#dora jackson
iwannascreameurekaa · 3 months
IM SO HAPPY I might go on a little rant about Valgrace cause I just love them and this little community around this wonderful ship
I only started shipping them last august and I remember there only being about 800 fics for their ship on ao3 at the time and now there's been like a sudden blow up almost of valgrace it feels like and threw tag gets updated almost daily, I've seen so much more appreciation for the ship and I'm just so happy that I've gotten to see the rise of something that makes so many people including myself happy
love you valgrace shippers!!!
(also here's some of my fav Valgrace fics if you wanna celebrate: Right Here by Ottpop, all of the fall of Grace series but my favorite is grief and desire by jasegrace (thegodofwar), Uno Más by QueenJunoTheGreat, and Maroon by takeimi!! They're all amazing authors and you should definitely read their other stuff too!!)
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ghostly-penumbra · 11 months
Ectoberhaunt 2023. Day Twenty-four
i've seen both Dorathea and Pandora being referred to as 'Dora' so I'll use Pandora for this :3
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As a resident of the Ghost Zone, Pandora was the best qualified to introduce King Phantom to the Greek pantheon’s God of the Dead. And as such, it was her whom Hades rounded on, and started blaming when the boy didn’t arrive on time.
“I don’t have the time for this!” The god was saying, pacing back and forth in the chosen neutral meeting point in the living world: that one Denny’s in the outskirts of Elmerton. “I am busy! I have duties to attend to!”
“And you think he doesn’t?” Said the Goddess, sipping on her black coffee. “He has many responsibilities too, you know? He’s a very diligent boy.”
“I don’t care if he has school,” continued Hades in a mocking tone, “if the kid thinks he can just stand me up, then I-”
Standing up to her full height, Pandora loomed over the human-sized man and crossed one set of arms and put her free hands on her hips. “King Phantom is not standing you up, he’s a good boy and I vouch for him. If he’s running late, it’s because he had no choice.”
Just then, the doors opened and in walked two boys, with their shoulders brushing and talking animatedly with each other.
“Ah, yes, something important for sure.” Said Hades, crossing his arms too.
Pandora raised an eyebrow at him.
“You don’t believe it important that a cute, crowned boy is talking to your very own son?”
As the boys approached, the Gods overheard what they were saying.
“… but if you’re ghostly enough, you should be able to fly! Or at least float.” The Ghost King said.
“Pff, I doubt it. The sky is my uncle’s domain, and he doesn’t take kindly to us flying, and he’s already tried to kill me.” The King of Ghosts replied, shrugging his shoulders and jostling the other’s arm, just a bit.
“Well…” Phantom began, awkwardly putting a hand on his nape, “if you’re interested but don’t feel comfortable doing it here, we could go to my realm? Gravity is optional there anyway, and, uh, I think it would be fun, if you wanted.”
Nico smiled and looked away. “Yeah, that sounds cool.”
Pandora was the one to receive the boys, giving Hades the (undeserved, if you asked her) opportunity to get a hold of himself, erasing the gobsmacked, horrified realization from his face before the children noticed.
Burgeoning feelings aside, this was a political meeting.
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aforgotto · 10 days
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it's Dora's birthday too (Sept. 12)
it's an oatmeal muffin
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not-a-panda · 2 months
Hey can I uhm.. borrow Smokey?
oh- eh, u can visit, if you'd like!
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
"I get it," Dora suddenly said confidently and looked up [bright blue sparkling with sea green, the perfect combination of Jason's steel and Percy's ferocity] into the impenetrable darkness, as if she could see something there.
The cacodemons ruthlessly rubbed her flesh instantly disappeared and Nicolo Di Angelo himself appeared before Grayson.
The man looked as perfect as always — a starched snow-white shirt, an impeccable expensive black suit, sparkling shoes, coal silky strands tied with a ribbon at the back of his head represented casual perfection Just a glance…
Just his eyes not as smart, cold and condescending as usual, but furious, literally burning with impotent rage and bitterly sad.
large drops of tears were already flowing down his porcelain cheeks.
"You're not bothering me because I have to learn to let people go," Dora Mireya exhaled heavily and moaned softly, a cracked rib made itself felt, "because you're jealous, and you're also hurt because of the loss of Jason Grace.
For clarification, this ask is a reference to this post, in which I made Nico an antagonist to Dora's, the daughter of Jason and Percy, journey to bring his father (Jason) back to life.
Since anon has been so kind to offer a drabble, I suppose it should be fair for me to return it. So.
From the first moment Dora could understand the concept of family, she knew that she had two fathers.
One of them was Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, hero of Olympus, two times world savior, Titan Slayer, one of the Seven, and the best father in the whole world Dora had come to know, whom she loved the most and loved her in return.
The other father - his name was Jason Grace. Percy told her he was the most effulgent, gentle, loving, heroic, magnificent person who had ever existed. He was a Hero, his Hero. Everyone said that. Apparently, he was just as awesome as her daddy Percy. And honestly, Dora would always believe Percy, but for some reason, he never told her anything past the praises that he sang to her every night by her bedside.
Nor had Dora ever met Jason Grace.
Everything she had come to know of her supposed father was from Nico di Angelo, who she called an Uncle and acted like an enabler when Dora could tell that her daddy would spill no more.
Nico told her a lot that Percy didn't and wouldn't. He was as transparent as the ghosts he beckoned and was kind enough to indulge Dora every time she pestered like how he indulged the dead ones' last wishes. She showed up at his doorstep, sad as a wet cat, and his black glassy eyes would melt like honey as he sat her down with a blanket and a warm cup of chocolate because his house was always freezing.
She wondered if Nico could see something in her that made him so willing to relinquish.
The stories he told were glamorous, yellow-tinted by the way Nico's voice dipped slightly, flowing like deep undercurrents that held just as many emotions as an ocean. It was through his voice that Dora learned of Jason Grace's greatness and silliness, that she could somehow picture the relaxing slope of a pair of scarred lips whenever Percy mentioned his gentleness; or the twinkle of morning stars in an azure sky when Uncle Leo absentmindedly mumbled "He would have loved this."
Dora watched the shadow nestling under Nico's intertwined fingers as he spoke - telling another story about this rare Capture the Flag game that both her parents had joined - in that same slightly hoarse, low voice. The son of Hades reclined on the only other single chair, looking down at the coffee cup as if he could see the playback on its surface. Dora soaked up his words like a sponge, each and every one of them a piece of a memory she had never lived through, but was eager to review just the same.
"I don't know what could have possessed Jason for him to decide that summoning lightning was a good idea when Percy had had them both drenched," he quipped monotonously, and Dora giggled, "but he did. And the disaster that followed almost had Will tear his hair out."
The scenario sounded ridiculous. Dora wished she was there.
Percy made sure her life was filled to the brim with joy and happiness, but Dora could tell there was a hole in his heart - their blood was the same, after all. It itched at the tip of her tongue whenever her daddy zoned out in the middle of a family dinner, his gaze drifting far away like a lost boat. Something all that joy and happiness failed to alleviate.
Dora knew it was wishful thinking, though, so she shut her mouth and told herself to be content with Nico's reminiscence. Wetness welled up in her eyes, Dora willed it back down, and laughed when Nico mentioned how stupid Percy's hair was after that stunt.
Before Dora knew it, the world around her blurred away and her eyelids weighed more than she could lift. Her chocolate mug sat cold on the table. Something soft draped over her body - a blanket, Dora recognized - and Nico's abyss eyes looked down at her with more warmth than she thought the night was capable of embracing.
That time, Dora dreamed of a creek, Capture the Flag, and startling thunder in the otherwise blue, clear sky.
When Percy first found out about their story-telling sessions, he stared at Dora for three seconds, and whispered a hollow "Oh."
And that was it.
He never said anything about it. It almost felt like he even didn't acknowledge it. The most Dora got after returning from Nico's house was a soft "Did you have a good time with Uncle?", and then her daddy would, without fail, immediately, conveniently venture to their supper or the upcoming movies for the marathon.
At their next meet-up, Dora clutched on her daddy's jeans when Nico walked through the door with Aunt Hazel. She didn't know what she was all nervous about, yet her heart beat so loud she couldn't hear the sounds of other Aunts and Uncles chattering, watching Nico walk up to them along with his sister.
Aunt Hazel hugged her and kissed her cheeks cheerfully. Dora could barely focus on her smooching. Her attention zeroed in on the way her daddy bit his lips before greeting Nico with a muted "Welcome," to which the black-eyed man simply nodded.
She did notice them not talking again throughout the meal.
She did notice the pained look her daddy shot them the moment Dora flopped down between Nico and Will on the sofa. But again, he never said anything.
That time, Dora was on the verge of crying when Nico appeared from the shadow, smiling so gently. He extended his hand, and Dora let go of the statue's hair to throw herself into his arms, crying out in a flurry of fear and relief.
The winds picked up around them, cold up on the shoulder of the Athena Parthenos. Dora buried her face into Nico's chest, clutching his jacket as if her life depended on it - which, in Dora's little mind, was not so far from the truth.
Nico's hands landed on her hair, patting softly. Shadow tendrils poured out from the folds of his long jacket, wrapping her in their ethereal embrace.
"Don't be afraid, little one." He reassured her, and Dora felt his power tug at the strings of her soul, slowing down her heartbeats.
The hysterics passed quickly after that - Nico had that effect on people, but there was one thing that stayed in Dora's heart, like the hope that remained inside Pandora's box, albeit not so pretty.
As they sat, tucked in the shade next to the golden Athena's head, Dora glanced down the Half-blood Hills below, where her father and Chiron stood together, seemingly arguing. Percy was still looking up here, no doubt worrying his heart out.
An invisible hand closed around Dora's heart. "Was my father better at this?" She asked.
