raloyar · 3 years
Виллоу Крик.Сейдж Истейтс.Городская больница.Сентябрь  xx.xx.xxxx.Время 09:30.
Willow Creek Sage Estates City Hospital September xx.xx.xxxx 09:30.
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09:30,третья неделя карантина. RHP_mini-03: пациент ,Артур, пора вставать, сегодня заключающий день обучения и карантина. *Непонятные звуки с кровати* RHP_mini-03: Сейчас только начало осени, не время впадать в спячку! Если вы не встанете после трёх предупредительных сигналов, система примет решительные меры. *Стон умирающего кита* RHP_mini-03: начало отсчёта. *Сонное сознание, не сразу же приходит в себя, но после нескольких мучительных секунд борьбы разума и дрёмы, Артур наконец вспоминает, что было в прошлый раз, когда он не послушался mini.Мозг услужливо предоставляет воспоминания.* *Внезапный холод, пробирающий до костей разнеженное после сна тело и чувству, что весь воздух в мгновение ока исчез из лёгких. Тело двигалось само, когда до разума дошло, что уже идёт вторая цифра отсчёта, резко подорвавшись ты направляешься умываться и завтракать, привычная рутина.* *После утреннего обряда, ты покорно ждёшь, когда новые знания окутают тебя как пелена тумана и осядут в твоей голове. Осталось совсем чуть-чуть* *Единственное, чего ты не можешь ни как понять, это как разговаривать...Ты знаешь и язык и как писать на нём, но почему-то голоса у тебя нет, хотя проверки Mini и ИИ говорят, о том, что всё в порядке. Тебе каждый день показывают, как говорят друг с другом люди и объясняют, как двигать языком ,губами, но из твоего горла доноситься либо хриплые и нечленораздельные звуки, либо ничего.* *О! Передача и форматирование данных была наконец завершена, знания как горный поток пронзают твоё сознание. Но вместе с этим приходит и ужасная головная боль, но это уже стало привычно и не так больно. Осталось совсем чуть-чуть* 09:30, third week of quarantine. RHP_mini-03: Patient, Arthur, it's time to get up, today is the closing day of training and quarantine. * Incomprehensible sounds from the bed * RHP_mini-03: It is only the beginning of autumn now, no time to hibernate! If you do not get up after three warning beeps, the system will take drastic action.  * Moan of a dying whale *  RHP_mini-03: starting point. * Sleepy consciousness, does not immediately come to its senses, but after several agonizing seconds of a struggle of mind and sleep, Arthur finally remembers what it was like the last time he did not listen to mini. The brain helpfully provides memories. *  * A sudden coldness penetrating to the bones the body softened after sleep and the feeling that all the air in the blink of an eye has disappeared from the lungs. The body moved by itself, when it dawned on the mind that the second digit of the countdown was already going on, having exploded sharply, you go to wash and have breakfast, a familiar routine. *  * After the morning ceremony, you dutifully wait for new knowledge to envelop you like a veil of fog and settle in your head. Left just a little bit* * The only thing you can’t understand is how to speak ... You know the language and how to write in it, but for some reason you don’t have a voice, although the Mini and AI checks say that everything is fine ... Every day you are shown how people talk to each other and explain how to move your tongue, lips, but from your throat you can hear either hoarse and inarticulate sounds, or nothing. * *O! The transfer and formatting of data was finally completed, the knowledge of how a mountain stream pierces your consciousness. But along with this comes a terrible headache, but it has already become habitual and not so painful.
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sleepless-stories · 4 years
The Puppet Master |1/3?
Concept: They had always told stories and joked about him, but he was an old fairy-tale, not even real. Though fairy tales have to come from somewhere.
Roman and Remus sat on the floor of the commons with Patton, Janus, Virgil, and Logan. The children laughed and giggled as they sat in a circle holding the flashlight telling ‘scary’ stories. 
“Oh!Oh! I have one!” Janus said excitedly when Remus finished his, gorey, and graphic tale of a murderer. 
“What’s your story Jan?” Roman asked.
Remus passed the flashlight over to him.
Janus smiled, shining the light on his face casting creepy shadows over it, “It’s the story of… The Puppet Master!”
Patton instantly dove hiding behind Roman and hugging him, “But that’s scary!”
“Well that's the point, this is scary story time!” Janus smiled, “Could I just tell the story?”
