#trying to say all whites are inherently racist or smth or what like.....
masonsystem · 1 year
that failed roll in the church is so fucking bonkers honestly like WHYYYYYYY is it possible to RANDOMLY call kim a slur like o_o like if it was part of the fascist sidequest then id get it, but the fact tht its possible regardless of political standing and that its from asking him to DANCE? WHAT ?
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not really a question, but just asking for reassurance...
i want to write & draw more black characters, but i feel like no matter what i do, im doing it wrong.
dont include any black characters at all? im being racist by not even attempting to have any black rep.
dont acknowledge racial differences & treat black characters equally to white characters? im not acknowledging black experiences & am culturally whitewashing the character even if the hair, skintone, & facial features are accurately portrayed.
try to incorporate black experiences & culture into the character's story to acknowledge how black people have unique experiences compared to other races? im speaking over black people about things i have no personal experience with & i cannot accurately portray the full nuance.
it feels like no matter what i do someone calls me racist or insensitive or smth even though i try my absolute best & take tons of advice from black creators such as yourself :(
Okay, I want you to sit up and listen to me. I'm not being mean to you or denying your feelings, but I'm being direct:
None of the things you said were inherently invalid critiques. They may not apply to your work (idk what your work is, I haven't seen it) but they have applied and they often do apply to many creations that try to include Black characters. For example, colorblindness is something that you want to avoid- that's not a Black character with intent. And there are certain narratives that would better be reserved for Black authors, else cause discomfort amongst Black readers.
That being said, you have a choice here. If you want to not draw Black characters at this moment, bc it's causing you stress, you can do that. Accept what that means, though! The reality is that white characters are easy, they don't cause this much stress because Whiteness is considered the default. But for Black characters, and everyone else- yeah, these are things you have to learn.
But if you want to continue to create Black characters, that means you'll have to keep all those things in mind! It's a constant process! It is harder for you, if you're not Black. But if I wanted to create, for example, a Chinese character with intent, then that means recognizing that I don't know everything about that culture, there's certain things that aren't my place to touch as a non-Chinese author, and that it's not a one and done thing for me to accomplish. I have to be willing to put in the constant effort to be respectful. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. I mentioned it in my last ask, but ask yourself why you're really doing this. If you genuinely believe in diverse art, and you want to do well in creating your Black characters, then... Keep up your practice. Take a pause if you need to, but then get back to practicing. It'll show. You'll get better, and you will be okay.
Also, I'm not sure how you're getting this feedback- are you posting your work and people are saying this to you? I assume this isn't coming from friends? Is there art you want to submit for me to better see what you're talking about?
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circular-bircular · 11 months
Us: Hey, we want to change the current usage of Tulpa, as a term, due to its racist origins.
Them: These people are trying to stop Tulpamancy entirely!
Us: Nope! Actually a lot of the people saying this either have created alters, support created alters, or are married to people with created alters.
Them: This is just sysmeds trying to break apart the community:
Us: Er, nope. Actually the majority of voices right now are pro-endo or unaligned. Mostly pro-endo.
Them: Well, it’s sysmed rhetoric.
Us: … How? If being a sysmed means believing systemhood is inherently medical, then wouldn’t we be arguing not to have thoughtforms at all? That’s not what anyone is saying here.
Them: Well, the document going around spreads anti-endo rhetoric!
Us: N. No. It spreads POC voices. That was the point. Why does it matter is… like, one or two voices were anti-endo? Also the majority on that list also were not anti-endo. What are you even saying here, being anti-endo as a label somehow makes your POC voice no longer matter? That’s even more racist!
Them: Sysmeds are just trying to make it so we can’t use resources with the word tulpa.
Us: Again, majority aren’t sysmeds, and even then… Ah yes. The sysmeds who use resources that refer to DID as MPD or Hysteria or even Split Brain Syndrome clearly mean you can never ever use a resource ever again with an outdated term. Bitch, you literally will be able to still use those resources, and everyone has been saying that, you’re just too racist to listen!
Them: We can’t say anything without being called racist anymore 😞
Us: That’s because everything you’re saying is racist!