Nico hummed. "As far as I know, he fought a gigantic Gaea in the air whilst trapping her in a tornado with Piper tucked in his arms."
It sounded like an astounding sight. It must be - her father, shining gold as he raised his sword against the Primordial of the Earth, the whole sky under the tips of his fingers, whereas Dora struggled with just flying and ended up stuck on a forty-feet-tall statue of her godly Aunt. Even now, she was scared of looking down and seeing the height, or losing her steps and somehow slipping off Nico's shadowy hold.
"I'm not like him," Dora mumbled quietly, wiping the sticky tears on her sleeves. She wasn't him. She wasn't the Jason Grace about whom her daddy sometimes marveled. And she wasn't the hero he loved, no matter what the blood in her veins had to say.
Nico's hand settled on her shoulder, his touch cold and feather-light. He waited until Dora finished smearing her face with her sleeves and turned to him.
He didn't smile, but Dora could hear the reassurance in his softened tone, "You know, I heard that Jason was afraid of flying, too."
Dora stared at him. "No way." She shook her head vehemently, shaking off the thought, arguing. "He's the hero son of Jupiter. He's the living real Superman. He can't be afraid of flying! And you just said he fought Gaea when flying!"
Usually, Dora would believe what Nico told her, just because she had no other sources to confirm. Just this thing, she found it hard to believe.
Nico was unfazed. "What if I told you he was afraid of flying because he was afraid of falling?"
"Falling?" Dora titled her head, "But he could fly."
"The higher you fly, the more it will hurt when you fall" was Nico's reply.
Dora frowned hard. She could vaguely see the logic, but there was still something not right about it. She couldn't tell what it was, though. Nico was sometimes cryptic like that, even though she was sure Uncle Austin was the one talking in riddles.
The said riddler, upon noticing her frustration, merely smiled - a reserved, fleeting smile that held more melancholy than cheer, "You are your father's daughter, little cloud."
Dora was sure she understood that. Nico didn't let her ask.
"Let's think about it at home," he tapped her shoulder, "Now, your daddy would have my head if I'm not bringing you to him right this instance."
The shadows engulfed Dora before she could so much as blink.
Since the start, Nico di Angelo had always been the closest link to Jason Grace that Dora had.
It was natural that he was the first one whose gaze she sought out from across the table after declaring her determination to "bring my father back."
However, not in a million years, could Dora have predicted Nico's reactions.
Dora knew her uncle was scary. Yet, it seemed like she had been blinded by the indulgence he had offered her up until that moment, to the point that her heart stuttered at the sight of his eyes darkening threateningly and shadows coiled under his hair menacingly.
"I do not allow." His voice came out akin to the resounding of hundreds of souls, the tenderness all gone.
Blood ran cold in Dora's veins. The light flickered. The sound of a chair scraped against the floor, a large hand pulled at her arm and Percy appeared in front of her, his back a shield to her frightened mind. Around the table, the adults raised their voices.
"Boys," It was Aunt Annabeth. "What do you think you are doing? Sit down."
Her father didn't budge. Dora had never been more grateful to have him in front of her, shielding her from Nico's penetrating gaze.
"Nico," she heard her father speak up, a cautious edge to his tone, "You are scaring Dora."
Dora hated admitting to being scared, but she was scared. Right at that moment, Nico appeared to her like Death personified, all translucent skin and bottomless eyes, larger than life and darker than even Nyx's House in Percy's stories.
"I apologize," he said, somehow managing to sound just a bit apologetic, his gaze never left Dora, "Regardless, let me make it clear that: resurrection is strictly forbidden; there would be no exception, be it Percy or Percy's daughter."
A breath hitched in her throat. Dora watched her father's fists clench painfully by his sides.
Nico's eyes gleamed dangerously, the shadows seethed along him, and gods isn't it Death looking down at her. "And should anyone attempt to alter the fact that Jason Grace is dead, I would personally make sure of their failure."
In him, Dora thought she saw all the monstrosities she would have to face once she set foot into the Underworld with a smidge of intention to reach her lost father.
She wanted to cry.
Dora clutched her father's sleeve, "B-But..." But you were right there. But you knew how much I wanted to see him.
She couldn't utter a word. Her throat closed off. Her body trembled with the weight of Nico's words. Dora's instincts were screaming at her to defend herself while the other half just wanted to close her eyes and bury her face into Percy's chest, hiding from the world.
This wasn't what she had expected - not Nico's disapproval, not his threat.
"Okayyyy--" Will spoke up from where he sat next to Nico, raising his hands in a time-out gesture. He was smiling, but even it seemed forced, "Chill, guys. Let's just settle down, alright?"
"Nico, knock it off," Aunt Hazel, the brave one she was, admonished firmly, "You're scaring poor Dora. There's no need for that."
Usually, when it came to Nico, Will and Hazel worked quite well as tension breakers. Not this time, though, as the son of Hades did not let down his terrifying scrutiny. Percy's shoulders stiffened up and Dora could feel the muscles and blood revved up under his skin, ready to fight.
The thought sent chills down her spine. Were they going to fight? Could her father take Nico? What if something were to happen to him?
Nico dropped his fork and stood up. Dora nearly screamed.
"I'm sorry for the disruption." He said flatly, "I'm full now. So if we're all clear in this matter, I'll take my leave.”
He turned away, glancing at Dora for the last time. A warning.
Nico disappeared into the curtains' shades, the shadows leaving with him just as Percy pushed her further behind him.
But Dora doubted they would leave her.
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turquoisefleur · 8 months
Percy Jackson & the Lost Backpack
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Dora: "Can you find Ares' backpack that was left in the Olympus?"
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dirtbagdefender · 1 year
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🤍Are you aware of the meme where people start identifying themselves as batman ? Turns out it is more than a meme. The batman effect means where you pretend to be character like Batman or Barbie to complete a task.
🧁In a University of Michigan a researcher , Professor Ethan Kross , he completed a study he completed with several colleagues where a sample of 4 and 6 year old children were invited to complete a boring task on computer . The children were instructed to work hard , keep it as long as they could and they were reminded the task were boring . To test their commitment to the cause , the researchers informed the kids that they could take the break whenever they wanted to play a game on tablet .
Group one - Researchers told them to ask themselves , " Am I working hard ? " while they completed the task.
Group Two- Researchers instructed these children to ask themselves , " is y/n working hard ? " .
Group Three - Researchers told these kids children to pretend they were a favourite hardworking character like Batman , Bob the Builder or Dora the explorer . They received a prop like a cape as a visual reminder to act like their character. They were instructed to ask themselves, " Is Batman working hard ? "
Result - Children in group one did not enjoy their task . They took most breaks and their motivation was poor. The second group did a little better . The third group or the Batman group worked harder , took fewer breaks and enjoyed their tasks more than others.
🤍The batman effect works for not only children but for adults too !! Beyonce has an alter ego " Sasha Fierce " , her alter ego allowed her to be confident . Adele also has an alter ego " Sasha Carter " , her alter ego was a combination of Beyonce's Sasha Fierce and the real music star June Cartar. Adele admitted that her alter ego helped her give her best to every performance during her breakout year. I believe even k-pop idols have alter egos , there are idols who are bubbly and shy in real life but on stage they are confident.
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🧁The Batman effect helps us to reduce anxiety. Adopting an alter ego is an extreme form of self-distancing which involves taking a step back from our immediate feelings to allow us to view a situation more dispassionately. When you think of yourself as a separate identity , it is not you that has to perform the task , it is Batman . It can help you to build confidence, increase concentration , improve your emotional regulation and help you to gain self-control . Your alter ego has no limitations.
🧁So the next time , you lose your motivation to study ? Pretend you are Rory Gilmore. ( whoever you upto for study inspiration) . You feel you cannot do anything ? Pretend you are Barbie. You feel you cannot dance ? Pretend you are Michael Jackson.
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Name: Lukas Castellan
Alias: Luke, Luca
Age: 16
Sexuality: too busy to question, has dated both before
Weapon: a 7” tall staff
Relations: Luke Castellan(father), May Castellan(grandmother and legal guardian), Hermes (grandfather)
Personality: closed off, overwhelmed, stressed, aggressive, lacking emotion, empathy, compassion and guilt. Shows signs of suspected aspd, lashes out, clingy, impulsive. Paranoid, insecure. Gets attached easy.
Fatal flaw: Anger
Fears: his father
Hobbies: very busy, but often boxes in his free time, likes learning about parasites
Anyone I know:
@iggy-mini-miny-moe - Ignis Grace, seems nice, haven’t spoke
@daffy-not-a-duck - Daphne Naria Solace-di Angelo, also sorry
@ineedtoescapefromreality - Rosalyn and Echo McLean, twins, uh- idk anything else bout them
@chasing-that-jackson - sorry about what my dad did to your parents
@olivernothere - Oliver Solace-di Angelo, haven’t spoken, I like your cat
@drea-and-nico - also haven’t spoken yet, more twins i think
@violent-cinnamonroll - Aria Nicole La Rue - once again sorry for my dad
@not-a-panda - cousin dora!! :)
@morningstar-of-the-night - Kallisto Danica Arrelano-Grace, also sorry for my dad
@praetor-ambrose-asher - haven’t met, seems very strong
@daredevil-larue - Lucine La Rue, also sorry for my dad
@the-poison-and-the-sky - Belladonna Chase-Jackson, from another universe, also sorry for my dad
@yourfavoriteadoptedkid - Eloise, haven’t spoken
@hey-guys-its-sam - Samatha Zhang, haven’t spoken
@we-arent-sane - Evan and Penelope Rosier, has apparently claimed me as his bud, haven’t met Penelope
@regulus-a-star - regulus star, he’s stuck with me now
@yeahiguessim-white - Felix White, he bites, I think we’re friends :)
@daughter-of-storm Isla Graham, also haven’t met yet
@leo-repairguy-valdez - Leo Valdez, haven’t met, I don’t think I have to apologize for my dad to you
@percy-jackson-xxx - Percy Jackson, sorry for my dad
@sincerely-anniejackson - Annabeth chase-Jackson, sorry for my dad
@ghost-king-and-thebones - Nico di Angelo, probably also sorry for my dad
@doctor-sunshine-andcarebears - Will solace, also sorry for my dad
Did I get everyone?
