mybelovedpeepy · 10 months
What do you guys think he's thinking about with that thousand yard stare..
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heart-bones · 7 months
spent the night out w a friend !!! and it was so nice 🥹 got drinks and sat outside and talked a lot about work and stuff
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vaguerival · 6 months
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Might as well start uploading my art here. Hey undertale tumblrees
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xlovely-liviix · 6 months
Remedy: A Huskerdust Fanfiction
Hello and welcome to my new fanfiction: Remedy!
I asked a fellow Tumblr...Tumblree?? I asked @masculinemiracles to borrow their AU because its just so-- it's something that makes me happy to a point where I can't describe it.
So without further ado, please enjoy this Huskerdust fanfiction that holds dangerous amounts of fluffy love.
"I'll see you tomorrow, angel cakes.." Valentino's voice sounded from across the room. "and Angel?" Angel Dust halted his trek towards the door and pivoted around, flashing a fake smile.
"Yes, Val?" Valentino creeped closer to the spider demon. "Don't be late again." the demon moth warned, his voice deepening.
He blew a cloud of blood-red vapor into Angel's face, as the arachnid-demon coughed and faced away from the toxic substance. "Yes, Valentino..." Angel muttered, before turning back around and exiting the studio.
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Angel Dust pressed both flaps of his blazer together as the cold air pressed up against an exposed area of his chest.
It was a cold, dark night in the city. The streets were quiet, with only the occasional car passing by. Angel walked briskly down the street, his hands buried deep in his pockets. He was tired after a long night of work, but he was looking forward to getting home and resting.
He huffed, flicking his lighter multiple times in order to light a cigarette. Once he successfully managed to get a flame, he pressed the fire to the tip of the dart, breathing in a long drag of the chemicals before exhaling.
The spider continued walking, the bottom of his high-heeled boots scuffing against the pavement, that was soaked with rain from the night before. Raindrops coated the sky, falling down in a steady, yet heavy mist.
"Fuckin' Val always-- fuckin' up my life," Angel mumbled a slur of different curses as he recalled his previous interaction with his boss.
He sighed and looked down at his feet, taking another long drag from his cigarette, the orange ember casting a faint glow in the darkness. As he continued making his way down the streets that were covered in a thick layer of fog, he was suddenly snapped out of his stupor at the sound of footsteps behind him.
He quickened his pace, not wanting to get involved in any trouble. The rate of the mysterious persons footsteps only increased as Angel's did. The rhythm of their footsteps, mixed with the light tapping of Angel's purse against his thigh created an ensemble that only further activated Angel's fight or flight instincts.
 Angel's heart started to race, and he began to panic.
He turned a corner, and the person behind him turned too. He was getting closer. He was close to running, his heart pounding in his chest. He could hear the person's heavy breathing behind him. They were gaining on him.
Despite having a near-running pace, the person wouldn't back down, giving Angel one last option. He couldn't take it anymore. Stopping abruptly, he turned to face his pursuer. Reaching into his mountain of chest fluff (?), he pulled out his habitual pistol.
"Alright, the fuck do ya want wit' me?" He growled as a warning, pointing his gun towards the ferreter.
The person, who was a demon with a bat-like appearance, clad in a dark turtleneck, jeans, and an orange fedora, took a small step back, although he never showed any signs of fear. "Easy there, slut. I come in peace."
This only caused Angel to cock (teehee) his gun, inching closer to the man.
"Aw c'mon, baby. I only want ya services. You do anything for money, now don't cha?" he smirked, eyeing the spider-demon. Angel cringed at that, tightening his grip on the weapon before exhaling and lowering it.
"Sorry ta disappoint, but i'm off duty," Angel shrugged, turning around as he began to walk away, turning his back on the demon.
"Oh come on, whore. You'll do anything for a quick buck." The demon's petty smirk only got larger. This statement caused Angel to stop in his tracks, turning back around.
