#Meta (ε)
cabozers · 4 months
why does no one talk about deltas suicide attempt. he did that. he tried to let himself die with york and when wash found him he made it clear that was still his intention. even once he was safe with a freelancer he *wanted* to stay there and die with york. sure he justifies his reasons for things with being rational but he *has* to know, as logic, that the director wouldnt be happy if he was destroyed because hes expensive. he wanted to die. he wanted to die specifically after york, the person who taught him how to be human, died. i dont think this is coincidence.
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blackartistremix · 4 months
The Potential of Meta (ε)
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So after watching Restoration, I wanted to talk about Tucker being Epsilon Meta or Meta (ε). First is the execution of the character. Tucker being an unwilling host, of the fragments and being forced to do to their bidding, was great. as well as him trying to resist and fight them off. But the fact that Tucker being made to be a fighter on the level of Carolina and Tex (bare in mind this is due to ai's but still) was great. And his undoing being the fact that the R&B are so unpredictable was perfect. However, I do find the choice of having Miles voice his Meta self, instead of Jason to be a bit weird. Meta Tucker for all intense purposes draws a similar vain to Felix. Miles voicing him while controlled contributes to this but the fact that the Meta talks at all, and he comes off as cocky, and menacing just matches Felix's vibe. Which leads to my biggest problem, the missed opportunity.
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Tucker didn't get to interact with the Reds and Blues enough, the biggest obstacle with fighting Meta(ε) was that it was Tucker, It made the Reds and Caboose not want to fight their friend or not have a good chance of beating him, combined with his ability to speak as the Meta(ε) he could have came at the Red's and Blue's, verbally and physically destroying them, and just when it looks like Meta(ε) was going to far Tucker steps in like he did with Caboose. That and he didn't get to interact with all of the Reds and Blues. I would've loved to see interact Meta(ε) interact with:
Freelancers: For Wash would've been a battle of the student versus the mentor, and it could've set up Doc dying to save Wash, leading to all the stuff that happen to Wash in Restoration. For Carolina it could've played a role with her being the one to track down Meta(ε) feeling responsible for what happened, it also could lead to Meta(ε) shit talking Carolina with Tucker's more unruly traits. Reds: We could've had Tucker attacking the Reds verbally. He could've came at Simmons, since he had the arc in Restoration, saying that Grif and Simmons were useless on Chrous or make some subtle jabs at there situation. Dismantling Lopez, hell maybe thinking he killed Donut only for him to comeback later contributing to the running gag.
Sister: This is the romantic in me but it would've been so interesting to see how Sister would've reacted to Meta(ε), Ik, the Shinso trilogy is no longer canon but still there's potential with this
Locus: This one is more a of a fan favorite what-if but it would've been cool to see Meta(ε) fight Locus since there has yet to be a sword fight in RvB and it would've been dope. Locus seeing the Meta in action but realizing how Meta(ε) acts like Felix.
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I know Sigma plays the biggest role with Meta, but god damn, I wish we got to see Delta and Theta interact with them more, like a moment where there in Tucker's mind and Delta and Theta are talking to him, and Tucker sees how much Theta reminds him a little of Caboose, or starts acting like a dad to him similar to North. but also How the Ai's use Felix as a manipulation tactic. I said it before that Meta(ε) reminded me of Felix' so it would've been great for them to base there persona, off of them Felix wanted to be the ultimate weapon, an Tucker no being that draws interesting parellel's. This is all I really had cooking in my mind. But I kinda wish Restoration was a full season because oh man, if this was made during the Shinso Trilogy and Burnie and Miles wrote it we would've been eating good.
