odinsblog · 11 months
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Just to emphasize: Mike Johnson is an antivaxxer, an anti-abortion, forced bither, he believes the job of poor women is to give birth to an infinite supply of low wage jobseekers, he is a climate change denier, he wants to cut Social Security + Medicare + Medicaid, and he’s a “Trump won!” Republican. And House Republicans just unanimously voted for him as Speaker of the House.
Please take note: there are no “moderates” in the Republican Party.
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thisisnotmyhomeplanet · 2 months
George Carlin ANNIHILATES Donald Trump and Everything He Represents
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lenbryant · 2 years
Georgia Oopsie! “Pro-Life” Republican candidate for the Senate, Herschel Walker, has to explain why his ex-girlfriend has the receipts for her abortion that he paid for and the check he sent in her “get well” card. The voters in Georgia still might send him to the senate because their pro-”family values” stand is only for show anyway. 
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gusty-wind · 5 months
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Trumpublican (Civil War ‘24)@Trumpublican
President Trump will be the first American to ever be convicted of a felony that doesn’t exist and can’t even be explained.
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When will we get the linkages to Trumpublicans like MTG and others? You know they're getting money to be crazy in Congress and support Russia and Trump. #FollowTheMoney
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taylorscottbarnett · 9 days
You know, I said months ago no one was going to give a FUCK about Afghanistan come election time.
Guess who was right? Oh yeah, it's because I've been watching this shit for TWO DECADES.
Just like no one gave a fuck about BeNgAzI after Hillary stopped being a threat to the GOP.
Not a fucking peep about it after election night 2016. After millions in investigations, in ads, in slander, in hearings. In using it to shamlessly fundraise.
It just went away.
Because the GOP don't actually give a shit about dead soldiers unless they can use them as a political prop -- otherwise they'd fucking take care of the ones that come back home and need support.
No they call those soldiers lazy and bums for being homeless.
US Service members are GOP political pawns and that's it.
FUCK Republican lip service to soldiers.
I have friends and family that served mother fuckers.
So stop using the US military as political pawns, as photo backgrounds, and maybe stop supporting A FUCKING DRAFT DODGER for President who's committed multiple felonies and disgraced both the flag and the constitution he swore to protect.fundraiser.
Anyway, in closing:
Fuck the Trumpublican Party.
Fuck Trump.
Harris/Walz 2024/2028
Beshear/Whitmer 2032/2036.
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Trumpublican corruption.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 months
it's wild that believing in history, the archeological record, and provable genealogy is somehow ahistorical propaganda, like here on the left we've gone full trumpublican as a movement, denying facts to pretend our brand of fucking crazy genocidal bullshit is the right side of history
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reynard61 · 3 months
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever." - George Orwell (1984)
Do you want a boot stamping on a human face forever?! Because this is how you get a boot stamping on a human face forever!!! (And remember, it'll quite likely be *your face* that the Nazi Fascist Trumpublican boot is stamping on. 😱😭 )
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nodynasty4us · 1 year
Note that this [feud between Laura Loomer and Marjorie Taylor Greene] is a very predictable development when it comes to extremist movements, both left and right. When they have a clear goal (e.g., overthrow the tsar, exterminate non-Aryans, impose a theocracy on Iran, elect Donald Trump), they can usually get along. But eventually, they start to bicker over what the true purpose of the movement is, and they start accusing one another of not being "true" believers. The Trumpublican faction appears to be in the early stages of this, but you should expect to see more of this sort of finger-pointing.
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stormsongandsword · 1 year
The Yiga are just Hyrule's Trumpublicans.
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odinsblog · 2 months
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Unfortunately he didn’t stay fired
👉🏿 https://www.gawkerarchives.com/hulk-hogan-dont-let-one-racist-slur-on-tape-define-my-1727693531
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hockeychatstea · 3 months
yeah… re: tkachuks, they’ve all been various levels of trump-supportive, like they aren’t hardcore trumpublicans but from what I hear they’re all pretty conservative in the way where they want to keep their money and genuinely don’t care much about the welfare of others because they don’t see it as their problem. (Which seems a pretty typical-NHLer political philosophy.) They more than most guys in the NHL understand that this is the entertainment business and all know how to play that game so of course they aren’t advertising it or campaigning for him regardless of how they feel politically, but like, to me, there’s a reason mtkachuk is so deliriously happy in florida.
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worldofwardcraft · 6 months
Out you go, rinos.
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April 4, 2024
Not since its founding in 1854 has the Republican Party undergone such an abrupt transformation. It took generations for the Party to morph from its radical anti-slavery roots into a conservative opposition to the likewise metamorphosed liberal Democrats.
In its march through the last century from Goldwater to Reagan to the Tea Party, the GOP positioned itself as a political organization staunchly dedicated to orthodox conservative principles. Enter Donald Trump, a political neophyte with a talent for demagoguery. Employing mendacity and intimidation, Trump managed within a few short years to dominate the Party and bend it to his sociopathic will. Now, Republicans have discovered this means exacting retribution upon any individual who crosses, criticizes or contradicts him.
Accordingly, the Party under Trump's reign is ruthlessly rooting out all those deemed insufficiently loyal to the Dear Leader. The first to fall was Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney, who stridently opposed Trump. And, in retaliation for this apostasy, was ousted from her position as chair of the House Republican Conference, censured by the RNC and subsequently defeated in her primary bid for reelection. Pour encourager les autres.
But more Republican heads ended up on pikes, anyway. Including Representatives Adam Kinzinger and Anthony Gonzalez, both of whom voted to impeach Trump. Also facing expulsion were heretical GOP senators Jeff Flake, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, who chose to escape the fury of the MAGA mob by voluntarily not seeking reelection.
Still others hounded out of the Party included Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan, who refused to support Trump’s claims of election fraud, and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr, who voted to convict Trump in the second impeachment trial. In Wisconsin, Republicans are trying to remove Assembly leader Robin Vos, whose alleged offense is that he didn’t fight hard enough to overturn President Biden’s 2020 election victory in the state.
As for Nikki Haley, who had the temerity to run against him, Trump recently decreed that anyone who contributed to her campaign "from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp.” No wonder Maryland governor Larry Hogan calls his party "a circular firing squad" hellbent on excommunicating any member who dares utter a modicum of criticism against the MAGA Jesus.
It's worth noting as well that, aside from the irrelevant Sarah Palin, no one who appeared on a national Republican ticket in this century — not Pence, Ryan, Romney or Bush — will be supporting Donald Trump in November. That's because, along with Reagan, Eisenhower and Lincoln, they've all been summarily purged from the Trumpublican Party.
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sadoldjonny · 6 months
Vote Blue in November for Reproductive Freedom.Voting for Trumpublicans would mean a Total Abortion Ban!
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crescent-coral-base · 6 months
When someone online who presents as a Leftist tries to convince you either not to vote or to vote in a manner that will put authoritarian fascists like Trump into power, ask yourself why.
Ask yourself, "What is their true, unspoken agenda?" and, "Who are they really working for?"
Whose interests and for what purposes are these alleged Leftists really serving by trying to empower the Right?
There's a damned good chance those interests aren't yours. If you're LGBTQ+, a woman, disabled, or a racial or religious minority, you're merely a pawn to be sacrificed for their (cosplay revolutionary) cause, not yours.
And that goes double when the supposed online revolutionary Leftist is trying to convince you from the relative safety of a nation where he will not be directly affected by or have to experience the reality of living under modern American Trumpublican Christofascism, or otherwise face the consequences of the results of his advocacy.
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