#tumblr broke while i tried to answer this smh
euryalex · 1 year
All numbers you havent gotten yet for Wyll/Tara
long post incoming lol
3. Jealousy issues?
Not really? I do think that, while they respect each other's choices, there's always kinda a hint of fear. They've both lost so much already. Seeing someone else flirt with their S/O scares them. Not that they think their S/O would cheat or leave, it's just the thought that scares them.
4. What’s a Night Out for them?
Honestly... I think they like to spend it on their own. They like to show each other location's they've visited before, but after a while they like to just go out and stargaze or just go for a walk in a forest.
5. What’s an evening in for them?
An evening in most likely takes place after a long day, where neither have enough energy to do anything else. They'll just cuddle somewhere and just hang out - they don't even need to talk.
6. Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
Well I THINK we talked about a double date between them and Astarion and Farowyn :3
Come to think of it... They'd have a lot of double dates with Astarion-mancers - @swingxilly's Sonne and @chainsawsangel's Athena are definitely welcome 😉 And if Anabel keeps Raphael in line, they're also welcome 👀 @firstaidspray
7. Do they want (have) kids?
At first... Neither really thought about it and it kinda becomes 'if it happens, it happens'. Then, they get little Arlys and it finally feels like they can rest - as if they've reached the end of their adventure.
9. If they got engaged… who proposed? 
I think they've always kinda referred to one another as 'my husband/wife' but they're not married. It's only long after Arlys is born - like, he'd be 10, that Wyll proposes.
12. How Are there communication skills?
Wyll's are good, but Tara often struggles with words - at first, at least. She gets better at it when she finds what kind of person she is without her master.
13. A little personal… but… Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
It depends on the situation. Sometimes all they want is to be loved and cherished, but sometimes they haven't seen each other in a while or haven't had time to themselves and they're so pent up and they're sooo impatient-
15. Why do they like each other?
For Tara... it's how he's really such a gentleman despite everything that's happened to him. Despite his deal with Mizora he sticks to his morals no matter what but not in a way that makes him too stubborn to change his mind.
For Wyll, I think he fell for Tara when he saw how kindhearted she was even when she had no reason to be. Sure, she doesn't let people take advantage of her, but she does believe in people redeeming themselves. It's what makes it so easy for their companions to open up to her.
16. Who cooks most?
I think Wyll. Tara only learned how to cook smaller things as a child and is only now catching up. Most of the time it's Wyll cooking with Tara's assistance, though, so she slowly learns a thing or two. When she and Wyll are separated, she's forced to try more and while she struggles at first, she gets the hang of it eventually.
18. Evening rituals?
Tara definitely needs a few kisses first. Sometimes, if one can't sleep, they'll just talk about their day or what they'll do tomorrow :D
19. How are they at parties or gatherings?
They're definitely talking to everyone - you cannot avoid them. When they're done talking, they'll most likely dance or drink.
20. Most cuddly? 
Hm... Tara, but only because of how hard she latches on. Wyll cannot escape her cuddles (he doesn't want to.)
21. Movie Night?
MODERN AU Most likely all lights out, both cuddling under a blanket, some snacks on the table. One of them falls asleep while the other stays awake for the entire movie.
22. Who is the photo bug?
Modern AU Hm... both, in different ways. Wyll loves taking photos with/of other people. Tara loves posing for pictures. She also loves taking them - she's definitely the obnoxious type who takes pictures of her food 😭
23. How well do they know each other’s favorite foods?
They definitely know what the other likes! For sure! On special occasions they'll cook for one another :)
24. What do their texts look like?
Modern AU Oh god. Tara would send so much weird shit and Wyll deals with it like a CHAMP. Tara will randomly send shit like 'The river is too quiet tonight.' and Wyll will just have to be like. '... So that's a no on movie night?'
Wyll will send something like two cats cuddling and caption it with 'us 💖' and Tara immediately goes soft.
Also. Tara's response vs Wyll's response:
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25. Parenting style?
Hm. I think both are stern when they need to be, but they believe in raising Arlys to be kind. They want to be good parents and that Arlys has a better life than they did.
26. If they have kids, who named them? What would they name them?
They'd both agree on a name. Tara would probably want an Elven name, while Wyll wants something to remember his family.
