#tsp trend
employee052 · 4 months
[The Road Trip Thread]
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Woop woop new trend! (i hope)
I've never started a trend or done an event like this before, however, I do want to do my best in hosting something fun for the community. So, if you have any questions. leave them in tags or replies and I will try to answer them as best as i can!
And, much like what narry says, you are not required to participate! if you miss a day, or an event, or don't have the motivation to do anything up ahead, then thats fine too! This is just meant to be something nice and fun to do. Plus a way to celebrate vacations and road trips bc i love those kinda things and we get to give our tsp goobers a little break, as a treat ksjdhfkjsdfh
really hope to see some people participate, even if its just for one prompt :3
see you all when the itinerary drops! and tysm to everyone in the original post brainstorming this idea that showed an interest in doing this!
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deviousnarrator · 9 months
Something is happening in TSP! A beverage trend has been seen lurking around!
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"Hey, want to join me on this lovely night. Let's get some refreshments and start-up party! Hope to see you soon!"
Come join Shirley Temple Mantra on this wonderful refreshing trend of beverages to start off the new year! Anyone can join! He hopes that you all will join him! No rush!
- Any beverage is allowed!
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(Ninth late entery. Beach. This is going to be so cute. ☺️)
Nathan sat underneath an umbrella on the sand reading a book. He had on a yellow shirt and black and yellow swim trunks. The sounds of the ocean and everybody having fun relaxed him. It was nice knowing everyone was enjoying themselves.
He looked up to see his lover running toward him. She was wearing a modest one piece pink swimsuit and was absolutely soaking wet.
When she reached him she wrung the ocean water out of her hair. “Come on, love. Play with us!”
“I’m fine right here. You go have fun.”
Starlla pouted. “Why are you such a party pooper? This could be the only time we all get to do this together. We have to make most of every moment.”
“I’m already doing that. This is me having fun. Watching you enjoy yourself with everyone else is enough for me.”
That didn't seem to satisfy Starlla. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up. “Come on. Play with us! At least swim with me.”
The Narrator didn't put up much of a fight. He put his book down and laughed slightly. “Alright. I’ll have fun with you, honey. No need to pull.”
“Yay!” She cheered. “Let's go have the time of our lives!”
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Guess who's eating bananas after a stomach ache from spicy food at 5 AM??! ^^
TSP Narrator Drink Tumblr Reblog Chain ft. my Narra-4 (Charles, Jasper, Neil, and Hal)
Mod Giftbox/Prince
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gothic-mothic · 9 months
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Wake up, Stanley! It’s me, The Narrator! /ref
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a-silly-worm1 · 28 days
He stinks. He needs that shower.
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vellichorom · 9 months
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" Trapped in the back without a trusty, doting friend to call upon? Dealing with a bout of head trauma or a few broken bones? Perhaps you're on the brink of your demise? Might I interest you in this wayside's latest & greatest achievement since those mystery prize slide things? A drink of holy water, to cure what ails you! " -- Thierry Ellis-Baker, recently self-appointed, resident Backrooms salesman.
// A THIERRY DRAWN UP FOR @deviousnarrator's DRINK TREND!
featuring all KINDS of details in needless irony & symbolism that I will feel particularly smug about. apparently the fandomized concept of the backrooms now features some kind of health potion in the form of nut water? why should i be surprised? but it absolutely sounds like something thierry would market himself, if not just get in on, just to trick the naïve & stupidly brave or trusting; which, of course, made me HAVE to dress him like an old swanky 50's salesman, for the bit
also highlighting my favorite detail another blogger ( @/savefrog ) mentioned about the concept once that i promise IS related to this choice in drink
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lexumpy · 26 days
I'm getting into that trend lol. look at me gooooo
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I won't get into it that much just because it's interesting... idk what he'll do while in my body lol
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plumtale · 1 month
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lexumpysfunland · 23 days
Aaah here I go with something I've been meaning to do for a while! The drink aesthetic thing, I don't remember the name for it... Yes yes, I know I'm late to get into a trend, but what's new hah/pos
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Have more of my research for this because I did that
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employee052 · 4 months
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Here we are! Here's the prompt list!
Main prompts are for the dates assigned, ive spaced it out so theres one day between prompts in case you are busy.
Meanwhile the free prompts are for if the main prompts arent giving you inspiration, or want to do something else instead.
Do them at your own pace. dont do em at all if you cant/dont want to, no pressure, and take care of yourselves yall! hope you all enjoy sdjhuf
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b4ngsdrumz · 2 years
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woah lovebug<33??? maybe?? i’ll make official designs
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(Fifth late entry. Mountains. Writing about the gondola was tempting, but the lovebirds like a lot of space.)
The lovebirds were hiking in the mountains with everyone this time. Both of them were well prepared in case anything happened. While that was unlikely, some of the Narrators and Stanley’s weren’t exactly graceful.
Nathan gently grasped his lovers hand. “Beautiful out here, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Glad we chose this stop. I’m seeing a lot of birds and wild life.”
As she said that the Narrator spotted a deer nearby. It looked like a buck. “Starlla, look.”
The female protagonist looked in the direction he was gazing at and saw the animal. “He’s gorgeous. Looks like he has about five points on his antlers too.”
“Yeah. I wonder if his harem is nearby. Surely he must be in charge of at lease a few doe.”
The buck stopped grazing and looked at the couple. The lovebirds stood still as the buck sized them both up. Neither party seemed to want to move.
After a bit the buck turned and trotted away. Starlla was left a bit starstruck. “Aren’t deer amazing? They’re so…unique.”
Nathan chuckled. “I agree, my dear. Come on. Let's catch up to the others.”
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chropyl · 2 years
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uhhh I don't have anything else. lovebug ver of my. narr
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msfisherot · 9 months
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pendemics-blog · 8 months
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First post of 2024 yay
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