#tsu’tey imagine
moonchildxoxx · 1 month
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Are we a moment, or a lifetime Part 2
A/N: You are responsible for your own media consumption.  MDNI 18+ 
Warning: talk about terminating a pregnancy, Fetus called a baby multiple times, and semi graphic birth scene ( it’s really not that bad)
Pairing: Tsu’teyx human ! Female! Reader
Word count3,673k
Synopsis: it continues right from part one
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"We need to keep this quiet" He murmurs, his voice quiet. The last thing she needed was everyone hounding her, demanding answers about this. Mo'at nods, agreeing that this should be kept quiet before turning and going to a small side room, searching for something. He keeps his arms firmly around her , his face buried in her hair as he murmurs reassurances and tries to soothe his own racing mind "It'll be alright"
He repeated, as if he was trying to convince himself more than her. Mo'at re-emerged with a small, woven basket. It was full of various things, but he couldn't see what exactly through the woven cloth She set it down beside him, gesturing for him to look inside. He gently shifted her out his lap for a moment so he could lean forwards, looking inside the basket. His long fingers pull back the lid, his brow furrowed as he looks at the contents.  The basket was filled with various things. Some herbs, some berries, and a few other bits and pieces he doesn't notice Mo'at motions to them, pointing at specific things "Make sure she takes these everyday. Some of the herbs will help with the nausea, the berries will help replenish the energy. I will try to find more" Tsu'tey just nods silently, still trying to process that he was going to be a father. 
The next few months had gone by slowly and quietly. Tsu'tey had kept her pregnancy a secret, much to the growing frustration of the scientists as she avoided them more. He was almost overly protective of her , following her everywhere and trying to keep her from anything even slightly dangerous or tiring. Mo'at had been of great help, bringing over herbs and berries to help with her sickness and any other issue she had had. But as she grew, it became more and more obvious to the others that something was wrong
She was more tired, her stomach was obviously bigger, and everyone was starting to notice. They tried to bring her to the lab for tests and scans, but Tsu'tey stood in their way, refusing for them to do anything more. He knew they would poke and prod and study her, not even considering her as a person anymore. 
He would bring her to Mo'at every time she had even a slight pain or issue, worried that anything unusual was a bad sign. Mo'at assured him that it would be okay, but every time she looked at (Y/N) distended stomach, you could see the worry in her eyes. Tsu'tey was always at her side, his touch gentle and warm. He would soothe  her nausea with a few berries and a cool rag, and soothe his own worries by pressing his giant hands against her stomach and talking quietly to you both.
The other's, particularly the scientists, were becoming more and more frustrated at her and Tsu'tey's secrecy, getting more demanding and more desperate to get (Y/N) in the lab. Tsu'tey's temper was wearing thin and he eventually snapped at Max when the scientist tried to force her in for a scan. It had been a long day, and she was feeling particularly exhausted from being on 
her  feet all day. Tsu'tey had taken her to the lab to work on a project with Max and Norm, but she was starting to feel faint. Max had tried to gently persuade her into the medical room, saying it was just a quick check to make sure everything was going okay and that it would only take a couple minutes. Tsu'tey had lost his temper and shoved Max aside, forcing him to get away from her. "No" He snaps, his voice low and quiet. His golden eyes almost glow with anger as he glares at Max. She'd never seen him this angry. He turns to look at (Y/N), the anger leaving him immediately as he looks at her face. Her face was pale and her hands were shaking from the effort of staying upright. Tsu'tey instantly steps in to support her, gathering her in his arms and gently holding (Y/N) against his chest. Max was frustrated , his jaw
clenching. "I don't see why we can't just do a quick scan. We don't have to do anything invasive, it's just to check everything's going well" Norm  intervened 
"Max-" But Max cuts him off, his eyes locked on Tsu'tey
"it's literally our job to collect data" "And what are you going to do when you get that data and if you don’t like it , huh?" Tsu'tey snaps back, his whole body tense.
"What if you get some readings you don't like, what then, huh?" He keeps one arm firmly wrapped around her , holding her to his chest while he glares at Max, almost shaking with anger "If the fetus is unhealthy or showing signs of abnormality, then it may need to be terminated-" Max keeps going but Tsu'tey doesn't even give him the chance to finish the sentence before his fist clenches at his side, his knuckles turning white even as he holds her with his other arm "There will be no 'terminating'" Tsu'tey practically growls that last word, his body practically shaking with anger "This baby is not a data point. It's not an experiment. It's our child" Max's eyes narrow, but he holds his hands up "okay, fine, it's your child. But don't you think a scan could be helpful? I mean we can find out the gender, we can see how it's developing-" (Y/N) cut him off “ Tsu'tey I want to go home”  In an instant, all of Tsu'tey focus switches to her.
 He instantly notices how pale she was and how tired she looked, and gently scoops her up in his arms, holding her against his chest. He shoots another glare at Max and Norm as he starts carrying her out towards their home. He practically ignores her protests, gently shushing her and murmuring reassurances as he carries her back to their home. As soon as they got home, he carefully set (Y/N) down on the soft, woven pile of blankets that served as their bed. He carefully lowers himself down behind her, pressing up to her back and gently wrapping an arm around her waist. He nuzzles his face into her neck and breathes out a long, slow breath, finally letting his guard down for a moment
He presses his hand gently to her stomach, his long fingers splayed across her skin. He can feel the swell of her belly, the bump of the baby inside. He kept his eyes closed as he breathed her in, nuzzling his face against her. She nuzzled back ,she was exhausted
He tightened his grip around her waist as he pulled her  even closer against his chest. He can tell she was tired, her whole body shaking with exhaustion. His lips pressed against the back of her shoulder as he tried to soothe her. She fell asleep on him. He feels (Y/N) relax against him as she sleeps , her breathing slowly evening out. He keeps his arms around you, holding her tight against him and burying his face into her hair
He stayed awake, watching her face as she  slept. His mind still races, but his mind is calmer than it was earlier. Now she is here, safe and sound and asleep, he can finally allow himself to properly relax. She stayed asleep. He stayed awake for a while longer, simply watching her sleep. He gently pulls the covers up around her, making sure she is properly tucked up and comfortable. After a while, he slowly feels himself start to doze off too.
 She slept till early morning. The sun raised slowly, filtering through the woven shelter and casting it in a soft, warm glow. Tsu'tey slowly wakens a few hours later, opening his eyes to see (Y/N) ace softly lit by the morning sunlight He slowly sits up, propping himself up on one elbow as he looks down at her. She was starting to stir, her  eyes fluttering open. He watches her for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he watches her  wake "Good morning" He murmurs gently, reaching out to brush his fingers gently over her cheek He lets his hand cup her face, his calloused fingertips gently tracing over her skin, as if he was trying to commit every little part of her  to his memory She nuzzled him. He feels her nuzzle against him, and his smile widens slightly. He leans down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He lets his arms wrap around her, pulling her close against his chest as if he can't get close enough to her. Her  skin is warm against his, and he nuzzles against her  hair and the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her. He feels his own anxiety from the other night ebb away, replaced by a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. She gently grunted " I want this baby out " she muttered. He couldn't help but let out a small huff of a laugh at her comment, his chest rumbling with a quiet chuckle. "I know, I know" he says, his hand gently rubbing her  stomach. She lay back yawning again. He follows her down, lying back with her as he continues rubbing her belly. He can feel the baby moving under her skin, shifting around inside her .He leans in, gently pressing his lips to her stomach He murmurs against her stomach "your mommy is getting impatient with you" He lets his lips linger, pressing soft kisses against her  skin. She laughed softly " hey you would too if you carrying a watermelon He smiled up at her, his lips still against her stomach  "You're right, I would" He glances down at your belly again "it's your fault, you know" he jokingly murmurs to the baby "You've given your mother a difficult time" He gently starts massaging her  stomach, his hand large enough to span almost all of it at once His fingers gently rub in soft circles, as if he's trying to soothe the baby as well as her. He can feel the taut skin of her  stomach under his fingers, still stretched tight around the bump (Y/N) started to doze off again. He notices her starting to fall asleep again, and he can't help but smile a little. He knows she’s tired, and knows she needs the extra rest. He nuzzles against her  stomach again, then leans in to press a kiss to her  cheek "get some sleep" He gently pulls the covers up around her, making sure she is warm and comfortable. He shifts to lie behind her, his large, muscular body pressed up against hers  as he wraps one arm around her waist and pulls her close  
The next month or so passes in a similar fashion, Tsu'tey being overbearing and overprotective.
Every time she not feeling well, he's at her  side, and he's constantly trying to keep her from getting tired or exerting herself  As her due date approaches, he gets increasingly apprehensive and nervous, spending almost every minute at her side and fussing over every small issue she had until she hit a breaking point. “Why don't you go for a short huh?" (Y/N) suggested He glances at her, raising an eyebrow. His first response is to protest and say he doesn't want to leave her, but he can tell she was feeling smothered and fed up with how overprotective he's been, and he sighs "You really want me to?"  “ I think it'd do you some good besides I'm not leaving our marui" He lets out a small huff of a sigh, knowing she was probably right, and reluctantly nods "Alright, alright. I'll go" he says, already missing her before he has to leave. She nuzzles him. He nuzzles her back, letting his forehead rest against hers for a moment "I'll see you later" he says softly, before reluctantly pulling away from her and grabbing his bow. She grabbed her tablet and read for a little while before taking a nap. It takes a few hours before Tsu'tey comes back to the marui. He's carrying a couple of fish in one hand, He sees her  lying there with the tablet and a part of him relaxes, relieved to know she hasn't left the marui like he was afraid she would, She was curled up asleep in the nest. He sets the fish down, before gently laying down beside her. He tries not to disturb her, as he knows how tired she had been. But he can't help gently nuzzling his face into her hair, breathing in her familiar scent
He lets out a soft sigh as he wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her close against his chest. He can feel the bump of her stomach against his , the baby growing more restless and running out of space in her belly. He gently shifts himself to where he's lying behind her, spooning against her back and resting his hand on her stomach. He lets his fingers rub in gentle circles against her  skin, hoping to soothe not just the baby but her as well
As her due date approaches, Tsu'tey becomes more and more stressed and restless. He spends every single minute of the day by her side, refusing to leave her unattended at all. He has nightmares nearly every night while he's supposed to be asleep, about the baby being born dead, or dying soon after, while she is bleeding out and fading right before his eyes. He'll occasionally wake up in a cold sweat, but tries to stay quiet to avoid waking her up. He stays as quiet as possible as he pulls her closer to him, his arms wrapping around her  and holding her tight against his chest. He buries his face into her hair, trying to calm his hammering heart and steady his breathing
(Y/N) hummed in her sleep nuzzling him. He buries his face in the crook of her neck, his nose pressed against her skin. He lets himself breathe in her scent, taking in just how alive she was. He can feel her  heart beating against his, the steady thump of it calming and reassuring him. He lets his hand rest on her stomach, feeling the bump of the baby. They've gotten so big, it's easy for him to feel every kick and squirm they give. He can't keep the smallest smile off his face as he feels them stirring inside her, but the anxiety and stress over the impending birth is still weighing down on him
He tries to shake himself out of the dark thoughts, instead focusing on the baby. He rubs her belly in small circles, silently praying to Eywa that it goes well, that everyone will be okay. He tries to keep his voice soft and quiet, but he can't stop the quiet words from leaving his lips as he murmurs against her skin, "please let it be okay, please let them both be okay..."
He keeps his nose against her skin, breathing in ragged breaths as he tries to will himself to sleep.
But the dark dreams keep coming back, the images of the baby crying out weakly as she slowly fade away, the blood staining his hands and clothes, the image burned into his mind. His grip around her tightens as he shakes those images away, nuzzling against the nape of her neck. He wills himself to think of happier things, of the baby being born healthy, of the first time he will get to hold them, of the joy that would bring.
It had been a long, hard few months . (Y/N)  had been monitored by Mo'at carefully, and Tsu'tey was more overprotective than usual, watching for any signs of distress.
The days ticked by, slowly approaching the moment. She was laying back on a sleep mat Tsu'tey by her side keeping her up. Mo'at knelt between her legs, guiding her through the process. She was gripping Tsu'teys hand tight. He was kneeling beside her , leaning his head on her as she squeezed the life out of his hand. Mo'at occasionally spoke, encouraging her to push and reassuring  her that she was doing well "Good, good, push. You're doing so well" Mo'at's voice was as encouraging as she could be, trying to get her to do what was needed. She could already make out the head. Tsu'tey pressed his forehead against hers , his fingers intertwined with hers . "You're doing so well, you're perfect" He breathed, his breath hot against her skin as he tried to distract her from the pain "Nearly there, you're nearly there. Push again" Mo'at knew it would be hard, but she also knew (Y/N) was strong. "That's it, you're almost there" (Y/N) cried out, the pain intense and burning. She couldn't do it anymore, she felt like she was going to pass out. "I can't, I can't-"
"Yes you can, you're doing so well" Tsu'tey assured her, his free hand moving to the side of her face, trying to soothe her , she let out a low, guttural sound, gripping Tsu'tey hand even tighter. The pain was nearly blinding now, and she was exhausted but she was almost there. So incredibly close.  "One more push for me, come on child. You're doing so well" The encouraging words from Mo'at spurred her on, gritting her  teeth as she used all her strength to push one last time. The push seemed to last forever, but the moment it was done, a soft wail filled the air. The sound of a baby crying.
Mo'at smiled, gently picking up the baby and holding them in her hands. A moment later, Tsu'tey raised his head from (Y/N)  shoulder and looked at the baby
"Is, is it-" he couldn't form a coherent sentence. His chest was heaving and he was shaking from the adrenaline.
“It's a girl"  Mo’at's words were said softly, her voice quieter than usual as she spoke. A girl, a beautiful, perfect little girl. The crying baby was placed on (Y/N) chest, still covered in birth fluids and the cord looped around her.  You could see the pure disbelief and love on Tsu’teys face. He was in shock "Congratulations"
Mo'at's normally sharp voice was quiet, a small smile on her face. She reached out and patted (Y/N)  thigh gently "You did well, child”. 
Tsu’tey leant over her , his lips brushing against her forehead, his breath hot against her skin. "You did so well" He murmured, his voice cracking slightly as he looked down at the little squirming baby in her arms.
The baby seemed to calm as she held her, her crying ceasing and being replaced with little sounds like tiny chirrups. He reached out and stroked a finger down the baby's cheek, his touch as gentle as he could. He couldn't believe how small she was, this tiny little baby, this perfect little thing .Tsu'tey raised his head again to look at (Y/N). She was exhausted, and covered in sweat and blood, but she never looked more beautiful to him . “She’s perfect” He murmured, his voice a mix of awe and tiredness. He carefully sat down on the ground next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer. The baby was still in her hold, and she could feel the protective way Tsu’tey was wrapped around her (Y/N) nuzzled her baby. The baby squeaked under her affection, her tiny limbs wiggling again as she let out a soft sort of purring noise. Tsu'tey watched the two of you with a soft expression, his fingers tracing small circles on the baby's tummy
"What are you going to name her?" Mo'at's sharp voiced interrupted the moment, her eyes on her and Tsu'tey as she watched (Y/N) with the tiny baby
“Kamari " Tsu'tey's eyes flicked away from the baby and over to her, a quizzical look on his face "Kamari?" He repeated, tilting his head a little as he tested the name  she nodded, a satisfied smile on her face. It was the first thing that popped into her mind when she looked at her. Tsu'tey thought about it for a moment before giving a small nod "Kamari.." He said again, his eyes falling back down to the baby in his arms. "You like that, little one?" Kamari gave a small noise as if she was agreeing with her father. The baby wrapped one of her tiny hands around Tsu’teys finger, gripping it tightly. Her hand was so tiny, yet her grip was remarkably strong.  Tsu’tey chuckled breathlessly as he gently tugged his finger, watching her not let go with an adoring look in his eyes “Oh you're totally screwed " spoke (Y/N) Tsu'tey gave her a side eye, his mouth tilting up in a small smirk "What do you mean by that?" He asked, his thumb tracing soft circles over the back of Kamari's tiny hand "She's got you wrapped around her little finger". "She's not the only one, you know" He murmurs, his eyes flicking up to look towards her, that smirk on his lips. Then his gaze falls back to the baby in his arms, his expression immediately softening Kamari let out what sounded like a little squeak, her tiny fingers grasping onto her father's finger with her surprising strength. Mo'at chuckled quietly, crossing her arms as she watched Tsu'tey interact with the baby
"You're in trouble already, Olo’eyktan “ Tsu'tey huffed in response to Mo'at's comment but didn't disagree. He knew exactly what she meant, He was completely enraptured, this little girl was the perfect combination of you both. He knew he was falling in love already . The baby let out a tiny gurgling sound, wiggling its tiny little arms as it snuggled against (Y/N) chest.
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© Moonchildxoxx 2023 | all rights reserved. do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own.
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bubblebaththoughts · 10 months
Tsu’tey x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Biting, Marking, Very protective Tsu’tey, P in V
Paskalin - sweet berry
Tsu’tey watched from a distance, though you could practically feel his eyes on you.
From the jump, Tsu’tey had a bad feeling about the younger warrior you were training, and now he watched silently as you continuously pushed the boy’s hands off of you.
He could step in, but he warned you before the day had even begun, this was your problem to deal with.
“You’re not going to do anything?” His fellow warrior chuckled
“I told her to stay away from him.” Tsu’tey crossed his arms, a small pout on his lips
The other man put his hands up in surrender, no need to argue with Tsu’tey, especially when it came to you, of all things.
All he was waiting for was you, just a glance in his direction and he would stride over and put the boy in his place.
But you were stubborn, Eywa you were so stubborn.
Fury flooded through his veins as he saw the boys hand slip around your waist.
“Someone’s jealous.” Another friend teased, earning a glare from Tsu’tey in return
When he glanced back to you, his eyes finally met your panicked ones. In his mind, that was his go ahead.
He sauntered over, a look of disgust taking over his face.
“No! Go here, up here!” You tried to maneuver the boys arms up, to no avail
Tsu’tey cleared his throat, making the boy, look up in surprise “Everything going well over here?”
“Just fine.” The boy answered before you could
“N-no! Not fine! It’s like you’re purposely messing these forms up!” You complained
“Let us show him then, hm?” Tsu’tey suggested
You didn’t argue, so Tsu’tey manhandled you in front of him, he took a second to sweep your hair off of your shoulder, letting it fall down your back. The small move revealed a healing bite mark on your skin.
Tsu’tey watched the boys reaction to his mark on your skin. His eyes looked between you and Tsu’tey in surprise, while his face screwed in disbelief.
“I was doing that!” The handsy boy whined, gesturing to you
“You’re done for today.” Tsu’tey declared “Go home.” He waved him off, taking you by the hand
The boy stomped off, looking back every so often with a sour look on his face.
Tsu’tey’s eyes flickered around at their surroundings, “Come with me.” He didn’t wait for her answer, choosing to pull her along to a nearby wooded area, where they could have privacy.
“Are you really upset-“ You started, but you shut up after Tsu’tey gently pushed your back to a tree
“You let him touch you?” He asked, not really expecting an answer, but still, you shook your head no.
