#tsuzuru x kazunari
lcs-library · 1 year
I SAW THE REQUEST GAME AND CAME RUNNING. mmm im thinking rosehip & pomegranate for banri (my stinky beloved), tsuzu, and kazu if you haven't done those prompts for them already? thanks a bunch and pls be sure to hydrate lots and lots 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
FRIEND???? IN THE ASKBOX?? More likely than you’d think<3333. I haven’t done these prompts for them, and I’m sorry it took a while, but this was really fun to write! Thanks sm for the request hehe<3333333
Request game
Rosehip: How romantic are they? How do they show affection?
Pomegranate: At what point did they know they loved their s/o?
🍂He is romantic, yeah, and he loves you, but grand gestures or declarations aren’t really his thing. If you get one, you just KNOW it’s to see you blush, he doesn’t mean it.
🍂Or does he????🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
🍂“Hey.” You turn around at the sound of Banri’s voice to find him leaning over the kitchen counter, that iconic foxy look in his eyes. You have to sigh, almost entirely sure of what was going to happen next.
🍂“What?” You ask, knowing his next move.
🍂“Oh, there’s my dear. I love you~.” He croons, making a kissy motion. You couldn’t say you didn’t feel at least a little flustered, but that didn’t change the fact that this was Banri Settsu you were talking to.
🍂You stepped up to him, shoving your palm against his mouth.
🍂“Yeah, nice try.”
🍂“What? You used to like it when I was all flirty.” He pouted.
🍂“Mhm, not before I caught on to your stupid schemes.” You replied flatly, going back to the task at hand.
🍂“But it def helped ya fall in love with me a little more, didn’t it?”
🍂You had to cringe at the accusation, but you couldn’t deny it.
🍂“Shut up.”
🍂“That’s what I thought.” He replied with a sly grin.
🍂Even though he tends to mask his affection in cheesy lines and smug smirks, when he’s in a really romantic mood it’s like he’s a completely different person.
🍂He’s practically attached to you, his face in your shoulder mumbling things like “I love you” over and over again.
🍂Of course, this is something you only get to see in private, as he can’t let anybody know that Mr. Super Ultra Easy Mode has a weak spot.
🍂He’s also super affectionate, placing little kisses all over you as the soft mumbling continues.
🍂He’s more giggly with you as well. He has such a bubbly laugh that it’s a shame you don’t hear it more often.
🍂In conclusion, Banri + gap moe = cute
🍂The moment he knew he loved you was on a day out, when the two of you stopped by a coffee shop.
🍂The second your drinks arrived, he whipped out his phone.
🍂“C’mere, we gotta take a pic for the ‘blam.” He says, pulling you closer to him as he flips his phone to the selfie camera.
🍂“Do we have to?” You whine.
🍂“To keep the fans happy.”
🍂And so, holding your drinks up, you pose as the camera shutters. Immediately after, you turn away to start sipping at your drink.
🍂You may not have been aware of the expression on your face, but Banri was. He was very aware.
🍂It had been a long day, and the way your eyes went from having such a dull look to them to positively lighting up at the first sip; it was such a subtle change, and yet he couldn’t help but find it cute. Not that he’d ever say it, of course.
🍂Despite that, he felt something bubble up inside him. A sort of voice that screamed at him that he needs to be the one to make that happen more often.
🍂Was it love? Would he know?
🍂The feeling turned from a gurgling to a flood of questions and emotions as he continued to stare at you, unaware of his own expression, a soft, caring one.
🍂You turned around to face him at his sudden silence.
🍂“Banri? You okay?”
🍂It was as if your voice had snapped him out of some sort of hypnosis.
🍂“Huh? Wha-? Yeah, ‘m fine. You like what ya got?” He replied, a little flustered.
🍂“Yeah.” You said, a smile finally gracing your features.
🍂“Good.” Banri rubbed your head fondly. Maybe he’d figure out the funny feeling later and enjoy his time with you.
🍂He never ended up posting the pic to Instablam btw. He ended up cherishing it.
🖋️He has so much love to give, but it’s never in the most obvious way
🖋️It’s always the little things with him, like allowing himself to let loose and complain a little or taking time out of a busy schedule to take you for a meal.
🖋️And you can’t seem to get enough.
🖋️There’s just something about the way he stumbles over, exhausted, and asks to go out with you to lunch that day that is somehow so endearing.
🖋️Of course, he could have easily gone on his own, but he’d rather go with you, and that just makes every time ten times more special.
🖋️As for affection, that also lies in the little things.
🖋️Holding your hand as he proofreads a script, covering you with a blanket it you fall asleep on the couch, and small forehead kisses at random points are pretty common with him.
🖋️His love is always in small doses, but remains a constant, finding its way into your everyday life and seeping through the cracks of the mundane.
🖋️His love is like going on a walk and finding little dandelions popping up in the cracks of the sidewalk. A small thing, but so bright and constantly surrounding you.
🖋️He connected the dots about a few months after he met you, when he finally finished a particularly difficult script.
🖋️He had fallen asleep at his laptop this time, where Masumi had messily thrown a blanket over him. Empty packages of instant ramen and mugs surrounded him, each one having been stained with the absurd amount of coffee he had been drinking.
🖋️You knock on the door, jolting him awake.
🖋️“Hrmngh?” He sputters as you walk in.
🖋️“Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?”
🖋️“Nah, you’re fine. I’ve been awake for hours.”
🖋️You knew he was(terribly) lying, noting the blanket around his shoulders and dark circles around his eyes, but didn’t say anything.
🖋️“Well, I’m just checking in. Sakuya said you collapsed earlier, so I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I also brought some curry from Izumi. It’s probably better than the instant ramen Masumi’s been hopping you up on. And I brought a water bottle since I figured you have’t had anything other than coffee, and you know how Azami is about hydration— you good?”
🖋️Tsuzuru was staring at you like you’d grown a second head. A strange feeling washed over him and it was…nice? It felt good to know someone cared so much about him, it just made him want to return the favor. He blinked dumbly before finally snapping out of his trance.
🖋️“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for all this. Just set it on the desk.” He replied as calmly as he could.
🖋️“Alright, I trust you to actually eat it.”
🖋️Tsuzuru chuckled. “I will, I will. Thanks again.” He grinned as he ruffled your hair. You blushed a little at the affection, but he could hardly guess as to why(he just thinks of the affection as the Older Brother Instinct).
🖋️“You’re welcome. See ya, then.”
🖋️“Mhm, see ya.”
🖋️The door shut behind you with a click.
🖋️FUUUUUUUUCK. Tsuzuru sank into his chair, his hands combing through his hair.
🖋️This can’t be…can it?
🌺He’s surprisingly traditional when it comes to romance.
🌺He goes on a few dates before declaring you official, doesn’t go too far without your consent, and says a lot of “I love you”s
🌺You know that post that’s like “‘Saying “I love you” too many times makes it lose its meaning’ to YOU. Not to me tho. It actually makes it stronger. I’m building a house out of ‘I love you’s.” Yeah that’s Kazu.
🌺Casual intimacy is a very common thing with him. He’s always touching you in some way.
🌺Whether it’s an arm around you, holding you hand, resting his chin on your shoulder, whatever, he’s attached to you at the hip.
🌺Except for in public, unless he has your consent or is trying to protect you.
🌺“Heya babes! How’s the most perfect being in the world doing?” He’ll typically greet, kissing your cheek.
🌺“Fine, fine. You?” You reply with a giggle.
🌺“Better now that you’re here!” He exclaims with a wink and some finger guns.
🌺You can’t help but laugh harder at his antics. “Love you too.”
🌺He’s the type to use his words to show his love, always coupling with his actions.
🌺I said this in another request, but he’s got about a thousand pet names for you.
🌺He’s a very lovey and silly boy :)
🌺It was on one of you dates before you two became official, a thrift shopping date to be precise.
🌺Kazunari had wanted to try the thingy where you both create outfits for each other then wear them to dinner.
🌺You each had taken your outfits to the dressing rooms and changed before you showed them off.
🌺“Okay, we’ll show ‘em to each other on three! One, two…three!”
🌺You turned around after his command, a delighted smile on your face.
🌺Kazu gasped.
🌺“Dude, you look adorbs!!!” He squealed, taking about a million photos of you.
🌺“You think so?”
🌺“I know so! I was the one who picked it out, ya ding dong!”
🌺“Well, it looks great! I love it!”
🌺“I’m glad!”
🌺It was in that giddy moment that Kazunari realized something. He wanted to see you that excited because of him all the time. It was decided. He’d ask you to be his partner that day. It was time.
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Random Yandere Headcanons: Most delusional to least delusional
Completely delusional:
Sakuya Sakuma  
Masumi Usui  
Kazunari Miyoshi
Misumi Ikaruga
Not completely in reality but not completely in a fantasy:
Tsuzuru Minagi
Tenma Sumeragi
In reality:
Itaru Chigasaki
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 6
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Kitty: Thank you for writing the script. It’s a very wonderful story. Was it all your idea, Tsuzuru-kun?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. I came here the other day and saw a lot of the shows and parades and that’s where I got the idea.
Tsuzuru: I was thinking about what we could do with you and all the others and it just came to me naturally.
Kuromi: That’s amazing! I wanna come up with my own story too! If I’m gonna make one, it’s gotta be a love story~♪
Masumi: A love story…
Kuromi: Oh? Are you interested too, Masumi? C’mon, let’s do a love story!
Tsuzuru: A love story!? N-No, we’re not… Why are we even talking about this…!?
Citron: I like it~! I would like to do a love story too!
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Sakuya: Eeh!? I…
Itaru: I’ll pass.
Chikage: I’ve got nothing to say on the topic.
Kuromi: Why not!? Ah! Okay, okay, how about you tell me what you guys like then ♪
Itaru: Score, now that’s something I can talk about all day.
Masumi: Don’t enable him, he’ll seriously go on for hours without shutting up.