Them: Well, what about all these various fandoms that refer to Tulpamancy?! Why haven’t you said anything about them? You obviously only care about breaking up the endogenic community.
Us: Wait, what? I’m not part of any of those fandoms. I’ve never even heard of that being a thing. But… yeah? That’s horrible?? I can only work on my own community though, and this discourse is close enough to my community because it personally affects me. It’s something close enough to me that I might be able to change it. Wait, if it’s so bad and racist that even you’re mentioning it, if you know so much about this issue, why haven’t you spoken out about it yet?
Them: Nobody white should be talking about how it’s appropriation. We should be listening to actual Tibetan Buddhists. And by that we mean people who live in Tibet who are ethnically Tibet and raised Tibetan Buddhist.
Us: … The people, in Tibet, who have limited to no access to the internet due to the political climate, who face actual persecution for speaking up? Those Tibetan Buddhists?
Them: In conclusion, Tulpamancy isn’t racist, and what we’re asking for isn’t racist. You should read more sweaty and maybe you would understand. 😌 Here’s a link to a Reddit AMA that agrees with my point, one of the only sources I have that says it’s not appropriation. Learn smth.
I’m so fucking tired.
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bitchykuromi · 4 years
Yeah cause “the caucasity” response isn’t gonna reinforce the idea that white people are being targeted and set up for oppression as revenge for colonialism/slavery or anything. You’re totally not making the recruiting points of the KKK seem true or anything. You definitely don’t sound like a whatever race you are supremacist or anything. Totally for equality, Just as long as whitey is punished. I’m saying this because I hate racism, because you’re feeding the racist’s propaganda with this shit.
Tumblr media
lmao what supremacy am i supporting? what white people feel targeted by "the caucasity", enough to join the kkk lmfao???? it's literally just a case of fragile ego. like ya everyones fears are valid, but ur out of ur goddamn Mind if u think everyone wants whites dead and oppressed. some ppl joke abt it, but all anyone wants is to be treated like theyre people. that's literally the whole point, and ppl aren't looking hard enough as to Why ppl condemn Caucasians tm
i really don't wanna be mean bc u seem like u care, and i don't wanna be those "oh it was just a joke!" bitches, but. it was a joke. bc the op of that post was saying "big bad poc make me confront the idea of whiteness 😭" or whatever the fuck, and i thought it was funny. that's it. plus op was a conservative on tumblr and that's also funny 💀 like which loser goes on here for politics
anyways white guilt is so funny to me? bc im pretty sure not only white people feel the idea of it. it's devestating when u find out that ideas and thoughts you previously had were racist, usually fueled by environment or media. White people aren't the only ones who have inherent privledge, even if they have a lot of it. We all try to unlearn our biases.
but the loudest complainers are usually white like💀💀💀 we all go through the same shit, fuck off. like...we all feel bad abt it, but we also try and do something? if u feel so bad abt being racist then...idk...change it?????
learning u r instrinsicly racist isn't as bad as u think it is. u dont need to announce it. you just gotta learn to be better. You have to analyze urself a lot. You don't have to get angry at someone saying "u are inherently racist so please unlearn it"
all Anyone is asking is for you to listen, but when white ppl go "well im not gonna listen bc that makes me feel shitty!" it's like. okay? we all feel like shit, ur not special. and when they say "this makes me wanna support you less or not at all! this makes me wanna join the kkk! this makes me want to oppress you so you won't whine!" it's like. that's...that's not how this works. at all. that just makes you seem, again, fragile as fuck. that you'd rather join a hate group than learn
idk tho, that's just my opinion. i got off track.
but yea sorry if my "hate speech" makes someone join the kkk? like idk how to explain to you that i. Dont control the kkk and what they do. if they twist my words, then that will never ever be my fault. condemn the kkk or smth, dont be like "well of course its the minorities fault! its not like grown ass white men are running it!"
