#ttte ruth
steam-beasts · 1 year
Fun Game Concept!
So as you know, Choo Choo charles is a open-world game that has you constantly being hunted down by a man-eating steam engine monster while also gathering enough upgrades and weapons to kill it. Well, I just thought...
...what if it was on Sodor and the monsters were the ttte characters we know and love?
The game would take place after BWBA (but better), and would be followed up as a sequel to my TATMR, which I'm currently writing. There would also be a few elements from Security Breach, which would involve you getting collectibles or weapons that would benefit the player independently, having to sneak through certain areas.
The Story
It's been years since Lily and Patch, along with Mr Conductor had saved Lady and her magic railroad from doom. Both are now young adults when Lily gets a strange letter from her grandpa, asking for help. She decides to see what's going on and Patch tags along for the sake of it. One thing leads to another and the two find themselves on Sodor again.
But something's wrong. The engines have transformed into beast-like creatures, attacking anyone they see on sight. Mr Conductor and the two soon reunite and are enlisted to help find a cure to stop the insanity. Along the way, Lily and Patch must dodge, weave, stun and defend themselves from the horrors of Sodor!
Gameplay + tutorial
In this (not real) ttte horror game, in the first segment, you play as Mr Conductor.
Mr Conductor is who you play as for the tutorial and the rest of the segment. The tutorial involves you learning how to collect items, sneak through areas where engines are roaming and how to shoot/throw and distract enemies using the environment around you. The location of this tutorial is on Misty Island, and the tutorial uses the location as an advantage to help the player be able to navigate through foggy or dark areas without a flashlight.
The three main antagonists for the tutorial are the Logging locos (they seem fitting for baby-step missions) who are always gonna be patrolling the Logging station and beach.
For the rest of the segment, Mr Conductor is tasked with helping around the camps that are inhabited by most of the Sodor residents. Here are the tasks;
1# Reach the other end of the Logging station without being spotted (tutorial begins here)
2# Find the storage hut to store the fish
3# Talk to Ruth
4# Collect 10 peices of jobi wood around the camp to help Ruth build the handcar
5# Give the wood to Ruth
6# Talk to the three railway controllers
7# Find Junior
8# Use the handcar and go to Sodor
Scattered around the island are a total of 13 wooden sculptures of the engines. They can be found in areas that are linked the most to them.
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The Thomas sculpture can be located in the mines, a call back to Down the Mine.
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The Percy sculpture can be found hanging off the edge of a dilapidated truck, a somewhat reference to Percy's Predicament.
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The Edward sculpture can be located at the back of his old berth at Tidmouth Sheds. This is a reference to Edward's Day Out.
The game would have ps1-style graphics and the environment is really dark to increase uneasiness for the player.
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The engines
The engines are the enemies of the game. They don't have any dialogue as they've all gone nearly fully insane and feral, practically animals at this point. So good luck begging them to stop, your pleas will fall on deaf ears.
But they're not evil! They're just hungry...I promise. The hunger is strong, so powerful that it hurts. They are just as innocent as you...
The engines are so hungry that they don't want a friendly chat. You smell...so good, every fleshy creature they find smells so sweet...so divine...so delicious. Looks like you've got some massive mouths to feed, Sir.
They stalk around the darkness, looking for something to eat, somewhere to sleep, somewhere to be free. Sodor has recently been gathering a lot of dark clouds, making everywhere dark, but they don't mind at all. Too much brightness hurts their eyes.
You'll know who and where they are, just listen for the blast of a whistle or the honk of a horn.
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spc-rambles · 4 months
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"Why does my mummy call your mummy baby girl?"
"I don't know."
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ladychandraofthemoone · 5 months
Monster Engine Infection/Virus AU Rambles Stankyle Angst:
Yep, I’ve joined the bandwagon basically Kyle gets released from the lamp with the organization’s “assistance” though they had their own plans and made Kyle “patient 0” well for the narrow gauge engines and dumped him nearby the skarloey railway after he attempted to escape where he was then found recused and reunited with Stanley who’s is overjoyed and immediately keeps him updated one everything that has happened, weeks to a month pass and Kyle is settling in nicely Stanley has done all he can to help him recover to the point that the older engines had to tell him to take a break cause he’s overworking himself (guy wants to impress Kyle so bad he’s got it bad)
Then one day after having to handle people and differing them about “proteus” he falls “ill” at the same time some of the standard and miniature engines fall “ill” Stanley is understandably nervous and worried for Kyle often staying up late into the night keeping Kyle company who seems to be getting worse each passing day…
The currently skarloey railway manager, Sir Handel Hans Brown understands Stanley’s feelings and lets him stay though it’s the older engines mainly Duke and Nia gently yet firmly convincing him that Kyle wouldn’t want to see him running himself down to the ground as he’s doing both of their jobs.
