#autistic janus
Totally real and legit evidence that Janus Sanders is autistic
Wears gloves and a hat all the time. Light sensitivity and texture issues? I think so!
He's me and I'm autistic so I'm right.
Special interest in being a little rascal.
When he's being sarcastic people think he's lying because of his tone.
It makes me happy.
Safe drink is wine.
Has a theme and sticks to it no matter what.
Everyone hates him for no reason (iykyk and only my autistic bitches know) even though he's literally done nothing wrong in his life I promise trust.
Only 8 because 8 is my favorite number (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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tmisos · 4 months
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been missing the purple eyeshadow a lot lately </3
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the-bisexual-bitch · 2 months
I need more analogical in the headspace. I don't want AUs, I want my two Little Autistic Guys shoved together in the brainspace because Virgil is having a Bad Time and none of the more 'emotional' sides are available (they were helping Thomas or something), so Logan helps. Or Virgil just SPECIFICALLY wants to be around Logan.
I need more of them being specifically described in the brainspace and looking different from Thomas. I need more of them being mildly upset that they don't look like themselves when they're helping Thomas.
I need more of the darksides and lightsides being basically two weird semi-funtional poly relationships.
I need more of Virgil having been in an unhealthy relationship with one of the Darksides and thinking he got away from them
I need more of Janus actually biting people and having venom.
I need more angst around Virgil feeling like he's a poser who's actually Bad and undeserving of the care given to by the Lightsides
I need more of Virgil not liking the phrases "Darkside" and "Lightside"
I need more of Virgil feeling infantilized by Patton and Patton struggling to get it
I need more long essays written about One Line to read and be convinced by.
(Please recommend fics, artists, tumblr accounts, etc.. I'm begging you.)
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Logan sanders is autistic. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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wethinkweknow-you · 2 months
getting back into my sanders sides groove. I'm so excited because now I have time to actually finish the virgil jacket I've been working on and I have motivation to do it!!!
I think a big reason I was SOOO obsessed with the sides is bc none of my friends knew about it so it was like my own little secret hyperfixation/guilty pleasure?? idk man. once I infodumped to my girlfriend about it I just stopped caring. but now I'm back in the game
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ghost-likes-drawing · 11 months
I am quite litteraly a minute and six seconds in to the new sanders sides mini episode thing and I got to excited and had to stop.
Spoilers under the line
Fuck I love Logicality
Patton is trying so damn hard.
Edit with after video thoughts:
Fuck I love Prinxiety and Demus too
Janus loves Remus so damn much it doesn't matter how he just does
Girl tried so hard for Roman and Roman needed that bit at the end. Ahahah
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12 yr old me, after researching autism because my friend got a diagnosis: Wow! I can’t imagine how hard social interaction must be for autistic people. Like, I’m neurotypical, and I have trouble discerning tone, body language, social cues, and facial expressions like 83% of the time! It’s so hard to tell when people are joking or being sarcastic or being serious. If this is so hard for me, a very neurotypical neurotypical, then I can’t imagine how hard it is for people who are autistic!
Me now, @ 12 yr old me:
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jack-enbyfold · 11 months
Sanders Sides Stims
(Note these were probably not intended to be stims and this is not a complete list but all the sides are neurodivergent to me, hope this helps)
Thumb biting/nail biting- worried
Hand flaps- overwhelmed emotionally (happy and stressed both)
Hissing- frustrated with someone
Clapping- happy/excited
Stomping- upset
Playing with his cat hoodie strings- just fiddling
Bounces- happy
Air punches- excited
Verbal stims (tutting/tongue clicking)- frustrated
Bounces- excited
Hissing- frustrated
Clapping- excited
Bopping/swaying- general fidget
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months
If there's any god I'd be related to, it'd probably have to be one that represents my personality. I'm a moody person, prone to mood swings. I get easily scared and also I'm easy to anger or fall to depression. So I imagine a god like Janus could represent me. I'm also indescive, after all. But if there's a god of neuroticism, then I'd bet there'd be some kind of connection between us. I'm so neurotic, I swear.
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thatonelesbianfander · 2 months
Autistic Remus Sanders Headcanons b/c I’m autistic remake
So, April is autism awareness/acceptance month, so I figured I’d remake my autistic Remus Sanders headcanons post since a lot of the headcanons are old and outdated
The original post can be found here
Warning for crime mention
Headcanons under cutoff
1. Remus uses they/them pronouns because they find the expectations of gender and social norms stupid
2. They hate following social rules and norms and will break them any chance they get
3. They have a really high sensitivity to light and sound. To combat this, they wear sunglasses and headphones when they go outside.
4. They love to customize their headphones and sunglasses with stickers and marker
5. They have fight or flight responses when they get overstimulated where they’ll either try to be louder than the thing causing them to be overstimulated or they’ll just shut down
6. They love weighted things like weighted blankets, weighted plushes, etc. and will use them to calm down when they get overstimulated
7. They have a special interest in true crime and horror and can go on rants that will span multiple hours about them
8. They love textured and chew fidgets. They can be distracted for hours if they find something with a cool texture. This is sometimes how Janus keeps them in check
9. Remus is weird with eye contact. Sometimes they’ll get uncomfortable with even one second of eye contact, but other times they’ll stare directly into your soul. You’ll never know which one you’ll get
10. Remus loves physical contact and affection, especially from Janus
11. Remus can understand humor and sarcasm, but will sometimes get their social cues confused, which can lead to some awkward moments
12. They have a little bag that they carry around wherever they go that has an extra pair of headphones, sunglasses, and some fidgets. The bag is shaped like a mustache.
