parvathytransorze · 1 year
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WHO has classified Congenital tuberculosis  under the ICD-10 code P37.0, which falls  in  the range -Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period .
For More Details :
🌐 http://nationalinstituteofmedicalcoding.com/
☎ +919495833319
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transorzekochi · 1 year
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ICD-10 code P37.0 for Congenital tuberculosis is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range - Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period .
For more details
🌐 www.transorze.com
☎️ 9495833319
#tubeculosis #ICD10 #medicalcoding #medicalcodingservices #health #AAPC #CPT #CPC #workfromhomeopportunity #education #maternalhealth #transorzesolutions
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ICD-10 code P37.0 for Congenital tuberculosis is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range - Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period .
For more details
🌐 www.transorze.com
☎️ 9495833319
#tubeculosis #ICD10 #medicalcoding #medicalcodingservices #health #AAPC #CPT #CPC #workfromhomeopportunity #education #maternalhealth #transorzesolutions
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njhgc · 4 years
Building a brighter future: Morris County’s Community Chest
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A century ago Americans sought new ways to address social and economic issues that town hall, police, and fire officials could not, and were too big for any one charity or house of workshop to solve alone. They created the Community Chest.
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This movement swept the nation during the early 20th century as a means to pool economic resources from local businesses and residents to better meet common needs that local and county governments did not account for.
Some agencies supported by Community Chests later operated with municipal support, or their functions viewed as so vital by taxpayers that they adopted programs of their own, such as those dedicated to confronting child abuse, after-school activities for children and teens, services for senior citizens, and unemployment assistance and job training.  
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More information on the Community Chest Movement can be found here.
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merryfortune · 2 years
saviorshipping hanahaki au that combines both traditional and reverse hanahaki. under a cut because. vomitting.
Ryoken’s got reverse hanahaki and is now vomitting flowers because Spectre’s feeling insecure about their relationship because of Yusaku.
Spectre’s got traditional hanahaki because on top of his very passionate Ryoken feelings, he’s also feeling curious (and surprisingly even positive rather than jealous) towards the perceived threat to his and Ryoken’s established relationship in the form of Yusaku. That extra link though, it is very kinky.
And then poorest little meow meow Yusaku is vomitting because Ryoken refuses to acknowledge Yusaku’s feelings towards him and because Spectre is tiptoeing around feelings that he has for Yusaku.
I’m not one hundred percent sold on all these picks but Spectre is definitely vomitting wisteria. Ryoken might be vomitting magnolias. Yusaku is vomitting cornflowers for Ryoken and magnolias because of Spectre.
Its a mess and I have no idea how to resolve it because I don’t love the surgery. I’m sorry but I’m here for the magical healing love & romanticising tubeculosis.
edit: Yusaku would probably be the best pov character for this because I think the development of “vomitting cornflowers, same old, same old” to “where the hell did these magnolias come from???” sounds like the best character arc
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scotianostra · 7 years
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On November 15th 1873 the Statue to Greyfriar's Bobby, who stayed by his master's grave for 14 years was unveiled.
Bobby was a little Skye Terrier dog owned by John Gray (or 'Auld Jock' as he was known to locals) Bobby was so loyal to his master that when Auld Jock died of tubeculosis on 15th February in 1858 and was buried in an unmarked grave in Greyfriar's Kirkyard, Bobby kept a daily vigil and lay over his masters grave for 14 years until his own death.
Bobby became such a popular sight that people would come from all over the country to wait at the gates for the One O' Clock Gun to be fired, Bobby's signal to temporarily leave his post to be fed by locals.
Originally a Gardener, John Gray came to Edinburgh in the early 1800's with his wife Jess and his son also named John. Due to the harsh winter weather there was little work for a garderner and so John Gray joined The Edinburgh Police as constable No.90 where he was required to get a watch dog.
There began a devoted partnership that lasted 14 years after his death and has been imortalised in Scottish History.
Lady Burdett-Coutts, president of the Ladies Committee of the RSPCA commisioned sculptor William Brody to make the statue from life, and it was unveiled without ceremony in November 1873, opposite Greyfriars Kirkyard exactly 20 months after Bobby passed away.
Scotland’s Capital city will always remember its most famous and faithful dog Bobby’s headstone reads “Greyfriars Bobby – died 14th January 1872 – aged 16 years – Let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all”. . The red granite fountain offered drinking water to humans using stone drinking cups attached by chains until 1975. Dogs drank from an octagonal trough at ground level.