His hand rose up to your shoulder once again “I guess one wasn’t enough.” He pressed down on the bruised bite mark, making you wince. “Not enough to show them all what belongs to me.”
“Maybe I should give you more.” He suggested, his lip curled up slightly
“No!” You tried to push yourself off of the tree, but he only shoved you back.
“Oh? Why not?” He tilted his head, his hands now had you pinned to n the tree
“It hurt.” You complained
“It hurt.” He mocked you, “I think that’s the point, you know?”
“You’re such a baby, Tsu’tey.” You accused “Nothing happened!”
“But something could have happened.” His hand found your cheek, he leaned in, hovering slightly over your lips. “You didn’t think this… mark, was such a bad idea when I had my cock buried in you, what’s wrong now Paskalin?”
“That’s not fair!” You complained, trying to lean in to let your lips meet
“Maybe that’s just what you need.” Tsu’tey entertained, “My cock… To show you what’s right, yeah?”
You pressed your body against him, and he could feel the heat emanating from you. His hands moved up your body, memorizing every curve of your skin all over again.
Your breath came in quick, shallow pants as his hands roamed your body, exploring every curve and crevice with a hunger that made you gasp. His fingertips were like lightning, scorching your skin with pleasure.
Tsu’tey leaned your back against the rough bark of the tree, and you felt the thrill of anticipation as he moved in closer. His lips met yours hungrily, and he explored your mouth with his tongue.
You felt his hands slide down your body, and your breath caught in your throat as Tsu’tey began to untie the top that barely covered your breasts
He trailed kisses down your neck as he worked, and when he finally peeled your skimpy top away, you shivered with pleasure.
His lips moved lower, and you moaned softly as his mouth found your breasts. His hands moved around to your back, and he pulled you against him, bodies melding together as one.
Tsu’tey lifted you off the ground, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you deeper into the woods. His hands explored your body, his fingers slipping over your nipples, softly caressing the sensitive buds. Your nipples hardened in response, your body trembled as he scoffed at how easily you were already ready for him.
He laid you on the ground, his hands tearing at your loincloth, and you fumbled with his, both eventually were ripped off, joining you on the forest floor.
He looked down at you, his gaze hungry as he ran his hands down your body, his fingers tracing circles around your nipples.
You reached for him, your hands clinging to him as he bent to take your breast in his mouth. You gasped as his tongue moved over it, his teeth nipping and teasing you until you were moaning in pleasure.
He moved up to your collarbone, a sweet kiss placed there before a sharp pain. Hit bit you.
“Tsu’tey!” You groaned out, your hands pulling him up by his jaw
“Mine.” He growled, taking the second to lean it once again and kiss you.
His lips were rough, and his hands were rougher. He brought them down to your waist, roughly pulling you against him.
His hands moved lower, his fingers slipping between your legs as you gasped in pleasure.
Tsu’tey loved that you were his, and he loved to show that off. He moved over you, pushing himself down to your legs.
He slowly licked his way from your ankle to your thigh, teasing you with each stroke of his tongue. His hands moved up your body, caressing your curves as his mouth reached your center. He parted your delicate folds with his tongue, exploring your inner depths and making you quiver in pleasure. He traced circles around your clit, taking his time to make sure you were ready for him.
When he finally gave in to your pleas, he moved his tongue in circles, flicking it against you in just the right way. He sucked on your clit, making you gasp with pleasure, and then pushed his tongue further inside you, as far as he could. His hands moved up to your hips, holding you in place while he tasted you.
He moved his mouth all over, teasing you with every flick of his tongue. He felt your body tense and convulse as you reached your climax, and he smiled as he felt your body relax in his arms. He kissed it one last time, and then he pulled away, leaving you panting for more.
He moved back up, his mouth glistening with your slick and his spit as he leaned in to kiss your neck.
“Tsu’tey! Please!” You sighed into his ears
“Please what? What are you begging for?” He asked, letting his teeth graze your neck
“I want you.”
Tsu’tey’s eyes glanced down at you. “You have me, don’t you?”
A pout formed on your lips as you tried to buck your hips against his.
He pushes your hips down, “Now you know that will get you nowhere.” He tuts “You only have to ask.”
“I did ask.” You tried to pull him in by his shoulders but he stayed solid in place
He only laughed, taking a second to spread your legs and settle himself between them.
“What is it that you want?” He asked once he had already lined his cock up with your glistening pussy.
“I want you inside.” You flushed, now embarrassed because he made you use your words
“See? Look at how easy that was.” Tsu’tey smiled as he tilted his hips to line up with yours.
He gently pushed the tip in, you were holding your breath. It didn’t matter how many times you and Tsu’tey had been together, it was always a bit of a stretch for you.
“Feeling alright, yawne?” He asked, his own words trembling now
You nodded, because that was all you could do.
Tsu’tey got a mischievous look on his face “Good.” And he pushed the rest of himself inside.
The sun was setting, casting a golden hue on the forest floor. You were lying there, eyes wide, breathing heavily, feeling your body quiver with anticipation.
He began thrusting, slowly at first, then faster and faster. You could feel yourself being taken higher and higher with each thrust. He grasped your hips, pushing himself deeper and deeper into you.
You shuddered beneath him, your body trembling as he moved faster and faster. His breath was coming in ragged gasps as he drove himself into her, your bodies crashing together as you moved closer and closer to the edge.
“Oh you’re almost there aren’t you?” Tsu’tey asked, though he already knew your answer
You answered him with a frantic nod, with urged him to fuck you harder, chasing both his and your own orgasm.
As your body started to tense, you feel your pleasure growing and intensifying. Every nerve in your body is alive with sensations, and you can feel the waves of pleasure cascading through your body.
Tsu’tey smiled down at you as he fucked you, hard and intense. Your eyes were barely able to stay open and keep eye contact with him.
“Come on, yawne, stay with me. You’re r-right there, I know- Yeah I know.” He caged you against him, pressing you fully in between him and the forest floor.
Your breathing deepens and quickens, and you feel your muscles start to contract in anticipation. You feel your entire body trembling with anticipation, and each wave of pleasure is more intense than the last.
Your breath catches as you reach the peak of pleasure, and your body rocks with the intensity of the orgasm. Every muscle is tensed and you can feel the heat radiating from your core. Tsu’tey could feel you squeezing around him, the feeling that kept him going, rutting into you hard, hitting the deep spots.
Your body quivers and quakes as you reach the ultimate climax. You feel your entire body trembling with pleasure, and each wave of pleasure is more intense than the last.
Your body is wracked with pleasure, every cell in your body alive with it. Every sensation is exquisitely intense, and you can feel the energy radiating through your body.
Tsu’tey was throbbing inside of you, your gushing walls suffocated him and he knew he was about to cum.
As the intense pleasure slowly fades, you feel as if your entire body is alive with pleasure. Every nerve in your body is still tingling, and you can still feel the warmth radiating from your core.
Your eyes find Tsu’tey once again, but his eyes were closed. As your orgasm fades, you feel him push deep inside you, his hot cum filling you up and sending shivers of pleasure through your body.
A sharp pain brings you back to him, his teeth had sunk into your neck, biting you again today, another mark to show you off as his.
“Maybe that’ll work.” Tsu’tey growled into your ear
Your whines slowly fade as Tsu’tey pulls out. “Don’t ever, ever, entertain that behavior from him, or anyone else, ever again.” He whispered against you cheek, leaning back in to kiss your lips before he began to clean you up.
@danniackerman @loaksslut
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quaritchsbunny · 1 year
Tsu’tey as a Yandere - 1/2 (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.8k Warnings/Tags: tsutey x f!Reader, human!reader, yandere behavior, stalking, obsessive behavior, tsu’tey is a bit scary here, traditional yandere kidnapping, Jake makes a cameo, Tsutey refers to the reader as mate. A/N: So uh.. I dont know why the full thing ended up being 8k either but enjoy this first part (this is one of the most mid things i’ve written ever but)
Extremity Scale: 4/5
Type of Yandere:  Overprotective, desperate, violent (not to reader), slightly manipulative
-The forest of pandora gives, endlessly, mercily, and without seeking in return as long as the energy of life is respected and cycled properly
-Bioluminiscent ferns lit the trodden soil in the cool nights, guiding ways to hunts, hometree, waterfalls, and spirit trees alike, animals graze on the herbous plants that made themselves home to the forest floor, age old trees and forests that served to harbor navi, young viperwolves, pandora gives and gives, only taking what was necessary for survival
-And so does a particular warrior of the Omaticaya Clan
-Tsutey was no rookie to the cycle of sacrifice and giving in the life of a navi
-He had given everything to be the sculpted, skilled, and scorn sigma he is now
-Climbing through the piles of tasks, waking up before the dawn everyday to dedicate his every breath to the clan, muscles trained to protect even if eyes were closed in deep sleep
-Ever since completing his coming of age trials, the tribe held no candidate for the next olo’ekytan other than the overachieved young man that had rose through the ranks like it was his destiny to be the best, at everything and anything
-Whether it was direhorses, ikrans, or even thanators, the creatures of pandora bowed at his will and he was able to tame his first ikran at the record setting age of 8
-His physical ability was no surprise either, the young man who hunted with the accuracy of the eye from eywa, though never taking more than the clan needed
-His loyalty to the omaticaya was also unmatched, always the first to lead a hunt, offer his share of food to a young navi, training adolescents, taking up any dangerous risky situations in the name of assistance
-He gave his all in absolutely everything he did, his heart pumped beats of dedication to his clan, strong arms working to hunt and support the people he loved, mind laid down solely on the purpose of serving his community, giving, giving, and giving more
-It was his nature, and though he seemed like an intimidating, judgemental man in the eyes of other members of his clan, he never complained about doing what he had to for his home
-However, it seemed that the more Tsutey gave to the world, the more they took from him instead
-Draining him of passion with piling the responsibilities, looking eyes, and hovered breath on the next olo’ekytan in line 
-Suddenly, the kill he brought back from hunts didn’t seem enough, hungry eyes always seem to ask for more, more, more
-Suddenly, more and more tasks were layered on to him with no specific reason
-At first, they only took his energy, his loving nature towards the clan became more of a scorned pain as he dutifully agreed to risk his life over and over again
-The tasks eventually drained him of the humble, dedication he had clung to over the years, his pride only settling in the growing reliance and place of authority and respect he rose to be in the clan, because the members themselves didn’t exactly see much other than that
-While others his age were able to scamper about finding mates, he was stamped day and night at posts in the forest acquiring materials for the people
-But what could he do? It was for the greater good, and in any way, who would step up to do it if it wasnt him? If it wasn’t the prodigy warrior of the forest clan who was much too good to be true?
-Then when the sky people began to settle, everything began to be snatched from the corner of his eye
-It all began to collapse with the damned avatar, Jake Sully, strolling into the tribe Tsutey had sustained and supported with his bare hands for years and accepted without much of a protest from anyone in the tribe
-He had to give more and more, investing in a person he didn’t even want, training him, leading him to tame his ikran
-Before he could even prove his point of the avatar being an infiltrator by demonstrating to the clan, the newbie had snatched his promised mate, neytiri, right away from him
-Truthfully, tsutey knew deep down he and neytiri didn’t feel anything for each other besides mutual respect, but this was a hard blow from the hard resolve he had been holding onto since life began to drain him
-It seemed unfair, even a sky person could find a mate in a little less than 3 months, what contributions had Jake even made to the clan other than clumsily stumbling through hunts? All Jake was is another taker, another person who relished in the harbor of the home tsutey fought to protect, gave everything for, taking everything without appreciation
-Tsutey was tired of it, drained after neytiri announced her and jake’s union, he was done
-He was done with giving
-He was done with the rituals he dedicated himself for in the greater good of the tribe
-His heart still pumped loyalty, but his heart was also tired
-Tired giving and giving with no return.
-Maybe it’s his turn to take something. For his own. 
-After all, he deserves it more than anyone
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Tsutey’s trudging through the forest, arrow in hand even though he didn’t intend to hunt anything. He wanted to take something, out of spite, just to prove that he can own something, something that belongs to him. Take something instead of giving himself out until he’s hollow. Show that he didnt have to be the sacrificial honorable clan warrior he always takes on. 
God, when was the last time he’s been in the forest for a purpose other than for serving the tribe?
Lost in his thoughts, he stopped marching through the soil angrily.
He had been stomping on the grounds that gave him life, gave him everything, the air he breathes, the fruits he savors, and now he’s taking his anger out on the forest for the stress he’s been feeling
Staring into the muddy reflection in the water, he sees eyebags, cracked face paint for the most recent hunt, bright free strands of air tinted red at the end looking distressed
The bright pandora night vibrates around him, as he takes deep breaths and continues pacing onto “his spot”
The spot he went to unwind and relax before Jake sully came, before life seemed to take more and more from him. After a bit of sidetracking and remembering paths, he arrived
However, something wasn’t right
He inspected the moss surrounding the area, still green and vibrant, the tree branches, though now longer, still extended from the same angle from the main trunk, what is it?
He took a deep breath to process before it hit him. A scent. But not just any scent, a human scent
His blood boiled, finally, he had came to his spot to relax and unwind and even that's being taken away from another sky person
Another one? Did Sully send an extra spy?  He thought scornfully as he quietly trailed the scent
Stepping closer and closer until it was certain to be near, tsutey narrowed his lime colored eyes, four nimble fingers running against the auburn of the wood cylinder on his arrow. Searching for a small frame that smelled of soft cotton until he spotted you. He gulped. 
He softened a bit at your dress, instead of cargoes and thick vests that the human warriors wore with their heavy firearms and came to suck Pandora dry of its resources, you were wrapped in a crisp lab coat, the same kind his childhood teacher who taught him english - Dr Augstine-  used to wear. He could see your back, as you were hunched over on the ground, delicate hands trembling as stray locks fell from the messy scrunchie ponytail you held your hair in as some strands were held under the snug band of a camera around your neck.
A scientist? Tsutey pondered, pupils dilating as he snuffed out your scent, trying to distinguish it under the blouse that fit you snugly.
God, you were all wrapped up in unnecessary layers of sky people layers like a gift for him. And oh god did he wanna take you.
With the grace and expertise of a trained warrior, he stepped closer without making a sound, ears tipping towards your direction to pick up signs of why you were laying on the ground
Suddenly, his senses picked up a strong punch of blood, he gulped as he realized it, a small patch of red under your arm that spread through the pristine white of your lab coat. But it wasn’t your blood.
He tilted his head to catch a hint of a pali (direhorse) foal, bleeding out as one of it’s small hooves caught painfully onto a split branch, you had pulled it out and were now wrapping it’s hooves 
His heart tingled as you cooed softly, admiring your gentleness as your fingers curled around hoove, pressing the human gauze into the wound as you layed down, wet soil mulching into the flappy ends of your lab coat as you treated the foal
Oh never in his navi life had he wished so desperately for eywa to take his soul and put it in the injured direhourse, he wanted to feel this cotton sky girl’s touch, your gentle fingers that ran across the deep injuries he stuffed away to give endlessly to others. 
Never in his navi life had he been so grateful to have his sharper senses, and exceptional eyesight, built to sculpt out the tiniest of movements in the dim nights on pandora even without bioluminiscent plants helping, it was the reason why he was basically a arms length away from you but can smell you, see you, and just almost feel you like you were next to him. Where he was so sure you belonged
That was when Tsutey decided to take you
Well, not immediately, and definitely not because of the way his world seemd to melt and his instincts sharpened to smell you, hear you, and god- he imagined touching you.
He closed and eyes and imagined it, splitting resolutions of holding you underneath him, your pretty little body, so much smaller than his, biting into your lab coat as he mated and-
No, that's not why he decided to take you
He obviously only wanted to observe you as a potential prisoner of war and another alien sky person he can bring back to the tribe to show how the invasive species have been encroaching more
That’s exactly why he decided to silently move boulders around your path, gritting his teeth as he lifted the heavy rocks three times his size, silently gliding through the lush forest and blocking every possible way you had to reach the RDA lab or even contact them again, creating a nice enclosed radius so that he can observe this prisoner of war (charged for stealing his heart)
After the inital trap was set. He waited. You seemed to finally come to your senses to let the foal heal on its own when the night settled matte black around you
His heart pierced with thrill as he began to smell your panic, your widened eyes and your useless flimsy arms that tried to push over the boulders a certain navi warrior planted to capture you (what were you thinking? You couldn’t move these without the strength training tsutey had from wrestling ikrans, silly girl)
After a while, you and the pali foal both lay down in the opening of “his spot”, which was an intimate cave, decorated by tsutey’s memories with the vibrant yellow paint on the stone walls. 
Even in a threatening situation, your eyes stayed glued on the foal, muttering in fluid english under your breath about it’s “adolescence” and “need for its mother” as you took off the crimped ivory hair band that bound your now dissheveled hair, wrapping it around the foal’s 
Hmm, maybe Tsutey wouldn’t immediately take bind you and take you back to the tribe, not because he was getting soft for you, but clearly because the foal needed more treatment
His heart almost swells in pride, finally seeing someone take care of Pandora with the same hospitality it gave, with the same hospitality tsutey gave. What else could he possibly do? You were so helpless and he was the only one who could possibly help you in this situation!
That night, he found himself in a trance, tail swatting against the cave happily as he watched you sleep after you took pictures of the foal for documentation (funnily enough, you wanted photo evidence to show your coworkers back at the lab, like you were ever gonna see them again), when he heard soft puffs of air from your nose becoming slow and steady, he decided to take the pali foal back
He tread carefully, until he gently uncurled the foal from you, its hoove still wrapped in your scrunchie. 
He had made the smallest move in his boulder, dropping the foal off at the nearest direhorse den before rushing back to you. His heart beat with the unfamiliarity of taking something, so unapologetically, so fearlessly, but everything felt so right. The scrunchie that had been wrapped loosely around the foal’s hoof was now clean of blood and bound tightly around his own wrist, the ivory color complimenting his azure skin 
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By the time he made it back to the cave, the morning eclipse had risen, light slowly pouring into the mouth of the cave. He watched slowly as you woke up, panicked when you didn't see the foal anymore. You groan, the sore in your shoulder from sleeping on the stone floor of the cave becoming stronger as you stand up. Still dazed and slightly panicked as you made your way around, uslessly pushing the stone boulders that remainedl stiff and restricting. You had given up on leaving, and instead curled up on the forest floor, sighing as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. What have you gotten yourself into? Is this what you deserved for helping out like an idiot? All you wanted was to nurse the poor foal and guide it to safety like a decent human. You had no means of communication with the RDA or the lab, and now you’re stranded all alone without even a source of water or someone to talk to.
Well, while you might’ve been right about having someone to talk to, you definitely weren’t alone.
Tsutey frowned when he smelled the saltine tears and heard your sniffs. Had he messed something up already? He was doing a huge favor for you! You were just a bit too overwhelmed to see it. Was it so bad for him to seperate you from those resource hungry humans that couldn’t possibly appreciate your kindness and generosity towards Pandora like he did? Questions raced through his mind, and unfortunately he knew exactly who to ask. And he quietly tread out, the slight crunch of a boulder moving unnoticed as you lay on the ground, scared and lonely. His poor mate! She’s all worked up, clearly she hasn’t ever had someone court her in such privacy, maybe she needs some food to calm down, that's it!
