#tsc janus
witchlingcirce · 21 days
If you think about it, Janus is literally just Bucky Barnes as the winter soldier
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 19
Is This Hope Or Despair? Masterpost
Janus felt uneasy. Ash had been gone and once more, something the boy was doing more and more, longer and longer. All the whilst, he couldn't help but feel like the numerous secrets of the Seelie Queen were suffocating him, or was it Samael's weird family fantasy that was even more twisted as Sebastian's? Demons really weren't made to have families, if Lilith and Samael were anything to go by. He wanted to give Ash a place to belong, a place where he himself could belong, but how had living with Sebastian turnt out for Ash? Ash couldn't live in freedom with all these people trying to dictate his every move and plans. Hadn't that been his reason to join forces with the Queen in the first place? It was becoming clearer that whilst the Seelie Queen cared for Ash, they both thought differently about who should be in charge and who should have the cards. Whilst Janus would have given the world for Ash to rule, it seemed the Queen wasn't any less selfish as Sebastian and the Princes would certainly grab the world for themselves. It was growing difficult to remember why he was doing this, at this rate he was going to disappear more often and often himself, to get away, to catch glimpses of Clary and remember why he was in this political mess. If this was why Ash kept leaving, then honestly, Janus could not blame the boy.
Gwenneth was a goblin with a lot of information and intelligence unlike most of her kind, something she prided herself in regularly. She knew when the guards all gathered to report to the queen, she knew of the few guards that were left stationed and that only one would be stationed on the way to Jaime. The Shadowhunters planned according to the information they were given, and through Livvy they were given the validation that Gwenneth's route was true. All that was left was to kill the guard and get Jaime out before the report was over. The trio were following after her as she slipped to the garden entrance, careful not to be spotted by the guard stationed for lookout at the wall. Whilst Dru was focused, Ty and Kit each had their reasons for trailing off for a second every once in a while, the former being the sensory stimulation and the latter was just awed by its beauty. Kit honestly couldn't believe he had claim on all of this. It was too bizarre. Gwenneth signalled they were getting closer to the guard. Livvy tried to touch Ty out of reflex. "We're nearing the bathroom section. After that, it will only be a couple steps until you find a hidden staircase that leads to the dungeon." Ty nodded and Dru felt a tiny pang of annoyance that she was the one with the least information over here. The trio proceeded to go extra slow as Gwenneth marched forward with her casual pace. She looked at the Faerie guard and greeted him as a manner of distraction. Ty slowly crept behind him and just as the guard turnt around and looked him in the eye, Ty slashed his throat deeply with his dagger. As the guard slipped to the ground, the trio quickly followed after Gwenneth who indeed went down a hidden staircase. The group rushed to the dungeons and Gwenneth gestured in a direction, "Use one of your opening runes." Kit stood in front of the appointed cell, carefully drawing the opening rune. The cell door-a golden elaborate fence, Gwenneth went inside with the trio following after her. "Look at whom I brought to you, Jaime Rosales." The three looked at the gaunt Jaime, and Dru could feel her heart breaking in her chest as she saw him like that. He looked about a million time worse then when the Cohort had him. "Dru?" He asked bewildered. "We've come to save you Jaime." She said, going over to draw an opening rune on the golden blocks his chains were attached too. The shackles fell off, and Jaime felt such a big wave of relief that the tears were stinging in his eyes. Not having stood in a while, the strength in his legs felt gone at the moment, but Kit and Ty supported him from each side. "Now it's time to get the hell out of here."
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vierss-herondale · 5 months
Speaking my truth 📢📢📢
I've had the hope that we might get to see a Jonathan from another dimension where he's a good brother since we learned about Thule
I have deceived myself into thinking that if we can have an evil Jace version in TWP then Cassie could also send a good Jonathan version and meet Clary and help all the gang to save the world 🥹🥹🥹
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Call me crazy but we have a Janus so… a girl can have hopes 🤷🏻‍♀️
I just want Clary to have the brother she could never have because of Valentine 😭 Even tho I know she has Simon and I love him 🫶🏻🥹
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helenofblackthorns · 4 months
thought about the livvy & jace/janus parallels again 378 dead 2992 injured... like wdym they were killed by the exact same sword, with jace being stabbed in the back & livvy stabbed in the front. wdym they were raised on the shores of the exact same lake almost exactly five years apart. wdym they were both came back wrong. the way livvy and janus share the common goal of just wanting to get what they lost too, and they both spend their gotsm stories watching their loved ones with no way to properly interact with them despite how badly they want to.
it's arguably one of the things that terrifies me the most going into twp like literally what does it all mean... what does this mean for livvy...
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mayaheronthorn · 5 months
There's gonna be a scene in TWP where Janus tells Ash that Dru doesn't love him, that it's just a spell and Ash is heartbroken and goes with him. I can SMELL IT
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The Perfection that is the Kickstarter Art
Let's talk about how every season perfectly matches each character.
