#tswb ; ryan
nbwriteschaos · 2 years
hi hello hi greetings hello!!!!!!!!!
i wish to hear all about my favourite blorbos please. i want all the june and ryan and archie facts and tales please and thank you
HELLO IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO!!! it’s been lowkey chaos in my life and my brain is scrambled and rotting
archie me boy!!!!!! growing stupider every day, i think maybe he’s just lost all his brain cells from being hit by a football so many times <3 HDJDBDKDJ just kidding he’s okay, his brain has a redemption arc at some point during the novel bc he has to study to stay on his team. fun fact; he found out he was bisexual because he was always joking with his friends about how cute they were and stuff and then one day he was like. maybe this isn’t a joke anymore. and almost all of his lil sporty bros accepted him and didnt cause problems !!! sometimes they even go to him for relationship advice because hey, they think he’s a dude with double experience (when really he’s only been in like two relationships). he was the third to join the band , ryan was the second , june was the fourth ! and he actually really isn’t that good at music, he just sort of did it to look good for school and also because ryan loves it!!
ryan my pride and joy , my pessimistic mother friend. he carry’s around bandaids and pads and extra snacks and tylenol in his backpack everywhere he goes just in case anyone needs anything! on the topic of sexuality, ryan knew he liked boys, but he didn’t actually start recognizing he was transgender til about 13/14. he was like, best friends with his mom at the time and openly expressed this which unfortunately lead to not good things. however ! his aunt is his main caretaker now and has helped him get on a small dose of testosterone and also bought him his first binder after she walked in on him wrapping his chest with bandages :( she’s a bit strict, i think it’s just gonna be a Ryan’s Family thing with that, but otherwise she’s very supportive and caring and loves the band so much she’s like their second mom!! ryan loves her a lot too. also ryan smokes a lot of weed. like a lot. man’s is constantly fried. if he’s not then he’s usually either depressed or pissy, which isn’t very fun for him or others (ryan seek therapy please) uMm um he really likes studying philosophy and also doing art!! i think at some point juliette and him definitely have days where they just hang out and paint all day !! he also has a weakness for glitter.
june!!!!! gosh i love june so much have i talked about how much i LOVE june? i don’t think i’ve ever given much backstory on her? she grew up in the sorer parts of chicago, and her mom only worked at a gas station/liquor store down the street practically 12 hours a day while her dad stayed home and basically ,, did nothing besides try to raise the rest of her siblings. they did not get much attention or care/basically had to raise themselves while their dad focused on his own life and the rest of the younger kids. her sister, lily, eventually just took her to move in and stay with her at her apartment in san fransisco, which has been her place of residence since. her and lily get along rather well, lily just has a hard time keeping up with june’s mental health, and especially blames herself for june’s struggles. but overall they maintain a good relationship! june is never home much anyway, always out and about with the band or just chilling with one of them or by herself in the city. she hates school and skips a majority of her classes, especially math. her favorite food are california rolls with bread crumbs on them! also her and ryan are lowkey besties, they spend a lot of time together sharing a joint or a spritzer and exploring the city. she also really looks up to ronyn because ronyn basically gave her a reason to stay sober/stay alive, which was the band… which is more like a home to them <33
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nbwriteschaos · 2 years
there is a lot i think
archie is a complete fucking GOOFBALL!!! he's deffo one of my big faves in tswb because he's like,, the Light of it all... ive sort of decided that the vibes of tswb will be like melancholy, so i think his character will fit in really well! he's a been a part of the football team since middle school! coming out was really easy for him since everyone liked him anyway and just kind of seen it as him being an idiot. ryan is his boyfriend and he is in Deep love with him. they've been together about three years? and archie has been there to support ryan through his transition!
they're v much polar opposites as archie is super playful and goofy and dumb and ryan is very stern and smart and quiet, and i think thats honestly what makes them so fucking cute together anbd its so fun to write. v much self indulgent because thats my favorite trope ever. ryan is gonna be a be a super interesting character to write since i will be able to explore gender identity much more which is smth i'm very much interested in and also currently going through! thankfully i have many trans identifying friends who can help me with him ((and also myself LOL)) ! i want to stray away from the "kicked out cus of my sexuality" thing as much as i possibly can, but honestly, as "cliche" of a mark it makes in many lgbtq+ stories, it is a very real thing that many lgbtq+ people go through, especially transgender people.. so while it wont be his main highlight, its still a thing.
