike who remains unidentified but who has appeared with Michaels at arenas across America, will become a major star for a long time in the WWF. Experts have predicted that the WWF of the future. The WWF without Hulk Hogan, will be a time dominated by wrestlers ranging from Lex Luger to Sid Vicious/Justice to the Ultimate Warrior.
The experts may be wrong this time. The future WWF may well be a federation dominated by Shawn Micahels. Try it on: Shawn Micahels, World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. It does have kind of an innovative ring to it. After all, how long has it been since the WWF had a heavyweight champion with two names, a first and a last, neither of which are a nickname? Is the world really ready for this? From this writer’s standpoint, one can only hope so.
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vostok3-ka · 8 months
Ahhh thank you so much for the tag @sadeyedlady-writes!! I'm going to have so much fun doing this <3
1. Three non-romantic duos: OOO I cannot choose! For one, it has to be Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers, they're so sweet with each other, and their friendship is one I can only dream of having. The trust they have is beautiful and I think that special sort of brotherly love they have is very precious.
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For the second one it is Sara Howard and John Moore. I love their dynamic, and although I haven't finished watching the second season of The Alienist, I am already in love with them being together. They get into trouble together, and complain about Lazlo together, they're a very fun pair and I adore them so much!
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The third one is Sherlock Holmes and John Watson but from the Russian adaptation from the 70s specifically. They're so kind and good with each other, and they're both so funny. I love this adaptation so much, and I think it is the best television portrayal of the characters. They're so lovely, and they truly care for each other.
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2. A ship that might surprise others: Honestly, Maria Hill and Steve Rogers. I don't know why, something about it is just perfect, and I love it, and they are so good together, and I want to see them interact more.
3. Last song: Мальчик мой by Chernikovskaya Hata
4. Last Film: Sharper (2023) I will admit, I started watching it because Sebastian Stan was in it, but I quite enjoyed the premise, and it was overall a pretty fun heist film!
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5. Currently reading: The Bourne Supremacy by Robert Ludlum. It's a very difficult read, and the English is really hard, even harder than classics, but it's super good, and I was craving a good old thriller, and this one scratches that itch perfectly. I am also reading The North Water by Ian McGuire, and it's so on the edge of your seat suspenseful, and somewhat graphic, but it's so so so well written, and the atmosphere simply seeps through the pages like nothing else.
6. Currently watching: The Alienist. It's such a well written show, and I love the costumes, and it's all so historically accurate so far. I love the dynamics between the characters, and I love love love psychiatric history which this show has so much of in it, and of course, it has some incredible actors as well!
7. Currently consuming: A caramel and chocolate icecream sandwich and it's so so good.
8. Currently craving: Oh, I want sushi so badly. Some good laks (or lox) as well!
I’m going to tag @writethewolvesaway @catcoffeeenjoyer @mohich and everybody else who sees this and wants to do it! Don't feel pressured to do it if you don't want to as well! <3
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legion1227 · 1 year
Barry: Season 4 Review
With the latest season, Barry has to be cemented as one of the best shows. Period.
If you're unaware of the future classic HBO show, I recommend a watch absolutely. On March 5th, 2018, the first season of Barry started to air. Initially, the show followed Bill Hader as Barry Berkman, a former military veteran turned hitman who pursued acting. Its first season is this great blend of drama and comedy as Barry meets his acting teacher Gene Cousineau, played by the immaculate Henry Winkler. Accompanying the amazing duo are an equally outstanding cast with Sarah Goldberg as Sally, Barry's love interest, criminals NoHo Hank and Critobal, played respectively by Anthony Carrigan and Michael Irby, and the man who groomed Barry to be a killer, Fuches, played by Stephen Root. Other characters are introduced throughout the seasons, but the aforementioned core players are show-stealers for four seasons straight. Barry, the show, may remain comedic throughout, but by season three, the show makes a darker turn. The comedy remains, but the drama is upped.
And with its final season, it's solidified as a top-tier show.
The show can shove a lot into its eight-episode season, but it doesn't feel bloated. Its eight-episode run has a perfect pace with every episode and every character getting ample time to breathe. The arc every character goes through by this final season is a fascinating endeavor as every character is nearly unrecognizable from who they were in the first season.
Some of the cast become genuinely unlikable yet still rich and complex, with a tangled web of complications plaguing and infecting their past and present. It's hard to root for certain characters by this point, but equally difficult to turn away from the screen as you're left dying to see what happens next or what each person's next action will be…
Not only does Bill Hader excel at acting as the titular character Barry, but he and Alec Berg truly crafted a masterpiece that warrants immense critical acclaim and praise. Everyone deserves so many awards this Emmy season for creating an excellent sendoff to a truly underrated piece of television. 5/5. Absolute recommendation, a must-watch.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The Scottish comedian and actor Ronnie Corbett was born on December 4th 1930 in Edinburgh.
Corbett was educated at James Gillespie’s High School and the Royal High School in the city, but did not attend university.After leaving school, he decided he wanted to be an actor while performing in amateur theatricals at a church youth club. His first job, however, was with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Following national service, Corbett moved to London to start his acting career in the early 1950s. Amongst many other things he performed on stage with Danny La Rue in a mixture of well received variety and cabaret shows.