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ilyiad · 6 years
can you rant about acotar too? i like the second book, but everyone is sk straight and white
honestly there is so much not included here i hate about these books but:
excessive use of ellipses and em-dashes aside, it still fucking sucks. it’s one of the straightest things i have ever read and it’s not even well written lmao making mor a wlw was an obvious last-minute addition to the series - which i could forgive bc, yknow, learning from the past and improving is always a wonderful thing - except her whole “i’m not out to protect azriel’s feelings” spiel was...how do i say this......dumb as Fuck
wait no there was another bit of crap representation! remember helion, our resident threesome-obsessed bisexual?  no that wasnt a joke the only thing i remember about him was that he kept trying to get people to sleep with him 
it was.......a good effort at not being a homophobe. just not a successful one! keep trying sarah you’ll get there i believe in you
this is !!! i shit you not !!!! a fucking fairy universe !!!!! why are they all white cishets !!!!!!!! white cishets are bland as fuck !!!!!!!!!!! make it stop !!!!!!!!!!!! 
so many opportunities and the fairies are still sexist dickbags. despite the human realm being treated as Backwards, the fairies are really no better...not only that, their society + magical system is fucking inherently sexist. why are there no high ladies? why can’t the title just pass to the most powerful regardless of gender? Who Knows
oooooh boy the fucking mate system. the fucking mate system. wow. i actually don’t know what to say. how fucking dumb is the fucking dumb-ass mate system? the answer is extremely fucking dumb!!!! it’s just an excuse for the dudes to be possessive assholes!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!
also way to go having your poc-coded illyrians - who were, for the record, real people - be savage & backwards & in need of being Civilised. sound familiar? lmfao it’s both blatantly racist and just plain stupid to include it
i dont mean to nitpick (that’s a lie i absolutely do) but what the shit fucking hell kinda name is feyre archeron. when i found out it was pronounced fey-ruh i had a minor heart attack in the worst way possible. calling your protagonist Fairy Archer is the kinda laughably stupid thing id expect from my twelve-year-old self writing her first fanfic not from a published author u could at least PRETEND ur making an effort
whilst we’re on the subject of names her names have absolutely no consistency. tam lin is an existing character, is her tamlin meant to reflect that? isn’t this supposed to be a beauty and the beast retelling? how come lucien has a last name but no one else does? what’s going on? 
whilst we’re on the subject of consistency....oh boy there isn’t any
none. no consistency. not a drop of it. 
the magic system makes absolutely no sense. the whole idea of the courts is stupid. how come tamlin/his court is powerful enough to freeze the place in spring whilst Most Super Amazing Badass Powerful High Lord Rhysand’s court just has....prettier stars than everyone else or smth???? we may never know
oh also??? what do the fairies worship????? they go on about a Cauldron for ages (also they keep saying “cauldron boil me” which is absolutely fucking hilarious but i digress) and then in the second(?) book they start going on about the Mother and then some kinda Goddess completely out of the blue (well, because maas decided she wanted even more sexism and introduced the Slutty Bitchy High Priestess system) and yet they curse like we do in the real world as well as taking the name of the mother/cauldron/whatever by constantly talking about hell. this could work if it was handled by someone competent but their magic/religious system hasn’t had a whisper of any concept of hell and so it just sounds awkward and stupid
SWEET HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE WRITING IS PISS-POOR THOUGH. they swear a lot but not in a normal way, just in a “can you tell this series is Edgy and Young Adult tm yet” because, sorry not sorry, i can’t believe they’re all-powerful 500-year-old magical beings when they curse like 12-year-olds do when they’re out of sight of their parents feeling really cool about it
tamlin’s characterisation is incredibly inconsistent and it’s so clearly because maas suddenly decided she wanted rhysand to be the love interest instead so she made him do a full 180 instead of having their relationship progress in a way that was, like...believable
feyre’s sisters??? are literally Evil Stepsister clones and i know they get redemption arcs later on but they can literally suck my dick they’re fucking useless materialistic assholes and feyre kinda flips between caring about them and thinking they need to fuck off. personally i think every single character in this godforsaken series needs to fuck off but im kind of biased
