#tss event hub
tsseventhub · 2 years
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How to host an event — A GUIDE
(Written by Mod R ; @transfemlogan )
Hosting a fandom event is actually pretty simple. I am here to hold your hand and guide you through this, just in case you were a little lost.
BEFORE we start, hosting an event, while simple, still requires both effort and work! If you are unable to put the necessary energy into the event to set up a blog, interact with your participants, and moderate for any reason (school, parenting, just don't feel like it, etc) then you probably shouldn't run the event. Or you should wait until you feel able to run it! No one wants you to feel overwhelmed with your responsibilities and it's smarter to just hold off.
(Note: you can also run an event and decide you don't want to do it again! It doesn't have to be a monthly or yearly thing. You can also hand off the event to someone else who wants to run it.)
And while this is Sanders Sides focused, this will be helpful for any fandom you want to run an event for.
Now let's get into the steps.
— STEP 1: Where are you hosting?
Obviously, you have to figure out where you're hosting this event. Is it on Tumblr? Is it on Ao3? Is it on Instagram? Depending on where it's being hosted, the social media will affect the content being created.
For example, if you host on Instagram, all the content being created will have to be visual (art, edits, videos) since it's a visual-based app. If you host on Ao3, all the content being created will be primarily written (fanfiction, poetry) as that's Ao3's primary function.
Where it's being hosted also affects your ability to run it. If you're hosting on Ao3, you're going to need another social media (Tumblr, Twitter, etc) since Ao3 is only for posting written media, not for communicating.
Since this guide is on Tumblr, it'll be focused on hosting an event on Tumblr.
You're going to need to create a blog for the event, whether that be a sideblog or an entirely new Tumblr account. Create an icon, get a header, and make your blog look pretty!
TIP: If you're running a yearly event (or think you might) maybe don't add a year to the end of your URL!
For example, my event @transsidesweek does not end in a year, like how @loceitweek2023 does.
When you change your URL, it makes it harder for other people to tag and interact with your blog. If someone tags "LoceitWeek2023" in a post, and then the URL changes to "LoceitWeek2024", and someone clicks on the @ in the original post, there's a possibility Tumblr will act like the blog was deactivated. Even though it still exists!
It also makes links and read mores difficult to click on, as Tumblr will link to the old URL instead of the new one.
Of course, you don't have to! If you think you might not come back to this next year, or aren't worried about the potential accessibility issues, then feel free to add a year to the end.
This is completely optional. Do what you think works best for your blog and event.
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— STEP 2: the Who, the What, and the When of the event
First, who's hosting the event?
Obviously, you, but do you have any friends who want to help out? Do you think you need mods to help manage the event? Or do you think you just want to run solo?
It's always useful to have friends or strangers help out — and fun!
If you want co-hosts, but don't have any friends to lend a hand (or don't want your friends to lend a hand), you can ask your followers or post in the Sanders Sides tag to see if anyone wants to help.
TIP: keep in mind that if you do this, these people are strangers! You don't know them and they don't know you. Remember to be respectful; you might get a friend out of this. And if you realize you can't run the event with this person, for whatever reason, don't be afraid to assert your boundaries and change your mind!
Second, what's the event?
There's a lot of different type of events. Ship weeks, prompt months, gift exchanges, etc.
One of the most popular fandom events are ship weeks! Ship weeks are week-long events dedicated to a specific ship, like @intrulogicalweek or @dukexietyweek.
You can create whatever event you want. Keep in mind that there are many fandom events, so you should make sure your idea isn't already planned by another person. You should also keep in mind how many people would be interested in your event and how it'd work logically.
For example, if you want to host a Sanders Sides Poetry Week, where fans create poetry surrounding the sides, you should ask yourself these questions:
"How many people write poetry within this fandom?"
"How many people are interested in poetry within this fandom?"
"Is a week long poetry event plausible?"
In this case, a week long poetry week could definitely be plausible! And there are quite a few fans who would be interested in poetry, whether that's writing or reading it.
It's totally okay if not that many fanders will be interested in creating for your event! It's just important to keep that in mind; you should know your audience. Don't get too upset that your month-long catboy Picani event only got a few participants— not everyone is a catboy Picani fan or is able to create content for every 31 days of the month for just catboy Picani (sorry to burst your bubble).
And third, when's the event?
Think about when your event will start. If you've just thought about your event and the next week you want your event to start, maybe step back a little. No one even knows about your event! Give yourself enough time to set up your blog, get attention for your event, and for your participants to create! Don't rush into everything.
TIP: I recommend waiting at least 2-3 months before your event starts. This gives people enough time to create and get excited for your event, while also not being too long for people to get bored or forget about it!
Make sure your event isn't placed directly on top of another event! It's considered rude and just plain silly. You don't want to force your participants to have to choose between your event and another person's. Check what dates are free and plan accordingly.
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— STEP 3: plan out your event
Create a tag for your event. For example, @transsidesweek's tag is simply "TransSidesWeek2023". This is so people (and yourself) can easily access the content being created for your event.
Most events involve some sort of prompts. Prompts are themes or situations to get people's creative juices flowing! They are often vague and broad, without being restrictive. They can be optional or mandatory.