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sekceesimps · 4 years
The Dragon’s Requiem (A Zhongli x Reader x Childe oneshot)
Summary:  Zhongli reflects on his past with the reader as he watches her move on with someone new. 
angst with fluff and maybe a lil nsfw?
Pairing:   (past) Zhongli x Reader. Childe x Reader  
a/n  NOT THE GENSHIN HCs GETTING 600 NOTES WHAT THE HECK THANKS EVERYONE! That was such a great present to wake up to (who needs a S/O? smh I have my 200+ tumblr followers). 
I tried writing the reader as gender neutral, but since I’m a female it might not have come across as that, so I’m sorry ahead of time. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys, leave some requests and feedback (it means so much to me)! 
Sincerely Coffee 
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Your fingers tangled gently into his dark locks, tugging him closer to you. You smile softly at him as he delicately places light kisses across your face and jawline, slowly inching towards your neck. You bask in his warmth and glowing attention as you arch your back to get even closer to him. In times like this, he couldn’t help but admire everything about you. From how happy you look, to the way you slept so peacefully just moments ago, or the way that you would look in a few minutes with your face flushed and begging for him.  
Zhongli has always been a man who lived in and cherished the past. He could spend hours talking about Liyue’s history or explain the customs and cultures of a time long before. It would bother some people, but never you. He admired you so much. Your patience for him, the openness of your heart to allow him to come into your life, and the unique beauty you had that surpassed anyone else in his eyes.      
He never really cared for humans. Yes, he knew he had a responsibility to them, but he never truly loved them. At least, he never loved any mortal the way that he loves you. He has been alive for thousands of years, but he had never felt this attached to someone, especially not a seemingly simple mortal. It was his strange attachment that made losing you all the more difficult.    
His greatest insecurity had always been his lifespan. If he could give everything up to spend his life with you, then he would have. He knows he has responsibilities as a protector of the nation of Liyue, but the promise of your sweet embrace and a meaningful future with you was too good to pass upon. With you, he wasn’t stuck in the past, but looked towards the future. 
“Childe! You’re such a tease,” your soothing voice sharply breaks him out of his reveries of the past. 
“Well it’s not my fault that you’re too stunning to contain myself around,” the harbinger known as Tartaglia shot back playfully and moved to grab for your hand. You take quick notice of his actions and allow him to wrap his fingers around yours. 
“Can we have dinner there!” you point excitedly at the Liuli Pavilion. 
“Anything for you, love” he grins and pulls you two towards the restaurant. 
The crowds parted at the sight of the young Fatui and his darling Y/N. He was accustomed to showing them off to everyone, proud of being able to pull someone as stunning and kind as them. Zhongli looks down, feeling sick, was that the feeling of seeing his dear Y/N with that man. He didn’t really move on. He stayed in Liyue’s harbors, sometimes you even caught glimpses of the God who stole and broke your heart in a different time. 
“I love you,” Childe grins after pulling away from you. Allowing you to catch your breath following the heated kiss, before you respond, 
“I love you more,” smiling back at your boyfriend before leaning in to steal another kiss. You move your arms to the back of his head, digging your fingers into his hair as he passionately returns your kiss. His own hand traveling low and playfully squeezing your ass. It was a simple show of affection between a young couple in love. A couple that most everyone was familiar with and adored. Of course the two of you thought you were in a secluded area, but there are people who have known this land and it’s hiding spots for years. 
It was a shame, he thinks, as he watches you and the auburn haired man enjoy your day out together. Together. The word really hits him right then and there. You had moved on past your days with the archon.              
He knows it’s selfish to continue to long for you. He left and hurt you so unfairly. You were someone precious to him, and he broke you without a care in the world. 
“Zhongli, are you ok?” you asked meekly as you walked into your shared home. He’s agitated, pacing and scrunching his eyebrows. The normally calm composured man looked flustered and sad in a way. 
“I want to take a break” he pronounced unexpressively. With blank amber eyes he tore your heart out. No, I don’t want this. I want to be with you forever. I don’t want to hurt you, he chides himself internally
Your silent tears hurt him more than any wound he’s received in battle. This is for you though. You don’t deserve this pain, but what you feel now is infinitely better than the suffering he would inflict on you in the future. 
