#tuesday sleepover
effervescentdragon · 2 months
what are your favorite type of ship dynamics?
niamh read me for filth once on a group call w her and naila when she said "you take the most tragic ones and you go 'im gonna fix them actually they dont have to be doomed'" and i was left reeling. idk i like it when theyre idiots about everything espesh each other and how much theyre ready to go into fire and brimstone and hell for the other one. i like it when they choose each other because theyre made for each other and nobody else gets it, ever, nor will ever get it. different sides of same coin or same sides of different coins. thats what i like.
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Sleepover friday questions? Isn't it thursday?
Time is fake
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inkykeiji · 2 months
Clari you are SO right we def need to bring those theme nights back they were so so fun!💕
jo!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ yes!!! i miss those little events and themed nights and the like so much! they were such a blast and i feel like they really fostered a sense of community (either on an individual blog with their own followers, or on a broader scale within a network of blogs!!) <3
also i hope you are doing wonderful <333 always sending u so much love!
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lyxchen · 5 months
Gotta love when your friend cancles your meeting that you planned a while ago because she had an appointment at the nail salon :)
#i LOVE that Really :|#(not)#like i'm really trying to be understanding#and not pissed at her because it's fine i don't need to make a big deal about this#cause the thing is we were supposed to meet and have a sleepover from today to tomorrow#but she thought it was from yesterday to today#and we realized it early enough on monday#and i told her that i can't do from tuesday to wednesday because i have work on wednesday morning (today) and i don't want to have to get up#at like 6:30 am at her house just because i have work#and she said from today to tomorrow is okay too she just had to move another thing she was doing#(which is totally okay for me)#but then she said it wasn't gonna work so maybe we could just meet up for the day without the sleepover#which is sad but it's still fun#and then she said that actually she can't meet up because she has an appointment at the nail salon today#so we didn't meet up today#and like it's fine but also it's not#cause really??#nail salon?#also this is just extra sad for me too because we were gonna do the sleepover with one of her other friends who i met at her birthday party#and who i really like and so i was really excited to also see that girl again#and now i won't :(#and i'm too scared to just ask her to meet up because like i've met her Once#anyways#this kinda reminds me of the time i was trying to meet up with my best friend and she canceled on me last minute three times in a row#which to be fair wasn't her fault at all that was her mother's fault but still#soo yeah#lea's random thoughts
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whatthefishh · 9 months
Hi friends
Come talk to me 🥺
Inbox is open all day, missing you all xo
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portmanteaurian · 1 year
glad my friends are similarly bewildered by both the available options AND the results spread on ye olde menlikers poll, we are all at a sleepover gossiping about boys
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starlitangels · 2 years
Would you rather...
...go to the beach with David or skating with Gavin?
...play mini-golf with Damien or D&D with Lasko?
...teach Asher how to cook or teach Vincent how to drive manual?
Hello sweetheart!
I'd rather go to the beach with Gavin because Gavin and I'm abysmal at skating, but that's not the question so... Beach with David. I'm sorry Gavin, but my desert-dwelling, landlocked self is desperate for the beach more than I love you *cries*
I am bad at mini-golf as well, and good at DnD XD But... honestly, mini-golf with Damien. I love Damien
I would say teach Vincent to drive manual, but I can't drive a manual so he'd be the one teaching me, lol. That said, I am teaching Asher to cook my homemade pizza because I'm currently making it right now and it's delicious and he deserves it lol
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sweetpop · 2 years
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sleepover, with makeovers!
@hugispuso @jils-things @wisp-herr @lovinglin
(if you want to be added or removed, please tell! 💗)
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porcelainmortal · 4 months
Tell me an Ellen Claremont headcanon! xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
Getting to this so late! I really had to think about it. But basically that she's the most accepting, supportive mom ever. Both of her kids being queer and in same-sex relationships didn't phase her one bit - June and Nora being canon obv - nor does she ever pressure either of her kids about giving her grandchildren (something a LOT of parents, moms especially, like to do). She might be a high-achieving woman and expect a lot of her kids, but not when it comes to who they are and who they love or where they end up.
