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By Jean-Pierre Isbouts
1 December 2022
After Jesus' death in A.D. 33, his early followers began slowly spreading out from Jerusalem to find sanctuary in places such as Cyrus, Phoenicia, Damascus, and Antioch.
The authors of the New Testament, like St. Luke the Evangelist who is believed to have penned the book Acts of the Apostles around A.D. 80, tell the struggles believers and the early church faced in their nascent days.
In Acts, Luke tells the story of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr to be gruesomely executed in A.D. 36.
Stephen's stoning, Luke says, prompted other followers to flee so as not to fall victim to similar persecutions.
So, what does the Bible say about how this vulnerable faith got jumpstarted, eventually evolving into the world’s most populous religion with some 2.3 billion followers today?
Mystical conversion
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Acts of the Apostles tells the story of one man, Saul of Tarsus, who played a huge role in spreading early Christianity.
Devoutly Jewish and a Roman citizen, he was an unlikely proponent of this new faith.
It describes how he witnessed the mob scene around Stephen’s death and came to believe it was his solemn duty to persecute Christians, going so far as to drag Christian men and women to prison, punishing them to deny their faith.
He obtained permission from the high priest in Jerusalem to pursue and arrest fleeing Christians.
On his way to Damascus, Syria, however, a light from heaven flashed around him.
He fell to the ground and heard the voice of the resurrected Jesus saying, “Saul, why do you persecute me?” (Acts 9:4).
From that moment on, Saul (later called Paul) devoted himself to the Apostolic mission.
Spreading the message
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Among the places where early Christians fled for safety from persecution was Antioch, capital of Roman Syria.
The newly converted Paul found himself there and, with the apostle Barnabas, spent a year preaching the gospel and establishing the first Christian church.
It was there that the term “Christians” — "followers of Christ” — was coined (Acts 11:21).
It was also from Antioch that Paul embarked on three separate journeys, detailed in Acts, traveling over 10,000 miles between A.D. 46 and 57.
It tells of Paul’s visits to present-day Israel, Syria, Greece, and Turkey, walking roads that Romans built to facilitate control over the empire and enduring uncomfortable passages on weather-exposed decks of boats.
Along the way, he argued “persuasively about the kingdom of God” (Acts 19:8) and performed “extraordinary miracles” (Acts 19:11), such as curing the sick.
In Cyprus, he baptized a Roman consul, Paulus Sergius.
He shared Jesus’ gospel and established churches throughout the Roman Empire, communities of faith that featured confessions, liturgies, bishops, priests, and deacons.
Resistance, arrest, and martyrdom
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Everywhere he went, however, Paul also encountered Jewish followers, who called him a heretic.
He endured beatings, stoning, and arrests for preaching the gospel.
In Athens, Acts recounts how Paul became distressed over the preponderance of idols.
He tried to reason with the citizens:
“As I walked around and looked at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: To an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship” (Acts 17:23).
He debated that this “unknown god” was the biblical God, the creator of heaven and earth.
Some sneered, but others said they wanted to hear more from Paul (Acts 17:32). Just by talking to people, he successfully made converts, one by one.
Acts records that Paul was arrested several times by the Romans and imprisoned twice in Rome.
The first time, between A.D. 60 and 62, he was arrested for causing a riot in a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
He was allowed to live in a house, where it’s said he converted his Roman guards.
The Romans arrested him again sometime between A.D. 62 and 67.
This time, he was confined to Tullianum, a maximum security prison. Soon after, Paul is said to have been martyred.
His end is unclear, but the most common account claims he was beheaded at the order of the Roman emperor Nero, who blamed him as a Christian leader for Rome’s burning.
Paul’s unique ways
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Many other apostles and missionaries evangelized Christianity at the same time as Paul.
While biblical accounts show that Paul didn't claim to be anything more than an ambassador for Christ, he did have a unique strategy.
He worked to baptize souls regardless of whether they were Jewish or Gentile.