So for the first time in what felt like ages Stanley leaves Kyle on his own devices in the shed with Kyle’s encouragement of course it getting hard to smile and remain confident in himself but he hold his grin till Stanley is out of view…
So when Stanley returns as quickly as he can worried but hopeful he finds the shed doors closed which is odd Kyle always wants them open even in rainy or snowy weather he hasn’t experienced it in 50 years
“Hey Kyle I’m back,sorry it took so long-…” So his driver and fireman,Benji and Charlie, Ruth’s apprentices who Stanley watched grow up after Ruth took him in before he went to the mid-sodor railway open the doors..,
It’s dark..there’s a strong stretch none of them can place..but over in the corner hunched over…something..Stanley could make out the familiar shape of Kyle..a nagging sense of dread filled his boiler as Stanley prayed to the Lady above that this wasn’t real..
Golden eyes turned to his names, no they’re not Kyle’s warm honey brown eyes they’re now more feline-like with bright red silts and golden irises and matching light sclera, sparkling ✨ glittering ✨ golden tears dripping from them and his mouth…
“K-Kyle?..” it was then he finally noticed what Kyle was…chewing at…ripping up..or what remained of a certain B12 that was their former supervisor..
Everyone throughout the entire railway was alerted to the sounds of Stanley’s gut wrenching screams of absolute sadness and terror, Benji and Charlie screamed too but not as loudly as Stanley as people workman and any nearby engines rushed over to contain Kyle who was reaching out a clawed?paw?hand?engines don’t have fur engines don’t have hands towards Stanley…
“S-Stan?” Minutes before Stanley screamed, Kyle managed to mutter a “run…please…” trying so hard to keep his new instincts,his urges but finally gave in as he became aware of the horrified looks and shouts from everyone ,their pointed fingers and some of them holding… no he won’t be trapped anymore, he won’t let them trap him…
Without thinking he lunged towards the first thing he saw coming towards him,being Duke, Nia,Skarloey,Rheneas, Charlie and Benji..Stanley now realizing what he has done immediately rolled forward towards him calling out for him as Kyle turned his attention to Stanley....
like god the feels and how everyone gotta be handling this especially Stanley considering he nearly loses an eye (he and Thomas have eye trauma here and Kyle is either directly or indirectly involved…) gotta do a follow-up post on this and maybe art…
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bruhstation · 2 years
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now’s your chance to become a hero, miss nassif.
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imitation-steamroller · 4 months
I kinda love that all of the coaches on the Skarloey Railway are named in the books? idk, I've always liked when characters other than the engines get to have names. It makes em feel like they're part of the family, y'know?
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pinkyberet · 5 months
T&F Villain Oc Ruth Nagle
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Before Ella-Rose Worked At The SR, On Her Previous Railway, She Had To Work With A Larger Engine Who Was Full Of Herself. She Wanted To Be Treated And Looked Up To As A Queen, As Well As Demanding Others To Do Her Dirty Work. Ella-Rose Being One Of Her Victims, Fled The Previous Railway Trying To Escape Her. Ruth Realizing This, Then Started Chasing Her To Get Back To Her Duties, Before Eventually Derailing And Crashing Of A Viaduct To Her Perish. So Ever Since Ella-Rose Made It To Safety Being The SR, Ruth Is Now Trying As A Spirit To Torment Her And Ruin Her Image In Front Of The Other Engines.
(This Will Also Show The Ella-Rose Wasn’t ALWAYS A Absolute Nutcase From The Start)
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master-of-the-railway · 6 months
Big Important Question!!!
I am wanting to put out a TTTE fic and I'd had one in the works, but I've been developing my Big Boy ocs (and yes I did make ocs out of all 25 originally built) and a story about them could be really fun, especially the canon I've made up for them so-
The Raven and The Rose Finch: A fic centered around Cleo meeting Hiro for the first time, in which she ends up learning about his past due to an unfortunate situation. Also includes a fair amount of Ruth and my ocs for Hiro's driver and fireman.
Take Me Home, Country Rails: Union Pacific is planning on scrapping nearly all of their "Big Boy" engines, and Ruth is determined to protect such an important piece of her country's railroad history with the help of the Fat Controller. Much to her relief, he's delighted to make an effort to save them all...but when push comes to shove, 25 giant freight locomotives might be a bit more than the island of Sodor can handle.