In 1961 Walt Disney turned Bobby's Story into a much loved feature film and more recently a new version of the story " The Adventures of Greyfriar's Bobby" directed by John Henderson was released in cinemas in February 2006.
The pics are of the statue circa late 18 century and The Traill Family with Bobby, they owned Traill’s Restaurant and used to feed Bobby at their premises, now Greyfriar Bobby’s Bar
If you're reading this, and maybe thinking about paying a wee visit to Bobby, the statue is on the "corner" of George IV Bridge and Candlemaker Row, please keep your paws off his nose!
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy At School
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/ways-to-keep-your-kids-healthy-at-school/
Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy At School
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Once the school year starts, it won’t be long before the sniffles and coughs start as well. We’ve got you covered with these herbal ways to keep your kids healthy at school.
By Heather Harris, Contributing Writer
School is back in session for nearly all of us. Whether your kids are in public school, private school, or in a homeschool co-op class, they are going to come in contact with other kids and germs. Kids are notorious for not washing their hands thoroughly as well as sharing drinks, snacks and toys. Germs are going to be shared easily.
Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy At School
You are going to need a way to help combat those germs and the colds, flu and coughs they bring. Here are some ways to help keep your kids healthy at school. Along with proper rest, whole foods, and diligent hand washing, let’s explore some herbal methods to assist keeping your kids healthy at school.
First, let’s talk tinctures.  Many herbs will do best releasing their medicinal properties in a tincture form over a tea or even a glycerite. You will want to measure the herbs by WEIGHT vs volume (cups, teaspoons etc to get the most accurate dosage) To make a tincture, add 50 grams (by weight) dried herbs to 250 mL of alcohol such as vodka or brandy. Allow to infuse for 4 weeks, then strain the infused alcohol off.
Herbs to Use in Tinctures
Adaptogens help your body adapt to it’s surroundings. They support your immune system, allowing it to fight against invading germs in a stronger manner.
The most common adaptogens are:
Astragalus- a Chinese legume, often used in cooking.  This is best taken as a tincture or glycerite.   To use, add 15-30 drops to water or in an empty capsule.  Use up to 2x a day. Safe for kids over the age of 2.
Holy Basil- an often used herb in tea blends, this adds flavor along with assisting with adrenal fatige and helping to strengthen the respiratory system.  You can add this dried herb to a tea blend, or use as a tincture, following the recipe above and decreasing dosage to 5-10 drops per day.  Holy Basil should be avoided by pregnant women, as some studies suggest it can trigger miscarriage.
Milk Thistle- most often noted as a liver support, this herb can be beneficial during the cold and flu season. Aiding your liver in detoxing will keep your immune system running at it’s peak. This is most easily taken in a dried pill form, 200-400 mg per day.  The only caution is that milk thistle can lower blood glucose levels in diabetics, so diabetics should only use under guidance of qualified care provider.
Echnicea- this immune stimulant should be used at the FIRST sign of a cold.  Studies suggest that it can help reduce the duration of a cold by 30% when taken right away.  You can take it as an infusion (tea) by adding 2 grams dried herbs to 8 ounces of water.  Or, it can be made into a tincture as listed above, taking up to 1 teaspoon a day for children, 3 teaspoons a day for adults.  The only contraindication for taking this is those with an auto immune disorder or a progessive disease such as tubeculosis.
Besides adaptogens, you can help support your immune system and deal with cold symptoms with a homemade syrup as well.  My favorite is to make a syrup for kids to “help the medicine go down”.
Here are some herbs to consider:
Elderberry– Studies suggest that elderberries are a great cleansing plant and can help reduce mucus buildup.  It can also assist with digestion and mental clarity.  This is great to add to a cough syrup preparation as it helps support the immune system. Only properly cooked berries should be used, as raw berries contain cyanide producing compounds.
Wild Cherry Bark- very useful for its antitussive properties, this will assist in helping to supress coughs.
Marshmallow Root- great addition to an herbal cough syrup, this has emollient properties that soothe a sore throat. To make a soothing herbal cough syrup, measure by weight:
75 grams dried elderberries
50 grams Wild Cherry Bark
25 grams marshmallow root
  Add the measured herbs to 4 cups of water. Simmer on the stove until the water is reduced to 2 cups. Drain the herbs in a cheesecloth and squeeze out the water as much as possible. You want all the herby goodness this produces. Add 1 cup of honey to the infused water and stir. Label and date with the ingredients used and store in the fridge. Start with 1-2 teaspoons 2x a day for children and 1 Tablespoon 2x a day for adults. You can take the syrup up to 4x a day, depending on symptoms.