That being said, your event doesn't have to have any prompts! Whatever works best for you!
TIP: ask your participants and watchers for prompts! Create a google form or open an ask box to get some ideas.
Creating an Ao3 Collection, though not mandatory, is common if your event will involve fanfiction.
Rules and/or an FAQ are not technically needed, but it is helpful in understanding how your event works and what is and isn't allowed.
Creating a Tagging system is also useful! This can be tagging the prompt used (for example, "#prompt: date night"), the content created (for example, "#fanfiction"), or the year of the submissions if your event is yearly (for example, "#2023submission").
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— STEP 4: what now?
You've got the blog, you know what your event is, you know when your event is, you have your co-hosts, and your prompts, and your tags, and rules— what now?
Now, you're ready! Tag @tsseventhub in your posts and start creating attention for your event. Post often in tags and reblog posts to remind your followers of your event. Post on other social media. Get excited.
Good luck and have fun!
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Have any more questions? Send an ask! (link)
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transfemlogan · 2 years
The point of the tss event hub is make it easier 2 find events (whether thats so u know what 2 avoid or 2 participate in) so whyyyy would we Exclude certain events. ??
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Reaction to RQ!Reverse episodes (Librarian, Nightmare’s Return, Sandwich Boi’s brief moment of glory, Chaos vs Ultra)
First of all.........wow.
...I have many negative feelings about these episodes.
Ok. These episodes.
It’s all RUINED, Can I fix it? Can Chaos Steve be STOPPED? I’ll find out IMPORTANT tips on how to STOP the DARKNESS 1 reason NIGHTMARE STEVE is still ALIVE This is how Nightmare Steve TRICKED me! Mysterious Figure CONFRONTS Nightmare Steve TRAPPING Chaos Steve and STEALING his power! I created ULTRA STEVE, and you won’t believe this but... WOW...Ultra Steve did THIS to Chaos Steve Why would Dark Steve BEG Rainbow Steve for THIS? This Steve actually RETURNED!! NO WAY! The ONLY way to defeat the ULTIMATE Steve in Minecraft How to make a PORTAL to the VOID! Reverse Steve finally LOST IT
14 episodes. 14 episodes total after the Faceless arc to finally deal with Reverse Steve.
Compared to how long the arcs in the Steve Saga are, 14 episodes seems like a short, clean amount of plot advancement.
But while I was bingewatching these episodes, it didn’t feel like 14 episodes of story to me. It felt like....chaos.
The plot in these episodes is really jarring to me because it was doing WAY too much in a SMALL amount of time. And most of the plot was the heroes reacting, rather than being proactive. And I...didn’t like it.
Let me explain:
So, the Steve Saga did a “Villain of the Week” format. Where one (1) villain is introduced and dealt with, and then the next villain is introduced. It was repetitive, but easy to follow.
Examples from the Steve Saga: Dark was a threat. Dealt with. Shadow was a threat. Dealt with. Nightmare was a HUGE threat and Shadow and Dark were added, but it worked because we know who Dark and Shadow are. Dealt with. Then Reverse, then Positive/Negative/Infinity, then Plague, then Faceless, and so on.
Rainbow Quest doesn’t follow that formula. It’s connecting all of its villains into one arc, where one villain is naturally the consequence of another villain.
Rainbow Quest Season 1 mainly set up the villains, the main plot, and a sequel hook. This is unlike the Steve Saga because while the villains just spawned into the story line, Rainbow Quest is showing us the rise of the villains. We know Nightmare’s origins, Dark’s origins, and Reverse’s origins, and they were all spaced out and connected to the main plot (getting the crystals) well.
We had Nightmare as an antagonist, or an obstacle in the main plot (finding the 7 crystals while saving Steves from doom), and his actions created Dark Steve. That worked. And since Rainbow Red was established early in the series and had little cameos before his transformation to Reverse Steve, that helped set up the sequel hook for Season 2. That also worked. imo, the format RQ Season 1 uses is a lot better than TSS’s formula; it’s less repetitive so it feels fresher to long-time viewers, and it connects to the overarching plot well.
But Rainbow Quest S2 didn’t follow the format S1 used.
While Season 1 has a good balance between main plot (finding the crystals) and subplots (setting up villains and future story), Season 2 had WAY too much and an unbalanced amount of subplots. S2′s subplots TOOK OVER the main plot.
What even is the main plot of S2? Well, based on the first episode where we heard Rainbow’s voice, I think the audience was expecting the main plot to be Rainbow Steve saving Steves and adjusting to becoming the new hero and keeping his identity secret to boost morale, while Reverse (later Chaos) will be the main villain.
We were supposed to see Rainbow and Sabre go from color to color to help everyone defend against the Darkness and restore hope.
But then that got hijacked by Reverse, who drained all of Rainbow’s powers and forced him to be saved by the Orange Steves, outing him as being Main Orange reincarnated as the hero.
Rainbow and Sabre haven’t even saved anyone yet at this point. They just went to the Yellow Steves to receive Light’s training and the Orange Steves to see that they’re doing well.