Tsuzuru: That’s true.
Chikage: Very true.
Itaru: Damn, okay then.
Citron: Everyone is right. Itaru loves, loves, loves games so much, he can talk about them forever!
Chikage: Citron pretty much summed it up.
Itaru: Love how I don’t get a say in it.
Kuromi: Huh~! I think it’s great to have something you’re so crazy about! I’d love to hear more about it, Itaru.
Masumi: …You like too many things, Kuromi.
Sakuya: Um, Kitty-chan. Thank you so much for inviting us to do this collab.
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Sakuya: Even though it was originally just my own personal dream…
Kitty: Maybe it was just your own dream at first, Sakuya-kun, but it’s not just that anymore. It’s everyone’s dream now.
Sakuya: …!
Citron: Yes, if Sakuya hadn’t wished for it, I’m sure we wouldn’t have been able to meet everyone here.
Tsuzuru: I wouldn’t have been able to write this script either. Without you, Sakuya, I wouldn’t have gotten this chance.
Chikage: I’m sure that everyone is looking forward to the performance. And ever since the collab was confirmed, there’s been a lot more excitement surrounding everyone.
Itaru: See, even Senpai is looking forward to it too.
Masumi: What they said.
Kuromi: Yeah, yeah, you really didn’t think you were the only one thinking that, did you? I was so excited to hear we were collabing with you guys too!
Kuromi: So all there’s left to do is have fun. Right!?
Sakuya: Yeah…! Right!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Daniel: We’ve been looking forward to meeting you today. Right, Cogimyun?
Cogimyun: Myu…! Cogimyun really loves the story myun…! So let’s all… Get along right away myun…!
Daniel: I agree. After we got the script, we all became super invested in reading it. We thought it was amazing that such a story could be written!
Tenma: Thanks. I’m sure Tsuzuru-san will be happy to hear that.
Kazunari: Yeah! We’ll make sure to tell Tsuzurun later ♪
Tenma: By the way, Cogimyun. Wasn’t there something you wanted to say earlier?
Cogimyun: Ah… Umm… Umm… Myu… Well…
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Misumi: Deep breaths, okay~? In~, and out~...
Cogimyun: Haa~... Haah~... Myun… Cogimyun feels a little calmer now myun…
Daniel: Everyone’s really nice, so don’t worry. You can be honest with what you want to say, Cogimyun.
Cogimyun: Cogimyun wants… Wants to be… Friends with everyone myun…!
Kumon: Ahaha, that’s all~?
Tenma: That’s nothing.
Cogimyun: But… Can Cogimyun really get along with everyone myun…?
Misumi: It’s all okaaay. If we hold hands like this…
Misumi: Here! We’re all already friends!
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Kumon: Yeah! We’re already friends!
Kazunari: We’re all besties ♪
Muku: So let’s have a lot of fun doing our performance together.
Cogimyun: Everyone… Thank you myun…!
Yuki: Huh, you’re smiling, cute.
Yuki: You should have more fun and smile like that all the time.
Cogimyun: Myumyu…
Kumon: Your slightly embarrassed face is really cute too!
Daniel: It’s all good, Cogimyun.
Kazunari: Hold on, hold on, I know this might sound totes weird coming from a total stranger, but you know you’re super cool too, Daniel, right?
Muku: Yeah! The way you smile is so kind and the way you showed us around Puroland was so smart, Daniel-kun…
Muku: It was just like a prince. It was so cool…!
Daniel: Really? It’s a little embarrassing, but I’m glad to hear that… Thank you!
Yuki: Well then. Come over here so I can help you with your costumes.
Tenma: Where’d you even get that tape measure from!?
Cogimyun: Myu…? You can make clothes, Yuki-kun myun…?
Kazunari: Yeah, yeah. Yukki always makes our costumes.
Misumi: He can magically make any kind of clothes, whether it’s got lotsa triangles, or if it’s super sparkly, or really fluffy~.
Daniel: That’s amazing…! I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of costumes you make.
Yuki: Just leave it to me. I’ll make you the cutest costume you’ve ever seen.
Tenma: Seems like you’re more excited than anyone…
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Spring Troupe's kisses
Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron x gn! reader
This has been a great way for me to be productive, so please bear with me. Also, I'm still sad the eng server of the game is down, so I need some A3 content to cheer me up Funfact: A3 was the first fandom I chose to write for here...No one ever requested A3 stuff &lt;;/3
Summer Troupe's kisses
Autumn Troupe‘s kisses
Sakuya Sakuma...
...kisses you in private, often for special occasions. His kisses are shy, yet full of joy and adoration for you. He gives you a feather light peck as a thanks for every little thing you do for him, and giggles shyly whenever you give him one in return. He only ever kisses you on the lips with your permission, and when he does, it's sweet and innocent, often lingering for about 3 seconds before he backs up again. Which gives you the opportunity to gaze at his rosy cheeks, while listening to his loving laugh.
Masumi Usui...
...kisses you whenever, wherever, however you want. He wants you to enjoy it as much as he does whenever his lips meet your skin, he is satisfied as long as he gets to kiss you. He absolutely loves long kisses. Pecks aren't on the table if you don't say you like them. His kisses always linger for a few seconds and go as deep as you allow them. The sound of lips seperating from the place they kissed sends an additional shiver run up and down his spine, makes him want more. He melts when being on the recieving end of your kiss, no matter where you kiss him. He swears, with every kiss he loves you even more.
Tsuzuru Minagi...
...kisses you in a more casual manner. He likes giving you a quick one on your head whenever you spend some time together alone. He appreciates recieving forehead kisses when he's sensing a headache from late night script writing coming up. The kiss might not magic the pain or fatigue, but it certainly lifts his spirits. He gets incredibly embarrassed by kisses when the other Mankai Company members are around, though. He once thought you were alone when he rushed over and gave you a quick kiss goodbye on your lips, turning around in horror when he heard Kazunari whistle behind him.
Itaru Chigasaki...
...kisses you for a few other reasons besides showing affection; distracting you from the game you're playing against him, to butter you up for a favor, good luck for gacha pulls...He likes to tease you when he notices you want to kiss him, maybe even make you 'go on a quest to get one as a reward'. He will end up giving you a lot of apology kisses because you know how to get back to him, all while quietly laughing into the kisses. His kisses overall are in a good middle point; not very long, but not very short, not very deep, but not very light either. Only in sentimental, in quiet moments, he takes his time to really appreciate the feeling of your skin, the feeling of your lips. He would cringe if someone would ever actually say it out loud, but he could kiss you all night long.
...kisses you multiple times, and with much energy and joy. He loves kissing you, especially when he catches you off guard doing it. And one kiss is hardly enough, he will always go in for another few quick pecks, sometimes moving from your lips to your cheek, to your neck to leave another few smooches there, loving the way you giggle at the ticklish sensation. He is not being a show off whenever he gives you a lot of kisses in public, he just really doesn't care when people see. Also, he doesn't like not being able to kiss you when he wants to. He begs you for kisses when he feels especially needy by wrapping his arms around you and puckering his lips, while repeating, "Gimme kiss! Gimme kiss!", over and over until you give in.
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moonstruck-writing · 2 years
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Title: Sheltered Winter Pairing: Tsuzuru Minagi x reader | A3! Rating: Teen C/Ws: gender-neutral reader, domestic fluff, established relationship, flustered Tsuzuru, Christmas fluff, they all enjoy teasing Tsuzuru Requested by @emilycollins00 <;3 Summary: Christmas arrives right after Tsuzuru and you have started dating, and Kazunari decides it’s the best time to invite you to spend time at Mankai – without Tsuzuroon knowing. Word count: 3k A/N: I hope you can enjoy this as a belated present for Reyes, Emi! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you have just as much fun (if not more) reading it <3
Also, Christmas is used here in a general way, it doesn’t have to be the 25th.
Fog clung to the walls of buildings, blurring the skyline of the city. It was cold, but it was a good type of cold. It was Christmas, when it seems that winter isn’t so harsh, and the lights accentuate the beauty of the season. You tried to snuggle further into the scarf around your neck, but it wasn’t enough. Even then, the thought of your destination kept you warm somehow.
You were going to see Tsuzuru. And not just that, but you were going to spend Christmas with him. It felt like a dream, and you felt giddy and excited. It hadn’t passed that much time since you had last seen each other but seeing him in those circumstances felt extra special. Specifically, because you had only begun dating recently. That contributed to the feeling of walking inside a dream. You couldn’t quite believe it, but you knew that soon it would all feel real. The wide smile that spread on your face couldn’t be covered by the scarf.
Receiving the invitation to spend Christmas at Mankai had surprised you, since it came from Kazunari, but you hadn’t thought much about it. You had known him for a long time since you had friends in common, but it hadn’t been until you went to see one of the plays he starred in, that you met Tsuzuru. For some reason, Kazunari had insisted on introducing you and your friends to all the members of Mankai that were present, and that’s when you found out Tsuzuru wasn’t just an actor, but that he wrote the scripts for the plays too. You chatted with him a bit, and soon enough you two connected through your passion for writing and reading. It could’ve been a one-time thing, meeting a kindred spirit and then parting, but it was not. Tsuzuru texted you the title of a book he had mentioned to you – thanks to Kazunari for being the bridge that once again connected you, this time technologically – and you entered Tsuzuru’s world.
And that world came with every single member of Mankai.
You had spent countless times backstage, congratulating the troupe on their plays, and Tsuzuru on the script. You had even spent evenings at the dorms, hanging out with Kazunari and some of the others. But now, it was different.
Now you were spending time at Mankai as Tsuzuru’s partner. Not just a friend, but so much more.
As you approached the dorms, you wondered if you should text Tsuzuru or simply ring the bell. You weren’t sure who would open it, and as much as you wanted to think you were on good terms with many of his fellow actors, you still weren’t as comfortable as you would’ve liked. So you opted for the safer option.
<Tsuzu, I’m at the door.>
It wasn’t long until a message popped on your screen.