Roman nodded, “Yeah! Please!”
Janus smiled, “There have always been rumors of someone who could control us all, bend us to their will. Many call him the Puppet master because you simply become his puppet. They say you never even realize when he is starting to control you till it’s. too. late!” 
Virgil who was currently protecting the fearing Patton sighed, “It’s just some old fairytale, it’s not real anyway.” He mumbled. Janus shrugged.
“Alright, I do believe sleep is a priority, so how about we all get some rest, that was enough stories for one night.” Logan cut in and got up. “Night.” He said before retreating to his room. 
Soon after everyone else went to their own rooms too. 
Soon everything changed, the bonding nights disappeared, memories were abruptly gone, a split of sides came suddenly, and a fear arose. The atmosphere shifted and an unexplained feud appeared where there had once been a friendship.
Janus’ name faded from the memories of Patton, Roman, and Logan, he was only known as another villain of Thomas’ personality. Even if everyone’s goal was just to help Thomas, there was a split of Dark and Light, those who could ‘harm’ him and those who couldn’t.
Virgil was slowly pulled into the light, thought of as someone else who was ‘good’ because he was in the light.
Janus was the first to realize something was off, his personification of part of Thomas’ self preservation and Deception, that gave him the insight he needed. He could tell something was off, whenever he tried getting closer to the light sides they did something… unexpected. Before revealing his name, he himself did something unexpected, he became the voice of reason, he protected Thomas from… Patton? Something was wrong but he could tell nobody else could tell… but maybe, Virgil could too.
Janus took a chance. He knocked at Virgil’s door firmly. 
Virgil heard the knocks and opened, “Janus?”
“Virgil… Do you remember the tails of the puppet master?”
“Janus… You can’t come to someone’s door just demanding answers! And of course I remember it’s an old Fairytale! Now go! You know I don’t like you! You banging at my door looking for answers doesn’t help that.”
“Virgil… first, why do you hate me.”
“Because… I… well… I just do? Why does it matter?”
“Because I don’t think that the puppet master is a fairytale, I believe he’s real and has been using us all as pawns for years now.”
“What? Um… you need to come in and explain.” Virgil demanded and pulled Janus into the room. 
“Hasn’t anything ever seemed… I don’t know… Off? To you?”
“Yeah… But I’m anxiety, always on edge. Always ready to run if needed I guess.”
“That’s the thing… I don’t think you always were like that, a long time ago, like a distant memory, I remember you, you were tough, ready to fight anyone who hurt someone you loved, you were our protector.” “But that doesn-”
“I know, but hear me out. Please?”
Virgil stared at him, “Fine.”
“Do you have any memories from when we were kids?” 
Virgil stared then thought, “I… no, I can’t remember a thing.”
“I think that's when the puppet master took over, I think he’s been using us since then, changing us and shaping the way we think and others think of us.”
“I guess it would make sense.”
“Yeah! We need to figure out how to convince everyone else without having the puppet master know we suspect they’re real.”
“We also need to figure out who the puppet master is.”
Janus nodded.
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dsmptorchbearer · 5 years
i may have just posted a story on my wattpad. it’s the prologue of a story i’m hoping i can continue. if it interests you take a read!
(i’m terrible at posting photos)
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daisyio · 6 years
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I was going down.. down.. down.. I closed my eyes, preparing to fall down and make a scene in front of the entire library. But.. I felt a strong grasp around me.. very delicate, yet protective. I looked up.. and saw it was the boy who was helping me. I felt my cheeks go red.. 
Dominic: Hi.. I’m Dominic, but you can call me Dom.
Elizabeth: ... *say something you idiot!!* Hi
Dominic: You alright? Do you need me to take you to the nurse or anything..?
Elizabeth: no.. no.. I’m fine.. Thank you. 
Dominic: And you are?
