icwasher · 1 year
"FREE DAY" TSE Week Day #6
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I'm so sad that this is over, but it's been so much fun! Here is a sleepy Ayran for free day. This is how I feel. I am tired and I don't want to go to school next week.
Part of this drawing is invisible because, at the last minute, I decided I wanted to draw Ayran's wife, but my theories as to her identity all come from Patreon! So you can't see her but she is there, leaning on Ayran's drawing board and smiling at him.
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whispersart · 2 years
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Day 5: Flame
more sketchy piece inspired by Carry the Fire by Andrew Peterson
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tseappreciationweek · 3 months
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Want to know what one of the uncommon word prompts mean? Here's a list of the words, their definitions, and examples of how to use them in a sentence.
Melliloquent [adjective]: speaking smoothly or sweetly Example sentence: "Velvare is so melliloquent," sighed one of the councilwomen.
Glaik [noun]: a deception; a delusion; a trick. It is commonly used in the plural form (glaiks). Example sentence: That Nedarian appears to be up to the same old glaiks again.
Astriferous [adjective]: bearing or containing stars Example sentence: The Deadwaters look astriferous tonight.
Talion [noun]: punishment that exacts a penalty just like the crime; retaliation, as the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Example sentence: "I didn't mean Walter's Curse to be a talion," protested Melete.
Quiddle: Noun: one who spends time in trifling niceties; a dawdler Example sentence: "Enel, stop being a quiddle," said Avidan.
Verb: to spend or waste time in trifling employments, or to attend to useful subjects in a trifling, superficial manner Example sentence: "I would never quiddle when candy canes are involved," declared Enel in a shocked tone.
Contumacious [adjective]: 1) Insubordinate; rebellious; disobedient. 2) in law, willfully resisting authority Example sentence: "Don't be contumacious, Noah," reprimanded Ethelinda.
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sunflowerjune · 1 year
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It's day 5 of The Silver Eye Appreciation, so I'm posting about my favorite antagonist! (art from 17x34 of the Silver Eye, in the notes)
I choose Melete! I don't trust her as far as I could throw her (I am very weak - I couldn't throw her at all). I don't think we've seen her do a single action out of pure compassion - she only seems to do things that benefit her. She clearly has some grand plan and big goals, since she has layers and layers of schemes. But we don't know what it is that she really wants!
She lies so much, even to Velvare - she told him she killed Antigone and Aetius! She also stole 2 of Gudrun's children, and told her at least one of them was dead.
Given the fact that Aquil ended up with Aetius, perhaps she's also working with Aetius and Antigone?
Then there's this picture, which seems to imply that she had something to do with the creation of the Weavers. And that she's blood-soaked. Nedarian blood? Was their fate another of her failed curses?
Also, Greenway despises her and says that she is bad at curses/magic. We see this borne out in Walter's curse. His hatred seems to me to have a deeper cause that we haven't seen yet.
Then there's the extremely circumstantial but suspicious fact that Syllor's curse is purple/periwinkle - the same color of her magic. Wonder if it shouldn't be called Melete's curse instead? We know that spouses' magic isn't the same color because Aryan's wife's ring is purple.
I dunno, I just have the feeling she was deeply involved in the collapse of the Nedarians, and that she's way more involved, in a bad way, in events of the present. Velvare is a pawn piece to her. Or maybe more like the king, but she definitely manipulates him as she sees fit, even though she's fond of him, in her way.
