#tseng ff
owarinaki · 7 months
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President. Rufus Shinra
( Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ) some recap
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Junon; part1 ; part2 ; part3 ; part4 :: part5 ;; part6
Trailer recap 1/3 ;; 2/3 ;; 3/3
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hundreds-spoons · 7 months
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
I know you mostly write about the First Class Idiots and their misadventures. Imagine this. AGSZC are captured by some super villian guy who wants to use them for his own gain. They were captured while on vacation in Nibelheim, to visit Mama Strife and try her delicious cooking. A local guide girl gets wind of it and runs into another young woman who got a distress call from her boyfriend who was captured. Together, they have to fight their way to save the First Class Idiots. The girls' names? Tifa and Aerith! :D
*A day after the whole incident, they're all back at Shinra being interrogated by the Turks*
Tseng: Let me see if I got this right—You, Aerith, snuck out and traveled across continents all the way to Nibelheim to save Zack. There you ran into Miss Lockhart, and together you....found? Professor Hojo's secret lab? And he was keeping the boys hostage?
Aerith: Crazy, huh?
Tseng: How did you girls get past the monsters in the area? It's my understanding that they were Hojo's creations and that even Sephiroth had trouble with them.
Tifa: Really? I guess they let their guard down since we're not military or anything.
Tseng: I'm serious. Sephiroth was injured.
Aerith: But the monsters weren't that difficult to beat.
Tseng: He's still unconscious as we speak. How did you do what he couldn't??
Aerith: Maybe I'm built different.
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ellenhghg · 1 month
˖⁺‧₊˚Final Fantasy 7 boys and sick s/o headcanons˚₊‧⁺˖
Because why not and also because I am too addicted to the games (and men) Headcanons for Cloud, Sephiroth pre- and post Nibelheim, Zack, Reno and Tseng
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Cloud Strife ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Awkwardly hovers, unsure how to help but unwilling to leave your side ♡‧₊˚ Silently panics if it's more than a common cold, might call Tifa for advice ♡‧₊˚ Will literally fight the concept of germs if he could ♡‧₊˚ Unexpectedly good at giving forehead kisses to check your temperature ♡‧₊˚ Cloud's not great at nurturing talk, but he'll sit quietly by your bedside, holding your hand and offering silent support ♡‧₊˚ He gets adorably flustered if you need help bathing or changing clothes, but he'll do it without complaint
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Pre Nibelheim Sephiroth ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Sephiroth takes a very methodical approach to your illness. He researches symptoms and treatments extensively ♡‧₊˚ Precisely measures medicine doses and tracks your symptoms in a notebook ♡‧₊˚ Awkwardly tries to comfort you, patting your head like you're a chocobo ♡‧₊˚ Uses his influence to get you the best medical care in Shinra ♡‧₊˚ Might work on reports by your bedside, just to keep you company ♡‧₊˚ Might accidentally intimidate the doctor with his intense concern for your well-being
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Post Nibelheim Sephiroth ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Sees your illness as a weakness to be eliminated. He might try to "cure" you with Jenova cells, regardless of the consequences ♡‧₊˚ Your fever dreams get WILD with his influence ♡‧₊˚ Offers to "help" by turning you into a Sephiroth clone ♡‧₊˚ Alternates between obsessive caretaking and philosophical monologues about transcending mortal ailments ♡‧₊˚ Gets irrationally jealous of the attention your illness is "stealing" from him ♡‧₊˚ In his twisted mind, he might see the illness as a sign that you need to "ascend" with him to godhood.