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leonardalphachurch · 2 years
ε-gamma is so funny. gary is all like, oh i’m going to be gay and evil and torture the alpha again and try to take over the galaxy and fall in love with a man with a mustache and ε-gamma is literally like bro i am just s i am just sitting here
#rvb#this is my ‘gary and alpha were genuinely friends’ propaganda train. epsilon remembered him fondly.#‘what about all the murder’ ‘uhhhhhh it’s okay this one didn’t do that’#the way that ε-sigma is just this nebulous evil thing is also fascinating#like i know it’s bc. elijah wood expensive. but. in canon#he doesn’t talk! and if i will remind that is What Sigma Did. he talked.#but Sigma is not how epsilon remembers sigma. Sigma is not who epsilon introjects.#epsilon introjects The Meta.#obviously nothing like the actual meta. just this terrifying growling concept that epsilon can only understand as ‘the bad man’#i don’t think epsilon could let himself think of what the meta’s actual goals were. could let himself understand that HE is#essentially what the meta wanted to be. he IS the complete meta. in some ways#we KNOW miles understands what the meta actually was. price says it clear as day. the meta wanted to be human.#yet epsilon still presents it to carolina as a bid for power#because i don’t think it’s the meta’s goals epsilon is afraid of. i think it’s its methods#i think it’s epsilon knowing so deeply inside of him. that he could’ve walked that path. to get to her.#everyone seems to know what’s best for texas right? sigma seemed to know what was best for the other ai#and maybe he was right yknow? maybe he was right. isn’t epsilon so much happier now that he remembered the fragments?#was sigma wrong for wanting to gather everyone again? was epsilon wrong for wanting to see her again? were they wrong?#who has to die to prove they weren’t wrong??#oops i. wrote a sad novel in the tags of silly post.
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jinkitsuragi · 2 years
hello new followers! thank you for appreciating kim. (*^◯^*) kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
general friendly inquiry. i don’t have polls. what would yall want to see more:
1. shitpoasts
2. meta
3. goreporn (or gore or porn)
4. anything with kim in it
5. anything but polished!
6. actually anything. literally anything
replies optional but appreciated ! not limited to the above, but feel free to just send a number.
peace out! for the love of all things delicious keep it narsty
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
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I love seeing my mutuals na pathainoun tsotso meta apo tsotso pes mou gia ton Raul OwO
Γελάς. Έχω εθιστεί σε έναν πενηντάρη Κουβανό θεατρίνο και εσύ γελάς. Και εγώ γελάω η κατάσταση είναι τραγική. Ραντ κάτω από το read more επειδή λυπάμαι τους μιούτουαλς μου.
Πώς το έπαθες αυτό με ρωτάς;;; Ε εβλεπα ωραία και καλά παρά πέντε κάθε βράδυ (όπως οι περισσότεροι από εμάς εδώ στο ταμπλρ τελεία κομ) και μετά γυρνούσε η αδερφή μου την τηλεόραση στο Μακεδονία τιβι επειδή παίζει law and order ακριβώς μετά το παρά πέντε. Απλά βλέπαμε οικογενειακώς νόμος και τάξη (φαμιλι μποντινγκ <3). Κάποια στιγμή συνηδειτοποιώ ότι Ω δεν το βλέπω και τόσο κάζουαλι ποιά αυτό το σόου και ότι τρέφω μια ιδιαίτερη αδυναμία ως προς τον δικηγόρο της σειράς. Τώρα πως από το να είναι ο Μπάρμπα ο αγαπημένος μου χαρακτήρας ως εδώ δεν είμαι σίγουρη πως έφτασα, αλλά η μετάβαση ήταν σταδιακή.
Βασικά απλά γκουγκλαρα τον ηθοποιό 😭😭 και έμαθα ότι κάνει κυρίως musical theater και ότι με κάποιο τρόπο κατέληξε να παίζει ένα χαρακτήρα στο νόμος και τάξη για έξι χρόνια. Γιατί έτσι. Τα δύο hottest πράγματα που μπορεί να κάνει ένας άνθρωπος κατά την ταπεινή μου άποψη είναι α) το να τραγουδάει και β) το να παίζει έναν αγαπημένο μου χαρακτήρα οπότε όπως μπορείς να φανταστείς, δεν υπήρχε επιστροφή. Ξεκίνησα από το νόμος και τάξη, είδα επιτέλους το Χάνιμπαλ για χάρη του (το οποίο λέω ότι θα το δω τουλάχιστον δύο χρόνια τώρα), είδα το Company (εξαιρετικό μιούζικαλ), συνηδειτοποίησα ότι παίζει έναν ποντικό στο bojack horseman (αυτό η αλήθεια είναι με ξάφνιασε, δεν περίμενα να κάνω διάλειμμα από το νόμος και τάξη marathon για να δω κάτι άκυρο και να ξεπεταχτεί πάλι ο άτιμος από το πουθενά. I cannot escape this man). Εν τέλει αναζωπυρώθηκε η musical theater φάση μου, η οποία είχε λίγο πέσει σε λήθαργο τα τελευταία δύο με τρία χρόνια. Τώρα απλά ανοίγω το πιντερεστ και αποθηκεύω φωτογραφίες του φίλου μου του Ραούλ while giggling and kicking my feet. Ότι σχετικό ποστ έχω κάνει εδώ τα στοίβαξα όλα στο queue μια μέρα επειδή ντρεπόμουνα να εξαπολύσω τριάντα ποστ σπαμ για τον καινούργιο special little guy μου στους φολλοουερς μου .😔
Επίσης πέρα από το τραγούδι το δεύτερο μεγαλύτερο του ταλέντο είναι το να δίνει σε κάθε χαρακτήρα που παίζει το πιο powerful bitchy bisexual energy που μπορείς να φανταστείς. Επίσης είναι ντιλφ. Μπαισεξουαλ ντιλφ. Αν η αστυνομία της μόδας ήταν πραγματική θα τον είχανε συλλάβει προ πολλού. Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια.