The burden of a last name - posts
Oop it’s trauma - backstory stuff / Luke and may lore
Family line by Conan gray
ESOEMOEHOED by Leanna Firestone
Bigger person by Lauren Spencer smith
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Danny Phantom and the Riordanverse
I have some thoughts about a Shared World kind of crossover between Danny Phantom and Percy Jackson & the Olympians. I haven’t done a full rewatch of DP in ages, nor have a read outside the core 5 PJO books, the HOO books, the Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and about 2 and a half of the Trials of Apollo books, also been a while. Apologies for any inaccuracies but hey, fanon.
A Glitch In Time canonizes that the Infinite Realms and Material World were once one and the same, but a global war - waged by people who were naturally half ghost the way Danny and Vlad are - split the world in 2. All things regarding Pariah Dark, I’d say he was one of the major powers in this war.
Realms can range from a 10x10x10 room to entire islands with their own celestial bodies like Dora’s kingdom and its sun. Technically we don’t know if the Far Frozen even has an End Point. Doors can lead to alternate timelines; Desiree, Ghost Writer and Clockwork are all able to warp reality, time included, and the Observant Council perceive time in at least 2 dimensions.
In the Riordanverse it is revealed in the few books of the Trials of Apollo that I read and remember that mortal belief from even a relatively small cult can elevate a mortal man to immortal status a la monsters and Gods. Apollo even muses about the way the Gods don’t want to acknowledge how dependent on mortals remembering them they are.
All of this considered, if you want DP to exist in the Riodanverse and even keep the lore of both, then the Realms/Planes/Worlds of the Gods - of Hellas, Kemet, the Æsir and Vanir, the Heavenly Beauracracy, etcetera - are Realms connected to the Spirit World but managed to remain intersected with the Material World through the efforts of the Gods and the memories of Mortals.
The Duat could even be a layer of the Infinite Realms, frankly.
Danny states that his accident was a month ago as of Episode 1, Mystery Meat, which is set April 3rd, 2004. Based on the few concrete date indicators we get in Danny Phantom, the series takes place over 3 years. 4 if you count Claw of the Wild, but that means the trio stays Tiny all the way into Senior Year lol.
Prisoners of Love begins on May 18th, Fright Knight is a Halloween episode, and in Lucky in Love, they’re at a waterpark, which only open in May at the earliest. The Fright Before Christmas is obviously set before and during Christmas and then Reality Trip is set at the beginning of Summer 2006.
In Urban Jungle, Tucker remarks that it’s 90 degrees outside, which means it’s either late May or early June since I do believe they Are in school at that point and iirc global warming hadn’t made it 90 in the midwest early in 2006. Claw of the Wild is an odd camping episode featuring Danny’s class, and I forget in episode details so if this was during school time it had to be during the spring since, again, they live relatively close to the Great Lakes, so it’s gotta be during a naturally warm time. A Glitch In Time, therefore, is set in late spring or early summer of 2008.
Percy Jackson is 12 at the beginning of The Lightning Thief & 13 at the end Iirc since his birthday is August 12th. Either way, this is in 2005. Sea of Monsters and Titan’s Curse are both set during 2006; Battle of the Labyrinth is in 2007, and iirc The Last Olympian is set next year during 2008 and Percy is 16.
Thereby when the Heroes of Olympus books begin in 2008-2009, Danny is 18 and either a senior or highschool graduate. This is a hilarious point in time for Percy to meet Danny, actually, or any of our protagonist crew, if you want to maintain canon for both.
I know most people don’t, in fact, care to keep up DP canon nearly this rigidly, so some other fun thoughts.
In Reality Trip, Freakshow acquires the Reality Gauntlet, and begins the summer (as this begins on a last day of school event I’d say probably even on the Solstice) of 2006 with a reality warping bang. Once he gets the gems, Freakshow transforms the whole world into his circus, until Danny tricks him and gets the glove back, fixing reality to exactly how it was before the change, wiping his identity from the memories of everyone save Tuck, Sam, & Jazz, and then destroyed the Reality Gauntlet in a single shot.
This, I imagine, would grab the attention of The Gods. That’s if the Pariah Dark situation didn’t register to them, even. Considering Percy is 13 at the time and due to deal with the Sea of Monsters situation, the Kane siblings haven’t been recruited yet (I think) and Magnus is still just a homeless kid in Boston, I dunno if anyone from New Rome would be sent but the Gods of various pantheons may investigate directly or through minor gods/spirits.
The House of Life certainly wouldn’t approve of the Ghost Portals, Vlad, or possibly even Danny. Hell, Luke might actually be sent to recruit Danny or Vlad to the Titan’s cause now that I think about it.
With the fact that Danny, Vlad, and Dan were destroying other timelines while smashing into them from sheer speed through the Spirit World during A Glitch In Time, I’d say Danny is at least a 6D being (existing in at least 4 dimensions of space and 2 of time.) If that doesn’t count him as a God, idk what would. Also during Infinite Realms, Vlad and Danny time travel to both ancient Rome during an event in the colosseum and ancient China at a monetary. If these are the same universe as Danny’s, then he and Vlad should have a myth or two regarding one another, which would also put them on the watch list for Olympus and the Bureaucracy of Heaven.
But hey, what do you think? I’m open to talk about this and wanna hear other people’s thoughts and opinions.
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yeyayeya · 5 months
Major spoilers for Hades 2!! (I guess? Kind of? If you want to go through the game blind don’t read this)
I wanted to share my thoughts I had while I watched the livestream so…
OMG it looks so cool?? I am digging Melinoë’s design (I have also been pronouncing her name wrong all this time whoops)
And the new characters??? I should’ve known Hecate would be involved since Melinoë is, you know, a witch and all. Can we talk about Nemesis? Omg mommy please step on me. I love her design! And we get more of Nyx’s children
Also… Nyx can only have twinks and butch women as her children. And Moros? I saw the white hair and knew he looked familiar (Thanatos my boy where are you)
Ok but the new gods? APOLLO!!!! And I am assuming Artemis functions like Thanatos did right? I was not expecting that voice from Hestia, but I am all for it. Hephaestus too! I didn’t think the other gods that appeared before would get new designs, but hell yeah. Demeter looked so cool. I think the only one of the 12 Olympians missing is Hera right? I kinda wanna see her
And Selene? I LOVE HER DESIGN SO MUCH!!! The art in Hades never misses. (I was also not expecting Odysseus like hello). I was a huge mythology nerd as a child so I instantly recognized Arachne
Skelly! And Dora reminds me quite a bit of Dusa
Hecate being the first boss is cool af. And Melinoë’s whole thing with revenge against Cronos is something I like (Cronos being the big bad? Percy Jackson much huh). I didn’t think she was that much younger than Zagreus, but they were taken away just when she was a child? That’s cold. I am actually liking her character tho. Zagreus will always have my heart, but I’m interested in what happens as you progress more
I am super excited for the game to come out, and I am going to not shut up about it once it does
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not-a-panda · 2 months
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Hi, my name is Pandora- not Panda🫵
I am the child of Katie Gardner and Travis Stoll, I live at Camp Half-Blood and- I don't know, I got a black cat named Smokey!!
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NAME: Pandora Stoll Gardner
ALIAS: Panny, Dora, NOT Panda
AGE: 15 years old
WEAPONS: A spear made out of celestial bronze
RELATIONS: Katie Gardner (mother), Travis Stoll (father), Demeter (grandmother), Hermes (grandfather)
PERSONALITY: Pandora is open and kind to people, she is an ambivert so her social battery can vary alot, sometimes she'll be very quiet and sometimes very loud, two things that don't change about her are her kindness and her sneakiness though
FATAL FLAW(S): She tends to get too sneaky, she blames it on her dad when her mother scolds her
FEARS: Acrophobia
HOBBIES: gardening, playing pranks, playing the violin or drawing
SEXUALITY: Panromantic
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@chasing-that-jackson : Child of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase and Preator of Camp Jupiter, she's great!!
@ineedtoescapefromreality : Rosalyn and Echo Mclean, they're twins, fun to be around!
@iggy-mini-miny-moe : Child of Leo Valdez and uncle Jason Grace, he's... himself...???
@notwillingtobefound : Other child of Leo Valdez and uncle Jason, he's... also himself, less chaotic- i think
@olivernothere : Son of Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace, his cat is soo cute!!
@daffy-not-a-duck : Daughter of Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace, she's nice as well! I also think Preator Chase has a crush on her...
@violent-cinnamonroll : Daughter of Silena Beauregard and Clarisse Larue, she's really cool
@hey-guys-its-sam : Daughter of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque, a good friend of mine:3
@yourfavoriteadoptedkid : Adopted daughter of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque, also a good friend!
@crimes-girlfriend : Child of Hades, good friend of mine :3
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@percy-jackson-xxx : Father of Preator Chase, he's quite powerful, I respect him alot!
@sincerely-anniejackson : Mother of Preator Chase, she's very smart and thoughtful, nice!
@ghost-king-and-thebones : Father of Daphne and Oliver, he's a good friend of my mothers and very cool!
@doctor-sunshine-andcarebears : Second father of Daphne and Oliver, he's a great medic, very kind!
@leo-repairguy-valdez : Father of Ignis Grace and William Valdez, married to Uncle Jason, great mechanic but a lil chaotic...!
