#trust me I've got Ship Opinions like everyone else but this is the main thing that was bothering me this season
wheatbeats · 5 years
Finished season 8 of Voltron.
There are a lot of things I could say, but if I had to boil down my emotions I’d say I’m just exhausted. There are character writing choices I didn’t enjoy, romances that I didn’t care about, but ultimately I’m just wiped out. A lot of the people I’ve talked to have said the same.
As charming as I found the cast of Voltron, their depth or complexity or character arcs were never why I kept watching. I watched Voltron for the intensity, the stakes and the lightning fast pacing. Voltron was exciting, and only got more exciting as it went along. But eventually, it got to be too much.
These past few seasons have been nonstop action, intensity, screaming and smashing sound effects and aggressive action music utilizing the same dozen synth and drum patches over and over and over and over. The stakes have been shoved so high that I can’t even understand what’s going on anymore, much less care. There’s never a moment to stop and understand and ruminate on what’s happening, and what it means. This season I had to pause almost every episode and ask aloud what the hell just happened, because nothing was making sense anymore. 
The two episodes I found the most engaging in this whole season were right in the middle: “Day Forty-Seven” and “Clear Day”. “Day Forty-Seven” was the first Voltron episode in a long time that I’d felt had changed up its tone and structure- we got to follow 2 characters we didn’t know very well and get to know them, and got to see both some action and some downtime played with a new style of presentation and pacing. It was the breath of fresh air the series needed, and it got me really excited for the series again before it dove headfirst into the confusing magic bullshit that dominated “Knights of Light” parts 1 and 2.
“Clear Day” felt like a return to form, another healthy dose of filler the likes of which Voltron hasn’t seen since its earliest seasons. It was the same formula that made “Space Mall” so enjoyable for me; Paladins pairing off in new combinations and running into funny alien weirdness, put against a darker B-plot that still kept the larger arc of the series running in the background. Filler is something an intensely serialized show like Voltron desperately needs to break up the tension and give the cast some development and breathing room, but the show’s running policy of one filler installment per 13 episodes led to neck-breaking tonal shifts like “The Feud!” and “The Voltron Show!” Voltron needed more episodes like “Clear Day”, and I think it suffered for the lack of them.
But ultimately, Voltron feels too bloated. The sheer crushing scope of the season 7 finale led me to wonder what on earth the series could pull to raise the stakes for the series finale. I remember going into the first fight with Honerva in episode 6 of season 8, “Genesis”, and being intensely worried that they were going to make the final fight last 8 episodes. Instead, they raised the stakes to the point where every timeline and every universe is at stake, a concept so huge that I can’t possibly care. In the end, I don’t understand how quintessence works, I don’t know what it did to Zarkon or Honerva or how, and I don’t know why Allura was able to fuse with the void bug thing, and why that was such a problem until suddenly it wasn’t. I don’t have any clue what happened to Lotor or if his corpse was just sitting in that robot for an entire season, or if it was his ghost who visited Allura during “Clear Day”. I don’t understand why Allura had to die, other than that it was the end of the story and that means you kill off a character, because you won’t have to deal with any narrative fallout afterwards. Kill someone off. Raise those damn stakes even higher. 
Perhaps there are answers to some of these questions hidden in the show, but at this point I don’t care. If a casual watcher like me can go through every minute of a 78 episode show and have this many floating questions about its basic worldbuilding and lore, there’s been a failure of delivery somewhere on the show’s part. If we’d spent a bit less time screaming and fighting and fighting and spouting techno-babble and fighting and screaming, and a bit more time to settle and breathe and make things clear, things would have been different. But for now I just feel exhausted.
Voltron is far from the worst series I’ve seen, and has far from the worst ending. I’ll always appreciate it for being a surprisingly dark, complex, intense western animated action series with an extended serialized storyline and gorgeous animation. But it’s probably not a watching experience I’m going to look to revisit any time soon.
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nebulousfishgills · 3 years
My thoughts on the finale (long post)
Okay, I really just wanna put some thoughts down and I need to do it here. Spoilers and opinions, you can choose to agree or not, but please be respectful
I usually try to have a good attitude about things, pointing out the best in everything.