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timeofgreecenews · 1 year
Κρήτη: Ελληνίδα έτρεξ ε σε αγώνα και μετά πήγε γ ια εγχείρηση
Κρήτη: Ελληνίδα έτρεξε σε αγώνα και μετά πήγε για εγχείρηση Απίστευτη δύναμη ψυχής από την αθλήτρια στίβου Κατερίνα Ροκάκη https://www.pentapostagma.gr/koinonia/7160252_kriti-ellinida-etrexe-se-agona-kai-meta-pige-gia-egheirisi unsubscribe from this feed
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eialyne · 2 years
Hello again! Your Secret Santa is back.
Sorry that I’m late, it’s been a busy week.
( ´ ▽ ` )
I’m a big fan of “The Scarlet (insert all episode titles of that arc here)” because you get to see how insanely smart Conan is AND Akai finally officially comes back. So the “Jet-Black Mystery Train” is also high on my list because of the big Subaru hints.
“Clash of Red and Black” is a fantastic arc, first time I watched it I was so stressed! I didn’t trust anything I saw.
That arc also has one of the best openings in my opinion! Which leads to the question:
Do you have a top 10 (or 5) opening list?
And of course I needed to read the survey details! (゚∀゚)
Was super fun to get someone that loves Akai! Would you believe me if I said I have a tattoo of him? (And one of Conan)
I’m also currently in the process of making your gift! So if you have any last minute new requests/ideas or prompts this is your chance!!
Have a nice day!!! _(┐「ε:)_
You are speaking my language, Secret Santa, as I hold the firm opinion that Conan has some of the best openings out there in the anime music world. Admitidly the series has a bit of a leg up just due to how many there are to choose from, but a number of those are regulars in my spotify playlists. So, in no particular order (as actual favorite can very depending on my mood):
Growing of my Heart - An utter classic
Ai wa Kurayami no Naka de - Because yes, this opening is fantastic because the song and animation just work so well together! It's also one of the very few things in life that make me excited to drive which is a....really bizzare side effect of listening to it in my car.
Revive - Is a JAM (even if there's this background noise in it that grates on my ears, so unfortunately I don't listen to it nearly as much as I would like T_T)
Truth - Two Mix is great and it's a shame we didn't get more openings from them, even without the added meta hilarity of Conan singing his own theme song.
Koi wa Thrill, Shock, Suspense - The Detective Conan anime doing iconic dance sequences in their openings before Haruhi and Lucky Star's went viral (also on SO MANY burned mix CDs back in high school).
Puzzle - Ok yes this is a movie opening but I love it ">>
Kaze no Lalala - Such a chill song and half the time I forget it's even an opening rather than a closing
Nazo - Specificaly the La PomPon cover though, because even though the OG Nazo isn't a top fave of mine, I do love a good callback and this one was very well done
Answer - Gotta love a good ominous opening, especialy when still admist the "What exactly is your deal???" character plots
Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru - I wouldn't say is one of my favorite music-wise, but I just really enjoy how just about every main character gets a fun action scene.
Also honorable mention to that amazing jazz peice we got as an opening in the first episode of Magic Kaito specials (the randomly appearing ones before the proper series came out). I was always bummed we never got more of that and they went with more generic openings when they decided to do more of them.
I would absolutely love to see this tattoo of yours, if it's something you don't mind sharing, once you're able to reveal yourself! I'm not a tattoo person (I barely tolorate needles at the doctors office ">>) but Akai definately makes up the vast majority of my aquired Conan merch.
