#tsumugi sugimoto
aurik6 · 10 months
A bunch of wholesome memes of makoto being makoto during her route
(Yes I'm kinda stealing this format from @summercreolefanfictioner and others buuut I can't invent a bicycle again, so sorry)
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lesbians4shinobu · 2 years
Characters and fandoms I will write for
Demon Slayer
・ Shinobu Kocho
・ Mitsuri Kanroji
・ Kanae Kocho
・ Tamayo
・ Kanao Tsuyuri (sfw only)
・ Daki (sfw only)
・ Nezuko Kamado (sfw only)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
・ Lisa Lisa
・ Suzie Q
・ Reimi Sugimoto (sfw only)
・ Yukako Yamagishi (sfw only)
・ Trish Una (sfw only)
・ Jolyne Cujoh
・ Foo Fighters
・ Ermes Costello
・ Lucy Steel (sfw only)
・ Hot Pants
Identity V
・ Emma Woods
・ Emily Dyer
・ Demi Bourbon
・ Mary
・ Martha Behamfil
・ Yidhra
・ Patricia Dorval
・ Melly Pliny
・ Margaretha Zelle
・ Michiko
・ Tracy Reznik
・ Grace
・ Vera Nair
・ Fiona Gilman
・ Helena Adams (sfw only)
・ Anne Lester
Genshin Impact
・ Jean
・ Amber
・ Barbara (sfw only)
・ Beidou
・ Eula
・ Fischl (sfw only)
・ Ganyu
・ Hu Tao
・ Ayaka
・ Yoimiya
・ Lisa
・ Mona
・ Ningguang
・ Noelle (sfw only)
・ Ei
・ Rosaria
・ Kokomi
・ Shenhe
・ Sucrose
・ Xiangling (sfw only)
・ Xinyan (sfw only)
・ Yae Miko
・ Yanfei
・ Yun Jin
・ Yuri (sfw only)
・ Monika (sfw only)
・ Sayori (sfw only)
・ Natsuki (sfw only)
・ Kyoko Kirigiri
・ Sayaka Maizono
・ Celestia Lundenburg
・ Sakura Ogami
・ Aoi Asahina
・ Toko Fukawa
・ Genocider Syo
・ Chiaki Nanami
・ Peko Pekoyama
・ Mahiru Koizumi
・ Mikan Tsumiki
・ Ibuki Mioda
・ Hiyoko Saionji
・ Sonia Nevermind
・ Akane Owari
・ Kaede Akamatsu (sfw only)
・ Maki Harukawa (sfw only)
・ Kirumi Tojo (sfw only)
・ Tenko Chabashira (sfw only)
・ Angie Yonaga (sfw only)
・ Miu Iruma (sfw only)
・ Himiko Yumeno (sfw only)
・ Tsumugi Shirogane (sfw only)
・ Filia (sfw only)
・ Cerebella
・ Valentine
・ Squigly (sfw only)
・ Ms. Fortune
・ Painwheel (sfw only)
・ Parasoul
・ Eliza
Madoka Magica (All Sfw only)
・ Madoka Kaname
・ Homura Akemi
・ Mami Tomoe
・ Sayaka Miki
What I won’t write about
Pedophilia, incest, r/pe, homophobia, racism, underage smut, ableism, male readers and major smut
What I will write about
Angst, fluff, light smut and polyamorous relationships
Certain characters (especially in Genshin Impact and Danganronpa V3) do not have canon ages therefore, I will not be writing ‘smut’ of characters that are perceived or coded to be minors.
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Golden Kamuy 1 | Butlers x Battlers 1 | Mahou Shoujo Ore 2 | Idolish7 15
Golden Kamuy 1
It’s time to go all in for gore and action!
If there was enough to scar his face, he’s definitely not immortal. I tell you that about Sugimoto.
Monme is a term used for weighing pearls, apparently.
A kan was mentioned in the link I provided last dotpoint as 30 monmes…Yikes…
The realistic fire actually throws me off somewhat.
Souns like the One Piece, only…more obviously Japanese.
Ezo. I knew I’d read this name somewhere – it was in a Crunchyroll article about this show!