I'm having a really hard time right now.
That's not to say the episode was bad, it's just...
Well, I feel like I'm watching the Game of Thrones finale again. I just feel so unfulfilled. Then again, my hormones are a little out of wack at the moment (thanks mother nature) so my odd feelings could be because of that. I feel so angry and upset and hyped and... I don't honestly know. I really don't. I feel like I want to throw up, but not in a bad or good way.
I guess I just...
I've stayed up every night for every episode because I just adored it so much. Yet I feel like... there should be more. I know we got a second season confirmed, but we don't know when. We don't know what it means for the future of the MCU. We don't know anything.
I guess we should have expected this because Loki was supposed to be this new horizon for the MCU. Doctor Strange 2 needed a plot. Someone said this show was just a big ad for MoM, and I find myself disagreeing with that, but only a little.
I think the best way to describe it is it's like the show suddenly decided it wanted to be something else. It's not a bad thing necessarily, but after episode 3, the tone really shifted.
I'm trying really hard to hold off on my more detailed thoughts, but they just keep creeping in, so I'll just wrap up this... intro? Idk.
I think the TLDR is that I feel disappointed, but I don't really blame anyone. Kate Herron, Mike Waldron, they all did AMAZING jobs. They really deserve the highest of praise for this. Is it my favorite MCU project? Yes. Am I excited for season 2? Absolutely.
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But Game of Thrones can still be my favorite show and I can still dislike the ending.
I find writing this out is helping me feel better. Once I sleep it'll probably feel less... hopeless.
Now, next section. My thoughts on key plot points.
We all figured Kang would be introduced. I'm actually very excited to see what they do with him. The actor was just phenomenal and I can't wait to see him later on. Someone call up Erik Voss because he redeemed himself after the whole Mephisto deal
I guess the Multiverse was reborn, but not in the way I was expecting/hoping. I feel like there's a large gap between when the timeline shattered and the final scene with Loki, Mobius, and B-15. What happened? Though, I guess it makes sense. We all wanted a multiverse. We never considered the consequences.
I'm angriest about Mobius losing his memories and not getting his jetski. Like I said, Yelena can get a dog in BW after mentioning it once. But as someone on Reddit pointed out, they had to make sure Marvel would greenlight a second season. It does not mean I can't have a huge cow about it. That's what we get for jinxing it, friends.
I think I understand what Star Wars Sequel haters went through. Getting all these grand (maybe... glorious?) ideas about the ending and what a hopeful message about destiny and identity the series could give us. And the series gave us... none of that. Hell, I was so sure these would be used, and I was bamboozled. I'm sure others saw it coming, but they just looked too good to be fake out shots. My best guess is that they're gonna use this footage in season 2 for a plotline and they stuck it in here to trick us... but maybe that's just me being desperate
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It was barely 1 AM here, Marvel. The Miss Minutes jumpscare was NOT COOL. I mean, THIS IS HORRIFYING IN LIGHT AS WELL
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I'm really confused about Ravonna now. Is she good or is she bad? Where did she go? And why was it important we see her backstory and not any of the others (say, B-15 or Mobius)?
God, okay, I guess I have to address the elephant in the room now.
The Sylki kiss and then betrayal fight thing.
Let me get one thing very extremely clear before I continue: I do prefer Lokius, but I am FINE with Sylki. I think I've just been desensitized to any ship that ends with -cest because, as I've made clear here and in the past, I adore Game of Thrones and Crimson Peak.
I honestly think my main reservation about it is a flaw within myself that I dared not admit until I saw it staring me in the face: I'm probably a little possessive. I can admit this and I really dislike it about myself. But I think I'm just not a fan of Loki having a love interest in general. What makes Lokius different, I have no clue. Maybe deep down I knew Marvel was too much of a pussy to ever make it canon... then again, I was begging for a last minute kiss or something. My feelings on the matter are complicated.