honestly it felt like maas was tryna take a page from the success of the hunger games and go for the ‘archer sister providing for her family bc her single parent is fucking useless and the siblings also can’t help’ but it felt like...how do i say this.....a Cheap Shitty & Poorly Executed Rip Off
speaking of rip offs the amount of lines that are paraphrased from harry potter & other series’ ??? “light can be found in even the darkest of hells” how unsubtle can you GET jesus
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closedspeciesdrama · 7 years
Re: The Wendigo argument, there's this instability trait which is prevalent on the internet these days. There are a lot of very unstable young men and women who try to give themselves meaning and worth by deeming themselves "gatekeepers" of either political correctness or cultural appropriation. Down to a man the ones I've seen in CS and in other communities are typically insecure to the point of near-mania and with any number of mental issues. Gatorbite and VCR are like poster boys. 1 of 2
- The best way to deal with this sort of nonsense isn’t to argue with them which is ultimately narcissistic supply and a means for them to try and show how morally “superior” they are to their victim, it’s simply best to flat out block them if needed or ignore them. Might seem harsh but I have personal issue with the way they use issues of gender and culture to bully every community they touch and to intimidate younger people with threats of dubbing them “bad people” or public defamation. 2 of 2
(1)Citing “Windigo Psychosis: the anatomy of an emic-etic confusion” an academic journal by a group of anthropologists: “When the windigo phenomenon is considered from the point of view of group sociodynamics rather than from that of individual psychodynamics, the crucial question is not what causes a person to become a cannibalistic maniac, but under what circumstances a Northern Algonkian is likely to be accused of having become a cannibalistic maniac(2)and thus run the risk of being executed as such. It is argued that those so executed were victims of triage homicide or witch hunts, events common in societies under stress.” Hell just that alone should be enough. Algonkians and other natives were straight up murdered over a mythological creature that was used against them. No one besides Algonkians are in any placeto make a CS/adopt design based on something with such a dark historical context.(3)Looking beyond Wikipedia could have easily told you this. Also, no anon, you fucking idiot, the wendigo was a thing before the term “wendigo psychosis” even existed as a culture-bound syndrome. AND IF YOU PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER… usually “culture-bound” syndromes are inherently racist and untrue.
Didn’t vcr-wolfe get called out for something too tho like if you’re gonna be the 1# sjw for everything wouldn’t it be ironic to get a call out for a shitty thing you’ve done
OH MY GOD. that post is LITERALLY a whole fucking year ago. once again vendetta anons pull shit from their ass. that character isnt even a freaking adopt, and vcr doesnt even have a species and has hardly sold maybe 3 adopts in the last 6 months? maybe if yall weren’t reaching so far into the past for some petty bs we could stay on topic for once lmao
Wait is there any proof of them being white?? I’ve I beleive I saw vcr wolfe say they’re native or smth before. But the thunderbird thing is so stupid lmao in the Wild West tm a lot of towns only had like white people because natives were driven out. I mean depending on the characters setting. Plus there’s majority of white people. Thunderbirds aren’t like a wendigo, you can say it’s name and talk about it and it wouldn’t attack just you so I don’t see a problem lmao
I think the issue here is you’re going to have people from a culture saying something is offensive, but someone else from the same culture saying that it’s not offensive and they’re glad you’re taking interest in their culture in the first place. See: Every East Asian mythology based CS out there, basically. Literally there is no right or wrong across the board, nobody “wins”, and that’s just how life is. Grey morality exists, just let people make content they enjoy ffs.
I think the issue here is you’re going to have people from a culture saying something is offensive, but someone else from the same culture saying that it’s not offensive and they’re glad you’re taking interest in their culture in the first place. See: Every East Asian mythology based CS out there, basically. Literally there is no right or wrong across the board, nobody “wins”, and that’s just how life is. Grey morality exists, just let people make content they enjoy ffs.