Tsutey sprinted his way back to hometrree , swinging by his hut for the briefest second and giving a sleep deprived scowl as he got the biggest straw basket he could find. On his way out, he pushed aside any adolescents pestering him for training lessons and respectably denied any hunt leads with a shallow bow of his head, not giving them a drop of attention of time.
Tsutey had just gotten to the base of hometree, arms clad with a basket full of fruits and a canteen of water before a familiar, english dialect infected voice sounded. “Tsutey, hold on!” the newly mated Sully scampered forward, awkwardly holding out his five fingers for a handshake as if he didn’t already know navi didnt like those
Tsutey turned the other cheek, not wanting to waste more of his darling's time on the awkward conversation that was sure to follow with the avatar. 
“Listen, I just wanna say I never knew you and Neytiri were-” Tsutey huffs impatiently, red strands hitting the side of his cheek as he looks to him
“It doesn’t matter Sully, I don’t care anymore” Tsutey says, feet already taking him down the path to the forest
“H-hey wait, whose scrunchie is that?” Jake calls out, fingers around tsutey’s wrist as it caressed the distinctly human design of a hairband
Tsutey nearly swung the basket at Jake's face when he felt fingers touch something so precious, the only possession he had from his mate. “God, Sully, planning to steal my actual mate from me now?” the words came out without filter, and he can see Sully’s amber eyes widen as the words computed
“What?” The avatar exclaimed in full english, numb fingers falling from the scrunchie as Jake blinked his eyes hard as if he was hallucinating the conversation
Tsutey rolled his eyes, he knew he shouldve just got going instead of talking
“Well, since you’re here anyways, mind telling me some human friendly pandorian fruits or anything that can make them more comfortable?” It wasn’t a request, more of a demand as Tsutey picked the canteen of water off the ground and into the basket again
The dumbstruck avatar shook his head “Wait- Tsutey- who even”
“I’ll answer after you tell me what a human scientist female’s favorite fruit can be”
With Jakes help, Tsutey was able to acquire a makeshift blanket, which Jake had emphasized was very important for humans and their comfort in sleep, some pandorian fruits similar to popular earth fruits, and Jake even helped Tsutey write a note in English to go in the basket full of goodies to comfort your captivity status
Jake almost offered to follow along with Tsutey to be an interpreter, and Tsutey almost fought him on the mere idea. How dare Sully judge his English skills? What if he helped his darling escape? He shook the thoughts out of his head and made his way back to where you were instead, thoughts heavy as his arms cradled the heavy basket of goods for you
Although Tsutey was excited to claim you as his officially, he wanted to subtly ease into it, with small signs and mating gestures. What you definitely didn’t need right now was a 10 feet navi overwhelming you
Plus, what could he possibly say? “Hey, I just saw you yesterday, I love you, I love the way you do everything, I love that you healed an animal, I need you to be my mate, you make me feel like a valid person again, and I don’t even know why I’m so attracted to you? You’re too pure to be hanging out with your breed and I’m just acting the initiative to protect and take what’s meant for me”
No, all those words were useless, and anyways, Tsutey was always more of a physical and show over tell person, so he’d slowly earn his way to your heart, no matter how twisted it is because in all honesty, it shouldn’t be hard for you to accept since he was the only one you’d be interacting with in this enclosed piece of the forest
So, he dropped the basket off, as your overwhelmed frame was curled up in the corner of the cave, back facing the opening as you sniffled before you were interrupted with a clad thump agains the stone floor
You sprang to your feet defensively, hands in front of you as if you were gonna be able to defend yourself from whatever the forest of pandora had to offer
Your swollen eyes narrow on a handwoven basket, overflowing with things sitting in the opening of the cave. Were you hallucinating? Did you die or was that a basket full of fruit that looked awfully familiar to what you always craved as a kid? 
You slowly creep closer to the basket, looking around the opening of the cave, stepping out to completely scan your surroundings for any movement or sign of another living mammal that could’ve dropped this well-coordinated basket of essentials
After spotting absolutely no one except for hearing the hint of polymeruses hooting a few hundred feet away (tsutey was actually hiding on top of the cave, perched elegantly as he watched you scan your surroundings like a cautious cat. you were too short to see him from that angle.) you decide to settle back into the sunlight of the cave opening, carefully peeling back the thick woven blanket as a crumple of paper fell out, your fingers frame around it, deciphering the english even through Tsutey’s rough handwriting (nothing you weren’t used to as a lab scientist)
“I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just can’t let you go now that I’ve found you. Please just eat and stay healthy right now, or I might have to show myself a bit earlier than I’d like and feed you. I hope you like the blanket.” 
Your hand shakes as you read the note. So it wasn’t any coincidence? Someone had seen you and trapped you here? When? How? Why? Your heart raced as you ran through the millions of possibilities, but all of the panic was gone as soon as you saw the canteen of water. God you were thirsty, you hadn’t drank in how who knows how many hours it had been since you last drank anything. The canteen was downed immediately and tsutey’s hand unclenched when he heard you drinking.
There was progress! You’re allowing him to take care of you, more or less, mate or not. 
You picked up a fruit, ripe, washed, and about the size of your palm. Biting into it reminded you of moments on earth when they still had fruits, before most fresh foods went extinct as people prioritized corrupt tech industries and manufacturing over agriculture. You look at the fruit in wonder before you take a second bite, relaxing and reading the note again, sighing as you accept your situation
Well, goodbye to your underpaid, overworked position at the RDA, your heart did twinge at the fact that an unknown person (person? Navi? Pandorian mammals that can speak and write English, who knows) had intentionally trapped you. But if they were nice enough to give you fruit, water, blanket, and even the grace of a handwritten note, there’s no way they can be that bad, right?
Tsutey’s face carves into a rare, toothy smile. Holding back a heart chuckle when he sees you chew through the fruit and visibly relax. See? You were so perfect for him, you had just been hungry and panicked before.
By the time you finished, you decided to set the blanket up in the corner of the cave that you slept in, putting your heavy camera down in the basket as you lifted the blanket. You inspected the woven material, trying to decipher any hint of where it came from, it seemed to be made of fur with a base of what felt awfully like woven bamboo. You recognized a traditional omaticaya pattern and from the scent left, it smelled of a male. 
For an unknown reason, the scent relaxed you, you gulped and beat yourself up in your head. Why were you sniffing a blanket a stranger gave you? God you were being even creepier than whoever was holding you captive here.
You had decided to dispose of the remains of your fruit (the big pit in the middle) by replanting them, you head over to pull them out of the basket before you realize it’s gone without a trace, and so is your camera, all left is the note.
Your heart picked up, realizing whoever sent you it had been actively watching to make sure you ate and finished, before taking it.
With a lighter mindset about your current predicament, you decided to pace around, examining the strategically placed stones as you explore the little area around you. It was nice, to be honest, it seemed to be a hideout spot. You pace back to your cave, you couldn’t see it last night due to the lack of light but you make out little paintings on the cave, hint of life and creation. Could it be that many people have been here before? Was your capturer regularly kidnapping humans? How many have been here before?
Dark thoughts rush down your spine with a chill as you take a deep breath, closing your eyes and trying to think rationally. Why would they take the time to feed you and keep you alive, going as far as giving you a blanket? You knew Navi well, they acted on their intention and if your capturer had wanted to kill you, you’re almost sure he would’ve done it, or at least send you back to his tribe to question it
You wonder if it could be an avatar? You hand’t known many Navi to be able to speak English. You shook the opportunity away, there was only Jake, who had assimilated well to the omaticaya tribe now and would never go this far out from the main village.
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Your mysterious captor, on the other hand, was rushing back to the home tree and gushing to Jake about how successful the first basket of goods had been, demanding Jake to tell him more ways of earning a human female’s heart as he rushed to fill the basket up with a variety of goods. 
Jake picks up the RDA scientist issued camera, recognizing it as he tilted it, flipping through your previous photos. 
“So, a scientist? Interesting, Tsutey” Sully says lightly, watching as tsutey again denied any regular tasks and strode around, looking for something new to give you to eat
Tsutey’s head flashes to the camera as Jake clicks through it, multiple photos of your lab results and the recent picture of the injured foal lighting up on the screen.
“Suppose so” Tsutey says in english, peering through the dialog of your photos
As Tsutey scowls through the the puffed grain selection, scrutinizing each one as if he doubted if it was good enough for you, Jake silently clicked a photo of Tsutey’s frame, chest leaned over the basket as his toned arms reached to select the most perfect of grains. He then closes the camera and slips the black machine back into the basket wordlessly
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By the night time, you were leaning against the trunks of a tree, examining the bioluminiscent moss that adorned the wood before you heard a quiet tap on stone floor
You look back towards the direction of your cave, recognizing the basket as you see it loaded with more food, what seemed to be puffed grain, and your camera returned.
You weren’t exactly famished yet, so you picked up your camera first, opening the lens to snap a picture of the moss. Might as well make the most tof your time here as a scientist and not just as someone held captive. The screen loads but lands on a recent photo in the dialog instead of the lens perspective and you catch a pretty full photo of sleek, toned arms, the beaded layered neck cover adorning his upper chest as he leaned over a familiar basket as nimble fingers sorted through grain, the blue skin clad against woven strings of a loingcloth that hung low on the hips. And ah, there, the scrunchie you had wrapped around the direhorse yesterday, cleaned and sitting cozy on his wrist. There was a hint of a tail but photo ended at the chest, giving you no identity information without the face
The corners of your lips lifted in admiration and your heart raced as the pieces fit together, so it was a navi who was watching you and caring for you, taking the time to hand pick out your food. You recognized the sculpted form of an omaticaya warrior anywhere. And who took the photo? Not many navi knew how to operate a modern camera
Questions float through your head, and from his spot on the roof of the cave, Tsutey’s heart leapt too. Damn the sully, of course he snapped a photo using your machine. It was lucky enough that he didn’t expose his entire face, but his thoughts were quenched as soon he saw your little grin while you stared at the photo. His photo
You smile one last time, clicking a save to the photo of Tsutey before you go back to the lens to take a photo of the moss. Your second night in the cave was spent munching on puffed grain, huddled in the musky pine scented blanket as you dreamed of beaded neck covers and toned blue arms.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
❝my little warrior❞
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✭ pairing : tsu’tey x reader
✭ fandom : avatar the way of water
✭ summary : a sky person undergoes a remarkable transformation into a Na'vi and finds herself entwined in a passionate love affair with Tsu'tey. Their love deepens as they marry, but their union takes an extraordinary turn when she becomes pregnant with Tsu'tey's heir.
✭ avatar the way of water masterlist
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The night was alive with the soft, melodic hum of Pandora's bioluminescent flora. A faint breeze rustled the leaves of strange trees, and the stars above sparkled like scattered diamonds. (Y/N) stood beneath the alien sky, marveling at the beauty of this vibrant world.
Once, she had been a sky person, a scientist sent to Pandora to study its unique plant life. But life had taken a turn she could never have imagined. She had undergone the Avatar program, and now she had her own Na'vi body, a body she had come to love and cherish.
Over time, as she immersed herself in Na'vi culture and explored the lush landscape, (Y/N) found herself drawn to Tsu'tey, a fierce and noble warrior of the Omaticaya clan. His strength, wisdom, and the way he moved with the grace of a predator in the forest had captivated her heart.
However, as fate would have it, another love story was unfolding on Pandora. Jake Sully, the human who had become a Na'vi, had fallen deeply in love with Neytiri, the daughter of the clan leader. Their bond was undeniable, and their love grew stronger with each passing day.
(Y/N) struggled with her feelings for Tsu'tey, torn between her affection for him and the knowledge that Jake and Neytiri's love was destined to be. She often sought solace in the bioluminescent forests, hoping that the wisdom of Eywa, the living spirit of Pandora, would guide her.
One fateful night, as the moon hung low in the sky, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey found themselves beneath the sacred Tree of Voices. The ancient tree's soft whispers seemed to beckon them closer, and their hearts led them to each other. Under the watchful gaze of Eywa, they mated, their love transcending the boundaries of their different origins.
As time passed, the tension between the Na'vi and the sky people escalated, leading to a catastrophic war. (Y/N) fought alongside her Na'vi brothers and sisters, determined to protect the land and people she had come to call home. The conflict raged on, the battles were fierce, and losses were heavy on both sides.
It was in the aftermath of one such battle, amid the scars of war, that (Y/N) received news that would change everything. She discovered that she was pregnant, carrying the child who would be the heir of Tsu'tey, the child born of their love. Her heart swelled with hope and uncertainty, for this new life represented a bridge between two worlds, a symbol of unity and a chance for redemption.
Upon finding out the news she touched her abdomen, feeling the life growing within, (Y/N) knew that the challenges ahead were immense. But she also knew that the love she shared with Tsu'tey and the bond she had with Pandora's people would give her the strength to face whatever the future held.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the lush, alien landscape of Pandora. (Y/N) stood at the edge of the clearing, gazing out at the rolling hills and bioluminescent flora that stretched as far as the eye could see. It had been weeks since the destruction of Hometree at the hands of the Sky People, and life among the Omaticaya clan had changed dramatically.
Beside her, Tsu'tey, his tall and muscular form silhouetted against the fading light, watched the same landscape. He had become the clan leader, a position he had never sought but had embraced with a fierce determination. The loss of Hometree had been a deep wound in the heart of the Na'vi, and the Omaticaya had been scattered in the aftermath, forced to relocate and adapt to a new way of life.
"(Y/N)," Tsu'tey spoke softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "Our home, our Hometree, is gone. But we must move forward, rebuild, and find a new place to call our own."
(Y/N) turned to look at him, her eyes reflecting the same sadness. "I know, Tsu'tey. And I want to help rebuild our clan. I want to build a new home, one where our people can thrive once again."
Tsu'tey placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch reassuring. "You have a strong spirit, (Y/N), and a heart filled with love for our people. We will find a way, together."
As the weeks passed, the Omaticaya clan worked tirelessly to establish a new settlement. It was a challenging endeavor, but their determination was unwavering. Tsu'tey, as the leader, was often at the forefront, guiding and motivating the clan members. (Y/N), too, played her part, using her knowledge of the land and her skills to help gather resources and build shelters.
One evening, as the two of them sat by the fire, (Y/N) hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Tsu'tey, there's something I need to tell you." Her voice trembled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Tsu'tey turned to her, his amber eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it, (Y/N)?"
Taking a deep breath, she placed a hand on her belly, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. "I'm carrying our child, Tsu'tey. I'm pregnant."
For a moment, Tsu'tey was silent, his gaze locked on (Y/N)'s face. Then, a radiant smile spread across his features, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "This is wonderful news, (Y/N)! Our family will grow, and our love will only strengthen."
Tears of happiness filled (Y/N)'s eyes as she hugged him back. "I knew you would be happy, Tsu'tey."
Tsu'tey kissed her forehead and whispered, "I promise to support our family to the fullest, (Y/N). Our child will grow up surrounded by the love of the Omaticaya clan, and we will build a future where they can thrive."
As they held each other by the firelight, the stars overhead began to twinkle in the alien sky, casting their blessings on this new chapter in the lives of (Y/N) and Tsu'tey. Together, they would face the challenges of rebuilding, parenthood, and a future filled with hope.
The first month of pregnancy for (Y/N) was a period of quiet excitement and newfound awareness. As soon as she shared the news with Tsu'tey, their bond grew even stronger, and they embarked on this journey together with a sense of wonder.
During this initial month, (Y/N) experienced a range of physical and emotional changes. While some women might not yet be aware of their pregnancy at this stage, (Y/N) had a deep connection to her body and noticed subtle shifts.
Morning sickness made its presence felt, though it wasn't just limited to the mornings. There were moments of queasiness that could strike at any time of the day. She found comfort in sipping herbal teas that the clan's healers recommended to ease the nausea. Tsu'tey was always by her side, ready with soothing words and a helping hand whenever she needed it.
Fatigue was another constant companion during the first month. (Y/N) often found herself needing more rest than usual, and Tsu'tey made sure she had a comfortable place to rest and recuperate. The Omaticaya clan members, aware of their leader's impending fatherhood, were also supportive, offering assistance with chores and responsibilities.
Emotionally, (Y/N) experienced a mix of happiness, anticipation, and occasional anxiety. She couldn't help but wonder about the kind of parent she would be and how their child would fit into the clan's evolving dynamics. Tsu'tey was her anchor during these moments of reflection, assuring her that they would face the future together, as a strong and loving family.
As the first month passed, the news of (Y/N)'s pregnancy gradually spread throughout the clan. The Omaticaya celebrated the impending arrival of a new member with joy and hope, and they gathered around the couple, offering blessings and support.
Tsu'tey, who had been busy with the responsibilities of leadership, took moments to connect with (Y/N) and the life growing inside her. He would place his hand gently on her belly, feeling a sense of wonder as he imagined their child's future among the Na'vi.
The first month of pregnancy for (Y/N) was a time of gentle transitions and growing anticipation. She and Tsu'tey faced the challenges and joys of this new chapter with love, determination, and the unwavering support of the Omaticaya clan.
The second and third months of (Y/N)'s pregnancy brought with them a deeper sense of purpose and a heightened awareness of the challenges ahead. Balancing the responsibilities of helping the village rebuild with the anticipation of their growing family tested both (Y/N) and Tsu'tey in unique ways.
As the weeks passed, (Y/N) found herself adjusting to the physical changes of pregnancy. Her morning sickness began to ease, bringing some relief. Still, she had to be mindful of her energy levels and listen to her body's cues, which sometimes meant stepping back from strenuous tasks. The healers of the Omaticaya clan continued to offer guidance and support, ensuring her well-being.
Tsu'tey, as the clan leader, faced a relentless stream of decisions and duties related to the village's reconstruction. He leaned on the strength and resilience of his people, delegating tasks to clan members to ensure the new settlement continued to grow. At the same time, he made a conscious effort to be there for (Y/N), recognizing that her well-being and their growing family were his top priorities.
Together, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey navigated the challenges of rebuilding their lives while preparing for the arrival of their child. They shared moments of quiet reflection in the evenings, talking about their hopes and dreams for their family. Tsu'tey often spoke about teaching their child the ways of the Na'vi, passing down the traditions and values of their clan.
The Omaticaya clan, aware of their leader's impending fatherhood, rallied around the couple. They helped with household chores, ensured that (Y/N) had access to nutritious meals, and offered their wisdom on parenting and raising a child within the clan. The sense of community and support was a constant source of strength for (Y/N) and Tsu'tey.
During the second and third months, (Y/N) began to feel the first flutters of the baby's movements within her womb. Each kick and twist filled her with awe, reminding her of the life growing inside her. Tsu'tey would often place his hand on her belly, feeling the gentle movements, and they would share smiles and whispered words of love for their unborn child.
While the challenges of rebuilding their village remained, the anticipation of their growing family served as a beacon of hope. (Y/N) and Tsu'tey knew that their child would be born into a world of resilience, love, and unity, surrounded by the warm embrace of the Omaticaya clan.
During the fourth, fifth, and sixth months of (Y/N)'s pregnancy, the physical demands of carrying their child became more pronounced, and (Y/N) found herself struggling with feelings of frustration and inadequacy. In the vibrant world of the Na'vi, where strength and agility were highly valued, she couldn't help but feel like she was falling short.