I can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm so terrible at prompts (for myself at least; the gift I'm doing for my own giftee came with such a sudden spark of inspiration I was almost physicaly reeling when it hit) so I put my faith entirely in you!
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
I was just looking at a lot of svsss art & metas and I’m confused, was I the only one who read Luo Binghe as being not actually really weepy? He just took Airplane Bro’s advice and absolutely ran w it & continued running with it because it totally works σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡ !! Being harsh w SY/SQQ took him nowhere ... I mean caring for a corpse for 5 years... 🥲 but anyway SQQ totally falls for it every time/can’t stand to see him cry, even if sometimes he has an inkling he’s being gently manipulated.
Basically LBH just repurposed his manipulative prowess “to hide murderous intent behind a smile” to being weepy & openly needy (he’s definitely needy to begin w) bc it got him whatever he wanted sex & attention w SY/SQQ who was the type of person who “was amenable to coaxing but not to coercion.” Demon King shit tbh.
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20. Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου μπλογκ στην εφαρμογή;
@melvnchornyy @gkriniazw-poly @ytilaer-epacse @leipshh @xamenh-mes-ta-asteria @amarnithakes @ligo-akoma-meine @kapse-to-soutien-sou @kai-meta-efyge @monimh-adieksodos και πολλά άλλα γενικά κοίτα στα ριμπλογκ.
34. Ταγκ μερικούς λογαριασμούς που θα ήθελες να γνωρίσεις αλλά ντρέπεσαι να στείλεις μήνυμα.
Ε προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχει κάποιος που θέλω να γνωρίσω αλλά και πάλι δεν ντρέπομαι θα έστελνα ούτως ή άλλως.
40. Αγαπημένο επιτραπέζιο;
Κλασσικό, Μονόπολη
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mysweetbreathh · 3 years
holi de nuevo, oigan la verdad es que estoy harta, llevo desde los 9 años intentando ser delgada y fabulosa y al chile nada más no logro nada 😔🖐️.
creo que la respuesta es que soy muy precipitado, tipo un día ando comiendo como cerdo y al siguiente quiero dejar comer porque vi una foto se una chica delgada lol 💀💀💀💀💀.
así que e decidió hacer mi cambio completo y hacerlo bien (pero lentamente), lo que pienso hacer es lo siguiente.
♡ puse una alarma a las 9 de la noche, a esa hora debo dejar de comer
♡ sólo puedo tomar media vaso de refresco al día
♡ debo comer dos frutas y dos verduras al día
este mini cambio lo haré durante tres días, hoy es jueves 22 abril y termina el sábado 24 de abril, cuando sea ese día pondre para reglas y así hasta lograr un cambio en mi (。・//ε//・。).
peso: 60 kl
meta: 45
estatura: 1.56
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cabozers · 6 months
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leonardalphachurch · 6 months
this is NOT a critique to be very fucking clear there’s literally only been a trailer you can’t criticize something you haven’t seen yet and maybe my worries will not come to pass and the writing will be great but.
i’m finding it difficult to be excited bc like. the meta was such a specific set of circumstances to happen and sigma like. he wasn’t just ~evil~ like he had a reason for everything he was doing and i’m just. what the FUCK is ε-sigmas justification going to be. why is he doing this. all the ai are together! he got what he wanted! i do NOT just want “ohhh hes the ~*~evil~*~ one hes so baaaaddd” like. like. we’ve never liked meta tucker fics bc they always felt so disconnected from the actual goals of the meta.
there was SO much nuance to sigma before. if you’re bringing sigma back i want that nuance actually explored please for the love of god don’t strip him of it. i don’t want sigmas legacy to be colored by “ooohhhhhh he’s doing evilllll thingssssss cause he’s sooooo evilllllll he’s the evil alterrrrrrr”
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
19 & 25 for salty ask ( ̄ε ̄@)
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
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I don’t know if I can pinpoint one thing that I hate the most (except perhaps the easy answer of, like, the fact that people cannot keep CQL stuff out of the MDZS tags).