<What door?>
You looked around, trying to figure out if there was supposed to be more than one door to the dorms, even if you had always gotten inside through the one you were standing on.
<The entrance door?>
<You’re at the dorms?>
<Yes, I was coming today, don’t you remember?>
You saw his status change from typing to online and then change again. It made your stomach act up.
Meanwhile, Tsuzuru seemed to have started an impromptu gymnastics session. He jumped from the chair he was sitting on, typed and deleted a million questions, and ultimately decided to rush to the bathroom to check his appearance before opening the door.
He had no idea why you were there, but couldn’t bring himself to ask in the end. Had it been his mistake? Had you two made plans beforehand? Because of the way you had phrased it, it didn’t seem you had simply decided to surprise him.
He combed his hair a few times and straightened his hoodie, and then the butterflies appeared. He was going to see you. You were there.
When he opened the door, you greeted him with a smile and a shiver.
“I’m so sorry, you must be so cold, come in quickly.” He instinctively reached for your arm, pulling you inside. The contact lit a fire inside you, melting the cold that was biting at your skin.
“So, what were you doing?” You asked while taking off your shoes.
“Oh, just seeing what new plays were happing around. Fieldwork.” He put his hands inside his hoodie’s pocket and looked at you from behind.
“You want to go see some plays?”
“Yeah, I figured I can also study scriptwriting by seeing the actual performances, not just reading scripts and books.” He shrugged, even if you couldn’t see it. “Want to come with?”
You turned around and flashed him a wide smile. Tsuzuru couldn’t even hear your answer from the waves your reaction had created in him.
“Ah! You’re here!” Kazunari’s voice echoed in the entrance.
Tsuzuru turned around, facing Kazunari. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together. Tsuzuru sighed, unable to do anything else. But instead of feeling defeated by Kazunari’s ideas, he felt grateful. You were here now.
“You can leave your things in Tsuzuroon’s room.” Kazunari addressed you. “You haven’t seen it yet if I’m not mistaken. And I’m sure you’re extra hyped for it.”
“Hey!” Tsuzuru couldn’t help but grumble. His room was a mess and there was no way he wanted you to see that. Kazunari should’ve given him a heads-up at least!
“Honestly, I do want to see your room.” You looked at Tsuzuru, standing up and finally properly entering the dorms. He didn’t really have any other options. Tsuzuru sighed again, closing his eyes.
“Okay, but just give me a couple of minutes.”
“Ohh, is there something you want to hide, Tsuzuroon?”
The glare Tsuzuru shot him petrified Kazunari. It wasn’t the first time he joked around with him, but it was the first time he saw him reacting in such a way.
“I’ll keep y/n company until you come back, so no need to worry!”
“That’s exactly what I’m worried about.”
You laughed and Tsuzuru’s face seemed to soften a little.
“I’ll come back quickly.” He searched for any signs of discomfort in your eyes, but he only found calmness. Once he disappeared down the corridor, you sat down on the sofa next to Kazunari.
“So it was your idea.” You looked at Kazunari, and he quickly understood what you meant.
“I wanted to WOW Tsuzuroon. You know the word vacay doesn’t really exist in his vocabulary.” There was nothing you could say to that, even if you knew he could’ve gone about other ways with the plan. “And you haven’t been here in a while.”
“Yeah, since before we started dating,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him. “Have you missed m—”
“You’re dating?” Kazunari interrupted you, chuckling to himself. “Man, I did all this to bring you closer!” He leaned further into the sofa, bringing his hands behind his head. “You didn’t need my help at all, did ya?”
You felt a needle pinching at your stomach. It had only been recently that you two started going out together, that’s why…
“I should’ve picked up on the clues, though. Tsuzuroon has been casually mentioning you every now and then.” Kazunari’s words calmed down the dark spiral that had begun forming in your head. “He also–”
“Okay,” Tsuzuru’s voice could be heard from the corridor. “You can come now.”
“We’ll leave this convo for another time.” Kazunari winked at you, and you giggled. He had managed to distract you and now you were more relaxed than before. You were glad you had a friend like him.
You quickly followed Tsuzuru to his room, glad that you hadn’t taken off your coat yet. You could see your breath as you crossed the courtyard. He turned around a couple of times while walking you there, and you exchanged smiles. You felt giddy.
“Masumi isn’t here now, so you can relax.” He said while closing the door after you.
You remembered him from the plays.
“He’s away visiting his family for the holidays?” You asked while removing your coat and scarf. Tsuzuru promptly took them from you and placed them on top of his coats on the hanger on his side of the room.
“He’s out with Izumi and some of the other guys that haven’t gone back home.” You started casually looking around the room and walked closer to his desk to see the books that were piling up there. There, something surprised you.
“You printed this picture!” You pointed at the photograph hanging from his wall, among quotes from plays and novels.
It was a picture of you two, smiling bashfully at the camera. It had been the first selfie you had taken together, and it showed. But you adored that picture.
“Yeah,” Tsuzuru bridged the distance between you two. “Omi was going to print some photographs and I asked him to print this one for me.” Tsuzuru stared at the picture in an attempt to calm his nerves. Having you in his room was doing things to him. Then, his eyes accidentally roamed over his shelves. “Oh! I need to give you your gift.” He picked up a package wrapped in gift wrapping from above. “I can’t believe I almost forgot.” He giggled, and you felt the urge to hug him. Even if you hadn’t talked about it, you two had bought a gift for the other. You felt comforted by the connection that action proved.
Tsuzuru offered the gift to you, and you two sat down on his bed. It was heavy and sturdy like a book, and you didn’t waste any time, quickly tearing the paper.
“What!” You gasped without peeling your eyes from the cover. “It’s the book adaptation of that series!” You looked at Tsuzuru, surprise, awe and confusion all mixing on your face.
“You looked so happy talking about that series, that I thought…” He smiled looking into your eyes.
“I love it!” You hugged him impulsively, trying to show your emotions. He hugged you back, the book you were holding with one hand still between you. “Ah! I also have something for you.” You let go of him, put down the book and went to your coat, searching the pockets. “Here.” You walked back to the bed, offering him the small gift.
He smiled widely, unable to contain his joy. When he finally ripped the paper and opened the small box, his smile widened even more.
“Wow, I—” he looked at you, speechless.
“Do you like it?”
“Of course I do! It’s wonderful.” He looked back at the box in his hands, containing the bracelet you had chosen. It was a thin chain with a small metallic quill. “Can you put it on for me?” You took it from the box, and he pulled his sleeve back, offering you his wrist. When you finished tying it for him, he quickly interlaced his fingers with yours, preventing you from pulling away. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it. I thought it could maybe offer you some support while you write.” You squeezed his hand, emphasizing your point. “And I love your gift, I can’t wait to start reading it.”
“I’m glad.” Tsuzuru’s features softened, and you felt his fingertips running over your knuckles. “Although I don’t want you going home any time soon, so that’ll have to wait.” A playful smile appeared on his lips, and you slowly leaned forward until you were only a few inches apart. He also leaned in, and you joined in a sweet peck.
A kiss that was soon interrupted by the loud sound of furniture being dragged around in another room. It startled you and you pulled away. Embarrassed by your reaction, you looked away, trying to hide your expression from Tsuzuru.
“Are you hungry? I can make us something quick to eat.” He left the box and torn wrapping paper to the side and stood up, tugging your hand.
“Oh, I’m fine, thank you.” You looked at him again.
“Let’s get something to drink, then.”
You stood up and made to let go of his hand, but he didn’t. He kept holding your hand while leaving his room, walking down the corridor to the kitchen. It made you nervous, shy and excited all at once, but more than anything it filled your heart with warmth.
“Oh, hello there.” When you reached the kitchen, a voice greeted you.
“Azuma, I thought you said work got busier during this season.” Tsuzuru looked slightly taken aback.
“Is that your way of telling me I’m not welcome?” He giggled, looking at your intertwined hands. “And who is the kindred soul?”
You had seen Azuma before in the Winter Troupe’s plays, but you had never actually spoken to him, so you quickly introduced yourself.
“Nice to meet you. I hope to be seeing you around here more often.” He gave you a smooth smile, and you wondered how many people had succumbed to that charm.
“I can make us some milkshakes if you want?” Tsuzuru let go of your hand and turned around to face you, to gain back some of the privacy that had been lost due to Azuma’s presence.
“I see you’re trying to show off here.” But his presence wasn’t something that could be forgotten so easily.
“Wha—, no, I’m not!” Tsuzuru quickly looked over at you. “Okay, maybe a little bit…” He owned up to it, surprising you.
“Nothing to be ashamed of, Tsuzuru.” He continued teasing, finding enjoyment in seeing how nervous the usually stoic writer could get. “I can also see why this is the first time I’ve met y/n. You don’t want anyone else taking them away from you, huh?”
“Azuma!” Tsuzuru blushed furiously. He felt humiliated and uncool, exactly the opposite of what he wanted to show you. He only dared to look at you for a second, in which meeting your intense gaze didn’t help to calm him down. To try to distract himself, Tsuzuru went to the cupboards and started taking out a couple of mugs. “I can make us some hot chocolate or coffee or something.”
“I’d love a hot chocolate, but it hasn’t been that long since I had lunch,” you hesitated out loud.
“How about making it a milkshake?”
“Make it three,” Azuma quickly added.
“What were you in the kitchen for?” Tsuzuru sighed, suggesting that he should make his own drink, but he still took out another mug from the cupboard.
“You make a great reluctant big brother, Tsuzuru.” Azuma observed him with a placid smile. You decided to move away to not be a bother to Tsuzuru and sat down next to Azuma. “Do you have siblings, y/n?”
That’s how the questions started – where did you met each other, did you see their plays, what was your favourite – while Tsuzuru worked on making the best milkshakes he remembered from one of his part-time jobs. You started feeling comfortable and wondered if there would be more days like this one in the future. Days where you spend time with Tsuzuru at home, and time seems to slow down.