As she watched other pregnant Na'vi women in the clan continue to ride their ikran and participate in hunting expeditions, (Y/N) felt a growing sense of frustration. She had always been an active member of the Omaticaya clan, and now, as her pregnancy advanced, she found it increasingly difficult to keep up with her usual activities.
One day, as (Y/N) sat by a clear river, her thoughts weighed down by her perceived shortcomings, Jake Sully approached her. He had lived among the Na'vi and understood both their culture and her unique situation as a human who had become one of them.
"(Y/N)," Jake said gently, sitting down beside her. "I've noticed that you're feeling down lately. What's been bothering you?"
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she confessed her feelings of uselessness. "I see the other Na'vi women continuing their daily activities, riding ikran and hunting, and here I am struggling just to walk without feeling exhausted. I feel like I'm letting everyone down."
Jake placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I understand why you're feeling this way, (Y/N). But remember, you were once a human, and human women have different experiences during pregnancy. Your body has been through a remarkable transformation, adapting to the ways of the Na'vi. You're carrying a child who will be part of both worlds, and that makes your journey unique."
(Y/N) looked at Jake, her eyes filled with gratitude. "But I still want to contribute, to be a part of the clan's activities."
Jake nodded with a knowing smile. "You don't have to be a warrior or a hunter to contribute, (Y/N). Your wisdom, your love, and the unique perspective you bring to our clan are invaluable. You're carrying the future of our people, and that's the most important role of all."
Touched by Jake's words, (Y/N) wiped away her tears. She realized that her journey through pregnancy was bound to be different, but it was no less significant. She had a loving partner in Tsu'tey, the support of the Omaticaya clan, and the wisdom of Jake to guide her through this unique experience.
As the months passed, (Y/N) embraced her role as a mother-to-be with newfound confidence. She may not have been riding ikran or hunting, but she was nurturing a new life, one that would bridge the gap between two worlds. With the support of her loved ones and a sense of purpose, she found joy and fulfillment in the path that lay ahead, ready to welcome their child into a world of unity and understanding.
The seventh month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy brought with it a sense of eager anticipation. As her belly continued to swell with the growing life inside, she and Tsu'tey decided to set aside a special day to choose names for their soon-to-arrive baby. It was a tradition among the Na'vi to carefully select names that held deep meaning, reflecting the hopes and dreams for the child.
One warm and tranquil afternoon, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey found a quiet spot beneath the shade of a large willow tree by the river. They sat cross-legged on a woven mat, facing each other, their hands intertwined. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, and the sounds of the forest provided a soothing backdrop for their important task.
Tsu'tey spoke first, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I've been thinking about names for our child, (Y/N). For a boy, I like the name Nari. It means 'strong,' and I hope our son will grow to be as strong as our clan."
(Y/N) smiled at the choice. "Nari is a wonderful name, Tsu'tey. For a girl, I've been considering Aluna. It means 'peace,' and I want our daughter to bring peace to our hearts and our clan."
Tsu'tey nodded in agreement. "Aluna is a beautiful name. Strong and peaceful, just like you, (Y/N)."
They continued to brainstorm names, taking turns suggesting options and discussing their meanings. For a boy, they considered names like Tarok, meaning 'brave,' and for a girl, Neytiri, in honor of their dear friend and fellow clan member. Each name carried a special significance, representing qualities they wished for their child.
As they deliberated, (Y/N) felt a deep connection with Tsu'tey and their growing family. She realized that this was not just a choice of names; it was a celebration of their love, their hopes, and their shared future. The anticipation of meeting their child in just a few short months filled their hearts with joy.
After much thought and consideration, they settled on the names. For a boy, they chose Nari, a name representing strength, and for a girl, Aluna, embodying peace. With these names in mind, they felt even more connected to the life growing within (Y/N)'s belly, eager to welcome Nari or Aluna into their loving arms.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey held each other close, their hearts filled with gratitude and excitement. They knew that the journey ahead would be a remarkable one, and they were ready to embrace it together as a family, with Nari or Aluna at its heart.
The eighth month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy brought with it a sense of camaraderie among the Na'vi women of the Omaticaya clan. Neytiri, who had become like a sister to (Y/N) and Tsu'tey, was more than happy to lend her support to the pregnant women of the tribe. It was a time when the women came together, sharing their experiences, wisdom, and traditions.
On a bright and sunny morning, the pregnant Na'vi women gathered beneath the shade of a massive tree in the heart of the clan's new settlement. They sat on woven mats, surrounded by baskets filled with vibrant blooms and fragrant herbs. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the soft hum of conversation.
Neytiri, with her gentle smile and nurturing spirit, led the gathering. She had graciously taken on the role of guiding the expectant mothers through this phase of their journey. (Y/N) sat among the women, her pregnant belly a testament to the life she carried within.
As the women worked together, weaving intricate flower crowns and arranging the blooms into beautiful bouquets, they shared stories of their own pregnancies, recalling the joys and challenges they had faced. Some spoke of the excitement of their first child, while others offered advice on coping with the physical changes that came with pregnancy.
Neytiri, with her wealth of knowledge, shared traditional Na'vi remedies and practices that could alleviate discomfort and promote the well-being of both mother and child. Her presence was a source of comfort and inspiration for (Y/N) and the other expectant mothers.
"(Y/N)," Neytiri said, turning to her with a warm smile, "You are a part of our clan, and your journey is a unique one. You may have been born human, but your heart is Na'vi. We are here to support you as you bring a child into our world, and we are honored to share in this experience with you."
Tears of gratitude welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she nodded. She had come to love her Na'vi family deeply, and this gathering of women was a reminder of the strength of their community. They were united not just by blood but by their shared values, traditions, and the bonds they had formed.
As the day passed, the women wove their stories and their flower crowns together, creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts. The eighth month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy became a time of connection and celebration, a testament to the beauty of unity and the enduring spirit of the Omaticaya clan.
The ninth month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy was filled with eager anticipation and the feeling that their child's arrival was imminent. She stood with the other Na'vi women, watching the horizon for the return of their mates, husbands, brothers, and fathers from the hunting party. The air was charged with excitement, and a sense of unity enveloped the waiting group.
As they scanned the distant landscape, (Y/N) suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She gasped, clutching her belly as a warm rush of fluid signaled that her water had broken. Panic and realization washed over her, and she turned to the women beside her, trying to convey her urgency with wide eyes.
Without hesitation, the Na'vi women swiftly guided (Y/N) toward the healing tent. Her contractions intensified, and she couldn't help but cry out for Tsu'tey, her voice filled with longing. She wanted him there with her during this pivotal moment, but the urgency of the situation pressed on.
Inside the healing tent, the skilled healers and midwives immediately recognized that (Y/N) was in labor. They began to attend to her, guiding her into a birthing pool and providing comfort as the contractions grew stronger and closer together. Despite their best efforts, (Y/N) was already deep into labor and had to begin pushing.
Each push was met with determination and courage, but (Y/N) continued to call out for Tsu'tey, her heart aching for his presence. Her strength wavered, but she drew from the support of the healers and the women around her.
Meanwhile, the hunting party returned to the village, led by Jake Sully. Jake had noticed (Y/N)'s and Neytiri’s absence amongst the crowd of woman, a healer approached Tsu'tey with a sense of urgency, relaying the news of her labor. Panic and worry etched across Tsu'tey's face, and he wasted no time rushing to the tent where (Y/N) was giving birth.
Inside the tent, (Y/N) lay in the birthing pool, her body glistening with sweat, her voice filled with both pain and determination. Neytiri, her trusted friend and clan sister, stood by her side, offering words of encouragement.
And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, (Y/N) gave one final push. The room seemed to hold its breath as she brought their child into the world. With a triumphant cry, her baby boy took his first breath, and the room erupted in joyous celebration.
Tsu'tey entered the tent just in time to witness the miraculous moment. His heart swelled with pride and love as he rushed to (Y/N)'s side, tears in his eyes. Together, they marveled at the tiny, precious life they had brought into their clan.
Neytiri, with a grin that stretched from ear to ear, announced, "It's a boy!" The healing tent filled with cheers and laughter, and the clan members celebrated the arrival of the newest member of the Omaticaya clan.
In the midst of the joyous chaos, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey shared a moment of profound connection as they held their newborn son in their arms. It was a testament to their love and strength as a couple and their unwavering bond with their Na'vi family. The birth of their son marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope, unity, and love.
Later that night, as (Y/N) rested in the birthing tent, Tsu'tey sat by the soft glow of a bioluminescent plant, cradling their newborn son in his large, gentle hands. The baby nestled peacefully against his chest, his tiny fingers curled around Tsu'tey's finger.
Tsu'tey looked down at the sleeping infant with a soft smile, his deep amber eyes filled with wonder. "Your mom says babies on Earth are tiny," he whispered, his voice barely above a hushed tone, "At first, I didn't believe her, but now, seeing and holding you, I can confidently say your mother was correct."
He chuckled softly, his tone filled with love and amusement. "You are a little warrior, aren't you? Just like your mother and your father." Tsu'tey's heart swelled with pride as he continued to speak to his son.
"You have a world of adventure ahead of you, my son," Tsu'tey murmured, his voice filled with a promise, "And I will always be here to guide you, to protect you, and to love you, no matter how old you may get."
The baby stirred slightly, his eyes flickering open for a brief moment before drifting back into peaceful slumber. Tsu'tey's heart melted as he watched his son, marveling at the tiny life he held in his hands.
With a tender kiss on the baby's forehead, Tsu'tey continued to whisper words of love and protection into the night, ensuring that their newborn son would always know the depth of his father's devotion and the warmth of their family's embrace.
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atokirina-writings · 2 years
Tsu’tey x fem!reader
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warnings/notes: everything spoken is Na’vi. smut with no plot, tsu’tey is rly sweet then gets rough, p in v (unprotected), sub!reader, spanking (like twice), bit of a breeding kink, creampie, just filth. there’s not enough Tsu’tey love out there so i hope i do him justice.
Tìyawn- Love | Yawne- beloved
“does it feel good tìyawn?” He asks breathlessly as he fucks into your cunt above him at a fast pace. You can only respond with heavy pants and sighs as you grip onto his shoulders to stabilize yourself.
Letting him do all the work from below you begin to close your eyes, the feeling becoming to be too much. He’s stretching you out so good and with every thrust you feel him hit that spot inside of you.
“Look yawne, so pretty.” He says placing a hand on your abdomen, where you can clearly see his dick coming in and out. He looks up at you as you watch in awe at how good he’s making you feel.
Cupping your chin so you look at him he halts his movements. you let out a whine at the loss in friction desperately trying to feel him again, you begin swirling your hips in a circle.
“Stop tìyawn.” He commands you, placing his firm hands on your hips. Leaning down until your arms wrap around his neck, and your breasts are flush against his chest you begin to beg for him. “Please Tsu’teyy” You whine in his ear emphasizing the end of his name.
“Please what?” He responds coldly. “Please fuck me, give me your kids, let me have everything please.” Hissing at your words he lifts you off of him and repositions himself behind you, leaving you on all fours. “Arch your back for me.” He demands in a sweet tone. Trailing his hand from your ass to the back of your neck, you allow him to push you down until your cheek is touching the ground.
With each thrust you can hear the sound of your skin making contact with his and the wetness of your cunt. His balls are slapping your clit with each harsh thrust.
“Ughhh Tsu’tey please faster.” You beg reaching behind you to grasp his forearm that is glued to your hip. Your voice is shaking with each thrust into your pussy.
“Is this not fast enough for you? Eywa you’re so needy.” He scoffs and lifts his knee to the side fucking you deeper, reaching that spot in you that sets you off.
Gripping your hair pulling your neck back to watch your face, he sees your eyes rolling back into your skull at how good he’s making you feel. Slapping your ass he watches as you bite your lips and your eyes snap up to make contact with him.
“Who makes you feel this good?” He asks, and you begin to feel his dick twitch inside of you signaling he’s going to cum. “You do Tsu’tey- ah only you.” You mewl. “That’s right me. Your mate, your Olo'eyktan.” He says never once breaking eye contact with you. He looks so good with his stray braids knocking against his face at the force hes using to fuck you.
Releasing his grip on your hair he wraps an arm around you pulling you against his chest and the other around your neck to turn your head and kiss you. Moaning uncontrollably in his mouth you tell him you’re going to cum. “You wanna cum?” He grunts in your ear “Ah yes Tsu’tey please, please let me cum.”
“Cum for me tìyawn.” Thats all you need to lose yourself around his cock. Your walls tighten around him and you let out a pornographic moan. With one hard thrust he stops his moments, growling harshly into your ear, hips shaking as he paints your pink walls.
You stay in his arms as he waits for dick to stop it’s twitching inside of you. Placing a kiss on your cheek he lays your tired body back down and pulls out of you. The two of you moan in unison as he watches his cum seep out of you. Licking a strip from your clit to sticking his tongue inside, he pushes his cum back into you.
Flopping down next to you, you turn to look him into his eyes. He chuckles at your messy hair and tear stained cheeks. Nuzzling into his chest you place a leg across his hip as he rubs your back soothingly in a comfortable silence.
“I see you”
“I see you yawne” he replies kissing you atop your head
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aonungslvr · 1 year
five fingers ?!
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pairing ; tsu’tey te rongloa atey’itan x f!navi! reader
taggings ; 🪽🐾 (pinch of 🍂)
notes ; dialogue in bold is spoken in na’vi, dialogue in italics is spoken in english
summary ; after the arrival of jake sully, tsu’tey notices his mate taking an interest in the dreamwalker — why?
2.1k words
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as the tsahìk spoke, ending her conversation with the alien, you found yourself more concerned with the new creature himself. neytiri had said eywa gave her a sign? what’s more interesting then eywa choosing a demon!
despite the harsh atmosphere, full of angry warriors, your yellow eyes glowed in fascination at the human, him being the first of his kind you’ve ever seen.
obviously there had been talk of the new shorter and paler species destroying your home. the forests being torn down, air becoming thicker, and of course the giant devices they landed on your land. however, due mostly to tsu’tey, you had been able to keep away from their machines and people, until now. but hey, it wasn’t your fault this guy tumbled into the forest!
of course, tsu’tey in his anger caught wind of your sudden attraction towards the false navi.
“just what are you staring at?” he spoke in a prying tone, though he already knew the answer.
“a human ma tsu’tey! a real one!” your voice was full of interest and excitement, and you could hear the smile in your tone.
you peered from behind your mates back, and if he wasn’t there, then there’s no doubt you would be up in the five fingered man’s face poking and prodding to your hearts content.
“look at his hands! he’s got an extra finger!”
at this point you were nearly jumping up and down, causing tsu’tey to hiss at the guy who called himself “jake sully.”
“he is nothing but an alien. will only bring harm.”
“gosh tsu’tey you never have any fun!”
as the crowd began to disperse at the exit of the tsahìk and olo’keytan, you tried your best to run up to jake before being held back by a growling tsu’tey. you would’ve protested for hours if your mate didn’t drag you back to your shared kelku like a run away nantang before you even got a word out.
later on that night, as tsu’tey patrolled the forest on his ikran, he let his thoughts get the best of him. he couldn’t wrap his head around why his mate was interested in this intruder of a man.
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“wooah! jake you have hair above your eyes!”
“uh..what?” the newcomer still wasn’t accustomed to your language, so he relied on neytiri to translate.
“she says you look weird.” she spoke as she snarled.
she was clearly still angry her mother had placed her in charge of the training behind an avatar.
you weren’t all too familiar with the human language yourself, so you nodded in glee at hopes he understood what neytiri had said.
you ran your fingers around jakes face and eventually moved onto his hands, where you still couldn’t get over his extra finger.
“neytiri! ask him what this is!”
the dreamwalker was already looking at his appointed mentor, now turned translator.
“she wishes to know what you call your demon finger.”
“this little thing?” he moved his pinky up and down, taking it away from your grip.
“it’s..said called ‘pinky’”
you giggled at his attempt to speak in navi, which horribly failed, but you still got the message.
“pinky..” your whispered the foreign word to yourself while staring and holding onto jakes ‘pinky.’
it was around this time that tsu’tey had returned from leading the other hunters and it was obvious to the clan due to the roars of their ikrans.
“tsu’tey has returned! come jake!” you grabbed him solely by his pinky and did ur best to drag him with you.
despite him not being able to fully understand your language, he was able to make out the name “tsu’tey” and that scared him, considering he tried to kill him when jake first arrived.
“tsu’tey? the mean looking one? look i’m not sure if that’s the best idea..”
he began to trail off, listing different reasons for him to stay behind until a smack from neytiri shut him up.
“silence! just follow!”
if she was being honest, she wouldn’t be too against the avatar getting a beating from the olo’keytan-in-waiting, considering how awful jakes training is going.
as the three navi approached the large group of hunters being welcomed back, you began looking for your mate amongst the crowd. it didn’t take long for you to find each other as tsu’tey had been searching for you as well.
what he wasnt expecting, was for you to drag along the new demon behind you, only letting him go so you could embrace your mate. jake stood confused, and a little worried, behind you as tsu’tey stared daggers into his whole body. neytiri was close behind, only able to roll her eyes at the exchange.
“welcome back love! oh i missed you tons, what kinda food did you bring back? were u injured at all? how are the rest of the hunters?”
he was quickly bombarded with questions and yet still couldn’t take his eyes off the man who stood behind you. though at this point, the human had begun to talk to neytiri about the concept of hunters in the clan.
“what? oh..yes.” he answered vaguely as he looked back at you, realizing you had asked him some questions.
“tsu’tey you know what else jake has? he has hair on top of his eyes! oh-oh and his extra finger is called a ‘pinky!’ isnt that cool??”
you only spoke with happiness, filled with your new interest, but tsu’tey remained disgusted at the fact you had been spending more time with the human. he tightened the grip he had on your waist, pulling you a little closer to him and farther from jake.
“ah well..that’s great ma (y/n)..”
he was able to conceal his anger from you the best he could, it worked easily with you not being able to comprehend how anyone could hate this new creature.
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later that night as you prepared dinner with the food the hunters had brought back and the help of your mate, tsu’tey decided to start a conversation.
“so..that human, jake sully, you’ve been spending a lot time around him, yeah?”
he tried his best to just sound curious and hide his true emotions towards the demon.
“oh yeah! he’s super cool tsu’tey! he has all these different stories on how life was back on earth, and his language is super funny too!”
you went on about more things that interested you about jake sully until an idea popped in your head
“i don’t think you guys have ever formally met, aside from when he first arrived, right? why don’t i arrange a meeting with all of us! you, me, neytiri, and jake!”
tsu’tey almost cut through his finger at this proposition, given he was cutting fruit for your meal. he debated with himself whether or not he should share his concerns until he glanced up at you.
you were smiling. the only emotion running through your veins at the time was joy, and your mate would be damned if anything he did would even have the slightest chance of taking away your happiness. so, he sat in silence.
“so what do you think?” you pried for an answer.
“i’m going to be quite busy with the warriors for the next few days, you go without me.”
you frowned and let out a little disappointed sigh,
“if you say so..”
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a week or two later you sat alone with neytiri, as she had told you she would like to speak to you about something.
you both sat on the forest floor, you possessing a mix of excited and curious on your face, as she looked worried.