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fabianvalencia561 · 11 months
G-1 in ttte form?
I forgot to answer this ....
Sorry for leaving you hanging (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)I been very busy...,
Here is G-1
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They're actually in my au but they are not threatening or anything they're just a kid that can't speak that professor Owen Ruth made out of random scraps
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cerenemuxse · 7 months
So i finally watched BWBA (Season 24)
My very useless review of BWBA Season 24
Please make your own opinions. Don't be like me (way before this) and base yours off of everyone's else. That's why I put useless, because it is if you hadn't made your own.
Surprisingly, this season was in plain sight, as well as other T&F seasons.
Emily's Best Friend
I hated it. I still hate. Sorry, but the 2-12 interaction could not save it. I still love that moment though. To me, Emily is OOC.
Thomas' Fuzzy Friend
Wholesome filler episode with a ref to Thomas the Babysitter, which is one of my all-time favorites. I love it.
The Great Little Engine Show
Eh- i like the mention of the model engines. Don't have anything against it but it doesn't stick out. .3.
Thomas and the Forest Engines
I like it. :D I like the storyline about why certain engines are allocated to certain places.
Emily to the Rescue
Peak Emily moment. I love it but why did it take so long for her to get her number??? 😭 Oh, well. I still love it.
I love that bring out her caring aspect. It's like her intro episode. (I finally watched it and MAN, i wish I got that Emily growing up 😭 she just came off as a bossy big sister /neg)
Shankar's Makeover
Shankar's like me. /srs I like this episode for addressing situations like this. Stage fright, not wanting attention, and being someone who keeps to themself. Nice episode.
Nia and the Unfriendly Elephant
The references are nice. I love Nia's love for animals and her assignment to the park. Before, her job wasn't permanent. Also, Belle is here. I love her. I love them. I like it. :]
Until I watch all of Nia's episodes, I won't be commenting on how she supposedly repeats learning things from Kenya all the damn time.
However, I do have a problem with the argument being made. It feels like it dimisses that different cultures interact like this most of the time, bringing up the ways they handle certain situations. From my expierence, i hear where these differences come from all the time, even if I know the person well enough.
I just don't see the problem with Nia bringing up how things different are between her old home and Sodor. It feels relatable, despite the fact that I'm Hispanic (Mexican), and it makes sense.
James the Super Engine
I ADORE THIS EPISODE. I've talked about it before but in short, I love how James is portrayed. Could've EASILY written him as a hero who gave up and didn't bother checking up on Rebecca when she yelled for help. But no, they went the right way. James IS caring but considering the environment he's had to work in for so many years, you can see why he doesn't show it. But here, HE DOES.
And when he realizes that Rebecca is in trouble? Its his normal voice, whereas before, it was his superhero voice.
My honest reaction whenever i watch it:
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Thomas' Not-So-Lucky Day
Eh- I think the lesson is pretty good about getting those good things by thinking positively and working towards them instead of letting luck be the decision maker.
Ace's Brave Jump
I dont care.
Nia's Bright Idea
W Nia for being resourceful and bringing things together. I like it.
Cleo's First Snow
I like it.
Sonny's Second Chance
I like it.
Thomas and the Inventor's Workshop
I dont care for Ruth but I like it. Its decent.
The Inventor's Bridge
That bridge is going to fall over but there's probably physics that I don't understand that makes it make sense. At the end though, i could care less.
Yong Bao and the Tiger
I've seen it before.
I initially didn't like it due to the dynamics of the story. Like why is a massive engine like Yong Bao shunting in the yard?
However, i like it more now. I can dismiss the dynamic.
Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through!
I've talked about it before. Its confusing, especially with its placement. Would've worked better as the episode following 'Confusion Without Delay".
Despite this, i like their dynamic.
Gordon's behavior is tiresome. I usually ignore it but i've seen enough of CGI TTTE that im getting sick and tired out of it. I've heard that his character growth was forgotten but i havent seen enough to have a say.
Kenji on the Rails
Mixed feelings on this one because Hiro's leaving. :( Stop writing off my favorite characters.
In my second, I noticed Hiro's "konnichiwa" and got thrown off completely. Odd how they're JUST now bringing out Hiro's first language. I don't remember seeing this brought out before BWBA.
Not really a review because of that. I'm sour about it.