After giving the whipped cream on top the final touch with some ground cinnamon, he handed you the beverages and sat down. You were all savoring your drinks when Azuma decided to stop drinking.
“What do you like about Tsuzuru?”
Sitting beside you, he seemed to choke on the milkshake and coughed a couple of times.
“Enough!” He was still whipping his mouth with a napkin when he reprimanded Azuma.
“Okay, okay, I’m leaving.” He raised his hands in momentary defeat, then took the mug and stood up. “Y/n can tell you alone.” Azuma winked, finally getting out of the kitchen. Tsuzuru sighed, wanting to dig a hole to get inside. First Kazunari and now Azuma… things weren’t going how he would’ve wanted them to. You hadn’t been dating for long, and he worried that he could do something to make you lose interest. He felt extremely clumsy and out of practice – when was the last time he had tried to impress anyone?
Maybe when he had written the first play for Mankai? But what he wanted to show you went far beyond that. He didn’t want you to just think of him as a good enough scriptwriter – he wanted so much more. And it was scary.
You slurped the last drops of your drink and the sound brought Tsuzuru back to reality.
“This was soooo good.” You licked your lips mindlessly, trying to get every last drop of flavor you could. “To be honest, I am impressed.”
He felt a flush of heat travel from his chest to his face. He eyed the hand you had rested on top of the table and moved his hand closer until your pinkies were touching. But before he could do something else, another person entered the kitchen.
“Oh, hello y/n, it’s been a while.” Tsumugi was carrying the watering can in one hand. He needed to use the sink since the hose in the back garden wasn’t working properly at that moment.
“How are the plants doing?” You had spoken to him when Kazunari and Tsuzuru first invited you to the dorms. Kazunari had insisted on giving you a tour of the place, and you had found him gardening.
“They’re doing well, but I see now it’s a shame I didn’t plant any mistletoe,” Tsumugi said while looking between you and Tsuzuru. “Although I am sure you don’t need it.”
That’s all it took for the both of you to get flustered. Tsumugi finished filling the watering can and turned the tap off, seemingly oblivious to the state he was going to leave you in.
“Feel free to visit the garden any time,” he said as a goodbye. When he left, you finally felt you could breathe again. Was it so obvious now that you were dating?
“Sorry about that, they’re all really… an interesting bunch.” Tsuzuru took the chance to take your hand between his.
“Yeah, I kind of had an inkling they’d be like that, Tsuzu.” You saw the worried look in his eyes and tried to reassure him. You were actually having a lot of fun being there with him.
“Hearing you say my name like that… makes me all warm and fuzzy.” The blush that had spread over his cheeks after Tsumugi’s comment intensified now, filling your heart with love.
You leaned your head on Tsuzuru’s shoulder and allowed him to play with the hand he had between his. Meanwhile, you basked in his heat.
Maybe some other resident of Mankai would come soon to interrupt you, but for now, that moment was yours.
I hope you enjoyed this, interactions and constructive feedback are highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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pink-alstroemeria · 1 year
✿ rules & tags ✿
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—✿ what i will write:
fluff, angst, and suggestive content (to an extent)
oneshots, headcanons, and character interactions
x reader (and sometimes character x character)
AUs/crossovers (as long as I know the other media well enough)
romantic and platonic/general relationships
—✿ what i won't write:
gore/descriptive injury
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—✿ characters i'll write for:
i'm sorry if there's a character you wanted to request but isn't on the list! some of them are just harder for me to write than others </3 (the genshin list may be updated when new characters are released!)
bold = strictly platonic only
◦ genshin impact ◦ — amber, bennett, fischl, kaeya, razor, diluc, jean, venti, klee, albedo, beidou, chongyun, xiangling, xingqiu, zhongli, xiao, yelan, thoma, gorou, heizou, kazuha, ayaka, itto, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, childe, dainsleif
◦ twisted wonderland ◦ — riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, lilia, silver, sebek, che'nya, neige, grim
◦ a3! ◦ — sakuya, masumi, tsuzuru, itaru, citron, tenma, yuki, muku, misumi, kazunari, banri, juza, sakyo, omi, taichi, tsumugi, tasuku, homare, hisoka, azuma, izumi
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—✿ special blog tags:
random posts (i.e. me posting random thoughts, ect) — 🌸.stray flower
non-request asks i answer — 🌸.small bouquet
writing (both requests and non-requests) — 🌸.floral arrangement
romance — 🌸.red rose
platonic/general — 🌸.yellow rose
fluff — 🌸.forget-me-not
angst —🌸.bleeding heart
suggestive — 🌸.jasmine
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4 notes · View notes
qyrrys · 3 years
a3! | tsuzuru/kazunari | g | 1.4k
additional tags: fluff, established relationship, selfies
Tsuzuru clears his throat and glances around them. It’s familiar scenery; right there’s the double doors leading to the balcony. He gives Kazunari a curious look and raises an eyebrow as he nods toward the doors. “Well? Was there a reason you made me run a marathon?”
Kazunari laughs, and guides them forward, their hands still clasped.
read on ao3
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uwua3 · 4 years
still with you (dandelion wishes).
🌸📝🌻🎨 minagi tsuzuru x miyoshi kazunari
summary: kazunari wishes on a dandelion for a wish that would never come true
warnings: break–ups, fake relationships, heartbreak, loneliness, unrequited love
author’s note: here’s some tsuzukazu angst! listened to this song and was reminded of [redacted] & had to take it out some way or another :) not a happy ending, forewarning (btw removed a verse)
your self worth is not based on if someone romantically loves you!!! it’s okay to be single, you don’t have to be in love 24/7 to be worth it to someone ♡ i hope you love yourself as much as you love others!
word count: 3,657
music: still with you – jungkook (bts) (please listen to this ♡ i’ve had this on repeat for almost 9 hours now TT)
“Say my name.”
Kazunari begged, forcing Tsuzuru to look at him. Whatever they had, had been going on for too long, he knew that, but Kazunari wasn’t ready for it to end. Not now, not when this relationship they faked had become so real.
Tsuzuru shook his head, about to shake him off with force but Kazunari held onto his face, hands cupped around his cheeks like a lover would do. Tsuzuru stared in horror as Kazunari’s teary, red eyes peered back at him, his hands shaking against his skin, the uneven breathing pattern between Kazunari’s hidden sobs, it was too much to bear. How could he have let this happen? Why didn’t he say no?
“I–If you mean it, say it. Say my name.” Kazunari pleaded, smiling sadly when he gently wiped away a tear that had escaped Tsuzuru’s rapidly blinking eyes. Even though there was supposed to be no feelings between them, it broke their hearts to even be seeing each other like this. How could this have gone too far? Could he even speak right now?
Tsuzuru reached his hand up, placing it against Kazunari’s as if about to hold it for old time’s sake. But, before Tsuzuru could let himself embrace Kazunari selfishly, he pushed Kazunari’s hand down to his side with a firm ‘no’. Kazunari retracted his touch, stumbling back as if he had been physically pushed. He knew he was about to hear it, to witness the end of everything they had been through—
“Kazunari,” Tsuzuru started but stopped. Kazunari admired the way he glowed in the golden hour one last time, letting the tears stream freely down his face as he attempted a smile, but it was flawed and broken, just like their relationship. Tsuzuru wanted nothing more than to comfort him, to console him, take him home like none of this ever happened, but they could never go back to how things were before. It was impossible, it was too late to take it all back.
“I love you, Tsuzu—”
“I don’t love you, Kazunari.”
“Did you ever?”
Then, Kazunari took a step forward, his arm reaching out, wishing for Tsuzuru to stay. But, nothing could have changed what just happened.
Tsuzuru ran off, leaving Kazunari to stand by himself with a mess he couldn’t fix at the pier that summer sunset afternoon.
Kazunari could never handle being alone for too long, perhaps this was punishment for starting this in the first place. The light flickered above his head before shutting off completely, subjecting Kazunari to the tidal waves of the night as nothing but moonlight illuminated his surfaces. By the time he had arrived, Tsuzuru was no where to be seen. Gone, never the same ever again.
By now, they were supposed to be getting ready for bed, about to turn in early because Kazunari knew he was the only person who could make Tsuzuru close his eyes. They’d be tangled in their sheets, wanting nothing more than to be in each other’s embrace, whispering about anything with muffled laughter echoing between their four walls. They’d wake up together, and end the day together as always. Now, the truth was out. There was nothing to lie about anymore, nothing to pretend everything was alright for.
Kazunari laid alone that night, listening for a sound that Tsuzuru was still alive. Something just to prove to him he was real, wasn’t a figment of his crazy imagination, someone he truly did ruin everything with. Restless, Kazunari listened to the beat of the rain against his window pane as he left Tsuzuru’s side of the bed open, just in case he decided to come back.
Kazunari’s eyes fluttered closed, despite his best efforts to stay awake as the clock ticked onward, on and on without stop. It was true—Tsuzuru hadn’t come back for him.
Kazunari woke up to the sound of endless typing, the rapid smashing of keys that only his ex–boyfriend could produce at an alarming rate. It was louder than the rain at this hour, and this was the scene where Kazunari would persuade him to come back to bed, the blankets warm and distance between them non–existent. But, Tsuzuru was a floor below, typing as if his life depended on it. He would stay up again, again and again every night without sleep until he finished whatever he was working on.
Kazunari pushed himself out of bed, blinking the tiredness away as he stumbled out of his room, not bothering to hide his exhaustion as Kazunari carried his pillow to Room 102. He leaned his ear against the door quietly, sinking to the floor once he heard Tsuzuru’s small remarks to himself when fixing grammatical errors. It was so... like him, that Kazunari just hugged his pillow closer and shut his eyes.
Kazunari wondered if Tsuzuru was writing about him, and what he could’ve been saying if that was the case. Kazunari knew what he’d already write, he already said it.