The beginning of the season made a huge deal of keeping Rainbow’s true identity a secret. It was going to be part of his character development about responsibility, bravery, and being someone else. But S2 just did a speedrun of that character arc because he was immediately outed, and the Orange Steves were ok with the truth. So why was there so much stress on Rainbow’s secret when it wasn’t going to impact the plot anyways??
Anyways, then they did their side quest of helping Ghost Steve (which was a valid thing to do), which led to the Faceless sideplot. And immediately after Faceless’ defeat (with hints of Void’s debut), Reverse and Dark just came in and destroyed everything. Not even a moment to breathe. They just caught Rainbow and Sabre off guard. This makes these two look easily distracted. They should had done better to prepare for Reverse and Dark (especially since they asked Leader to help increase defenses in the Rainbow Hub).
Like, there’s a difference between struggling with your new responsibilities as a hero and being just completely uncapable, and it felt like Sabre and Rainbow were the latter.
And finally, for once, Sabre did something proactive and found Light Steve, bringing him to the library to get help. But they got side tracked and decided to go investigate Nightmare’s “death”. But was that even relevant to rescuing Rainbow?
And then they went to the Void (proactive), but they were just pushed around, given a villain monologue by Nightmare until Galaxy saved them (reactive, deus ex machima)
Basically.....S2 sacrificed its main plot of having Orange adjust to being Rainbow in favor of all of these subplots that were made to set up the third season (which will probably be about Void Steve), and I dislike this approach. It makes S2 feel chaotic and unfocused. It felt like the heroes accomplished nothing. It seemed like things were handed to them too easily (help from Ghost Steve, the Orange Steves, and Galaxy), or they were completely unprepared and not suitable to be heroes (not even getting a chance to save Steves and fight villains until later).
And worst of all, this arc just made the heroes look reactive, bending to the will of the villains. We didn’t get a good story of Rainbow learning how to adjust to his new life as the hero. We didn’t get a story of Rainbow learning how to be brave. Instead, we got a story of villains always having the upperhand and the heroes looking silly trying to stop them last minute. And a bunch of events/subplots that weren’t even connected well together.
It’s just really hectic.
And it’s a shame. Because the content IS good. But the way the season was structured and what it chose to focus on...just ruined the story.
I really disliked the Reverse Steve arc. The Void and Galaxy arc better make up for it, so I can forgive its setup for ruining the Reverse Steve arc.
Disclaimer: I’m aware that the Void Steve arc isn’t the third season, but another part of the second season. Keep in mind that these reaction posts are just my initial reactions and opinions and me explaining them. Rn I’m behind on Rainbow Quest and trying to record my genuine first reactions as I binge-watch this stuff. Overall, these posts aren’t meant to be about facts or theorizing what the future episodes will be about, but me just discussing my thoughts on these episodes as they are (and people are of course welcomed to join the discussion regardless of their opinions). Just wanna clarify in case anyone is confused XD
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writteninlucidink · 7 years
Discord Rules
The Discord chat is made with two separate servers which includes the Mun Hub and the RP server. This server was made exclusively for roleplayers, and you will need a Tumblr RP blog to join. If you do not intend to RP with us please do not join as RP is the primary purpose of the server. If you are not sure about RPing on Discord or if you’ll be any good- that’s okay! Give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose and hopefully you’ll have fun! We’re just trying to avoid non-RPers joining just for the other fun stuff (movie nights, art streams, game fun) we’ve got on the server. On the Mun Hub, where all of the announcements are made, mun can discuss all sorts of things that may or may not relate to RP, share silly images and videos, get art feedback, and ask potential partners to rp with them. and even have a place to vent. Unless there is an event, mun need to be a part of the mun server before they can join the RP server. The RP server is where all the roleplaying happens, and things like    These rules were created to add sense of order and to keep both servers from going to chaos. This is written to best protect the RPers and their interests as well as avoid past problems that have been encountered in other RP chats. Currently joining is closed but subscribe to this blog to be notified when it is open again. If a friend who is on the server invited you, please have the existing member get in touch with the mods. 