“so? are you gonna tell me?”
“my eywa (y/n). you can be so impatient!”
you giggled and pushed the taller woman’s knee, hoping to get her to spit out whatever she wanted to tell you.
she took in a breath and leaned in towards your floppy ear, whispering what she needed to get off her chest.
“oh my eywa, seriously?!!! oh neytiri this is amazing!!” you were quickly silenced as neytiri covered your mouth with her hands.
“hush! you are too loud for own good! do you just want to tell the whole clan??”
you tried your best to calm yourself down and speak calmly,
“are you going to tell him?? should i tell him?? does he already know?!”
“nobody knows! and it will stay that way.” she thought to herself for a moment, “unless..”
“unless..?” you dragged on.
“fine. come closer.”
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the sun began to rise, lighting up the kelku of you and your mate, tsu’tey. he had already been awake and was enjoying his morning holding onto you in your shared hammock. as the sun hit your eyes, you began to stir awake.
“mm..time is it.?” your voice was still full of sleep as you clung onto your lover.
“the sun has just risen,” he spoke softly as he brushed his fingers through your braids.
you shot up quickly once the gears in your head started turning, neytiri!
“hey you okay? lay back down love,” tsu’tey pawed at your arm hoping to bring you back down with him.
“i’m sorry dear i really am! i forgot i was supposed to go fetch jake this morning!”
at the mention of jake sully, tsu’tey sat up as well, finally giving up on keeping his questions inside.
“jake? why? it’s barely morning my love, why don’t you fall back asleep with me.”
“eywa i wish i could, i really do, but i need to go get him!”
before you could get out of the hammock, you were pulled back down by your much stronger mate.
“you would choose jake over me? you have been hanging around him too much these past weeks.” he finally spoke out.
“huh? oh it’s no-“ you were stopped with more of tsu’teys recent concerns.
“you hang out with him nearly everyday, does he make you happier then i do? do you like his human stories more than you like my hunting ones? you do remember that he’s a demon, right?”
you tried to intervene and explain what was really happening but you couldn’t manage to get a word out.
“have you chosen him over me? have you forgotten we are mated before eywa? it seems you have decided to put this ‘jake sully’ above me.”
you sat in shock, unable to even speak. as you blinked repeatedly and tried to tell him what was really happening until a knock at your kelku stopped you.
“(y/n) you promised! you were to lead jake towards the tree of souls so i could tell him!” it was neytiri, complaining on how you were late to your duties.
tsu’tey paused, looking between you and neytiri, who had now entered your shared space.
“am i interrupting something?” the navi woman spoke, concerned seeing you and tsu’tey half asleep in your hammock together.
you looked back at tsu’tey and explained what neytiri was talking about, “you think to much for your own good sometimes. the only one who wants jake around here is neytiri.”
she yipped in shock at what you had just told your mate, the man being trained under her father, who would most certainly tell him.
“(y/n)! i told you to not tell anyone!!” she complained, you giggled and continued explaining.
“you are the only man i want tsu’tey. i cant even imagine myself looking at anyone the way i look at you.”
you placed your hands on his face and cupped his cheeks, embarrassing him infront of the blue woman who stood in your doorway watching.
“i love you tsu’tey te rongloa atey’itan. and i see you, i can never have that with another man.” you waited for his response.
his eyes were wider, and he looked at neytiri, eyeing her towards the exit.
“oh, right, yeah i’ll go. hurry up in here i still need (y/n) for this!” she spoke as she finally left the couple in peace.
unable to find the right words, your loving mate opted for kissing you instead. it was full of passion and love, as tsu’tey could finally stop worrying if his beloved would leave him for a human.
“i..am sorry for assuming ma (y/n). i was worried is all. a new man enters my home and suddenly my mate spends all her time with him.”
you nodded understandingly and went on, “the only interest i have in jake is his ‘pinky.’ i quite enjoy the human customs he has.”
much like weeks prior, a new idea formed in your mind.
“say, tsu’tey…would you like to join me as we lead jake to neytiri, where she can confess her feelings?” you smiled through your words.
he let out a rare laugh and confessed, “i would love too.”
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hello everyone ! this is my first time attempting writing anything, so i hope it’s okay! i love tsu’tey probably more then average so i just had to start with him <3
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tsuteysatan · 1 year
Tsu’tey Wallpaper for the Tsu’tey girlies
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310 notes · View notes
mcverse · 1 year
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✧ Paring: Tsu’tey x Na’vi! F! Reader
✧ Requested: Yes/No
✧ Type: Longfic
✧ Word count: 7.7K
✧ Warnings: Angst, Suppressed feelings, Oblivious reader, insecurities, Slight obvious Tsu’tey at the start, Tsu’tey gaslights just a little bit, Jealous vulnerable Tsu’tey, awkward banter, hurt to comfort I guess?, slow burn
✧ Side Bar: Tsu is so fiiiine. Can you believe I slept on him at first? Crazy, what’s was I thinking?? I ENJOYED THIS SO THANK YOU FOR SENDING IT IN BABE; TOOK 4EVER CUZ ITS LONG — srry im shitty at arguments :( i avoid anything feelings irl
✧ Omnitalk: I know that the Tsahik and the Tsakarem are technically the only healers in the clan, but I just feel like y’know there could be more but they just don’t match that level of greatness. My reasoning: there’s more than one doctor in the world, what if a whole group of warriors got hurt, the Tsahik can’t cater to them all, at least I don’t think so. ANYWAY that concludes my Omnitalk thanks for stopping by
please keep in mind that all characters in my stories are always 18+, and although I can't monitor who reads my work, if you are not 18+ I advise that you do not engage in my page or stories.
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Your temper had always been something that you struggled with. Patience wasn't exactly your forte, but you knew how to keep your cool in most situations. You weren't a saint by any means, but it took a lot to push you to the brink of losing control.
Thankfully, you had Eywa to turn to when things got tough. She provided a sense of guidance that helped you stay calm in moments when it would have been easy to let your anger get the best of you. Without her, you knew you would have snapped at him long ago.
His reputation preceded him wherever he went. A true embodiment of the warrior spirit, he exuded strength and bravery with every step he took. During the battle against the sky people, his ferocity in both defense and protection of your people and land was unparalleled. He possessed razor-sharp reflexes and a keen mind, which made him merciless in battle—traits that marked him as a natural-born leader, fit for the title of the Olo'eyktan.
And yet, it seemed that you only experienced the negative aspects of his character. The origins of your rocky relationship with the current Olo'eyktan were fuzzy, but it felt as though your paths crossed every day.
As one of the best healers in the village, it's already challenging enough to do your job with how reckless the warriors were, but with him lurking around was considerable worst. While you respect him and assume the feeling is mutual, tension always seems to arise between the two of you.
You couldn't help but wonder why Tsu'tey always had to be around when warriors were injured. You were more than capable of handling the job on your own—after all, you had been trained by your mother and had been practicing as a healer for as long as you could remember. You could tend to the wounded with your eyes closed.
But for some reason, Tsu'tey always seemed to show up when warriors were injured on his watch, which happened more often than it should. It was confusing because these were skilled warriors who should not have been injured so frequently. You’d think he’d match your concern but Tsu’tey appears unfazed. In fact, he seems content to stand there and watch you work.
That didn’t change the fact that you hated to endure it. Every time Tsu’tey appeared, the air around you seemed to shift, and you could feel his penetrating gaze fixed on you as he stood over your shoulder. Even though you knew iit was possible he was here to ensure you didn't make a mistake, you had never slipped up in your tending to the Na’vi.
You longed for him to give you some space and allow you to breathe. A day without his stupidly handsome face, always twisted into a scowl, would be a blessing. It was suffocating to have him lurking around, making you feel uneasy as you work. Instead of letting it affect your tending to the Na'vi, you let harsh words slithers out of your mouth. They were words that no one would dare to direct to the Olo'eyktan, but they weren’t you.
"Do you not have responsibilities to attend to as Olo’eyktan, Tsu'tey?” you break the silence, keeping your hands steady on the Na'vi in front of you, despite your desire to turn and push Tsu’tey out of your healers hut.
He nods, shifting his gaze from your hands to the side of your face, "Yes. One of my duties is to ensure proper care for our people," he replies matter-of-factly.
You click your tongue, silently apologizing to the Na'vi when you realize you have grazed his wound too harshly. Then you turn your attention back to Tsu'tey, "You keep saying that, but do you not think I am capable of caring for them alone?" you ask, peering at him and study him.
His expression doesn’t change from the scowl but you knew your words had affected him. Over time, he had become easier to read, his emotions slowly surfacing through subtle gestures and expressions. You noticed the way he gulped slowly, his ears flicking downward, and his tail switching off to the opposite side.
Looking up seconds later, your eyes met and you pause, catching a knowing gleam in his gaze that no one else seemed to have noticed but you. Perhaps you had been paying too much attention to him, a realization that he had definitely overstayed his welcome.
A small smile played at the corner of your lips as he responded, already anticipating the snarky comment that would leave his mouth. Despite finding him annoying and wanting him to be around less often, you couldn't deny that there was a certain charm to the unpleasant side of him that showed a few pleasantries you didn't mind all too much.
“You might be a healer now but you’re the same reckless girl from your upbringing.” Tsu’tey averts his eyes to the silent Na’vi, “Can’t even be gentle when it’s needed. Maybe you would be better off among the warriors.” He tilts his head towards you, wearing a barely noticeable smug expression.
You sigh deeply to cover up the slip up on your demeanor and dismissed the Na'vi by patting him on the shoulder, "In three days, come back so I can change it," you instructed him as he nods and left the hut.
After staring at he same space the wounded Na’vi was in, you turned completely to Tsu’tey, who was already looking at you with a concentrated look. He straightens his posture, puff out his chest, and crosses his arms when he notice you looking at him.
“Unless you have more wounded warriors hiding somewhere, I’m kinda busy.” You gesture to the many supplies that you had to clean up, “It’ll be reckless of me to leave it around and cause another accident.” You mock his earlier statement, slightly ticked off that he brought it up in the first place.
Tsu'tey let out a disgruntled humph, his eyes momentarily leaving yours and wandering over your body. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his gaze, but as he took in every freckle and pattern, every smooth surface his eyes could reach, you also felt a flutter in your stomach. His gaze flickered hastily back up to yours, and he uncrossed his arms, silently giving you an affirmative nod before turning to leave the hut.
After that odd encounter, it seemed as if a switch had been flipped in Tsu'tey's demeanor. The once stoic and tense warrior still came to your healer's hut, but now the exchanges between the two of you were different. The words that were once laced with venom and hostility now held a playful tone, something that was unexpected from the serious Na'vi.
In no way were you complaining, it beat his normal uprightness but it was a bit perplexing. Why had Tsu’tey suddenly become so much more relaxed and friendly around you? It made you question his motive, though you knew if he really had one, he’d mostly likely be upfront about it.
That doesn’t mean it still made any sense. You observed that he never acted in such a manner with any other warriors, and you weren’t the only one to notice. The warriors in the same hunting group as him, the same ones who get injured come in and feel uncomfortable yet curious at the different Tsu’tey.
The next time you see him, it was mid-morning when he entered the hut, following one of his men like usual. As soon as he caught sight of you, his ears perked up at the brief smile you sent his way. You quickly averted your gaze to focus on the injured Na’vi in front of you. You let out a sigh of annoyance as you saw it was Kenuk, who had been in your care four times this week, with injuries that hadn't even healed yet.
“Kenuk, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful!?” You scold him as he took his usual seat in the center of the room, Tsu’tey staying off to the side. You turned away from them both to grab some supplies before hurrying back to Kenuk to examine his wound. You couldn’t stop the frown from forming on your face when you saw the large scrape on his side. Though it wasn't deep, the size of the wound was concerning.
You reached for a wet cloth and began to softly clean his wound, but apparently, it was not soft enough, as a groan escaped Kenuk’s lips, followed by a chuckle, “More than I'd like,” he answers truthfully, looking down at you as you worked, “You're not exactly gentle.”
Tsu’tey grunts beside you, “What I say.”, clearly referencing the comment he made two weeks ago. Despite not looking at him, you could feel the smug expression he always wore, and it annoyed you to no end. Both he and Kenuk were getting on your nerves with their accusations of you being rough and insensitive. You knew you were capable of being gentle; you were gentle. Maybe Kenuk was just being overly sensitive. Perhaps he needed to toughen up.
“Prrnen, you’re soft just like one. Sensitive too,” you retorted, deliberately applying a bit more pressure to Kenuk’s wound to make your point. You smiled as he winced and shot you a warning glare. Ignoring him, you set aside the damp cloth and reached for the healing ointment, the one you knew would make him whimper like a baby.
Tsu'tey notices this, drawing in his attention as he raises a brow at your choice. He's not a healer, but he's had his fair share of injuries and he knows that the ointment in your hands stings the most. He was accustomed to the stinging sensation it caused, but not everyone had his high tolerance. Did that comment get to you that much?
Just as you both thought, Kenuk pulls away from you in seconds, trying to get away from your touch. "Shit!" he curses, about to get up when a firm hand grabs his shoulder and forces him to sit back down. It belongs to Tsu'tey, no surprise given he's the only other person in the hut. But it's surprising that he's helping.
"She can't do her job if you move too much." There's a moment of tension between the two Na'vi as they lock eyes, almost as if they were having a silent conversation. Eventually, Kenuk concedes, muttering a begrudging "fine" and shifting his body to give you better access to his wound.
You glance over at Tsu’tey, his tall and imposing figure commanding attention even in the dimly lit hut. "Thank you... Ma Tsu’tey," you say, the words feeling foreign on your tongue. You've shown gratitude to others before, but never directed towards him. You and Tsu’tey have never been nice to each other, at least not until a few weeks ago.
You went back to focus on treating Kenuk's wound, you find your eyes wandering over to Tsu’tey's muscular frame. It's not a habit of yours to be distracted by someone's physique, but there was something about him that drew your attention. You force yourself to look away and focus on the task at hand. "How are you the most wounded warrior in the village, hm?" you ask, trying to distract yourself from your thoughts. "Your health is important, skxawng.
As soon as you ask the question, you expect an immediate response, but instead, an uncomfortable silence lingers, causing you to pause and study his face. His expression is devoid of his usual goofiness, which only increases your concern.
“I asked a question," you convey, brows furrowed in confusion.
He clears his throat and looks away, avoiding your gaze. "The Chief," he murmurs finally. The second the name spills from him, you snap your head at the man in question.
Tsu’tey tenses up under your watchful gaze, feeling a flush of heat and clamminess rise within him. He wants to look away, to avoid the intensity of your stare, but he can't bring himself to do it. It’ll make him look weak, he couldn't afford to look weak, not in front of you. And for some inexplicable reason, he actually craves your attention at the same time, whether under good reason for bad.
“You did this?” You can't believe what you're hearing. The thought that Tsu'tey was responsible for Kenuk's injuries never crossed your mind. On the one hand, it seems improbable that he would do something so reckless, but on the other hand, it fits with the abrasive and confrontational persona that you've come to associate with him.
Tsu’tey lets out a huff of frustration and crosses his arms tightly across his chest, his body language tense and defensive. “They need to learn,” he grumbles, his lips pursed as he takes a moment to consider his words, “If they can’t win against me, how can they survive out there?”
As you process his words, you realize with a sinking feeling that the "they" he's referring to are all the injured warriors who have stumbled into your hut over the past few days. Did Tsu’tey injure all of them? The thought is both impressive and upsetting, and you can't quite decide how to feel about it.
“I didn’t expect that of you,” you say, looking away and continuing to treat Kenuk. You drop the ointment in favor of picking up the leaf wrapping, “Do not worry, Kenuk. You are in great hands. I’ll take care of you anytime.” You give his upper arm a strong squeeze when you finish wrapping.
Unbeknownst to you, Tsu'tey's eyes lingered on the spot where your hand had rested on Kenuk's arm. He knows that this is your duty, one he saw you do plenty of times but that touch felt more intimate than he liked. Though he couldn’t figure out why he didn’t like it, he just felt extremely uncomfortable and irritable having to witness it.
As you exchange words of farewell with Kenuk and turn to put away your supplies, Tsu'tey lingers behind, thoughts swirl with confusion. He can't shake the feeling of unease that has settled over him. He has never felt this way, he never had to. He was confident in everything—teaching, hunting, and battle but this.. this felt different and he doesn't know how to process it. He glance at you one last time before silently exiting your hut too.
You turn back around to get more intel on the injured warriors who come to see you often, but Tsu'tey is not there like he usually is. You wonder where he could have gone, but quickly push the thought out of your mind as you greet another Na’vi walking in.
Initially, becoming a healer wasn't your dream. Your mother, may she rest in peace, was determined to pass on the family tradition to you. The lessons on herbs and their medicinal uses felt tedious and unexciting to you. You longed to roam beyond the boundaries set by for you, to hunt like the mighty warriors you idolized and fly on the backs of Ikran without a watchful eye.
Perhaps this is why you sometimes struggle to find the gentle touch and calmness required of a healer. But Eywa, the guiding spirit of Pandora', had other plans for you. Even before your birth, she had chosen you for this path. To test your abilities, she presented you with a challenge—a friend in need, requiring your knowledge and care.
Through this test, Eywa showed you your true calling. Despite your initial reluctance, you rose to the challenge and used your skills to help your friend. And from that moment, you knew that you were destined to become a great healer, chosen by the spirit herself.
So you wondered why you she was testing you again. You had already proven your worth as a healer in the village. So why were fewer and fewer warriors seeking your assistance? Had you not fulfilled your duty correctly?
These thoughts plagued your mind as you sat in your hut, surrounded by jars of herbs and vials of medicines. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-doubt, wondering if perhaps you had lost your touch.
But it wasn’t adding up the more you thought it over.
You knew that every warrior who came to your hut left with the progress of being healed. You took pride in your work and tried to be as friendly as possible, never having a real disagreement with anyone. So what was the reason to your sudden decline in business? You shake your head, trying to dispel the doubts that had been creeping in. Sitting around in this hut waiting wasn’t going to help you find out faster.
Leaving your hut, you greeted the Na'vi as you walked through the village, heading towards the only place where your business thrived: the training ground. When you arrived, the training wasn't yet finished, so you stood off to the side with a few warriors who were taking a break. You were content to wait, watching as Tsu'tey led the training. This is the first time in a few days since you’ve seen him, admittedly you miss him and the aura he was giving off in the field only fueled that.
In that moment, watching Tsu'tey command the training grounds, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him in a way you never had before. The way he moved, the strength in his stance, the confidence in his voice... it was all so attractive.
You were conflicted because you knew that, in the past, you had found his demeanor aggravating and even off-putting. But here he was, exuding qualities that made your heart race and your stomach flutter. It was unnerving to feel this way, especially towards someone who had never shown you any interest or affection.
You were sure that your slow growing feelings for Tsu’tey were just a momentary lapse in judgment. After all, he was the Olo'eyktan and had important responsibilities to fulfill, which you could never be a part of.
You tried to convince yourself that your attraction to him was just a silly crush that would soon fade away, especially since it was entirely one-sided. It was a well-known fact that Tsu’tey still grieves over his previous love, and you didn't want to add to his emotional burden.