Elizabeth: Elizabeth.. but you can call me Beth :)
--Dominic is also by @bbysim
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aerislove · 5 years
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#StoryDobNalia Tu n'es pas obligé de continuer de faire ça Nalia, tu n'es pas obligé de vendre ton corps pour de l'argent même si je sais que tu fais ça pour ta petite sœur malade car ta mère n'arrive pas a joindre les deux bouts. J'ai du mal a te voir sur ce trottoir, essayant d'attirer le plus de clients afin d'avoir une belle somme que mon connard de père te prendra. Je sais que tu ne m'as jamais rien demandé mais ce soir c'est moi qui te le propose laisse moi prendre soin de toi, devenir ton protecteur, celui qui veillera sur toi, laisse moi être près de toi Nalia et cesse d'avoir peur de l'avenir. Prend ma main que je te tend, prend la et sert la je suis la pour toi.#Dob #thesim4#ts4couple #ts4rp #tsstory #ts4history #ts4legacy #ts4photography #ts4life #simslovers #simsbook #simsagram #mysims https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWL5m_BKXd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xm9a9isfvu4w
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peachkii-blog · 6 years
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Later the next day, Angel came over to visit and check in on Danielle & baby.. After all she was the only one who knew so far...
Danielle: I-I can’t do this anymore Angel.. I’ve been having nightmares and I need to figure out if it’s Sam’s or not.. So I went to the doctor’s last week, a-a-a-and I am so  nervous to find out.. What if it isn’t Sam’s I’d have to break up with him and he would hate me forever..
Angel: It’s okay sweetheart.. take a deep breath okay? I am here with you no matter what, and if it is Caspian’s.. we’ll work through it together.
*phone ringing*
Danielle: *short breaths* o-o-oh g-g-geez.. it’s the hospital Angel! I c-c-can’t do this.. I think I’m going to be sick
Angel: It’s alright Elle, just pick it up and you will finally know if it’s Caspian’s or Sam’s.. you’ll feel much better afterwards.
Danielle: Alright.. *answers phonecall*
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neebysims · 6 years
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???: I wonder if she is coming.
I plop down onto the floor.
Harmony: Hey..
???: Hey..
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spellboundsimz · 6 years
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🦇 Sam & Aleister 🦇
Poses by the amazing @sakuraijun-sims ♡
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riverthesimmer · 6 years
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-Is that love........is that it......I don’t what i am doing anymore......
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heckyeahtaylorswift · 5 years
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my mom has started spreading the message of taylor swift to the masses
when i was home last weekend, people would comment on my rep sweatshirt & she would respond saying something about the mural & ask if they've seen it & how she knows i think it was taylor's & how they should prepare themselves for something new
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"My squad is better than yours" Xoxo, Little Liars 💋
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raloyar · 3 years
Виллоу Крик.Сейдж Истейтс.Городская больница.Сентябрь  xx.xx.xxxx.Время 11:30.
Willow Creek Sage Estates City Hospital September xx.xx.xxxx 11:30.
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POV:Артур Мысли ещё не до конца проснувшегося человека представляют собой неясные отголоски сна, наступающий реальности и ленивых мыслей. Вот именно поэтому, я просто ненавижу просыпаться с утра пораньше. Хах сейчас снова будут неприятности, ведь я пока не слышу mini и это значит, что он придумывает очередной изощрённый способ меня разбудить.Ммм..ладно-ладно, я встаю. Медленно встав, я в очередной раз оглядываюсь. Привычная обстановка, всё в порядке... Но в этот раз что-то не так, мой взгляд зацепился за что-то необычное. Подойдя ближе, я понимаю, что в обычной стене образовался проход, которого до этого момента не было.* Нерешительно подойдя ближе к проёму, взвесив все за и против, я осторожно выглядываю из-за угла. В глаза сразу же бросается седой мужчина, вальяжно сидящий за письменном столом, так же мне кажется, что моё появление ,не осталось не замеченным, но в его глазах не видно ни агрессии, не скрытой злобы, так что, может лучше подойти ближе и поприветствовать его. Николай: Неужто, ты решил наконец проснуться? Ну что ж, приветствую тебя. Садясь на диван, я замечаю его пристальный глаз, это немного но смущает. Но зато он рассказал мне о себе и о месте ,где я сейчас нахожусь, его зовут Николай и он один из тех врачей, что работают здесь и сшили меня буквально по кускам, после того как нашли. Так же мне перечислили все обследования и операции, которые пройдут в ближайший месяц и это просто ужасно. Конечно, у меня нет панических атак перед врачами но всё же, от понимания всего того, что меня ждёт