1. No NSFW chat!  Keep it PG 13. No torture, self harm, or suicide: If you feel the need to RP these themes take it to Tumblr or another server- not here. There may be fighting in battles both mun are okay with in the "Over the Line" Rp room on Patchwork.  2. No God Modding. If you would like to be a DM / Run a campaign plot please talk to the Mods.  3. Talk to the mun. Talk to the mod. If you are planning to do something involving someone else's character and are not the DM, ask the mun privately first. If you are in a DMed game, some actions will need the DM's permission or be verified through dice rolls first.  4.  Read the Pinned Messages  before chatting in a room.  Some rooms have information pertinant to them, such as flair use, that you should be aware of before posting.  5. Your character should act ONLY with their own knowledge and motivation. Things the mun is privy to the muse would not know unless they learn in plot. 6. No muns allowed in the RP rooms! This wildly destroys continuity and plot. Muses may appear in OOC chat for crack interaction, but be respectful of the muns. Mun are responsible for their muses actions in the mun rooms- if they can't behave don't bring them.  7. No personal life stress allowed on the RP server! We have an entire server dedicated to mun things, please don't bring it to the RP server.  https://discordapp.com/invite/STpRm9  8. No breaking the fourth wall without prior mod approval. Things like fourth wall breaking and psychic abilities should be discussed with the Mods or campaign DM.  9. You may start with only one muse. After one month you may ask the mods if you can add a second muse. If you play multiple muses please  make a separate discord account for each secondary muse as the locations/rooms you are allowed in are based on who that muse is.  10. Anyone who is kicked will be banned for a time determined by the mods based on if you have been problematic before and how bad what you did was. 11. Abuse of other members will not be tolerated IC or OOC. You are responsible for what your muse does, and if you or your muse intentionally harasses or abuses someone else you will be banned. If someone is making you uncomfortable you should try talking to them privately first, then talk to the mods. 12. Do not bash mutuals/fellow RPers! Talking badly about someone is genuinely different than asking for help with problems you are having with someone. If you're not sure if what you're going to say is okay, ask yourself, "Would I post this if they could see this chat/screenshot?" If not, don't say it. If you are having problems with another member talk to the mods rather than starting drama in the chat.  13. In the mun server, change your nickname to what you would like to be called. In the RP server, change your nickname to your muse's name and put your Tumblr name after that in brackets. I.e. Lucida [askLucida] Next add your muse, blog, and photo to the introductions room. That will let us know you read the rules and the mods will give you permission to access the other rooms once we see it. Be patient if the mods are not online. Everyone who joins the RP server will start as a newbie and have limited access as a chance to get to know others, and not be overwhelmed by many rooms and unknown muses at once. If you see a new muse has joined, be sure to welcome them in the newbie room! 14. If you want to interact, be active about it! If you wait for others to initiate interaction with you we won't know you are online. Many people stay signed in to Discord even while not on their computer. Try starting an RP by saying that you walk into the room and greet whoever is RPing, or if no one is RPing say what your character is doing every so often ("My muser walks into the room and looks to see who is here." "My muse turns on the radio and frowns at the song playing.") You can also say in the Out of Character chat room on Patchwork you're on and would like to RP to see if anyone else is interested in RPing. 15. No chat spamming or Zalgo text! If you want to share memes and play with bots, there's a room on the Sister Server for that. A few pics or videos that have to do with current conversation is fine in tss general chat, just don't overdo it.(edited)
 On discord you can format using these commands: *For italic,  * *For bold
, * * *For bold italic,  __ For underline,  ~ ~For strikethrough. ```For a box ``For a small box  (Be sure to put these marks before and after what is typed)
Some of us like to type using /me to indicate an action, while others of us will use storybook writing to indicate the actions a character takes.  Psychic/Hivemind: If a character is speaking psychically to another [It will appear like this.] You should address who you are speaking to the first time you use these so the other mun know if their muse can hear this or not. {A  bracket like this} Is the Hedge Hivemind, anyone in the Hivemind can hear this unless otherwise indicated. Text: Text messages on cellphones that can only be seen by that character (can also be sent in private chat so other characters and mun do not know) << Text>> Character speech: Some of us will use “quotes” to indicate what a character is saying, others will use a * before speech, still others simply type as if their character is the one speaking into the text box. These are all allowable writing styles since we all write differently. Additionally strikeout text can be used for funny things that your character thought or wanted to say but didn’t actually. It may also give minor contextual clues such as something like, “I’m fine” he lied if you want the other mun to know it is a lie but not necessarily the characters. Whispers: Whispers can be indicated by [these brackets] Out of Character: Things such as reactions or additional context should be written like //this or strikeout for additional comments.
Bold and Italic use is considered stylistic and can be used in combination for emphasis. Some will use it to differentiate when an NPC is talking vs their main character.To indicate game mechanics related things such as if you describe an area players have just entered, or are saying what your dice rolls are for
use a box like this.
This can be done using the GRAVE symbol ```(not the apostrophe) which is to the left of the number 1 on your numpad and should be typed three times in a row before and after what is said to put it in a box.(edited)
Notifications! By default @ everyone is available only to admins to prevent abuse. However, you can request an admin add you to one of these groups if you would like to be notified of events pertaining to that classification. All mentions will be made in the Mun server. The currently available titles are: RpTime: You'll be notified whenever an ongoing game open to everyone is starting  (Patchwork) StreamTime: You'll be notified whenever anyone is having a movie or art stream (Mun Hub) GameTime: Whenever someone is starting a game like Cards Against Humanity or other games open to everyone you'll receive a notification (Mun Hub)  If you would like to be PMed whenever your username is mentioned type" `pmmentions on " in the ooc_chat and Spoopy will message you.  Please do not abuse these group notifications; ask in chat first if people are interested, and if at least two other people are you can send a group notification letting others know there is interest in RPing. Don't send out more than one a day AT THE MOST or this gets tiresome. This may be reduced/removed if it becomes a problem.