(sorry if anyone is missing, please DM if you want to be added!)
this blog is ran by @lokiwiiiiiii .
irp tag: #doras speaking
ooc tag: #lokiwi yapping
oliver/dora : #ollie n doras sillies
sam/dora : #sam n pandas sillies
eloise/dora : #eloise n pandas sillies
daphne/dora : #daffy n pandas sillies
charlie/dora : #charlie n pandas sillies
andrea/dora : #silly girlfriends
evan/dora : #high besties talking
(other tags will be added in function of the interactions with other members of the closed rp and added here.)
Smokey pics
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28 notes · View notes
generallysapphic · 2 years
i can take care of you +18 (shuri x reader)
it’s been an intense couple of weeks for the queen, and you’re noticing the stress of it all eat away at her. from failed project to injury during a mission, you decide to make it your goal to help her relax in the best ways possible.
y’all YALL,,, i absolutely love when y’all send me such specific requests so keep it up! and i wanna thank @maybachinparis for sending this request in because it has my mind REELINGGG, so thank you my love! (also ; queen ramonda isn’t dead in this story she’s just retired, but t’challa is.) part two here!
y’all this is a long one, lots of fluff and talking before we get to the down and dirty, and beware some angst!! reader is originally from wakanda and the daughter of a trusted farming family that many people know, so you have some history. she’s shorter than shuri and
warnings ; praise kink, overstim, crying, squirting, multiple orgasms, soft dom! shuri, sweet sub! reader, married love making, name calling, strap on sex, frustrated shuri (she doesn’t take it out on you), small injury and medical assistance, bath sex, talk of death and the afterlife
song inspo: SHEA BUTTER BABY by Ari Lennox and Would You Mind? by Janet Jackson
tag lists (thank you for the support!!): @maybachinparis @rxcently @verachii @imshurisbabymama @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @mingitheii @letitias-fav @blackgcomica @lovelyaliengirl @dejaonline @writesbyriri @bubshri @blackhottie25 @playgurlxoxo @mocha-aya @noneofyabuisnezs @kiraecl1pse @nil-eena @birdbirdbirdbird123456878900 @katymae12344 @lunax0654 @shuri-my-love @nsfwlover13 @vlkyriesverse @shurisbbymama @szalipcombo @natsgirlfriend @http-twyla @sokkasbae255 @scarelttrose
enjoy loves <3
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you walk back and forth, practically pacing, from outside the long doors in front of the lab, your mind reeling. you couldn’t even believe it— the queen, the black panther, your wife injured on a mission. your hands were shaking, how could this even happen? shuri had looked so pained when she came through the front room doors, limping, and immediately asking the dora milaje to hold you back, as shuri knew better than anyone how quick you were to react.
and hold you back they did— you already fighting them with all the strength you had and yelling that you’re the queen too and you deserved to see your wife, to tend to her before anyone else, but they were stronger than you in most ways. aneka looks at you with her deep eyes, “please, your highness, calm down, she’ll be fine,”
and you fight back, “i should be there with her! let me through—!” and you try to barricade through them once more before they tackle you again, and you struggle against them. after a while you had calmed down and most of the dora milaje retreated to the lab to help shuri but even now in front of the lab doors stood two dora, their spears ready to attack.
your head was hurting as you paced back and forth waiting for something — anything — to know she was was okay. shuri was having such an intense last couple of weeks, this truly being the first time she was both queen and black panther and it’s taken a toll on her, you could tell. deep circles were around her eyes and most nights you’d go to bed alone, her coming in around 3 am just to wake up bright and early at 7 and barely sleep. you had your own diplomatics to deal with too, making sure all the affairs were in order before she left and it took so long, you spent most of the day in your office and the throne room before you got off at 6, always missing shuri and she always missing you.
when you two were together it was always brief. small moments in the garden on your lunch or stolen kisses right before she departed wakanda only to return nearly 14 hours later. then the people of wakanda looked to you as well— while shuri was gone you were entirely in charge. walking the kingdom and taking care of small disputes best you could, but still, it was a lot for you both.
you’re whispering prayers to Bast, just hoping nothing is fatal or too deep that she’s injured forever, and suddenly the large white doors open, and it’s aneka smiling at you, and you let out a sigh of relief and practically run past her.
doctors, many of the elder tribe leaders, and even m’baku are still surrounding shuri when you come in but they make way for you as you nearly tackle her on the lab bed she’s on. a couple of “careful!”’s are said but you can only hear shuri’s laugh, and a small groan in pain as you hug her tightly, the tears you had outside already spilling over.
you pull back and grab her face, “please, please, please don’t scare me like that ever again, shuri. i thought— i thought—” and you could barely get it out, the words ‘i thought i lost you’ staying behind in your throat but shuri looks at you with a deep, fond gaze that says “i know you did, but you won’t and never will,” you smile slightly, stroking her face in your hands and kissing her all over and she laughs, holding your waist and drawing you close.
“i think,” m’baku’s deep voice breaks you two up, “the black panther needs to rest with her wife, hmm? even with all your nano tech and whatnot, an injury like that, you need a couple of days,” and elders murmur in agreement and you nod along. shuri speaks up though, “the mission. i have failed them if i don’t go back,” she says and you look at her again, she sounded so finite about, your eyebrows furrow.
“no, you have not, my queen,” says the leader of the river tribe, “we can handle it from here, call nakia up to keep the trail hot,” shuri frowns, “nakia has to care for someone, she won’t be able to go. i am fine, let me—”
your voice cuts hers, “shuri. no.” she stills, much does everyone because they can tell it’s not a suggestion. “you are injured. you can barely walk, and i have never seen you like that before. and when one queen is inept to make the decisions the other steps in,” shuri gapes at you, mouth ready to retort, before you add, “i support the notion of giving the black panther a week of rest, nothing less. should she step foot in this lab or reach for her necklace, the dora milaje will do their best to stop her,”
the elders look around, murmuring, before m’baku speaks first, “i mean, cmon, it’s her wife.” he laughs a bit before adding, “you have the jibari tribe behind you in this notion. i also submit my services to stopping the black panther at all costs,” he chuckles a bit and you whisper an “ey,” and cut your eyes at him.
you hear shuri smack her lips once the other elders agree to your request and you nod, “it’s settled. m’baku, handle the most recent hostage situation best as possible. take ayo with you and listen to everything she says,” you hear m’baku grumble as ayo tries to hide her laugh.
“i need the rest of you to watch our boarders and city waters. many families have had irrigation problems because of the dry season, causing wild life to attack their farms so keep an eye out, and bring water to those in need,” the leaders nod out, “yes my queen,” to you and walk off before you sigh and lift shuri’s head up,
“and you,” you say sweetly and shuri blinks up at you with tired eyes, but still looks at you as if you hung the moon yourself, “yes, my love?”
“you,” and you kiss her on every word, “are going to relax and get some rest,” you say and sit next to her again and she sighs, eyes closing slightly. you know what she’s going to say, you see it in her face.
“i.. i miss him,” she whispers when you two are finally alone and you rub her hands in yours, kissing her knuckles, “i know, sthandwa, i know,” you bite your lip, not wanting to say what you do, but you decide to anyway,
“you could talk to him, yknow.” shuri sighs and shakes her head, “last time… he wasn’t — he wasn’t there. he doesn’t want to speak to me,” she whispers the last part and you retort completely, grabbing her face and making her look at you, “shuri, no, no. don’t you ever say that. t’challa — he loved you so, so much, of course he’d want to speak to you, he’d be more than happy to see his sister.”
her eyes are threatening to spill over and you rub your thumbs against her cheeks and sigh, “my love, you are so strong. but asking for help, wanting some, is not the weakness you take it to be. you know that, i know you do.” you whisper and kiss her forehead and she hold your hands in yours, taking deep breaths to calm down.
you look back into her eyes and she’s smiling slightly, you know she’s still sad but you can tell her body is fighting exhaustion and not allowing her to feel her emotions completely. you step down from the bed and extend your hand, “cmon. i’ll run you a bath, get you cleaned up, yeah?” and shuri nods, and you help her get down, holding her waistline and she holds on to your shoulders, leaning on you for support.
aneka is at the lab entrance, waiting to assist in anyway, and you tell her, “let m’baku know the queens’ kimiyo beads will be off for the rest of the evening. emergencies only,” and she nods, as you and shuri walk to your bedroom.
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the bath will do shuri some good, you decide, touching the water and adding some bath salts to help her skin relax. she’s in the master bedroom, taking off the underarmour she wears under her black panther suit and even though you are married, sneaking a hidden look at your naked wife has you blushing and turning away.
most of her injuries are dressed and nearly healed once shuri steps in the bathroom, still limping some and her hair out from its original cornrows. she sighs and comes up behind you, swaying you slightly and you lean against her, you both watching the bath fill up with bubbles and water.