"Listen here ya little desperate fucker," Angel began to approach him, holding out a slim, gloved finger as he pointed at his stalker. He bent down to reach his height. "I said i'm off duty. Niente sesso per stasera. So why don't ya go and choke on ya own cum? That might satisfy ya little fucked up cravings." the arachnid poked him in the chest a few times, causing the demon to lose his grin.
The man remained quiet, as Angel stood back up to his full height, rolling his eyes as he turned around once more and began walking. The stalker growled, stepping forward as he suddenly grabbed Angel's wrist.
Before he could even get a word, Angel instinctively brought his arm around, firing at the demon. His body dropped at Angel's feet. The spider sighed exasperatedly, kicking his limp body to the side as he began walking once more.
Living in a place like this could change a person. He had been living a dangerous and risky life for years, selling his body for money and getting involved in all sorts of illegal activities. He had become numb to the violence and the darkness that surrounded him, and killing someone was just another day in hell.
Even when he was alive, Angel was no stranger to the life of crime. Growing up in an italian mafia, crime was all he knew. But that's a story for another time.
Although he felt no remorse for what he had just done, he couldn't help but think about his previous encounter.
This isn't the life that he wanted. Ever. Not for himself, not for...Whitney.
He flinched at the thought of his daughter, the air becoming significantly colder. Shivering a bit, he rubbed the sides of his arms, creating friction between the two surfaces in hopes of sparking some form of heat.
This wasn't the type of upbringing he wanted his daughter to have. She was an innocent soul, who deserved good parents-- well, a good (other) dad. She deserved someone who didn't suck dick for a living, one who could make money without having to take off his clothes, one who could be there for the important moments of her life.
Angel pulled his phone from his purse, squinting his eyes at the glowing screen. He opened his text conversation with Husk, scrolling through their past messages.
He chuckled softly at an image of Whitney and Husker, where the two sat on a couch, the spider-kitty sitting on her dad's lap as they both drank from bottles. Husk's booze, and Whitney's milk. The image had a caption labeled as: "Drinking Buddies"
He scrolled a little further, looking at all of the pictures and videos sent by Husk to Angel. His giggles slowly turned into waterworks as he shut his phone off, stuffing it back into his purse as he viciously wiped the tears from his face.
It wasn't fair to her. It wasn't fair that his daughter had to be born into this fucked up place.
It wasn't fair that she had to have a shitty papa.
He doesn't deserve her. He doesn't deserve Husk, he doesn't deserve Whitney, he doesn't deserve Charlie...
He doesn't deserve anything.
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"..And they all lived happily ever after...the end.." Husk mumbled, not even bothering to describe the accurate ending to the story as he had stopped looking at the book.
"I wanna noder..." Whitney whined, tugging at Husker's facial fur. The toddler attempted to gain his attention by "climbing" her father, gripping on to his fur and wrapping her hands around his neck. "Nene, please..." Husker groaned, his eyes remaining closed as he leaned his head back against the cushioned armchair.
"No!! I wanna noder...." Whitney continued to wail, smashing her tiny head onto Husker's cheek. "Ten piedad de mi alma…." the feline demon muttered, opening his eyes once again as he shifted in the armchair. "No more books, Nene. It's way beyond time for bed." he said, beginning to stand up, picking up the infant.
"No, no no!!" Whitney shrieked, attempting to free herself from her fathers' grip. "Whitney!" Husker snapped, but then regained composure.
"Whit, if you don't go to bed now, then you'll be tired tomorrow." Husk tried to reason with the small feline, but it didn't seem to be working.
"I want papa...." she wailed, pressing two sets of tiny paws to her eyes.
"Whitney, please, daddy is here now. You don't need to cry for papa," Husk said, trying to soothe her.
But Whitney continued to cry, her little face turning red with frustration. She had been waiting for Angel to come home all day and she wasn't going to sleep until he was home.
As her cries turned into sobs, Husk felt a pain in his heart.  He knew how much Whitney adored her papa, and how she always needed him to be there when she went to sleep. But her papa was out at work, working ridiculous hours thanks to that fuckhead.