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thepepperbar · 7 years
Discord Rules
The Discord chat is made with two separate servers which includes the Mun Hub and the RP server. This server was made exclusively for roleplayers, and you will need a Tumblr RP blog to join. If you do not intend to RP with us please do not join as RP is the primary purpose of the server. If you are not sure about RPing on Discord or if you’ll be any good- that’s okay! Give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose and hopefully you’ll have fun! We’re just trying to avoid non-RPers joining just for the other fun stuff (movie nights, art streams, game fun) we’ve got on the server. On the Mun Hub, where all of the announcements are made, mun can discuss all sorts of things that may or may not relate to RP, share silly images and videos, get art feedback, and ask potential partners to rp with them. and even have a place to vent. Unless there is an event, mun need to be a part of the mun server before they can join the RP server. The RP server is where all the roleplaying happens, and things like  These rules were created to add sense of order and to keep both servers from going to chaos. This is written to best protect the RPers and their interests as well as avoid past problems that have been encountered in other RP chats.
1. No NSFW chat! Keep it PG 13. No torture, self harm, or suicide: If you feel the need to RP these themes take it to Tumblr or another server- not here. There may be fighting in battles both mun are okay with in the "Over the Line" Rp room on Patchwork. 2. No God Modding. If you would like to be a DM / Run a campaign plot please talk to the Mods. 3. Talk to the mun. Talk to the mod. If you are planning to do something involving someone else's character and are not the DM, ask the mun privately first. If you are in a DMed game, some actions will need the DM's permission or be verified through dice rolls first. 4.  Read the Pinned Messages  before chatting in a room.  Some rooms have information pertinant to them, such as flair use, that you should be aware of before posting. 5. Your character should act ONLY with their own knowledge and motivation. Things the mun is privy to the muse would not know unless they learn in plot. 6. No muns allowed in the RP rooms! This wildly destroys continuity and plot. Muses may appear in OOC chat for crack interaction, but be respectful of the muns. Mun are responsible for their muses actions in the mun rooms- if they can't behave don't bring them. 7. No personal life stress allowed on the RP server! We have an entire server dedicated to mun things, please don't bring it to the RP server. If you have read the rules you can join the server here. 8. No breaking the fourth wall without prior mod approval. Things like fourth wall breaking and psychic abilities should be discussed with the Mods or campaign DM. 9. You may start with only one muse. After one month you may ask the mods if you can add a second muse. If you play multiple muses please  make a separate discord account for each secondary muse as the locations/rooms you are allowed in are based on who that muse is. 10. Anyone who is kicked will be banned for a time determined by the mods based on if you have been problematic before and how bad what you did was. 11. Abuse of other members will not be tolerated IC or OOC. You are responsible for what your muse does, and if you or your muse intentionally harasses or abuses someone else you will be banned. If someone is making you uncomfortable you should try talking to them privately first, then talk to the mods.   12. Do not bash mutuals/fellow RPers! Talking badly about someone is genuinely different than asking for help with problems you are having with someone. If you're not sure if what you're going to say is okay, ask yourself, "Would I post this if they could see this chat/screenshot?" If not, don't say it. If you are having problems with another member talk to the mods rather than starting drama in the chat. 13. In the mun server, change your nickname to what you would like to be called. In the RP server, change your nickname to your muse's name and put your Tumblr name after that in brackets. I.e. Lucida [askLucida] Next add your muse, blog, and photo to the introductions room. That will let us know you read the rules and the mods will give you permission to access the other rooms once we see it. Be patient if the mods are not online. Everyone who joins the RP server will start as a newbie and have limited access as a chance to get to know others, and not be overwhelmed by many rooms and unknown muses at once. If you see a new muse has joined, be sure to welcome them in the newbie room! 14. If you want to interact, be active about it! If you wait for others to initiate interaction with you we won't know you are online. Many people stay signed in to Discord even while not on their computer. Try starting an RP by saying that you walk into the room and greet whoever is RPing, or if no one is RPing say what your character is doing every so often ("My muser walks into the room and looks to see who is here." "My muse turns on the radio and frowns at the song playing.") You can also say in the Out of Character chat room on Patchwork you're on and would like to RP to see if anyone else is interested in RPing. 15. No chat spamming or Zalgo text! If you want to share memes and play with bots, there's a room on the Sister Server for that. A few pics or videos that have to do with current conversation is fine in tss general chat, just don't overdo it.(edited)
On discord you can format using these commands: *For italic,  * *For bold
, * * *For bold italic,  __ For underline,  ~ ~For strikethrough. ```For a box ``For a small box  (Be sure to put these marks before and after what is typed)
Some of us like to type using /me to indicate an action, while others of us will use storybook writing to indicate the actions a character takes. Psychic/Hivemind: If a character is speaking psychically to another [It will appear like this.] You should address who you are speaking to the first time you use these so the other mun know if their muse can hear this or not. {A  bracket like this} Is the Hedge Hivemind, anyone in the Hivemind can hear this unless otherwise indicated. Text: Text messages on cellphones that can only be seen by that character (can also be sent in private chat so other characters and mun do not know) << Text>> Character speech: Some of us will use “quotes” to indicate what a character is saying, others will use a * before speech, still others simply type as if their character is the one speaking into the text box. These are all allowable writing styles since we all write differently. Additionally strikeout text can be used for funny things that your character thought or wanted to say but didn’t actually. It may also give minor contextual clues such as something like, “I’m fine” he lied if you want the other mun to know it is a lie but not necessarily the characters. Whispers: Whispers can be indicated by [these brackets] Out of Character: Things such as reactions or additional context should be written like //this or strikeout for additional comments.