‘I’m in love with my best friend who could never love me back,’ Kazunari thought, feeling the cold dusk air brush past him as his back faced the courtyard, placing his pale hand against the door. The typing didn’t stop, even hours later as Kazunari finally stood up, shuffling back to his room. He looked over his shoulder, as if praying Tsuzuru would step outside so they could talk it over.
But, what was there to talk about except Kazunari caught feelings for someone who didn’t? That was rejection, plain and simple. Wrong feelings, wrong time, that’s all. Was that all there was, though?
About to walk away, something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Kazunari squatted down, picking at a weed growing at the corner of the pavement as it rustled in the wind. Plucking it from its roots, Kazunari tried to maintain a smile as he recognized the puffiness of the flower, a flower that just had to be growing outside of Tsuzuru’s door: a dandelion.
Making a wish, Kazunari blew on the dandelion and watched his wish fly into the sky as the night carried it far, far away.
Kazunari left the stem in front of Tsuzuru’s door.
Kazunari remembered the beginning of the end, how an innocent request had ended their years of friendship together. It was so late, where Kazunari was finishing up an university project as Tsuzuru was revising the final script for the upcoming Mankai production. He remembered looking up from his screen behind him, about to say something to disturb the peace but Kazunari couldn’t bring himself to.
Tsuzuru was already looking down at him, his fingers hovering above the keyboard mid–air. He seemed honest this time, his face bared with such fondness that his teal eyes were unintentionally staring. How long had Tsuzuru been looking at him like that? It must have been the tiredness, the lack of sleep for countless days as Tsuzuru’s half–open eyes were drooping lazily, a blissful, dreamy smile across his usual uptight expression.
“Date me.” Kazunari blurted out, shocking Tsuzuru awake as he stumbled to sit up straight, about to protest with the utmost confusion and denial. Before Tsuzuru could begin ranting about the situation at hand, Kazunari laughed as he stretched, yawning slightly with a humurous glance at Tsuzuru’s flustered expression.
“Don’t be so surprised, Tsuzuroon~ You know how I’ve been talking about wanting a boyfriend forever now.” Kazunari teased, pushing back to nudge Tsuzuru’s leg like friends would. He had been sitting besides Tsuzuru’s chair, leaning his head against the man’s thighs as he propped his laptop up on his own knees. Kazunari missed the way Tsuzuru spluttered, about to defend himself before Kazunari stood up, moving to stand behind his chair with his hands on Tsuzuru’s tense shoulders. Upon contact, Tsuzuru relaxed slightly as Kazunari leaned his lips besides Tsuzuru’s ear, smiling tiredly.
“We’re two college students who don’t have anything going on, right? I’m in need of romance, and you won’t have to worry about catching feelings for me, it can even be fake if you want.” Kazunari whispered, whether it was to avoid waking up the whole dorm or send a shiver running down Tsuzuru’s spine, who knows. Tsuzuru just gulped, trying his best to focus on the blinking cursor on his digital screen as his thoughts ran a mile a minute. The offer to be close with one another without the official commitment was so strange, it completely short–circuited his thinking process.
After a momentary lack of response, Kazunari just let out a small laugh without any sign of embarrassment. Just how often had he thought about this? “Think about it, okay?” Kazunari hummed, pulling back to go sit back down before a hand grabbed his wrist, yanking him towards Tsuzuru’s bewildered face, as if he couldn’t believe it himself.
The distance between them was next to nothing, and Kazunari waited as Tsuzuru found the right words, holding onto Kazunari as if he had to say it. Kazunari leaned over him, his wrist between them as Tsuzuru’s grip loosened like he had become aware of how, friendly this contact was.
“O–Okay.” Tsuzuru finally said, nodding as if to convince himself this wasn’t a weird scenario at all. Kazunari lifted his eyebrows in surprise, about to question Tsuzuru’s indecisiveness before Tsuzuru let go, letting Kazunari stand up to his full height. Tsuzuru cleared his throat awkwardly, as if their dynmamic had changed in an instant.
“Okay?” Kazunari asked, tilting his head slightly to gaze upon Tsuzuru’s flushed cheeks and stubborn pout upon his lips. It was so innocent of him, Kazunari could have imagined themselves not as their current university selves, but back then in elementary when they first met. Tsuzuru just nodded again, about to go back to typing before he held his fist out, his pinky lifted in the air.
“No feelings, right?” Tsuzuru confirmed, and Kazunari made the biggest mistake of his life that night, immediately looping his pinky finger with Tsuzuru’s as a promise.
“No feelings. Just two friends having the benefits of a super not official, non–commital relationship!” Kazunari joked, making Tsuzuru slightly huff out a laugh as they let go, perhaps holding onto each other’s pinkies for a bit too long. Kazunari sat on the floor again and resumed his work, Tsuzuru doing the same as the two shared each other’s company for the first time as “boyfriends”.
That pinky promise was the first to be broken in their newfound, fake relationship. Kazunari had fallen in love with his best friend who he knew would never feel anything back, and the rest was history.
How could you move on from someone you weren’t even dating, to begin with?
Kazunari hadn’t even interacted with Tsuzuru in weeks. No looks were exchanged, no intimate touches only they’d do to each other, no more late nights together. How had this fake relationship idea Kazunari started backfire on him in the most catastrophic way possible? That was the number one rule they discussed, to tell the other person immediately if they felt anything.
Kazunari remembered the first time he told Tsuzuru he liked him much more than this convenient set–up allowed him to. It was at night again, after becoming familiar with the boundaries (or lack of) they had set up during a round of drinks, as Kazunari mindlessly played with Tsuzuru’s fingers. He had resorted to typing with one hand, letting Kazunari get his skin–on–skin fix as he just played with his hand like some cat. Tsuzuru was about to say something, turning his head but stopping to stare into Kazunari’s half–lidded eyes and lazy grin.
“Hi, Tsuzuroon.” Kazunari slurred together, placing a gentle kiss upon Tsuzuru’s knuckles casually, missing the way Tsuzuru flinched from the intimate contact. He guessed he did agree to this, just to appease Kazunari’s intense need to be clingy 24/7. But, Tsuzuru wasn’t aware it would feel so real, the kisses, the hugs, the hand–holding, it was all different now.
“Hello?” Tsuzuru said in a questioning tone before Kazunari moved in closer, barely a millimeter away as he seemed drunk under this light. Flushed face with unfocusing eyes, but with the same smile he reserved only for Tsuzuru.
“Tsuzu, why haven’t we kissed yet?” Kazunari rasped, his breath smelling like the fruity sojus he liked so much. Tsuzuru tensed, unable to answer. A moment passed, and Kazunari just kept smiling with no care in the world, moving to sit on his lap and blocking Tsuzuru’s view of the computer. It was like Kazunari purposely planned to take away all his attention tonight, not caring about the consequences.
“I want to kiss you, but,” Kazunari mumbled, wrapping his arms around Tsuzuru’s neck without restraint. Tsuzuru felt Kazunari brush his hair down, his nimble artist fingers threading through his messy bedhead carefully, like he could stop any time with just a single word. Kazunari’s breath on his neck made Tsuzuru want to pull him closer, but stopped himself, instead gripping the base of his chair with a frown.
“But?” Tsuzuru continued, watching Kazunari blink, gazing through his eyelashes with no shame, no filter whatsoever.
“But, I might fall in love with you.”
Tsuzuru let Kazunari lean in, Kazunari’s fear apparent through the way he ran his hands through Tsuzuru’s hair, keeping a safe distance between them regardless of the precarious situation. Right before he pressed his lips against Tsuzuru’s, Kazunari let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes.
“Stop me.”
Tsuzuru didn’t, and they both made a mistake that night. They never talked about it even though it violated their first rule. They would keep making every mistake until it caught up to them.
Kazunari picked his head up at the sound of someone at the kitchen entrance, escaping his memory as he turned his head towards Tsuzuru, who was sleepily staring at him. As if he couldn’t believe Kazunari was real, like he was just a dream hidden away at 3 A.M. The two boys looked back at one another, Kazunari sitting on a stool by the island as Tsuzuru gripped the door frame. Nothing but the moon was there to witness it all.
Kazunari was the first to leave, passing by to push a cup of fresh coffee in Tsuzuru’s hands, just the way he liked it. They didn’t say a word, there was nothing to say.
Except, Kazunari thought, I miss you.
It was raining. Kazunari was soaking wet, his clothes he didn’t change out of clinging to his skin as it weighed him down, his hand hovering above the door. It was much too late to be outside, the rain slapping against the courtyard ground repetitively, his senses going into overdrive at the sounds surrounding the usually quiet night.
Kazunari was staring at Room 102’s door, unable to pick up the sound of Tsuzuru typing over the weather. Was he finally sleeping? Did he drink coffee earlier that night like he always did? Kazunari doubted he was taking care of himself, Tsuzuru never could sleep well at any time of the day, and he just wanted to come inside already. But, Kazunari knew he couldn’t, not after everything.
Kazunari selfishly wanted to re–enter Tsuzuru’s life again, be happy with his role as the best boyfriend ever with no strings attached. But, Kazunari’s heart beat faster when Tsuzuru simply looked at him, his attention was only focused on Tsuzuru even if he couldn’t have him, and his feet automatically led him to Tsuzuru’s dorm room late at night until he couldn’t handle it anymore. Kazunari was so in love with his best friend, someone who could never love him back, and his heart refused to accept it.
So, here he was, shivering from the cold and trying to muster all the courage in the world to just knock. To smooth over the situation, to fix the mess they had created from Kazunari’s unrequited feelings, just to be friends again. But, could they really go back to normal? After all those sleepless hours together, just wishing it could never end even though the whole thing was a set–up. Would it be better off to not hurt their delicate predicament even more, and just leave it be?
Kazunari was about to leave, turn around, and go back to his room like he did every night. Except, a yellow sliver of light escaped from the door cracked open, with Tsuzuru’s sleepy eyes readjusting to the brightness that was Kazunari. They both froze, unexpectedly finding themselves staring at each other with no motivation to move.