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Hm, I wonder where on earth Elladess Enel is? I was like what do you mean you’re connected to Enel ? Like how he is connected to Nathan ? But you’re not a tall noodle redheaded boy … But now I wonder if she can sense those affected by Walter’s Curse because she made it. Or perhaps she has another curse set up to check up on the health and welfare of Hollingsworths. Maybe she has an Enel-specific one, since he is a crazy noodle boi and runs a higher risk of getting into some ridiculous accident than the average person. Or maybe breaking legs connects people. At first I thought Avidan was sad about Enel and was like aw, he really does care! But then I remembered that boat also had his cousins on it. But given he’s holding Bue Bue, maybe he really is sad about Enel. Man, I really want those guys to be bros again someday. He wants to tell Velvare! Oh, what a thing to say! There’s a lot to unpack there but I don’t think I am going to right now. um girl?? uM GIRL !! Melete what are you doing MELETE !!! When I picked this face six years ago, I didn’t know that she would be doing stuff like this! Girl, stop!! What!? Every page I hope Melete will explain and apologize and do better, and every page she keeps doing stuff like this! She’s just digging the hole deeper! She’s as reluctant to apologize as Velvare, isn’t she?? I guess I shouldn’t have expected a woman who literally cursed herself to be immortal in order to avoid her husband to be anything less than uncompromising in any other area of her conduct. To make a decision that extreme and that permanent, and to not regret it even a little bit, 800 years later? Yeah, why would she change her mind on anything small? Why would she admit fault for anything she’s done? Why take responsibility for doing a poor job when you can just blame and curse your way out of it? Some of this was probably out of her control, especially once Ayran entered the picture, but not all of it! There’s so many things she could have done to make this journey go better. Maybe she’s got some old Nedarian jewelry she could've passed out so everyone would be safe from weavers if they fell off the boat. Maybe she could’ve teleported to the Novalog and hid there, just in case something went wrong. Just camp out in Enel’s candy cane barrel or something, ready to jump out and do her magic stuff if needed. Maybe just not be so secretive about whatever this Aetius thing is? He threw an anchor at them, and they don’t even all know who he is, or why he’s after them, or anything. Could’ve been helpful if she’d told the Novasquad a bit more about who’s on Shippy McShipface. Oh, hey guys, before you embark on this perilous voyage, just fyi, Avidan contacted me and asked to keep you safe! So I will do that! By the way, that ship that’s after you? There’s this guy named Aetius, and here’s the beans on that; Noah, he’s got Ruya; and also Apen, your dead baby brother? He isn’t actually dead he’s on that ship and Aetius is using him to curse people! Alright, good talk, see you if things go wrong! Why do I get the feeling that she made this promise assuming everything would be fine and that she wouldn’t have to do anything, and was totally unprepared to deal with even the slightest mishap I sincerely hope that Melete is not Bad, just Bad At Life.
I have been loving the arts, whenever they appear! I can’t wait to see Nathan and Enel interact in-comic. It’s gonna be chaos."
-Sarah, 22x11
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Sooo TSE character boards will return!
I’ll be posting them on Fridays until I run out, which won’t be for a couple months.
Also I have some shippy TSE boards I’ll be posting on Valentines and the week before.
This week is Ayran Greenway, everyone’s favorite well dressed hermit
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That scene always reminded me of this from Agents of shield lol
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americandemigod · 4 years
Y'all! You should go read The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth! She's an amazing artist, and the storyline is just *chef's kiss*
She works really hard on the comic and even has some extra things too, like a patreon account with bonus content, giveaways, a yearly calendar, an Etsy site, spotify playlists for the characters, and currently there's a secret santa even going on and it seems to be really fun. I'm planning on joining it next year :3
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valiantarcher · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about the characters in The Silver Eye and their traits of late, and one in particular has gotten a lot of thought - Chara Alvarado. Although Chara has a number of good traits (and, like everyone, some that should be tempered), the overwhelming one that stood out to me was compassion. Further musings are under the cut for length, pictures, and spoilers.
Note that I am, for the most part, leaving out Chara’s interactions with Enel. While compassion definitely plays a significant role in some of their interactions, I want to leave aside anything that could be argued from a romantic interest in the story. I have also laid out examples chronologically (I couldn’t figure out how to hyperlink photos in this format, but links are generally in the first word of the sentence(s) describing each scene), but this isn’t an exhaustive list - I’m pretty sure I’ll publish this and then remember I missed something really obvious.