уже завтра я невольно передёрнулся. Но я не могу ему ответить, лишь обозначить свои эмоции мимикой и движениями, но Боже, как же это не удобно! О он заметил мои трудности и протягивает небольшой аппарат, непонятного назначения, что это вообще такое? Николай: А теперь послушай меня очень внимательно мальчик, предмет лежащий сейчас перед тобой ,это недавно созданный экспериментальный имплант, для людей с ограниченными возможностями, он пока ещё не прошёл всех тестирований, но есть уже положительные результаты, хотя и отрицательные стороны были выявлены. Имплант позволит тебе общаться с другими представителями разумных рас, но есть один нюанс, ты будешь общаться и говорить не в привычном для нас понимании, а через образы и воспоминания, в каком-то смысле ты будешь обладать телепатическими способностями. Но это на тот временный период, пока тебе не исполниться 18 лет и специалист не проведёт обследование, на котором выясниться к какому типу паразитических организмов ты предрасположен, а пока мы не в состоянии придумать другой выход из сложившейся ситуации. Ура наконец я смогу общаться, какое же облегчение! Хотя когда я проходил обучение с mini,мне была дана информация об этом аппарате, его изобретение помогло уже многим людям, но побочные эффекты и летальные исходы до сих пор не редкость для этого аппарата, но осознание того, что я могу беспрепятственно общаться с другими людьми, накатывает на меня и подумав ещё немного, качаю головой в знак согласия. Николай: Хорошо, я понял тебя, постарайся расслабиться и не думать не о чём операция будет не долгой и не затронет никаких важных органов. *Спустя некоторое время* Николай: Ну вот и всё! Как ты себя чувствуешь? Тебе больно? Постарайся послать мне телепатический образ, как будто короткое видео или скажи фразу мысленно и сосредоточься на человеке, которому ты хочешь её сказать. Ох, моя голова, в ней как будто поселился улей с тысячами и тысячами пчёлами, это ощущение распирает мою голову. Ммм...Как-там говорилось в лекции про медитацию, отрешиться и уйти от мирских ощущений? Полная чушь, от этого зуда вообще нельзя никак отгородиться! Так нужно хотя бы немного сосредоточиться на его словах, мысленно послать образ или фразу, окей попытка не пытка. Артур: "Доктор Николай, голова как будто сейчас разорвётся, боль не проходит" После моих "слов", он засуетился и открыв аптечку достал наполненный каким-то раствором шприц. Подойдя он взял мою руку и я ощущаю стальную хватку пальцев и шероховатости мозолистых ладоней, попытавшись сосредоточившись на этих ощущения, я уже не замечаю как боль постепенно уходит на второй план. С каким-то болезненным удовольствием я смотрю на впившуюся в руку иглу, глаза жадно ловят как миллиметр, за миллиметром раствор проникает под мою кожу и распространяется по всему телу. Николай: Посиди тут пару мину, мне нужно сейчас отойти, но я пришлю кого-нибудь, что бы он помог тебе и провёл тебе экскурсию по больнице. Кивая в ответ и прикрыв веки я наслаждаюсь наступившей тишиной и облегчением от отпустившей боли. POV:Arthur The thoughts of a person who is not yet fully awake are vague echoes of a dream, the coming reality and lazy thoughts. That's exactly why I just hate waking up early in the morning. Hah, there's going to be trouble again, because I can't hear the mini yet, which means he's coming up with another clever way to wake me up.Mmm..Okay, okay, I'm getting up. Slowly standing up, I look around once again. The usual environment, everything is in order... But this time something is wrong, my eyes caught on something unusual. As I get closer, I realize that a passage has formed in the ordinary wall, which up to this point was not there. Hesitantly, I step closer to the doorway, weighing the pros and cons, and carefully look around the corner. A gray-haired man sitting impressively at a desk immediately catches my eye, and it also seems to me that my appearance did not go unnoticed, but there is no aggression or hidden anger in his eyes, so it might be better to come closer and greet him. Nikolai: Really, you decided to finally wake up? Well, I welcome you. As I sit down on the couch, I notice his gaze, which is a little disconcerting. But he told me about himself and about the place where I am now, his name is Nikolai and he is one of those doctors who work here and sewed me literally in pieces after they found me. I was also listed all the examinations and operations that will take place in the next month and it's just awful. Of course, I do not have panic attacks in front of doctors, but still, from the understanding of all that awaits me tomorrow, I involuntarily shuddered. But I can't answer him, just indicate my emotions with facial expressions and movements, but God, how inconvenient it is! Oh, he noticed my difficulties and holds out a small device, an incomprehensible purpose, what is it all about? Nikolai: And now listen to me very carefully boy, the object lying in front of you now is a newly created experimental implant for people with disabilities, it has not yet passed all the tests, but there are already positive results, although