But the way they handled the kiss in this episode? Gotta say, not too much of a fan. I know some antis like this, but it just felt too... not genuine. Maybe I'm just an idiot who thinks all kissing should have a meaning. A purpose. The Reylo kiss in Rise of Skywalker? Ben just saved Rey's fucking life, I think that warrants a large gesture of affection.
But this?
I think I get bad juju from the kiss, not the fact that they made it Canon. You can disagree or agree any way you want, you can even send nasty anon messages. That's my opinion and I'm choosing to stick to it.
And sending nasty anons won't do squat, I don't give a shit about faceless threats and hate.
Anyways, back to my point
The fight felt like a mutual betrayal, but at the same time it felt like neither really wanted to go through with it. I admit I felt Sylvie was more in the right and that Loki seemed a little too complacent, especially after everything he went through and saw. But like Sylvie, I didn't consider the consequences and now everything is fucked. But I still don't think Loki was right.
I think it boils down to being an impossible choice because no matter what you pick, everyone loses.
I believe that my main gripe with Sylvie and Loki's ideology split is that it feels a little too rushed and/or, dare I say it, out of character. I've agreed with Loki's characterization up until this point (again, you can disagree with me, that's your opinion and you have full right to it), but... man, I don't know. It all feels like an impossible situation.
Then again, I'm not the one in the director's chair. I'm not the team in the writers room. I don't know the first thing about making a project like this. I like taking solace in the fact that Tom had some creative control in the series about the character he loves so much. And, let's be real, he knows Loki the best out of all of us. None of us can hold a candle to that.
We can call ourselves experts, but Tom is the real expert. I trust him more than anyone. If he hated how this was turning out, he probably would have said something.
We just have to trust in the creative process
So, at the end of the day, this series was (and still is, remember, season 2 is on the way) absolutely phenomenal and I think it's Marvel's strongest work in a very long time. They know Loki is a character we all love and adore and I feel like they've done their best in honoring that. Besides, what other character is getting a second season? How awesome is that??
I found writing this out helped me process my thoughts and emotions IMMENSELY. I don't feel as... angry? Hopeless? I don't know. I keep comparing this to the end of Game of Thrones, and I feel like that's doing a disservice to Loki. Game of Thrones' ending was just absolute dog shit and there was no chance to redeem it because it was the last season.
Loki has a second season on the way.
It's not over yet.
Nothing is ever final until the universe forces it.
Kang can be stopped
The Multiverse can roam free
Loki can learn to find true happiness
Sylvie can stop running and fighting
Ravonna can redeem herself
The TVA can burn or reform (whichever you choose)
And yes
Mobius can get a jetski
We know nothing yet of season 2, what it will entail, how it connects to the rest of the Marvel Universe, or even when it will be out. But I know that I will eagerly await it when that day comes. I will once again put on a smile. I will wait hours to watch the new episode the moment it drops. I will be excited for it and enjoy it.
Because, at the end of the day, that's all it's about. Telling a story. And, mother of God, Marvel sure is telling a good one.
Until next time, my friends.
For All Time. Always!
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firelxdykatara · 2 years
I ship Klaus and Elena like crazy. Since I like your tvd opinions, can I ask , do you think they had potential?
Klaus/Elena is one of those ships of mine that, while I never expected (or even really wanted) the show to go there in canon (and, after a certain point, I wouldn't have trusted the writers with it any further than I could throw CW HQ), there's a delicious amount of possibility to explore.
It helps that I'm a villainfucker at heart (I was, and remain, very fond of Klaroline, especially when TVD was at its height), and I love a good redemption every bit as much as I love a good corruption arc--and I think Klaus/Elena could easily deliver on either front in the hands of competent writers. While I never really ventured into the wilds of the TVD fanfic sphere, I did have the pleasure of getting to write Elena for a time on a TVD-verse RP that diverged from canon at some point in mid-season 3, and the person who played Klaus on that site turned me onto the idea of Klaulena (I was very easily plied with my favorite tropes and also a lot of delicious shipping vids, there were some fantastic vidders in the tvd fandom back in the day), and we got decently far into the plot (Klaus slowly softening, Elena gaining sharper edges and more ruthlessness, so it had hints of "You might make me a better man" "And you might make me a monster" [but this was before Darklina existed, it's just a very apt quote for that particular RP plot]) before the site fizzled out.
