sexypinkon · 10 months
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Galleryyuhself - Part 2 begins.
Featuring guest speakers: Dr. Chaney C.G. St. Martin, Anna Serrao, Taya Serrao, Natalie Melas, Tao Du Four.
Moderated by: Adele Todd
Date: Wednesday 13th December, 2023.
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Exhibition closes: Wednesday 20th December, 2023.
Gallery hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 11am-2pm
*Original works and prints are available for purchase.
For more information please contact:
Tel: +1(868)680-1041, +1(868)622 -1196
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bogsleep · 9 months
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Alfred's Heron by Carol Eckert cotton, linen, wire (14.5 x 19 x 2.5")
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butch4maryoliver · 8 months
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Three of Emily O’Leary’s hand-hooked dog rugs (@emiliaoleary); bottom two photos were shot by Bucky Miller for an installation in his Wraymour&Flanigan project (strongly recommend seeing the full installation photos!)
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elixir · 2 months
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Light veils installed in a flooded park along the Rhine. Photos by lachlanturczan
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kawaiialeisha · 3 months
Hello,Frank! :) Since your my favorite character do ever thought about planting a butterfly garden?There are different butterfly plants that attract butterflies! :)
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No… he never thought of it.. until now. 🦋
(He deeply appreciates the suggestion)
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lionfloss · 1 year
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NON SIGN II is a billboard created in 2010 by Lead Pencil Studio and is located near the Canada-US border in Washington. It consists of thousands of stainless steel rods.
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pummelingbat · 10 months
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Persecution Complex, or: "Just You, Me, And The Weight Of Your Dead Girlfriend Between Us"
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hopeinthebox · 1 year
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bts + reductress headlines pt.13
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septictech · 2 months
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got a secret, can you keep it?
Netflix Life Series -> Third Life Last Life Double Life Limited Life
now available as prints here
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sparkleteacup · 5 months
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Uhhh...I have a problem when it comes to the color pink, Final Fantasy, and neon things....I have no explanation for this either. It just happened. Like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
Links to my other social thingies are here if you wanna y'know, see what else I do.
I might also make this a print if people like it enough, buuuut we'll see. Shop's here if you click the word.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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Welcome everyone, please join us on Baby Poldine’s First Hike! This is going to be a long post because lots of nothings happened :)
Our short-term goal was making it all the way to the torrent without Poldine getting so stressed about being away from her family that we had to turn back.
Our long-term goal: finally having a picnic-carrying llama to accompany us on hikes, which isn’t something I’ve been able to achieve with Pampe because she’s Pampe, nor with Mama Pampy because she’s the matriarch and dislikes leaving her herd behind. (Is there a collective noun? a misdemeanour of llamas? or is it just herd?)
Emotional support cats were recruited to make things less stressful for Poldine. I had to interrupt their afternoon nap on the couch and carry them to the pasture one after the other, and they just lay there looking a bit bewildered, like can we resume our nap or...? But once they saw us dragging Poldine away into the woods they all got curious and followed.
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The llamas were a bit suspicious of these shenanigans and started retreating when I carried the second cat outside, so I sent my friend to the greenhouse to get some strawberries, which immediately brought the llamas back.
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Although Poldine took one bite of her strawberry and then refused to eat any more of it, because she’s still a baby who only likes familiar foods. (Her grandma volunteered to eat the rest of the half-bitten strawberry.)
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One thing we discovered about Pampoldine as we started the hike is that she gets very worried about being a lone llama when we stand still, but she looks reassured as soon as we resume walking. I think us walking decidedly while holding her rope makes her feel like she has a confident leader, while seeing us stop for any reason makes her panic like oh my god, you have no idea what you’re doing and which way to go, do you?
She occasionally tried to rebel and go back in the direction of her pasture, and in these moments all we had to do was grab the nearest cat and toss it in front of her. She would immediately pounce, enchanted, to try and kiss it; the cat would dart away like no thanks!! and Poldine would follow, and off we went again.