Thanks for such a good question!! ✌️
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potpiehead · 5 months
busy ass week ahead of me
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appealingtonobody · 7 months
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effervescentdragon · 2 months
Hi bestie, for ur sleepover I have some sleepover gossip for you! I met a guy 😭 he’s so cute 😭😭😭 I really like him but he lives like two hours away from me 🥲 I said going into this dating business that I didn’t want a long distance relationship but… it barely counts bc we’re on the same island! And I really really like him 😌😌😌 help also I’m not normally the type who is easily emotionally attached to people romantically but. I’ve spoken to him for a handful of days and I’m SWOONING what is this 😭😭😭😭 (like I’m serious I thought I might be aro for a while!)
oooooh that is soooooo good to hear omg im so glad for you, that you like someone that much! i think its a good thing in general, to know youre able to feel that way, it tells you sth about yourself first and foremost. now, i'm obligated to tell you the same thing i tell all my friends - so long as you enjoy it, go for it/go with it! life's too precious to cut ourselves from joy (says she, like the biggest hypocrite ever). also, v important question: 2hrs by public transport, 2hrs by like a bus or a train, or 2hrs by car? bcs those are kinda different distances.. my motto is, where there's will, theres a way (i was in a long distance relationship but that was the part that sucked the least if im honest, tho it did suck). so long as you both like each other, talk about it i guess? i miss feeling in love/infatuated tbh it sound super wonderful 🥹❤️
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mysteriesofmarcy · 10 months
#7: The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers
OK first of all, I've had plenty of great sleepovers in my life that didn't last all night. And secondly, Sasha (and Anne) apparently fail their own test every single time when Marcy puts in War of the Warlocks.
Then there's the Scare Dare Challenge. Looking through the book shows that most of Sasha's Scare Dares may have been extremely dangerous and/or illegal, but conveniently enough, that fits in perfectly with her personality.
I'm also going to say that, while this one was both, it was also one of those "Probably shouldn't have done that, but things worked out better because we did" moments. Sure, this tour of the basement didn't have a HUGE impact on the story, but it still gave the kids a great sleepover. By the way, in case your own command of Newtopian linguistics is limited, the sign said "Shadowfish within" under the bar that actually DID say "Keep out".
And that's... pretty much the episode. The "trying to stay up till dawn" part and the Scare Dare part. I know this was a shorter post than most in this series, but it's not like the #1 episode in the series that I can gush all over it.
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flippedorbit · 1 year
if i do not get out of this house within the next week i’m going to have a breakdown 👍
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bbutterflies · 27 days
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art by the wonderful @isabugs 🩷🩷🩷
Surprise! I wanted to do an Adrino event just for fun, so join me for Adrino week! I’m so so excited to have some fun with these two and hope you can join me. Write or draw or surprise me with something else!
And if you haven’t joined the Adrino discord, now’s the time! Come chat about Adrino week or just Adrino in general 💕 Members helped plan the prompts for this week!
Prompts are listed below the cut as well. See you all in a few weeks!!
Sunday 6/9: Music
Monday 6/10: Cooking
Tuesday 6/11: Hands
Wednesday 6/12: Kwamis
Thursday 6/13: Family
Friday 6/14: Heroes
Saturday 6/15: Sleepover
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miiyochi · 1 year
living with solomon in cocytus hall
note. didnt feel like making it a big post, take this small..thing. its 3am im going to bed :p
read part 2 here
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living with solomon has given you the much needed tranquility in your otherwise very chaotic life in the devildom. months ago you would’ve never thought that living with solomon could be so… intimate.
it only took three days to come up with a chore schedule that the both of you follow to a t. monday, wednesday, friday where solomon’s while tuesday, thursday and friday were yours. to settle for sunday solomon suggested rock paper scissors. (you thought it was a silly way of settling it but you went along with it because he’s got the cutest laugh when he wins &lt;3)
on his days, solomon had basically become your house husband. he’d welcome you at the door with a greeting, “welcome back darling <3” he’d half tease while blowing a kiss. you’d roll your eyes and sit at the kitchen island with your own greeting,
“hi sol. did you miss me?” “more than anything” he says earnestly.
solomon thinks sleepy you is the cutest you. sometimes he’ll just sit at the couch fondly watching you stumble around tired as hell. or he’d sit in your shared bed and comment on how cute you’re being when you shuffle your way to the bathroom to get ready.
“ah, you’re so cute i could just die.” he sighs contently while sliding over your cup of coffee. “mmm…shutup” you mumble, eyeing the mug suspiciously. “you didn’t put anything funny in this?” you say as you take curious sips… it’s kind of sweet. solomon lets out an airy laugh with a half offended look, “you think i’d poison you?” you nod.
you and solomon have seperate rooms. yet the both of you find eachother having “sleepovers” at eachother’s rooms. solomon’s excuse is always ‘yours is closer’. you don’t even bother making up one, just simply inviting yourself over when solomon stays up late. ‘if i’m not here you’d never sleep’ you reason, solomon just nods along and lets you drag him to bed.
though, you tend to stay in solomon’s room more. it smells like him…. his scent is comforting. it’s become the most comforting and familiar thing in this strange and unfamiliar world. even back in your timeline his room smelt the same.
“you smell like home” you mumble sleepily, clinging on harder to solomon’s waist. snuggling closer to his chest, you can faintly hear solomon’s heart thump faster. he doesn’t respond but you know he’s heard you. solomon pulls you closer and kisses the top of your head, ‘you are home’ he thinks.
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