I guess that one of them would that like people take the “there does not exist a True Reading/a Single Interpretation to a text” to the dumb extreme of like “anything goes because I just need to say that that’s how I see it 🙃 and all of our readings are all equally Valid”. Please, you still need to be able to justify and support that reading beyond “well that’s just how I prefer to think about this/that’s My Interpretation 🙃” if you want to have any credibility when you say that these readings hold as much water as readings/interpretations for which we are presented arguments supported by what can be found in the text or meta-textual engagements with the text. I couldn’t just show up to the fandom and be like “Zidian is an allegory for the fall from grace and MDZS is rooted in christian ideology, actually” with nothing to support that wild thesis and just expect people to be like “well, I guess we all have different readings of the text, uh, how valid of you.”
But honestly I am Boo Boo the Fool to expect otherwise....
How would you end MDZS/Would you change the ending of MDZS?
That’s a good question because MDZS is such a beast of a book that it’s quite hard to tie it all off and chose what note to end it on. I guess as well that with the extras we have technically “two endings” in the sense of what the novel ends on and what the last extra ends on. And, uh, I’ll probably need to unpack both so let’s get into it (only I would turn a salty ask into meta)
Last chapter: “Wangxian part III”
So after meeting MianMian, Wangxian continue to travel to a small town in their efforts to go where the chaos is. WWX is playing footsie under the table at the wine shop, holding onto LWJ’s ribbon. In contrast to this domestic scene, suddenly:
One of the few sitting at the table gloated, “I knew Jin Guangyao had to plummet sooner or later with the things he did! I’ve been waiting for this day for so long, and now he’s finally exposed, hah! One’s deeds will be paid, one way or another—what goes around always comes around!”
The last chapter directly references the prologue, which is something I personally adore in writing, this idea of taking your story full-circle. The difference, this time, is that the villain to be despised as entertainment is not longer WWX, but JGY (I could have done without WWX explicitly telling us so in the text because it is pretty clear however I also know readers miss the most obvious cues so maybe that hand-holding is deserved).
Aside from gossip about JGY, the sects, and the sealing ceremony of the coffin containing NMJ and JGY, there is a moment where an unnamed youth raises a point about the yin hufu.
Suddenly, he heard a young man’s voice, “Then is the Yin hufu really inside the coffin?”
A cloud of silence fell over the wine shop. A moment later, someone answered, “Who knows? Perhaps. What could Jin Guangyao have done with the Yin hufu except for carrying it on him?”
“But there’s no way of telling. Didn’t they say the hufu has become just a piece of scrap iron? There’s no use for it anymore.”
The boy sat alone at a table, holding a sword in his arms, “Is the coffin really firm enough? What would happen if someone wants to see if the Yin hufu is inside or not?”
Immediately, someone raised his voice, “Who’d dare?”
“QingheNieShi, GusuLanShi, and YunmengJiangShi all sent people to guard the cemetery. Who in the world would have the guts to do it?”
Everyone expressed their agreement. The boy didn’t speak up again. He took the teacup from his table and sipped, as though he gave up on his idea. Yet, his eyes hadn’t changed at all.
Wei Wuxian had seen those types of eyes on many faces. And he knew that this definitely wouldn’t be the last time he saw them.
This continues the idea that the cycle that brought about the issues and conflicts in the cultivation world that fueled the story of the novel are not likely to disappear, and that once again it is likely that the “common wisdom” of public opinion will accelerate or allow such troubles to brew. 
After they leave the wine shop, LWJ and WWX share a more domestic moment. Amongst others, they discuss the song Wangxian. Through parallel imagery, the novel also reaffirms that LWJ and WWX have become a family by mirroring one of WWX’s few memories of his parents (”Listening to his nonsense, Lan Wangji only grasped the reins of Lil’ Donkey with Wei Wuxian on it and clenched the thin rope in his palm, continuing on their way."). As well, WWX suggests they go back to the CR with a casually comment about missing tianzi xiao which is in reality prompted by the fact that he knew LWJ would be worried about his xiongzhang and shufu since one of the man in the wine shop said that LXC had looked terrible during the sealing ceremony and another commented “What would you expect? In the coffin were his two sworn brothers, while his sect’s juniors kept on running around with a fierce corpse—they even need its assistance on night-hunts! No wonder he’s in secluded cultivation so often. If Lan Wangji still doesn’t go back, I bet Lan Qiren’s gonna start cursing…”. This shows how Wangxian are taking care of one another in their own way, which is very cute. 