It was whilst performing in these shows that Corbett attracted the attention of several top TV producers and executives who were impressed with his abilities as a stand up comedian, compare and all round entertainer.Before too long Corbett found himself being offered roles in various sitcoms, films and family shows.
His varied film roles include “Polo” in the spoof Bond film Casino Royale, “Drooby” in Rockets Galore and finally the hapless “Chumleigh” in Fun at St Fanny's
His big break came during the 1960s when he was asked to join the cast of the hugely popular The Frost Report (1966) which included the likes of John Cleese and of course David Frost. The show also saw him performing alongside Ronnie Barker for the very first time. All aspects of “The Frost Report” were very funny but some of the most enjoyable involved Barker and Corbett who shared a rare comic chemistry between each other.
TV producers recognized this chemistry and there were talks of giving the pair their own comedy series.The rest is history - the Two Ronnies had arrived together - it was simply comic genius, Barker and Corbett were made for each other, a pairing that was just destined to be. In 1971 the pair made their debut in the BBC show The Two Ronnies.
There is no doubt that Ronnie Barker was the best comedy actor of his generation, but over the years many critics have unfairly overlooked the brilliant talents of Corbett - he was a fantastically versatile comedy actor in his own right. He was an equal part in the relationship - put simply he complemented Barker and Barker complimented him.
As well as being a wonderful comedy actor Corbett was also an accomplished after dinner speaker and of course a very very funny stand up comedian. During the filming of the “Two Ronnies” Corbett found time to branch off into a whole host of other projects as did Ronnie Barker.
Ronnie Corbett has enjoyed continued success in both film and television. He starred alongside old friend John Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis in the film Timbuctoo, has done numerous pantomimes with Frank Skinner and Paul Merton and is one of the stars in Monkey Trousers with Steve Coogan, Vic Reeves, Matt Lucas and David Walliams.
In 2005 Corbett reunited with Barker to present a special six part series looking back at their favorite moments from the “Two Ronnies”.
Corbett was a charismatic and extremely likable man - there is absolutely no doubt that he will be fondly remembered by millions of people as being not only half of one of the most successful comedy duos of all time, but also as a truly brilliant entertainer.
On 31 March 2016, Corbett died at the age of 85, at Shirley Oaks Hospital in London, his devoted wife Anne later revealed his secret battle with deadly motor neurone disease, which recently also took the life of Doddie Weir.
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vapehk1 · 5 months
Exploring the Rick and Morty 9000 Vape
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Ah, the Rick and Morty 9000. Imagine if your vape attended a cosplay event dressed as your favorite mad scientist duo—well, you're halfway there! This isn't just any vape; it's a pocket-sized portal to flavor town with a geeky twist. Perfect for those who like their puffs packed with pop culture. Let's break down what makes this interdimensional gadget a must-have for the discerning vaper who also happens to love animated genius. Rick and Morty 9000 Specifications If you're the type of person who measures time in vape puffs rather than minutes, the Rick and Morty 9000 is your new best friend. This isn't just any run-of-the-mill vape; it's like the Swiss Army knife of the vaping world. You can practically go on a vaping marathon, thanks to its massive juice capacity and the stamina of its battery. Whether you're lounging at home, stuck in traffic, or escaping from a tedious meeting, this vape keeps the clouds coming longer than a marathon session of your favorite interdimensional cable TV shows. Now, let's talk about the heart of this beast—the 0.8ohm mesh coil. This little miracle worker is the secret sauce behind the exceptionally smooth and flavorful vapor that the Rick and Morty 9000 delivers. Every inhale is as smooth as jazz, ensuring that each flavor note sings in harmony, from the deepest bass of blueberry to the high notes of pink lemonade. And because it's engineered to handle up to 9000 puffs, you can rest assured that your vaping experience is not only top-notch but also enduring. So, gear up for some serious vaping action that's as epic as an episode of "Rick and Morty" itself! Design and Build Quality of Rick and Morty 9000 Truly, the Rick and Morty 9000 vape is a fusion of function and fanfare. Decked out with illustrations of the chaotic yet beloved duo, Rick and Morty, this device is an eye-catcher. Whether you're showing it off at a fan meetup or just enjoying a solo session, it feels like a little piece of the show right in your pocket. The design isn't just for looks; it’s crafted to endure the rigors of space-time adventures, or at least the occasional drop from your pocket as you scramble out of your car. The ergonomic design of the vape ensures that it's more than just a novelty item. The comfortable grip makes it easy to hold for extended sessions, and its sturdy build is reliable enough for daily use, whatever dimension you find yourself in. The practical features mesh seamlessly with its playful appearance, making it a standout device that's as functional as it is fun. It's the perfect gadget for anyone looking to add a little zest to their vaping experience, while broadcasting their love for one of the most inventive shows on television. Rick and Morty 9000 Flavors Brace yourself for the flavorverse explosion! Whether you're craving something sweet, tangy, or