People act like VCR-WOLFE’s word is law or something. I can see being passionate about causes and all but they take the cake for extremism. People should be allowed to make a character any race to fit their preferences or just their likes, of course within being respectful. I think VCR gets some kind of high and mighty buzz by going after people, especially us evil whites.
multiple poc: hey this is offensive. yall: uhm idk that sounds fake :/. one poc: yeah it’s fake. yall, digging your claws in: YOU SEE? WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG! THIS ONE POC HAS VALIDATED OUR RACISM FOREVER! *pterodactyl screech*
Is vcr wolfe a serious account or is it just some random asshole that enjoys stirring up people by being the dictionary image for the social justice warrior stereotype that literally everyone hates. I have seen them be a little weiner before (cue them accusing me of misgendering them), I would take nothing they say seriously because honestly they are a joke.
Why does this Wendigo shit still come up? This is the same as the sombrero Mario crap that blew up on twitter. Quit speaking for other cultures that you don’t belong to. Native American people have expressed both support and distain for the issue. A wendigo is a monster, why is making a monster be a monster suddenly such a taboo? You can white knight the subject to death, you aren’t in the wrong but you’re certainly not in the right either. If you don’t support it then don’t.
context: the wendigo was used as a slur and label for natives/Algonquins who were mentally ill (aka called them canibals; hence “wendigo psychosis”) and was used to justify their genocide so making an adopt out of such a theme isn’t taken lightly as this has a historic context you can’t erase (source: I live in the algonquin northeast) (½)mythical creatures such as vampires and werewolves come from a ton of different cultures and generally they’ve been reinterpreted so often that it doesn’t retain its origin context. here’s another point- the Algonquin people still exist. despite the mythical creature being used against them they are more than in the right to use it how they see fit. it’s sorta like how the lgbt community took back the word “queer” while a straight person should definitely not call a gay person “a queer” (2/2)
Btw the wendigo isn’t a legend ! It’s a tale told up north and is taken very seriously. The reason people don’t want you to use it is because saying the name is suppose to make you a victim ( aa I forgot I’m sorry ) BUT I still beleive if you do your research u should be okay like just don’t make it a xD murderer monster cannibal
The thing with a wendigo character is not everyone is going to see/research the full story of them, because they’ve been big in media for awhile now. Until Dawn, Supernatural, even My Little Pony. And tbh, it’s something that while drifting away from the original intent, does bring traditional stories to the homes of others, who otherwise would never know the term, or know of the monsters. Mass media is keeping our culture alive, even as we kill it ourselves by not letting others near it.
this just in: vcr-wolfe solely dictates what can and cannot be used from cultures in character designs
VCR is mixed actually lol
VCR-wolfe is actually half mexican. So maybe don’t be fucking racist?
Can we stop the “ insulting = I’m right” thing it’s so stupid. If someone’s discussing something or DOESNT KNOW you don’t have to insult them. You look like a jerk js ( this is towards the anon in the wendigo post about wendigo-psychosis). The person was just basically saying ‘fun fact’ no need to call them a fucking idiot jeez
Mixed with what? I’ve seen this argument on another drama site. If they are mixed, they are white enough to pass as entirely white. Even then your word isn’t some divine rule on what is right & wrong. VCR constantly leans on the “I’m mentally ill” schtick, maybe they should focus on themselves for a bit & quit badgering people that want to enjoy another culture. Geez would bringing back segregation make you fuckers happy, let start DNA testing before you can draw or create a non white character.
The anon about wendigo pychosis got their panties in a twist lmao. If we can’t use anything with “” dark historical context" or “ only ____ are allowed to use this” then we all might as well sick to our own religions and make nothing but what we’re born into/practice. So if you’re native and you make a nun rabbit prepare for a ass chewing ! :( keep whining about everything you just sound like a broken record lmao you “” fucking idiot “”
Wait so if vcr-Wolfe isn’t native what say do they got in it then??? If they’re Mexican/white ??? Why don’t they step down and let real native/mixed natives speak for themselves and not have someone gatekeeping their beliefs Jesus lord I LOVE when none natives try to speak for my culture
Multi poc people: this is bad y'all: SEE ITS EVIL Multi poc: its alright do your research tho Y'all: WTF THATS BAD WHAT ABOUT OUR TOKEN FRRIENDS SAYING ITS OKAY AAAA Get your head out your ass dude there’s two sides to the shit just because people back your opinion doesn’t mean you can use your poc friends as a way to wave it around. You’re being just as bad to diss other peoples opinions FROM THE SAME GROUP lmao
i’m ndn, and personally my opinion on the entire thing is, don’t make wendigo characters for profit in general, especially if you’re not ndn. i don’t even like seeing my brothers, sisters, and two-spirited brethren do it. it’s one thing to make one for personal use, and as long as you’re not making them uwu edgy wendigo doggo that eats people uwu then.. honestly? who cares. but stop making wendigos when you know nothing about the culture, or that many tribes have different lore on it.