the negative sides have been identified. The implant will allow you to communicate with other representatives of intelligent races, but there is one caveat, you will communicate and speak not in the usual sense for us, but through images and memories, in a sense you will have telepathic abilities. But this is for that temporary period, until you turn 18 and a specialist will not conduct a survey, which will find out what type of parasitic organisms you are predisposed to, and while we are not able to come up with another way out of this situation. Hooray, I can finally communicate, what a relief! Although when I was trained with the mini,I was given information about this device, its invention has already helped many people, but side effects and deaths are still not uncommon for this device, but the realization that I can freely communicate with other people rolls over me and after thinking a little more, I shake my head in agreement. Nikolai: Okay, I understand you, try to relax and not think about anything the operation will not be long and will not affect any important organs. *After a while* Nikolai: Well, that's it! How are you doing? Are you in pain? Try to send me a telepathic image, like a short video, or say a phrase in your mind and focus on the person you want to say it to. Oh, my head, it's like a hive with thousands and thousands of bees, this feeling is bursting my head. Mmm...What was it said in the lecture about meditation, to give up and get away from worldly sensations? Complete nonsense, from this itch in general it is impossible to isolate yourself in any way! So you need to at least focus a little on his words, mentally send an image or phrase, okay, the attempt is not torture. Arthur: "Dr. Nikolai, my head feels like it's going to burst, the pain doesn't go away" After my "words", he fussed and opened the first-aid kit and took out a syringe filled with some solution. Coming up, he took my hand and I feel the steel grip of my fingers and the roughness of my calloused palms, trying to focus on these sensations, I no longer notice how the pain gradually fades into the background. With a kind of painful pleasure, I look at the needle stuck in my arm, my eyes greedily catching as millimeter by millimeter, the solution penetrates under my skin and spreads throughout my body. Nikolai: Sit here for a couple of minutes, I need to move away now, but I'll send someone to help you and give you a tour of the hospital. Nodding in response and closing my eyes, I enjoy the silence and the relief from the pain that has released.
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sleepless-stories · 4 years
What is this feeling?
Patton sat in front of his computer smiling at his best friend Roman who he was on a skype call with. They have been friends now for years, and have done many things and made several decisions together. For example their jobs, both youtubers, now famous. Patton makes various cooking tutorials though he utterly fails in all of them and most end in him buying something at the store because his actual creations are a mess of charred and burned unrecognizable food. Patton also makes tutorials for various tasks and general simple vlogs about life shit, though he doesn’t call them life shit even though life could be shit but that's not family friendly! Roman did videos that were quite different, his were showcasing his talents as an actor and his singing voice. By now Roman had done many music covers and one man plays with heavy editing to help the fact that he was playing all the characters in the plays. Though it was what Roman enjoyed. Never had they done any videos together though, but Patton wanted to bring up the topic on their skype call.
“Um Roman I had an Idea.”
“Oooooo! What is it?” “Well would you like to do a video sometime?” Patton asked him and yawned. 
Patton giggled softly, “Um what should we do?”
“A cooking video maybe, and maybe we could do a play… I’ll finally have another actor for my show.”
“Yeah!! That sounds great!” Patton agreed.
Roman grinned at his friend over the webcam proudly then pulled out a notebook. “Now we should talk about preparations.” Roman started going on and on about what they could do and make and what they might need for supplies. He was absolutely ecstatic about this whole idea and thing. He couldn’t wait to do it with Patton. It had been almost an hour till Roman looked up to see Patton slumped back on his bed fast asleep. Roman smiled softly at the sight of his friend asleep and decided to be a bit quieter and sing a bit. He decided right away he wouldn’t end the call, maybe Patton would wake up and they could talk a bit longer. He enjoyed seeing his friend anyway, they lived a few cities away and don’t see each other enough at all in his standards. Roman sighed softly relaxed by the sounds of Patton fast asleep, soon though he too was lulled to sleep. 
Patton woke in the morning and looked up to see his computer’s camera still on and skype still open. He saw Roman on the screen fast asleep. Patton ended the call then got ready for the day. 