a bit of both, there’s a dimension of taste for every palate: - Blueberry Raspberry: It's like a berry supernova in your mouth! - Mr. Blue: Cool, mysterious, and as enigmatic as Mr. Meeseeks' existence. - Strawberry Watermelon: This one's a summer fling on your taste buds. - Orange Soda: Fizzier than Rick’s personality and twice as sweet. - Watermelon Bubble Gum: Chew on this, without the jaw workout. - Rainbow Candy: A party of sweet treats, no pinata needed. - Pink Lemonade: Pucker up, sunshine! - Peachy Mango Pineapple: A tropical getaway in every puff. - Strawberry Banana: Smoothie lovers, this one’s for you. - Lush Ice: A cool breeze on a hot day in the form of a vape. - Black Dragon Ice: Dragons in your lungs? Yes, but the cool kind. - Aloe Grape: As soothing as watching "Interdimensional Cable." Pros and Cons of Rick and Morty 9000 Pros: One of the most notable pros is its incredible puff count—up to 9000 puffs per device means you can enjoy extended vaping without frequent replacements, making it both convenient and cost-effective. Additionally, the variety of flavors available ensures that every vaper can find their perfect match, whether they prefer fruity, sweet, or icy tastes. The high-capacity battery is another significant plus, allowing for long vaping sessions without the need for constant recharging. Moreover, for fans of the show, the unique Rick and Morty-themed design adds a fun, collectible twist to their vaping experience. Cons: The Rick and Morty 9000's high nicotine content of 5% might not appeal to everyone, particularly those who are sensitive to nicotine or prefer a lighter vape. This could limit its appeal to a broader audience who might otherwise be interested in trying it based on its design and flavor offerings. Additionally, the thematic nature of the vape might make it less accessible in some markets, potentially leading to higher prices due to its niche appeal. Lastly, the elaborate design, while appealing to fans, might not resonate with vapers looking for something more understated or professional in appearance. Conclusion So, you're thinking about joining the legions of vapers wielding the Rick and Morty 9000, huh? Well, strap in! This isn't your average vape; it's more like a little piece of the multiverse that fits right in your pocket. With its monster capacity of 18ml for vape juice and a battery that lasts longer than some celebrity marriages, you’re in for some serious vaping marathon sessions. It's as robust as it is riotous, covered in graphics that scream "I’m a fan!" Plus, with flavors ranging from the fruitilicious to the refreshingly icy, your taste buds will be on a roller coaster of delight. But, like every hero’s tale, there’s a twist: its high nicotine level might be too intense for the light-hearted, and its fan-centric design could either tickle your fancy or not. Whether it’s for puffing through your daily routine or just flaunting your fandom, the Rick and Morty 9000 is here to make a statement in the world of vape. If you want to know more, please refer to this article: https://keystonevape.com/best-vape/the-best-disposable-vapes-2024-you-cant-miss/ Read the full article
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calacuspr · 8 months
Calacus Monthly Hit & Miss – Darts & Colin Graves
Every month we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the last few weeks.
It’s not that long ago that darts was associated with smoke-filled bars, pints and a male dominated crowd that didn’t exactly welcome a wide demographic of fans.
Watching Eric Bristow or Jacky Wilson with a cigarette or a pint as they played promoted a certain image that seems alien to the way the sport is now contested.
It all changed when Barry Hearn, the renowned promoter of snooker and boxing, led a breakaway from the governing body, the British Darts Organisation, to allow players to compete throughout the year and make a living from the sport.
The Circus Tavern venue gave way to Alexandra Palace and a prize fund of £64,000 with a winner’s cheque of £16,000 has risen to £2.5m with 96 players from around the world battling for the winner's £500,000 grand prize.
The format may essentially have remained the same, but the event has taken on its own personality, blending sport and entertainment together with intro music for each player as they walk to the stage.
Darts has changed from being a sport for old men to a spectacle played and watched by a younger crowd, attracting attention from general sports fans over the Festive period in particular, rather than just a regular fanatical crowd, many in fancy dress outfits.
The sport has become progressive too, with Fallon Sherrock flying the flag for female players and beating men in the World Championships on more than one occasion.
No wonder Sky extended their broadcast deal until 2025 when the last contract came close to expiring and after this year’s drama, no one would bet against them extending it again.
That darts caught the imagination of the wider public is down in no small part to Luke Littler, the 16-year-old prodigy who reached the 2024 final having first played when he was only 18 months old.
Perhaps his success shouldn’t have been a surprise, given that he was playing in under-21 competitions when he was just 10.
The unlikely star, who looks older than his teenage years, was a breath of fresh air, joking about his diet of kebabs and pizza and obsession with his Xbox.
He beat former world champions and his idol Raymond van Barneveld on his way to the final to truly announce himself on the world stage.
Sports stars flocked to meet him, including Tottenham Hotspur’s James Maddison, Arsenal duo Declan Rice and Aaron Ramsdale and, after the final, he visited his beloved Manchester United, who introduced him to legendary former manager Sir Alex Ferguson.