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Dru's confident, always funny, has no time for stupid things, and so much more. She's BURSTING with life, just like summer is. Summer is the time that things are harvested because they've grown into what they're meant to be. Just like I know Dru is going to grow into the exact kind of epic hero that I know she's meant to be when it's her time to help save the world in TWP. Think about it, we know she hadn't quite figured out what her place was in TDA since she was always seemingly put on the sidelines to help with Tavvy since she was younger. In TWP she's grown up and will be maturing into the kind of people Emma and Julian were in TDA.
Summer is also the time that sun is seemingly always out, ice doesn't stand a chance in this season. In this way, I can see Dru melting away the ice that has probably formed around Ash's heart from having such a tumultuous and traumatic childhood and being raised by people like Janus, Annabel, Sebastien, and the Seelie Queen. She will also help him grow into the person he is meant to be in TWP.
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As mentioned above, Ash's life up to the point when TLKOF starts has been anything but filled with warmth and love. It's been cold and frigid, devoid of care and filled with Sebastian's sadistic ways, Janus who was most likely preoccupied with getting Clary instead of giving Ash a stable childhood, unhinged Annabelle briefly, and the Seelie Queen who I can't imagine is the most loving mother in the world. It's understandable that he will most likely have some iciness to him that will sting other people when he first interacts with them. However, winter does not last forever...
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Because Spring is always right around the corner. I think it's absolutely brilliant to make Kit represent Spring and Ty represent Fall. Spring is a time for rebirth, new beginnings, and blooming despite the harsh winter that just occurred. Kit has been through so many unimaginable things like being raised by Johnny who was very much not a loving presence in his life, finding out he is apart of a people group that he actively despised, then learning that he is part of one of the most famous Shadowhunter families of all time, and THEN finding out that he is also the heir to both faerie courts. Kit had every right to let this shatter him and make him run away. Yet time and time again we see Kit meet these unexpected turns with an undying capacity to love others like Ty, Livvy, Dru, Jem, Tessa, Mina, etc. Yes, as Spring he occasionally has the bitter remnants of winter show up in him but he’s overwhelmingly a person characterized by the promise of Spring. Of embracing new beginnings and loving even when he's been shown love himself far less then he should have been.
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Tiberius Blackthorn, you as Fall makes me quite sad. Ty was raised in a summer-like house. Sure, his family has been through so much with losing both of their parents and the Dark War, but they've never ceased to wrap each other in love. His was a life filled with the warmth of summer but in the latest books we see him slip farther and farther from that warmth both figuratively and literally. Figuratively, we see how he's starting to be more separated from people that care the most about him because of raising Livvy. His family because of how he has to keep it a secret and Kit because of what the aftermath of the resurrection did to their relationship. Literally, we see him move from sunny Los Angeles to the icy Scholomance in the Carpathian Mountains. Fall is when things start to decay and lose their vibrancy and I'm quite afraid this is what is happening to Ty :( He almost seems like he's a bit faded in the most recent official arts of him, especially the one in the Kickstarter that included him, Livvy, and Irene.
Also, do you notice that all of the other books only have a single word on them (well, we can't tell from Ash) like Spring or Summer? Yet Ty's is "The Fall." Could it symbolize how he's figuratively fallen since the death of Livvy, hurtling toward a frightening future because of his necromancy? It also kills me how he seems sad in his artwork while the rest seem happy or at the very least nonchalant.
Art: @cassandrajean
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embroideredlove · 2 months
Oh Lily Chen I fear for your (un)life in TWP
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wikitpowers · 27 days
What is your unpopular shadowhunter opinions 👁️👁️
okay so i’m not sure if this can be classified as an unpopular opinion but ig it could???? but basically i am strongly against the conviction that many people in this fandom have that cassie will kill off someone from the tmi gang in twp. like… c’mon now. i think it’s highley unlikely she would kill any of such beloved characters, like people would riot (people being me). and i think her implying their deaths in any way is just her way of simply teasing us and trying to mess with the fandom before the release lol!!! (and that’s not to say that something bad won’t happen to a member of the tmi gang or that they’ll not suffer) i’m just saying i doubt she would off them,uknow? but what a punch in the gut it would be if she actually did do it!
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queenhelenblackthorn · 3 months
"Ash!" A man's voice echoed down the corridor. "Ash, where are you?"
The prince- Ash - cast a glance over his shoulder.
For a moment, he looked less like haughty faerie royalty and more like a teenage boy who had been caught borrowing the family car without permission. (Dru had watched a lot of mundane movies, and had formed the idea that this was something that happened constantly.)
"Ash," she said, slowly. "I know your name-"
A frown flashed across his face.
omg did Ash sneak out? to get away from Janus?
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witchlingcirce · 3 months
Idk if anyone else picked up on this, but Ash really reminded me of Jace. Janus may be a shell of his old self but Jace’s sassiness runs too deep.