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Zack Fair ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Becomes the embodiment of a golden retriever, constantly asking if you need anything, possibly overwhelming you with care ♡‧₊˚ Tells terrible jokes to try and make you laugh/groan ♡‧₊˚ Insists on carrying you everywhere, even just to the bathroom ♡‧₊˚ Makes a pillow fort around you filled with every comfort item he can find ♡‧₊˚ Reads you stories, doing all the voices with great enthusiasm ♡‧₊˚ Ends up catching your cold because he refused to stop cuddling you
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Reno ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Cracks jokes about your "zombie apocalypse transformation" ♡‧₊˚ Sneaks you into Shinra's top-tier medical facilities "for a check-up" ♡‧₊˚ Mixes up a "secret Turk remedy" that's suspiciously alcoholic ♡‧₊˚ Will binge-watch trashy TV shows with you without complaint ♡‧₊˚ Whines dramatically about catching your cold, but still refuses to leave your side ♡‧₊˚ Secretly very worried, checks on you frequently under the guise of "just happening to stop by"
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Tsung ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Efficiently organizes everything you might need, from medicines to entertainment ♡‧₊˚ Takes time off work to care for you (shocking everyone at Shinra) ♡‧₊˚ Reads reports to you as "bedtime stories" when you can't sleep ♡‧₊˚ Makes traditional Wutaian remedies, insisting they're more effective ♡‧₊˚ Secretly touches your forehead to check for fever when he thinks you're asleep ♡‧₊˚ Might use Turk surveillance techniques to monitor your condition
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nobody-viii · 2 months
The Turks - Context Clues (The Kids Are Alright)
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@accala posted an excellent inquisitive post about the Turks here and their motivations and to add some The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story book context, imma leave this here. Couldn't find the quote I was looking for, but here's some things I found interesting. NOTE: I feel like Advent Children did the Turks a little dirty, but I really loved the banter as a kid. This book has some of the same campy shortcomings, but take it or leave it, here's what I found.
1.) The Healen Lodge from Advent Children was an R&R facility for Shinra, universally accepted as the worst one by employees. The Turks/Rufus chose it for its tactical advantages, but it also shows how far back on their heels they were. "The Shinra empire had ruled most of the world up until two short years ago, and it didn't sit right with Elena that the company president had to live in such a desolate place. Yes, medical treatment was available, security was way better away from the city, and the commute was only two hours by car; the staff could have had it much worse." - pg. 14
2.) The abandoned rec hall was being used by Shinra as a lab to convert SOLDIER stimulants into geostigma treatments. The project was Elena's idea, with the resulting medication being donated free of charge to city medical professionals and the WRO. (pp. 16-17)
3.) Reno & Rude were sent into the city to retrieve a stolen item from a teenager (read the book for details I'm too lazy to go into it), and when he started crying and shaking, Reno and Rude switched to a new script. "Aw, look. The kid's really scared." The redhead sounded sympathetic now. "That's what we came to do," the bald one pointed out. And: "Now, we put on our best tough-guys acts on the way over, so we can't just leave without roughing anyone up," said the redhead. "Our job is to teach a lesson to anyone who tries to mess with us." I was still scrambling for an explanation to give them. "Y-you mean, kill me?" was what came out instead. My voice even cracked for good measure. "That's one way to teach a lesson. But we're trying to strike a balance for Shinra, here. We want everyone to love us and maybe be a little bit scared. Killing you would have the opposite effect." (pg. 23) Reno opted to punch the kid in the face, then tell him to keep his chin up, so...balance? Sure. Shinra is, at this point, technically trying to figure out their PR while simultaneously leaning on old habits. Also, the kid calls Reno and Rude a knife and a fork and I thought that was funny.
4.) Reno is described as someone who looked like he 'turned delinquent as a teenager and never grew out of it, like those kids in the Sector Eight warehouses who I still hated and admired in equal measure.' (pg. 23)
5.) Elena roughs up one of the protagonists, but reins herself in when context is presented: She'd paid a visit intending to break Fabio's dominant arm, but when she saw him fight back to protect the child, she changed her plan. Her objective was to punish a thief, not deprive a child with geostigma of his only guardian. (pg. 47)
6.) Reno calls a doctor for the guy he roughed up. Kyrie nodded. "I figured, these guys must have phones, so I asked them to call Dr. Drake. 'Evan's in a bad way 'cause you guys beat him up,' I told them. And guess what? They said they don't know any Evan. So I lost it and said, 'Yeah, 'cause Evan's the one you whaled on when you mixed him up with Fabio. You owe him..... So then the redhead--his name's Reno--he called a doctor. Not Dr. Drake, he said, but a good one..." (pg. 55)
7.) Evan (the protagonist) is trying to work out who would be the easiest Turk to try to forge an alliance with and we get a glimpse of how the Turks are perceived by outsiders (Tseng is an unknown entity to Evan at this time): The most dangerous one was probably the lady Turk who went after Fabio. A close second would be the slab of muscle out there, Rude. Maybe the redhead Reno was more on our level. I thought back to my first impression of him--the grown-up teenage delinquent. Guys like that generally looked out for their own. A sense of solidarity. There had to be an angle I could work. (pg. 57)
8.) There's a whole scene where Evan and Kyrie try to ambush Rude. They choke him, break a chair over him, kick, scratch, the whole shebang and he just brushes himself off and manhandles them to a car (which made me laugh).