Because of Littler, darts became front-page news, the talk of every UK television news show, and the 2024 World Darts Championship enjoyed record-breaking viewing figures thanks to Littler's fairy-tale.
His semi-final against Rob Cross averaged 1.79m viewers with a peak of 2.32m viewers, up by 40 per cent on the previous overall record and for the final that rose to a total audience of 4.8m viewers – the highest-ever non-football audience for Sky Sports.
Darts even dominated social media with Instagram seeing 11.8m video views and 10.2m total reach on Facebook. The Sky Sports website and app also saw 2.44m follow the live blog, up 307 per cent compared to last year’s final’s 648,000.
Sky Sports Darts' Wayne Mardle, who knows a thing or two about the sport, believes that Littler is the real deal.
He said: “I can't remember someone going up there with such a swagger and just banging in 180s and hitting 11 and 12-darters like they are going out of fashion.
"I'm a darts fan first and foremost, I was watching it and I had goosebumps watching him. I love people achieving and that was a boy achieving something on the world stage.”
UK-based global darts retailer, Darts Corner's managing director Craig Heenighan underlined how this year’s World Championships have had an impact on the sport as a whole.
He said: "Luke Littler's performance has captured the hearts of the nation. It's clearly had had a huge impact. It's not often that darts is on every radio station and on the back of every newspaper.
“If you think of elite-level sports, what 16-year-old could compete and make it to the final and have a have a really strong chance of winning?
"And it's not as though he's scraped through, he's been quite convincing in the wins he's had. I also just think it's probably the way he's gone about it. He doesn't look overawed. He's got a huge amount of composure. He seems very at home on stage, which is incredible for a 16-year-old.
"I think with the younger boys and girls around the country, looking at Luke, at the age of 16.... We've all seen the videos on TV of him playing (darts) in his nappy at 18 months old.
"I think that (says to) a new generation that darts is actually quite cool. And (they think): 'I could be quite good at darts.' And I think it just breathes new life, perhaps, into a new generation looking at the sport."
It’s not just the teenage sensation that caught the headlines though.
In a sport where opponents respect each other and promote the positive atmosphere created by the excitable crowd, a word too for the eventual winner this year, ‘Cool Hand Luke’ Humphries, who, despite ensuring no fairytale ending for Littler, did a great deal for the sport himself over the course of the event.
In a sport where machismo was once taken for granted, Humphries made no secret of his battles with anxiety but has overcome the challenges and lost some weight which has also benefited his performances.
In the post-match press conference, Humphries added that speaking openly about his troubles "definitely helped me because it was a weight off my shoulders".
"I'm not the only sportsman in the world who goes through it," he continued.
"I'm definitely not the only person in this room that goes through it. I was very open and honest about it because it was affecting my career and it was hard to hold it in.
"There have been lots of people on social media who've said 'You've really inspired me and helped me'. That makes me feel great. I didn't do it because of that. I did it because I wanted to be open and honest. All of a sudden I had celebrities and sports stars that messaged me and said that they go through the same."
Humphries, also praised the impact Littler has had and said: “I’m not just saying this because it will please everyone, but Luke has been an unbelievable talent. He has been fantastic with all the media that has come about with him and he took the defeat so well. He’s one of the best players in the world, there is no doubt about that.”
Humphries vowed to give some of his prize money to his local club as well as Prostate Cancer UK, who had already been pledged more than £900,000 after sponsor Paddy Power promised to donate £1,000 for every 180 that was landed, 914 in total.
"I'll donate a bit myself from the prize money. It's very, very close to my heart. My father-in-law, who has battled prostate cancer, went and got checked out. He's found it early.”
While there have been reports of pubs and clubs closing, reducing the access to darts by those who do not wish to play at home, organisations such as Flight Club can attract a Gen Z crowd.
With more than a dozen locations in the UK and venues in the US and Australia, they feature hi-tech booths with pumping tunes that also serve brunch and cocktails and interactive screens to allow groups to play different games.
Littler went one step further at the Bahrain Masters final later in January, hitting a nine-dart finish as he beat Michael van Gerwen 8-5 to secure his first senior PDC title.
It will be fascinating to see if Littler’s rise has a lasting effect on the popularity of darts but you wouldn’t want to bet against it after the excitement and focus this year’s World Championships attracted.
Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) has a reputation as one of the most well-regarded clubs in England, having won over 30 County Championship titles.
But the Club has been marred by scandal in recent years and rocked by financial uncertainty that threatens its very existence.
While Colin Graves was first Chairman of the 160-year-old Club, from 2012 to 2015, the Club faced accusations of institutional racism, culminating in a complaint from captain Azeem Rafiq and later from others, resulting in a high profile investigation.
While the scandal was unfolding, Graves had an opportunity to take a stand and ensure those who were guilty were punished and safeguards put in place to ensure nothing like that happened again.
Rafiq’s claims painted a sorry picture of the abuse he and others had suffered.
The Club appeared to reluctantly concede only that Rafiq had been “the victim of inappropriate behaviour” while Graves attempted to dismiss these claims of racist language as mere “banter”, and was understandably roundly condemned for his response.