“what did i do to deserve you,” shuri sighs into your neck and you chuckle slightly, “i should be the one to say that. i went from farmer to queen in nearly two years, im still wrapping my head around it.” she kisses your neck and rubs your arms, “i saw you and thought you deserved it,” she murmurs and you giggle, pushing her off you, “nope, no, go get in your bath, no sex for you, go,”
she huffs slightly, taking off her robe and stepping in before wincing, “you’re trying to burn me more, ikumkani wam? this is scolding,” shuri complains and you roll your eyes and help her sit down, “the hot water will relax your muscles, now come sit, let me wash your hair,” and she huffs again, but listens.
you two hadn’t had a moment like this in so long, you realize, squeezing some shampoo on your hands and you tell her, “we haven’t done anything like this in a while, huh? it’s nice,” your murmured and get a soft response in return, and you laugh, right. shuri always went to sleep when you washed her hair, your hands working diligently, your nails scraping against her scalp and she leans back into your knees.
you can see her eyes closing, and you smile sadly at just how much you see she needed this, her entire body looks like it’s recharging in the bath, and her breathing slow and deep. you whisper, “lean back, entle, let me rinse your hair,” and shuri is completely complacent, murmuring and moving slowly, as you tilt her head back and run warm water down her scalp.
shuri’s definitely asleep by the time your putting in her conditioner and giving her some two strand twists, her entire head sloped against your knee. you find a head wrap in the nearby drawers and kiss her cheek once your done to wake her up and she mumbles. you whisper, “cmon let me wash you, love,” and she’s blinking awake as you climb into the bath and grab a rag and rub all over her.
shuri looks at you fondly, watching you avoid her open wounds and wash softly over the wrapped ones, even whispering a small apology when she winces slightly, all the way until your rinsing her off and wrapping a bathrobe against her and climbing out first to help her get out after you. you unplug the drain and grab some lotions and gauze to rebandage her wounds once in the bedroom.
you sit her down, handing her the cocoa butter and cream as you work your way up her wounds starting with her legs. you start, “what do you want for breakfast tomorrow?” you whisper and look up and shuri is staring back at you with such deep love and appreciation, that it makes you blush. you two have been together for more than three years now and she can still look at you as intensely as she did that first night you met her.
“shuri,” you whisper and she blinks, snapping out of her trance, “yes? i’m sorry whatd you say?” shuri says honestly and you giggle, wrapping one more gauze before sitting next to her and smiling, “what do you want me to make for breakfast tomorrow my love? we’ve got a week and i want to spend it doing all the things we’ve missed,” you say a little sadly and shuri laughs to herself, “why worry about tomorrow, we’ve got plenty we can do right now,” and her hand slides up your thigh and you roll your eyes, slapping her hand slightly. you know it doesn’t hurt her, but she still winces like it does.
“no sex, i mean it. i want your body to relax, sithandwa, okay?” and she sighs and nods, thinking. “i don’t even know to be honest, y/n, i’m so exhausted,” she finally admits and you laugh, “yes i know my love, let’s get some rest, yeah?”
shuri nods and you hand her the large shirt she normally wear to bed and cut off the lights and lay back down. shuri finds you in the darkness, completely wrapping herself over you and whispering, “ulihlabathi lam lonke sithandwa,”
you smile deeply, before sleep washes you both over and you close your eyes.
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you wake up first, the small vibrations from your kimoyo beads shaking your arm, making you turn your alarm off. you check the time, just barely 9 am, and look over. you smile and see shuri, sleeping still so peacefully, her breathing slow. you reach over and adjust her head wrap before it falls off and sit up and stretch.
you check any of the emergency messages shuri may have gotten on her kimoyo beads and all you see is a lovely picture from nakia and her beautiful son, captioned, ‘hope to see you soon, auntie :)’ and smile, before closing the screen and stretching again, beginning to prepare for the day. you put your slip dress on and some house shoes before going to the other side of the bed and kissing shuri’s cheek.
her reflexes wake her up slightly, and you hear her grumble as you giggle, “no no, go back to sleep. don’t wake up i was just saying good morning, my love, that’s all. rest,” you whisper and she laughs a little too, “good morning to you, too,” before sighing and turning over. you walk away to the kitchen and wrap your hair up in a bun to get started.
you prepare some biscuits first, kneading dough and buttering up some pans before slicing up some pork pieces and peppers. you’ve been cooking your whole life, memories of making breakfast for your family with your mother flood your mind as you move around the kitchen. you smile to yourself, as you completely involve yourself in the food, playing some music softly.
after about 2 hours, everything’s just about done. the eggs cook last, of course, as you chop up some fruit and your beloved comes to the kitchen, her black pajamas on and twists out. shuri looks well rested and so much healthier compared to last night that it makes you smile.
“well good morning, again, love,” you say, still chopping fruit and she comes behind you, her favorite place to be, and smiles a “good morning,” into your neck, kissing there and rubbing up your sides. you chuckle to yourself, you know she’s pent up, hell, you are too, but you had a plan for that so you wiggled your shoulders, “no, we’ll eat first okay?” you say and turn to her and sighs again like last night and steals a strawberry from off your cutting board. you smack your lips at her and pinch her hip as she walks away laughing and starts setting the table.
you grab all the dishes you can, first the potatoes and pork first, and asking shuri to grab the rest of the eggs and biscuits and grits, placing everything just like your mother had always told you to. you take a step back and look at your work and smile, and shuri comes to your side, “i know you do, so, you want a picture?” and you laugh and ready your kimoyo beads and snap a quick picture.
you let shuri sit first and she looks at you confused, “what—” and you sigh, “i’m making your plate, go and sit,” and she laughs, “i guess i should get hurt more often,” she says and you glare at her before shuri puts her hands up, “a joke, sthandwa, i’m joking,” she laughs at your eyes, which are still cutting at her while you gather her food. “yeah, you better be,” you say back.
once her plate is full you set it down and she looks at you like you’re about to get married to her again, “i love you so much, this looks so amazing,” she murmurs out and you laugh and kiss her curls, smelling the shampoo you used last night and smiling. you set your plate next and sit next to her, praying a small thank you to Bast and beginning to eat.
you and shuri eat in a comfortable silence for nearly fifteen minutes before you both start to get full and make conversation. you start, “i have a full day of activities planned for us today, usana, i’m really excited.” she lifts her eyebrow at you to continue as she finishes her biscuit, all the food on her plate nearly gone.
you do, “first, we need to go to the market for some fresh meat for dinner tonight. i wanted to try and perfect my jambalaya. and then i thought we could go to the garden and relax, sort of meditate and read a bit, and finish the day strong with dinner and.. maybe, some time alone.” you try to whisper the last part to hide yourself but shuri catches it all and smiles.
“well seems like you’ve got it all planned out. i’ll follow your lead, sthandwa, im excited.” she sounds so sincere and infatuated with you, it makes you blush. how crazy is it that, as long as you’ve been together, she can still make you feel like it’s the first date all over again. you shy up and stand, taking her plate with yours to wash it. shuri beats you to it, “no, no, i got it, go get ready for the day,”
you look at her and sigh, pulling her down for a kiss, and she grins into it much like you do, and pull away saying, “ndiyakuthanda,”
shuri smiles harder at you and repeats it for your ears only as if you’re the only person who supposed to hear it. and you know you are.
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you lay in the bath and you hear shuri singing to herself slightly down the hall as she washes the dishes. you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy for the time you’ve spent with her, even just one morning feeling positively heavenly.
your kimoyo beads go off under the water, and it’s m’baku, a text that reads, ‘the hostages have been brought back home. ayo has talked my ear off, please send aneka to retrieve her.’ and you laugh slightly as shuri walks in, “what’s funny, my love?” you turn to her, “m’baku and ayo working together, he says she talked his ear off,” shuri smiles too and being to underdress and now you’re not laughing.
“what’re you doing?” you ask, smirking at her and trying to keep your eyes on her face as more and more of her tattooed skin comes into view, “repaying the favor. you wash me, i do the same, yeah?” she whispers back and before you can retort she’s already stepping in and you laugh as she winces, much like last night, “darling, you’re going to burn your skin off, Bast, this is ridiculous,” she mumbles as she sits down and you smile, leaning against her chest.
she rubs your skin up and down under the hot water and you sigh, holding one of her hands against you. “i’ve missed you,” you whisper, and she nods against you, tilting your head to look at her, “i’ve missed you, too,” she whispers right back, and kisses you sweetly and gently like you’re the softest thing in the universe. you moan softly, turning your head to give her better access and water moves around you both, most of the bubbles now gone.
you feel the hand that was holding you chin slowly go down your chest, moving right on top your clit and you huff, pulling away from her mouth and she shushes you, adding more pressure with her two fingers and circling your clit and you moan, “haaaa, shuri,” you’re whispering like someone will come in and she kisses against your cheeks holding you down with the other hand.
shuri whispers in your ear, “you’re so beautiful, my love. i’m so glad to call you mine,” you moan again, feeling that heat pool downstairs and your legs try to close to avoid it but shuri’s talking in your ear again, “no, darling, keep them open let me see you, it’s alright,” and you sigh and open your legs again, always giving into shuri completely. she thanks you and you feel your body get warmer, the water moving against your pussy in tandem with shuri’s fingers and you buck, your orgasm washing over you suddenly.
“ha, oh, ohhh i’m cumming, shuri, shuri—” and she’s encouraging you all the way, whispering praises in your wet skin and still moving her fingers against you, until you’re whining in overstimulation and she stops, kissing your neck and rubbing your stomach and legs. you sigh out and completely turn over and kiss her, water spilling over a bit, ready to return the favor and she smiles, shaking her head, “we’ve got to go to the market, remember? we’ll finish later, okay?” she says and you blink, still dazed from your orgasm but you nod and she picks up a rag to start washing you both.
once you’re both clean, you get out and lather up with some cocoa butter and oils, you laying your edges and shuri fixing up some of her curls. you wear your favorite loose dress, it ties right on your hips and gives you some decent cleavage and shuri puts on a matching track suit and grabs your hand as you exit the room.
walking towards the throne room you see aneka there waiting patiently, “my queens, are we departing? should i tell anyone?” and you both shake your head, “we’re just going to the markets, aneka, no need for royals of any kind.” you say sweetly and she nods, tapping her spear against the hard concrete, opening the doors and escorting you both out.
being on wakandan streets made you nostalgic, not having really been outside that often since marrying shuri and becoming queen. shuri sees it on your face; the warmth of familiarity bringing a pleasant and beautiful grin on you, “you miss it, my love?” she says as you look at the shops.
you sigh and face her, “a bit. it mostly reminds me of my mother. but even when we were dating i just miss having the time like this— to wonder about and look, just you and i,” you say taking her hand and she smiles at you, kissing your forehead as you make your way to your first shop.
the woman smiles, “ikumkani wam, what can i get you, dear?” and you smile back, “no need for royalties, auntie, i just need some peppers and rice, and if you have any strawberries that’d be great too,” you say glaring at shuri since she had eaten your entire freshly picked batch this morning and she puts her hands up in surrender, laughing as she walks around to another shop.
she packs up the ingredients for you and you thank her as you watch shuri come skipping back to you and smiling, her hands behind her back. you raise an eyebrow, “what’ve you gotten now?”