Letting out a deep sigh, you turn and spot a familiar face in the group of Na'vi. It was Kenuk, you must have missed him when you first arrived, as he was standing between two other Na'vi. A smile spreads across your face as you walk over to greet him and the others.
After exchanging pleasantries, you turn to Kenuk, "Mind if we talk?"
He looks at the other two Na'vi beside him before nodding and following you a few feet away, out of earshot. Taking a deep breath, you get straight to the point, "Why haven’t any of our people come to see me lately, do you know the reason?”
Kenuk groans and his ears pull back, anticipating the inevitable conflict. It was no secret that he frequently visited your healer's hut with the future leader of the clan, so he knew he would be caught in the middle of your mess at some point. The problem was that he didn't know what to do. Both Na'vi involved were senior to him, and whatever he said would betray one, if not the other. The weight of his dilemma was evident in his downturned expression and hesitant words.
“…I don’t know.”
Your eyes narrow as you look at Kenuk, his guilty face betraying him. He knows more than he's letting on. You don't tolerate liars and Kenuk's demeanor only confirms your suspicions.
"Are you lying to me, Kenuk?" you ask, your tone firm and unwavering.
Kenuk frowns, his ears twitching at your disappointment, “We were told not to. Uh, not exactly not to but," he trails off, struggling to explain the situation. You wait, your impatience growing by the second. Finally, he blurts out, "The Chief has been saying things."
This information catches you off guard. Why does Tsu'tey have anything to do with this? That doesn't make sense. Weren't you both just getting along? To sabotage your living... that's unforgivable. But you don't want to jump to conclusions; there has to be more.
You're hesitant to ask; this might break your calm streak. You can already feel your body heating up at the possibilities, "What kind of things?"
Kenuk shifts uneasily on his feet, looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else but here. You can practically feel the tension radiating off of him as he reluctantly begins to speak, "There have been some male Na'vi asking about you, I don’t know why. But Chief Tsu'tey," he starts, his eyes darting away from you, "He told them that you're too rough. You're the opposite of gentle, too strong."
A snarl rises up in your throat. It's always about that, isn't it? Why should a healer have to be gentle? You're proud of your strength and resilience, but it seems like others see it as a flaw. You're about to speak up when Kenuk continues, his words making your blood boil even hotter.
"And you're too strong-headed like a flathead ram and have a loose tongue. You act impulsively and fearlessly, without regard for the consequences,” he gulps, looking you in the eyes, “He says you're dangerous and should be avoided. That you'll do more harm than good, opposite of a healer.”
Your vision blurs as your anger finally boils over. You know exactly what he's getting at, bringing up that damn conversation again. The conversation that you thought bad changed everything between you two.
But he was still the same arrogant jerk, and now you were starting to regret your newly developed feelings for him. He didn't deserve that, not with the way he was acting. Who did he think he was?
The fury inside you is building with each step you take towards the training ground. Eywa may have been able to calm you in the past, but this time you're beyond her reach. The storm that is forming inside your head is one that even Eywa can't control. That man, that future Olo'eyktan, he's gone too far this time. His words about you being too strong, too strong-headed, and loose tongued have crossed a line.
As you approach the training ground, you notice that the session has ended and Tsu'tey, alone, was putting away the weapons. Your feet pound against the ground, announcing your presence before you even reach him. Tsu'tey looks up at you with a raised eyebrow, his expression curious but wary.
You stop just a foot away from him and your nostrils flare as you stare him down. You might look incredibly intimidating to you, but to him, you look like a pouty toddler.
"What is your problem?" you spit out the words, your anger palpable. The intensity of your gaze could have burned a hole through him.
Tsu'tey's focus shifts entirely to you, abandoning the weapons he was putting away. He narrows his eyes, “Whats going on?” He was confused by the urgency in your approach, as you seemed to be babbling without actually getting to the point.
"You have a lot of nerve, telling these things about me." you exclaim, your voice trembling staring at the source of your rage, “I expect better of the future clan leader!” Your hands were balled into fists at your sides, your heart pounding wildly in your chest, matching the way you were feeling.
Tsu’tey takes a moment to process your words, his eyes studying you intently. His brilliant mind races against an invisible clock, trying to formulate a solution to the problem he has caused. He didn't think you would find out about his lies, or perhaps he was in denial and not thinking rationally when he spread them.
As he stands before you, he considers apologizing for his mistake. He didn't mean to upset you, and it was never his intention to cause you pain. However, as he looks into your eyes, he remembers how the other warriors asked about you, and the brief moment he shared with Kenuk that he tried to forget.
He came to realize apologizing wasn't an option for him, despite the guilt weighing heavily on his mind. He couldn't bring himself to utter the words because he didn't feel genuine remorse for all of his actions. While he regretted that you had suffered the consequences of his lies, he couldn't bring himself to feel sorry for sabotaging the potential suitors who had shown interest in you. In his eyes, they weren't worthy of you and he couldn't bear the thought of you ending up with someone who didn't deserve your love.
He knew he was being selfish, but he couldn't help the overwhelming new feeling of possessiveness he had over you. Every time he saw someone else try to get close to you, it made his blood boil with jealousy. He knew he couldn't have you for himself, but he couldn't bear the thought of anyone else having you either. So, he used his influence to spread rumors and lies to scare off anyone who tried to pursue you.
Deep down, he knew it was wrong and he hated himself for it, but he came to really enjoy your company and he can’t continue that if you were mated. So, even though he knew he owed you an apology for his behavior, he couldn't bring himself to do it, not without admitting to himself that he was wrong in wanting you all to himself.
Despite the storm of emotions brewing inside him, Tsu’tey chooses to hide them behind a mask of indifference, "They were the truth," he says, though he immediately regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth. He knows he should be honest with you, to tell you how he truly feels, but he can't bring himself to do it. "I have a duty," he continues, trying to justify his actions, "I simply directed them to someone better." His feelings for you has grown slowly and unexpectedly, yet he can't bring himself to confess his true feelings to you.
You were taken aback by his words. They hit you like a punch in the gut, leaving you feeling winded and vulnerable. Your mind races, trying to make sense of what he's saying, but his words are like a jumbled mess in your head.
“How could you say that?” Your voice is barely a whisper as you go silent, the realization hitting you hard. This had to be linked to your past somehow. You look back up, your eyes filling with hurt and confusion, “That’s not me anymore. I’m not that reckless girl anymore. I’m capable, just like every healer here.” You try to reason, try to get him to see that you have changed, that you're not the same person he once knew. You thought he saw that you did.
Tsu’tey's face hardens, his eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and resentment, “I did what is best for our people.” Another lie, yet he still couldn't stop.
You feel betrayed as the conversation goes on, your anger rising just as quickly as it came to you in a moment of vulnerability, “What about me?! Did you not even consider what that means for me?” You feel hysterical, like you are imagining all this. You had to be.
Tsu’tey's jaw clenches, straightening his posture as he tilts his head tauntingly at you, “What about you? It’s very selfish of you to not consider your people.” He smacks his tongue on his teeth, “You are everything I said and possibly more. I did what I had to do. If you don’t like it, you’ll have to learn to live with it.”
That was it.
That was your 13th reason last straw.
“I hate you,” You confess coldly, looking him dead in the eyes, “and you're the one causing trouble, Tsu’tey, not me” You turn away slightly, a scowl that could rival his play on your lips and your eyes scanning him in disgust, “You may be the Olo'eyktan, but you don’t deserve it.. nor my respect.” You leave after those words, wanting to get as far away from him as possible, before he breaks your heart even more.
It has been two long, torturous weeks since the bitter argument that left you feeling raw and vulnerable. The memory of Tsu’tey's harsh words still stings like an open wound, and you find yourself unable to shake off the anger and hurt that consumes you. You refuse to be anywhere near him, knowing that the mere sight of him would trigger a fresh wave of emotions that you are not ready to face.
Despite knowing how ridiculous it is to completely avoid someone in a community as small as yours, you can't bring yourself to do anything else. You spend most of your time cooped up in your healer's hut, only venturing out occasionally to hunt for herbs or attend to few non warrior patients. The thought of bumping into Tsu’tey fills you with dread and you do everything in your power to stay away from him.
You avoid the training ground like a plague, knowing that Tsu’tey is often there, leading the warriors through their daily drills. You know that as a healer, it's your duty to attend to the warriors' injuries and ailments, but you deny yourself that luxury. You can't bear the thought of being in the same space as him, even for a few moments.
But then, Tsu’tey and a small group of warriors leave on a hunting trip, and it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You can finally breathe again, without the constant fear of running into him. You know it's not a permanent solution, but for now, it's enough. In his absence, you find peace, and you try to focus on your work, hoping that time will heal the wounds that Tsu’tey has left behind.
Within his absence, you discovered yourself being drawn outside more and more often, collecting an assortment of herbs for your medicinal balm while soaking up the natural beauty that surrounded you.
In moments of pure stillness, your mind would occasionally wander back to the conversation with Tsu’tey, but in the midst of this tranquil setting, it all seemed insignificant. It was as if Eywa was leading you towards a celestial epiphany, prompting you to recall the things you had forgotten and encouraging you to generate and safeguard something entirely novel.
Even now with you were so lost in the beauty of the forest, eyes closed and queue connected, that you were completely oblivious to the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. It wasn't until a hand gently touched your shoulder that you jolted in surprise, quickly un-sheathing your weapon and whirling around to confront the intruder.
You raise your brows in shock before quickly lowering your weapon as you recognize Raa'te, one of the warriors who had stayed behind while the others were on the hunting trip. Despite Tsu'tey's words, he has been one of the few warriors who haven't stopped coming to your hut, and you were grateful for his company.
Over the past few weeks, The two of you have been spending more time together lately, and you've come to appreciate his kind and gentle nature. He was a rare and refreshing presence in your life..
"Raa'te, you scared me," you say with a chuckle, shielding your weapon and felt a sense of relief that it's him and not someone else.
He grins mischievously, his hands still raised in a peaceful gesture, "I mean no harm, I promise. I just wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to see the return of the hunting party. The horn has sounded, and they should be back any minute now." He lowers his hands, peering down at you softly.
You hesitate for a moment, not wanting to be anywhere near Tsu’tey, but the hopeful expression Raa'te was throwing at you is too much to resist. Signing, you nod your head, "Okay, let's go," you mumble, grabbing your bag of herbs and going towards the village together.
On the way back to the village with Raa’te, the two of you engage in light conversation. He seems genuinely interested in getting to know more about you, and you find yourself opening up to him more and more. It's a refreshing change from the other warriors who often just talk about themselves.
Raa’te even takes the initiative to carry your bag for you, a small act of kindness that doesn't go unnoticed. As you approach the village, you can hear the sound of cheers and excitement in the distance. The hunting party must be returned.
At the front of the hunting party, Tsu'tey stood with his chest puffed out, basking in the cheers and adoration of his people. You couldn't help but feel a pang of disgust in your stomach at his display of arrogance.
It’s frustrating how someone can evoke such strong emotions in you, both positive and negative. You shake your head, trying to push those thoughts away, but your attention is drawn back to him, much to your annoyance. After all he's done, there were plenty of others in the tribe with better potential.
Raa’te was full of surprises today. He leans in close to your ear and whispers, "I could have gone on the hunt, you know?" You turn to him with a curious expression, wondering why he didn't. He smiles at you, thinking you look adorable and then blurts out what's been on his mind lately, "because I'm more interested in you right now."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his boldness, looking down to avoid his gaze. Despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you appreciated his honesty.
You couldn't deny that Raa'te's presence had a certain charm to it, and you found yourself drawn to him in ways that surprised you. His kindness and genuine interest in you were a welcome change from the tension and uncertainty that seemed to permeate every interaction you had with Tsu'tey.
"You're courting me?" The question slips from your lips before you can stop yourself, surprised and a little embarrassed that you hadn't noticed until now. How could you have missed the signs? Raa'te had always been there for you, lending a helping hand and offering thoughtful little gifts that always brought a smile to your face.
Raa'te chuckles at your question, his gaze curious as he looks at you, "You haven't noticed?"
You shake your head, feeling a little ashamed that you hadn't seen his intentions before. "I've been busy with other things," you murmur, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. But the truth was, you had been so wrapped up in Tsu'tey that you hadn't even considered the possibility of being with someone else.
"Like the Chief?" Raa'te asks knowingly, and you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks more at the mention of Tsu'tey's name.
You snap your head up, your eyes wide with surprise, "How did you—"
"The whole village knows," Raa'te interrupts, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You let out a frustrated groan, dropping your head in embarrassment at the news. It was mortifying, but in hindsight, not entirely unexpected. Anything related to the Chief had a way of spreading like wildfire in the village, so it was only a matter of time before rumors started to circulate. You just didn't think it would happen so quickly.
"I'm sorry, Raa'te. I didn't mean to lead you on," you say, looking back up at him with a heavy sense of guilt. He had been putting in effort, and you hadn't reciprocated at all.
He gives a nonchalant shrug, "It's okay. I just thought I might have a better chance if he was out of the picture. Guess that's not happening," he says, gesturing behind you.
You turn around to see what he's looking at, and your eyes meet Tsu'tey's. The Chief is staring at you with an unreadable expression, and for a moment, you feel a rush of panic. You quickly turn back to Raa'te, hoping that Tsu'tey didn't hear your conversation.
Despite not hearing the conversation, Tsu’tey’s sharp mind allowed him to discern the situation to a certain extent. He had learned from his group of warriors that Raa’te had chosen to remain behind to court you properly, which only stirred up feelings of anger within him. He knew he had no right to feel jealous or resentful towards Raa’te, especially after the way he had mistreated you. He understood that he was no more deserving of you than anyone else in the clan.
Even with this knowledge, Tsu’tey couldn’t shake the terrible feeling he had inside. After the first week of avoiding him, he had plenty of time to reflect on his mistakes and realized that he had made a grave error.
The fact that you were avoiding him hurt him deeply, even though he knew it was justified. However, a nagging voice in his head convinced him that if you were doing it on purpose, he should do the same. He knew it didn’t make sense, but he couldn’t help but feel terrible and foolish for giving in to that temptation.
As he watched you walk away with Raa’te, it felt like you were taking his heart with you. He couldn't believe that he had caused this outcome upon his return. It was cruel, and he knew he deserved it, but at the same time, he didn't feel like he should have to endure it. All he had to do was apologize, but he wondered if it was enough for you to forgive him.
He truly hoped so because the thought of seeing you with someone else was going to drive him up a tree. He regretted not telling you how he truly felt and why he acted the way he did. The fact that he couldn't handle his emotions like he would with an Ikran made him even more frustrated.
As night falls, Tsu’tey finds himself determined to confront the confusing and unsettling situation between him and you. With a sense of unease gnawing at his gut, he makes his way to your home, hoping to get some clarity and put an end to whatever this was.
However, his heart sinks when he finds your hut empty, and he can't help but let his mind wander into dark thoughts and "what ifs." In a last-ditch attempt, he decides to check the healer's hut, where he heaves a sigh of relief at the sight of you shuffling around your medicine.
As the drape of your hut flutters, you stop your work and look towards the entrance, hoping it's someone who won't disrupt your peace. Unfortunately, it's Tsu'tey, his ears flat back and a scowl etched on his face. You immediately regret looking up as you feel a rush of tension in the air.
The expression on his face is still hostile, but there's a hint of vulnerability that you've never seen before. You both stand there in silence, neither of you uttering a word. The atmosphere is so thick you can practically cut it with a knife.
His voice, low yet firm, echoes inside your little hut, "I'm sorry."
Did the Olo'eyktan—no, did Tsu’tey just say "I'm sorry" to you? You wonder if you're starting to hallucinate after seeing him return. You can't remember him ever apologizing before, at least not without a fight.
"Great Mother," you mutter in disbelief, your eyes widening. You struggle to process his words, wondering if this is truly the same Tsu'tey you know. "Who are you and what have you done with our Chief?" you ask, half-jokingly. This behavior is unlike him, leaving you uncertain.
His glare brings you back to reality, silently conveying the seriousness of his words. You take a moment to gather yourself, realizing that this apology is genuine and you must respond accordingly.
“I acknowledge the strength it took for you to admit that you were wrong. Thank you,” you say, your brows furrowing as you glance off to the side. It wasn't exactly what you wanted to say, but you had been mulling over the situation for weeks and decided that being the bigger person was the best course of action.
Tsu'tey notices your hesitation immediately and steps further into the hut, basking in the dim glow of the a flickering flame. Your eyes drift back to him unconsciously, taking in his handsome features - his high cheekbones and chiseled jaw - and you find yourself falling for him all over again.
"But?" he prompts, sensing that there is more to your statement than you are letting on.
You pause, chewing on the inside of your cheek as your eyes flicker between his, which seem more honest and vulnerable than you've ever seen them. What were you going to say? How could you say it? Should you say it?
"Just say it," he urges, his scowl growing deeper. He was growing impatient in a situation that deserved patience. He knew this, but he also knew he didn't want to wait any longer. "Speak your mind freely."
"I thought you said I was too loose-tongued," you state a little too harshly, as the wound was only two weeks old.
Tsu'tey purses his lips, answering without hesitation, "You do. You're not afraid to state your opinion to our people or your Olo'eyktan," he glances downwards at the ground. "I respect it."
You tilt your head in confusion at his statement. Wasn't he the same person who spread rumors about you and drove away your business? It's flattering that he thinks you're not afraid to speak your mind, but it doesn't change the fact that his actions caused you harm.
Curious, you test the waters, "What about me being stubborn?" His eyes flicker up to meet yours and his lips twitch in response,
"You are. You've been avoiding me since the fight. I'll say that's stubborn enough," he admits.
You pout and cross your arms defensively, "With reason!" you retort. After a moment of hesitation, you ask, "What about me not being gentle? You have everyone thinking I'm some woman who knows nothing but toughness."
Finally, a playful smirk spreads across his face, his eyes lighting up. What happened to the Tsu’tey who wanted to take this serious? "That's also true. I meant it when I said you're better off as a warrior... but you're great as a healer too."
There was a heavy moment of silence as you processed his words, your body feeling hot under his intense gaze, but you didn’t look away. You were debating on what to do next, whether to take his words to heart, or forgive him. He sounded sincere enough, but was it enough?
“Why…Why hurt me?” You finally mutter, the question that’s been weighing on your mind for weeks. It was the one that you desperately didn’t want to share, the one that would show so much vulnerability that you didn’t know if you wanted to give that to him yet.
But Tsu'tey understood the weight of your question, his smirk fading as he grew serious. serious. A few seconds passed before he sighed heavily through his nostrils, “I wasn’t myself.” He confess, continuing as he caught your look of confusion, “My pride and foolish jealousy blinded me. I failed to see that my actions were hurting you, and that was the last thing I wanted.”
You do a double take as he continues speaking, his vulnerability at its highest peak, “I was a skxqwng for letting myself become clouded with such feelings but I didn’t know how to deal with them.”
“What are you trying to say, Tsu’tey?” You ask, holding your breath as his expression grows softer by the second. It's a side of him you've never seen before, and you don't think anyone else has either. But it has your heart threatening to jump out of your chest and your stomach doing silly flips.