In late 2021, the Club released a statement concluding that “there is no conduct or action taken by any […] players or Executives that warrants disciplinary action”.
Yorkshire refused to send “anyone with executive authority to give evidence” to a parliamentary committee on the subject, while refusing to publish its internal report on the investigation into racism allegations.
When the report was published, it sent shockwaves through the Club and wider cricketing family, exposing a culture of racism that had long gone unpunished.
Yorkshire lost the right to host international games, was fined £400,000, and was docked 48 points from the 2023 County Championship, while many senior staff were sacked.
Sponsors understandably distanced themselves from the Club, including ground sponsor Emerald Publishing, creating financial issues that still afflict it today. The suspension of international games hosted at Headingley is estimated to have cost the club and surrounding area as much as £2,5m per game.
On top of the fine, the Chief Executive, Director of Cricket, and Head of Human Resources were all released, along with £3-4m.
After bungling their initial reaction, in August 2021, Yorkshire released a statement apologising to Rafiq and just over two years later, in October 2023, the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation released another statement apologising for racist behaviour.
Yorkshire’s increasingly difficult financial plight led to seeking investment from the Middle East to help address its financial challenges.
The situation got so bad that late last year, it transpired that the club was relying on support for the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to help pay staff wages.
There were reports that the heating had broken down at Headingley and that former Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley was planning on buying the famous ground.
When Ashley’s bid failed to materialise, it was hardly a surprise when Graves was confirmed as the only viable option to help the club get back on its feet.
A statement from the Club said: “The Board of Yorkshire County Cricket Club has tonight agreed to recommend the loan agreement from Mr Colin Graves.”
The former Chairman then told talkSport: “The ball is in the Yorkshire board’s court to make a decision, but my interest is real, it’s absolute, and that’s for one reason and one reason only, and it’s to save Yorkshire County Cricket Club. None of us wants to see that institution disappear.
“It’s not in a good place so from my point of view that’s the reason I’m doing this. I’m passionate about the place and I want to make sure that Yorkshire County Cricket Club survives and prospers.”
Understandably, Rafiq has sharply criticised Graves’ return and said: “There is a sense of sadness, a bit of anger. The message it clearly sends out is cricket is not a place that is safe for people like me: people from South Asian communities or people of colour.
“We have ended right back where we started. Nothing has changed. All we have had are empty words and broken promises. Now a man who has always seemed to minimise the club’s problems, a man who last June went on television and dismissed racism as “banter”, a man whose family trust was described as a “roadblock” to reform, is likely to return to Headingley as chairman. So where is the outcry now? Where are the interventions?”
Earlier this year, Graves released a further statement apologising to the racism victims: “I apologise personally and unreservedly to anyone who experienced any form of racism at Yorkshire County Cricket Club. Discrimination or abuse based on race, ethnicity or any other protected characteristic is not and never will be acceptable.
“I profoundly regret some of the language I used when asked about the events that took place when I was Chairman, at a time when I was no longer at the club. I understand and sympathise with those who regarded my comments as dismissive or uncaring.”
Local MP, Alex Sobell, made a plea for alternative investors and said:  "Yorkshire County Cricket Club has admitted the racism prevalent at the club exposed by the brave testimony of Azeem Rafiq and rightly set up a whistleblowing helpline and investigation into the cases raised.
"Mr Graves has dismissed what the club has admitted, describing it as banter. I am very concerned that we would lose the progress we have made under a return by Mr Graves and would need not just a statement recanting his views but full commitment to create a club for the whole community."
Clive Efford MP, a member of the Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) select Committee, said Graves' return to the club would be "a disaster" while its Chair, Dame Caroline Dinenage MP, invited Graves to give evidence to the committee in February, adding that his return "undermines" the progress that Yorkshire has made so far.
"The disgraceful treatment of Azeem Rafiq by Yorkshire CCC was the tip of the iceberg, with racism, classism, sexism and misogyny found to be entrenched across the sport," Dinenage said in a statement.
"The publication of the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket's report last year offered a turning point for English cricket, which the ECB appears to be taking.
"The return of Colin Graves to Yorkshire and to English cricket risks undermining what progress has been made so far.
"The Culture, Media and Sport Committee will be watching closely as this deal progresses, so that the terrible past of Yorkshire CCC does not repeat itself."
Charity Sporting Equals also criticised the plan and stated: “The potential reinstatement of Colin Graves as Chairman of Yorkshire County Cricket Club would undermine the progress made.
“His reinstatement would send a message that emboldens those who perpetuate the myth that racism is simply banter, that it is enough to pay lip service to policies and procedures. It would make a mockery of the suffering of ethnically diverse players across the country. It would be a rejection of the ICEC Report’s thorough investigation and well considered conclusions.“
The Club was then forced to refute accusations that it had dismissed other potential investors in preference to Graves’ return. "Yorkshire County Cricket Club and agents acting on our behalf have met with over 350 interested parties to work through the validity of each and every genuine offer to refinance the club.
"No stone has been left unturned and a thorough and rigorous process has been conducted by the board to ensure the club stays operational for the benefit of its members, creditors and employees. We refute any assertion to the contrary.”