“nothing, nothing, don’t worry about it,” she says all too fast and you sigh, shaking your head, knowing it’s some expensive gift she’ll probably give you later. shuri had a habit of doing that, buying you some gold or jewelry or accessories you didn’t necessarily need but she knew they’d look darling on you. and, well of course they did, but you had always encouraged her to not spend so much on you. “you are my greatest gift,” you had told her countless times, “i need nothing more.”
and yet, she persisted.
you’d given up trying to stop her long ago as shuri was just as stubborn as always. you walked up to your next shop, talking to the young man there and asking for the pounds of meat you needed, thank him as he went to cut. shuri comes to your side, “it’s not jewelry, if that makes you feel better,” she whispers lightly, you can feel her smirk.
you’re curious now, “more waist beads?” and she shakes her head, “oh, really? i don’t know you to buy anything else. what is it?” the man comes back with the pork and chicken you needed and you thank him as shuri whispers, “i don’t want to spoil the surprise, love,” and you gruff, “i know you better than all, shuri, you cannot surprise me.” you say proudly and she smiles walking side by side with you and shrugs,
“maybe i can,” you glare at her, now more curious than ever. but she might be playing with you, just to throw you and actually pull out waist beads after dinner and you chuckle to yourself. the rest of the trip is filled with small banter and shopping, both you and shuri just happy to spend this time together.
once back home, shuri insisted to move the meditation in the garden to tomorrow, which causes you to lift up your eyebrow once you set your groceries down in the kitchen. “why, have you got something planned?” and she smiles, helping you unpack and she comes to your ear, “i need all the hours in the night for you so after dinner it’ll just be you and i, alright?”
‘all the hours in the night,’ echoes in your forehead and you feel some heat pool at the bottom of your stomach, and you exhale quietly and nod, “alright,” you whisper back and she kisses your neck, rubbing your arms and she walks away, the bag holding your surprise in her hands.
you stand at the sink, still slightly breathless, whew. you had forgotten how shuri can get, so sensual and so intense, that it didn’t cross your mind that she might have plans tonight along with yours. your mind reels as you try to figure out what her surprise could be while you think of yours.
you and shuri had had a loving sex life, nothing too intense and always so satisfying, shuri always willing to try whatever you wanted and you right behind her, listening to her suggestions and smiling at her when she comes to shy and asks if you can try something new. but even then, you knew what the other liked— shuri loved you in lingerie and all the jewelry she bought, she liked taking all the time in the world with you so the ‘all the hours in the night’ hadn’t surprised you one bit; ever the romantic, she lets nothing come between your love making and she swears by it, even going as far as taking off her kimoyo beads and shutting them down at one point.
you loved everything about her but during sex you absolutely loved when she lost herself in you, letting down every single guard she had and completely unraveling because of you. she’s always so tense, ready for any and everything at all costs so to see her completely relax and let go while with you makes your mind nearly explode.
but even then, what could she possible have that would surprise you? you shake your head, looking at the time. 5:54, might as well start on dinner.
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you sigh once dinner is ready, your eyes watering a bit from the peppers and spices, but it’s done regardless and you step back and take another picture and immediately send it to your mom, proud of your work. you cover the pot and walk to the bedroom to get shuri but instead are greeted with a lingerie set, a white frilly bra and underwear set, complete with ribbons and lace, and a silk, black dress that sits next to a perfume bottle.
you roll your eyes once you see a note with shuri’s handwriting on it, “surprise, my love.” you read and sigh again, taking off your apron and under clothes and putting on the set. you walk to the bathroom and see yourself in the mirror, damn, it’s perfect. the dress itself is damn near see through and the bralet and underwear hug your body beautifully, the ruffles practically shiny against your skin and blush, almost too nervous to show shuri. you spray some of the perfume on, inhaling and smelling, vanilla and shea butter, and you smile. it’s the perfume you wore on your first date. i can’t believe she remembered something like that, you think to yourself. you get one last of yourself in the mirror and fix your hair a bit, laying your edges down once more before walking out.
you see shuri in the kitchen wearing a white fitted suit, and she’s adjusting her cufflinks when your speak up, “okay, i admit it, you surprised me.” you say laughing and she turns to face you and she gasps slightly, you can see her gaze darkening as she takes you all in, “you look beautiful, sthandwa, you captivate me,” and you smile and shy up and decide to walk off, “let’s sit yeah?” you say and shuri laughs, and follows you to make her plate as well.
you both make your plates and sit down once more like this morning, making small conversation, but you can’t help but feel a light sense of arousal, as you know what’s about to happen. you two haven’t made love in so long and the thought of her being inside you for hours has you crossing your legs as you can barely speak to her, muttering out small responses before she notices and lifts your chin to make eye contact, “y/n, you know i absolutely love you and your food but i feel confident in saying we’re both too distracted to eat right now, yeah?” you nod, hanging on her every word, “why don’t we just go to bed then?”
you let out, “yeah,” completely breathless and she leans in to completely cover your mouth, feeling her lips move against yours and it makes you moan, wrapping your arms around her and sighing, your brain fogging up and moving against her like it’s a second nature, because at this point it is.
she stands you both up slowly, keeping your mouths connected and holding your waist, drawing you close as you feel her tongue enter your mouth and explore. you gasp slightly, god, you missed this, missed it so much, youre holding on to her like you’re about to drown. shuri pulls away slightly, a small line of spit still keeping you both connected and you whine, she shushes you, “i’ve got you, shh, it’s alright, let’s go to bed, yeah?” and you nod and follow her, holding her hand and looking at her as if she’s taking you to bed for the first time again.
she captures your mouth again, now against the bed and you moan, opening up to her completely as she rubs down your sides, slipping her hands under your lingerie and you gasp. “shuri, cmon, please,” you whisper and she nods, and once you get a good look in her eyes you can tell she’s just as desperate as you are, if not more, and you think about the three times you denied her last night alone. she practically lays you down and climbs on top of you and attacks your neck.
you tilt your head and give her total access and she whispers, “you smell so good, love,” and you moan out a laugh, “i have you to thank, dear. how’d you even find that—!” you can’t even finish your question as shuri has completely lifted your dress, sliding her hands against your breasts and sucking hickeys into your skin. you moan out her name and lift your back so she can take off the bra which she does in one swift movement.
she sucks on one of your nipples as you moan and squirm, the foreplay alone making you already feel like you’ve ruined your underwear with your slick. shuri reaches down and palms you through your underwear and you throw your head back, gasping. oh, she’s being so mean, you think, and groan in frustration as you feel yourself growing more and more frustrated.
shuri picks up on this, “you want more, my love?” and you nod, bucking you hips against her hand to symbolize where you need it, and she smiles, “of course,” she whispers and finally, finally, she’s face to face with your heat, covered by the panties that are soaked beyond recognition. she moves the underwear aside, not completely taking them off, and the cool air of the room hits your lips causing you to moan breathless, any friction or stimulation driving you crazy.
shuri curses out lowly, before placing a kiss on top of your pussy. your hips stutter slightly and she laughs a bit, before going back to kissing your lips and licking up all your slick. you moan aloud, “yes, yes, please, please don’t stop—” so happy to finally have some stimulation on you and shuri sighs against you, taking all of you in and moaning like your the best meal she’s ever had. you grab the silk sheets from under you and toss your head back before shuri pulls away slightly, stopping all contact.
you don’t even say anything but your hips are being raised and shuri is practically ripping off your underwear to have better access to your entire pussy and she goes back into you completely, kissing you thighs and sucking on your clit, wasting no time. you jolt, “oh, fuck! haahhh, shuri, shuri, shuri—”
it’s perfect, you moan aloud, shuri is so perfect, the poor sheets evidence, you could hear them practically ripping as your orgasm approached, shuri’s mouth working you through it. you try to move away from her, not wanting the night to be over, god, you wanted her for hours and hours, just like she promised, but you felt it, your whole body becoming hot.
shuri holds your legs open, not letting you up, even though you warn her, “sthandwa, i’m cumming, i’m cumming—!” but she hums around your pussy, acknowledging you but not stopping. you feel it, your entire body opens up and your back arches, you feel your clit pulsing under her lips, and she keeps sucking, you whine high pitched as your orgasm racks through your body. you feel your pussy clench around nothing and shuri pulls away, gasping and her chin wet.
you sigh, legs falling open, as shuri kisses up your legs and stomach, moving your dress around until she reaches your mouth to kiss you and you taste yourself and moan, rubbing her shoulders and coaxing her out of her suit as she twists to get it off as well. she moans against you, pulling away slightly and she whispers, “you taste amazing, love,” and you smile, “your turn?”
she laughs, “you sound eager about that,” she says and you nod and sit up leaning her down, “i want to take care of you tonight, usana, you deserve it, yeah? can you lay down for me?” and shuri nods, semi breathless, as you sit on top of her taking off her clothes, and kissing all her skin.
she sighs softly, “you always take care of me, love. so good for me,” and she’s watching you work down her body until you get to her pussy, already leaking. you sigh, “so pretty, shuri,” and she laughs a bit too, before gasping as you kiss her lips, much like she did you, before opening her legs and licking around her, completely swallowing everything she moans and sighs out praises, “you’re so amazing, my love, take such good care of me, don’t you?”
