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Today I did something a little different for my Almost Daily Drawing Countdown to The Umbrella Academy Season Two...
As some (maybe all?) of you may know, I also write fan fiction over on AO3 (my username is TwistedIllusions) but I’ve been kind of stuck in a rut for it. It’s been nearly a month since I’ve touched my current WIP (not that I don’t want to! Just haven’t had the motivation) SO today I decided to draw a snapshot from it for my countdown. Allow me to introduce you to Klaus Hargreeves with his daughter Riley from my stories:
What I Never Knew I Always Wanted
I Promised That I Would Never Leave You
I think this turned out super cute. So I had to share! Sorry it’s kind of random haha but if you like it, be sure to check out my stories as well! If you do, I would love to hear what you think!! :)
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Finally Updated My One-Shot Series
I finally uploaded the second one shot to my “Aftermath” series....Honestly, I picked and picked at this one for way too long, but I blame my brain because that’s what it does best.
Anyway, if you’re interested in reading, here is a link:
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**My Self Rec Post!**
Hey guys! This is my post recommending my own stories that I feel you should check out! I don’t have a ton, so I’m just going to list all of them.. lol
I do have other stories I’m planning on writing as well, so if any of these peak your interest, definitely keep checking back for more!
**AS A WARNING: Most of my fics are pretty angsty/whumpy (that’s why I included the gif above haha)...I’ll add TW’s per story as a recommend though! So don’t worry!
Please, I hope you’ll enjoy! :)
My Multi-Chapters:
1- I’m Not Okay
Rated T - 16 chapters - 43,966 words - COMPLETE.
Summary- They stopped the apocalypse. Unfortunately for Klaus, that didn’t mean things would change for the better. Even though he felt he put forth his best efforts, his family evidently did not. When withdrawal symptoms bare down hard on Klaus, his family doesn’t seem to notice. Or, they simply don’t care. When time goes on and his symptoms only seem to get worse, Klaus is suddenly faced with the harsh realization that maybe this is more than just withdrawals...maybe he’s not okay.
TW: Major Character Death/Vomiting/Withdrawal/Terminal Illness/Cancer
NOTES: This was the first story I wrote for this fandom and the first story I had written in 10 years. It’s a little rusty, but overall I am extremely proud of this! (Warning though, it is pretty sad.) Hopefully all of the tender family bonding moments help offset all of the sadness!
2- The Only Hope For Me Is You (Sequel/Alternative Timeline to I’m Not Okay)
Rated M - 20 Chapters - 104,404 words - **UPDATE** NOW COMPLETE
Summary- What if Dave never died in Klaus's arms? What if instead, he convinced Klaus to quit taking drugs while still in 1968; 'Causing him to start his withdrawals while he was still in Vietnam. If Klaus was too sick to fight, he and Dave would have never made it to the front lines. Meaning they discovered Klaus's cancer sooner—Was it soon enough to save his life?
TW: Major Character Death/Cancer/Vomiting/Withdrawal
NOTES: This story was my way to solve the ending in its predecessor. Just know that with this one—Not everything is always as it seems! You’ll know what I mean when you read the final chapter! Still sad, but adding Dave into the mix adds a lot of opportunity for tender moments, too! I personally prefer this one over I’m Not Okay. This one can be read as a stand alone piece, but it is technically a sequel!
3- What I Never Knew I Always Wanted
Rating: T - 13/17 Chapters - 89,373 words - INCOMPLETE (See notes!)
Summary: Klaus always knew he was a fuck up; a low life good for absolutely nothing drug addict. He’d made plenty of mistakes in his life, and he accepted it. But when his casual Tuesday fling winds up pregnant and doesn’t want the baby, Klaus can’t just abandon it...can he?
Klaus’s entire perspective on life changes when that sweet, innocent bundle of joy gets placed into his hands. In that moment Klaus knew he needed to change. He needed to be a better person, he needed to be there wholly for his daughter.
His past mistakes needed to be just that: Mistakes from his past; his present and future now solely revolved around keeping his precious baby girl happy, healthy and safe.
TW: Withdrawal/Ghosts/Mentions of Drug and Alcohol abuse/ Mentions of Past Physical Abuse/ Mentions of attempted Suicide
NOTES: This is a daddy!Klaus fic! My first attempt at major fluffy-ness (and I feel that I shockingly succeeded with this! It’s a miracle! Lol) but don’t let the adorable baby subject matter throw you, it is my story, there’s still plenty of angst! 13 of 17 chapters have been posted, but I’ve already written 14 chapters and I have them all entirely planned out already! I write every day guys, and I post every week, so you’ll never have to worry about me not completing a story. If I publish it, it’s getting finished. I promise!!