Am I dreaming or is that bear a littttttle too realistic-looking? Last time a bear was in an anime was Armed Girls’ Machiavellianism, and I didn’t like that so much…
Normally the symbol for Russia is a bear (even today, just look at Vladimir Putin fight them bears!) so (strangely) I’m not surprised Sugimoto made a connection between monster bears and Russians.
Hokkaido winter. Must be nasty, eh?
There’s something strange about watching a CGI bear and wolf fight, y’know? Especially when the blood of the bear is 2D.
Postcredits scene. Keep watching…
Ooh, this show’s definitely a keeper!
Butlers x Battlers 1
After being swayed by Cactus Matt to give this show a chance, I am doing just that…very hesitantly…
Eye blink animation? Okay, I think anime just went over the cliff for “too much info we didn’t need”. It works for a VN, but not an actual first-person scene in an anime.
What is the opposite of “touchable” anyways (by using a prefix)?
I feel sorry for the owl that gets held up by one of the boys…
OLDCODEX? They did an OP for Servamp. They must be pretty perfect for a show like this, then.
About the ep title: Toki is literally “time”, there is a specific word for “moment” in Japanese y’know…
“High-spec” is not a word I would ever want to hear in relation to a student council. I’d like to hear it for a computer, though.
Both “Jinguji” and “Koma” look like last names at first glance…
Ohh! Pretty! Ren’s name means “lotus” (often the white variety is shown for that kind of flower, right?), aside from the obvious callout to the colour white in his surname.
I half-expect every new character intro to have a sparkly introduction thing with it. For this sort of show, which hasn’t done anything with the sister(?) from the beginning moments, it seems kind of…inundating the series with characters for characters’ sake. That’s bad, y’know.
Couldn’t you show and not tell this “your grades are high” bit?
Wait. So that was a transition (when J walked in and it just suddenly moved to Tenna)? Sure didn’t look like one.
If Ren’s colour is white, then why is Dracula white???
“Fast river”…? Eh? Update: Yeah, J’s right…
At first I thought the comedic timing on this show was great, but the girls’ owl gag didn’t work for me…
Oh man. I’ll never remember this amount of characters if they’re doing all the namecards in the first episode! Adding a mystery to an already packed show is not going to help matters at all. Holmes looks like a Diabolik Lovers reject, to make matters worse…
Akira reminds me of the owner from Ameiro Cocoa for some reason. Getting an Ameiro Cocoa reference is definitely not a good thing for this show…
The letter transition was better than the last one, at least.
Kageyama Hikari? That sounds extremely counterintuitive for a name… (Note: kage = shadow, hikari = light)
J didn’t even get his drink, did he? I would’ve liked some bishie sparkle to make this look a bit better. The prettiness of the still visuals really got downgraded through the animation process.
“You and I are both Butlers!” – Uh, no they’re not. One’s a café attendant and the other’s a student (LOL).
What even is a Blood Spirit??? You can’t even see the birth mark when it’s pointed out (you just get a blue light), so there’s something mighty fishy about that…
So…this is a time travel show??? Wut? Post-credits scene though, keep watching…
What are those characters under the episode title? I can’t tell.
There are enough bits of interesting stuff to keep me watching, but I anticipate this’ll be like Tsukigakirei (as in, I keep complaining about the bad parts, even if I enjoy the show in general). That’s why it’s going on hold. By the way, I thought about Nil Admirari and that’s been dropped, but I’ll reevaluate it if I need something that fits its niche sometime in the future.
Mahou Shoujo Ore 2
I’ve signed up for a collab on this series, so it seems like it’ll be sticking around for a while.
The cutesy voices of the monsters really sells this show, eh?
This joke (“I’m me”)…there was a similar one in Cute x Boy (“I’m just Jun”/ “Tada[ ]no Jun”), which really brings me back…ahh, nostalgia.
If you’re talking about what pronouns people use, the manager uses “ore” as well, which is a tad confusing (LOL).
This love for Saki’s male form…it must be genetic! (LOL)
Wow, real photos really sold this gag. They’re certainly gonna run it into the ground real quick as this rate, though…
How did they manage the upside-down…oh wait, Spanish subtitles. Rightttttttttttttttt…
Oh no. Don’t do the fanservice. It’s disturbing on a ma-oh, never mind. It happened. Let it go.
The deep voice they chose for Sakuyo’s male form definitely sold that. Excecution is key, remember?