Cleo the Road Engine
Ah, the intro episode. I thought it was in season 23. Its just Thomas and Bertie rewritten but Cleo is avoiding her jobs. No, it somehow didn't destroy my liking to her.
Thomas' Animal Friends
I think its cute but Thomas would've straight up ignored Gordon.
Overall impression: Not as shitty as its made to be. It has its good moments and bad moments.
I'm so glad that I wasn't bombarded with fantasy sequences with this one. Those are just plain ridiculous, for the most part. In some episodes, it fits like James the Super Engine and Thomas' Animal Friends. The one in Emily's Best Friend made me cringe but I enjoyed it because its Edwad and Emily.
Listen, I'm desperate for 2-12 content, man, and I've been ignoring model era for a good while because I just dont want to.
Uh, that's it.
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~More Ttte Design~
~The Diesels~
❤️Pip and Emma, Derek, Den, Dart, Bear, Sydney, Arry, Bert❤️
~The Skarloey Railway~
🧡Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Rusty, Duncan, Duke, Smudger, Freddy, Mighty Mac, Luke, Nancy🧡
~The Bluebell Railway~
~The Miniature Engines~
💚Mike, Rex, Bert, Jock💚
~Non-Rail Vehicles~
💙Madge, Bertie, Caroline, Bulgy, Elizabeth, Trevor, Buster, George, Jeremy, Thumper💙
~The Cranes~
💜Cranky, Carly Harvey, Rocky💜
~The Big Engines~
🩷Hank, Neville, Murdoch, Hiro, Molly, Connor and Caitlin, Flying Scotsman, City of Turo, Duchess of Hamilton🩷
~Sodor Search and Rescue Team~
❤️Flynn, Belle, Harold, Rocky❤️
🧡Charlie, Ryan, Arthur Nia, Kana Philip, Scruffy, The Spiteful Breakvan, Flora, Stanley, Aurelia, Jinty and Pug, Neil, Thomas' Special Coach🧡
~The Steelworks Engines~
💛Frankie, Hurricane, Lexi and Theo, Merlin💛
~The Misty Island Hillbillies~
💚Bash and Dash, Ferdinand💚
~The China Clay Company~
💙Bill and Ben, Timothy, Marion💙
~The Steamworks~
💜Victor and Kevin💜
~Sodor Trash Team~
🩷Scruff and Whiff🩷
~The Ulfstead Railway~
❤️Millie, Glynn, Stephen❤️
~Shining Time Station~
🧡Burnett Stone, Mr. Conductor (Alec Baldwin, Ringo Starr, George Carlin, Junior) Lilly, Patch, Billy Two-feathers, Stacy Jones, PT.Boomer🧡
~Marvellous Machinery~
💛Ruth, Cleo💛
~The Technology Thief’s~
💚Sonny, Baz and Bernie💚
~The Horrors of Hawin Lake~
💙Dane/1020, Hawin💙
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greendreamer · 4 years
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Fantasy!AU: Ruth Piroire
This reference sheet was done way before Thomas and the Royal engine actually came out. This was more based on bits of information (including false information regarding her name) we knew about Duchess before. The Steamie!AU version will be much like the final version of Duchess Of Loughborough
A royal guard at Buckingham Palace. An old acquaintance of Spencer's, back from when they both attended an academy, learning the etiquette of a royal guard (or at least a member of staff of the royal family). However, Spencer didn’t pass with as such flying colours as Ruth. Causing to becoming just a butler, and chauffeur, to a distance (one that people question if they are even really related) cousin of something. Ruth, on the other hand, not only became a personal royal guard but is on personal terms (or at least on first name basics) with a good amount of the royal family.
Back in their academy days, Spencer was always bragging, showing off, claiming that he would end being captain of the royal guard or something as grand as that. So, nowhere days, where possible she’ll slightly boast to him. Like, “Just got off the phone with her majesty, Queen of England, otherwise known as, Liz.”
Ruth is levelheaded, organized, likes to do thing by the books but enjoys having fun at the same time. Duchess is just a nickname she gained, thanks to Spencer.
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Is Carly still a crane in your headcanon?
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Yes, she’s a rail tie/railway crane in my au (photo from the industry-railway suppliers, inc.) a kershaw 12-12 tie crane built around 1985-1993. She works alongside Sandy who both are owned by the Crovan’s Gate Works more specifically by Dr Ruth Bell on the maintenance trains laying down rail sleepers while cleaning up the tracks with Harvey.