(I've also written Elena on a panfandom site where she wound up dating Kai Parker and falling in love with him, so I may just have a thing with Elena and exploring ships with various villains, though my main ship for her is still with Damon.)
Klaulena definitely has potential, imo. Like I mentioned about the RP I did, there's something delicious in the potential of one half of the ship making the other half better, while they are in turn corrupted, and there's so many ways this could potentially play out--on that site, Elena went behind everyone's backs to make her own deal with Klaus where she agreed to act as his willing blood donor in exchange for him not trying to kill everyone she cared about to get at her, and if I recall correctly the site began after... I wanna say 3x11, so they handled Klaus' mother and everything else very differently, and I don't remember a whole lot of details but Elena spending a full day once a week with the monster who killed her aunt in front of her meant that she was forced to get to know him, and she also drank his blood so that she didn't get hurt from the frequent bloodloss, which meant closeness and physical intimacy and feelings that began to spark under her skin that she didn't want to examine because he was a monster and she couldn't feel this way and anyway she was lying to everyone she loved because she knew they'd do something stupid and get killed if they found out, and I think everything came to a head and blew up at one point and Elena died with Klaus' blood in her system, and I think we did a version of the sirebond plot that was... not at all what the show had done but it worked for the plot we'd been crafting, and...
Sorry that was a long ramble lol, I haven't thought of that sitte in a long time but every time I remember it, I start thinking about jotting down all the plot points I can remember and crafting a fic from it. But anyway, tl;dr: I absolutely do believe Klaulena has potential, and I can absolutely understand why you would ship it!
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grimoireofwritings · 3 years
Hello and I hope you are doing well, is it okay (despite the fact you probably have a bit of matchup requests) if I could get a matchup for BNHA if that is okay?
Okay so the essentials, I am Male (trans) and Omniromantic Asexual (male/masculine leaning), 5'6ish, Capricon, INTJ, in between thin and chubby, brown eyes, red hair up to the cab muscles (henna dyed). My personality is hard to explain, every person has a different opinion of me but the main things I hear are intemidating, empathetic, kind, a serious & calm, and intelligent? (But nah the intelligence part is really only in spanish lol). I'm increadbly insecure in myself. Almost to the point where it becomes self deprecating and self humorous but I almost become hypocritical when it comes to other people feeling insecure/taking care of themselves, I'm also a self sacrificing freak in a way. However on the lighter topic, I believe I'm a good friend! I would offer my advice, comfort, food, help in the clothes of my own back, because of this I may be considered naive and people may see me as being flirtatious even if I believe I'm beings good friend. But all of that goes to dirt if I or anyone I was close to were to be insulted, I keep my friends incredibly dear to me. One more thing about myself, I am a emotional and a animal empath that can become very emotional when it comes to seeing riots/movements and just seeing a cute pupper. When it comes to this sensitivity I can also get overwhelmed by large crowds and by loud noises, usually what helps me is being in the dark and being held/constricted by something/someone. I just like the dark, it's comforting to me and I use it to my advantage. Now onto my likes, I have an interest in witchcraft/the supernatural and celestial, and as being someone that believes that everything exists in it's own way I have an open mind to these things as well as a few unnatural experiences. Naps...I don't get enough of em and that just makes my love stronger, I also really like cosplay and acting in general, and if drawing dark/vent art counts then count it right in! And if it helps my favorite animals in order are Wolves, Ravens, and Orcas. As to not end on a negative note I'll tell more things about myself. I'm very much into PDA if not in public then just in private at least, I want to be close to my significant other and I since I've been touched starved for a long time any touch of any kind I will accept. I am also sensitive to sound (if someone is raising their voice or yelling at me I will think they are yelling at me and try to run away) and light (I don't like very bright places it strains my eyes and hurts to be in for a while)
Hello! Thank you for requesting, you're actually the second request I've gotten for a matchup and the only one I had in my ask! I was super excited to write this for you!!
Your BNHA match is... Fumikage Tokoyami!