There is no doubt that if Graves does ratify his bid for the Club, it will prove to be an unwanted sideshow and raise further questions about English cricket’s commitment to tackling racism.
Whether sponsors remain with the club or depart to disassociate themselves from the controversy remains to be seen, potentially plunging the Club into further financial difficulties.
Some are said to be reviewing the situation and Rafiq asked others to do the same:
"My question now is for Yorkshire's current sponsors… Does Colin Graves reflect your values? Is it acceptable to describe racism as banter?
"Sponsors found their moral compass before, and they need to find it again, because any organisation supporting this is complicit in it. There is still time for them to act, to leave now and stop Yorkshire stepping back in time and undoing what progress they have made in the past three years."
YCCC has now confirmed that Graves will return, passing the vote with an 88% majority, a huge endorsement from the Club members.
How far Graves goes in accepting his mistakes and ensuring progress continues to be made in the fight against racism may well determine whether the Club can move on from one of the biggest challenges it has ever faced.
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ear-worthy · 1 year
TV's Top 5 Podcast: Smart Talk About The Boob Tube
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 When you do a search on the internet for best TV podcasts, the return you get is often shows that are rewatch podcasts where a TV show's episodes are reviewed in detail. There are still several LOST podcasts that flyspeck every episode for subtle clues such as Fibonacci sequences, Morse Code with fingers, and clouds over the island that signal secret messages. 
Any popular TV show, streaming or broadcast, will engender podcasts that review the show's episodes. Why? Because the podcast will have a built-in audience. The millions of fans who watch the show.  
TV's Top 5 podcast by The Hollywood Reporter isn't like those shows. It's more of an inside baseball type show about television. Each episode features The Hollywood Reporter's West Coast TV Editor Lesley Goldberg and Chief TV Critic Daniel Fienberg breaking down the latest industry headlines. 
The podcast began in December 2018, with regular weekly episodes, and the show has now released more than 200 shows. Over the run of the show, the episode time has grown from about 40 minutes to over an hour. Thankfully, there is enough content to justify such a time increase. The podcast is broken into five segments, offering a deep-dive analysis of the latest TV news and a critical look at current and upcoming shows. Every episode of the weekly podcast includes an in-depth interview with "one of the industry's most powerful showrunners or an up-and-coming new voice."
For example, In June 2023, the podcast welcomed the entire creative team of ABC's sitcom Happy Endings (2011-2013), which was truly one of the most underrated sitcoms. In February 2023, the show welcomed Stephen Falk, the showrunner to the Apple TV + SF / comedy / drama show Hello Tomorrow with Hank Azaria, Billy Crudup, and Alison Pill, and Haneefah Wood.
These conversations are not celebrity interviews that also include a funny anecdote, a plug for the show, and oodles of Kumbaya. Instead, they are incisive discussions on how shows are created, developed, produced, and improved constantly. In essence, they are a fascinating insight into the creative process.
The show has a range as wide as the Webb Telescope. Topics can include baseball on TV, breaking down the past and future of Netflix's Stranger Things, Mayim Bialik on Jeopardy, Hallmark holiday movies, and the streaming strategy of Peacock. 
The show is like the jumbo butter popcorn of TV topics. 
Much of the credit for the podcast's longevity and success can be attributed to co-hosts Daniel Fienberg and Lesley Goldberg. There is a natural connection between the two, with a witty back and forth that doesn't interfere with the TV topics. It's like there they're cubicle roomies at work, and you're just eavesdropping on their natural conversations.
Unlike the Ringer entertainment podcasts that tend to have young men who are "bros" and seem to possess the intellectual flexibility of concrete, Fienberg and Goldberg bring distinct perspectives on entertainment and culture, which enables listeners to receive a more expansive view on TV and its impact on society and culture. 
Fienberg and Goldberg often conduct joint interviews with guests, such as the July 28th discussion with The Hollywood Reporter's Alex Ross. The duo handles these interviews with such a seamless dexterity that they flow with a cadence that is pleasing to the ear and stimulating to the mind.
Fienberg's reviews are especially thoughtful and realistic. It's so tempting for TV critics to attack TV shows that are made for a mass -- or crass -- audience and do the elitist, nose-up thing, condemning the show for its lowbrow quality. Fienberg has said on numerous occasions that his reviews ask this essential question: Does the TV show ultimately achieve its goal of what it aspires to be for a specific audience. So a reality show is not necessarily a piece of crap. Or a long-running show like Blue Bloods, which is highly watched by viewers who remember Captain Kangaroo on TV. 
Goldberg's recent commentary about the late Sinead O'Conner was both moving and emotionally resonant. Goldberg's business acumen and interviewing chops make her a valuable presence on the show.
If you are a listener of The Town with Matt Belloni, The Business with Kim Masters or Downstream with Julia Alexander and Jason Snell, TV's Top 5 can round out your masterclass in the entertainment industry. 
I highly recommend TV's Top 5 podcast for those who are fascinated by the business of TV entertainment. The bonus for listeners is that co-hosts Daniel Fienberg and Lesley Goldberg are always engaging, often quick-witted, and appropriately caustic.