WWX also provides an in-universe explanation for his bad memory: 
Wei Wuxian knew that ‘for once’ referred to how his memory was good for once. He couldn’t help but smile, “Don’t always be so angry about it. It was my fault in the past, alright? Besides, my terrible memory should be accredited to my mom.”
Wei Wuxian propped his arm on Lil’ Apple’s head, spinning Chenqing in his hand, “My mom said you have to remember the things others do for you, not the things you do for others. Only when people don’t hold so much in their hearts would they finally feel free.”
And then we get the final lines of the novel:
Facing the wind, Wei Wuxian squinted at Lan Wangji’s silhouette. As he criss-crossed his legs, he shockingly found that he could somehow manage to balance himself in such an odd position on the back of Lil’ Apple.
It was only something trivial, yet he looked as if he just discovered a new and interesting occurrence. He couldn’t hold himself back from sharing this with Lan Wangji, calling, “Lan Zhan, look at me, look at me now!”
Just like before, Wei Wuxian called his name with a grin, and he looked over as well.
From then on, he could never move his eyes away again.
I am overall pretty satisfied with this ending, although I wish the last few lines had a stronger thematic resonance, but hey, it is still a romance novel at the heart of it so it also makes sense that it finishes that way. I am sure that there is a case that could be made about how the ending could have been stronger or more impactful, but I do think that it is a perfectly competent one. There are of course more things that could be discussed about how the novel ties in a lot of plot threads, but it is interesting to me to focus on what MXTX decided to show in the ultimate chapter of the novel.
Last extra: “Dream come true”
This extra is basically the equivalent of a book adding another chapter after “and they lived happily ever after” in order to show you what that happily ever after could look like for these characters. If the novel had only had the tone of this extra, it would have gotten boring pretty fast. But as it is, as an extra, it is just this little delightful piece of fluff that also gives us more backstory about WWX’s infatuation with LWJ during his first life. It is sweet to the point of cavities, but hey nothing wrong with an indulgent fanfic being stapled at the back of a story. It’s my favourite extra and I love how the audio drama gave life to it.
“Be honest about whether or not you thought about me in the same way.” In a solemn tone, he spoke, “Rejecting me like that so coldly every single time—it really made me lose face, don’t you know?”
Lan Wangji, “You can try, now, to see if I would reject you over anything.”
The sentence so suddenly struck his heart. Wei Wuxian choked, yet Lan Wangji was still as calm as ever, as though he didn’t at all realize what he just said. Wei Wuxian put his hand to his forehead, “You… Hanguang-Jun, let’s make a deal. Please warn me before you say something so romantic, or else I won’t be able to take it.”
Lan Wangji nodded, “Okay.”
Wei Wuxian, “Lan Zhan—what a person you are!”
Tens of thousands of words were left unspoken, in exchange for endless laughter and hugs.
Well that wasn’t very salty, but 🤷‍♂️
Salty asks
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efyga · 3 years
Me xwrise h kopela mou giati opws leei den kanw oute kan to bare minimum kai ta xalasa ola🙁 kai meta apo kati wres mou esteile minima pws ta metaniose auta pou mou eipe kai telika den thelei na xwrisoume. To myalo tis einai pio berdemeno kai apo ta akoustika mou..
Ε Ενταξει εσένα δε σου έχει τύχει ποτε να πεις κάτι πάνω που βλέπεις θολά τα πράγματα και μετά να το μετανιώνεις;
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nanamis-bigtie · 4 years
Yo! How are you? I just wanted to say that I really like you and I love reading your posts! I'm not much into x readers but you analysis/hc's of the characters are so spot on and entertaining! I hope you stay well. 🥰
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Awww, I’m so flattered that you read me, even if you’re not that into reader inserts! Your words mean a lot! I’m doing my best to staying in character as much as I can, sometimes even going against fanon, so I worry I might overdo the opposite way T^T
Tbh I used to drop kind of a meta when rereading manga, but I ended deleting posts, since way too many people decided it’s an invitation of engaging into discussion and proving me I can’t read. Well... Let’s say I’m not here for the drama ^^
I do plan write fics from other genres than reader inserts in the future, tho right now I kind of brought myself to bay with requests, so I don’t have time for myself. But I am still learning how to cope with both blog and personal issues, hopefully in the future I’ll be a bit wiser when it comes to organisation xD
Thank you so much for reaching out! Hope you’re having a good day/night  ٩(♡ε♡)۶
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the-black-birb · 4 years
𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢'𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐!)