He stops himself from reaching out to you. That would only serve to give you false comfort. He leaves without another word, heart shattering more and more as you finally let out your sobs behind the door. This will be better for you, he justifies to himself, I could never give you what you wanted. 
It was you who changed him. It was you who showed him how to really and truly love someone for the first time in his thousands of years of life. It was you who made him want to be better and grow. 
“Why do you love me,” you asked suddenly, breaking the calm silence between you two. 
“What kind of question is that?” he had questioned in return, slightly tilting his head to face you, truly puzzled as to why you were asking something like that. 
“Well I’m not particularly special. My fighting skills are average. I’m not as attractive as others around here. I guess I’m just wondering why a God like you is interested in someone as average as me. I’m sorry this is probably annoying you” you mutter and turn away from him slightly to hide your face. 
“You’re not average. You’re stunning, brave, true, and compassionate. You are so much more than even that. There has never been any other mortal that has ever captured my attention like you have. I only have my eyes for you so don’t apologize,” he answers honestly, gazing into your eyes, which were now welling with tears. 
“I love you,” you whisper and let him wrap his arms around your body, pulling you close to him and offering a comforting touch. 
“I love you more than you could ever imagine,” he mumbled into your hair and placed a light kiss on your forehead. 
Something inside of Zhongli curls up and dies when he hears your illuminating laughter and head thrown back, as your E/C eyes gleam in the sun’s light. That should be him making you laugh. Him causing your happiness. Him kneeling on one knee. Him devoting his life to you. 
“Yes!” you exclaim in shock at seeing the man you’ve spent the last two years with get down on  one knee in front of you.
“I haven’t even asked anything yet,” he teases as he slides a silver band onto your finger, “but I’m glad you said yes.” you smile back at him and place soft kisses all across his face. 
“Come on, let’s eat some golden shrimp on the roof over there!” he declares as he places another kiss on your cheek right before he takes off towards the roof of a building on the harbor. 
This would be the final time Zhongli swears to himself again as he takes another glance at your grinning form. He knows it’s a useless promise because he knows that he’ll be back soon. 
He thinks it’s ironic that it took leaving you to realize how much he can’t live without you. 
As he turns away from the scene of the grinning couple, his heart crumbles, but it’s the thought that you would finally be happy, keeping him from breaking forever. Yes, he would be at your side for the rest of his days, it may not be in the way that he wanted, but he holds you too dear to leave for good. 
“Goodbye for now my darling Y/N” the archon murmurs. He hopes you hear his requiem for what the two of you had. For what he would still protect and cherish, even as he watches it get replaced by someone you deserved more. 
You hear a familiar voice faintly echo as you cling further into your now asleep fiance's arms and rest your head on his shoulder. As you feel a shadow of a kiss on your forehead you can’t help but think back to those precious times with your geo archon, “Until we meet again Zhongli. Perhaps in a different life I’ll be enough for you,” you whisper into the night.  
The dragon lets out his final song, all the while your own resolve crumbles away, longing for the man you once called home, but accepting this wonderful future with a man you love. 
a/n  Feel free to drop a like or comment, it boosts my fragile ego. In a bit of pain if you couldn’t tell. I’ve also gotten too addicted to this game and it’s sekcee characters, please send help 🤧  
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kitsayshello · 6 years
aw fuck yeah anon lets GO
WARNING; there is angst and spoilers in this post, due to no clarification!
headcanons are under the cut! [possibly, i don’t know]
edit: there was no god damn cut smh. still learning how tumblr works with the cuts n stuff.
fluff ; non-despair
these two are the respectable mom and dad friends of the whole friend group.
mainly because they’re really responsible, however, it is partly because they’re dating. ouma was the one who found out they were dating before they came out, so he came out for them.
these two usually just stay home and pamper each other for dates. this is really the only time they can relax.
their friends have ruined a date before. toujo lectured them all the next day, while amami was out doing errands. he still doesn’t know this happened.
while on their stay-at-home dates, amami is the one who puts on the movies and wraps toujo in a blanket. this is mainly so he can keep her off of her feet.
toujo usually feeds amami some fruits or chocolates during the dates. both have consent to do their things.