As the rain fell, Kazunari watched as Tsuzuru hesitated, his hand holding the door knob with uncertainity as if to let him in or not.
When Tsuzuru decided to shake his head and close the door, Kazunari’s tears felt like the rain.
Kazunari believed, foolishly believed for a second, maybe Tsuzuru loved him back. It was all the times they were caught exchanging moments like Cupid had struck them with the same arrow. Where Tsuzuru didn’t question if Kazunari faked being sick for the attention (he wasn’t), just gave him a piggy back ride even if he admitted Kazunari wasn’t exactly light. Tsuzuru let him hold on, like he was Kazunari’s actual boyfriend who really did care. Kazunari’s face was flushed for a different reason by the time they arrived back at camp.
Tsuzuru liked planning impromptu dates, blindfolding Kazunari and leading him to a perfectly arranged picnic at the park they frequented so much. Tsuzuru let Kazunari take care of his four little brothers, the younger ones convinced they were going to get married, even going trick & treating together. Tsuzuru began posing for pictures before Kazunari even had time to whip out his smartphone, already warming up to the idea of his boyfriend being social media obsessed and posted all the couple pictures in the world. Tsuzuru even liked reciting lines with him, practicing until the early hours of dawn with the newest script tight in his hand, emoting the character he wrote flawlessly. Kazunari would just watch, wondering how he got so lucky, and how long his luck would last.
Tsuzuru always claimed it was for the ‘script experience’, to further understand romance and write even better plays. But sometimes, Kazunari thought the character monologue about being in love sounded so familiar, so real, that it hurt him. Hearing it from another actor, but knowing his boyfriend was the one who wrote them, but not for him, was painful. Perhaps, Kazunari should have realized it, that Tsuzuru was just following the rules: being romantic so he’d improve as a playwright. But instead, Kazunari was blinded by his own emotions. He was too in love with someone who never could.
Kazunari wondered if he had fallen in love with a person who he imagined, not the true essence of who Tsuzuru was. But, he remembered all their time together, the memories, the experiences both old and new, and every little thing that made up Kazunari’s love. It couldn’t be, he couldn’t keep lying to himself anymore, Kazunari was in love.
In love, in love, in love; how unlucky.
But, was it all acting, then? Kazunari was walking somewhere, with urgency in his steps as he kept on going. He remembered every time where he looked up from his work, seeing Tsuzuru admire his rare solemn expression and later penning a description of beauty within silence. Closed his eyes and could see every moment where Tsuzuru leaned in too close and held his hand for far too long in any situation, initiating contact that was almost too personal, borderline breaking the rules. Was all of that, throughout their entire contract, as fake as their relationship?
Kazunari stopped at the pier, the pier where he soberly confessed he was in love with his best friend. Kazunari took in the sunset once again, seeing how it truly never went away. About to move on, Kazunari caught sight of someone standing in the same spot he got rejected from. As Kazunari took a step closer, Tsuzuru didn’t run away this time.
“I loved you.” Tsuzuru admitted without wasting his breath. Kazunari halted, finding himself in the same position all those months ago.
“You love me?”
“I... I, once did. Not anymore.”
“I’d rather be your friend forever, than your boyfriend just for a moment.”
“I love you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Say it back.”
“I can’t, not anymore.”
“I’m in love with you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kazunari wish his dandelion wish came true.
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manmankai · 4 years
i'm slowly reading old event translations on yaycupcake since there are so many I missed in previous years and
that summer/spring camping trip is really
homosexual lol
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lunaris-de-loukas · 3 years
Let me take your hand
HandHolding with some of the A3 Boys
Holding hands with Homare is something of elegance. He will take your hand in just about any situation because he likes to know you’re there. As well as each time he reaches to hold your hand he brings it up to gently kiss before continuing with what he was doing. Many times he will take hold of your hand as he is working on his poetry. He says it helps inspire him, because his muse is so close.
“My dearest Dove, just the presence of you fills me with so much inspiration. Let me take your hand so I can feel even more. For you are my muse, you light my world up like no other.”
Sakyo isn’t big on hand holding at first but when he does take your hand in his you know he loves you. There’s a certain level Sakyo likes to keep other people at but when around you Sakyo is a mess. Holding your hand makes him blush though you probably won’t see it. He doesn’t do anything special but there are times when you might be in a crowd and he will take you hand just to make sure you are safe
“Take my hand, I wouldn’t want you getting lost, alright. Don’t worry I won’t let go”
Misumi loves handholding but before he holds your hand he likes to make a triangle with you. He will take your hand to make a triangle and then hold it. After all, to him you're the most special triangle he can find. Though as cute as Misumi and his gestures are, hand holding with him will lead you on so many adventures and somehow you find yourself on the roof of Mankai company.
“Look Y/N those stars are making a triangle, let’s make one too, that way we can have more triangles”
Chikage isn’t keen on handholding at first, it takes him a very long time and even after he doesn’t do it often but sometimes he will link pinkies with you. It’s his way of reminding him you're there and that you do care about him. He also wants you to know that he cares about you of course if you ask him he will deny everything.
“Did I take your pinkie, you must be imagining things. Maybe you have a fever let’s take you home”
Tasuku doesn’t really handhold, not that he doesn’t know how or doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t really do it but when you want to hold his hand he takes it. When he holds it he might squeeze your hand lightly just so you know he loves you. He might seem a bit cold but he’s a softie and that’s his way of telling you that you're special.
“Thanks for coming to the soccer game with me, do you want to maybe go get something to eat.”
Tsuzuru is a mess, hold his hand and he will become more of a mess. He’s going to worry and wonder if he’s doing it right. As well as be completely red anytime you take his hand. He loves holding you hand but what it does for his heart isn’t good but don’t worry he will still take you hand
“No don’t worry Y/N I’m alright, me no, this is how I normally act.” (He says as he pours coffee into a bowl after letting go of your hand)
Hand holding with Kazunari is an adventure. He takes every chance he can get to take pictures to post on the blam. He also holds your hand as often as he can. He says it’s just because “your tots adorbs” but really it’s because he’s a bit afraid of losing you and it helps him know you're still there.
“Come on babes, let’s take another picture, everyone’s going to be so jelly.”
Itaru doesn’t mind hand holding but he doesn’t want it to interrupt his gaming. So hand holding is only when you guys are out and about, maybe when walking but as soon as he pulls out his phone you have to let go, but there are sometimes where he will link his arm in yours. He does love you rest assured but he also needs to rank.
“Dam, lost my battle, well at least I got you here. Want to go grab a snack”
Juza is a bit standoff-ish when hand holding. He’s worried he might hurt you, that maybe his grip will be too tight. It will take him a bit to take your hand. Though when he does he doesn’t want to let go. He loves the feeling of another person's warmth. It makes him feel so loved, and safe that someone trusts him enough to hold his hand.
“I saw a new bakery opening, maybe you want to go?”
Banri will take your hand just to make you blush, he will kiss the top of it, pull you closer and kiss you while holding your hand. He loves seeing you blush so that he can tease you. Deep down though he’s happy someone wants to hold his hands. As much as he teases seeing you happy makes him feel all warm but of course he’s going to tease you more because he feels this way.
“Looks like someone is a bit embarrassed, come on my sugar kiss. Don’t get too flustered I’m only holding your hand”
Guys a bit unsure on the concept of hand holding. When he does it’s more like he’s doing it to just lead you but soon he understands it can also be a romantic gesture. He’s a bit formal in his ways but he knows holding hands makes you happy so he does his best. Even researching the art of hand holding.
“After doing extensive research, I think I have found the most romantic way to hold your hand”
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 4
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*Door opens*
Sakuya: I’m home.
Izumi: Ah, you’re finally back!
Sakuya: ?
Izumi: Sakuya-kun! Sakuya-kun, something huge just happened!
Sakuya: Eh? W-What’s wrong? What happened, Director?
Izumi: We got an invitation to do a collab play from Puroland!
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Sakuya: Eh…EEH!?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakyo: Looks like everyone’s here. Well then, Director-san, take it away.
Izumi: Okay. So, as I said before…
Izumi: I’m happy to announce that MANKAI Company will be doing a collab performance at Sanrio Puroland!
Azami: Seriously? Weren’t we literally just there?
Kazunari: Oh man, I am SO hyped! I bet it’s gonna be supes fun!
Misumi: Waa~ah, yay! It’s gonna be so fun~!
Guy: All the shows at Puroland were quite fascinating and informative. I’m honored that they chose us as a collaboration partner.
Izumi: As per usual, the script will be done by Tsuzuru-kun, Yuki-kun will be in charge of the costumes, and Azami-kun will handle the makeup.
Azami: Got it. Makeup to match the vibes of Puroland… Seems interesting enough to come up with something.
Yuki: That said… I’ll be making costumes for Kitty and her friends too, right? If so, I’ll need to know their measurements.
Izumi: That’s a good point. I’ll be going to Puroland for a meeting, so I can check with them then.
Tsuzuru: Is it cool for me to get started on the script?
Izumi: Go ahead. You can get started on it here and then we can bring it with us when we go and Kitty-chan and the others what they think.
Tsuzuru: Gotcha. I’ll try to come up with a few different plots then.
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Sakuya: Collabing with Puroland… It feels like I’m still dreaming…
Citron: Looks like Sakuya’s dream came true ♪
Sakuya: Yeah…!
Masumi: We haven’t even done anything. Can’t really consider that to be coming true yet.
Sakuya: I-I guess that’s true!
Chikage: That was Masumi’s own type of encouragement, I assume?
Itaru: Couldn’t just be honest with your feelings, huh?
Tsuzuru: If there’s anything you want added to the script, feel free to tell me. This whole thing is all happening because of you, after all.
Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Sakuya: I wonder what doing a play with Kitty-chan and her friends will be like. I’m so excited, I can’t wait…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsumugi: Looks like everyone is here. Let’s start the Leaders' meeting then.
