stormynightstorm · 9 months
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TSE week day 6
I decided to do the free day and draw Velvare.
The Silver Eye is a webcomic by Laura Hollingsworth
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wanderingwolpertinger · 9 months
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(More!) TSE as Babylon Bee
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tseappreciationweek · 10 months
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Hello! Welcome to the The Silver Eye Appreciation Week for 2023, running August 21-26! For our prompts this year, we have two sets: one along a gemstone theme and one asking about favorites.
August 21: Aquamarine OR Favorite Landscape
August 22: Amethyst OR Favorite Quote
August 23: Garnet OR Favorite Panel or Page
August 24: Topaz OR Favorite Hairstyle
August 25: Onyx OR Favorite Antagonist
August 26: Opal OR Free Day 
There is a submission box  which will be open, if you want to participate that way. When you post, please include a tag of @tseappreciationweek​ in the post itself and tag with #TSEWeek2023 in the first five tags.
If you have any questions at all, please drop a note in the ask box or refer to this post for more information.
We hope to see you in just a few weeks for TSE Appreciation Week!
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icwasher · 10 months
"AMETHYST" TSE Week Day #2
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I don't think I've ever posted fanart of April before. She was fun to draw. Her dress is inspired by both the gem amethyst and the Cedulan flag.
As for the second prompt "Favorite Quote":
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In case you can't read the text on the image:
"You're saying the sum of creation can be reduced to ink on a page, and that does it justice? ... this painting is but a shallow reflection; the true ocean is so much greater." - Velvare Bamidele on pages 10x28 and 10x29.
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sunflowerjune · 10 months
Chara's gaze wandered out over the ocean. It was calm today, and the sun made bright glints of the wave tops. She was almost surprised she found it beautiful, after the day they'd had yesterday. But it was the underside of the waves that caught Chara's eye now. The light shone through and made the most lovely shade of blue-green. Like a gemstone, she thought. It reminded her of Enel's eyes. She called down to Berlyn. "What's that fancy for hmmm... teal? Or turquoise? I think there's a gemstone called that too." Berlyn raised an eyebrow. "Why are we thinking about gemstones?" Unhelpful. It was almost like she knew what Chara had been thinking. She stuck out her tongue. "Aquamarine?" Apen asked. "That's the one!" At she had one helpful sibling.
Written for The Silver Eye Appreciation Week! The Theme I went with for today is Aquamarine. @tseappreciationweek
What's this? Me writing something? It's been three years. 3 yeARS bucko! I'll put this on ao3 at some point but I don't have time tonight and I'm determined to get this out on the proper day for TSE Week! I read the Silver Eye this year and I love it so much! So happy to participate in my little way!
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whispersart · 2 years
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Day 1: Trust
I was close to picking Joe for this as well...but then again...chapter 9....
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effiethebookworm · 3 years
TSE Appreciation Week Day Six
Hi. It is Day Six. No exclamation marks today, for the week is over and it is a sad occasion. I hope you like it. Also, I noticed that I accidently titled yesterday’s post “Day Four” when it’s supposed to be “Day Five.” Oops. 
Laura Hollingsworth sat down at her computer, fingertips poised over the keyboard. She heard a whine from under her chair, and looked down to see a fluffy dog staring back at her.
“No distractions, Gwladys. Now that the Hiatus Secundus is finally over, I'm writing the script for Chapter 21.”
Gwladys whined again, and Laura gave her a treat.
“Now go sleep or kill a lizard or something. I'm busy.” She gave the dog a little scratch behind the ears, and firmly patted her on the rump.
Gwladys left the room. Laura turned back to her keyboard. She yawned, and looked at the clock.
“My, it's a late to be writing, but I want this finished today. I guess I'll just sleep in a bit tomorrow.” she said to no one in particular. She took a drink of water, and began to write.
APEN: *Looks up at Ayran, shocked * Ayran Greenway? Fabled Nedarian architect and designer of Greenway?
AYRAN: *Carswell Thorne grin * The very one.
BERLYNE: *is not impressed * What are you doing here, Mister Greenway, and where is “here” anyway?
AYRAN: We are in an old city that I made centuries ago. It's quite embarrassing, really. Looking at the stuff I made ages ago.. *cringes * Ugh.
JOE, CHARA, AND MARCUS: *run into the room *
JOE: *sees Berlyne and Apen on the floor and rushes over to check on them*
CHARA: Berlyne! Apen! Where have you been all night? We were so worried about you.
MELLY: *runs over and licks Apen's face *
APEN: Melly! You're all right! Thank heaven.
BERLYNE: We went wandering and got lost. Then, *glares at Ayran * this man attacked Apen, so I stabbed him. *is pleased *
CHARA: *is disturbed * BERLYNE, what have I told you about stabbing people?
BERLYNE: *is unremorseful *
JOE: *walks up to Ayran * I don't appreciate you attackin' my so- er- daughter's boyfr- er-- the person to which I am a father figure.
AYRAN: Oh, yeah, buddy? What'cha gon' do 'bout that?
JOE: Nothing, because I am a pacifist. But I will glare at you. *glares at Ayran *
MARCUS: Oh no! Not the glare!
APEN AND CHARA: The glare!!!
BERLYNE: What. The what. Is going on.
AYRAN AND JOE: *have a staring contest *
*music begins to play. Cut to Marcus playing the Jaws theme on the violin he was playing last chapter *
AYRAN: *blinks *  No!!! I have been vanquished!
JOE: Heck yeah ya have! *begins to dance the Cotton Eyed Joe *
MARCUS: *begins to play the Cotton Eyed Joe *
BERLYNE: Daddy? Um- are you alright? CHARA: It's his victory dance, Berlyne. You've lived with him for nineteen years, you know this.