One big question centered on whether converts to Christ should also be expected to become Jewish.
For the Jerusalem apostles, the answer was yes. For them, faith was inseparable from Jesus’ teachings as a Jewish rabbi. Paul disagreed.
He welcomed Gentiles who were attracted to Christianity but were not interested in adopting Jewish customs.
Paul was intelligent and controversial, pouring his experiences and thoughts into letters throughout his travels.
Some say he wrote so many letters because so many people argued with him.
Whatever the case, the letters summarize his views on Christianity, ideas that became the bedrock of the Catholic Church.
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In his Letter to the Romans, for example, he said that faith in Christ supersedes Jewish Law; that each community is part of the “body of Christ” and should be governed by love; and that faith in the Christian God holds the promise of eternal life.
In all, he authored 13 epistles (seven of which are undisputedly his, six of which are disputed), making him the most prolific writer in the Bible.
Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament are attributed to him (though scholars also differ on this number).
Through it all, Paul articulated Jesus’ “kingdom of God” message into an idea that the largely Gentile population could understand and accept and his ability to spread the message of primitive Christianity is truly extraordinary.
His three journeys described in Acts permanently established the fledgling faith in Gentile lands and beyond.
Without him, the Greco-Roman world might never have heard about the teachings of a charismatic rabbi from Nazareth whose redemptive program went on to embrace the world.
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pochaulloac · 5 months
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La vida en la mazmorra en tiempos XYZ
se consumió a los humanos inocentes o culpables¡!??
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marcusagrippa · 2 months
lictors get his unruly manwhore ass and throw him in the secret pussy explosion chamber in the tullianum for one billion years
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brutusjustifier · 2 days
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brought seianus to the tullianum for his birthday today ❤️
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catilinas · 1 year
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do you think cicero and pompey ever expl—[i am strangled to death in the tullianum]
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catominor · 1 month
they put me in the tullianum for picking up the senators and bopping them on the head
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richo1915 · 2 years
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Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar.
Vercingetorix was a king and chieftain of the Arverni tribe who united the Gauls in a failed revolt against Roman forces during the last phase of Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars. Caesar had been able to exploit Gaulish internal divisions to easily subjugate the country, and Vercingetorix's attempt to unite the Gauls against Roman invasion came too late. At the Battle of Alesia in 52 BC, the Romans besieged and defeated his forces; to save as many of his men as possible, he gave himself to the Romans. Vercingetorix was imprisoned in the Tullianum in Rome for almost six years before being publicly displayed in the first of Caesar's four triumphs in 46 BC. He was ceremonially strangled at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus after the triumph.
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cattus-catos · 1 month
send him to the gaol. NOT GAUL. the tullianum! oh by jupiter theyve given him a five year promagistracy.
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benigrec · 1 year
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Magical Mix Up
Chapter Seven
(Chapter Six can be found here.)
Author’s Note: Again a huge thanks goes to @theadrogna for being my historical guide for all things Roman. I have learned some fun things for this fic.
Amy hated that Rory had been taken from her once more. Sometimes it felt as though the universe did this to them every few years just for laughs.
“We’ll find him, Amelia,” the Doctor wrapped his arm around her, “You two always find one another. Even when he died and was erased from time, Rory came back to you.”
Amy took a deep breath, “I know.”
“Then don’t worry,” the Doctor smiled, “This place especially is somewhere that he knows. Somewhere he can blend into, so we just have to look for any signs he’s left for us. And if we’re in the wrong part of the city, then Rip will find him.”
She sighed looking around what she once would have been excited to see. The Romans had been her favourite subject at school, but while Rory was missing nothing else mattered.
Amy had tried every so often to ask him about the memories he held but Rory didn’t like thinking, never mind talking about them.
They continued through the marketplace, hoping that they’d find him but so far nothing. Amy’s heart leapt every time she saw a flash of red, hoping Rory would appear before her but there was no luck so far.