What are some things you do to keep your kids healthy at school?
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khamgiodau · 6 years
VPM là biến chứng thường gặp trên bệnh nhân thẩm phân phúc mạc.
• Vi trùng đa dạng và kháng thuốc
• Điều trị lâu dài và tốn kém
1-Trong ống
s epidermidis Acinetobacter
2- Quanh ống:
s epidermidỉs s aureus Pseudomonas Yeast
3-Xuyên thành:
Enterỉc gram (-) Anaerobes
4- Máu:
Streptococcus M. tubeculosis
Yeast Lactobacillus
Triệu chứng cơ năng
-Đau bụng: 95%
- Cảm giác gai gai, sốt: 30%
- Buồn nôn, nôn: 30%
- Run: 20%
- Bón hay tiêu chảy: 15%
Dấu hiệu LS
-Dịch đục: 99%)
- Phản ứng thành bụng: 80%
- Phản ứng dội: 10-50
- Tăng nhiệt độ cơ thể: 33%
- Tăng bạch cầu : 25
Triệu chứng nghi ngờ
- Khổ chịu toàn thân
- Buồn nôn, nôn.
- Tiêu chảy
CLS: Xét nghiệm dịch xả thẩm phân - Đếm tế bào
Tế bào: Bình thường 50TB/mỉ, Neutro <15%
Khỉ Neutro >50 tế bào/ml (>35%) : nghỉ ngờ VPM Neutro> 100 tế bào/mỉ (> 50%) : VPM
-Cấy + KSĐ
Chẩn đoán:
2 trong 3 điều kiện:
- LS dịch đục + đau bụng
- CLS Tế bào/dịch > 100/ml với > 50% là Neutro
- Nhuộm Gram - cấy (+)
(cập nhật theo ispd guidelines/recommendations 7-2010)
GIỜ 0: Đánh giá LS và CLS
-Rửa ỗ bụng bằng dịch 1.5Gpha Heparỉn 500 đơn vị/L dịch, 2-3 lần -Khởi đầu kháng sinh theo kinh nghiệm, bao phủ cả Gram dương và Gram âm, (gồm cả Pseudomonas). Chon lựa kháng sinh dựa trên tiền sử bệnh nhân và múc độ kháng thuốc của vi khuẩn.
Gram (+) :
Cephalosprin thế hệ 1 Cefazolin, Cephalothin :500mg/L dịch, IP, /1 lần trao đổi dịch
Vancomycin :15-30mg/kg cân nặng , 1000mg /L dịch , IP, tối đa 2 g, trong lần trao đổi dịch cuối ngày đầu và ngày 5 ( nên chọn lựa ngay do hiện nay tỷ lệ kháng Methicillin cao hoặc nếu tiền sử bệnh nhân có nhiêm tụ cầu kháng Methicillin ).
Gram(-) :
- Aminoglycoside, Ceftazidim,Cefepime hoặc
- Carbapenem-Aminoglycoside: Gentamicin 40mg /2 lít dịch ,IP ,1 lần/ngày, hoặc
-Ceftazidime : 500mg/L dịch ,IP, /1 lần trao đổi dịch , hoặc
-Cefepime : 500mg /L dịch IP, /1 làn trao đổi dịch , hoặc
-Carbapenem (Imipenem ): 250mg /L dịch ,IP/ 1 lần trao đổi dịch
Thời gian lưu dịch : 6 giờ
Đường dùng : IP (Intraperitoneal): ngâm ổ bụng
SAU 24-48 GIỜ: Đánh giá lại lâm sàng và cận lâm sàng , dùng kháng sinh theo KSĐ cho từng loại vi trùng cấy được
-Dựa vào tỷ lệ kháng thuốc của từng nơi và tiền sử bệnh nhân , hiện nay vi khuẩn kháng Methicillin cao nên chọn Vancomycin ngay tứ liều đầu .Nếu tụ cầu vàng kháng Vancomycin,nên sử dụng Linezolid,daptomycin hoặc
-Có thể dùng Rifampin uống trong điều trị tụ cầu vàng nhưng cân nhắc ở vùng dịch tễ lao
-Dùng Linezolid điều trị Enterococcus kháng Vanco mycin , ghi nhận có ức chế tủy sau 10-14 ngày
-VPM do pseudomonas, Enterococcus, tụ cầu thường liên quan đến viêm nhiễm tiếp xúc, nhiễm trùng catheter, bệnh lý ổ bụng ,nếu không đáp ứng ,có chỉ định rút catheter thì thời gian điều trị kháng sinh sau rút catheter , đặt lái catheter thẩn phân hay chạy thận tùy bệnh cảnh lâm sàng , sự lựa chọn của bệnh nhân và BS điều trị
-Kháng sinh trong điều trị Pseudomonas nên chọn Cephalosprin 4(Cefepime), Carbapenem , Piperacillin /Tazobactam ,Ticarcillin /Clavuclinic , Levoíloxacin do tình hình kháng thuốc hiện nay cao
-Một số phối hợp thuốc : Vancomycin +Quinolon, Meropenem +Tobramycin (theo sau Meropenem +Vancomycin)
-Đơn trị liệu Imipenem/Cilastatin 500mgIP /6h ,sau đó 100mg /2 L dịch hoặc Cefepime ,2g IP, liều đầu /6 giờ, sau đó 1g /ngày , tương đương Vancomycin +Neltimycin
Nếu dị ứng Cephalosporin thay bằng Aztreonam
-Liều kháng sinh duy trì sau khi có cải thiện LS và CLS theo bảng đính kèm
1- VPM do nhiễm trùng đường hầm hay lỗ thoát catheter
2- VPM tái phát nhiều lần
3- VPM kháng trị
4- VPM co nấm
5- VPM do bệnh lý ổ bụng
6- VPM do nguyên nhân ngoại khoa