Bold and Italic use is considered stylistic and can be used in combination for emphasis. Some will use it to differentiate when an NPC is talking vs their main character.To indicate game mechanics related things such as if you describe an area players have just entered, or are saying what your dice rolls are for
use a box like this.
This can be done using the GRAVE symbol ```(not the apostrophe) which is to the left of the number 1 on your numpad and should be typed three times in a row before and after what is said to put it in a box.(edited)
Notifications! By default @ everyone is available only to admins to prevent abuse. However, you can request an admin add you to one of these groups if you would like to be notified of events pertaining to that classification. All mentions will be made in the Mun server. The currently available titles are: RpTime: You'll be notified whenever an ongoing game open to everyone is starting  (Patchwork) StreamTime: You'll be notified whenever anyone is having a movie or art stream (Mun Hub) GameTime: Whenever someone is starting a game like Cards Against Humanity or other games open to everyone you'll receive a notification (Mun Hub) 
Secret Locations Rolls  FloweRoll: Are you a fan of flowey and want to discuss things related to him specifically? @ mention Pug in the chat or private message them to ask to be added to this group as are the head mun for this secret discussion room. ParanormRoll: This secret room is for people interested in discussing paranormal or otherworldly things- like ghosts, tulpa, evps, or anything relating to paranormal can among other people interested in it. Ask @Avid  privately if you'd like to be added to this group. Note, this formerly public room has been moved to a private room so that those who are intersted in this topic feel more comfortable discussing it, since it is only seen by those also interested in it and will be less likely to judge or react badly. 
If you would like to be PMed whenever your username is mentioned type" `pmmentions on " in the ooc_chat and Spoopy will message you. Please do not abuse these group notifications; ask in chat first if people are interested, and if at least two other people are you can send a group notification letting others know there is interest in RPing. Don't send out more than one a day AT THE MOST or this gets tiresome. This may be reduced/removed if it becomes a problem.
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nathanielburgos · 4 years
COVID-19 and Support for International Students in Australia
COVID-19 and Support for International Students in Australia
With the outbreak of COVID-19, some international students are struggling to meet their living expenses in Australia. In light of this, some states are working with the education sector to provide support to international students in this unprecedented time. We have summarised the key support groups and contacts below:
Organisations which provide information and assistance nationwide. Some key contacts include:
Study Australia
Salvation Army
St Vincent De Paul Society
Red Cross
COVID-19- Latest updates Coronavirus and Australian visas TSS visa holders affected by Coronavirus State migrations closing in response to COVID-19 COVID-19, TSS, Student and 485 visa holders COVID-19 and New Zealand visas Travel exemptions Visas eligible for government support
491 visa state requirements 190 visa state requirements
Study Melbourne has complied a list of community support and food relief for international students who have been affected by COVID-19. These support organisations assist with emergency food relief and/or financial assistance.
Empower Australia
Salvation Army
Anglicare Victoria
Helping Hands Mission
COVID-19 Support for Bangladeshi Community
Nepalese Association Australia
Food without Borders
Anonymous X
Australian Multicultural Community Services
New Hope Community Care
For accommodation support, Study Melbourne’s International Student Accommodation Legal Services offers free advice for international students with accommodation problems. To make an appointment, please email  [email protected].
Book a Consultation
New South Wales
NSW government and NGOs have support services available for international students living in NSW who are struggling to meet living expenses such as accommodation and food assistance.
Accommodation and Housing
City of Sydney Homelessness Unit
Wayside Chapel 
St Vincent de Paul Society
Rough Edges
Food Assistance
City of Sydney Meals on Wheels
Uniting Harris Community Centre Emergency Food Support Services
Hearth and Soul
Northern Territory
StudyNT has created care packages for international students who are affected by COVID-19. To get in touch with StudyNT, you can fill out their online form on https://studynt.nt.gov.au/news/support-international-students-impacted-coronavirus.
Australian Capital Territory
Study Canberra has advised international students to contact their education institution to support their health, wellbeing, and study plan.
The Australian National University
University of Canberra
Canberra Institute of Technology
Australian Catholic University
UNSW Canberra
Charles Sturt University
Study Queensland has encouraged students who requires assistance to contact student hub networks. They can provide help through online appointments and telephone support. There is also a student hotline 1800QSTUDYwhich operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Gold Coast Student Hub
Brisbane Student Hub
Cairns Student Hub
South Australia
The South Australian Government in collaboration with University of Adelaide, Flinders University and the University of South Australia has committed $13.8 million into the International Student Support Package. The funds will be used to alleviate the hardship faced by international students living in South Australia. You can register your interest on https://studyadelaide.com/issp.
Government Education and & Training International Tasmania are working to consider temporary measures to tackle the changing circumstances due to COVID-19 outbreak. If you have questions about your financial situation, you can contact via email – [email protected] or phone +61 3 6165 5727.
In the meantime, Government Education and & Training International has on their website some FAQ. You can access the FAQ on https://study.tas.gov.au/covid-19-international-student-information/.