As they walked on Amy suddenly sighed, “Why haven’t we found anything? Rory would leave us a sign, where is it?”
The Doctor mused before shaking his head, “Of course, we arrived here not long after him. He wouldn’t expect us yet. Rory is probably finding a place to hunker down first.”
“So, what do we do?” Amy demanded.
The Doctor wrapped his arm around her once more, “We keep looking for him. He would have entered through the same gate we did. We’re in the right section of the city and there are only a certain amount of places Rory will be able to go without connections. We’ll find him.”
 John winced as he was tossed out the window and slammed into the ground. Scrambling to his feet, he turned to see the multiple guards appear swords drawn.
“Look,” he held out his hands, “Obviously mistakes were made, and I shouldn’t have been in there, even if she did invite me but there’s no need for all this. I was just asking for help to find someone.”
John grimaced as his explanation wasn’t swaying them and they continued to advance. Spinning round to run away, John found there were two guards behind him and groaned as someone hit him across the back of his head. Dropping to the ground, John swam in and out of consciousness as he was grabbed by each arm then dragged through the crowd. His head was buzzing, and John wanted to pull away but couldn’t. John groaned as he was yanked to his feet and came face to face with a large man who listened to one of the guards before nodding. John struggled weakly as he was dragged through the gates and into a room with a hole in the floor covered by a metal grate. The grate was pulled off it and a rope ladder tossed down.
John was shoved to the hole and pushed down.
“Climb or fall,” the guard told him, “Your choice.”
Against his growing headache, John climbed down the ladder knowing the other way would probably result in worse injury. The moment he touched the dirt covered ground, the ladder was pulled up, leaving him in the cell with circular walls and nothing but a hole in the ceiling.
Waiting until the guards were gone, John gently touched his ear to activate his communicator, but it wasn’t there. Frantically checking his clothes and the floor of the cell, he sighed finding nothing.
 Gideon sipped the tea she’d made for herself while the others worked to fix the Waverider. She could hear the annoyed cries as things wouldn’t work, no matter what they did. Jax was currently swearing at the systems as Rip had shown him several tricks that normally got the computer to start, but this time everything refused to work for him.
“Gideon,” Cisco appeared, “Can I talk to you?”
She nodded, “Of course. Take a seat.”
“Okay,” he frowned, dropping into the chair across from her, “I get you’re annoyed at them, especially the fact Sara hid they’d found Rip from you.”
“And kept him imprisoned,” Gideon added sharply.
Cisco nodded, “I get all that but fixing the ship should be a priority?”
She smiled slightly at him, “It is. Mr Ramon, I would never do anything to put the Waverider in danger. The self-repair systems are already working, and the ship shall be repaired within the next six hours.”
Cisco frowned, “Then why are you letting them struggle?”
Amusement covered her face, “Because they believe they do not need me.”
“What about Rip?”
“Sending more people is not a good idea,” Gideon remined him, “Mr Constantine is currently searching for him. Adding the others while the situation is unknown is reckless. Once the systems are running again, I will be able to locate him within seconds.”
Cisco frowned, “You can find Rip that easily?”
“Now we are within the same time, yes,” Gideon told him, “It was a problem when I had to search the entirety of time and space.”
“Then what?” Cisco asked softly.
“Gideon smiled beatifically, “Then I take my ship and if others wish to travel with me, then we shall work out an arrangement.”
Cisco nodded, “Sara is going to love that.”
 Rory gripped his sword, feeling the familiar handle bite into his hand. He felt better now, having his own weapon but they couldn’t use them just now and caught Rip’s arm holding him in place.
“Where will they take him?” Rip asked, watching his friend dragged away.
Rory turned asking, “Don’t you know?”
“I learned enough to pass myself off as a soldier within a guard station in order to retrieve a shotgun,” Rip told him, “Not to mention it was one of my very first missions, so I’m a bit rusty on the customs.”
“He’s been taken to the Tullianum,” Rory explained, “It’s a dungeon. Prisoners were left in there until trial, usually without food and water.”