sometimes, when amami is on edge or panicked, toujo will cuddle him in one of their rooms to calm him down. he calms down after about an hour of doing this, but he feels bad afterwards, so he repays toujo with anything she wants or needs.
toujo and amami do indeed travel to find his sisters. however, sometimes, they travel just to explore new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures.
amami makes sure to buy everything, sometimes even taking toujo’s money hostage. of course, he gives it back to her after they go back to their suite.
fluff ; despair/gender
[because i don’t want to make two of them really short, i decided to combine the two together. sorry for the inconvenience.]
at the beginning of the killing game, toujo and amami were wary of one another. however, this didn’t last long, as amami helped toujo out with helping the other classmates the 2nd day the killing game was taking place.
the two kept hanging around with each other, talking about their past and talents [though the talent was just kirumi, as amami still won’t trust anyone, not even toujo, with his ultimate survivor title.]
amami and toujo are, in fact, also the mom and dad friends in this. however, they were never dating in the despair au.
amami came out as trans to toujo after about 2 weeks of hanging around with each other. he was really scared to do it, even avoiding toujo for about 2 days beforehand.
toujo was surprised, however, she didn’t really change her views on amami. he was still the same person.
that being said, toujo decided she’d pay amami’s trust back by saying she, herself, was nonbinary.
the two honestly just hugged each other for awhile, afterwards talking about their genders and such.
angst ; despair
[sadly, this will be REALLY short, and also a continuation of the fluffy despair one, due to amami not making it very far in the killing game.]
when amami died, toujo almost broke down. keyword: almost.
she had lost one of the people she trusted the most out of everyone, and a nice person, at that.
after the trial, kirumi was noticeably slower with completing tasks.
when asked about it, she just responded with, “ah, my focus must be off today. my apologies, i will try harder.”
during the time of chapter two, toujo had been talking with ryouma about the last victim- amami.
bringing up how he [hoshi] would’ve replaced amami, toujo talked about it with him.
this brought out her true emotions after the death of amami, of course.
ryouma, who didn’t mind, agreed with the plan of manslaughter.
now, fast-forward to after the murder.
toujo is smiling, however, she’s still grieving. grieving for her dearest friend, amami.
she knows she’ll die soon.
toujo, after being found out, covered her grief and anguish with anger and lies- the lie being ‘for her country’.
she never told anyone but hoshi how she felt about amami’s death.
suddenly, she felt scared. scared about death. she wasn’t afraid to join amami- of course not, but what if he didn’t accept her? what if she actually never sees him again-?
so she runs. she tries to run from her execution.
obviously, that failed.
if she joined amami or not is up to you.
there you have it! these took me an hour to do, so i hope you like it, anon!
the ask box is still open! i’m also answering these while on vacation, so sorry if these are a tad bit late.
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nctaezen · 3 years
Bdjajsjs thats so weird? I don't know why that happened, I logged onto my new laptop because my old one broke (may it never be forgotten) and it never like, reset anything for me :o smh tumblr stop being buggy!!
At least things are back to normal I think(?) But oohhh look at you being fancy! I hope being back at work is going well for you! Hopefully not too stressful as well! I'm sure it may be a bit weird if you aren't used to socializing after a while but I believe in ya :D I do hope health wise you are less tired and are feeling good as well!
Nct comeback and I will admit, the song wasn't a fav of mine right away :c the song needed to grow on me after some few listens and I do bop to it now! (I admit some of the memes that came out during sticker were funny xD) I do think it was the flute being too loud that made me go ??? But now I kinda just wait for it to pop up in the song like its a jump scare haha (I mean this in a good way of course!) I can see lemonade being a title track, especially if the lyrics are calling out haters but i can see it not being one. Sticker despite if you don't like it, is DIFFICULT to perform. The song is very off beat and thats not easy to follow along yet the boys make it seem like it is ballroom dancing 101 lol. I respect that so much!
Outside of that, I am doing alright! Had some crazy bumps in life but right now I think things are calm or I hope unless I jinxed myself djsjzj. Happy spoopy month as well!
Hey hey my lovely glitchy!! Long time we haven’t talked and while I had a few attempts to reply on mobile but talk about tumblr’s glitches, my answer got lost, and while replying this answer as well my wifi went down and now I’m starting again on a notepad this time to make sure my reply won’t get lost again.