**This is my personal favorite story of mine I’ve written!**
I also have decided that this story will be part of a series with additional one shots that look into special little moments in their lives and there will be a SEQUEL for this one as well! :)
My One Shots:
1- Wore My Heart Out On A Chain Around My Neck (And Now It’s Missing)
Rated: T - 4,476 words - COMPLETE
Summary: Klaus would hold onto Dave’s dog tags; clutch them firmly within his palms and run his fingertips over the cool stainless steel memorabilia, cherishing the sensation of Dave’s name carved within the insignia against his skin. This was all that he had left of him; his only tether to Dave left in this world—his most treasured possession.
Or, Dave’s dog tags break, and so does Klaus.
TW: PTSD/Brief description of past drug and alcohol abuse/ Underlying health problem/Hinted Major Character Death
NOTES: This is my first installment for my Bad Things Happen Bingo card. Prompt: Most Treasured Possession Destroyed. This one I really went for it you guys, I’m extremely proud of how it turned out. There’s an unexpected twist to make this prompt all the more heart wrenching! I hope you’ll enjoy it!
2- Their Secondhand Smoke
Rated: T - 5,821 words - COMPLETE
Summary: Had he been in his right mind perhaps he would have realized his mistake, recognized the fact that the absolute worst thing to do when faced with a grease fire is to throw water on it, but unfortunately his brain was muddled by an abundance of drugs.
Instantly the flames expanded, reaching higher towards the rafters as it engulfed the entire kitchen in fire.
TW: Heavy drug use/Vague OR referenced sexual actions/Being trapped
NOTES: This is my second installment for my Bad Things Happen Bingo card. Prompt: Trapped in a burning building. This one is a bit of a scary subject matter as you could imagine guys! I tried to delve into the fear aspect and also somehow squeeze some tender stuff in.
**I plan on having a blackout card for my bingo! So if you like these, definitely keep checking back on AO3!
**My Username is TwistedIllusions**
Thanks for checking these out! If you read any of them, I would absolutely love to hear from you! So feel free to leave me a comment with your thoughts and opinions if you’d like! I sure would adore it!! ❤️
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Hello!! This is my first post for the week, and I’m going to list a few of my favorite writers within the fandom! In this post I’ll name the specific story of theirs that sparked enough interest in my soul to help me discover them, kept me coming back and always looking forward to reading more of their works!
1: LiviJoyann - Neon Groves
I have so many writers I am absolutely head over heels in love with their writing on AO3, but I feel that I owe it to Liv to mention them first on this list, and specifically mention their absolutely stunningly beautiful story Neon Groves. I feel like I need to include a teensy tiny bit of backstory with this one, so here we go: I used to write nearly 10 years ago but stopped suddenly and never returned to it. I discovered TUA and it was instantly love at first viewing, and when I finished watching I knew I had to expand my interest and see if there were any stories written by the absolutely wonderful fans within the fandom. This story was the first one that I discovered and it absolutely BLEW MY MIND it was so phenomenally executed! Her writing, and the story that she builds, and every single detail is so beautifully well done!! While you’re reading along with these characters, it’s like you’re standing beside them within each chapter, creating these friendships, and playing out the “scenes”! The picture she paints is just - WOW!! I truly wish that we caught a glimpse even slightly similar to this in the show! Seriously, if you want to imagine how Klaus and Dave came to be from their first meeting, navigating their time together in a war zone, and eventually get the most detailed insight into how those two dolls fell in love, well, then this is the story for you!!! ADDED BONUS: This is the story that reignited the fire within my own heart and inspired me to pick up writing again after so many years as well! So, thanks Liv! I appreciate you! Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of AO3, but especially - thank you for inspiring me to get back into something I’d almost forgotten just how much I love to do!! ❤️❤️
2: Siriuspiggyback - Counting Down The Days To Go
Upon further exploration within AO3, I quickly stumbled upon this story and all I can say is this - It is so beautifully written!!! Every single emotion really struck a chord deep within my heart, and I felt every single emotion so vividly! Every ounce of joy as the family grew to recognize just how deeply they truly loved Klaus, to every heartbreaking ounce of utter despair and sadness as you realized just how quickly they were losing him! (Little warning: this is a terminal illness fic where Klaus has cancer) that being said, I can honestly and truly say that this is the first story that has ever reduced me to a sniveling wreck, a weeping mass of tears, and left me that way for quite some time! This is definitely one of those stories that you will never forget, and whenever you’re in the mood for a good cry, you’ll remember this one and come back to read it again, and absolutely destroy yourself over, and over, and over again! (Or maybe that’s just me?!) Seriously though, this is soooo well done, so emotionally gripping, and just a fantastic story from beginning to end! Could not recommend it any more! But hey, if something that’s definitely on the more sad side of the spectrum isn’t what you’re looking for, I still highly recommend you check this writer out!! Kay has a ton of other amazing stories within this fandom, there’s definitely going to be something that matches your TUA needs, I promise!