Rip frowned, “How long until he’s put on trial?”
“Depends on who the house belonged to,” Rory mused, “And whose bedchamber he violated. From what I know that house belongs to a very important member of the Senate. Your friends are not the best at keeping a low profile, are they?”
“John tends to not to think at times,” Rip sighed, “Not with his head anyway,” he bent down and picked up a small metallic disc, “And this is his comms link, so he can’t call for help.”
“Let’s face it from what I’ve seen of the others is a blessing for the timeline,” Rory noted.
“How do we get him out?” Rip asked.
Rory frowned as he thought, “Well, that’s the problem. I suggest waiting until tonight, there will be fewer guards for us to get past on the night shift. The sun will be going down in about three hours if I’m right.”
Grimacing Rip said, “Then I suggest we get back to the TARDIS and reunite you with Amy. We can make a plan there.”
Rory nodded, “That is a great idea.”
Motioning towards the city gate, Rip smiled, “This way.”
 The blue box Rory expected to see was not there and he frowned turning to Rip.
“There’s a camouflage shielding on,” Rip explained, “The Doctor told me to look for a pattern on the wall,” he stepped forward and studied the area finding finally a few squiggles made by chalk. Turning Rip took a small step forward and banged into the hidden TARDIS.
Rory began to laugh, the lightness made him feel more like Nurse-Rory and less Centurion-Rory.
“I appear to have found it,” Rip winced, rubbing his forehead.
Rory stepped forward, his hand stretched out and gently touched the door feeling the wood beneath his fingertips.
“It’s me,” he whispered, “Can I come in?” There was a pause before the lock clicked, and the door opened for him. Stepping inside, Rory smiled, “Thank you.”
Rip followed him inside, closing the door and joined Rory at the control console, “Do you know what you’re doing?”
Nodding Rory replied, “The Doctor showed me how to send a signal to the sonic once. Just in case. I could, in theory, also take us somewhere.”
“How did you unlock the door,” Rip asked suddenly, “I noticed a lock earlier. And a ship this advanced, the Doctor would not leave it accessible.”
Rory shrugged, “Normally I’d have a key, but the TARDIS likes me. Don’t ask me why but she apparently does.”
Rip frowned in thought, “Like an AI?”
“Like a soul,” Rory replied.
 Rip watched the other man for a moment before deciding to ask what had been weighing on his mind since he’d connected with the computer on his own ship.
“Rory,” he said, “When you were on the Waverider, did anyone mention Gideon?”
Musing for a moment, Rory finally replied, “Your friend John stated Gideon wasn’t able to help at the moment.”
Rip sighed, “I’m really hoping they haven’t damaged her permanently.”
“Who is she?” Rory asked softly.
“She’s the AI for the Waverider,” Rip replied shortly.
Rory stared at him for a moment before asking, “Who is she to you?”
Amazed by how perceptive the other man was Rip shrugged, “My best friend. The only family I have left.”
“He only said at the moment,” Rory reminded him, “We can ask him when we get him out, so don’t lose hope.”
Rip shook his head, “You are very different from me. I lost the ability to hope a long time ago.”
Before Rory could answer they heard the door opening and Amy ran in, followed closely by the Doctor. Without a word, the redhead ran to her husband and grabbed him in a tight embrace. Rip watched Rory’s eyes close in relief as he held onto Amy. Pulling away from Rory, Amy turned to Rip.
“Thank you,” she breathed, as the Doctor hugged Rory, “Thank you.”
Rip shrugged, “He was fine without any of us.”
“So,” the Doctor said, “Where to now?”
“Actually,” Rory spoke up, “One of Rip’s people has been arrested and we need to rescue him.”
Amy’s eyes darkened, “Is this one of the people who held you hostage?”
“They thought I was Rip,” Rory soothed before continuing, “Besides, he violated the sanctity of a Senator’s wife’s bedroom and, as he is definitely not a citizen, then this will not end well for him unless we get him out.”