The Sailor Moon parody line in the preview, that was absolutely fabulous! Oh, but the word used is “fueta” (increased) and technically it’s not “Another” in most senses of the term…or any senses, in fact.
Idolish7 15
This show’s going on a 1 month hiatus…which is really sabotaging my schedule, but what can you do about it? Nothing, aside from wait.
Wait, that end bit was definitely different. Normally everyone raises their hands at this stage and the plane goes off into the distance. This time everyone brings their hands out from under Riku’s and no plane is in the sky…things are really getting serious. Is it wrong that this show sometimes makes me a bit anxious?
Sometimes it’s hard to believe Riku and Iori are brothers…
What’s with the fish-eye lens on Tsumugi and the van?
The point of fans is to be in tune with their idols and vice versa. That’s the power of idols and their fans!
I noticed Gaku is wearing a cross necklace. That certainly wouldn’t fly on American TV, would it?
I got kinda anxious with the last lot of episodes that concerned the song theft, so that explains why I’m feeling kind of anxious now as well…
I think I understand the use of the fish-eye lens now. This one particularly gives an idea of invasion and creepiness. It’s probably more spot on than Junji Ito Collection, and that’s saying something!
It’s interesting that Sougo takes on the role of the surrogate mother here for Tamaki…
“We can’t shoot a show like this!”
If Gaku hits his dad, that’s a lot of dad-punching for one series…two hits in a row…
It’s in times of desperation that Tenn looks like his brother.
Whoa! Those leopard eyes signal some major danger on the horizon! If only the show weren’t going on hiatus…
Post-credits scene! Keep watching.
Even the titlecard is grey, and Otoharu’s opening his eyes. Stuff really is getting serious around here! Yikes!
Okay, here’s details on the hiatus. Until then, I’ll be taking on more spring shows. See you then…
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aurik6 · 1 year
Tsumugi Sugimoto. Sketches
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aurik6 · 1 year
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Mugi's mother, Mrs. Sugimoto, was an odd woman. She wore old fashioned straw hats, looked older than her ages and was as elegant as some contess, although there was a mystery arounf her origins. Her tired gaze may be explained by having hard times with her daughter Tsumugi. She easily got upset when Mugi was fidgeting her hair. She always told her to stop touching it. Mugi, however, never listened to her. As if she was deaf. Mrs. Sugimoto then just cut her child's hair while the girl was asleep. When Mugi woke up it was like the whole world died. She couldn't twirl her curls around the finger anymore. She felt she was cut form the stem and forgot how to breathe. Her mother thought this tantrum wasn't a big deal for an six-year-old girl. But her tryings were useless and only then she realized that there could possibly be something wrong woth her daughter...
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aurik6 · 10 months
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Forgotten memories
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aurik6 · 1 year
What do Sugimoto Tsumugi do nowadays?
Plus does she has savant syndrome?
Hey hii !
Tsumugi is only a character for Makoto's back story (tho I've been very focused on her too) and she actually... dies in Makoto's past...
So, technically she she's forever 14, but she sometimes appears as a... ghost in Makoto's life (and + its DL universe ghosts are a common thing)
About the savant syndrome. I honestly has never has any intentions to make her "genius" in some sphere on the whole image of her autistic nature, idk I just wanted to make her... very from not tsis world. Like she's in a conflict with herself and the outer world, because she simply do not understand people's emotions, she's not interested in it, like she's accepting the fact of being kinda "socially isolated", although once she really thinks about it, eventually about why she is so different.
And then hello a "cool" plot twist where Karlheinz (during his ANOTHER genius experiment on humans for thus time) told her that she's "special" and was chosen by the God himself (aka Karlheinz) for something that nobody but her can comprehend, and she then thought it's really something only for her because she differs from others a lot, therefore she became obsessed with this thought and got even more... weird
And Karl was experimenting on humans with magic, he was like: interesting, is human's organism able to hold the vampire magic in it"
But he discovered that humans are too fragile for it (again?) and their heads do "bang" because of overflowing magic.