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I passionately ship this already, I am positive it would be one of those relationships that helps both partners grow and they bring out the best in each other!!! I feel like he wouldn't be someone who feels intimidated by your outward personality - it sounds like you have a bit of a calm and collected exterior that people misunderstand or misinterpret, but you are deeply kind, gentle, and empathic underneath that. This is something he relates to a lot, and being misjudged or people making assumptions based on his dark appearance (his RBF) is normal, so I think if anything he'd be more attracted to you at first above all else and he actually finds your quiet nature very soothing.
He needs a deeply emotionally strong person and a supporter, he's very drawn to those who build others up and have kindness in their heart, so I feel that your relationship would always be full of lots of warmth, love, and a deep level of shared trust. He's very much a vocal person about his feelings in private and it's very important to him that both of you feel satisfied physically and emotionally with your shared affection; he's a cuddle bug but in a chill way, and this man can sweep you off your feet with the most beautiful poetic compliments and appraisal you've ever encountered in your life. Very chivalrous, and a believer in courting / staying persistent with his efforts even past the honeymoon phase. It definitely will help with your confidence in the relationship!
Speaking of which, physical appearance insecurities is something Tokoyami understands thoroughly. He has been aware since early childhood that he looks different than everyone around him for the most part, and despite a lot of diversity within quirks that's been integrated into society, he in particular got quite a physical variation and he always deep down fears he's not attractive enough or that he's too odd looking for a partner to stay interested in for very long. He thinks he's incapable of being handsome, and while he's pretty good at regulating these emotions and keeping them in-check, managing them gets difficult when he catches feelings for someone and he really gets into his head about rejection fears.
All in all, I feel like you both would relate and share some similar experiences in that area, and you could always build each other up and remind one another that you're beautiful inside and out.. and absolutely deserve the best treatment. He reminds you sometimes when needed to take care of yourself and set boundaries with others so that you keep your health as a priority.
Relationship Headcanons:
- 1000000% takes part in your witchcraft interests with you, he was utterly delighted when he found out about it and immediately offers to help you out in any way he can, even running errands to acquire supplies you may need. He wants to talk about it frequently and learn more ideas / in depth perspectives from you - you could teach him a thing or two, since he also practices!!
- After this is when he finally lets you see his room because he was kinda salty after class 1A saw it and made fun of him for it... Lol. But after that he knew you wouldn't judge him and now you both take frequent long naps in there on days off. He's very very cuddly and really enthused about being able to spoon you.
- He understands you have heightened senses and you may sometimes get overstimulated sensory-wise. He is constantly looking out for signs that you're overwhelmed, and always remains very aware and in-tune with how you're feeling. He's wonderful and super understanding - he took a lot of time learning exactly what to do and how to best assist you in these situations. If you get distressed by crowds, bright lights, or noises his first priority is to get you to a safe place and he will politely ask if he can comfort you in the ways you like; restriction probably with hugs and keeping you in a dark, quiet / calm environment so that your heightened state can relax and reset. He is patient and will never, ever punish you or get frustrated with you for needing a break.
- If you're also very tactile and find textures / certain sensations soothing, his bird like feathers / hair is very very soft... Feel free to touch and stroke whenever, he actually quite likes soft loving hands since I think he may also be a very affectionate person, and you're the only person he allows to do this.
- You'll always find gifts that he caters to your preferences in your room, with a poem or some heartfelt words on a note...He does it enough to remind you that you're worth the world and more, especially to him, but not excessively. He still wants it to be a special surprise every time!
- He never ridicules or judges your art, regardless of if it's dark vent art or not. If anything he always compliments your ability to put such emotion in your work and he likes them because it allows him to connect with you and understand you better.
- Overall he's a really aware, giving, supportive, attentive partner and he finds that your empathy and compassion has brought him healthy changes to his life, too. Y'all are goals!
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ibtsismyshiteu-blog · 5 years
House of Cards by sugamins
Hello! I'm back! 👋🏻😁
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This is literally the au that introduced me to a couple of things:
1. BTS' ships
2. The whole poly concept
3. AO3
I discovered this AU last year through a trailer on YouTube by a very talented editor (I will put a link somewhere at the end of this post). Before discovering it I was literally struggling to find a decent bts related work on Wattpad (we all know I was miserably failing), so this ff was like throwing a piece of meat to a starving wolf.