Valentino. Always messing up Angel's life one way or another. If Husk could ever have the chance, he would skin the moth demon alive and dump his body into a pool of-
Husk's thought train was interrupted by Whitney's screams. She shrieked, making noises that Husk himself thought was physically impossible for a living organism to make.
Desperate to put an end to her cries, he tried negotiating.
"Okay, shh, shh. Hey-- hey, Nene, if you listen, then i'll-" his voice could barely reach her ears due to the screams. "Whitney." he said, this time with a much louder voice, overpowering her screams.
She ceased the nonviable screams for a moment, pausing to listen to her father.
"Listen, if you stop crying, we can go downstairs and wait for papa, okay?" the toddler contemplated her father's proposal for a moment, before wiping her eyes with a singular fuzzy paw, agreeing to his offer.
Husker smiles, grateful that he was able to but a stop to her ruckus.
Shifting the spider-kitty in his arms, he took her downstairs, venturing to the bar, where he usually spent most of his time.
He sat Whitney on the counter as he poured her a glass of warm milk. He pulled out his personal bottle of cheap booze, and began chugging it from the bottle.
As the two sat there, sipping their beverages, they remained silent. Husk was afraid that the slightest movement would set her off and Lord knows that that doesn't need to happen again.
Husker sighed as he continued gulping down the alcohol. He looked up at Whitney, who seemed distracted. He sat up a little bit, hesitating to touch her.
Just as he reached out, the small felines ears (that were way too large for her) twitched, and pointed in the direction of the door.
"I think papa's home.." Husk sighed in relief. Whitney immediately set her milk down, squeaking a little bit as she begged her father to put her on the floor.
Husker chuckled, picking up the spider and placing her on the ground. As soon as her little feet hit the floor, she immediately sped off, running as fast as her little legs could take her.
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Angel sighed, trying to wipe away the remainder of his tears as entered the hotel. He quickly turned to the wall closest to him, sticking his cigarette into his mouth as he disarmed the silent alarm.
"Fuckin'...stupid..." Angel brushed a hand through his hair as he tried his hardest to remember the code the the alarm. He had always been a forgetful person, especially to the more..unimportant things in his life.
His stream of profanity was cut off by a sweet, recognizable voice shouting: "Papa!!" and a force colliding with his lower leg.
"Cupcake!" Angel exclaimed, immediately picking up the small kitty and spinning around with her, quickly putting his cigarette out with the bottom of his foot.
Angel smothered kisses on Whitney's soft, fuzzy face as Husker walked up, disarming the alarm.
"You two waited fa me?" Angel raised an eyebrow, giving Husk a quick kiss as he made his way over to the bar, Whitney still in his upper set of arms.
"More like she waited for you," Husk chuckled, walking back behind the bar counter as he retrieved two glasses, grabbing Angel's favorite bottle of whiskey.
"You stayed up just fa me, cupcake?" the arachnid smiled, lifting Whitney up to his face as he nuzzled her, nose-to-nose.
"Yeah papa...I cried..ce--cebause you weren't here.." her big ears lowered a little as the kitten recalled her behavior. "Awh, snuggle muffin'..." Angel's smile dropped, as he kissed her forehead.
"Ya don't have ta cry fa me...okay? I'll always be wit' you..even if i'm not..physically wit' you...okay?" the spider gave his daughter a small smile. Whitney noded, sniffling a little. Angel was quick to wipe away any other tears that she had.
The arachnid-demon buried his chin into the top of Whitney's head as he sat down on one of the stools. Husker slid Angel's glass towards him.
"Thanks, Husky..." Angel gave his partner a tired smile as he quickly downed the drink, placing it on the counter. Husk poured him a round two, but Angel didn't drink it right away.
"Open, Nene.." he looked down at his daughter, as she opened her mouth, showing a set of barely-there teeth. Angel took off one of his gloves, dipping his bare finger into the small glass, bringing it to his daughter's mouth as he rubbed the alcohol onto her gums.