9.) Reno and Rude take the protagonists towards Healen in a truck and there's a few moments I found interesting. "So anyway..." Reno was looking at me in the rearview mirror. "Sorry about the shiner, dude. We totally did think you were Fabio. But y'know, I'm impressed you stayed mum and protected your buddy," Reno went on. "Even if you were about to piss your pants." (lol) Then, "Some of us have been slower to to adapt to the new way of doing things," Reno continued. "How many Turks are left?" asked Kyrie. "Can't tell you. That's Shinra's most closely guarded secret." "It's just you three, isn't it?" "Not telling." "But I'm right." "Yeah, you keep thinking that." (pg.63) Rude sleeps through the majority of the ride despite Reno trying to keep him awake. They talk quite a bit about Aerith, because Kyrie and Reno both knew her. Reno warns them not to get mixed up with Shinra's science department.
10.) Evan gets introduced to Rufus for the first time after believing the former president has been dead for two years and Tseng finally exists in this book for two seconds. "He's alive...?" Evan was still speaking to Reno. "I am. The decoy who took my place is not," Rufus replied. "You're a candidate for the position--and from what I can see, you'll do." Evan's jaw dropped, and he stared agape at Reno, then Rufus, then Tseng. Tseng looked down at the ground, trying to hide his laughter. Evan's description of Tseng: He looked like a Turk, too. The very definition of one, in fact. Reno and Rude both showed an awkward humanity--well, sporadically in the latter's case--but this guy was pure ice.
11.) An ill-conceived escape attempt by Evan and crew sees Rufus temporarily kidnapped, as Tseng and Elena are investigating an explosion. Reno and Rude try to stop it, but are ordered back. "Reno, stay back!" Reno obediently halted. I had expected to see fury in his eyes, but all I say was sorrow. Surprisingly, I felt a pang in my chest, too. But there was no other way. I pulled Kyrie's knife from my pocket and opened it--a sad, flimsy little blade, but it could still slice open a throat. "Hey, don't be stupid." I ignored Reno and held the knife to Rufus Shinra's neck. Then, "Reno, take Rude and check on the lab." Suddenly Rufus was giving orders. "Tell Tseng not to get involved here." "Wait, what? Boss, are you sure?!" "Don't worry. I'm as interested in staying alive as you are." Reno reluctantly descended the stairs, glancing over his shoulder almost every step. (pg. 77)
12.) Reno and Rude talk about family and have a lil tiff. "If I found out about a brother I'd never seen, I'd make way more of an effort than those two," Reno insisted. "That right?" Rude said. My colleagues are all I need. "You're not much into family, eh, Rude?" "I'm a Turk," Rude said flatly. "Coolheaded and cold-blooded." He turned and headed for the truck. "Hey, Rude. You pissed at me?" Reno called, an unabashed whine. "C'mon, man. You can't cold-zone me now. Tseng and Elena aren't answering my calls, and the boss just tells me to finish the monument. I know they're starting something awesome without us. We're outcasts! Me and you, you and me. If we don't stick together, then what?" Rude looked back. "Tseng isn't answering calls?" (pg. 94) Reno goes off several times throughout this book about how he'd act if he got the chance to meet family, which makes me wonder about him. "So how'd it feel, meeting your brother?" "I don't think it's sunk in yet." "Well, it's a process, I guess," said Reno. "But you gotta visit once in a while, you know? Then you'll get to figure each other out. Break the ice." (pg. 97)
13.) Reno and Rude are actually partially responsible for the monument in the city. This lil bit kinda gives weight to how long they've been in Shinra. Evan was one of those types who wasn't quite grounded in reality but was full of bravado. A show-off. A scared kid determined to buck people's expectations by pretending he had no fear. And if he kept it up, he was gonna do something stupid enough to get himself killed. Both Reno and Rude had known too many kids like that, from rookie Turks to infantrymen to SOLDIER operatives wet behind the ears from mako infusion tanks.