This fic features Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Futakuchi, and a reader character. There are no explicit romanitc pairings.
Warnings: swearing and poorly attempted humor
Summary: a bunch of idiots go go an ice skating rink. Chaos ensues
A/N: this is part of a collaborative fic with ellie (@babiekeiji ) for qee's bday!! Happy birthday cutie ilysm
QeeDay Masterlist
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Friday, 7:16 PM
waiyenn and futacoochieslayer are online!
waiyenn: KENJIIII ヽ(^o^)丿
futacoochieslayer: wot do you want from me
waiyenn: c’mon it’s the eve of my birthday be nicer to me
futacoochieslayer: but it’s not your bday yet 凸-_-凸
waiyenn: .
futacoocieslayer: wazzup
waiyenn: soooo about ice skating …
futaocoochieslayer: man don’t cancel on me now
futaocoochieslayer: i already bought passes
futaocoochieslayer: no one else is free
futaocoochieslayer: i’ll have to invite koganegawa
futaocoochieslayer: you want to see him on ice? i’ll be miserable
waiyenn: shut up im not cancelling
waiyenn: yet
futaocoochieslayer: go ahead and cancel its ur bday not mine, luv
waiyenn: make up your mind drama queen
waiyenn: anyway i invited a few of my friends along
futaocoochieslayer: ….. who
waiyenn: yk, akaashi and kenma…
futaocoochieslayer:  they’re quiet
futaocoochieslayer: they’ll stay out of my way
futaocoochieslayer:  that’s fine
waiyenn:... and kuroo and bokuto
futaocoochieslayer: is that 
futaocoochieslayer: the chest receive guy
futaocoochieslayer: with the really nice ass
waiyenn:  that’s the one
futaocoochieslayer: who won’t shut up.
waiyenn: :)
futaocoochieslayer:  it was supposed to be a nice evening yn
futaocoochieslayer:  we were supposed to bond
waiyenn: it’s my birthday kenji
futaocoochieslayer: ofc my bad
futaocoochieslayer: your birthday, your right to ruin it
Friday, 9:08 PM
akaashi and futacoochieslayer are online!
futaocoochieslayer: you’re the voice of reason, right?
akaashi: Pardon me?
futaocoochieslayer: listen idc if you guys come along 
futaocoochieslayer: hell, please come along! maybe it’ll make me look better
futaocoochieslayer: but i’ve been trying to get a date with yn for months
futaocoochieslayer: don’t mess this up for me
futaocoochieslayer: and don’t let your friends either
futaocoochieslayer: sweet dreams (✿◠‿◠)
akaashi: Oh my
akaashi: Alright, I’ll do my best.
Saturday, 7:56 AM
akaashi, applepi, and tetsubro are online!
akaashi: bokuto.
applepi: akaashi not capitalizing??
tetsubro: oh bokuto’s got him MAD mad
tetsubro: y’all pray for my boy bokuto nothings wrong w him he’s just a dumbass 
akaashi: bokuto get online this instant
tetsubro: bold of you to assume he’s even awake at this hour
captain_daddy is online!
captain_daddy: guys you wont believe what happened
captain_daddy: i woke up to chills
captain_daddy: do you think a ghost was in my room???
captain_daddy: maybe i could get on buzzfeed unsolved
applepi: i think u have to worry about more than a ghost
akaashi: bokuto.
captain_daddy: agaaashi ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
akaashi: would you like to share with the class what you and yn discussed?
captain_daddy: oh yeah!!!! i asked her if we were on for saturday
tetsubro: and she said…?
captain_daddy: we’re going ice skating instead!!!!
applepi: we’re going what?
tetsubro: bro u can italicize text????
tetsubro: that’s meta
akaashi: We’re what???
akaashi: when did we ever agree to that...
captain_daddy: ice skating!! it’ll be super fun!!!!
akaashi: Who are we ice skating with?
captain_daddy: yn ofc!! and someone else she said…
captain_daddy: futaba?
applepi: from persona?
akaashi: -_-
tetsubro: poor akaashi…...
tetsubro: what has the world come to
akaashi: do you mean futakuchi?
captain_daddy: yeah!! that one!!!
captain_daddy: ur so cool akaashi
captain_daddy: how do you know him?
akaashi: Long story.