“I’m saying… Oel ngati kameie, [Name].” He walks closer, stopping in front of you. He raises his hand to your cheek, which you lean into as you stare at him in disbelief. All the anger you felt has vaporized like it was never there because all you can see is Tsu’tey looking at you like your the most treasured thing in the world, “If you’ll have me, I will make my wrongs right.”
You take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment, trying to ground yourself. It feels like a dream, but the warmth of Tsu’tey’s touch on your face is real. You open your eyes again, looking up at him, “Oel ngati kameie, Tsu’tey.” You whisper breathlessly, feeling the weight of the moment.
Tsu’tey’s eyes light up at your words, a wide smile spreading across his face as he brings his other hand up to cup your cheek. He looks at you so happily that the sun would be envious of his light. You realize that you really like this version of Tsu'tey and want to see more of it.
He looks down at your lips, and you can feel your own breath hitching in your throat, “Can I kiss you, Yawne?” He mumble, looking back back in your eyes.
You don’t even need to think about it – the answer is a resounding yes. You want to feel his lips on yours, to hold him closer, to lose yourself in the moment.
Without answering, you grab him by the shoulders and pull him towards you, pressing your lips to his in a fervent, passionate kiss. The space between you feels too great, and you crave the feeling of his body against yours.
It was in this moment that you realized how thankful you were for all the ups and downs that had led you here. The moments where you had lost your cool, the times when you had been too stubborn to see the truth, and the moments of sheer frustration had all been worth it. Without them, you wouldn't be here, in Tsu'tey's arms, feeling like you had finally found your home.
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moonchildxoxx · 7 months
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A Life once wished for a long forgotten memory
A/N: You are responsible for your own media consumption.  MDNI 18+ . the name comes from the idea that Tsu'tey wanted a warriors death so he could join his old love in the after life. but that was no longer a thought in his head because he was happy with his love and baby . also i realized a bit was missing so i added it that why it was edited.
Pairing: Tsu’tey x Fem!Omatikaya! Reader,
Word count: 1.296
Synopsis: tsu'tey survived the war he went on to lead the omatikaya for a decked before the threat of sky people loomed once more. it was decided that he must take a mate to secure the clan's future and ease the people's worries. he never thought he'd be so happy once more
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Edit: 02/29/2023
When the war ended Tsu'tey had thought that was the end of him as well and he was at peace with that idea. But Jake sully refused to accept and do the duty of Olo’eyktan claiming that he would not lose another brother. Once Tsu’tey healed he continued to lead the Omatikaya for a decade before his life changed once more Jake sully had warned the clans that the sky people could very well return. They knew they had 12 years before they returned but if they returned it would be soon. Mo’at had come to Tsu’tey telling him that a time of great sorrow would be upon them soon once more. Once this was discussed with the council it was decided Tsu’tey couldn’t remain unmated the people would feel more assured if the clan had a secured future meaning he’d have to take a mate and have an heir. Mo’at chose (Y/N) who was a young girl, the granddaughter of one of her old friends and also one of her healing students that showed a promising future. She and him had been given a few months to get to know each other and courtship. He never thought he'd find love again, not after what happened with his promised mate.
soon they had become close. She a sweet and gentle girl and he’d later lean she was also one not afraid to put him in his place. Omatikaya had a feast celebrating their Olo’eyktan mating, late into the feast during Tsu’tey lead (Y/N) to the sacred gathering place under the great mother's watch and She swallowed nervously looking around Tsu'teys voice was calm and gentle as he took her hand and walked into the soft glow of the tree "have no fear little one no one will come looking for us until we return to the clan " he said softly stroking her arms gently
"our great mother wants us to be together I promise no harm will come to you as long as I’m here"
~ A few weeks later ~
Tsu'tey returned to their hut after a day of attending to his duties. she was crouching by the fire preparing their evening meal. a smile crossed his face. He crouched next to her she leaned over and kissed him gently
he smiled and returned the kiss then sat down by her by the fire "I have been thinking of something"
" an what would that be ?" She countered back. he sighed looking at her for a moment before speaking "there is something I would like to ask you". “ I'm listening" she hummed
a faint blush appeared on his cheeks as he looked down to his hands for a moment then back to her it was obvious that this was hard for him "I think it’s time we actively tired for a child " She laughed softly
he looked slightly confused by her laughter "I was not joking" he said with a slight frown at her reaction.
She smiled " I may have beat you to this discussion " his eyes widened shocked and then he looked at her stomach "are you saying" he looked excited and slightly nervous "are you indeed with child" She nodded yes " I wanted to make sure before I said anything" he was overcome with joy and excitement he couldn't believe that their child was already inside of her he leaned over and gave her a deep long kiss smiling at her the entire time "we are truly blessed by the great mother I cannot believe this"
~Months later ~
Tsu'tey returned to their hut after being away for the day leading a hunting party she was by the fire weaving a smile crossed his face when he walked in he was exhausted "little one l am home" he said softly when he saw her he walked over to her and leaned down placing many small kisses on her head and and neck "the hunting party was successful"
"That is good to hear" she leaned over and kissed him gently
his breath was heavy and he sighed softly when she kissed him
"I have brought back a good size kill for you and our young one “his hand moved to her stomach he felt a slight swelling that was not there when he had left for the hunting trip he smiled "our child grows strong every day"
~Months later ~
Tsu'tey had just returned from a hunt when one of his fellow warriors had told him that his mate was with the healers this immediately worried his as she was pregnant and quite far along he stormed to the healers quickly and with great concern when he entered he immediately spotted
(Y/N) laying on the bed "how long has she been like this?" he said to a nearby healer "Since last night her water broke a bit ago" answered one of the healers.
The healer next to her moved aside to let him stand next to his mate. he then turned back to his mate placing a hand gently on her cheek watching her as she struggled to keep the pain from taking over (Y/N) looked up at him with relief at seeing her mate
he could tell that she was still afraid but his presence alone had given her much needed strength " I'm scared Tsu'tey he’s to early “ his soft eyes were a stark contrast to the his normal harsh and calloused look . he spoke to her softly and gently his voice soft and low as he helped her breath slowly "our son will be strong I promise you he will but you must be strong too"
he placed a comforting hand on her cheek brushing his thumb against her cheek "do not fear my little one he will come when ready the great mother, she knows the best time for him to be born She nods gently
he continued to gently brush his thumb against her cheek as she laid there waiting for their son to make his grand entrance. She gripped his hand as she got pains "focus on your breathing" he said softly "breathe deep and slowly" he was gently stroking her hair to try and calm her more
She tired calming down "that's good that's good my little one you are strong" he gently brushed her hair away from her face as he looked in her eyes she looked at him as sweat dripped down her face "this is the most pain I have ever felt" she said through gritted teeth.
he nodded "it will be over soon my little one" he said softly stroking her hair "just hold on" she could feel the baby was almost here and her breathing was becoming shallow
as the baby was coming out of her she suddenly screamed loudly and Tsu'tey gripped her hand tightly the baby was coming out now and the pain was only getting worse
"you can do this my little one" he said as he stroked her arms and hair giving her the warmth of his hands and all his love "Push my little one!" he smiled at her as she did her hands gripped tightly around his hand and she took a few deep breaths as she pushed. their baby was born into the world the cries of a new life filling the air the baby was laid on her chest and she and Tsu'tey both looked down with tear filled eyes at the little one they had created together. "you were very brave little one" he said softly placing a soft kiss on her forehead before bending down and kissing the babies head "thank you for giving me this wonderful gift" he kissed her forehead and she could tell that he was very pleased "he's beautiful"
© Moonchildxoxx 2023 | all rights reserved. do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own.
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ilovemensthings · 1 year
Finding Trust [Tsu’tey]
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pairing: Tsu’tey x fem!reader
warnings: jealous Tsu’tey, none rlly
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As Tsutey watched you and Jake converse, an unfamiliar pang of jealousy tugged at his chest. He couldn't deny the connection between you two, but he felt a possessiveness he'd never experienced before. Trying to mask his emotions, he approached, his voice tight, "Enjoying Jake's company, are you?"
You glanced at Tsutey, sensing his unease, but you smiled warmly. "Of course, Tsutey. Jake's a good friend."
Tsutey's grip on his bow tightened subtly. "A good friend, hm? Seems like you're quite comfortable around him."
Your brow furrowed at his tone, noticing a hint of jealousy. "Is something bothering you, Tsutey?"
He looked away for a moment, then met your gaze with a faint sigh. "It's just... I admit I'm not used to sharing your attention."
You tilted your head, catching on to his feelings. "Tsutey, you know you're important to me too, right?"
A hint of a smile curved his lips, though his eyes still held a trace of possessiveness. "I know, but sometimes, I wish you were only mine to see."
As the day went on, Tsutey's possessive nature remained, but he tried to balance it with understanding. He found himself unable to ignore the way you laughed with Jake, and it both irked and intrigued him. Your presence had become something he cherished deeply.
In time, your patience and reassurance helped Tsutey cope with his feelings, allowing him to accept that you had various connections within the clan. His possessiveness evolved into a protective affection, and he realized that your interactions with others didn't diminish the bond you shared.
And so, Tsutey learned that trust was the foundation of his relationship with you, and that possessiveness could be replaced with mutual respect and understanding.
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fluloa · 2 years
Could you possibly write something with a human or Avatar reader + Jake and Tsu'tey?
I love the idea of the possessive love triangle that leads into competitive sex with the reader in the middle 🤭
juuuust thinking abt them fighting over you while they both fuck your brains out. screaming
warnings — threesome, degradation, praise, basically being used as a cocksleeve, overstim, bit of crying, both boys getting pussy drunk FERAL
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“Ooh— girl, that’s it. Squeeze just like that, sweetheart,” Jake dazes. You’re sat in his lap, legs whipped open and up in the air with his arms supporting them lazily, fucking you slow and steady with the fat of his cock.
Tsu’tey is in front of you, massaging and licking and kissing at your breasts like some juicy, ripe fruit that he just can’t get enough of. “What a whore of a woman,” he throatily grumbles. “Taking two men at the same time and enjoying it.”
You whine at his cruel words, head tilting back as his teeth grazes the skin of your left breast, then skimming up to swirl his hot tongue around your wet nipple.
“Oh, come on, Tsu’tey,” Jake pants, giving a lazy kiss to your sweat-glistened neck. “Bein’ a good woman for us, huh, sweet girl? Mmph, pussy’s good too, gonna have me cummin’ quick.”
Your hips twitch against him, choking out a moan when his cock hits a deeper spot than before.
“She’ll be full with your baby,” Tsu’tey spits out, giving the middle of your breasts a sloppy kiss. You whimper, walls convulsing around Jake and he laughs, the sound breathy and hot.
“Oh, she liked that. Like the thought of that, baby? Baby with a baby. Gonna be my baby with a baby, hm?” Jake groans, his fingers digging into the perky bone of your hips.
Tsu’tey grunts, shifting his hands to the curve of your waist. “My turn.”
“Nah-ah. Me first,” Jake insists, caging an arm over your tummy and digging his head into the back of your hair and into your hair to drag his point.
“You can have her mouth,” Tsu’tey bites back, attempting to reason but it doesn’t matter because he’s already snatching you from Jake, pulling you off his cock and you make a whine-filled noise at the loss of him.
“See? She’s crying for me. Aren’t you, my sweet girl?” Jake emphasises, a grin stretching at his mouth. Tsu’tey forcibly flips you on all fours, your face in line with Jake’s cock and your pulsing cunt in line with Tsu’tey’s body. The cold air bites at your opening, leaving you a panting, sloppy mess and both men appreciate the scene. Tsu’tey glides a hand along the curve of your ass, thumb pressing ruthlessly at your clit and it has you whining, practically begging for something bigger than that.
Then he grips at your hips, before teasing his cock around your entrance with a loose circle of his hips, and then he pushes in completely, filling you up heavy with the girth of his warm length. Jake watches the way your face contorts in pleasure, and a jealousy flares up his chest. “Hey, baby, eyes on me. You gonna take both of us? Gonna make me happy too?”
You nod lazily, head flopping down as your eyelashes flutter and you look so damn adorable and fuckable, he could bust a nut just at the view of you. But he doesn’t, and he grips your jaw, directing you to his angry tip that oozes clear, slightly glowed pre-cum.
“Looks good, huh?” Jake mumbles before begins to push your head lower, taking him into the sweet hot cavern of your mouth. “Ah, just suckle it, easy, easy… mm, there we go. Yeah, uh-huh, that’s a girl…”
Tsu’tey pushes the middle of your back down, creating an arch and he begins a pace, a pace that is tougher and less forgiving than Jake’s, a pace that has your elbows wobbling from underneath you. “Exkin," Tsu'tey breathes out. Tight.
"Warm too. Ain't that right? Huh, girl?" Jake tilts his head down to you, lowering you onto his cock pretending you can talk with it stuffed down your mouth. Tsu'tey slams his cock into your pussy, leading for a moan to erupt from your throat and vibrate against Jake's dick. He grunts, wiping hair out from your face and tucking it behind your ear. The sight of your perfect little lips wrapped tightly around his cock makes his head spin, makes it twitch in your mouth and as him threading his fingers through your tangled hair.
"Little moaning mess." Tsu'tey sighs, giving your thigh a slap and you jolt, dipping Jake's cock furthur down your mouth and the damp tip smacks the back of your throat. "So beautiful, and greedy, you're sucking me in hard. Loving my cock, mm?"
Jake chuckles under his breath, giving your chin a jolt upwards to see your face better. "She's lovin' mine more. Ain't that right, sweet girl? Say you love it more for me." He prods you, giving your cheek a single gentle pat like some sort of father giving his kid a piece of reassurance. You only produce a whimpery moan in response. "Taking that as a yes."
"I took it as a no," Tsu'tey murmurs and leans his head over to start trailing possessive kisses down the upper of your back, leaving a trail of spikey goosebumps on his way. "My cock is the one that's in her pussy."
Your ears perk up to the sound of a low growl vibrating from Jake's chest, and when you gather enough strength to look up, his eyes are darkened with fury. It is not easy to share a female amongst two men, especially if it's Jake and Tsu'tey. It's only a matter of time before things take an instinctive side. Only a matter of time before they start fighting over you.
You poor girl. You’re absolutely getting tossed around, and just trying to get a release when all they’re doing is snatching you away from the other man, and slipping their cocks into your sweet pussy before it gets whipped away from you again. And it’s a cycle. Jake’s cock is in you, and then nothing, then Tsu’tey’s is in you, and then nothing again. Acting like two vicious dogs fighting over a big, juicy bone.
“Had her first. She even wants me more, look at this face,” she grabs at your chin with his thick fingers, shoving your face up to Tsu’tey, shaking it a little and you can’t even bother to complain at the humiliation.
“That is a face of boredom. She needs me, not you!” Tsu’tey snaps, pushing Jake’s body and making him straight up fall onto his ass, straight into the dirt. As Tsu’tey prepares to take you from behind, fingers just grazing at your skin, Jake pounces onto him, tossing him aside. A hiss even leaves his mouth, caging your exhausted body in his arms as his dick slips half into your cunt.
You wonder if you’d ever be able to actually get fucked for more than ten seconds now.
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I would love if a 6 year Time skip part 2 of You and Me Forever was written. I absoultely loved the first part!!!!!!
You and Me Forever II: Tsu'tey
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Six years. Six beautiful and happy years with Tsu'tey, where do you even begin? Well for starters, Tsu'tey was Jake's second in command and was in charge of training the new warriors and you were one of the main healers of the clan. The main thing that had changed for you two while you guys waited for your avatar to grow, was that you two had adopted Spider as your own. 
You two had been in the lab talking with Max and Norm about how your avatar was growing and what would happen once it was grown and everything when you heard the sound of familiar footsteps running towards you.
"Y/n!" You heard making a smile appear on your face as you bend down and picked up Spider. 
"How are you, my gorgeous boy?" You asked him as Tsu'tey watched with a smile as Spider talked to you.
"You can touch him, babe, he's not gonna break." You said looking at Tsu'tey who was very worried about touching the child due to the major size difference. 
Tsu'tey ran a hand through the boy's hair which made Spider smile as he looked at him before turning his attention toward you. 
"Is this the kid everyone's been referring to including you?" He asked you as you sighed. 
"Yes but that ass isn't his father, as far as I'm concerned, he's an orphan like me 'Tey, he doesn't have anyone, these guys barely remember he exists most days." You said which made Tsu'tey frown, the child didn't deserve that kinda treatment. 
"We could adopt him, take care of him as our own." Tsu'tey said giving you a smile that made you smile. 
"Really? I was gonna ask you eventually but I just wanted you two to meet today." You said to him with a smile. 
"I don't want to wait a minute longer, I will talk with Jake about what we need to do so that he can live with us and go from there." He said looking at Spider with a smile already imagining what it would be like to raise the boy. 
"You hear that Spider? You gonna come to live with me and Tsu'tey?!" You asked him which made him smile. 
After talking with Jake, Tsu'tey with the help of Norm had extra masks and oxygen reserves brought over to his home for Spider. He also made some new toys for Spider since the ones he had made for Jake's kids when they visited you two were a little damaged.
Spider fit in so well with the village children often seen hanging around with Jake and Neytiri's kids, and you got to see a new side of Tsu'tey as a father which made you even more excited to have children with him. 
Currently, Tsu'tey was preparing for his hunting trip that him and Jake were taking some of the new warriors on, while Spider played with his toys and you worked on making a new necklace for Spider. 
"I'm gonna miss you both so much." Tsu'tey said hugging and kissing both you and Spider as he got ready for his hunting trip. 
"It's only a few days my love. I think we can manage, ain't that right buddy?" You asked your son who was playing with his toy ikran. 
"Yeah, but I'm gonna miss Daddy." He said looking making Tsu'tey smile. 
Oh yeah, Spider was a total daddy's boy, he was his father's shadow and Tsu'tey treated him as such making him his own bow and everything, though there were moments when he was a mama's boy as well. 
Tsu'tey had been gone a few days so far and you and Spider were doing well and still talked with him every night through the cell phone. The next day Max and Norm called you to let you know that your avatar was ready. After asking Neytiri if she could come with you so she left Neteyam and Kiri with Mo'at and came with you and Spider to the lab. 
"So basically you will go into the link pod with Norm who will be in his avatar and we will do some tests and whatnot just to make sure everything is functioning." Max said.
"Go ahead, I've got him." Neytiri said as Spider stood next to her watching what was happening. 
When you woke up, you allowed your eyes to adjust to the brightness, as you looked around and saw Norm and heard some of the scientists start asking you questions as you responded to them. You gently stood up before following Norm outside to where Max, Neytiri were waiting. 
"Oh my y/n, look at you." Neytiri said with a smile as she hugged you. 
"Think he will still find me pretty?" You asked her with a smile. 
"Absolutely but more importantly me and you can do more things together without me having to worry about you getting hurt." She said making you smile. 
"Mama?" Spider asked looking at you. 
"Yeah, it's me, buddy. What do you think?" You asked taking him in your arms. 
"You look so pretty like Aunt Neytiri!" He said making you both laugh as you hugged him.
"See if your son thinks you're pretty then I just know that Tsu'tey will think you are absolutely beautiful." She said giving you a smile.
Tsu'tey had returned from his hunting trip eager to see you and his son, he missed you guys so much while he was gone. After helping the warriors drop off the food from the hunt, he made his up the familiar staircase to his home.