Husker's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, but closed it once again. He knew that Angel would never intentionally hurt his daughter, and for that reason, he trusted his actions...
....even the more.....questionable ones of the bunch.
Such as this one.
Angel chuckled a little bit to himself as he noted Husk's demeanor. "It's ta help 'er go to sleep and stay asleep." he giggled.
Husk raised an eyebrow. Out of all his years being a bartender and his...out-of-hand relationship with alcohol, he hadn't known this. Despite this, he brushed it off.
"What? Am I making a face? I never said anything!" Husker exclaimed quietly. "Ya body language says it all, baby."
Angel downs the second drink, wiping his mouth before cautiously getting up, shifting Whitney in his arms as he gently, yet firmly, pressed her miniature body to his.
He took the small demon upstairs to her room, gently placing her down in her bed as he planted a kiss to the crown of her head.
"Goodnight, cuddlekins..." Angel whispered, smiling as he slowly walked out of her room, making sure to turn on her projector nightlight before he left.
Once he was back downstairs, he went back over to the bar, where Husker wiped down the counters, closing up for the night.
"Every day.." Angel groaned, carelessly flopping down onto one of the stools. Husk prepares himself for Angel's upcoming rant, hanging up the cloth he used to clean the countertop.
"He's always on my fuckin' ass. In the sexual way, and the "my-boss-is-a-bitch" way. I can't take it anymore!" Husker chuckled at Angel's choice of words, before regaining composure.
"Tell me all about it..." Husker goes over, taking a seat next to Angel as he allows his partner to lean into him, testing his trust with the small stool.
Angel hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh and launching into his story. He talked about the long hours, the never-ending workload, and the constant pressure from Val.
"You've had a long day, baby..." Husker frowned, caressing Angel's side with his claw.
"Fuckin' tell me about it! I'm exhausted." Angel groaned, slamming his head down onto the bar counter with frustration.
He let out a muffled noise, that caused Husk to take his hand, sliding it in between Angel's chin and the bar counter, lifting his face up. Angel avoided his gaze as Husk spotted shiny tears pooling in his eyes.
"Baby.." Husk started, before he was cut off by Angel.
"I just-- I don't want to drag Whitney into alla this shit.." he wiped at his nose before continuing. "I don't-- I don't deserve ha....she deserves someone so much betta..." he let out another squeak, trying to dab away his tears.
"Baby...you..you do deserve her. I don't care what the fuck Valentino says, or even what you say to yourself. You deserve Whitney as much as you deserve the world." Angel opened his mouth to protest, but Husk was quick to press a finger to his mouth.
"So know....even if things are as fucked up as they are...it doesn't change how much you love her, or your capability of taking care of her." He gives Angel a soft, warm smile.
Angel leans forward, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I fuckin' love ya, Husky.."
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This took me.....way longer than it should've.
I'm honestly disappointed in the ending but...whatever. I was in a rush, LOL. There's so many things I hate about this, such as the length, but...whatever. (I said that already, I know)
It doesn't really take me long to write fanfiction like this, but for some reason, I decided to be lazy, and write like, two words per day. (silly me!)
Anyways, if you can't tell, I LOVE me some fluff and fem/mpreg! I don't know why..some just say...I was born this way (Ooh, there ain't no other way babyyyyy). ANYWAYS let me stop-
I hope y'all enjoyed this short little fic. As I mentioned before, this is a borrowed AU from @masculinemiracles so...consider checking out their blog!
Also, if you liked this, then consider sticking around, because I have some other Hazbin Hotel (mainly ship and mpreg) fanfictions OTW!
Bye now!!