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Cant believe Thule is missing this comedy duo already 😭
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liesramblings · 1 month
Thinking about the epilogue of QOAAD where Thule! Jace asked The Seelie Queen to bring him Clary...
The amount of angst this has the potential to cause and the parallels with TMI... I mean if Clary is kidnapped, Jace will finally understand first hand how everyone else felt when he missing in COLS and how Alec felt in COHF, the Clave will be in uproar, and if Clary willingly goes to infiltrate Janus and Sebastian, imagine the emotion. And if she has to be the one to kill him, after he was desperate to get her back, as I once saw someone (I don't remember who) suggest? Lord have mercy were in for it in TWP no matter what happens...
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vierss-herondale · 5 months
Bro, can you blame Janus for wanting to burn down the world for Clary Fairchild?
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I mean I would too 😌💕
Art by Cassie Jean
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helenofblackthorns · 3 months
I'm so excited to see how the family dynamic of the Fairchilds will end of developing in twp. like how will Ash fit into everything. because while technically speaking Jocelyn & Luke are his grandparents and Clary is his aunt and Jace (& Simon) are his uncles but like. none of them know him and he's like 16/17 years old. Clary and Jace are 24 in twp like they're barely older than him and Jocelyn's 44, I can't imagine he'll feel like a grandson or nephew yknow. add on top of that the only decent parental figure he has is Janus, an alternative version of Jace who's evil... like idk how he's going to feel about them and I don't know how they're going to feel about him once they actually meet him.
plus I don't think Ash likes his dad or identifies with him if the absence of Morgenstern on his flower card is anything to go by so.... idk what to expect actually
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mayaheronthorn · 5 months
I know that Janus truly loves Ash, not because of the spell, but because he's Clary's family, therefore it's also his family 😭
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mariskila · 1 month
Okay heres my 2 cents of what I expect of TWP (The Wicked Powers) be:
01: Janus will join the Cohort. He is the perfect person to be the head example of the movement. He is literally Jace (and Jace being a all time hero as is), but one that lived in a world full of demons controlled by Sebastian. The one who "suffered" in Sebastian hands. The same Sebastian that everybody believes that his evil came because of the demon blood Valentine put in him. He will make a story of his suffering, about how tragic his life is, about how everybody died because of demon blood. And that will make him quickly rise thru the Cohort. BUT he doesn't believe in the movement as is, his only goal is the benefits he can have, the power he can have (for then, completing his other plans)
02: Ash will be on Janus side for a while. After all, Janus was the only person in Ash's life who didn't treat him as shitty.
03: Janus will kidnap Clary. Being locked in Idris would be a perfect location to put Clary. Nobody can enter there. Nobody has information about what is happening inside. Nobody but Livvy. As we seen in "Ghosts of the Shadow Market" ("The Lost World" story) we can see that she has some powers. And she could hear inside Idris wards. Her power may grow.
04: Ty will be in a investigation and needs Kit help. As we know, Kit is the only other person who can see Livvy. And if Livvy is the key for a investigation, it can be only something Livvy can do. And Ty needing Kit help in a investigation is already confirmed by the author.
05: Double church! That's it. If we have 2 Jaces, why not 2 Churchs?
06: All Princes of Hell will be united. As we seen also in "The Lost Book of the White", Sammael call all the Princes of Hell to a meeting, for then to united to a common goal. And this goal may be putting a end in the war between Angels and Demons all together. To finale try to work together for their win.
07: The book tittles is NOT what you expect! The already announced tittles are "The Last King of Faerie","The Last Prince of Hell" and "The Last Shadowhunter". The saga name being "The Wicked Powers". When we see all this information, the first thing that come to mind is who is the most powerful Faerie, Prince of Hell and Shadowhunter; and what will happen to then. But in reality I believe that those tittles are about power-play in political ambiance. The first being about Ash-Kit (Seelie Queen-King Kieran) and all political mess that is Faerie courts is in the moment. The second is about all Prince of Hell united and all the drama is in the middle of that (as for example, if some warlocks will join then? In what side vampires and werewolves will be? Lucifer?). And the third, all the situation about Cohort and the Clave being out of Idris and all that mess being solved, at same time that Seelie/Unseelie is as mess, all Princes of Hell are together and as usual, Shadowhunters without any other help from the Angels.
08: Emma dies. Based on this snippet, I believe that is about Emma dying. It could have been in the original "The Dark Artifices" saga, after all, is a post from 10 years ago. But there is another snippet from 10 years ago that is accepted being a Kitty one. So who knows (link here, kitty one)
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09: Tessa dies. I got the spidey sense from this part at "Clockwork Princess". It would be a good resource to be Ithuriel to fight some Prince of Hell.
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Also this part of "Wedding" an extra from The Mortal Instruments:
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spacehero-23 · 5 months
"I look in people's windows like I'm some deranged weirdo" Janus core.
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