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wolfliving · 1 year
Moscow Urban Forum, August 02023
*"Civilian high-rises are under attack by terror drones. but let's do something sexy and upbeat for the sake of the city!"
ILO and Lovanda, creative workshops and dance training - what awaits guests at the opening of the Moscow Urban Forum festival in Zaryadye Park
As part of the Moscow Urban Fest festival on August 4, a concert will take place on the stage of the Grand Amphitheater in Zaryadye Park, headlined by Mot and Lovanda. The concert of artists, open to all comers, will begin at 20:00. The combination of progressive popular music and the picturesque landscape of Zaryadye will create a truly festive mood.
The festival in Zaryadye this year will begin on August 4 and will last until September 10. On the opening day, guests will also enjoy an entertainment and educational program, which will include master classes, lectures, kipop shows, dance training and performances by popular performers.
“This year the theme of the festival of the Moscow Urban Forum is “City. People. Future." The relationship between city and citizen, between Moscow and Muscovites, is one of the most interesting stories told by buildings, spaces and people. The festival is a platform for such stories, new knowledge about the city and people, intellectual events and vivid impressions. Its program is designed to acquaint guests with the changes in the capital, create a platform for discussing the urban agenda and involve visitors in it through interactive formats, inspire them to take a fresh look at the urban environment, as well as support city initiatives and local projects,” said the Director General of ANO Moscow Urban Forum Pavel Goncharov.
The festival will open with a training session with a professional dancer and participant in popular television projects Anna Tikhaya in a large amphitheater. At the same time, master classes of the Museum of Moscow, lectures of the project “Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer” and architect Pyotr Mironenko will be held. In the afternoon, visitors will be able to join workshops on creating postcards using the scrapbooking technique and pottery, as well as coffee painting lessons.
ILO is one of the best lyricists of our time. Deep lyrical songs have already become his hallmark. The artist creates dance tracks that resonate inside and are remembered for a long time after listening. The ILO transforms its live performances into high-quality show programs that are successful with a wide audience: from young people to the most biased audience. The artist is also a multiple winner of a number of prestigious awards.
The Lovanda group is a creative duo of musicians Pavel Klochkov and Lala Salimova, performing music in the style of neo-pop, hip-hop, disco, rhythm and blues, house, jazz and electronica. In tandem, they first conquered European audiences, performing in Italy, France, the Czech Republic and at the largest festival venues on the continent, and later moved to Moscow, where they gathered a large team and released several major music releases. Live performances of the group are bright and atmospheric live performances that leave the most vivid emotions and impressions with the listeners.
Throughout the festival, Muscovites and guests of the capital will enjoy film screenings, many cultural, educational and sporting events, artist shows and dance master classes. Star speakers will talk about art, fashion and projects that affect the life of the city, while tea ceremonies and ballet lessons await visitors in the art meditation space.
The Moscow Urban Forum 2023 will be held from August 1 to September 10 at the four largest venues in the city. In addition to Zaryadye Park, they will include the Luzhniki Stadium, the Manege Central Exhibition Hall and Gostiny Dvor. The forum will be the largest in its history. All events within the framework of the forum are free. Some events require pre-registration on the site. Thanks to our technology partner VK, you can follow the news and broadcasts in the MUF VKontakte community.
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edrick001 · 1 year
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Literacy Journalism
"Ariana Grande"
Grande began her music career at age 15 in the 2008 Broadway musical 13. She rose to fame for playing Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon television series Victorious (2010–2013) and Sam & Cat (2013–2014). Grande signed with Republic Records in 2011 after label executives viewed YouTube videos of her covering songs. Her 1950s doo-wop-influenced pop and R&B debut album,[2] Yours Truly (2013), topped the US Billboard 200, while its lead single, "The Way", reached the top ten of the US Billboard Hot 100. Grande's voice and whistle register on the album drew immediate comparisons to Mariah Carey.
Grande continued to explore pop and R&B in her second and third studio albums, My Everything (2014) and Dangerous Woman (2016). My Everything experimented with EDM and achieved global success with its singles "Problem", "Break Free" and "Bang Bang", while Dangerous Woman became her first of four consecutive number-one albums in the UK. Personal struggles influenced her trap-infused fourth and fifth studio albums, Sweetener (2018) and Thank U, Next (2019), both of which were critical and commercial successes. Sweetener won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album, and Thank U, Next broke the record for the largest streaming week for a pop album and was nominated for Album of the Year. The singles "Thank U, Next", "7 Rings", and "Break Up with Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored" made Grande the first solo artist to hold the top three spots on the Hot 100 simultaneously and the first woman to succeed herself at the top of the UK Singles Chart. Her 2020 collaborations "Stuck with U" with Justin Bieber and "Rain on Me" with Lady Gaga helped her break the record for most number-one debuts on the Hot 100, the latter winning the Grammy Award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance. Grande expanded on the trap genre with her sixth studio album, Positions (2020), which both the album and its title track debuted at number one in the UK and the US. Her collaborations with The Weeknd on the remixes of "Save Your Tears" and "Die for You" garnered her sixth and seventh US number-one singles, respectively.
