#velvare bamidele
wanderingwolpertinger · 10 months
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(More!) TSE as Babylon Bee
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
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Flashback to when I had no idea what Syllor’s Curse was and I was wondering why Velvs was giving Avidan one of those fond “you’re being an idiot” forehead bonks
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icwasher · 10 months
"AMETHYST" TSE Week Day #2
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I don't think I've ever posted fanart of April before. She was fun to draw. Her dress is inspired by both the gem amethyst and the Cedulan flag.
As for the second prompt "Favorite Quote":
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In case you can't read the text on the image:
"You're saying the sum of creation can be reduced to ink on a page, and that does it justice? ... this painting is but a shallow reflection; the true ocean is so much greater." - Velvare Bamidele on pages 10x28 and 10x29.
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accidental-spice · 3 years
The Silver Eye spoilers
Velvare: Avidan! Did I ever tell you you're like the son I never had?
Avidan: Really, sir?
Velvare: Yes, it's because you're so unlike the son I did have!
Velvare: And here he is! C'mon over here, Enel.
Enel: Dad, c'mon, you know it's embarrassing when you brag about me by belittling others.
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tarvabaggins · 3 years
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TSE Appreciation Week 2019 [August 1-3, 2019]
(on DeviantArt here, here, and here)
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Velvare Bamidele for the six fanarts challenge going around! Perfect timing for @thesilvereye 's birthday! Happy birthday girlie, thanks for making such an awesome comic for us all to enjoy 🥳
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toomanystoryideas · 4 years
This is my oneshot fic for Day 3 of TSE Appreciation Week 2020, run by @tseappreciationweek !
Summary:  Delaney plays her first harp recital for her family. It... well, it doesn't really go as planned.
Comments and kudos would be much appreciated! :)
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throwaninkpot · 6 years
When I find myself in times of trouble, Melete Dolan comes to me speaking words of wisdom,
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[ID: Panel from The Silver Eye. Melete Dolan stands behind Velvare Bamidele and throws her hat down over his face with a look of panic. A speech bubble reads, “The sun, Bay!” End ID.]
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Velvare: Lies are neither bad nor good. Like fire, they can either keep you warm or burn you to death depending on how they’re used.
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nerdarians · 7 years
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the silver eye + text posts: 1/?
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
Making Amends
My secret santa present for a fellow fan on tumblr! The prompt was “Bhatair/Velvare giving a speech from a balcony on Christmas Day, with Avidan.”  
I kind of expanded on it a lot but...it was fun to write and I finished it kind of in time, yay!
dA post
Fic below the cut:
Once upon a time, Avidan had enjoyed Velvare’s Christmas speeches. They lifted his spirits and gave him hope about the coming season. That maybe this year Velvare would pay more attention to him. Just maybe it might feel a little more like a home in the mansion. But as the years went by, his hope dwindled. All the hours waiting for Velvare to come have hot coco only to end up tossing the cold drink into the sink. The mornings of waking up early only to find a present outside of the room with Velvare nowhere to be found – most likely at the orphanage. All the nights walking through the streets, seeing families run around in excitement for Christmas, an excitement Avidan rarely felt. The only times Christmas was enjoyable was when he visited with Noah. But even then, he left the house feeling slightly empty. So the joy of the holidays bounced off of Avidan. If he ever felt a glimmer of enthusiasm he would force it away. Why get excited when he would only be disappointed again?
This year was different. Now Avidan didn’t just feel forgotten and disheartened. He felt guilty. Noah’s impulsive plan almost got Velvare killed, and Avidan had been a part of it. Not only that but now his adoptive father was pushing him away more than ever before. Avidan wanted to make up for it, but what could he do? And did he really want to, after all the years Velvare had simply used him for power?
Yes. He still did. Because despite all of the pain, all of the logic screaming inside his brain, Avidan still cared about Velvare. He was the only father he knew after all.
“So this year, let us all remember what…what is important.”
As Velvare spoke, his voice cracked – a very uncharacteristic thing for him. Avidan knew why. Of course Velvare would be missing Enel. Not missing…mourning. It was hard to mourn for the boy that had only become a pain in Avidan’s side, but if he thought about it enough, it did hurt.
“Merry Christmas to all. May this year be brighter and…more joyful than all the years before. “
Velvare turned and caught Avidan’s eye. Avidan tried to smile, but Velvare barely seemed to acknowledge him, he just nodded and walked down the steps. Still as distant as ever.
Avidan sighed. If he didn’t do something, this Christmas would be the worst Christmas yet. But what could he really do?