tbh i always forget about june for some reason but when i start to think about them and realize they are also apart of this story i just remember that i FUCkINGH love them and i NEED to incorporate them better!!!! i think their depth is my favorite out of all the characters. they have a history with substance abuse as i really want to draw attention to the opioid epidemic that is especially spreading widely through teenagers, and i really never see that written as a Normal thing that some people go through when it really should be recognized as a disorder/disability or whatever else one would want to consider it. i would get into detail about my opinion about that, but i won't for the sake of keeping my infodump mildly short.... plus this is only supposed to be a minor thing that has to do with their character as they have mostly gotten past it, i think its just smth very important to them and they're not at all shy about it.
june's design is also one of my favoritessss,s, they're very much inspired by like a 80s disco/arcade color palette. i think i want them to be as vibrant as possible to contrast their stoic front. there IS someone past the walls they have built up , and that someone is actually really fun and amazing and loving <333
together their whole dynamic is like two hardheaded mfs co-parenting a wild child and i think its beautiful. i think the three of them would be capable of supporting their own entire novel just bc their dynamic is so good!! and even tho ryan and archie are together, june and archie probably get along so much more because june is a big risktaker and ready for any ridiculous adventure. ((so in some weird way, june is like the chaotic dad who is only stern to their child when mom is looking SJDKGHSJKDFG))
anyways this is LONG and iM SORRY i get sososoo carried away talking about my Children and this is only like. a Little bit of insight into them LMAO but thank u so muhc for asking meeee it makes me unbelievably happy that someone is interested in my characters :] heres a kiss for u
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nbwriteschaos · 2 years
3, 10, and 13 for ryan june and archie :D (if u cannot tell, they are becoming my favourite blorbos)
3. What does their safe space look like? Ryan’s safe space is anywhere with Archie, preferably on a couch watching movies. Archie’s is on the field (and also with Ryan, he just finds he feels the least stressed while playing football), and June’s is definitely in the shed where the band gathers for practice. Sometimes she goes there when nobody is there and just hangs out, and Ronyn is okay with this!! She even gave them a key for whenever they wanna go!
10. What kind of jokes make them laugh? Archie loves dad jokes and super obvious jokes, like ones you’d find on candy wrappers. Ryan loves puns. June has a taste for dark humor.
13. Describe your characters typical wardrobe for the day. okokokko so Archie wears a lot of loose fitting clothes and doesn’t venture with his style much. He’s often found in big hoodies and jeans, other times sports shirts or his jersey. He wears Strictly converse and high tops. Ryan is more stylish, usually wearing button up shirts with funky patterns and ripped jeans and stuff like that, but when he’s feeling lazy he just opts for a white tee shirt and jeans or sweatpants. June is also very crazy with their style, like they don’t have just one style. They’re constantly doing their makeup and styling their hair, experimenting with different clothing styles and accessories. Their outfits always depend on their mood too!!!
oc ask game !!
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nbwriteschaos · 2 years
favorite tropes tag game!
— tagged by @ellaofoakhill ! thank you :]
rules: tell me your favorite trope and if/when/where you use them!
favorite big dramatic fight trope
the sword under the chin trope. mMmpGgh it’s Good ur honor. i think i once used this in an old wip involving princes and sword fighting practice. too good. too good
favorite backstory reveal trope
does a character just absolutely breaking down over one thing that triggers an absolute spiral of emotions held back during past events count? this has got to be my fave and is something that’s going to happen in tswb >:)
favorite parent/parenting/child interaction trope
super stoic characters who wind up having to take care of a kid who’s obsessed w them. absolutely adorable. i’ve never wrote it personally Yet but it always does stir some ideas. ALSO found family that includes lil ones and a dumb couple/dumb friends
favorite romance trope
mean emotionless mf vs super weird funky mf or just quiet/shy mf. this has been a trope in like,, all of my wips. juliette and ronyn, archie and ryan, eden and camilia
favorite character archetype
probably the leader ??? i find it super helpful to have a character in the story that makes it easier to progress the plot line through their actions and smarts, and i also like it in other books too!!! ronyn is v much a leader in tswb and in wtfe alteir is as well!! :]
taggingggg @wherearetheplants @enchanted-lightning-aes @sparkly-space-pirate @jezifster @carefulpyro and anyone else who would like to join in :3
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nbwriteschaos · 2 years
4 and 12 for ryan from tswb, pls? :3 - 🔮⛈ (@enchanted-lightning-aes)
ur so sexy for this thank u
4- what is your dream home like? “Archie would hate this, but like… plants everywhere but also a little bit minimalist? I will certainly be storing his jersey’s and awards in his own “man” den.. that is where he will stay too, actually.”
12- what’s a pet peeve of yours? “Misgendering. People who don’t clear their throats when they talk. People who talk too much. People who are mean to my friends. People.
oc interview ask game!!
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