Western Australia
StudyPerth has provided useful information for international students in Western Australia who requires assistance with food and shelter. Below is a list of key contacts:
Food Assistance
Second Harvest
St Patrick’s Community Support Centre
Salvation Army
Accommodation and Housing
Salvation Army
Youth Place
Street to Home
  MATEinOz represents International Students of all nationalities that are studying in Perth, Western Australia. They provide information and necessary advice for the successful integration in the city’s society and the completion of your studies.
  Seekvisa’s Coronavirus action plan
The Seekvisa team have plans in place to ensure ongoing operation for our current and prospective clients. We are able to work entirely remotely in the event that self-isolation is required or the offices are closed, including accessing client files, emails and phones, lodging applications, and accessing documents.
Recent News
COVID-19 and Support for International Students in Australia
https://ift.tt/2VVyqal 424 640 SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne https://ift.tt/2sMK9wK SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne2020-04-23 21:22:282020-04-23 22:17:47COVID-19 and Support for International Students in Australia
Update on 408 Visa for COVID-19 Pandemic
https://ift.tt/3cA9Z91 422 640 SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne https://ift.tt/2sMK9wK SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne2020-04-22 14:12:052020-04-22 16:33:17Update on 408 Visa for COVID-19 Pandemic
408 Visa for COVID-19 FAQ
https://ift.tt/2yi745X 360 640 SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne https://ift.tt/2sMK9wK SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne2020-04-17 15:59:352020-04-20 12:19:35408 Visa for COVID-19 FAQ
COVID-19 and Immigration New Zealand update
https://ift.tt/3evKIP6 360 640 SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne https://ift.tt/2sMK9wK SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne2020-04-17 00:31:352020-04-23 02:17:55COVID-19 and Immigration New Zealand update
Bridging visas and COVID-19
https://ift.tt/3cbRffJ 425 640 SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne https://ift.tt/2sMK9wK SeekVisa: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne2020-04-13 03:57:092020-04-13 14:11:20Bridging visas and COVID-19
The post COVID-19 and Support for International Students in Australia appeared first on Australian Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers Melbourne | SeekVisa.
COVID-19 and Support for International Students in Australia published first on https://ordergcmsnotescanada.tumblr.com/
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Ford 3100 PSI Gas Powered Pressure Washer Review
Ford 3100 PSI
control washer is the keep going machine on this audit. This one is the most grounded of the three, putting out a greatest of around 3100 PSI. The GPM stream is 2.5 gallons for every moment, which is more water, however once more, the expanded water utilization is a need keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish more power. The pressurized hose is additionally the longest out of any of these, measuring 30 feet.
Ford 3100 PSI Gas Powered Pressure Washer Review
It is fundamentally the same as in configuration to the 2800 form it has a similar kind of shape, the wheels are on the whole hard tires, and the weight is around 70 pounds or somewhere in the vicinity. Obviously, with the expansion hose length and the expanded aggregate power, this unit has a tendency to be the most exorbitant.
The metal hose connectors are fabulous. On the off chance that you ever experience a machine that has just plastic connectors, at that point simply be exhorted that metallic connectors are better for various reasons. The main reason is that this sort of hose association counteracts spillage and line blaming. Plastic interfacing pieces are more inclined to breaking and splitting be mindful so as not to slam against any sort of plastic parts, as they simply don't hold up to the solidness of a metal associating piece.
There are a few machines that have what is known as an aggregate stop framework (TSS) which essentially close the pump off while the unit is not being utilized. This viably broadens the life expectancy of the pump and the motor. The less your motor and pump need to work, the less wear and tear they get, and the less wear and tear they are subjected to, the more they can possibly last.
The draw string instrument is anything but difficult to begin and won't expect you to toss your shoulder all the while. There are a ton of more established machines that have extremely troublesome force strings and this element can make some of them totally unusable. By and by, I like to utilize electric begin PWs on the grounds that all you need to do to begin the thing is to press a catch. From that point, the machine will begin itself up naturally.
Something else you can do to enhance the life of you gas motor is to utilize a pump saver. Pump savers are intended to grease up your pump and to help keep it from solidifying over the winter. They as a rule come as little shower jars that you can splash specifically into the admission valve of your unit. The vaporized goes through your motors hub pump and helps keep it running for more.
The double tank cleanser framework gives you a monstrous measure of cleanser. When one of tanks begins to run low, you can top it off while you utilize the other one. This recoveries only a little time and should make your life fairly simpler. Single tank frameworks, while they might be substantial in measure, don't have this sort of adaptability.
This machine is authorized by Ford. While it is made in another nation, the unit is completely assessed and authoritatively tried by a group of designers from Ford. Permitting is a colossal arrangement as it implies that the item has been authoritatively perceived and affirmed, confirmed and investigated PWs are about constantly a portion of the absolute best you can get your hands on. It examines where an item is made and regardless of whether it is confirmed in the event that you truly need to get the most perfectly awesome quality item.