Families left the square, heading to their respective homes. Kids ran in front of parents, screaming and laughing in delight. As Avidan watched, he saw two kids playing. One was running away while the other threw snow at his friend. A small smile started creeping up on Avidan’s face. He tried to force it away, but as he did, he was reminded of when he was little and he had done the same to Enel. The smallest spark of an idea formed in his mind. Maybe…just maybe…
The next few days, Avidan busied himself with finding everything he needed. A fancy new book filled with blank pages. High quality ink and sketching pencils. A few scraps of fabric and other various things here and there. When he wasn’t trying to keep an eye out for all of Gallitan’s political affairs, he was in his room, working on his project. As he worked, he found himself continually questioning the idea, but he ignored the cynicism. This was the only idea he had. It would have to do.
Christmas day arrived much like it always did. There was not much activity around the town. Most people were with their families. It was a peaceful kind of quiet that Avidan quite enjoyed. He stood in front of the window for a few moments, enjoying the serenity, then his eyes drifted towards the book. Picking it up, he flipped through the pages, a grimace growing on his face as he looked at the hastily drawn sketches and the messy handwriting. Memories of funny, annoying, and downright eyeroll worthy Enel moments. What had he been thinking?
Quickly closing it, he shook his head. He couldn’t give this to Velvare, maybe he’d give it to Aunt Savannah but it was too unprofessional for Velvare. He would just have to pick up something on the way to the orphanage. If any stores were even open…
Tucking the book under his arm, he rushed out of his room and headed to the front door, only to stop abruptly when he saw Velvare sitting in the living room. He looked up when Avidan entered and smiled – though it was a very forced smile.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Uh…Merry Christmas, Velvare,” Avidan stuttered back, trying to tuck the book away.
“A gift for someone?”
“Um…yeah it’s for uh…” Avidan trailed off. All he had to do was say it was for his aunt and rush off, but something was stopping him. A pull in his chest. Velvare was rarely home during Christmas, and he never looked this down. Plus, he was actually talking to Avidan again…
“It’s for you. I uh…just threw it together.”
Pulling the book from behind his back, Avidan walked forward and handed it to Velvare, who accepted it gently. Glancing at one of the reading couches, Avidan sat down hesitantly and watched as his adopted father flipped through the book.
At first, there was no reaction as Velvare scanned the pages. But as he stopped and started reading, a sadness washed over his face, deeper than the vague mask of emotion he had before.
Great…now I made Christmas even worse…Avidan thought dejectedly to himself.
But then he noticed the smallest smile growing on Velvare’s mouth. A genuine smile. Not something forced. One of his hands quickly swiped up and wiped at his eyes, but then he looked at Avidan.
“Thank you, Avidan,” he said quietly, his smile now directed at Avidan himself, not just at the book.
Avidan’s heart lifted. Could this Christmas be okay after all?
A laugh escaped Velvare as he flipped through the book. “The mud fight incident. I had to buy both of you new clothes after that.”
A small laugh escaped Avidan too. Sure, it hadn’t been the best time, but looking back on it…it hadn’t been quite so terrible as he might’ve played it out to be. “I didn’t want to go out in the rain ever again.”
Velvare nodded and flipped through the book some more. As it turned out, the day was filled with reminiscing about Enel. His silly adventures and downright Enel-ish mistakes. It wasn’t perfect. There were some tears, and they ended up not having any traditional Christmas food – aside from some orphanage cookies – but all in all, it wasn’t a bad Christmas.
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wanderingwolpertinger · 10 months
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(Couldn't decide between the two lol)
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(platonically ofc)
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(More!) TSE as tumblr
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rithmeres · 7 years
Okay, Bhatair or Velvare?
inky………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..you know that this ask could not be answered in anything shorter than an essay. buckle up hon
for starters, i love this character. he’s so deeply flawed, but that’s what fascinates me.
vel and bay have both made really selfish and stupid decisions and yet. they both have tried so hard to be noble? even though velvare is bhatair’s idealized version of himself, i believe velvare is the lesser man. he’s the shell in fancy clothes. bhatair may have been immature around joshua and rash and selfish and argumentative, but he was genuine. he was the one who freed melete from herarat. he let his father have the curse that HE had the right to. he had faith in apen’s goodness and his ability to end an age-old conflict even when apen was just a child. even a little thing like giving starving noah a loaf of bread was an act of selflessness.
