vastiitas · 2 months
last ooc post of the night, but cole also used to carry a ojo de dios, or tsikuri, in his early years of travel. despite his dispossession to religion at this pt in time, it was a gift from another kid at the orphan homes before he leaves for good. he adds to the woven yarn over time after stealing his first horse, maintaining it now and then in the quiet hours. I think he still posseses it during his years in Deadlo.ck, yarn by then softened by wear and age.
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#hc: youth#hc: head up in the clouds;;#it's a small trinket - and cole is nothing but weak to some subjects of sentimentality#his mother used to make them and he would sometimes join her#they were made by the huich.ol - or wixárika - an indigenous group of mexico in the 15 century#were meant to be a source of protection as one prayed#tsikuri also means the power to see and understand things unknown-#cole's father did partake in weaving one for when cole was first born for the benefit of cole's protection#cbkdhf smthin bout sight being prominent within his family - to see n to watch n to always be aware#there is some lvl of superstition to his upkeep of it - trying for good luck when he seems to be perpetually battered w bad tides#but the movement is also familiar; calming. there's only so much gun oil a boy can afford on a poor man's dime#instead of using properly bought yarn - he uses loose threads from cloth that's well on its way dangling off of its fabric of origin#snaps them off and just integrates it like a bird collecting fibers for a nest#in a way it becomes a little roadmap of some of the places he's been; some of the things he's seen#reds and yellows and oranges were the most prominent colors on it#he loses it earlier in his modern verse; bout the time he loses his arm and gets himself jailed for one incident or another#which tbh - fair - he'd have difficulty working with it w only one arm n no prosthetic-#for the bullriding verse he has it set up in his home actually;#carried it with him on his first pbr circuit and retired it to a mantel when he finally had the cash to purchase himself a home
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tsikuri · 1 year
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2 semestre
La artesanía ojo de dios
El ojo de dios o si’kuli es una cruz de madera cubierta por un tejido de hilos de colores. El entramado crea un rombo que representa cinco puntos cardinales: Norte, Sur, Este, Oeste y el Centro. Este último es el punto donde todo comienza.
Tradicionalmente se entrega como regalo a los niños recién nacidos, de tal manera que siempre estarán protegidos. También se obsequia cuando el niño tiene alguna enfermedad o problema, como una forma de pedir ayuda al mundo espiritual
El padre es quien teje este amuleto y cada que el niño cumple un año se realiza un tejido nuevo para que continúe con su función.
Los colores utilizados en el si’kuli tienen también su significado, por ejemplo: el azul es el color de la lluvia; el rojo es la vida de dios en el oriente, zona donde se encuentra el dios peyote; y el morado simboliza la vida del ser humano.
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En que estado y ciudad se crea
Se crea en el estado de nayarit
Y en la ciudad de la rivera nayarit
Para ejemplo, el Ojo de Dios, un tejido característico de la cultura wixárika y que se puede ver en destinos turísticos como la Riviera Nayarit.
El Ojo de Dios "tsikuri" es tradicional para proteger a los niños que nacen, a los peregrinos que llevan la ofrendas a los lugares sagrados para cumplir con nuestros lugares y nuestra Deidades
Como se hace el ojo de dios
1 Selecciona los palos de base. Estos palos deben ser delgados pero fuertes, como los que se usan en las manualidades o los pinchos de bambú.
2 Coloca los palos en forma de cruz. Usando hilo para bordar, ata un nudo corredizo en el primer hilo y aprieta alrededor de la intersección de los palos. Enrolla el hilo para bordar en forma de ocho alrededor de la intersección (esta técnica sólo funciona con pinchos de bambú, no con los palos de manualidades), o podrías pasar el hilo varias veces de derecha a izquierda en diagonal, y luego de izquierda a derecha. Quieres cubrir el centro de los palos. No cortes el hilo; vas a seguir tejiendo con el.
3 Empieza a tejer a tu alrededor. Trabaja en contra de las manecillas del reloj, moviendo tu hilo por detrás del palo superior, y luego por encima
4 Continúa de esta forma hasta completar todas las filas que quieras.
5 Cambia de colores atando un nuevo hilo de color sobre el Viejo. De esta forma, el nudo se forma en la parte de atrás de los palos.
6 Termina los extremos con borlas o moños, pegados o amarrados. Ata el hilo final hasta el final del mango y ata los extremos para mantenerlo en su lugar.
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Que material se utiliza
dos palos de madera, tejidos vistosos y un poco de estambre de colores
Para que se utiliza el ojo de dios
Los consideraban de buena suerte y los usaban para la oración y la protección, al igual que los cristianos pueden usar una cruz. El pueblo huichol tiene fuertes conexiones con la tierra, por lo que sus creencias espirituales también están alineadas con la naturaleza y la tierra. Los cuatro extremos de los Ojos de Dios representan agua, fuego, aire y tierra.