.Bài viếtVIÊM PHÚC MẠC TRÊN BỆNH NHÂN THẨM PHÂN PHÚC MẠC xuất hiện lần đầu tại website http://khamgiodau.com
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discardedfantrolls · 7 years
💔💔💔 for trolls of your choosing?
Athena’s first love was a rust/maroonblood named Roshin. They met one night when Athena was coming hive from a book auction and he happened to bump into her hoofbeast’s shoulder. He was beaten and bloodied up from some hemo supremecists. Their romance blossomed after she brought him hive with her and nursed him back to health, however before they could confess their love or consumate it, he died of Tubeculosis. Such an event set her on the path to revolution, and then exile.Ophias and Raigho’s Father was a mutant by the name of Karkin. He and Klashe had real chemistry and it lasted for a long time, longer than most of her other failed relationships. (Via my headcanons) eventually, they mated one too many times and had too much material on their hands. They ended up with five fertilized and developing eggs, three of which hatched into three grubs- a girl and two boys. Raigho was the biggest and most protective, while Ophias was the happiest and most explorative. Tharos was the smallest and least interested in play or exploration. Then their father disappeared and never came back, and it wasn’t until much later that she found out that he had been discovered and culled. She still mourns his loss.
Zee was Klashe’s last relationship. They hit it off at first sight, and he got her into the habit of smoking weed when she was stressed out. She let him help her raise her grubs for a time, but that stopped when she found out he was corrupting Ophias to help him torture and murder randm strangers in her basement. He was the next person to end up on the chopping table.
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uchicagogrow2013 · 11 years
Project: Canastas
July 24, 2013 
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This morning we accompanied Melecio to another meeting at the Centro de Salud Juan Perez Carranza. Though in previous meetings more officials from the National Ministry of Health, municipal government and even the Armed Forces have been present, the largest group represented at this meeting were promotoras.
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The benefit of getting the promotora perspective is that many also work for Vaso de Leche and other social programs as well. Since the purpose of these meetings is to explain and determine the best way to assess social determinants leading to TB treatment abandonment, this perspective is actually quite valuable. Specifically, we are having different high-caseload centers in the district of Lima Cercado apply this social assessment and then will select 15 PATs (persons affected by tuberculosis) for the extension of the canastas program we began with ASPAT-Peru last year. Over 6 months, this program has benefited 15 PATs in Callao, and will now reach 15 more in the next year. 
Why canastas?
Like we explained in an earlier post, the national government has been providing very basic canastas to TB patients. However, program coverage doesn’t reach all the intended beneficiaries. Another complication is that the government is in the process of decentralizing this program, its budget and spending to individual municipal governments. The result? Some health centers in Callao we’ve visited haven’t given out canastas for several months, despite the clear need to break the tie between malnutrition and tuberculosis.
The hope is that, with these canastas, one would be able to provide both an incentive for treatment adherence and an additional aid to better nutrition. 
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