And talk about timing!! I remembered your birthday is around this time of the year so please forgive me for being 2 days late!! I looked up and saw that I sent you a later birthday wish around the same time last year what a fate omg.
Happy birthday my lovely long time anon friend! ❤️🎂🎁🥳Hope you had an amazing time and this year treated you better than the last year with many pretty gifts and yummy food.
It’s been almost a year? How fast time passed, since we started talking I always kept you in my heart, for real, not to sound sappy or anything but it feels good knowing we have someone far away thinking of us, what is life without the meaning of something like that? I don’t know and I don’t want to know since I really love this…
It’s been a hectic ride until this month, while I went back to the office and met my new colleagues, it was all nice, we had some sweet short-lived moments of socialising, until we got hit again by new restriction and here we are, back to home again.
I was watching these days a video someone posted on youtube about how 2 years passed by without progressing too much in life and that kinda hit me..for real, I feel like nothing much improved with my work, was expecting some kind of promotion, which I never got but someone under me got it instead and also some other things I had planned were swept away by everything slowly getting cancelled or postponed and I feel like…I have no idea which direction is this going further, but I am waiting for a new year, new hope and making new plans to change my life, routine and maybe thinking about trying something else in life, you know. I didn’t take the risk yet because I wanted to have a stable comfortable position during this pandemic, but now the urge to completely turn my life 180º degrees is sooo strong omg but enough of my emo moments!
Tell me about you!! How have you been all this time? I tried to follow a couple of vlog updates from the states about daily life, routine, streets, work, events and so on and it seemed like things have been pretty chill over there.
There are good and bad news everywhere but I try to stay optimist and look only to good things happening from now on. What about NCT tour? Are you planning to go? I saw they’re going to Chicago and they’re coming to Europe to 4 locations!!! Which is insane! Trust me, I never felt so happier before, can’t wait to see them again. Yes, that would be a part of my new year improved happy plan to follow in 2022 hahaha Personal happiness before anything! As long as we stay healthy and take care of ourselves, we can achieve it!
And about NCT’s Sticker comeback it’s been a while but I’m happy for them getting the album of the year, so happy, I have been listening to their album while commuting by car so many times haha In the middle of all of this, we’re so so close to a new comeback and a new line up, it felt strange not seeing Taeyong at the centre of this promotion, but hey, there’s more yet to come and I see him hanging out with his producer friends in secrecy-not-so-secret which gives me hints of a new Taeyong solo coming up soon soon…can’t wait! Till then, 2021 is still fresh and can’t wait to see the new interactions, content and most important the bops! Cause what am I going to dance to all night during quarantine on the new year’s eve if not an NCT bop? Right haha
Ok that was loooong but I hope I made it up for everything lost and for the time getting back at you! I hope you’re spending a lovely day/night ahead and thank you once again for being here ❤️
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
Soooo Tumblr tagged your new post as "Content for Adults Only" and I can't see it 😢😢 srsly tumblr is pissing me off rn
Anon said:I don't understand how your most recent post about Denki is blocked by safety mode????? Like it's just your art of his birthday! I love the art of it tho, it's fantastic! Keep up the amazing work.
Anon said:*whispers* the thing you just posted contains sensetive media apperantly
Yeah it’s most probably Mineta isn’t it
(jk it was probs my inclination to swear my way through life’s fault, I asked for a review so it should be visible in a bit but for now you can see it here !!)
Anon said:!!! I didn't know when Kaminari's birthday was but his is the same as mine and I'm even more attached to him now !!! Thanks for bringing that info to my attention and also your doodles were amazing I love them and I hope you have a nice day!!
Yay for you and yay for him too!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a great birthday tomorrow, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I can't remember if you've already answered this question but in light of Kami's birthday - you once did a comic showing what everyone from the Bakusquad would get him for his birthday, so I wanted to know what do you think Bakugou would get all of his friends for their birthdays?