Now, I am not a fan of angst because my own anxiety is enough, I don't need someone else's too, but since I had just landed on AO3 (hadn't even realize that it was a whole site back then) I didn't know about the tags and all that stuff.
"House of Cards" is one of the best books I've read in my life (published books included). It just gives you an insight on the gang life and the reality of the dark side of this world. While reading it, I was wondering how could a person portray it in such a realistic and complex way and let me tell you something: If a book makes you wonder about that, then is a good book.
This Alternate Universe creation brings a lot of disturbing themes. A lot of people would probably get scared of the tags under it, but sometimes we should just ignore them and step out of our comfort zone.
Some of the main themes of the book are:
- Graphic Depictions Of Violence
- Gang Violence
- Drug Use
- Blood and Torture
- Attempted Rape/Non-Con
Overall, it is not a very angsty book, maybe near the end of it when shit is getting down, but it still has a lot of disturbing themes which usually would not attract me.
The description:
"Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down.
"You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated.""
It is not a very complex description, but I think it encapsulates perfectly the intrigue of the whole book. This is what triggers the action of it; the rookie police agent Kim Taehyung is infiltrating in the biggest and most notorious, most feared gang in the whole city, Haedogje Pa. Taehyung is a very interesting and impressive character and it is really hard to tell if he evolves or involves to the end of the book. He is smart and manipulative and his every action is well thought. I, for one, think that he was able to deceive everyone - including himself - successfully until the very end.
I know that when people hear about gangs related books roll their eyes. That's because most of them think about teens selling drugs on back alleys and street fights. Well, do not worry, the description is not lying when it calls it an "empire". It is not about the little runners that do the dirty and more about the ones at the top of the pyramid, about luxury, money, business and power.
Taehyung entered Haedogje Pa as a recruit, striving to be just like any other little fly, going unnoticed and gathering informations, but what he gets instead is so much more than just it. His pretty face and quick thinking get the attention of the one and only Jeon Jungkook, the heir of the mob empire. Sooner than he expected, he gets the trust of The Boy - as he is called by Taehyung's police department colleagues - and becomes his right hand. Taehyung has to gain his trust and while doing it he starts neglecting the whole purpose which got him in the gang from the beginning.
In parallel with it, the attraction between them is something that Taehyung uses in his favor to get as close as he can to the younger, starting progressively to get lost in the whole illusion of power and love. It is a game of manipulation, of trust, of passion and they all play and, at the end, some find out that they were being played with.
The taekookmin relationship is intriguing itself. Maybe I made it seem like it is not focused on the relationship of the three, but that is not the case. It is, after all, the centre of it. Jungkook is the heir of the gang, Jimin is a prostitute that caught his eye and Taehyung is a police officer undercover. Yeah, it sounds bad, but it is not - mostly. The book has explicit sexual content, but their relationship is not just about satisfaction and benefit. I would like to say more about it, but I am afraid of spoiling too much. I will add just one more thing; the only question that arises in their minds is: Could they love each other in the context they find themselves?
The other members make an appearance every now and then, each having their specific role in this whole story - some on one side of the law, some on the other.
Some stuff about the book:
- is rated E as in EXPLICIT, has a lot of gore and the torture scenes are a lot...
- is very long. It may have just 25 chapters, but don't let yourself be fooled. It is the longest fanfiction I read, with almost +390k words.
- it is completed
- category M/M (M/M/M)
Overall, it is a book that you should give a chance. It is really well written, has a good amount of smut if you are into it and it illustrates the whole gang world perfectly - with more realism than any other book I've ever read.
The trailer (it is really good):
If you didn't like what you read up in my review, give it a second chance and watch the trailer.
The link of the AU:
Thank you for your time and I hope you will enjoy this book.
That was my own opinion on it and a little description from my point of view, feel free to express your own under this post or you can leave me a message!
Please do it nicely! 💜💜💜
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