To be clear, let’s start out with a definition of compassion. I looked up a few definitions, and Merriam-Webster’s fit well: “sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it“. Webster’s 1959 edition of the New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language also has a good definition in “sorrow for the distress or misfortunes of another, with a desire to help“ (no link; this is a massive two-volume set that has resided on my family’s shelves for a couple of generations).
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Chronologically, the earliest scene with the Alvarados is when they’re picking flowers near the Deadlands. Chara’s introduction is her calling for help for Ansam. Joe has to physically stop her from hopping the fence into the Deadlands to rescue Ansam, and explain to her why her compassion has to be weighted by safety/practicality. Yes, ultimately Berlyne is the one who jumps the fence and initiates Ansam’s (and Apen’s) rescue - but she only has the opportunity because a) Chara notices and seeks to help and b) Joe is too busy stopping Chara to notice Berlyne until it’s too late (ahh, the benefit of having a sister).
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Berlyne (and Joe) understandably gets the focus on trying to alleviate Apen’s intense distress during the first few months he’s in Gallitan, but it’s worth noting that Chara - when she does come up - is also attempting. Berlyne phrases the trip into Greenway as a joint decision, and Chara - not knowing his past with libraries - tells him he’ll love the library (which, given what we know about Apen and his love of knowledge and history, should be true).
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Until they get underway on the Novalog, most of Chara’s compassion is expended on Enel. I will mention that Chara immediately reassures Apen they’re going with him, though I don’t know that can be argued directly as compassion. Once they reach the ocean, the first instance of Chara’s compassion comes up with relation to Marcus. In stark contrast to Enel’s obliviousness and devouring of the meat sticks, as soon as Noah gets up to read Pigeondove’s message, Chara is in the bag and handing Marcus not one (as everyone but Enel received) but TWO meat sticks.
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When they reach Ethelinda’s and Noah begins his horribly-executed plan to keep Idony and Enel below deck, Chara is horrified at Noah’s declaration that Idony is helpless. Notice Chara is the one who starts to call Noah out on it. I can’t quite tell, but it looks like Berlyne may be holding her back from getting in Noah’s face about it. Later, Chara is the one alleviating Idony’s (and Enel’s, to the extent he has it) emotional distress by giving them work to do and reassuring Idony especially of her value and abilities.
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Chara comforting and encouraging Berlyne while she’s in the water with the Weaver attacking is a wonderful moment for many reasons. But Chara demonstrates compassion here by reducing Berlyne’s emotional distress and allowing her to refocus (and try to save Goatface). As soon as Berlyne gets on board, Chara allows Joe to be the one to comfort Berlyne (which also alleviates Joe’s emotional distress) and uses the Silver Eye to complete their getaway - but not before quickly putting a hand on Berlyne’s shoulder as she grabs the Silver Eye. A hand on a shoulder is a typical comforting gesture, but is something Chara specifically uses in a number of instances.
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During the next instance of the Weavers showing up, Chara deliberately taps on the window and gives Berlyne a thumbs up to reassure her that there is nothing to fear from the Weaver going over.
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After the...I think this is the fifth Weaver incident now, Chara is the one asking Berlyne how badly hurt she is; note the hand on her shoulder.
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When Berlyne asks where Idony and Enel are, Chara immediately turns and looks at Noah with sympathy and sorrow on her face. As he collapses in shock, she takes over steering - and puts her hand on his shoulder.
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After Enel and Idony have been brought on board and Noah has fixed Enel’s nose, Chara is the one who delays Noah’s pounding of Apen by reminding him Berlyne still needs help. When Noah asks Chara if her hands are steady, she hesitates - but threads the needle and hands it back to Noah with some encouraging words. She also gently stops him from scratching his arm - between the physical and verbal reassurance, she pulls him out of his Syllor-angst spiral. Not pictured and probably tangential, but I wanted to note she doesn’t rise to Berlyne’s words about her being useless with blood and stitching; those are fighting words (sisters...), but Chara doesn’t seem to let them get to her, maybe partially because she knows Berlyne is in pain. It may be a bit of a stretch, but it’s also worth noting that - after Chara’s encouragement - Noah in turn tries to comfort Berlyne by explaining her wounds aren’t as bad as they look as he stitches them up.