13. Stims by biting stuff
14. They love collecting stickers and pins of their interests
15. Remus and Logan can hold really long conversations together with Remus telling Logan about the different true crimes they learned about and Logan explaining everything
16. They have a favorite vest to wear and the vest is covered in patches and pins
17. Their favorite fidget is a small plush octopus that has a bunch of different textures that Patton made for them
18. The book shelf in their room is filled to the brim with books, figures, and collectibles of their special interests
19. They are very easily distracted by their special interests
20. They will spend hours researching their special interests and hyperfixations, sometimes pulling all nighters just to research and interact with them
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I'm the number one Janus Sanders fan. I'm the number one Papyrus Undertale fan. I'm the number one Doctor Who fan. I'm the number one Rainbow Dash fan. I'm the number one Roman of Reston fan. I'm the number one Nightmare Sans fan. All you mfs need to back off 😤 what do y'all know about unhealthy autistic attachments to characters
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autisticsidesweek · 9 months
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[Image description: The words "Autistic Sides Week 2023" in black text on a white oval, which is against a red background with multicoloured spots. / End image description.]
Welcome to Autistic Sides Week 2023, an event celebrating autistic headcanons for Sanders Sides characters. You can submit fanfictions, art, edits, anything you like!!
This event will take place from the 4th to the 10th of December 2023.
@sanders-sides-events @tsseventhub
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emoprincey · 2 years
tell me about your autistic sides hcs
Ok, here are my (mostly projection) autistic sides hcs:
Janus is 100% one of those autistic people who uses sarcasm all the time but can't tell when other people are being sarcastic because he doesn't actually understand tone.
Virgil fidgets with Everything. None of his hoodies have aglets on the strings anymore, and he just doesn't wear clothes with buttons because they won't last at all.
Logan fully rehearses entire conversations before he has them, and he gets thrown off when people don't act exactly how he imagined they would. But he's actually gotten pretty good at predicting what people will say so he has more time to think of the socially correct response.
Virgil and Remus actually have a lot of special interests in common, so they (used to) have lots of fun infodumping to each other about horror movies and stuff.
Whenever Roman and Virgil talk to each other, it doesn't look like they're having much of a conversation because Roman just tells an anecdote about musical theatre and Virgil responds with a seemingly unrelated anecdote about an emo band. It makes sense to them, they're just both very anecdotal in the way they converse.
Virgil and Roman both have echolalia and repeat lyrics of songs they've listened to.
Logan has echolalia where he repeats the ends of phrases people say to him, and randomly recites facts he's heard.
They're all different in the ways they engage with their special interests. When Logan has a special interest, he researches Everything about it; Roman tries to integrate his interests into his creative projects, so if he's hyperfixating on a piece of media he makes loads of fan content; Virgil will watch a show over and over until he can recite entire episodes word for word, but couldn't tell you what year it first aired.
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transfemlogan · 7 months
Janus, abt whoever Thomas is interacting with: that is just sooo smart. Ugh. Truly a brainac over here!
Roman: are you being sarcastic?
Janus: of course not.
Logan: oh, that wasn't sarcasm?
Janus: Yes, it was, dear. I was being mean to Roman.
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box-of-fandom · 2 years
I'm bored but I don't wanna go to sleep so here's some more autistic sides. (Some of them are me projecting) (some of these are regular headcanons)
Special interests are mcr and horror movies
Used to mask around the light sides until one of them was like "dude we're all autistic no one cares." He still does it subconsciously but not as much as before.
MUST have his headphones within reach at all times.
Hates feeling warm, his room is 65⁰ on cool.
Has a purple lava lamp, hes always watching Remus when he comes over to make sure he doesn't try shit.
When he's angry, he tries to rationalize his feelings, feels invalidated by said rationalizing, gets even angrier.
Crofters on toast is a same food for him, he eats it for breakfast every morning
Plans everything out, gets upset when plans change last second
Has a fidget cube to stim with
NEEDS soft things to calm down, his room is full of stuffies
Speaking of, him and Virgil has a jack skellington build a bear and Patton has a Sally one. (Let them be friends!)
Stims by baking! So many sweets around the house
Picky eater gang💪💪 he can try new stuff but it has to be on HIS terms, yk?
Chews EVERYTHING, he has chewlery but that doesn't stop him from eating table legs. Regularly chews pens until they explode
Rabies pride Remus. (This isn't even a headcanon at this point.)
Also jumps as a stim! Generally big stims
Hyperfixated on JTHM, regularly talks about the JTHM-> gay cartoons pipeline. Also probably about the 9/11 -> Twilight pipeline.
Like Logan, he gets upset when plans are changed last second.
Gloves help his sensory issues
Probably hyperfixated on phycology at one point, helped Patton with his plushie video.
Sometimes is the "allistic translator" for the others
Spinterest is Disney (obviously) but I also see him really enjoying Greek drama. Maybe has a book club with Logan/Janus (when they make up)
Also loves Minecraft, helps him destress.
Probably the reason Thomas got diagnosed at some point
Sings/flaps hands/rocks himself to stim.
Helps Patton bake (LET THEM BE FRIENDS AGAIN) his favorite thing to bake are cupcakes because he likes decorating them.
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uefb · 9 months
New fic in the works
Feeling excited but experiencing trepidation about this short fic I’ve been working on, which is a combination of three WIP one-shots that I finally realized today are part of the same story. It’s set primarily in the 1970s when Tina & Newt’s children are adults, and it focuses on their middle child Ephesus (Fife)—a natural-born legilimens—who has just taken up a career a bit too close to Newt & Tina’s own traumas for comfort. I hope I can pull it all together! Writing these characters in late middle/older age (I mean, they’re wizards, what is a “lifespan” 😆😆) is certainly a challenge
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Hoping I’ll be able to pull this off and post it late this week!
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