3: VeteranKlaus - Soldier Boy AND The Ghost Of Us
Allow me to just say that this creator is absolutely an endless pit of creativity and is constantly adding more absolutely fantastic works into this fandom! Literally, Daniel has over 40 stories and is coming up with new, amazing ideas on the daily (at least it sure seems that way!) I am blown away by the works that he cranks out, EVERY.SINGLE.ONE is so unique, so different than so many other stories I’ve ever read before, and just so sensationally gripping! I am blown away!! Soldier Boy was their first work that I read from him and I’ll be honest, it is a WIP, but I look forward to the day he updates it CONSTANTLY!! I am so in love!! Everything about this story is unique; When I first read this I had never, ever read a story that even slightly mirrored anything similar to this one (SPOILER ALERT: Klaus returning home from the war differently after sustaining a dramatic injury) every single bit of detail, every single insight into Klaus’s emotional state of mind, his physical state of being and his new struggles as he’s still very freshly coping with this injury, as well as losing his love and returning home and just—good lord, I could rave about it for days! It’s so well executed and just—wow! So freaking good! Now, as I said it is a WIP so it is not complete, but I was instantly hooked on this writer and so I explored more of his works (this channel is definitely angst centric as a fair warning, but if you’re anything like me and live for that kind of content then literally, every single one of his are absolutely amazing, again, you’re definitely going to find something you like here!) NEXT I read The Ghost of us and HOLY COW!!! I have never, ever seen a spin on Klaus’s time travel as I have with this story! I would say spoiler alert, but as soon as you read the description you’ll know exactly what the story is about and MAN it does not disappoint!!! Instead of traveling to 1968 Vietnam, Klaus lands in 1940’s Berlin. Let me just say that this story is absolutely mind blowing, it’s amazing, it’s heartbreaking and I cannot even form into words all of the wonderful things I can say about it! Just take my advice and go read it! (And yes, Dave is still in it!!!) haha
4: ObliqueOptimism - Those Days Are Gone, And My Heart Is Full
I’ll just say this; just like the writer’s I’ve listed above, Sara is also PROLIFIC and has over SIXTY WORKS for TUA, what?! And I swear, I think I’ve read every single one of them! Each story is so absolutely amazing in their own way! These stories also range from absolutely full of emotions, to the fluffy sweet tender side of the spectrum, so they definitely have a story somewhere within this vast, beautiful collection for you! I can’t remember which story was the first one I read from them, so I’ve included my absolute favorite!! This story, this story right here is the first Parent!Klaus fic I have ever read! They did such a gorgeous job at detailing Klaus’s journey as a daddy and raising his beautiful baby Jackson! This story has joy, sad moments, beautifully tender moments between a father and son and just so many wonderful story points that I really think you should take a moment to read this! It’s absolutely wonderful! Sara is incredibly talented, I definitely think you should peruse through their stories and try one on for size!
There are so many wonderfully talented writers for this fandom you guys! I have SO MANY MORE that I’d recommend over and over again for this fandom but I’m probably going to split these REC’s up and have a post each day! Again, I cannot stress to you enough how fantastic the writers and stories I’ve listed above are, I highly recommend you check them out if you haven’t already!
Keep sharing all of your REC’s guys!! This is a week about celebrating TUA and our support and appreciation for this fandom and each other! Keep that creativity flowing! I’ll look forward to seeing what everyone else has to share!! ❤️❤️
You can find their tumblrs here:
LiviJoyann (doesn’t have one that I’m aware of—sorry!)
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Second installment for my Bad Things Happen Bingo!
Prompt: Trapped In A Burning Building
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Title (w/Link!): Their Secondhand Smoke
Had he been in his right mind perhaps he would have realized his mistake, recognized the fact that the absolute worst thing to do when faced with a grease fire is to throw water on it, but unfortunately his brain was muddled by an abundance of drugs.
Instantly the flames expanded, reaching higher towards the rafters as it engulfed the entire kitchen in fire.
Characters: Klaus Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Eudora Patch, a few miscellaneous OC’s
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