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Finally, when Noah is nearing the end of his seizures, Chara moves from her earlier position of being comforted by Joe to a position of comforting Idony. It’s in the background, but she’s got her hands on Idony’s shoulder. As noted, hand on shoulder is a particular gesture of Chara’s, yes - but also probably especially compassionate for Idony (whose love language, per Laura Hollingsworth, is touch).
In conclusion, Chara is incredibly compassionate, something that everybody in the crew has explicitly benefited from (with the possible exception of Joe and Apen, but they have almost certainly benefited from it in the past).
Disclaimer: Characters and artwork from The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth. You should already know that if you’re reading this, though; if, for some crazy reason, you don’t - I strongly recommend you giving it a read!
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effiethebookworm · 3 years
TSE Appreciation Week Day Six
Hi. It is Day Six. No exclamation marks today, for the week is over and it is a sad occasion. I hope you like it. Also, I noticed that I accidently titled yesterday’s post “Day Four” when it’s supposed to be “Day Five.” Oops. 
Laura Hollingsworth sat down at her computer, fingertips poised over the keyboard. She heard a whine from under her chair, and looked down to see a fluffy dog staring back at her.
“No distractions, Gwladys. Now that the Hiatus Secundus is finally over, I'm writing the script for Chapter 21.”
Gwladys whined again, and Laura gave her a treat.
“Now go sleep or kill a lizard or something. I'm busy.” She gave the dog a little scratch behind the ears, and firmly patted her on the rump.
Gwladys left the room. Laura turned back to her keyboard. She yawned, and looked at the clock.
“My, it's a late to be writing, but I want this finished today. I guess I'll just sleep in a bit tomorrow.” she said to no one in particular. She took a drink of water, and began to write.
APEN: *Looks up at Ayran, shocked * Ayran Greenway? Fabled Nedarian architect and designer of Greenway?
AYRAN: *Carswell Thorne grin * The very one.
BERLYNE: *is not impressed * What are you doing here, Mister Greenway, and where is “here” anyway?
AYRAN: We are in an old city that I made centuries ago. It's quite embarrassing, really. Looking at the stuff I made ages ago.. *cringes * Ugh.
JOE, CHARA, AND MARCUS: *run into the room *
JOE: *sees Berlyne and Apen on the floor and rushes over to check on them*
CHARA: Berlyne! Apen! Where have you been all night? We were so worried about you.
MELLY: *runs over and licks Apen's face *
APEN: Melly! You're all right! Thank heaven.
BERLYNE: We went wandering and got lost. Then, *glares at Ayran * this man attacked Apen, so I stabbed him. *is pleased *
CHARA: *is disturbed * BERLYNE, what have I told you about stabbing people?
BERLYNE: *is unremorseful *
JOE: *walks up to Ayran * I don't appreciate you attackin' my so- er- daughter's boyfr- er-- the person to which I am a father figure.
AYRAN: Oh, yeah, buddy? What'cha gon' do 'bout that?
JOE: Nothing, because I am a pacifist. But I will glare at you. *glares at Ayran *
MARCUS: Oh no! Not the glare!
APEN AND CHARA: The glare!!!
BERLYNE: What. The what. Is going on.
AYRAN AND JOE: *have a staring contest *
*music begins to play. Cut to Marcus playing the Jaws theme on the violin he was playing last chapter *
AYRAN: *blinks *  No!!! I have been vanquished!