It wasn’t for several hours that Roman woke up. He looked around and yawned then saw his computer still open. He had probably fallen asleep while on call with Patton. The voice of Remus, Roman’s brother popped into his head. 
“Technically you both indirectly slept together.” the voice said with a sligh suggestive tone then broke out into laughter. 
Roman laughed at the thought. Sure it was true, they both slept while on call together. He decided to pull out his phone and text Patton. 
[Call last night was nice, Hope you slept well… though i imagine you did because we slept together ;) can’t wait to make a video together!]
[yeah! Can’t wait and it was nice!! I could drive to you in the next few days for filming the video!!!!!!]
[ok Pat, see you then! Can’t wait to see you in person again, it’s been too long!]
[yeah! See you then!!]
Roman smiled softly to himself and put his phone down,he realized he should prepare for Patton coming over. He couldn’t allow his friend who was going to be driving several hours to get to his apartment to stay in his hotel, NO SIR! Patton would absolutely be allowed to sleep over. It’s been way too long since they had last seen each other anyway. 
Roman spent the next day preparing for Patton and buying supplies. 
Patton spent the day relaxing and making sure he had the next few days off. Then when it was the next day he got up early and drove over to see roman. 
Roman waited in anticipation for Patton’s arrival; he had received a text from his pal that he was on his way and since then he had been absolutely anxious to see him again. He was excited. 
It was around noon when Patton finally arrived, Roman had just finished up making them some lunch at the time. 
Patton stood at the door and knocked.
Roman as soon as he heard the knock rushed open and threw the door open. “PATTON!” he grinned widely and pulled the other into a bone crushing hug. 
Patton was quick to hug back then smiled at Roman, “Roman!” 
Roman pulled Patton inside and over to the couch to chat. They caught up with each other and cuddled watching disney. Roman looked over seeing Patton’s smiled… he felt a feeling he hadn’t had before, but he couldn’t tell what it was. 
The next day they filmed together, a cooking video together, Roman showed off his talents of being able to cook without burning a thing. Patton was absolutely impressed.
They posted the video soon after and it got great reviews their subscribers loved it (and secretly shipped the two). Roman agreed with Patton that they needed to get together more often, maybe at least once a month they agreed. 
They had done a multitude of videos, today was their tenth. Roman stood with Patton in his kitchen and stared at him. He had always felt this feeling around patton… but finally he was able to put a word to it. A special word to it he never realized felt this amazing. Roman stared at Patton dreamily then smiled softly. Roman thought once more, he was positive he knew what he was feeling. He looked at Patton forgetting they even had their camera recording and told him how he felt. “Patton… I love you.” He said quietly but loud enough to hear his own voice over the beating of his heart. It may have seemed sudden or abrupt but to Roman it was something he should have expressed to Patton a long time ago. 
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cloudsmina · 5 years
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190313 #Yesung's update
最後のストーリーだからかな? もっとときめく ... 😉 #goodmorning #TsStory
(TRANS) : Is it because it's the last story? My heart is beating fast ... 😉 #goodmorning #TsStory (engtrans © yesungmorocco)
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daisyio · 6 years
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Finally, someone I actually wanted to talk to... this is Casey Robins, my best friend. We’ve been friends since I can remember.. but when we went to different highschools for freshman year, we kind of lost our connection.. so now that I’ve moved back to Rosebud Drive, we can finally go to school together again. He’s the only who between us who’s super excited for our ‘senior year’ together.. Ever since it happened, he’s calmed me down.. and just literally always been there.
Casey: So, you excited for your first day of school, Miss Beth?
Elizabeth: Please tell me teachers aren’t going to be calling me ms. Fields or ms. Beth... Also no, I’m quite horrified honestly. I just want to walk in, and walk out. Not mess with the ecosystem of teenage cliches.
Casey: *laughs* no, don’t worry this school isn’t that fancy. You’ll fit right in..Don’t even worry! You’re going to be just fine, okay? Trust me.
Elizabeth: Okay..okay. Just promise me you won’t ditch me?
Casey: I promise.
-- Casey was made by @bbysim
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aerislove · 6 years
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My sims love😘 Benji and Hana ❤❤❤ #ts4legacy #ts4rp #tsstory #thesim4#thesims4life #thesimsromance #thesims4passione ##simstagram #simstagrammer #simsa
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