14.) Reno & Rude get amused by Kyrie treating them like they're not scary. The concern over redemption makes an appearance. "Now what?" Rude stepped closer from his vantage point. Apparently, he'd been watching the whole time. He was pretending he didn't care, but inwardly, Reno was convinced, Rude was intrigued by every act of the farce. Which only made the whole thing funnier. "She said she's hungry," said Reno. "So she's gonna grab something to eat." "It's like she's never heard of the Turks. It's almost refreshing," Rude remarked. So this is what happens when Shinra wins hearts and minds. Reno chuckled again but then remembered that the girl was still afraid of them. He'd seen the goosebumps on her arms. Her toothless threats were her way of gauging the danger he and Rude presented. Evan might trust them, but not Kyrie. Despite what Rude said, she knew what they were and what they were capable of. "You know," said Rude. "She reminds me of Aerith." "Yeah, I was thinkin' that too." Maybe helping them out will redeem us, at least a little bit, he thought. A guy can hope. (pg. 106)
15.) Shinra's resources are thin...and that chopper that ate it in AC was one of the last ones left (cue gross sobbing because in the words of a certain Puppy, Shinra makes good stuff). No one knew exactly how many helicopters the Shinra Company used to have. Within a half a year of Meteorfall, many of them had been looted. Accidents, mechanicals, and other circumstances had taken out others, and now Rufus Shinra and the Turks were left with only three. But even with so few, it was a constant battle to keep them in working order. Also, Rude has mechanical experience and is the one on repairs.
16.) A civilian points out the flaws in Reno's hopes for the future of the Turks. "Well, to be honest, maybe my opinion of you guys is changin'." Doyle looked at Reno again with a level stare. "You're up to better things." Reno couldn't help averting his eyes. Unless it came from a fellow Turk, approval tended to make him uncomfortable. "The monument and the medicine are only one step, you know. Just wait. It might take a while, but Shinra's gonna get off the ground again. Rise again, you hear?" That general idea had been floating around in his head for some time. This was the first time he'd said it aloud. "How?" Doyle scowled, his thick eyebrows lowering. Reno cursed himself for the thoughtless comment. "Can't tell you." "Yeah, I figured. But no one is going to let a violent regime lord it over them again. Not anymore. You tell your president that."
17.) Tseng and Elena bring up the notion of inviting old Turks back into the fold. "For any one person, finding it (Jenova's head) may well seem like a futile task. But there is still a nonzero chance. Either way, staying in contact with our agents and meeting regularly are essential to maintaining organizational cohesion." " But how many...?" Elena glanced around and spoke in a stage whisper. "How many former Turks can we expect to help us?" In his mind, Tseng saw the faces of the old Turks, his former subordinates. Of those, he had made contact with-- They get interrupted and Elena rushes off to investigate something. Tseng watched his operative go with a wry smile. Below the hem of her sundress, old scars marked her legs. Once you joined the Turks, you were in for life. Even those who tried to get out and build new lives could be summoned back with a single phone call. Maybe it was a cruel call to make, Tseng thought. and he sighed.
18.) Reno & Rude defy a direct order from Tseng. "Dumbass," Reno muttered. "What are you waiting for? Engage!" Tseng's command rang from the speakers. "Evan's down there," Rude answered in Reno's stead. "He's already done for," said Tseng. "Fire." "No can do," said Reno. "Reno." Tseng made his name a sharp rebuke. "He's our friend." "Fine. Let me briefly explain--" Tseng's voice abruptly cut out. "Radio trouble," Rude mumbled, his hand drifting away from the radio's master switch.
There are a lot of quirky, funny, violent, or neato moments I didn't list, so check out the book if you want more insight. Hope this gave you some headcanon fodder.
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rei-is-hiding · 1 year
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reno & tseng for art trade i did with the very lovely @demonmilk💕
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annehwong · 2 years
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hi-i-just · 1 month
Some of yall do NOT understand Zack. actually some of yall do NOT understand crisis core characters in general
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olliearson · 1 year
I love how dramatic final fantasy characters are
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hautevaux · 8 days
Generally Vaux very much down plays his own feelings and crushes because for the most part, he knows he's not the only one who feels that way for said person, so he just quietly stews instead of saying anything.
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sicl5 · 4 months
Final Fantasy VII: Alternative World CRISIS CORE
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owarinaki · 6 months
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TsengRu part 3 : :Final Fantasy VII : Rebirth
hojo want to heal injured tseng but Rufus knows Hojo well so he refuse it
TsengRu part 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Index gifs // Trailer recap // Rufus's Story recap 1 //2 // 3
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TsengRu part 3 : :Final Fantasy VII : Rebirth
hojo want to heal injured tseng but Rufus knows Hojo well so he refuse it
TsengRu part 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Index gifs // Trailer recap // Rufus's Story recap 1 //2 // 3
Rufus Pic recap 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Others Tseng&Rufus , Hojo&Darkstar
[RUFUS RECAP] Other links
Ch.4 part 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 //10 // 11
Ch.6 part 12 // 13
Ch.8+9 part 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 22
Ch.10+11 part 19 // 20 // 21 / 23 // 24 // 25 // 26
Ch.12+13+14 part 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31
Etc. : 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36
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jessiesjaded · 2 years
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Don't be fuckin COWARDS put Tseng in some slutty little speedos
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
SOMEONE accidentally crashed a helicopter containing Tseng and the boys, leaving them stranded in the middle of nowhere for a few days until rescue comes. Who loses their sanity first?