Quien los creó
Los Ojos de Dios fueron hechos por primera vez por Wixárika , también conocidos como huicholes, un grupo indígena
Quien lo produce
Los pueblos huicholes
God's eye crafts
The eye of god or si'kuli is a wooden cross covered by a fabric of colored threads. The lattice creates a rhombus that represents five cardinal points: North, South, East, West and the Center. The latter is the point where everything begins.
It is traditionally given as a gift to newborn children, so that they will always be protected. It is also given when the child has an illness or problem, as a way of asking the spiritual world for help.
The father is the one who weaves this amulet and every time the child turns one year old, a new weave is made so that it continues its function.
The colors used in the si'kuli also have their meaning, for example: blue is the color of rain; red is the life of god in the east, the area where the god peyote is found; and purple symbolizes the life of the human being.
In what state and city is it created?
It is created in the state of Nayarit
And in the city of the Nayarit Rivera
For example, the Ojo de Dios, a characteristic fabric of the Wixárika culture that can be seen in tourist destinations such as the Riviera Nayarit.
The Eye of God "tsikuri" is traditional to protect children who are born, pilgrims who bring offerings to sacred places to fulfill our places and our Deities
How to make the eye of God
1 Select the base suits. These sticks should be thin but strong, like those used in crafts or bamboo skewers.
2 Place the sticks in the shape of a cross. Using embroidery floss, tie a slipknot in the first thread and tighten around the intersection of the sticks. Wrap the embroidery thread in a figure eight around the intersection (this technique only works with bamboo skewers, not craft sticks), or you could loop the thread several times from right to left diagonally, then from left to right. right. You want to cover the center of the sticks. Don't cut the thread; You are going to continue knitting with him.
3 Start weaving around you. Work counterclockwise, moving your thread behind the stick
top, and then above
4 Continue in this way until you complete as many rows as you want.
5 Change colors by tying a new colored thread over the Old one. In this way, the knot is formed on the back of the sticks.
6 Finish the ends with tassels or bows, glued or tied. Tie the final thread to the end of the handle and tie the ends to keep it in place.
What material is used
two wooden sticks, bright fabrics and a little colored yar
What is the eye of god used for?
They considered them good luck and used them for prayer and protection, just as Christians might wear a cross. The Huichol people have strong connections to the land, so their spiritual beliefs are also aligned with nature and the land. The four ends of the Eyes of God represent water, fire, air and earth.
Who created them
The Eyes of God were first made by the Wixárika, also known as the Huichols, an indigenous group
Who produces it
The Huichol peoples
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odinsoutlook · 3 years
Where are my manners...
Heya! Im new to tumblr, Im here with good friends who have many good things to share!
I hope we can be friends, and learn more 2gether! :D
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isabeladraws · 4 years
3, 4, 5 and 16 from the "I'm from the US" thing! 💚
3, 4 , 5 & 16 answered here!! tysm<3
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask
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marmotish · 5 years
★ So, one for photographs One for dancings or dances ★ ★ And one for swords c8
((I hope you don’t mind but I took this opportunity to turn this into a very late celebration of International Siblings Day!))
★ freyja’s always been terrible with photographs. Her poses are always stiff and unnatural and her idea of smiling for a photo is pulling her lips tight across her face. 😐
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★ Jacob was the dancer in the family, and freyja always admired his talent. He was going to teach her how to dance but they only got as far as moving to the beat.
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★ Freyja’s first sword fight was with Jacob. He was a Star Wars fan, and they would play fight with pretend lightsabers. Freyja just really liked the sword fights in the movies.
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strictlydelicious · 5 years
Peyton in her favorite superhero suit!
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karmagrind · 5 years
Me! Me! Me! xD hellow✨
Raine is amazing and I love her accessory! ٩(•̀ω•́)✧
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cheekywithcullen · 5 years
I am going to say that I started following you because of your Alkar's art and now I just love your art, your lines and your expressions 😭💚😭💚😭💚😭💚😭💚
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THANK YOOUUUU that makes me so happy ahhhHhgGGghh!!! it keeps me goin!!! that and noodles
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askawase · 6 years
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I don’t know why you fucks think you can run away when I will catch you.
[M!A Nyawase ] (This is the last ask im gonna answer for this ma so please dont send anymore!)
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tsikuri · 5 years
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annevmoreira · 5 years
👔- fankids
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Formal outfits for yule ball✨
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May I have a reading? I offer a Tsikuri, woven with every shade of blue I have.
Ten of Diamonds! This represents a large sum of money- based on the time of year I'd speculate that your tax return is about to hit? I dunno I'm just a coyote!!
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odinsoutlook · 3 years
I lose myself
So that I can find Him again
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alithtleobsessed · 4 years
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Two dorks singing their love for Belphie who may or may have not intentionally done it to anger the rest of the brothers.
Part of the art collab with the very talented @tsikuri <33 I did the lineart and she did the coloring! Check out her blog to see the other part of the collab.
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lochnessies · 4 years
callout post for @tsikuri for knowing nothing about fire emblem but has already committed a sin 😔 this is so sad
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