JOE: Heck yeah ya have! *begins to dance the Cotton Eyed Joe *
MARCUS: *begins to play the Cotton Eyed Joe *
BERLYNE: Daddy? Um- are you alright? CHARA: It's his victory dance, Berlyne. You've lived with him for nineteen years, you know this.
MARCUS: Yeah, Berlyne, even I know that! * continues to play Cotton Eyed Joe, but joins in the dancing.
AYRAN: *is sulking in corner *
BERLYNE: Marcus. You can't play the violin and talk, much less dance. This is impossible, what is going on?
MARCUS: *kindly, like speaking to a very stupid small child* *still playing and dancing* Berlyne, Berlyne, Berlyne. You lowly little mortal. You have hardly seen my powers at work.
BERLYNE: W- Excuse me? MARCUS: You all thought that I was Marcus, a little hipster librarian. No. That form is past me now. I will now show you who I really am.
*a bright light flashes, and a shirtless faun with a red scarf stands in Marcus' place *
MARCUS: That's right. I am Mr. Tumnus!
BERLYNE: I am so confused.  *turns to Apen* Apen, what is going on?
APEN: *is with Chara, over next to Mr. Tumnus. He is making :baby_apen: face.*
APEN AND CHARA: *in unison *  MR TUMNUS?!?! MARCUS: Yes, my children. I am.
IDONY: *enters * What's going on?
MARCUS: Ah, my love. I have shown my true form. Maybe it is time for yours.
IDONY: *sailor moon transformation sequence *  *becomes casserole lady from Velv's trial *  Yes, and I am Casserole Lady!
AYRAN: *horrified * NO! NOT CASSEROLE LADY! *falls over *
BERLYNE *checks pulse * Okay, he's dead. Guys, this is really weird.
EVERYONE – BERLYNE: No it's not!
BERLYNE: AH! I got it! This is a dream, right?
*the scene goes black *
“Ah!” Laura awoke with a start. She squinted at her surroundings. She was in front of her computer.
“Wow, that was a crazy dream. I must have fallen asleep while writing.” She moved the computer mouse a bit, waking up the screen.
APEN: *Looks up at Ayran, shocked * Ayran Greenway? Fabled Nedarian architect and designer of Greenway?
AYRAN: *Carswell Thorne grin * The very one.
BERLYNE: *is not impressed * What are you doing here, Mister Greenway, and where is “here” anyway?
AYRAN: We are in an old cit
“Huh, I fell asleep mid-sentence. I must have been exhausted.” She turned off her computer and went to bed.
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captaingondor · 5 years
People who have not been telling Enel things: a comparison
told Enel his real name within like 5 minutes of meeting him
told Enel he was a king in the East, and so was Velvare, the second time they met
doesn’t seem to know many details of Walter’s curse
told Enel his parent’s names
has exposited on Nedarian history
met Enel by chance, and is from a family with an ancient feud with Enel’s
has not told Enel any portion of his real name
has never told Enel anything about his societal position
fainted before he could get to Walter’s curse
did not tell Enel his mother’s name, but did say where she lives
failed to mention any details about Nedaran ancestry as small as ‘hey sometimes our hands glow keep an eye out for that’
has been around Enel for years, knowing that Enel is his son
to be fair hasn’t used any false names that I know of
never mentioned Velvare’s eastern identity
finally explained Walter’s curse after seeing it affect Enel
did not tell Enel his mother’s name
has no reason to believe Enel has Nedarian ancestry
has been around Enel his entire life, believing him to be his brother
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incorrectsilvereye · 6 years
So I found this and i just
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Hi my name is Velvare Bamidele and I have handsome snow-white hair although it used to be brown and bright icy minty cyan eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Bhatair Hollingsworth (AN: if u don't know who he is get da heck out of here!). I'm a Nedarian but I can't make curses. I'm also a king, and I rule a country called Gallitan. Im a goth (in case you couldn't tell). I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a blue coat a white gold-edged high-collared cape over it and black leather boots and black trousers.I was wearing a peacock-blue mask with gold edging and golden antlers sticking straight up. I was walking outside of the palace. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of Shepards stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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rithmeres · 7 years
a TON of notes from my reread of The Silver Eye (long post up ahead)
apen left on the two-year journey immediately after his encounter with enel in the capitol
avidan was wearing white in chapter 3 and i literally didn’t recognize him for a couple panels
‘noah’s a surgeon’ ‘oh i thought he was a hit man or something’ ICONIC
apen doesn’t like tea
the guy in 6x19 who is crafting (?) the silver eye??? he is important i can feel it WAIT HE’S ALSO IN 7x06 AND 7x07 IM?????? whomst is this
i think nathan is to enel what mr. st. claire was to bhatair. a body double who’s body is somehow connected (scars)
pidgeondove’s crush on noah is adorable.