Sakuya: Alright.
Tenma: Tsuzuru-san is joining us today too?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. I’ve got some plots outlined for the Puroland collab and I wanted to get your opinions on them.
Banri: Gotcha, aight, let’s start reading through ‘em.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Wow! I think all these stories are really good.
Tenma: A comedy story would be pretty lively and exciting.
Banri: I think a fantasy sorta story would fit Puroland’s vibe the most, plus it’s the sorta thing that we’d only be able to do for a collab like this.
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Sakuya: …I like this one.
Izumi: The story about the fairies?
Sakuya: Yeah. It’s the kinda story that’ll make everyone happy, and I’m sure if we do it in a place like Puroland, everyone will be smiling… I think…
Tsumugi: It’s something easy to understand but still has a lot of meaning. I’m sure that not only the kids, but the parents they came with will adore it too.
Tenma: There are a lot of families that go there. I think we should go with it.
Banri: If you add in all the lights they’ve got there, it’d make a pretty nice production.
Izumi: I agree. Alright then, let’s pick this one as our first choice!
Sakuya: Thank you so much…!
Tsuzuru: Well then, I’ll make this one my top priority and get a few others ready just in case!
Sakuya: Yeah!
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Sakuya: …What am I gonna do? I’m really looking forward to this, but now it’s becoming more of a reality, I’m getting a little nervous.
Izumi: (That’s fair, it’s an entirely different stage and it’s not just our troupe this time around.)
Izumi: (Some of them have a hard time doing this sort of thing with others. If that’s the case…)
Izumi: Alright then. How about we all go visit Kitty-chan and her friends once we’ve got the script all sorted out?
Izumi: I think it’d be a good idea if we could talk with everyone about what we want for the script and costumes and so on.
Tsuzuru: Ah, that’s a good point. It would be pretty helpful to get feedback in person.
Banri: Agreed. I think talkin’ more would help us with the overall concept and help with team buildin’ for the performers too.
Tenma: Yeah. If we’re going to be acting with the Sanrio characters, we should all get to know each other better.
Tsumugi: It would be nice if we could get that sort of thing started sooner rather than later. What do you think, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: I’d love to go again!
Izumi: With that decided, I’ll get in contact with them as soon as I can.
Tsumugi: Thank you so much.
Banri: Seems like Sakuya might not be the only one gettin’ pretty excited for this performance.
Tenma: I mean, we’ve all been talking nonstop ever since the performance was actually confirmed.
Tenma: Yuki said he needed to get measurements first, but he’s already started making prototypes.
Tenma: The sewing machine has been driving me crazy, he’s got that thing running almost 24/7.
Tsumugi: Fufu, Yuki-chan is really looking forward to this it seems.
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Sakuya: What Kitty-chan said… It’s really happening…
Sakuya: I’m really looking forward to it too! Let’s make this an amazing play!
Tenma: Yeah.
Banri: Damn right.
Tsumugi: Yeah. Since everyone is looking forward to this, let’s all do our best.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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harleysart · 4 years
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yayy I made an art art summary! owo this year I started to learn more about digital painting and even though the process is slower and I still have a lot to learn, I'm really enjoying it! :D
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nicknames | all troupes!
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sakuya - he’s very shy and probably will not be able to use a nickname with out blushing furiously. but if he does decide to use one he’d probably go for something like honey, sweetie, or baby. or some variation on your name. he likes being called pretty much anything but calling him saku or babe makes his heart flutter.
masumi - won’t go for nicknames right away. but he does like calling you babe. he’s happy to be called anything as long as it comes out of your mouth. he does like being called masu, sweetheart, or babe too.
tsuzuru - he’s super big on nicknames. it’s actually shocking when he doesn’t call you by one. sweetie, sweetheart, princess, and love are some of his favorites. he’s big on being called ruru (as in tsuzuRU) or just simply babe or bae.
itaru - he isn’t too big on nicknames, but he likes sweetheart or darling. or even better, calling you his player two. this man loves it if he can make some kind of geeky reference in a nickname. he absolutely loves it if you call him taruchi.
citron - definitely calls you princess or darling. he has no issue with using nicknames (though occasionally he might mess them up). he doesn’t really care if you use nicknames for him or not.
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tenma - more nervous then he thought he would be when he first tries to give you a nickname. he’s done it plenty of times on tv, it shouldn’t be too hard, right? wrong. he might be able get away with saying cutie or kitten before becoming a blushing mess. otherwise he can get away with calling you sunshine without becoming too much of a mess.
yuki - he really isn’t a huge fan of nicknames. maybe he’ll call you darling or bear if he’s really tired. yuki doesn’t really have a preference of what you call him.
muku - muku loves using nicknames. all of his favorite shoujo manga characters use nicknames so he definitely does. he really likes princess, peaches, angel, and sweetheart. using anything on him makes him a huge mess. just calling him mu will make him blush.
misumi - oh boy, he’s going to call you any name with triangle in it he can. he’ll call you, my triangle, my favorite triangle, the best triangle, or just triangle. the most normal one he’ll call you is baby. if you call him your favorite triangle he’ll be very happy, but honestly giving him any nickname will make him an overly happy puppy.
kazunari - this boy is for sure gonna call you babe, baby, bae, boo, queen, sunshine, hot-stuff, gorgeous, etc. basically, anything you can think of, he’s probably called you it at some point. kazu is down for being called anything, he particularly likes bae though.
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banri - he’s another one who likes to call you babe, hot-stuff, or sexy. he would jokingly say he’d like to be called daddy, but he’d actually end up liking it.
juza - definitely any sweets related name he’s going to call you. if you’ve got a favorite candy he’ll call you that. otherwise honey, sweetie, sugar. calling him anything will make him a mess.
taichi - he’ll like to call you cutie for the most part. you can also retaliate in calling him a cutie and he’ll be as red as his hair.
omi - babe, darling, love, he definitely loves more romantic nicknames. omi is pretty happy with being called anything, but if you want him to blush, call him daddy.
sakyo - the only nickname he’ll call you is love, and even that is one very rare occasions. otherwise is probably strictly calling you idiot or dumbass. most nicknames you call him will just earn you a small smile and an eye roll.
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tsumugi - definitely flower related nicknames, rose, lily, or just flower works for him. he also likes calling you darling or love. tsumugi likes being called tsumi or tsumu. a lot of other nicknames make him smile shyly and blush.
tasuku - he is not good with coming up with nicknames. if you want to be called something you have to tell him. he might call you snowflake without you telling him though. he doesn’t really care for nicknames, but if you call him one, he might have a odd look on his face.
hisoka - definitely calls you marshmallow, kitten, or kitty. he might call you snuggles too. he doesn’t really mind if you use nicknames, he does like being called hiso or mika (as in mikage) but he really doesn’t have much of a reaction to them.
homare - my rose, mon amour, darling, my inspiration are all names he likes to call you. he doesn’t really what you call him, but if you call him minou he likes that because it’s french
azuma - he calls you darling, sugar, or angel. it really doesn’t matter what you call him. he unironically likes being called daddy though
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taruchiexe · 4 years
Banri, looking at Juza: Is it gay if I want him to pin me against the wall and make out with me?
Kazunari: As long as you say 'No Homo', no
Kazunari, looking at Tsuzuru: I speak from experience
Banri: Thought so, be right back then
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
A3 actors! Art in bloom
Type: One shot
Pairing: Miyoshi Kazunari x Reader
Theme: Passion / Art / Clash
Contrary to what many people and even classmates of yours thought, being an art student was not something you should chose to do lightly.
Sure, it seemed enjoyable, cute even. But no one ever talked about how many hours you would spend with a single portrait, drafting about abstract concepts or trying to discern at two in the morning whether a sculpture should turn more sideways or look at the ground to create a deeper perspective. 
Art was wild.
But you loved it and, why not admit it, you took it pretty seriously. Maybe a tiny bit more than most people.
That’s why you had always liked how Kazunari Miyoshi, although being the loud person he was, frequently went on and on with you discussing ideas when there was some debate in class. That brain of his was something else. His works and usual approach when mixing modern and traditional Japanese culture fascinated you. It really did.
But that had been changing lately, and it angered you.
Up until this year you hadn't really cared about it. Everyone had their right to live however they wanted after all.
However, without being able to tell when it began, you started casually observing him. You watched him talk to your other classmates as soon as the lecture, frowned as he concentrated on the draft they had one hour and a half to finish or taking selfies and live videos of the works you all were demanded to do. You even discovered yourself staring and how the sun caressed his profile first hour in the morning.
He had a nice profile.
By that point, something inside you was getting frustrated. He participated in class and attended to the lectures, but at the same time…? you felt he was starting prioritising social media over art, or looking for people for one of his popular mixers, like so many of your other classmates, who had most likely entered this major without much thought, did.
You would understand if he would have a part-time job, but the thought of him being able to do so much more and deciding to stop midway left you speechless.
You wished for him to take more things seriously. 
“Miyoshi, were you able to clean all the supplies from last class?" you called him out between the break. Everyone in class traded places to carry the main boxes with brushes, paints and whatever main source they had to work with each week "Our teacher told me to take some clay from there. I'm planning to use them for my final project, but I can't seem to find the key in the secretary office”
The university student lifted his head from his mobile and tipped on his chin, trying to remember "Supplies from...? Oh man, THAT is why I had them in my working space!” He palped his jeans looking for it “My bad, I was totes in a hurry and just closed as soon as we were done!” 
You contained an exasperated groan “Why would you get the key unless it was to clean the practice room?” 
Kazunari laughed nervously under your intimidating glare “True, true! It's just that I was talking with some friends over the phone and they were in a hurry so…” he showed you the key taking it out of his pocket, maybe to show that at least he hadn’t lost it “Do you need them now? I could go clean for you” 
The vein you had tried so hard to maintain calm popped altogether. Not wanting to keep talking, you rapidly grabbed the key from his hand and headed to take the supplies. God grief how you hated that carefree attitude. 