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 months
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For you
Also 3 Questions for Stanley
1: have you got to meet your siblings before? Like the trench engine Davenport
2: do you ever wish you could visit your other home in the states?
3: if you could be rebuilt into any engine you want what would it be?
Stanley: oh?! For…for me….uh…heh thank you I think?(I don’t know why you bother, I’m boring…). Well starting off, I was one of 495 locomotives in the class to be built and I was immediately sent off overseas though I was not in a serviceable condition(guess that where my rotten luck began…the moment where I was bulit)… so I had to be fixed in a workshop which took over a month, that’s where I received my.. my first firing..
(perhaps that where my rotten luck began…I shouldn’t have been built in the first place)..
As a result , I never got to meet my “siblings”, especially this “Davenport fellow”…though from what I’ve hear of some went sent to other countries and railways like Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿, Morocco 🇲🇦,Australia 🇦🇺 and India 🇮🇳(Kyle…he said he would take me to India 🇮🇳…I miss him) though I do have brothers in the form of Luke, we love talking about anything if we get the time too and… tired sigh… Andreas, Stuart and Falcon, I love them but…grumpy grouchy eldest sibling sigh..and the last two are mean’t to be older than me…
I’m… torn on visiting the states as I must admit.. I don’t have any feelings or connections to that place that automatically sent me off to a new country to fight in the exact same year I was built and especially the flaws that place has though from what Miss Ruth told me about her hometown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as long as the others come with me they’ll maybe one day I’ll visit but for now I’m content with just staying here 
As for the last question… I… I wish wished I was rebuilt in any engine that wouldn’t..just screw up everything…anything would be better than me…perhaps an engine built by the Hunslet Engine Company like Nia and Freddie…as long as it’s not standard gauge (I’m… I’m terrified to think about what he would’ve done to me….) though I wish I was built in and for India 🇮🇳, maybe then….maybe then Kyle and I would’ve been together (I would’ve protected him better)
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 months
Do Sandy and Kana exist in this universe? If so, were their basis changed so as to keep faithful to the series' British roots? (for example, Sandy being changed from a Motorcar/Rail Speeder into a BR Class 15)
Hi, Sandy and Kana do exist in my au. Sandy is a fairmont mt14 rail speeder/inspection trolley built by the current CME at Crovan’s Gate Dr. Ruth Bell who has also built Philip and Cleo, thus becoming siblings like and best friends. She is currently owned by the works though Sandy loften shunt at the big stations but usually is seen doing track repairs and maintenance on all of the others as well alongside the works gang/crew with her ability to switch her tools.
Sandy also acts as Ruth’s main personal inspection trolley since Cleo isn’t that use to the busy railway life. Also fun fact, both Sandy and Cleo can switch their gauges from miniature-narrow-standard (though this might change for Cleo) sandy especially to help out with maintenance on all the railways (except the cfr though knowing how much spunk and a bit of a daredevil Sandy is, that’s probably for the best.)
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Kana on the other hand, works on the Peel Godred Branchline alongside her twin Akira, Riff and Jiff (who’s names are changed) Stafford and a bunch of ocs having been introduced during my take of the International Railway Show Competition in the 90s-early 2000s. Kana and Akira are high speed electric engines (they are either Class 951 Shinkansen built in the 1970s or my take of the BR Class 93 (InterCity 250) billy by Hitachi Rail (so they’re a A-train). that works on the Peel Godred Branch Line extension from Peel Godred to Barrow-In-Furness. They’re both very good friends with the CFR engines.
Once Ruth attempted to make them and some of the other electric engines independent from electricity albeit via power charging stations hence to why Kana tries to go about the island more while the other were content being in one place, mainly to the earl’s estate railway despite her battery draining quicker though they have charging stations in the museums since she’s rechargeable like Stafford as Ruth helped install it at Crovan’s Gate Works, there’s also charging stations at both Ulfstead, Vicarstown and of course Peel Godred itself.
thank you for the ask 👋😊😊
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ladychandraofthemoone · 11 months
Traintober Day 24 🔧⚙️🧰🛠️
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Sandy!! I got inspired by Lunella Lafayette,she was Bulit by Ruth alongside Cleo and Philip 💓💗💞💖 She’s like a utility worker, being on the maintenance gang at Crovan Gate’s works, helping repair the tracks and fellow engines, fellow engines etc and shunting/station pilot duties at the big stations and of course inventing, best mechanic hands down🧰⚙️🔧🛠️.
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Pose Reference:
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master-of-the-railway · 7 months
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Cleo and Ruth moment (I am writing a fic)
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