the note noah sent to apen, to which apen responded “yes, absolutely”…. i need to know what it said best theory I’ve seen so far: ‘is nathan hot’
the more i look at the amphitheater fight scene, the more i’m convinced that there’s no way that man is bhatair. the theatre fight looks nothing like the fighting we’ve seen from velvare. ALSO its the only time we see him with a pipe (except the man in 7x13 who might be mr. st. claire and if mr. st. claire smoked, that might explain where noah’s cigar tendencies come from)
apen’s brother………….. i have so many questions like i hope its q OH SHOOT OK HERE GOES: aetius can’t cast syllor’s curse because he’s not from the direct shepherd line. IF he was antigone’s husband, then SHE was the one with all the power and SHE passed it to her descendants. so Q can do it because he’s the son of joshua shephard from the main shephard line GUYS
vel took off one of his greaves and used the gleipnir pen to cut a piece of his fancy sleeve to bandage apen’s wrist.
apen, a suicidal child, had the heart and strength to let vel keep ansam. #beautifulcinnamonrolltoogoodforthisworldtoopure
the runes on noah’s medical kit say “punch a hippie in the face.” I’m dying laura i really am
this pose is incredible:
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“are you saying i’m less tough than a blind lady?” “AT LEAST SHE’S NOT TRYING TO BRING A STUFFED ANIMAL!”
i know noah “knows everything”, but im 100% sure enel is not his brother. but noah’s not stupid so i know he knows something about his father’s link with bhatair but the question is what does he know
the ‘get in the frame, apen’ panel:
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velvare’s faith in apen being a better person than his father and even vel himself is... so good for all the rivalry between shephards and hollingsworths, vel cares so much for apen (he shows him a gentleness that i don’t see with anyone else) and he wants him to be the man he was meant to be
panels 1 and 2 of 12x16………. noah cut aetius’s head in half. with his own axe. he did that.
the panels where vels takes down the bridge with the silver eye are more incredible than my entire life has been up to this point and i am ok with this
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“you rip out your stitches, i’ll kill you and make you sew them back yourself”
AETIUS HAS BACK TATTOOS. WHO ELSE HAS BACK TATTOOS? THE RULERS OF CEDULAN. BOOM. theory that he was antigone’s husband: proven.
thoth. thoth. who was thoth? a past ruler of gallitan? daniel’s father? (15x02 bay mentions daniel’s father. I’m guessing he’s thoth.)
does avidan know that enel is alive? or did noah lie to him too?
in the flashback when bay breaks up the fight between noah and the other kid…… you can see noah’s ribs. prominently. he’s dirty and starving. meanwhile, savannah is wearing pearls and a nice dress and she looks really healthy. what is going on here.