Bakugou has the hardest time coming up with birthday presents, presents are just Not A Thing He Does, he tries but it’s just ???? I mean think back to how he tried to cheer Kirishima up, that boy is so damn awkward - that said, given how all his friends gave him something he felt the need to show them he could reciprocate, so this is what he came up with: 
Sero’s actual tastes in material possessions are a total mystery for everyone, they make absolutely no sense, but what Bakugou KNOWS is that the fucker likes to eat his greens, so that’s what he did for him - he cooked the healthiest and tastiest meal he could manage to make, spent a whole damn lot of time researching it too, and Sero was honestly so touched (he loved it)
Jirou got a offer to go with her to a concert she couldn’t find anyone to go with - she hadn’t outright asked anyone, but it was clear she wanted to go but not alone - the band was too much for all of her friends, so she was sorta letting the idea of going go. Which is when Bakugou offhandedly mentioned that he’d heard there was the one gig from that one band and he was thinking of going since he liked that band and whatever she wanted to come or something? Bakugou had just spent the last day and a half listening to the band’s discography for the sake of making it believable and Jirou saw right through him (she didn’t mention it) (but man Bakugou could be seriously nice couldn’t he)
Mina’s present was to actually agree to go to her party. That was it. Mina’s parties are the opposite of Bakugou’s ideal place to spend a whole night at, they’re loud, and there’s drinking, and dancing, and the whole school is invited and it’s packed, so when she asked him to come she never thought he’d actually agree to go and stay the whole night, but boy did he. He also let her pick his outfit (Mina recognized the effort for the present it was. She was delighted)
Kaminari got a shopping trip - it went like this: Bakugou mentioned he was going to the mall, which always ends up with Kaminari tagging along just to go window shopping. So he stopped in front of the windows, pointed at stuff, made noises about the deals, and Bakugou went “wait here” and then went in and bought whatever Kaminari had been excited about. It happened four times before Kaminari caught on, and then Bakugou literally had to threaten him to make him stop holding back “I’m deciding I wanna do this so I’m doing this” (he still held back, but by the end of it Kaminari had actually whined the sentence “Bakugou please” pointing at yet another jacket or shirt of necklace way more than once) (he was so damn happy he didn’t even think about how he had absolutely no space for everything he’d just bought to fit in his room)
Kirishima was the hardest one (pun intended). Kirishima was actually so difficult Bakugou spent months thinking about what to get him and came up empty handed anyway. He was so damn complicated that Bakugou sucked up his pride and straight out asked him what he wanted for his birthday. “I don’t want to fuck this up”, he said, and Kirishima smiled so hard and so wide and so bright, it felt like enough of a present for him just hearing that. He told him he wanted to spend the day with him, so they did that - studied, sparred, ate, hung with the others. Bakugou didn’t think it was enough of a present since honestly it felt like any other day, but Kirishima was happy, so he guessed it was fine (he found and bought a super rare super expensive Crimson Riot figure to gift him anyway) (Kirishima cried)
Anon said:You are so awesome!!!
sob thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A;
Anon said:It's t[odobak]u week! It's honestly a ship I never thought about, but ever since I saw fanart about them I've been thinking about their dynamic as a couple. How would that even work with their personalities? I know you don't really ship Katsuki with anyone else but Kiri, but let's say for some reason Bakugou and Todoroki got together. How would you describe their complicated relationship/dynamic? I've been thinking about it ever since I saw that fanart Q_Q
I talked about my feelings for these two’s relationship here!! But in all honesty I just can’t see them as romantics (if I could I’d probably ship it hah) so I can’t say how it’d work for them in a relationship of that kind... mostly because all I can think of as an answer is “it wouldn’t work” haha rip
Anon said:I love when you draw Bakugou being a big old softy
Fun fact: I take the fact that Mitsuki is unapologetically soft to Masaru as a good enough proof that in a romantic relationship Bakugou would be the softest to his partner - he’s already soft enough for Kirishima, can you imagine how much more he’d be after being openly in love with him for years? (I can) (it’s beautiful)
Anon said:More adult!AU please!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhhhhhhhhhh sure, but it wasn’t really an AU tho! It’s just me playing around with their designs a bit, I’ve been drawing them aged up now and again for a while now (tho I admit mostly what stays constant in the design is only the hairstyles, everything else changes based on how I’m feeling it atm) anyway yeah, more will come in the future! Can’t promise the designs will stay totally unchanged, tho haha
Anon said:We only have to last one more day until the next chapter (probably) kills us all with the feels. Thank you to you and your art for getting me through this terrible week of waiting.