MARCUS: Yeah, Berlyne, even I know that! * continues to play Cotton Eyed Joe, but joins in the dancing.
AYRAN: *is sulking in corner *
BERLYNE: Marcus. You can't play the violin and talk, much less dance. This is impossible, what is going on?
MARCUS: *kindly, like speaking to a very stupid small child* *still playing and dancing* Berlyne, Berlyne, Berlyne. You lowly little mortal. You have hardly seen my powers at work.
BERLYNE: W- Excuse me? MARCUS: You all thought that I was Marcus, a little hipster librarian. No. That form is past me now. I will now show you who I really am.
*a bright light flashes, and a shirtless faun with a red scarf stands in Marcus' place *
MARCUS: That's right. I am Mr. Tumnus!
BERLYNE: I am so confused.  *turns to Apen* Apen, what is going on?
APEN: *is with Chara, over next to Mr. Tumnus. He is making :baby_apen: face.*
APEN AND CHARA: *in unison *  MR TUMNUS?!?! MARCUS: Yes, my children. I am.
IDONY: *enters * What's going on?
MARCUS: Ah, my love. I have shown my true form. Maybe it is time for yours.
IDONY: *sailor moon transformation sequence *  *becomes casserole lady from Velv's trial *  Yes, and I am Casserole Lady!
AYRAN: *horrified * NO! NOT CASSEROLE LADY! *falls over *
BERLYNE *checks pulse * Okay, he's dead. Guys, this is really weird.
EVERYONE – BERLYNE: No it's not!
BERLYNE: AH! I got it! This is a dream, right?
*the scene goes black *
“Ah!” Laura awoke with a start. She squinted at her surroundings. She was in front of her computer.
“Wow, that was a crazy dream. I must have fallen asleep while writing.” She moved the computer mouse a bit, waking up the screen.
APEN: *Looks up at Ayran, shocked * Ayran Greenway? Fabled Nedarian architect and designer of Greenway?
AYRAN: *Carswell Thorne grin * The very one.
BERLYNE: *is not impressed * What are you doing here, Mister Greenway, and where is “here” anyway?
AYRAN: We are in an old cit
“Huh, I fell asleep mid-sentence. I must have been exhausted.” She turned off her computer and went to bed.
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tarvabaggins · 3 years
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TSE Appreciation Week 2019 [August 1-3, 2019]
(on DeviantArt here, here, and here)
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idratherdreamofjune · 4 years
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For The Silver Eye Appreciation Week! @tseappreciationweek
- August 1st, Favorite Location - My interpretation of the prompt is little loose, but here is the voyage of the good ship Novalog!
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@tseappreciationweek | Day Four 2020 | Words
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wanderingwolpertinger · 9 months
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(Couldn't decide between the two lol)
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(platonically ofc)
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(More!) TSE as tumblr
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tseappreciationweek · 10 months
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What is TSE Appreciation Week? A week to share your love and appreciation for The Silver Eye.
How can I participate? Post something about The Silver Eye! (The year’s prompts can be found here.) You can post something you’ve created or just write a sentence or two answering a question or talking about something in the comic. If you have created something previously for TSE that fits a prompt (such as art, fic, playlists, cosplay, etc.), feel free to repost as long as you haven’t previously submitted it for TSEWeek in the past couple of years. You can participate by posting on any site, but we will only be monitoring for posts on Tumblr. If you post on another site, please feel free to submit using the submission button or let us know if you would like us to include it on Tumblr. Please keep Laura’s comment policy in mind; although we are not on the main site, we want to be respectful of her maturity/content requests and keep it a time of appreciating her story.
Do I have to participate in the entire week? Nope! You can pick any, all, or none of the prompts to post for – or post 10 things on the free day. You can also post prompts for earlier days later in the week, if that’s how it works out – late submissions are fine, though we will not be actively monitoring for new posts after the end of the week. The prompts are primarily there as suggestions and guidance, not hard and fast rules.
Have more questions? No problem! Go to https://tseappreciationweek.tumblr.com/ask and send us a question.
If you’re posting on Tumblr, please include #tseweek2023 in your first five tags and feel free to tag us with @tseappreciationweek (Tumblr continues to be somewhat reliable with  the direct tag of the blog). We will do our best to reblog; if 24 hours have passed and we haven’t reblogged it, let us know.    
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icwasher · 9 months
"TOPAZ" TSE Week Day #4
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Chara is fun to draw.
Topaz symbolizes love, truth, and forgiveness, so I thought it would be perfect to draw Chara for this prompt. The dress is inspired by the colors of orange topaz (other than the sash).
I am also so proud of myself because I hate shading black hair, and this time it actually turned out sort of good. It's easier when it's straight.
Today's other prompt was "Favorite Hairstyle", and the answer to that has got to be Berlyne's fishtail in chapters 15 and 16. Or her braid with flowers in chapter 19.
I was so excited for yesterday's prompt because I had an awesome idea, but I was babysitting my siblings all day so I didn't have time to draw anything. I will finish that art, though, I just don't know when.
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valiantarcher · 4 years
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TSE Week 2020 - Day 4, Words: A wordsearch, anyone? Hopefully it’s doable from images... @tseappreciationweek
(The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth.)
Edited: Fixed a misspelling in the original post - thanks @theworldiswhispering for catching it! :)
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whispersart · 3 years
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TSE Appreciation Week Day 1- Favorite Family relationship
Young Alvarado sisters
( @tseappreciationweek​ )
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finnabhair · 4 years
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My submission for yesterday for @tseappreciationweek The theme was words or favourite quote, so this was what I chose! from pg 30, ch 18 of The Silver Eye
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