“but rey what about the elephant in the room” oh, you mean when bay gave away his son? here’s my take on it: i think he did it to protect enel. he didn’t want crazy shephards and axe murderers and vengeful curses coming after his youngest child - think about it. his oldest son died of disease (or maybe not but that’s what he says so we’ll go with it). his daughter was cut to pieces and left permanently scarred and disabled. sending enel away probably saved his life. bhatair thought it was the right thing to do - but he didn’t consider that ‘saving’ enel would mean losing gudrun.
the thing is, bhatair tries. he tries so hard, and makes a lot of mistakes, and its the results of those mistakes that lead him to the unhealthy attempted ~superior~ state he’s in as velvare.
velvare is… for lack of a better word, fake. he looks impeccable on the outside, but he never let go of that inherent selfishness that was his downfall from the start. he just covered it up with philanthropic deeds. (declining the crown? what a selfless man! adopting the orphaned prince? such nobility! ruling as the castellan? wonderful in gallitan’s eyes!) he went so far as to play off his own hunger for power as saving gallitan from bellingrath’s fate. little do his followers know of his deeper motivations or his actual relationship with his adopted son.
and because velvare is bhatair’s ~idealized self~, he doesn’t see his own flaws. its not that he thinks he can do no wrong, but that he thinks he’s justified right where he is - and that is a fatal frame of mind. that’s what blinds him to avidan’s situation and desperate need for love. velvare is so caught up in ‘being the mask’ that he’s lost sight of his original nobility.I’m not saying velvare isn’t noble. he’s done great things for gallitan as a country and gallitan as a people, but his motivation is wrong. (“let me tell you what i have done for the library.”) he’s all about doing ‘good’ for his own self-image
i really love the complexity that laura has written into him and i hope he learns to grow as a character and that his arc gets the satisfying conclusion he deserves. (is it too much to hope for forgiveness from gudrun and a family reunion?)
tl;dr i prefer bhatair because velvare is (in the words of laura) FAKE AND INEDIBLE
but to keep it real - all of this could change if future chapters show alternate takes and different motivations than what’s given in the comic thus far.
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doodledraw · 7 years
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Silver Eye Appreciation day 2 one day late; Favorite ship.
I’d have to say Guitaire, they’re awesome.
(@tseappreciationweek, @thesilvereye​)
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americandemigod · 3 years
Y'all! You should go read The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth! She's an amazing artist, and the storyline is just *chef's kiss*
She works really hard on the comic and even has some extra things too, like a patreon account with bonus content, giveaways, a yearly calendar, an Etsy site, spotify playlists for the characters, and currently there's a secret santa even going on and it seems to be really fun. I'm planning on joining it next year :3
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valiantarcher · 3 years
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Merry Christmas, @insert-penname-here​! For the 2020 TSE Secret Santa, I went with your prompt of “Holiday Coffeeshop”, and decided the setting would be an Alvarado-run coffeeshop (please click the photo to enlarge!). It definitely slides into a modern-day AU, and I’ve elaborated on some of my choices below:
Chara is the person you want on the register if there’s any choice. She can talk almost anyone into trying almost anything. She is decked out with reindeer antlers and a necklace of battery-operated Christmas lights.
Apen is the most precise barista out of them. His latte art is good, if lacking a bit in creativity. Chara hasn’t convinced him to wear a Santa hat yet, but he is wearing a Christmas sweater.
Berlyne is the baker and the last resort for working at the front, though she’s a competent barista and will definitely be up there if they’re slammed. She’s conceded to the season by adding a festive, floral barrette to her hair, and is just bringing out an order of cookies.
Enel and Idony have stopped by after doing some Christmas shopping. Enel has been collecting intel about what Idony liked and will definitely be using it to his (and Marcus’) advantage.
Ruya just got off work at the hospital a few blocks away and has stopped in for something warm. She’ll also order a few cookies because her family is meeting her to go look at the lights downtown.
(The Silver Eye et al by Laura Hollingsworth.)
The posters on the counter are for:
The Lights on Greenway - the downtown Greenway lights display.
A benefit concert for the Navrátil St. Orphanage.
A living nativity display put on by the Alvardos’ church.
An upcoming tour by a certain opera singer.
Not pictured:
More seating with other, unidentified customers, including the ones whose drinks Apen has just prepared.
Velvare Bamidele coming in to pick up the three dozen cookies he ordered for the council Christmas party.
Avidan comes in occasionally - he picks the bar seating in front of the window and enjoys some peace and quiet. If Enel comes in while he’s there, though, it’s usually a sign to make a speedy departure.
Aetius and Aquil - so far they’ve only come in on the slow shift when Chara is working solo. Aquil always gets a huge hot chocolate with sprinkles, syrup, and whipped cream on it. Chara is under strict orders to charge Aetius an “axe tax” over his tendency to stick Gladwys in the wall to serve as a temporary coat rack. Berlyne keeps trying to catch him so she can have "words” about this.
That little old lady with coke bottle glasses who occasionally stops by. She looks harmless and acts friendly but Berlyne is convinced she’s pinching the teaspoons.
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