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Another thing we discovered about Poldine is that she is a compulsive cheek-kisser when stressed. As long as there is someone to nuzzle, the situation can’t be completely hopeless. So we had to accept a lot of kisses.
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As you can see, we made it to the torrent! It took a bit of patient coaxing to get her to go in the water (I think she was wary of stepping on the round slippery pebbles) but once she went in she looked intrigued and delighted. She was stomping her little feet to make splashes, and wading about, we actually had trouble convincing her to leave!
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For some reason she was more reluctant to follow us on the way back. Maybe once all the excitement of splashing in the stream died down, she suddenly remembered that she was alone far from her pasture and family and got stressed again. We once again tried the method that consists in throwing cats in front of us every now and then, like leaving a trail of bread crumbs behind you except the opposite and with cats. (Note that the cats had the option to flee from this disgraceful treatment any time.) Merricat and Mascarille were talented bait, often leading the way of their own initiative, but Morille complicated things by being a big baby who’d stop dead and start screaming whenever she came across any amount of water. Then we had to carry her across so she wouldn’t get her paws wet.
Pictured below: me, a llama, two cats, then a rivulet (where the mossy rocks are) and Morille lagging behind and screaming pitifully, waiting for a kind soul to carry her.
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We made it to the pine area of the woods and Poldine started walking a lot more cheerfully, and sniffing the air with an eager little nose, which was strange because we were still quite far from her pasture so it wasn’t home or other llamas she could smell. We wondered if perhaps she enjoyed the smell of pine resin (it does smell wonderful on warm days!), but then we left the pine woods and entered the hazel woods and she was looking even happier and walking even faster, and then we realised. We were being followed and had been for a while.
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Look at her smug little face. (It turns out she escaped because I forgot to tell my friend one of the pasture gates has a latch with an anti-Pampe dual safety system.) Ah, well, it wouldn’t be a proper llama post without Pampérigouste showing up somewhere she’s not supposed to be. She was being so discreet stalking us from afar behind a curtain of trees, we wondered if she’d been following us from the beginning. I hope not, because this small torrent ends up in the Atlantic Ocean and nothing good can come from Pampe discovering how to reach other continents.
Pampe stayed with Poldine long enough to make it look like she’d escaped out of concern for her daughter and not to find out where running water is so she can one day sail to freedom, then she left to have more adventures by herself, completely indifferent to Poldine’s little “mummy, stay :( ” baby goat cries.
Morille and Mascarille also deserted us (it looked like Pampe had promised them a more exciting hike) but thankfully we hadn’t run out of cats, and were able to go home at a decent pace thanks to Merricat, professional llama bait.
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All things considered it was a very successful hike! I’m glad Poldine enjoyed the water—now I want to take her to the spots that have a series of little waterfalls, see what she’d make of them :) Or even to the deeper pool you can swim in, who knows, maybe she’ll dive in! Throwing a cat in the water to encourage her would help a lot but I probably won’t do that. They’re very helpful cats who didn’t complain about being tossed ahead like petanque balls to show Poldine the way, but I don’t want to push my luck.
(I regrettably don’t have a picture of this but sometimes when I stopped walking, Poldine would rest her head on my shoulder like “...well? are we lost?” with her little bunny ears tapping the side of my head inquisitively and it was really cute.)
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watmalik · 1 month
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I’m taking this time to apologize to my moots and just my followers in general. I don’t know what happened to me these past couple of weeks, I’ve been through so much (STILL I’M) and I’m glad you’ve been with me through this poolverine brain rot journey…willingly or not.
I hope one day we can all look at the Honda odyssey as just a simple family minivan again. One day… in the distant future 😩
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bogsleep · 9 months
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The Fall of Icarus by Carol Eckert cotton, linen, wire, encaustic, leather (6 x 79 x 38")
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pointandshooter · 14 days
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Double Feature with Short Subject - Margaret Hondo (2016)
126 film gels
The Art Institute of Chicago
photo: David Castenson
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elixir · 7 months
Land Art Installation on a Boulder in Formentera By philipp.frank_
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joybeantown · 4 months
Blankie install
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