"Daddy!" Spider said running over to his father who smiled and kneeled to his level. 
"Hey, buddy. Where's your mama at? Hmm?" He asked picking Spider up in his arms and looking around for his mate and Neytiri.
"Hi, Tsu'tey." Neytiri said to him taking Spider from his hands. 
"Where's y/n at Neytiri?" Tsu'tey asked ready to see his mate after being apart for so long.
"I'm right here ma Tsu'tey." You said making him turn and see you standing in your avatar form for the first time ever.
"Yawne, is that? Is that really you?" He asked completely stunned seeing you in your avatar he knew this day would come soon but never did he think it would actually happen.
"Yes it's me, what do you think?" You asked giving him a small twirl.
"You look absolutely beautiful my y/n, all of my adventures will be our adventures now." He said as he lifted you in the air spinning you around with a smile on his face. 
"Short stack is that really you?" Jake asked hugging you.
"Ow you giant, I got a new body but doesn't mean you can crush the soul of it." You said making him laugh.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited for you! I know how much you wanted this." He said.
After Jake and Neytiri left, you two made dinner and you two caught up after your week apart which was Spider telling his dad all about what he did. You smiled listening to him put Spider to bed as you stood by the doorway hoping he would be in the mood to go mate before Eywa, especially with this new body.
"So what do you want to do since Spider is finally asleep?" He asked you.
"I think you know what I want." You said smirking at him.
"You are trouble, you know that?" He asked you as he kissed you before dragging you out of your home and towards the home tree.
"I missed you so much beautiful." He said kissing you as you laid down on ground underneath the tree.
"I missed you too. Being able to properly mate and bind with you was all I dreamed about." You said making him smile as he reached for his braid.
You two made the bond and suddenly everything was more intense, you could feel everything he was feeling.
"Me too yawne. I love you so much." He said looking at you.
"I love you too." You said kissing him.
You were sound asleep in his arms after the many rounds you went, while Tsu'tey looked at you with so much love in his eyes.
"Thank you great mother. I love you so much my y/n." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
He gently picked you up and carried you back home where spider was still asleep and set you down on the bed and covered you up before settling in next to you.
The next month you trained with your new body since you were able to complete all the tasks you couldn't do like taming an ikran which was your favorite.
"Did you see that ma Tsu'tey!" You said happily as you two landed your ikrans.
"I did yawne, I'm so proud of you." He said smiling at you looking at happier you were.
Mo'at suggested doing the conscious transfer soon since you had completed all the tasks and so you wouldn't have to worry about doing the whole human and na'vi thing like Jake did. Tsu'tey was currently helping you prepare for it, while Spider stayed with Norm that night. Jake had taken your avatar body to the ceremony area and Tsu'tey would take you there.
"I know you are anxious because of what happened with Grace, but that won't happen to you we are just transferring you to your new body permanently." He said pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you." You said looking at him.
"They're ready for you." Jake said as Tsu'tey thanked him.
"Let me carry you one last time as a baby demon?" He asked you with a smile.
"I would love nothing more." You said allowing him to carry you bridal style to where the ceremony was being held.
He placed you gently on the ground where your avatar was laying and took a seat next to you, holding your hand as Mo'at explained what was happening.
"Relax my child, you will be with us in just a few minutes." She said as you shut your eyes.
"Please Great Mother...please don't take her from us....please..." He said as he felt your hand go cold.
"Come back to me yawne." He said placing one final kiss on your human body before going over to your avatar.
You woke up with a gasp, as you felt Tsu'tey pull you into his chest and hug you as tightly as he could, making you wrap your arms around him.
"Thank you, great mother." He said placing a kiss on your forehead as everyone cheered.
You were finally one of the people where you truly fit in with the man you belonged with and a son who loved you more than anything in this world. You were excited about the future with Tsu'tey and Spider.
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atokirina-writings · 2 years
“Heart to Heart” Avatar Characters and their forms of intimacy (SFW)
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* Silent lover.
* Being the best warrior the Omaticaya has he is naturally is harms way very often
* If he gets hurt on a mission he’ll come home to you immediately
* Just looking at him you don’t need to say anything, you just begin to patch him up
* sitting on his lap in silence, rubbing healing ointment on his scars, basking in your love for one another
* You can look at him and immediately know what he needs from you
* And he can do the same
* He loves to grab your shoulders and draw little shapes and stars on them with his fingers as he kisses you
* Rests his forehead on yours and takes in your sent and the feeling of you touching him
* You never need to explain how you’re feeling with him
* He just knows.
(aged up)
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* Very protective.
* Is very verbal with his love for you
* “Y/n you’re so gorgeous”
* “Thank Eywa you’re my mate”
* “I don’t know how I lived without you”
* When he’s nervous about something he will hug you from behind
* Loves to place his hand on your stomach as you sleep to fell the fall and rise
* Hunting together is always an experience with him
* Congratulates you when you strike a clean kill
* Lots of praise
* “That’s my girl”
* Grew up with a positive example of love so he knows how to treat you
* Bonus!
* Jake and Neytiri would watch you as teens sneak out of your tents to go be together
* They couldn’t even bother to be upset with you two as the memories of when they were first falling in love fill their minds
Jake Sully
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* loves you and has no shame in showing it
* Hand holding 24/7
* When riding his ikran with him he always has a hand on your thigh to keep you in place
* He says its to make sure you don’t fall off but he is really just touch starved
* his favorite place is kiss is your neck
* When sleeping her big spoons. always
* Keeping his arm extended from behind you serving as your pillow
* He wakes up before you most of the time but doesn’t dare get up
* He waits for you, in the meantime he will take in the beauty of you and the planet he is so grateful to have been granted another shot at life on.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
↱ whispers of mating season ↰
➘ summary : mating season is fast approaching and tsu’tey already has someone in mind
➘ a/n : a kind individual on here told me to give it a try so that’s what I’m doing, I also was reading a story on Tsu’tey and I like how it portrayed his character so I’m taking it upon myself to create a story that showcases this man abilities and personality to the best of my abilities and knowledge
➘ tsu’tey x reader, avatar the way of water x reader
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As the lush moon of Pandora, with its vibrant flora and towering Hometrees, neared the onset of mating season, the air seemed to shimmer with an undercurrent of change. The Na'vi people of the Omaticaya clan, nestled among the swaying vines and bioluminescent wonders of the forest, could sense the subtle shift in the environment.
Among them, Tsu'tey, a skilled warrior and future leader, felt the pull of the season deep within him. As the son of the clan's chief, his responsibilities were great, but his heart longed for something more - a connection that went beyond tradition and expectations.
One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the land bathed in the soft glow of Pandora's night, Tsu'tey found himself in a remote clearing, his thoughts wandering as the whispers of mating season seemed to surround him.
It was then that a figure emerged from the shadows, her presence like a breeze that stirred the leaves. (Y/N), a mixture of Na'vi and Sky People lineage, carried a beauty that was both ethereal and unique. Her features held the traces of her heritage, a blend of Pandora's native inhabitants and the visitors from a distant world.
Tsu'tey's gaze met (Y/N)'s, his eyes alight with curiosity and intrigue. He had known her since her arrival on Pandora, and over time, their interactions had grown from occasional exchanges to something deeper, an unspoken connection that defied the boundaries of their backgrounds.
"May I join you, Tsu'tey?" (Y/N)'s voice was soft, her eyes meeting his with a gentle smile.
Tsu'tey nodded, gesturing for her to take a seat beside him on the grass. "Of course, (Y/N). The night is peaceful, and it seems to have its own stories to tell."
As they sat in companionable silence, the chorus of Pandora's nocturnal creatures filled the air, a symphony of life that seemed to echo their own thoughts. Tsu'tey's gaze remained fixed on the distant horizon, his voice thoughtful.
"Mating season approaches, (Y/N). The forest is alive with anticipation, and even the most hardened warriors find themselves influenced by its call."
(Y/N) shifted slightly, her expression pensive. "It's a time of change and connection, isn't it? The bonds formed during mating season are meant to last a lifetime."
Tsu'tey's gaze drifted to (Y/N), and he found himself captivated by her words. "Indeed. Yet, I've always wondered if there's room for connections that don't follow the usual paths."
(Y/N) met his gaze, her eyes searching his for a moment before she spoke with a hint of vulnerability. "Sometimes, the heart seeks what it seeks, regardless of tradition or expectations."
Tsu'tey's heart seemed to beat in time with the rhythm of the forest, his feelings for (Y/N) growing stronger with each passing moment. There was a shared understanding between them, a bond that went beyond words.
As the night wore on, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey found themselves lost in conversation, sharing stories of their worlds, their dreams, and their hopes. The more they talked, the more the lines between their differences seemed to blur, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and companionship.
Tsu'tey's voice held a warmth that mirrored the feelings in his heart. "You are unlike anyone I have ever met, (Y/N). Your origins are unique, but it is your spirit that sets you apart."
(Y/N) smiled, a soft glow in her eyes. "And you, Tsu'tey, are a warrior with a heart that is open to the possibilities that the universe presents."
As the moon hung low in the sky, casting its silver glow over the land, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) shared a moment that seemed to transcend time itself. In a world that celebrated tradition and connection, their bond was a testament to the universality of the heart's desires.
As the first tendrils of mating season's energy enveloped them, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) felt the pulse of change and possibility in the air. The forest whispered its secrets, and amidst the symphony of life, two souls found themselves drawn together by a connection that was as unique and powerful as the world they inhabited.
And so, as the night deepened and the stars danced above, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) embarked on a journey that would challenge conventions, test their hearts, and lead them down a path that would forever change their destinies on the enchanting moon of Pandora.
Over the following days, Tsu'tey and (Y/N)'s connection deepened, each interaction bringing them closer together. They shared moments of laughter and quiet contemplation, discovering common interests and embracing the differences that made them unique.
As the Omaticaya clan prepared for the impending mating season ceremonies, Tsu'tey found himself torn between his responsibilities to his people and the growing feelings he had for (Y/N). He watched her from a distance as she interacted with the other clan members, her presence a reminder of the possibilities that existed beyond tradition.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the colors of Pandora's sky painted a breathtaking canvas, Tsu'tey sought (Y/N) out by the Hometree. The glow of the bioluminescent plants created an ethereal backdrop for their conversation.
"(Y/N)," he began, his voice carrying a blend of vulnerability and determination, "these are times of great importance to our people. Mating season is a celebration of unity and bonds that sustain us. Yet, I find myself drawn to a connection that defies tradition."
(Y/N)'s gaze met his, her expression a mix of understanding and empathy. "Tsu'tey, I sense the conflict within you. But remember, the heart's desires are a part of the cycle of life too. They shape our experiences and guide us toward our true paths."
Tsu'tey nodded, his eyes reflecting the tumultuous emotions within him. "You speak wisdom, (Y/N). But our world is one of customs and responsibilities."
(Y/N) stepped closer to him, her voice gentle. "And sometimes, breaking away from those customs can lead to new beginnings. Our hearts know what they seek, even if it challenges tradition."
Tsu'tey's hand brushed against (Y/N)'s, a touch that spoke of unspoken promises and shared dreams. "You have a way of making me see beyond what I've always known."
(Y/N) smiled, her touch lingering on his. "Pandora is a world of wonders and possibilities. And our connection is a testament to the magic that can be found in the unexpected."
As the days passed and the mating season ceremonies approached, Tsu'tey found himself torn between the path he had always known and the one that beckoned him with (Y/N). The moment of decision drew closer, and the weight of his choice seemed to rest heavily upon his shoulders.
The night of the first mating dance arrived, the forest alive with the sounds of music and celebration. Tsu'tey stood among his people, his heart a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. As he watched the dancers, his gaze sought out (Y/N), who stood at the edge of the clearing, her eyes meeting his with a reassuring smile.
With each beat of the drum, Tsu'tey's heart resonated with the rhythm of change. As the energy of the mating season pulsed through the air, he stepped forward, the eyes of the clan upon him.
And then, in a bold move that defied tradition, he extended his hand to (Y/N), his eyes never leaving hers. With a mixture of surprise and hope, (Y/N) accepted his hand, and they began to move together, their dance a reflection of their shared connection.
The clan watched in astonishment as Tsu'tey and (Y/N) danced, their steps echoing a union that transcended convention. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the birth of something extraordinary.
As the dance reached its crescendo, Tsu'tey held (Y/N) close, his heart pounding in rhythm with hers. In that moment, under the watchful eyes of the Omaticaya clan and the moonlit embrace of Pandora, Tsu'tey chose a path that led him to his heart's desire.
The mating season's energy swirled around them, and as the final note of the music faded into the night, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) found themselves surrounded by a sea of approving smiles and knowing nods. Tradition had been challenged, and in its place, a new chapter had begun.
As the celebrations continued, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) stood together, hand in hand, their connection a testament to the power of love that transcended boundaries. The whispers of Pandora's mating season had brought them together, and in the heart of the vibrant forest, they embarked on a journey that celebrated unity, destiny, and the bonds that truly sustained their world.
Months had passed since Tsu'tey and (Y/N) had defied tradition during Pandora's mating season, forging a bond that transcended the expectations of their people. As their connection grew stronger, so did their love for each other.
One morning, as the sun's gentle rays filtered through the lush canopy of the forest, (Y/N) woke with a sense of unease. Nausea washed over her, and her energy seemed depleted. Tsu'tey, who had become attuned to every nuance of her well-being, noticed her discomfort immediately.
He was by her side in an instant, concern etched into his features. "Are you feeling alright, my love?"
(Y/N) managed a weak smile, though her voice was laced with exhaustion. "I don't know, Tsu'tey. I just feel... off."
Tsu'tey's hand brushed against her forehead, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Perhaps a visit to the healers would provide some insight. You have always had a strong connection with the energies of Pandora. They may offer guidance."
(Y/N) nodded, allowing Tsu'tey to help her to her feet. Together, they made their way to the healer's hut, where a wise Na'vi woman awaited them.
The healer's gaze held a knowing glint as she examined (Y/N). After a few moments of silence, she smiled warmly. "You are not sick, my child. Rather, a different kind of energy courses through you."
Tsu'tey exchanged a puzzled glance with (Y/N), uncertainty evident in his eyes. "Different energy?"
The healer's smile widened, and she placed a gentle hand on (Y/N)'s abdomen. "You are carrying a new life within you. A new member of your family is on the way."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened, a mixture of disbelief and joy flooding her heart. She turned to Tsu'tey, her voice trembling with emotion. "Tsu'tey, did you hear that?"
Tsu'tey's gaze met (Y/N)'s, and a brilliant smile spread across his face. "We are to be parents, (Y/N). Our family grows."
Tears of happiness welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she embraced Tsu'tey tightly. "This is beyond anything I could have imagined. A new life, a new beginning."
Tsu'tey's touch was tender as he wiped away her tears. "We will welcome this new life with open hearts, just as we did with our bond."
As the healer provided guidance and advice for (Y/N)'s well-being, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) left the hut, their hearts full of hope and excitement. The forest seemed to embrace them, its vibrant colors reflecting the joy that radiated from within.
Tsu'tey's gaze held a mixture of reverence and awe as he looked at (Y/N). "Our ancestors watch over us, (Y/N). Our bond and our growing family are a testament to the unity of our people."
(Y/N) nodded, her hand resting on her abdomen where a new life was beginning to take shape. "And this new life will carry the spirit of Pandora within them, just as we do."
With a shared understanding of the journey ahead, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) walked hand in hand through the forest, their hearts united by a love that had defied tradition and embraced the boundless possibilities of their world. As they looked toward the future, a sense of purpose and anticipation filled their souls, for the journey of parenthood awaited them, and with it, the promise of new adventures and unbreakable bonds.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) awaited the arrival of their new family member with a sense of anticipation and joy. The forest seemed to hum with the promise of new life, and the Omaticaya clan shared in their excitement, offering well-wishes and support.
(Y/N)'s connection with Pandora seemed to deepen as her pregnancy progressed, the vibrant energy of the moon intertwining with the life growing within her. Tsu'tey stood by her side every step of the way, his dedication unwavering.
One day, as the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, (Y/N) felt the first signs of labor. Tsu'tey's presence was a steadying force, his hand clasped tightly in hers as they made their way to the healer's hut.
The healer's eyes held a knowing warmth as she prepared to assist (Y/N) through the birthing process. Tsu'tey's presence was a comforting presence by (Y/N)'s side, his voice a soothing presence as he whispered words of encouragement.
Hours passed, each moment a testament to the strength and resilience of (Y/N) and the bond she shared with Tsu'tey. And finally, as the moon hung high in the sky and the forest seemed to hold its breath, a cry filled the air, signaling the arrival of a new life.
Tears of joy welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she held her newborn in her arms, her heart overflowing with love and wonder. Tsu'tey's gaze was fixed on the tiny bundle, his expression a mixture of awe and adoration.
"She's beautiful, (Y/N)," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
(Y/N) smiled through tears as she looked at their daughter, a perfect blend of their worlds. "Yes, she is. Our little miracle."
Tsu'tey gently touched the baby's cheek, his touch tender and full of wonder. "She carries the spirit of both Pandora and the sky people within her."
The healer, who had been quietly observing, approached with a knowing smile. "A child born of two worlds. It is a testament to the unity that can be found in the most unexpected places."
As Tsu'tey and (Y/N) held their daughter close, a sense of completeness settled over them. Their journey, from defying tradition to embracing a love that transcended boundaries, had led them to this moment of pure joy.
With their newborn daughter nestled in their arms, Tsu'tey and (Y/N) returned to their home within the Hometree. The forest seemed to celebrate their new beginning, its colors and sounds reflecting the vibrant energy of a world that had witnessed the creation of a family.
In the days that followed, the Omaticaya clan embraced the arrival of their newest member, celebrating the unity that had brought her into the world. The blend of Na'vi and human features that adorned her face were a symbol of the connection that Tsu'tey and (Y/N) had forged, and the promise of a future where differences were celebrated and love knew no boundaries.
And so, under the watchful gaze of Pandora's moons and the swaying branches of the Hometree, Tsu'tey, (Y/N), and their daughter began a new chapter in their lives. A chapter filled with unity, love, and the beauty that came from embracing the tapestry of their unique backgrounds.
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inlovewithpandora · 7 months
“Toruk Makto, I will fly with you.” ᝰ Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
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ᥫ᭡ — Tracklist ᝰ Genre Keys.!
✿ - fem!reader・❖ - gn!reader・♛ - black!reader
💙 - na’vi!reader・🧬 - avatar!reader・🪢 - hybrid!reader・🎧 - human!reader
💍 - mate!reader・🌸 - mom!reader・💞 - pregnant!reader・🧸 - child!reader
✲ - smut・※ - suggestive ・❀ - fluff・♨︎ - angst・✂︎ - hurt・☂︎ - comfort
♥︎ - romance・★ - platonic・⌘ - modern au
📥 - request・🗓️ - most recent fic
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— new music pending.!
— Too Close // ✿・🧬・♨︎・❀・♥︎・📥・🗓️ ᝰ When Tsu’tey looks across the room and sees Jake being touchy with you for the millionth times it burns a fire of jealousy within him.
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
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szagaloree · 1 year
Coming back to writting with Tsu’tey love story🩵🤭
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