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. 39
[The camera is turned on and immediately pointed to a smug face. Genesis is all smiles as he walks along a shoreline. The sun is splayed on his face, his hair is made redder by the warm sunlight, and he's eating an apple]
"Evening, friends and fans." He takes another bite of the apple to keep himself from laughing. "Today I bring you—"
[Angeal's exhasperated screech makes Genesis turn around, still keeping the camera pointed at himself]
"WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CRISIS!" Angeal screams from somewhere off-frame.
[Genesis takes another bite of the apple and winks at the camera]
"Crisis are my aesthetic." He tosses his hair from his eyes. "It's crisis-core."
[A coconut is violently lobbed at his head. Genesis let's the camera fall into the sand. The video blacks out]
[The next video also starts with Genesis. He has the camera pointed to himself as he sits in the sand. Sephiroth and Tseng are seen in the background preparing a fire. Angeal comes up behind them carrying some wood]
Genesis sighs dreamily. "When the war of the beasts brings about the—"
"NO!" Angeal, Sephiroth and Tseng scream in unison.
[Genesis ends the video]
[The next video starts with Angeal filming himself. It's early morning the next day. Crashing waves and birds are heard. Tseng is seen in the background preparing a fish]
"I need to add context to this nightmare since all Genesis has done so far is be an ass."
[Genesis's laugh is heard from somewhere off-frame]
"We were on the way back from an assignment that...."
[Tseng gives Angeal a dirty look]
"That I cannot disclose. But Genesis the idiot—" Angeal pauses to glare at him. "—Insisted on flying the helicopter. He lost control because he's an idiot—" Angeal glares at him yet again. "—And then we crashed."
"We almost died," Sephiroth says in the background. "I saw my entire life flash before my eyes."
[Tseng stops preparing the fish they caught to look back at him]
"Was that before or after you punched that Sea Worm?"
[Angeal pans the camera to film Sephiroth, who's laying on a fallen tree trunk as if it's a therapy bed. He looks reflective]
"During it," he replies. "It kind of looked like Professor Hojo."
[Angeal veers the camera back to Tseng, who's now looking directly into the lens]
"He also said that about the Beachplug he butchered two hours ago."
[Angeal quickly pans the camera back to Sephiroth, who hasn't moved an inch but now has a concerning smile on his face]
"I have a lot of anger, Tseng."
[Angeal points the camera back to himself as he grimaces. Genesis's continued laugh is enough to make Angeal film him. Genesis is lounging on the sand on top of his coat. He has his copy of LOVELESS in one hand, an apple in the other, and is wearing sunglasses]
"I don't know you're so calm during all this," Angeal huffs. "I thought you would've gone nuts by now without access to the internet and coffee."
[Genesis puts his book down and shrugs]
"Why pine over creature comforts when I have everything I need right here? I'm on a free vacation with a copy of LOVELESS, my friends, and there's an apple tree right there."
[Some voices behind them makes Angeal turn the camera back around. Tseng is wrestling the fish knife away from Sephiroth]
"SEPHIROTH, MAN, LET GO," Tseng screams.
[Angeal ignores this and pans the camera back Genesis]
"I just think it's a little suspicious how eerily thought out this all was, that's all," Angeal says.
[A commotion off-frame makes Genesis sit up straight and has Angeal pan the camera back around. Tseng is seen running after Sephiroth, who in turn is attacking a coconut tree with his sword]
[Angeal turns the camera back to Genesis, who takes a bite out of his apple and sighs]
"And now I have free entertainment. This is paradise—why are you looking at me like that?"
[The camera moves in on Genesis. Angeal's heavy breathing is heard as he approaches him]
"Hey, hey! No, not the face!"
[The video ends right as Genesis screams]
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snoffart · 2 years
Merry Christmas from the Turks!!! They’re spreading holiday fear cheer by stealing presents from Avalanche! Woohoo! Hope everyone is having a safe holiday <3
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linmaoooo · 2 years
Tseng edit+my animation
Art credit: ojkuroneko(twitter)
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Song:Bandz a make her dance-Juicy J
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