“No prob, dude! Next time just hit me up with a DM and I’ll come running to your uni here! In exchange, I’ll need your help to finish the flyers so…” 
Recognizing the flashy voice, you slowly looked behind, witnessing the blond with another person. Was he meeting with people to play around here too? 
You couldn’t believe it. You all had your final projects deadlines almost spitting in your faces! That’s why you had to come to this other university to ask for permission to use a kiln for your final, as you didn’t have lectures prepared today and your university didn’t have any. Didn’t look like it was Kazunari’s case. 
“Uh? No way, Y/N-pyon!” he waved at you with both hands, confirming it was you indeed, as he got closer “Looking fleek today too! What are you doing here in Yosei?” the person walking next to him whispered something “They’re a friend from my major Tsuzuroon, I told you about them, dude!” 
You mentally scoffed. Without returning his greet and turning on your heels, you headed for the teacher’s office.
 “You said friend but…” Tsuzuru squinted his eyes, watching you leave “…It doesn't look like they like you very much” 
“No worries! Nowadays they are always like that. But their works are so lit! Y/N-pyon is the ultimate remix of you, Ten-ten and Yukki!” 
“That’s… not a good thing, Miyoshi-san”
“Y/N-pyon, about-”
“Miyoshi, sorry. I am on my way to Yosei University to finish my work and unlike your usual approach of work to play, I actually don’t have time to waste”
“Uh? My works are…”
“Are what? I’ve been seeing you doing half-assed things all over the semester. This last week you didn’t even come at the afternoon lectures” you were pretty sure this was just you venting at this point “You’re amazing Miyoshi, I honestly think that, so why? If… If you only put more of yourself into it, your art would be even more unbelievable!”
He went quiet, a rare sight.
“Art it’s not something you just do for laughs; I thought you were one of the few people here that felt the same and-” the phone in your bag started ringing. Head  teacher. Inhaling deeply, you answered it “Yes?”
“Y/N-san? I am so sorry. Could you come to Josey university?” 
Losing the eye contact you had been maintaining with the blond boy, your heart sank as you heard the words ‘kiln’ and ‘malfunction’. “…Please tell me my final project is ok” 
You stood in silence, looking at the mess when you heard a knock at the door.
“I know I shouldn’t have followed and am expecting you throw me out the door but…” you didn’t move an inch so Kazunari took that as a free pass.
Just as the teacher told you, the electricity in the small building had had an issue and there had been a combustion, meaning, the sculpture you had kept here while working for weeks was now cracked and in shreds. You sniffed, brushing away the tears that were trying to come out from your eyes. All your hard work. All the time spent, had been for nothing.
“The Kiln is burnt. I don’t have anything good to save” you felt emotionally exhausted “Damn, I should have used air dry clay since the beginning… or not tried to sculpt anything” your vision became blurry again “I don’t know why do I make everything more difficult that it is”
Kazunari contemplated the situation, studying the seemingly full cracked sculpture from afar.
“Teach probably told you she would wait for you to turn on the work, right?” He saw you vaguely nodding you head “You got this!” he put his hand on your shoulder, you barely glancing at him “Look, If you still wanna use this base I’ll go ask for some moisturize and clean water to mix. Then I will maintain the upper part as you work down there, not bad idea right?”
You stared at him, finally grasping that he had come all the way here and was now trying to help “Why are you here? I… was being a busybody telling you how to work in our major” you had realized you had crossed the line back then.
Kazunari laughed, shaking his head “You were not saying anything that was a lie though, I don't want to admit it, but it’s true I've been a mess for a while”
“I guess parties require a lot of work” you bite your tongue hard. He was being a decent person trying to help and you couldn’t stop for two seconds to pick on him? You wanted to punch yourself.
“Mmm? Ah, our theatre troupe is almost opening for performance and the next troupe is on practices so flyers and scripts are running at full gas”
You stopped looking at your sculpture. What did he just say about a theatre?
“You’ve never come, Y/N-pyon? Mankai company is the best theatre in Veludo way! You totes should come, I’ll even send you the tickets for our new performance!” before you knew it, he had already DM you what you imagined was all the background information.
The moment you unlocked it, you almost dropped the phone. The photos and drawings of the posters were amazing, and you just knew who it had done “You… never said you had a job”
Kazunari considered what you pointed out. Mankai had managed to recover from what they needed to pay but they still didn't have enough founds “I’ve never thought about our acts as a job thought”
Your mind was a mess. Being an actor and doing publicity didn’t count for him as he studied? No wonder he usually left early! Now you felt even worst. You had behaved like a… “Uh, are these original templates?” you browsed over the performances’ posters, each one more astonishing than the other “This is… wow and this one?” 
He blinked, noticing how the tone of your voice was now more soothing. You had somewhat calm down. He would high-key enjoy hearing you talk to him like that more often “Hey, enough about me. We have work to do”
You agreed, putting away your phone “You’re right but again I… I am sorry, Miyoshi. And thanks, for staying” 
“No prob, Y/N-pyon!” 
“Would you tell me what I could do so you stopped calling me that?” 
“Eeeeeeh why? I think it fits! It's super-duper cute, like you!” 
No. You told yourself.
Coming back to your senses you told yourself the warm you felt in your cheeks was due to summer starting earlier. It definitely wasn’t because of Kazunari smile directed at you, helped you or how the sun reflected on his perfect profile as you both started working on your work. 
Art was wild… but it was also an evocative of feelings.
This one has been a difficult one! I wanted Reader to kind of clash with his mindset
Hope you guys enjoy it. Have a wonderful day! 💕
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mankai-honey · 3 years
Captain Sky’s Pirates - Lizzie Elizabeth
hi,, so this is my first post!! it’s a writing exercise I did a while ago with my sky pirates OCs!! this is a little different from what I usually see on this site, but I hope you guys enjoy it!! thank you for your time!!
Night sailing always seemed somewhat soothing, with the usual squabble from the most obnoxious riffraff group of pirates and navy drowned out by the need for slumber. It felt peaceful, the only sounds being the creaking of the ship, which was practically a lullaby at this point, and the hushed waves that rocked them like a parent soothing a child. Her hands traced a section of the starboard hull of the ship, grounding herself in reality — this was her life, and how different it was to her previous one.
If she was counting correctly, Elizabeth would say it had been approximately a month since her, Paul and Lucia had joined the ragtag group of Captain Skys pirates. A vivid memory of Paul, Lucia and herself brawling against the fugitives before being thrown into a darkened and cold cell was just about laughable now when she glanced over to the helm to see Henry, the right hand man, steering the ship with her subordinate practically curled up beside him, shrouded in a coat that appeared much too large for her (Elizabeth assumed it was stolen from their previous drop in at the port) and tugging lightly at Henry’s sleeve. It appeared to be an attempt to get him to come to bed, but from the shake in his head, Elizabeth could only assume he had refused her, which required an incredible will with those puppy dog eyes. She couldn’t express it in any particular form, but Lucia had come much further since their days of being purely in the navy and she couldn’t help but be proud of the little lady of the ship. Back then, Lucia would hide behind Paul or herself at any given moment, scrambling with her sword and attempting to seem much tougher than she actually was, and they would protect her with all they could. However, now she was even giving Paul a run for his money in fighting, under the guidance of her not-so-subtle favourite on the ship.
Speaking of her partner, she didn’t think she would ever see Paul this soft for another human being in his life. The man seemed practically untouchable to the flirtation of men and women alike, always brushing them off with such lack of care — The man broke hearts with no sense of remorse, which was the exact reason Elizabeth lost her focus against the battle with Sky during their little brawl. The man who was known for rejecting any sort of oncoming attempts of courting was flirting - Confidently at that, with someone who they were hunting down. The whole scenario seemed so out of character that she had to do a double take in order to make sure all the sea sickness hadn’t induced any wild hallucinations. However, seeing him flirt now would be nothing out of the ordinary. He was always peppering Charlie with kisses when they had a moment alone (well not particularly alone, after all, Elizabeth had seen). The amount of PDA on the ship had increased substantially with those two finally confessing their attraction to one another and Paul much preferred stealing kisses rather than treasure, if he were honest. Elizabeth couldn’t deny that she gagged after hearing him admit that during one of their late night drinking sessions as he got increasingly gushy about the sleep-deprived deckhand.
Now this was the most troublesome one - Captain Sky himself. At first, she thought him insufferable; he was a pirate with the mind of a newborn (perhaps that was too generous) and an annoyingly optimistic outlook on life. He was the perfect opposite to Elizabeth and she hated that, or at least she thought she did. It sent an uncomfortable swirling in her stomach, much akin to seasickness, especially when she discovered that despite having his very own cabin, he much preferred to sleep down with his crew and would share a room with her. The most aggravating thing about him however was his care for others. She remembered calling him an idiot in his cabin as she treated his bullet wound, but he countered with a smile and a reassurance that he would do it again and in that moment Lizzie really couldn’t decide whether to kiss or punch him, so she settled for just a sigh as she sat beside the captain and wondered why her heart seems to race just a little more when she would talk with him.
They seemed like so long ago, but she could forget about that now. She couldn’t keep holding onto the past — her family, her trust issues, her fears... she was going to let them go.
She turned once more and brought Sky into a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as he returned the favour with a quiet gasp before lacing his arms around her waist and melting into the kiss. They stayed like that for a moment before pulling away, foreheads resting against each other.
“What was that for, darlin’? I’d never expect ya to do somethin’ like that.” He murmured, the breath from his lips practically burning against Lizzies compared to the frigid air. She was tempted to go in for another, but she figured that they shared a room anyway, and she could always give him just a few more later.
“It’s nothing. Let’s just go to bed, okay Captain?” She brushed his hair away from his eyes before heading below deck. A whine was heard behind her about not using his name, and she couldn’t help but giggle and admire the start of her new life.
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