also the entire thing of wendigo psychosis being a thing: false. that was a term made up waaaaay after the fact. the thing is, there are multiple tribes that believe in wendigo, many have different names for it, and there’s even variations born differently like wechuge. but the fact of the matter is that most people don’t even read in or pay attention beyond the edgy cannibal shit to know that a wendigo is pretty much a skeleton made out of ice in most tribal cultures LMAO not a fucking dog
the entire purpose of people saying ‘hey if you don’t understand it, don’t make it’ is so that you don’t make a mockery of our legends, lore, culture, and history. not so you can’t have fun. it’s like me making a black character and making them stereotypical and completely shitting on it, and then doubling back with the ‘oh i made a black character so i understand black struggles’ shit like. it’s not cute when you do it to any race or culture so stop.
Why is it a crime to make Wendigo characters but when some family lines (before me, I don’t care) wouldn’t approve of the use of nordic mythos no one bats an eye at adopts that play off them, or for that matter, movies and shows that paint them in completely inaccurate ways. You can’t close the mythos of one culture & make it untouchable while saying some are fine to take from, that isn’t how it works. 
VCR is mixed Mexican Navajo and saying a mixed person is basically white is just fucking ugly and racist as shit, holy shit
Nordic myth is white myth and white people are not in any danger of having their culture stamped out and then reinterpreted by their oppressors while they are punished for trying to access it, unlike, you know, Native American myth. Reverse racism isn’t real
‘nordic myth is white myth and–’ it’s still someone’s religion, so yeah actually it still stands, either all religions are sacred inherently and are off limits or none are and you can’t bitch and whine and moan and throw a social justice tantrum into that being untrue, people making shitty wendigo ocs isn’t stamping anyone’s religion out any more than marvel making a shitty version of loki is, they’re equally stupid but harmless 
Except there is a huge fucking difference between open and closed religions? Nordic pagan worship is an open religion. Native folk religions are closed religions. Christianity is an open religion. The Amish are, by and large, a closed sect. Sincerely, an nordic heathen who knows full well what people can take from my belief system
“Werehyenas can’t be made into species and characters because they appropriate African culture uwu~” The hyena and werehyena have a very similar negative connotation in African folklore by you don’t see them getting so butt hurt over them being used. I get so sick and tired of people saying you can’t base a CS or Character off of a fictional monster. I guess I should toss out my Church Grim OC because that’s an insult to English and Scandinavian Folklore as it guards a place considered sacred
literally no one is saying dont ever do it theyre saying be respectful, follow the originating culture’s traditions, and dont slap a native myth on a white character because its disrespectful to the culture you supposedly like so much youre pulling from them. entitled much?
"my friend finds this thing offensive! your friend doesn't find this offensive? stop tokenising your friends, also YOUR friends are WRONG!" so native voices only count when they agree with you? maybe accept that an individual can't speak for an entire group, and that people from within the same culture can have very different ideas about what cultural appropriation even is.
Everyone yelling about wendigos when they're ignoring the fact Sincommonstitches literally made a design based off the imperial rising sun (you know- rape of Nanking?? Children and women slaughtered?) and day of the dead (mexican holiday already shit on for $$$) guardians, sold them for profit, and then bitched in a journal when they got called out how they shouldn't have to deal with this and they need their fiance to handle their pr now lmfao
Keeping all this in one post, anything new sent in will be added to this post. While it is on topic, it is far from species related. 
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