tetsubro: wait if it was just supposed to be futakuchi and yn
tetsubro: ...are we crashing a date?
captain_daddy: nah yn didn’t say anything about it
appepi: she didnt say or u left too early for her to explain?
captain_daddy: nah bro she invited us
tetsubro: you’re sure?
captain_daddy: yes
tetsubro: positive?
captain_daddy: yes, bro
tetsubro: bro (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ
captain_daddy: BROOO!!!!! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
akaashi: yn might not think it’s a date, but Futakuchi does.
tetsubro: huh?
tetsubro: HUH????? 
applepi: fucking hell
applepi: lets get this over with
 Saturday, 10:36 AM
waiyenn created group [PARTAYYYYY]
waiyenn added futacoochieslayer, akaashi, applepi, tetsubro, and captain_daddy to [PARTAYYYYY]
everyone is online!
waiyenn: is everyone ready to embarrass ourselves on ice •̀.̫•́✧
futacoochieslayer: first person to fall buys lunch
applepi: no one’s going to fall for that
captain_daddy: UR ON FUTABA
futacoochieslayer: falling includes getting pushed over :)
tetsubro: it’ll be a miracle if no one ends up in the hospital by the end of this
akaashi: No one is going to the hospital today.
akaashi: We’re going to follow the rules that they have.
akaashi: If anyone can’t skate, they’ll have a partner and stay close to the wall.
tetsubro: @captain_daddy will u be my partner?
captain_daddy: ofc bro
tetsubro: bro…. (。>﹏<。)
futacoochieslayer: yn
waiyenn: no lol
futacoochieslayer: i didnt even ask
waiyenn: you’ll drop me
futacoochieslayer: i’ll fall for u ;)
waiyenn: man wtf 
applepi: im gonna hurl
applepi: wheres the skating rink anyways
futacoochieslayer: u dont know?
futacoochieslayer: lmao scrubs
futacoochieslayer: dont u live all the way in tokyo?
tetsubro: shit
captain_daddy: wait are we gonna miss it TT TT
appepi: bokuto ur literally sitting on the train next to me
applepi: We’re on the way to Miyagi
waiyenn: kenji can u send akaashi the address
futacoochieslayer: why do i have to
waiyenn: (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
futacoochieslayer: fine.
akaashi: I’m sorry, yn, I think we’re going to be a little late.
futacoochieslayer: more time for me and yn :)
waiyenn: it’s ok guys we can wait for you
tetsubro: wow yn
tetsubro: so cold
waiyenn: ???
applepi: ur just as bad as bokuto
Saturday, 12:43 PM
akaashi and futacoochieslayer are online!
futacoochieslayer: [address]
futacoochieslayer: don’t. ruin. this. for me.
akaashi: I don’t have to 
akaashi: I’m fairly certain you already ruined this for yourself
akaashi: Did you ever consider tell yn this was supposed to be a date?
futacoochieslayer: ah fuck
Saturday, 1:27 PM
waiyenn, akaashi, applepi, tetsubro, and captain_daddy are online!
captain_daddy: WE’RE IN MIYAGI BABYYYY
akaashi: We’re headed your way now.
akaashi: Are you at the rink?
waiyenn: nah we went to grabbed some lunch while we were waiting
waiyenn: there’s a panera bread that you’ll pass on the way
tetsubro: futakuchi paid for lunch right?
waiyenn: yes lol he’s not that bad
applepi: i see the panera 
applepi: is that futakuchi with you?
captain_daddy: HE’S SO TALL
tetsubro: word
tetsubro: from the way he was texting i was expecting an incel
tetsubro: he looks more like a chad
waiyenn: lmfaooo
futacoochieslayer is online!
futacoochieslayer: srsly yn this is why u were staring at your phone
futacoochieslayer: whatever happened to having a conversation
waiyenn: okay grandpa
futacoochieslayer: that’s grandaddy to you
waiyenn:  (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿▀̿ ̿) i cannot see
futacoochieslayer: oh
futacoochieslayer: kuroo, right?
futacoochieslayer: i am a chad ;)
tetsubro: *///*
tetsubro: oya?
captain_daddy: oyaoya?
tetsubro: oyaoyaoya?
applepi: sigh
akaashi: Since we’re here can we please all stop texting.
akaashi: If you put your skates on wrong because you’re distracted, it’ll be dangerous.
waiyenn: yes mom
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