you moan, pushing your clit against the sheets as you work on shuri; her praises have always turned you on, the way she sounds, the way she speaks, it’s always been your favorite part of her and doing things like this. you zone out entirely, only hearing how shuri’s pussy sounds and how heavenly her praises sound.
she moans a bit, holding onto the hands you had against her abdomen, “y/n, love, i’m cumming, you’re so good, making me cum, aren’t you darling, haaa, fuck, fuck—” and you feel it, her whole body jerks up and you feel her pussy release in your mouth, moaning along with her. you sigh and pull your mouth away and she sits up entirely, pulling you for an incredibly sloppy kiss, sighing deeply into your mouth and holding you close. you pull away first and smile, “good?” you whisper, and she shrugs, “i still wanted to fuck you properly, love. it’s not even that late to stop now, yeah?”
you look at the time, it was nearly 10 o’clock. normally you’d both have so many things to do in the morning that you’d both be scrambling to rush to go to sleep and wake up bright and early but with this week off, you laugh and agree, “okay, whatever you want,” you whisper back against her and she smiles, kissing you lightly before jumping up to the closet, getting her strap.
you lay back down, sighing, your whole body blooming. this time with shuri has got you giggly and practically high, as you feel yourself laughing once she comes back, boxers on and strap in hand. “you alright, love?” she says stroking your face while she’s at the edge of the bed and you sigh, looking up at her, “i just.. i love you so much. i’m so happy we’re finally spending some time together is all. i really missed you, shuri,” you admit, your eyes wet suddenly and she smiles at you and leans down to capture your mouth,
“i missed you more, sithandwa, you have no idea,” and you nod and agree, you probably didn’t have any idea, you really didn’t see shuri during this month at all, so who knows how deep her longing went for you. as she’s grabbing the lube and adjusting herself, you say softly, “show me,”
she looks up at you, curious, “what do you mean?” and you move slightly, trying to avoid her intense gaze as she strokes herself, “show me how much you missed me. make me feel it,”
and shuri smiles to herself a bit, opening your legs up slightly, and pushing the strap against your lips, the lube and your cum combining, “oh i intend to, my love, all. week. long.” she whispers back at you and you gasp, not even being to retort before you feel her push inside, the strap opening you up completely and you toss your head back with a breathless moan, “oh, shuri—!” you drag out her name as your eyes shut, feeling her practically push in your pelvis. she leans down to kiss you again and you wrap your arms around her, tears threatening to spill as you feel her, all of your wife, inside you.
your mind is completely broken, shuri, shuri, shuri— she’d completely captivated you. her mouth working against yours along with the feel of her abdomen practically kissing your clit has you nearly thoughtless. she pulls away, watching you intently, “you said anything i want, right, sthandwa?” and you mumble not holding eye contact, had you said that? you literally can’t remember, her dick taking over all your senses.
shuri kisses your cheeks, “i want you all night, okay? can you hold out for me?” and you moan and nod, wanting to do nothing but please her. she whispers an ‘i love you,’ into your skin and leans away from you to pick up your legs and slowly pull out and push back in.
you moan aloud, grabbing the sheets once more and shuri coaxes you through as you toss your head back and flex your thighs against her, body convulsing as her thrusts get faster and harder, barely letting you adjust. you’re nearly completely screaming now, haven’t been fucked like this in so long. you didn’t care if you woke the entire nation, the love of your life was finally, finally, making love to you for the first time in nearly months.
your body catches up to you though, before you’re even ready to accept it. your pussy clenches around shuri, and you whine, “oh, my love, i’m cumming, i’m cumming, please shuri, make me cum, uhhhnnn—” and she’s encouraging you with those lovely lovely praises again, “go ahead, my love, that’s it, baby, cum for me, be my good girl and cum,”
it’s all you need. your pussy squeezes and you feel your thighs tremble as you let go entirely, clit pulsing and your pussy completely sucking shuri in, and you moan unabashedly, feeling your back arch. when it’s over and your body settles, you nearly double over, so breathless and twitching. shuri pulls out to kiss you and sooth over your legs, before you feel her moving you slightly. you mumble, still fucked out from your orgasm and she kisses against you, “on your stomach for me, my love, can you move?” and oh god, she wants to go again.
you twitch and huff, still feeling your pussy leaking but you had promised her, whatever she wanted. you moan out a small ‘yes,’ and lay on your stomach, poking your butt out like you knew she liked, your head laying on your soft shared pillows.
shuri kisses down your back, “thank you, my intombi elungile, you’re so good for me, yeah?” she says, rubbing your pussy with two fingers, moving your cum around and feeling your clit with her thumb, you jerk, moaning at the overstimulation, “shh, baby, i know. just relax, i’ll be inside you soon enough, let me feel you, love,” she saying it all sweet but you feel tears spike your eyes, she was so cruel to you, knowing your pussy was overstimulated.
shuri kisses your butt and keeps you open as she plays with your clit and you buck, “i’m cumming, shuri, shuri—!” and you’re on your forearms now, moaning and grabbing at pillows, when you feel it, your third orgasm for the night racking through your body, making you whine and pull away from her fingers but she holds you open, watching your pussy twitch and shake, encouraging you all the way. “good girl, thank you baby, let it all out,” and you moan on top of her words.
you huff, feeling her come behind you and grab your throat lightly and kissing your cheeks, whispering thank you’s. you whine against her once you feel her strap move towards your pussy again, and she sighs, “open up for me, my love. be my good girl, okay?” and you moan and nod, her praises in your ear are all you need to keep going.
and once more, shuri’s fucking into you again, her skin slapping against the softness of your backside, making you twitch and grip the sheets. holy fuck, she was pent up, you recognized, and you couldn’t help but let the tears you had been holding spill out, your pussy feeling spent and full. shuri didn’t let up though, even though she heard your wet gasps and saw your nearly bucking back, she whispers again, “it’s alright love, i know you can take it, let it out,”
your moans change in tone again and you can’t even fathom what orgasm you’re on now, but you feel it approaching— it’s a low buzzing in your veins that sparks your brain. your mouth is drooling and you’ve given up on speech entirely as she fucks into you, harder and harder and harder.
shuri knows you’re cumming, however— she’s known your body like the back of her hand for a while now so she does was she does best: talking you through it and helping you get there. she uses her left hand to rub you clit in small, soft circles to counteract the harshness of her thrusts and you squeal, dropping your upper body entirely on the bed and the new position gives shuri complete access to your g-spot, something you had had her touch but never this close.
you yell out, “oh, right there, shuri, please RIGHT there, don’t stop, don’t stop, i need it, hhaaaa shuri i’m cumming i’m cumming—!” and shuri nods along, whispering praises in your back and you cum again, your body letting out whole tremors as you shake, and you feel it, your pussy is squirting and you can’t do anything but moan aloud, the pressure on your clit making you nearly lose your voice and shuri pulls out once more, and your body falls against the sheets. shuri lays down too, catching her own breath, and you lay closer to her, sighing, still fucked out to really speak but shuri kisses you because she knows you need it.
you whimper against her mouth and she pulls away and asks, “one more for me, love?” and you sigh, and nod, “where do you want me?”
shuri puts you on top of her, sliding down her strap until your clit is kissing her abdomen again and she even moans, “you look so gorgeous, my love, intle ngokupheleleyo, can you move for me?” she whispers, holding one of your hands and kissing your knuckles. you nod, your thighs shaking as you life up and slowly drop down again, whimpering, your silk dress completely covered in your sweat and cum.
shuri sees your struggle and sits up in her forearms and takes you in hers, whispering, “i’ve got it love, can you hold on to me, sweet thing?” and you nod, dazed and wanting to listen, so you wrap your arms around her and she holds your back and she thrusts slightly, a softer pace unlike the last time. you moan softly and completely fall into her and she leans you both back, holding on to your butt as she thrusts upwards into you.
you sigh out and moan, more tears spilling and shuri uses one her hands to wipe them away, kissing praises into your skin, “that’s it, sthandwa, let it all out for me, love, i’ve got you,” you whine back nothing that makes actual sense and shuri laughs slightly, still fucking into you, squeezing your thighs and flexing hers and suddenly you hear it; her voice has changed and she’s gasping lowly against you—
she’s about to cum.
you moan aloud at the thought and bring your mouth to hers for a very wet kiss and when you pull away you whisper first, “are you about to cum for me, my love?” finally having gained some speech back and you see shuri gasp and toss her head back and nod, “yes, yes, i’m so close, my love, i feel it, ahhnnn—” and you nod and decide to copy her, encouraging her like she does you even though you can feel your mind fogging up again and your own orgasm approaching.
“shuri, cum with me, please baby, i want to feel it, please, please, please—!” you whimper and she nods, thrusting unevenly now, solely focused on her own pleasure and she lets out one more harsh thrust and a quick shout of a curse and moan of your name, and you feel it, she’s cumming, shuri’s cumming all for you, and the thought alone pushes you over as well, and you moan, twitching against the strap as you feel yourself squirt out more.
you’re huffing through your nose, trying to catch your breath and shuri is too, moaning lowly at the feel of her orgasm subsiding and you both fall back against each other, sighing.
shuri pulls out slowly, holding you up and praising you for being so good and you whine as you feel her dick leave you, your pussy pulsing around nothing once she’s gone.
she pulls your face towards hers and kisses you deeply, rubbing your dress against your back and you moan into her mouth and sigh, feeling your body calm down completely. shuri pulls away first, “do you need anything, usana?” and you shake your head wrapping your arms around her, “just stay right here please,” you whisper softly and she nods, holding your waist and you whisper back, “do you need anything?”
shuri laughs a bit, sighing, “just you, love.”