Grande is one of the world's best-selling music artists; she has sold over 90 million records globally and all of her studio albums have been certified platinum or higher. She has also broken a variety of records on the Billboard chart, with her albums, songs and as an artist. Grande is the most streamed female artist of all time, the most streamed female artist of 2010s on Spotify and Apple Music, the most followed female artist on Spotify, and the most subscribed female solo artist on YouTube. Nine of Grande's songs and seven of her music videos reached 1 billion streams and views on Spotify and Vevo, respectively. She is the female artist with the most one billion songs on the former platform. Grande has been included on Time's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world (2016 and 2019) and the Forbes Celebrity 100 (2019–2020). Grande was named Woman of the Year (2018), the greatest pop star of 2019, and the most successful female artist to debut in the 2010s by Billboard. Furthermore, Rolling Stone placed her in their list of 200 Greatest Singers of All Time (2023). Besides music, Grande has worked with many charitable organizations and advocates for animal rights, mental health, and gender, racial, and LGBT equality. Grande has also ventured into the cosmetics and fashion industries. Grande has a large following on social media; she became the most followed woman on Instagram in 2019 and has over 370 million followers as of 2023. Her fragrance line, which was released in 2015, exceeded $1 billion in sales through 2022.I
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Facial Recognition
On June 12, 2013, Jungkook made his debut as a member of BTS with the release of the single 2 Cool 4 Skool.[15] Under BTS, he has sung three solo songs. The first, a pop track titled "Begin", from the 2016 album Wings, tells his story of moving to Seoul at a young age to become an idol and expresses his gratitude towards his bandmates for taking care of him during that time.[16] The second, a future bass song titled "Euphoria", was released with an accompanying nine-minute short film on April 5, 2018, as the introduction to the third part of BTS' "Love Yourself" series.[17] Produced by DJ Swivel, the song charted at number five on the Billboard Bubbling Under Hot 100. Its full studio version was included on BTS' Love Yourself: Answer compilation album, released on August 24.[1] The third solo, "My Time", off the band's 2020 studio album Map of the Soul: 7, is an R&B song about forgoing teenage experiences because of his career,[18] and charted at number 84 on the US Billboard Hot 100. "Euphoria" and "My Time" are the first and second longest-charting solo tracks among K-pop singers on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales chart, having spent a record 90 and 85 weeks respectively on the ranking.[19]
Aside from singing, Jungkook has also helped produce two songs for BTS: "Love is Not Over", from the band's 2015 extended play (EP) The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Pt. 1, and "Magic Shop", from the band's 2018 album Love Yourself: Tear—he is credited as the main producer for both tracks.[20][21]
In October 2018, Jungkook was ordained alongside his bandmates with the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in.[22][23] He was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture, again alongside his bandmates, by Moon in July 2021, in order to help "lead the global agenda for future generations" and "expand South Korea's diplomatic efforts and global standing" in the international community.[24]
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"Time is gold"
The saying "Time is Gold" is a saying we always hear especially among the elderly. They may be saying this because time is very important to a person. You can't get back the times and seasons that have passed or been lost. So while there's still a chance, while it's still time to do something with your family, friends or even yourself, do it. You should not make it last longer because when the time comes when you can no longer do it, you will have the thought that you wish you had done it when you could. Our lives are short so let's make the time and time we have now.
"Pagudpud ilocos Norte"
When I was in Ilocos we always went to Pagudpud because Pagudpud is beautiful, many tourists go to Pagudpud because it is one of the famous sights in Ilocos Norte because it is so beautiful and most of the famous vloggers and the Patapat Bridge go there This winding road is beautiful and in Bangui, the windmills and the sands there are beautiful, and then it's beautiful to look at the sea and the coconut trees.
Definition Essay
"To know Love"
Whether it's an infliction of pain, an intense feeling of pleasure, or a source of immense hurt, the three vastly different reactions are common side effects of love. In fact, love has been known to cause an endless number of emotional possibilities. It is important to consider how love is able to manifest itself into the many aspects of our lives. For example, how is love able to leave us wallowing in a bed of guilt, fortitude, agony, denial, or cause an overwhelming blissful sensation? Or, in more extreme cases, how has its intense side effects been able to cause people to physically harm themselves? Never has a single word been known to both have been rooted in selfless and selfish acts, showing itself as warmth and kindness, or maliciousness, guile, hate, or abandonment. Yet, the single word, love, arguably has the most versatile meaning of any word known. The average person will agree that "love" has been overused so much so, that it's original meaning has been diluted over the years, which has resulted in an inherent change from its intended purpose. For example, it often proceeds or has been associated with statements such as, "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" or "come on don't you love me?" Love in the context of forgiveness is vastly different from its enabling context as used in the second statement. Which context coincides with its original meaning and which has been the result of evolutionary over usage? In fact, as this essay will discuss neither statement uses or associates "love" as its original definition intended. The rest of this essay attempts to refocus our modern day abuse of the word, love, and visit its original roots.
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