(There are huge parallels with Rei Ayanami and her battle with Armisael)
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aurik6 · 2 years
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aurik6 · 2 years
Aomine Makoto, Sugimoto Tsumugi
Watercolors 💫
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Brruuh I like that silver effect ~
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aurik6 · 6 months
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Silly oc dump
1st row left to right: Makoto Aomine, Shinmei Aomine, Yuka Aomine
2d row left to right: Mrs. Sugimoto, Tsumugi Sugimoto, Kaworu Hasegawa
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aurik6 · 2 years
Character's name: Tsumugi Sugimoto
Age: 14
Staus: dead
Occupation: student of *** secondary school, Kaminashi-city
Relatives: Madame Sugimoto (mother)
Other: Makoto's friend
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aurik6 · 2 years
Makoto Aomine. Character profile.
Muse answers the basic questions
Makoto Aomine. The tragedy of a foolish girl
Makoto Aomine. Character Facts and sketches
Makoto's relationships with S brothers
Makoto. School uniform.
Makoto. Semi realistic portrait
Makoto. Outdated outfits
Makoto. Outdated design(old artstyle)
Makoto. Another outdated design (old artstyle)
Makoto. Swimsuit
Makoto. Blue × Aquamarine
Tsumugi Sugimoto. The first appearance
Makoto and Mugi. Introduction
Makoto and Mugi. Youngsters
Makoto and Mugi.
Makoto and Mugi. Omega
Makoto, Mugi. Watercolour art.
Makoto, Mugi, Yui height+build comparison (outdated)
Tsumugi Sugimoto Holy mountain
Tsumugi Sugimoto. Be a body
Tsumugi Sugimoti. MALICE
Makoto and Kaworu. Don't cry...
Aomine Yuka!
Aomine Yuka (Yumeko) and Mrs. Sugimoto (outdated)
Makoto and Yui. Nightfall
Makoto×Laito. Smalltalk
Makoto×Laito. Poppies
Makoto and Ayato. Split!
Makoto and Ayato. Friends.
Makoto and Kanato. My September.
Makoto's background (comic)
Makoto. Wedding event by @iricathel
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aurik6 · 2 years
Aomine Makoto
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"You asked me, what did I wanted? I don't want anything... I don't wanna be here anymore. All these things, all those people... I'm sick of this life..."
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"Sometimes i feel like am alive... Again, I mean. I don't know how to describe this, because I simply can't do that using the words...
Everything trembles, everything sings like a spring, I finally can feel the reality around me.
That's how youth sounds..."
Birthday: 29th of November
Age: 17
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Race: human
Has a sort of bipolar disorder but doesn't do anything about that, because hasn't found this out. Usually acts as a confident flamboyant teenager and do everything to be appreciated by others, but actually wants to quit everything she had achieved and just lying somewhere watching the nature
Actually has the bipolar disorder, but it can't be noticed easily. Acts confident, flamboyant, sometimes brusque, but honest most of the time. Wants to be loved more than anything, but can't find the person who'd love her and suffers because of that.
Sugimoto Tsumugi
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"Do you know who you are?.. You people are so pathetic. You have no chances to be useful, to be above that all. So pathetic... I've seen Them, They told me I'm the one, I'm special... I am."
Birthday: 8th of July
Birrhday: 7th of July
Age: 18
Age: 14
Height: 174 cm
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Race: human
An autistic girl, who has been diagnosed since age of 11. Basically doesn't understand what people want from her, never tried to understand them and feel the same as they do. She's always been in a "separated room" towards the people and society and it was her decision. She genuinely believes she's special and the God blessed her. Has claimed to Makoto that she saw and talked to God...
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To be honest, they relationship had never reminded of a friendship. To lonely weird girls, (the one just didn't want to be with people and the other felt that people didn't need her), were supposed to be close enough, because everyone needs a friend.
Makoto thought that Tsumugi won't reject her, because once she said Makoto was the only person who understood her.
Was that a lie? Kind of, actually. Words are spoken, deeds are done, and no one cares anymore, no one takes responsibility.
Tsumugi said she'd seen a God. And the God told her that Makoto isn't special. Why? Only God's know.
Was that a lie? Noone knows, but Makoto gave up on trusting people.
Though, she loved Tsumugi, but now she has no clue what's with her...
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aurik6 · 2 years
Makoto and Mugi
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Both are 14 here
Yey lil girls
Actually it's wip, soon I'll add a story about them
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aurik6 · 2 years
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aurik6 · 2 years
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