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you two had cleaned up after a long needed rest, laying back down with bonnets and head wraps on and actual pajamas, cuddled up at nearly 1 am.
shuri was tracing some patterns in your warm skin as you hummed softly, your eyes heavy with sleep and she kisses your forehead, “go to sleep love, we have nothing to do tomorrow,” she whispers and you believe her. you blink slowly once you looked up at her, sighing, “i love you so much,” you mutter out, words slurred because of sleep, and shuri smiles brightly,
“i love you more than you’ll know,” and you believe her.
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y’all., soft dom shuri is all i need in my life, get that toxic shit away from me that’s not my wife!!
anyways i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you again, @maybachinparis for the request this was so much fun!!
i’ll add the translations for this later lol, it’s nearly 1 am i got work tomorrow so let me take my ass to bed, I HOPE YOU ENJOYEDDD🤎🤎
makes sure to reblog and send requests!!
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filmbyjy · 1 year
TWITTER SUCKS! > nineteen! can YOU guess?
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a/n: it’s funny bc I actually imagined jungwon saying it like dora
synopsis > who knew you could become famous overnight for paying $8 for a single blue checkmark? however, it does come with consequences…what happens when the actual BELIFT Lab comes knocking at your door. all because you simply impersonated your bias.
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series taglist[open]: @lovers-szn @shiguresohmas @moonshoon @byunappetit @strvlveera @rikisly @4lythe @lalalalawon @beansworldsstuff @enhastolemyheart @jaehaki @shinsou-rii @jeanbob @sxftiell @renchai @nyfwyeonjun @invusblog @lhees01 @donghyckl @enhafika @dimplewonie @foxsunoo @luv2lia @lvrjjun @curly-fr13s @bubblytaetae @raikea10 @ce1ight @luvlee1313 @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @soobisrealgfnotfake @justkatehere @l0tisflower @jseobsky @haerinism @liliansun @kyanmeai @nobodyshallenter @faeryhee @pkjay @mlink64 @luxurystark-jackson @aleombre @yenqa @heestrawberries @soaen @ckline35 @http-gyu @climbingmandevillas @stopeatread @y4wnjunz @aetherlol @whippedforbeomgyu @elisabeth-02
(to be added please send an ask or click here)
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Джейсон сможет уговорить Нико в день рождения Доры отвести его к Перси и их новорожденному малышу… они его не видели и не чувствовали, но Джейсон видел — его спящего новорожденного, красного как помидоры и такого чудесного, его милого Перси, такой уставший и такой красивый...
When it was time to go back, Jason wiped away a tear, thanked Nico.
(GG) Translation: "Jason can convince Niko to take him to Percy and their newborn baby on Dora's birthday… they didn't see him or feel him, but Jason saw his sleeping newborn, red as tomatoes and so wonderful, his sweet Percy, so tired and so handsome...
When it was time to go back, Jason wiped away a tear, thanked Nico."
And I died a little inside. Why must you hurt me in this way.
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mickimomo · 2 years
Time Machine - Attuma x Okoye
I figured I'd write out my headcanon since you peeps liked it so much. 🤣
Today was the day. W'Kabi was finally being released from exile out of the kindness of council's heart.
M'Baku was apprehensive, but figured the man would be too powerless to cause any issues for the time being.
The last thing he expected to see, however, was a tipsy W'Kabi singing at the top of his lungs at 4 in the morning.
"Glory to Hanuman." He huffed as he approached the small crowd of people standing around Okoye and Attuma's home that sat on the edge of the Border Tribe. "What is he doing?" He groaned as he watched W'Kabi sing slightly off-key.
"One! I wish I never fell in love!" He shouted before holding up two fingers. "Two, I wish I never fell for you!" He dropped to his knees. "Oh, three! If I just had one more wish, I'd go back and do it all over again. If I had a time machine-"
Aneka chuckled as she watched W'Kabi spin around like he was Usher before he began to do a drunk moonwalk as he bellowed the chorus of the song. "I heard that someone told him Okoye had gotten married."
"I hope he does not think he has a chance." M'Baku groaned.
"I think the liquor gave him courage."
"If he continues, the bald headed demon will release her shark."
Aneka shrugged. "I'm hoping I get to see that."
He arched a brow. "Are you recording?"
"I am."
The regent king watched Okoye open her window while dawning a robe. "W'Kabi. Go home!"
"You are my home!"
"We're divorced! Move on!"
"How could you move on!?" He sobbed. "We had something special!"
"You did not care when you betrayed Wakanda!"
"I betrayed Wakanda for you!" He snapped. "For us!"
"We are not doing this again!" She snapped. "I'm giving you five seconds to leave or I will come through this window and end you with my spear!"
"Okoye please!"
M'Baku blinked before grabbing an abandoned chair to sit on. "Count me in."
Aneka snickered as she watched him yank a carrot out of his pocket to munch on before offering a banana.
"Thanks." She hummed before she began to eat.
"What's going on!?" Ayo frowned as she approached with a few members of the Dora Milaje.
"W'Kabi is about to get his ass beat." Aneka answered her wife as she took a bite of her banana. "Want a bite?"
"Why are you two just sitting here eating and watching?" She frowned.
"I wanna see Attuma beat his ass." Aneka shrugged.
"And I'm not getting punched again." M'Baku huffed.
Ayo shook her head. "The council is going to lose their minds."
"Not when they see the footage." Aneka snickered. "You should have been here earlier. He was singing Micheal Jackson and Mariah Carey."
"On key?"
They all turned to see Okoye try to climb out the window before she was yanked back in by a pair of blue arms.
Everyone was silent as the window remained empty for a moment.
W'Kabi watched Attuma jump out the window, dawning nothing more than his loincloth and rebreathers as he moved forward with hellfire in his dark brown eyes.
The shorter man stepped back as Attuma began shouting in his native tongue.
"You're the other man!?!" W'Kabi stared in disbelief. "I can take you!"
Ayo closed her eyes as the shorter man ran forward and threw a series of punches into talokanil's chest.
Attuma looked at his chest, completely unfazed, before he chuckled.
"I bet it'll only take one punch." Aneka offered.
M'Baku took another bite of his carrot. "I think Attuma will be nice and let him endure a few more. He seems like the type who likes to play with his enemies before killing them."
"You two are awful." Ayo sighed before accepting a bite of banana.
Attuma swung, and W'Kabi took it like a champ as he crumbled to the floor.
It was like watching a tree fall to an axe.
Slow and cumbersome.
"Damn." Aneka wrinkled her nose as they watched W'Kabi struggle to get back up. "I can't believe you were right."
"The man got his ass kicked a lot in exile. He can take a few hits."
"You knew that before making the bet."
"I did."
"It's called research."
"No. It's called cheating."
They watched W'Kabi grab Attuma's leg to support himself as he tried to get back up.
"Glory to Hanuman. Have some shame-" M'Baku shook his head before feigning a wince as the warrior kneed the dazed man in the face.
"I'm stepping in." Ayo grumbled.
"No. He's still fighting." He gestured to the sobbing man. "Let him get up. Let him get up."
"My king. If he is killed, it will be a breach in the treaty."
"Attuma knows his strength." He waved off her concern. "He'll be fine."
"I..... I-" W'Kabi slurred as blood spilled from his nose. "I wiiiiiiiiiill win baaaaack my wiiiiiife."
Attuma yanked him up by the back of her shirt and stared.
"You say, your wife. When she is mine." Attuma furrowed his eyebrows. "Do not insult the mother of my child."
"CHILD!?!" W'Kabi panicked. "O-Okoye is pregnant!?!"
"Yes. If she were not, I would have considered letting her beat you herself." He narrowed his eyes. "But maybe I would have handled you still, even if she wasn't. Just so you would know that you will never have a chance."
"NO! OKOYE!" He tried to look past the warrior as tears blurred his eyes. "OKOYE!"
Everyone gasped before they began to whisper.
"He's bout to be sick."
"I'm telling you. He's gonna be sobbing and fasting for days."
"He is living out a nightmare I tell you."
Aneka smacked M’Baku's shoulder as she tried to contain her laughter.
"I was not prepared-" Ayo covered her mouth.
"Is he crying again?" M'Baku cackled.
"Yes." Aneka laughed.
W'Kabi continued to shout. "OKOYE! TELL ME HE'S LYING!" He squirmed. "OKOYE!"
"Do not call for her. She will not answer you." Attuma tightened his hold on him. "You have come here and disturbed her rest and now you wish to stress her further." He frowned. "If you are a problem to Okoye, you are a problem to me. I will not let my wife endure anything." He growled. "Something you failed to do."
W'Kabi was shaking in the man's hold.
"So, let me make myself clear." He narrowed his eyes. "If I learn that you are bothering Okoye ever again, I will serenade you until you fall into the sea and have my sharks rip you apart." His eyes were darker than the ocean's abyss. "I say this in english... to be clear. I can also say it in Xhosa to be clearer." He grabbed the man's face roughly with his other hand. "Do you understand?"
He spat in Attuma's face before shouting. "OKO-"
Attuma cracked his head into the other man's and tossed his body before turning around with a grunt of disgust.
"And see- he did better than me." Aneka shook her head as she ended the recording. "Because I would have stomped his head in after he spat in my face."
"I think he remembered the treaty." M'Baku offered. "I wouldn't have stopped him if he chose to. I think he was being pretty nice until he spat."
"Alright. This is done." Ayo smacked their shoulders before moving in to grab W'Kabi's limp body.
"That was an uneventful fight." M'Baku sighed. "But it was still good."
"What? You expected him to fight back?" Aneka laughed. "The man was drunk. A baby could wield a spear better than a drunk man."
"I was hoping it would give him a power up. Like uh.... super strength."
"He's not that type of drunk."
"I can see that." M'Baku got up. "Send me a copy of that video. I must show it to my people in the Jabari Lands."
"You got it."
Okoye sleeping peacefully while her man handles business:
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Everyone watching W'Kabi lose:
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In another AU, Oni and Attuma jumping W'Kabi:
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