The pump and the motor are phenomenal, yet there are two or three things that are deficient as I would like to think. One of the real issues that I have is the way that the bolts that hold the wand and other extra parts of the washer are made of plastic. While metallic holders would have been something more, this doesn't in any capacity influence the execution of the pressure washer, so don't stress excessively over it. Something else this unit is noisy. Gas pressure washers have a tendency to be a considerable measure louder than electrical models, and this is typical and is not out of the ordinary since they have burning motors. Make certain to wear ear assurance while working this machine or you may hurt your ears after delayed utilize. This goes for any machine that is noisy dependably wear ear insurance. Furthermore, gloves and goggle are prescribed (goggles are a flat out must).
I trust this post helped you get some great data on each of these
Ford pressure washers
, thank you for making a trip and going by the site!
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tsseventhub · 2 years
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Do you host a Sanders Sides event? Have you always wanted to host an event, but were unsure where to start? Are you a creator who's been looking for something to participate in? Are you a fander looking for cool fanart and fanfictions? Did you stumble across this blog by accident and have literally no idea where you are?
Welcome to the TSS EVENT HUB!
The TSS Event Hub is focused on reblogging and boosting events within the Sanders Sides fandom (though, it doesn't have to be SaSi focused; Roleslaying With Roman, Cartoon Therapy, and ETC are welcomed) to make finding them just a little bit easier. Events such as: ship weeks, "big bangs", gift exchanges, entire event months, character appreciation days, and more!
The TSS Event Hub does not CREATE events.
If you're planning on hosting an event, or have already started, give this blog a tag or send an ask.
Check out the TSS Event Hub on Instagram that focuses on SaSi Instagram events! tss.event.hub (link)
Also, check out @sanders-sides-events! We created our blogs at roughly the same time.
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2023 Event List (link) - a list of all the events in 2023, with easy access to blogs, prompts, and dates. Updated consistently. (ran by @transfemlogan)
2022 Event List (link) - a list of all the past events in 2022
How do I host an event? (link) - if you want to run an event, but are unsure where to start or what's required, here is a helpful guide
Tagging System (link)
In regards to RemRom events (link) - if you're curious on whether or not we will be including RemRom, please click here!
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This blog is ran by multiple people. Check out the mods' introductions! (link)
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tsseventhub · 2 years
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The TSS Event Hub is run by four very lovely and talented mods!
— Mod R : @transfemlogan ; Revenge / Revy (any neos)
• I'm the owner & creator of this entire blog! Call me Revy & use any neopronouns for me. I'll be Mod R.
Shameless plug: I also run @transsidesweek. Come check it out!
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— Mod 🦆: @gender-i-hardly-know-er ; Duck / Serene / Gelid / Calypso / ETC (they/them, this/that, nor/mal)
• howdy!! my main blog is @gender-i-hardly-know-er & i’ll be going by mod 🦆 on here- i’m super excited, i think this blog will be really helpful !!
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— Mod Star : @novainthevoid ; Nova (any pronouns)
• Greetings! Call me Nova. Feel free to use any pronouns. My main is @novainthevoid and I’ll be going by mod star on here. Can’t wait to get started!
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— Mod 💜: @hyperfixated-homo ; Shadow (she/her)
• Hello! I’m Shadow, kinda a newbie mod lol. I’ll be going by Mod 💜. I hope this blog ends up helping some people :D
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And welcome our MORAL SUPPORT. While not moderators, these people do lend a hand and provide support where it's needed: @goo-helio-nite, @spaces-sketches, and @st4rsh4ped
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tsseventhub · 2 years
Welcome to the TSS event hub. Here we will reblog and boost events within the Sanders Sides fandom!
We have an Instagram that focuses on Sanders Sides Instagram events, as well! @/tss.event.hub (link)
Also, check out @sanders-sides-events!!! We made our blogs at the same time.
Here is a list of all the 2023 events (link) (ran by @transfemlogan)
More links and mod introductions coming soon ☆
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transfemlogan · 1 year
Creating tss event hub on both tumblr & instagram & then immediately falling in2 the worse state of depression & not having the motivation 2 do anything is like genuinely the most embarrassing thing
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transfemlogan · 2 years
On the topic of allowing r/r events on the tss event hub, i find that unbiased information is like. Incredibly important. I think people should be able to critically think and use the information around them to come to their own conclusion (i hate, hate, hate people who r like "just trust my word" or ppl who, when u ask them a polite question in regards 2 different sides of a "debate", they r just Super Aggressive. Like you all r lame) .
But all of the mods on that blog hate r/r & "proshippers". I actively speak out against them on this blog & im never including r/r in anything on here. Bcuz theyre fucking weirdos*!! Its gross. Shipping incest is literally SO WEIRD. Theres a difference between depicting "taboo subjects" in media & not necessarily telling you that it is "bad" bcuz thats not how media works VS getting off to it as a 30 yr old fandom mom in the bluey fandom.
But i want 2 keep track of all events in the sasi fandom. Its an archive. Its supposed 2 b a resource.
But also i dont want it 2 sound like were supporting incest, were just keeping track of information. We all dislike r/r.
In the words of my friend, "ethics and morality vs importance of information" (wow this is just like that one sanders sides episode, "the mind vs the heart" wher—)
*they r weirdos, however so are some antis. the entire debate however is so unnuanced its so lame.
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