triscuitsandsoup · 3 years
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. You are literally killing it, and I can’t wait for it to be published so I can finally write my Pecan Fanfics :D 
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I almost never finish Camp NaNo. I sign up every year hoping I’ll finish my project from NaNoWriMo and never do. This year, I not only wrote over 100k words during NaNo, finishing my first original novel by the first week of December, but I started a sequel shortly afterward and finished THAT novel during Camp NaNo! My best day was April 7th with 5,206 words. That slump in the middle was me finishing the main story and re-reading it so I would know what to do for the epilogue. 
I wrote two original novels, both over 100k words in the last six months… and I’m not even tired? Is this what progress feels like? Is this what it feels like to be passionate about a project? I’ve never written this consistently, and I’m starting to wonder if it’s because it’s original and not fanfiction. For the first time, maybe ever, I’m actually just writing for myself. I’m not posting anything online. I’m not getting comments. Only a few friends have finished reading my first draft and given me feedback, and one of them is actually my sister, lol. Huge shout out to @triscuitsandsoup for her ridiculous enthusiasm and support! Your love for Benji keeps me going. <3
I submitted my first novel to a few publishers, but I didn’t get any nibbles. So this really is just a labor of love right now. And I think I love it? Is this what it feels like to be a novelist? Because I kind of dig it.
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
If you are doing the 101 prompt thing I think 56 suits Sterek. Plus I would like to see what you do with it thank you ♥️
56. "I jokingly told you that the only way I’d marry you was if you did this weird outlandish thing, and you actually did it, and I’m kind of charmed."
“Did you know there’s a penguin that collects rocks to present to their beloved?” Stiles asks, eyes glued on his phone screen. “The female uses them to line the nest.”
Derek stretches his legs, cramped from curling up on the couch beside Stiles. “Why are you looking up penguins?”
“I dunno.” Stiles shrugs. “I saw an article on Twitter.” His thumb scrolls down the screen. “Oh, did you know there’s a seal that has a balloon on his face?” This time he glances over at Derek. “The male blows it up to show the females how strong he is.” He pokes at Derek’s feet where they did into his side. “Go on Der, show me your nose balloon.”
Derek purses his lips and puffs out his cheeks.
“Yeah, that’s sexy,” Stiles says, laughing. “Better look out. All those girl seals will be wanting you.”
“Any other animals on there?” Derek asks.
“Okay, so.” Stiles shifts on the couch so he’s lying between Derek’s legs, his back pressed to the werewolf’s chest. He holds his phone up so that they can both see. “Bowerbirds, they build nests, but they fill it with blue. Bits of ribbon, broken plastic, berries… as long as it’s blue it’s good— oh, then they dance!”
He clicks on the YouTube video of a bird dancing to a Michael Jackson song. When the video ends, Stiles clicks back his home screen and locks the phone.
They lie there together, Stiles’ head pillowed against Derek’s shoulder.
“My mom proposed to my dad,” Stiles says suddenly, breaking the cosy silence. “She told me about it once. Said he was taking too long to work up the courage so she had to do it herself.” He cranes his neck up to look at Derek. “What about your parents?”
“I—” Derek hesitates. “I don’t know. They told us how they met, but I don’t think they ever told us how they got engaged.”
“Oh? I would have assumed it involved leaving large animals on doorsteps. Y’know, all those wolfy instincts to provide for the mate.”
“You know we’re not actually wolves right,” Derek teases. “Also, my dad was human, you know this.”
“Which makes it even more impressive,” Stiles argues. “Besides, I’ve seen you on the full moon, buddy. I’ve watched you chase your own tail. I don’t want to hear any of your bullshit about not being animals.” He unlocks his phone and opens the website again. “I think I like the way the birds do it. Make me something like this and fill it with blue and maybe, maybe I’ll consider marriage.”
“Who says I want to marry you?” Derek asks, poking Stiles in the ribs.
“Oh, ha ha.” Stiles sits up abruptly, half twisting to face Derek. “Werewolf’s got jokes.” He squirms away from Derek’s hands. “You think you’re so funny.”
“I know I am. Derek grins and shifts Stiles’ bony elbow off his chest. “But I am not building you a house.”
“Whelp, guess we’re doomed to fail then,” Stiles said, his face twisted in a mockery of sorrow. He sits up, swinging his legs onto the floor and pats Derek on the head before standing. “It’s been nice hanging with you, though.”
“What is this?” Stiles stands in the doorway taking in the scene of utter destruction that was once their living room.
“It’s a nest.”
“I can see that.” Stiles fights to keep the grin off his face as he steps into the room and around the mess of blankets. “But I didn’t ask for a nest, I asked for a house.”
“No.” Derek walks around the couch to meet Stiles in the middle of the room. “You said. ‘I like the way birds do it, make me one of them and fill it with blue.’” He gestures to the blue cushions scattered among the blankets. “I’ve also got—” Derek disappears into the kitchen, returning with a plate.
“Blueberry pancakes?” Stiles laughs, making grabby hands at the plate. “This is ridiculous. I love it.” He lets Derek lead him over to the blanket nest, kicking off his shoes as he goes. “You going to dance for me too?”
“Don’t push your luck.” Derek teases, pulling Stiles down beside him.
“This is—” Stiles looks at him wide-eyed. “You absolute doofus. I can’t believe you actually made me a nest.”
“You said you’d marry me if you did,” Derek reminds him.
“I said I’d consider it.”
Stiles shrugs, his eyes dancing. “I suppose I could do worse.” He ducks the pillow that’s swung his way and they both go tumbling down into the blankets.
I hope you liked it!
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
Asshole. Who posts “don't steal!” on a thing that THEY stole? 
Are you a Sterek writer? 
Then you might want to check this wattpad account and make sure this author hasn’t plagiarised your Sterek fics! 
Here is the link to a story they claimed they wrote: https://www.wattpad.com/312885861-love-bites-chapter-1
And here is the link to Shipperslist’s exact same story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7884865
Elaine Fray is not Shipperslist. 
Elaine Fray is a plagiarist. 
Please reblog to spread the word. 
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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TFW your book hasn’t even been out 24 hours and you see this…. to every single one of you that supported us in our mad scribblings about orcs and dragons and sex-driven red headed princes….you’re all amazing!
@thisdiscontentedwinter  we’re killing it!
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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Stiles had a rescue plan but it’s rapidly going to hell, and he really needs Peter to start pulling his weight.
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
Why I stopped Writing
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This. Comments like this are why I stopped writing. I know that there are kind commentors out there but at a certain point you can only be told you’re crap so many times before you stop wanting to put yourself in that position in the first place. 
Much love to those who have supported me over the years <3
Fuck off, to those who have bullied me. 
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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Spiral Down
Here’s some progress and detail shots of a little project I’m working on. I feel like I’m beginning to fall in love with art again and starting to learn how to draw things that I like instead of things I think I should draw and two thing’s I love are emaciated figures, gnarled hands and shiny objects. This particular project was inspired my a particular person, though I won’t reveal who it is until I’m finished with it. Can anyone guess who it is I wonder?
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
Worst Fanfic Prompts
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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Werewolf pup.
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
why the fuck do you need reasons just be nice to people omfg
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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Derek and Stiles are caring about the pack.
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
I think we’re going to have to accept that there are now too many fandoms with a character named Remus for it to reliably be clear from context which one you’re talking about. We need to start tagging our Remuses.
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
Also me :
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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triscuitsandsoup · 4 years
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