;A; you’re welcome, I’m trying to keep myself sane with my own doodles too so helping you along is a beautiful most welcome side-effect
Anon said:Could i have a ref of your adult kiribaku scars? if not i understand! have a great day!
No probs, just, I can’t draw right now cause of hand-problems so you’ll have to make do with me telling you where they are? Also that’s just how I went for it in that drawing, it’s nothing set in stone, really, I keep on adding and moving them around every time I draw them
The only scars Bakugou has there are on his palms - cover the whole of it and reach a bit on the inside of his wrist too, they’re burn scars and come from overusing his quirk one too many times. Kirishima’s got more - aside from the canon eye one he’s got one on the left side of his mouth, one on each forearm in the same spots he’s been hurt in the latest chapter, and one covering most part of his upper back (this one he got protecting civilians with his own body too often and breaking one time too many)
Anon said:I don't know if you take request or not but if you do, could you draw adult bakugou with baby kirishima and vice versa, please? 😙😊
I already have tho!! x x x
Anon said: Holy crap, scarred up hottie Kirishima with the black roots saved my life
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:denki at the end of your last post is me xD
*whispers* honestly same
Anon said:Okay but think about how fucking pissed Baku would be if Todoroki tripped and fell and broke his ankle walking up the the battle arena and they didn't even get to fight because Todoroki can't even stand.
Listen, listen, if anything like this happened Bakugou would take Todoroki off his list of worthy rivals asap why was he ever even interested in this guy why did he even waste his time like this he’s so done
Anon said:I just got my wisdom teeth removed and can't pronounce "f" , and all I can think ab is Bakugo, in the same case, being pissed as hell because he can't say "fuck" anymore
That’s the moment the squad learns that Bakugou uses the word fuck out of convenience and not because it’s the only one he knows, really (did all those swear words even exist) (how does he even know so many)
Anon said:Fran I just found out why you've stopped posting Haikyuu as much and?? I feel so bad?? Because you're absolutely right, the fandom might be pretty healthy compared to others but it a certain idea of what should be and what shouldn't be. Like the minute you get into the fandom you're bombarded with the "canon" ships (which aren't even canon smh) and then there's other ships which are just automatically designated as "brotp" and if you don't follow the norm then you get hate. (1/2)
And it just makes me feel terrible because you obviously love(d?) Haikyuu a lot, and drawing for it, but then the fandom basically forced you to leave. And that just makes me really really sad. I used to be sad that you didn't draw for Haikyuu much anymore (because despite fandom I do love the series very much) but now I'm just. Really glad that you found BNHA and are having fun drawing for it. Ahaha this is kinda pointless but I really respect you and so?? Just keep doing you
Thank you so much oh my god orz it’s... true, posting for hq hasn’t been half as fun as it used to be, lately, but I do still enjoy it! Between everything the fact that the fandom is sort of asleep atm does make me lose even the last motivation to draw more, so! I’m pretty confident as soon as the fandom wakes back up I’ll start posting more for it again! After all I love the show and all the characters a lot still~
Anon said:*chanting* Draw that hair angst! Draw that hair angst!
I’m trying !!! (tomorrow might just be the right day)
Anon said:i just recently started watching bnha and i'm IN LOVE!!!! i'm also glad i can appreciate your art more bc now i actually know who the characters are 😂
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SO GLAD you’re liking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you SO MUCH for sticking around even while you didn’t know the show!!!!
Anon said:i love your art!!!!!! im gay!!!!!
tHANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and great for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:  I can't believe Kirishima wears Franeridart brand knickers
It’s the most popular brand on this blog, really
Anon said:bro i don't even read/watch bnha. why am i so invested in these kids. it's,, it's your fault isn't it. you're being paid by horikoshi (is that the mangaka's name?) to reel us all in aren't you. EXPOSED, FRAN
Joke’s on me anon, I’m not even being paid for this (lol) (since you like the kids you should really give the show a try, tho *nudge nudge*)
Anon said:hi just a friendly reminder that kirishima eijirou is amazing and incredible and so are you
Being given the same compliments given to Kirishima might as well be the best thing ever happened to me.... oh my gods.............. thank you............
Anon said:There's only one way for me to find out if my Quirk is breathing under water
Anon no
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