noah and apen’s relationship is so interesting. they have a mutual respect and understanding of the other person, even if they are iffy on the other’s motives. apen’s got noah’s back (like the ring incident), but he doesn’t question or overstep his boundaries. tbh that’s the kind of friend noah needs. noah cares for him (aggressively. with force. and much locking in closets and benches) but he does care. and apen!! “noah, i swear i will never use syllor’s curse on you…. because i am not my family and i believe people deserve human dignity.” (i wonder if that’s gonna come back and bite us in the blubber)
crisan st. claire made it across the deadlands + only nedarians (or those of nedarian ancestry) can make it across the deadlines ∴ crisan was nedarian ∴ noah and idony are nedarian but they don’t show nedarian traits
the only thing keeping the NovaCrew alive is the fact that their main pursuers are a yolo manchild and a literal 8 year old child
noah grabs his clawed arm when marcus starts cutting limes under syllor’s curse
i can’t wait until january for this comic to continue this is torture
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throwaninkpot · 8 years
thesilvereye replied to your post “Portal AU for TSE”
Ooo exciting! In the future script some characters use tse to cut holes through (non-Nedarian) floors/walls to escape places and it always makes me think of Portal.
Yay!! I’m glad you think so! Using the Silver Eye like that sounds cool. Now I’m really looking forwarding to seeing that later in the comic. :D
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tseappreciationweek · 7 years
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Hello, fellow Nedarians! Mark your calendars! We are hosting an appreciation week for The Silver Eye July 31st-August 5th. This will be a great way to show your love for TSE. Plus, it overlaps with Laura's art competition, so if you were wanting to do something for that it would be a great way to prepare some drafts and play around with ideas. Prompts:
July 31st 1A ) Green Space 1B) Favorite Character August 1st 2A) Tickled Pink 2B) Favorite Ship August 2nd 3A) Seeing Red 3B) Favorite BROTP
August 3rd 4A) Blue Funk 4B) Favorite Outfit August 4th 5A) Violet Hour 5B) Favorite Family August 5th 6A) Golden Days 6B) Favorite Scene Please tag us @tseappreciationweek and use the hashtag #tseweek2017 Hope you can join us! Graphics by @valiantarcher
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aceofstars16 · 8 years
Also, who would all your OCs be in a TSE AU?
Late response is super late! But this was so fun to think about, even if I don’t have a complete idea of a full crossover yet hehe xD
Also, I’m just going to assume this is like, if mycharacters were in the TSE world, and their story was in the TSE world as well.If that’s the case, Vistina would probably be from Cedulan and Elisda would befrom Bellingrath (and from their respective royal families/descended fromNedarians). I’m not sure where everyone else would be from, but I like the ideaof both Elisda and Vistina being in Gallitan, and they don’t know that they areactually from Levant. I feel like Senith would be like the St. Claires in thathe is very immune to curses, and yet he manages not to get put under them a lotdue to his smooth talking…oh gosh that would open up such an interestingopportunity for Vistina though. Because I’d imagine she kind of accidentallyputs Syllor’s curse on him because she is SO fed up with him. And she’s totallyconfused by it but also happy about it haha. And then Elisda feels bad forSenith and eventually finds out that she can break the curse, so it’s aconstant loop of Vistina accidentally putting curses on Senith and Elisdabreaking them…I’m not quite sure where my other characters would fit in.Andrian, Kelinda, and Kendren might all be in Gallitan, and they just happen tohelp out the others? I was thinking Llira would be in Levant…but it might makemore sense for her to be in Gallitan too, since she kind of helped Vistina outwhen she was younger and Vistina had lived in Gallitan her whole life…
Bellamy, Akita, and Darion would probably live in one of thecountries in Levant, though I don’t know which one…probably the smallest/mostsecluded one? I’m not even fully sure how they fit into my own story as awhile, so an AU is a whole other part to think about…but I think the main ideawould be that some of the Levant countries have it in against Cedulan andBellingrath, hence why/how Elisda and Vistina ended up so far away from theircountries…
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Another question for the general public: If, by chance, the St. Claires are of Nedarian descent like the Hollingsworths, then why don't their eyes change color?" "Idony's are blocked/obscured by the blindness, Noah is always operating at 100% peak rage
-Anna and Kaesy
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