“What about his friends?” Amy demanded, “Can’t they risk their lives instead of yours, again.”
“His communicator fell out,” Rory replied softly, “He has no way to call for help.”
Annoyance flickered across Amy’s face, but when Rory took her hand, she sighed and nodded.
“Fine,” Amy said, “But I’m coming with you.”
“No,” Rory told her, “I’ve seen you with a sword. We’re not looking for that level of carnage.”
Before Amy could argue, the Doctor spoke up, “I agree with Rory, Amy. He knows what he’s doing.”
“Besides we’ll need you to come after us if something goes wrong,” Rip noted wryly, “Which, with my current track record, it will.”
“You’re a bundle of joy,” Amy rolled her eyes.
Rory wrapped his arm around Amy and pressed a kiss to her temple before turning to Rip, “First thing first. I want my own uniform back. Then we’ll work out a plan.”
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tomicscomics · 5 years
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It's a big one, but as a lover of the classics, I had a lot of fun making this parody.
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. A great fire ravaged Rome in July of 64 AD.  Out of Rome's 14 districts, 10 were either destroyed or heavily damaged.  According to the historian Tacitus, there was a rumor that Emperor Nero had ordered  the fire so he could claim the burned land for his new palace.  Nero is said to have deflected these rumors by blaming the Christians (back then known as "The Way"), a freaky new cult that the Romans already distrusted, so they made a great scapegoat.  Thus, one of the worst persecutions in Early Christian history begunned. 2. Mamertine is the medieval name given to the Roman prison that housed VIPs (Very Important Prisoners).  It's Roman name was apparently "Tullianum", but I think "Mamertine" sounds more like an intimidating villain name, so I used that one.  According to tradition, it's also the prison that held both Peter and Paul before their respective executions (though I don't know if they were ever held there simultaneously).  Because it was such a big deal, I figured I'd personify the prison and make him the Darth Vader to Paul's Obi Wan.  But what's his secret identity?  Some Roman soldier disfigured in the fire?  A once-Christian turned traitor to the faith?  A disgruntled coppersmith (2 Timothy 4:14-15)??? 3. "I find your faith disturbing" is a play on the Darth Vader quote "I find your LACK OF faith disturbing".  He says that right before choking a guy who doubts the power of the Force. 4. "There is no escape" is a direct Darth Vader quote. 5. Luke was seemingly the only one with Paul in the end (2 Timothy 4:11), so naturally, Luke is Luke. 6. "Run, Luke!" is a direct quote from Obi Wan to Luke. 7. As Paul's time comes to an end, it's up to the Holy Spirit to keep his disciple on the right track, so naturally, we have Yoda-But-A-Bird, inspiring Luke to keep writing to spread the Word.
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marcusagrippa · 2 months
sad to see the retirement of lictors pussy in bio... but deeply respectful of the mark antony hate... enough!! lictors rip his pussy apart now!
IM SORRY :((( lictors pussy is still there in spirit i promise. lictors get his unruly promiscuous manwhore ass and throw him in the secret pussy explosion chamber in the tullianum for one billion years
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catilinas · 4 years
u are non modo a gruetual verum etiam a white mutual<3
thank you o catilinarian jailbreak ally
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m1male2 · 5 years
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Vercingetorix (c.80-46 BC) of the Arverni tribe, united most of the Gallic tribes to confront Julius Caesar and expel him from their territories. Defeated in Alesia (52 BC), he was arrested and imprisoned in the Tullianum (Roma) for six years until he was executed.
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Roman punishments included throwing you off a cliff known as the Tarpeian Rock or choking you out in the Tullianum (Mamertine).  Romans had prisons (Tullianum) but no such thing as long term incarceration (the idea of a prison as a place of actual long term incarceration wasn’t until, like, the 18th century so that goes without saying).
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water-shape · 6 years
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Carcer Tullianum, the only state prison of ancient Rome
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