Word Count: 2,769
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Oh my goodness thank you for that product free hair picture of Richard! His hair looks so full. I bet it would feel fantastic running your fingers through it wow
yeah, that out and about pic that a fellow tumblree shared was nice right?
i think that is also why i liked this photo from Richard's ig so much
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because that also looks pretty natural (well, except the color, but no surprise there), maybe he goes to bandpractice without doing the hair?
or....maybe this is the hair that he has when he wears that red hat...you know, the 'i couldn't be bothered to do my hair today' hat..
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herrscherofmagic · 2 years
i still have no clue how tumblr works!
but from what I can tell, you can just say whatever you want and people might see it and might even like it???
I may as well try that out, and I'm starting with a thought I've had about Pardo for a while that I think Honkai tubmlr-ians? tumblrs? tumblrees? might like
IIRC Pardofelis used to live out on the streets when she was young, being an orphan or somethin' like that right? so obviously she didn't have a very normal childhood, and wasn't exactly going to school and making lots of friends and playing video games or whatever else
But one of her Elysian Realm memory thingies talks about how she accidentally became a MANTIS when she kinda just walked in and they were like "hey come over here!" and she played along, thus she accidentally joined Fire MOTH and they were like "well you're a super soldier now so we can't just get rid of you"
So then she ended up working w/ Fire MOTH and doing stuff and she started to actually make friends and get to know other people, since she was no longer living out on her own in the streets. Which means she probably learned about all sorts of things she didn't know much about before- particularly, I was thinking that she probably got a cellphone for the first time when she was part of Fire MOTH because why would she need a phone if she's living in the streets with the local cats??? you know?
then Pardo's having the time of her life actually have a home of sorts with people she knows and friends to rely on, making memories and having a good time (even if they're fighting Honkai, which a bit stressful of course)
but then imagine this- another Pardo archive reveals that when the Tragedy of Binding happened, all her friends & squadmates were sent to fight the Herrscher; but only the 13 Flame-chasers survived, meaning all her friends never returned. She only survived cause she was left behind cause she was injured or something? i don't recall
Anyways, Pardo learned about this when she ran around the base and couldn't find anyone, so we know that Pardo figured out what happened really early on
but! what if Pardo was then looking through her phone afterwards with all the different photos and groupchats and other little memories she had made with all her friends afterwards?? making one of the best things in her life turn into one of the worst as she's reminded of everything she lost because of Honkai??
or maybe instead she'd find comfort in it, still having the memories of her friends through that phone?
well there's that, I hope I'm tumblr-ing correctly x-x
I don't have anyone else to share these thoughts with and thus nobody else to share in the misery of thinking about this hence why I'm sharing it here, i hope this was a good read to anyone who comes across it!
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lemonlimelight · 1 year
I really do feel the Reddit migrants tbh. I'm so used to getting so much shit online for the things I enjoy.
I've been on tumblr for over a decade now, but since I've been essentially yelled at on every other site for having a fucking opinion, it's a wonderful change of pace to be even a little bit accepted.
finally coming out of my shell. here and in real life.
So thank you tumblrees(?) for making this experience a good one❤️
also @staff get rid of fucking live already
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kellterntempest · 11 months
Do tumblrees x reader writers not know about the read more function????
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xxclownmeatxx · 2 years
Attention twitter fiends
Now that your here we have to establish some rules
1. No one knows of tumblr
2. Do not mention tumblr to non-tumblrees
3. Do not tell someone to get a tumblr
4. When someone tags "instant reblog" you HAVE to instantly reblog the post
5. Don't make a "FUCKYEA!" page unless it doesn't exist
6. Don't do follower trains, THIS IS NOT TWITTER
8. Rule #7 is a PRIME EXAMPLE TOWARDS RULE #1 and 2 and 3
9. Ranting is just a way of saying shit you wouldn't say anywhere else
11. Don't be a sissy. Post your thoughts here. Cause no one is gonna get you down here
13. Tumblr is not a porn site. NO FAPPING
19. DON'T ASK PEOPLE TO FOLLOW YOU. You earn followers
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I’ve noticed younger tumblrees post about love and romance and kittens and middle aged people just post about fvcking
ah yeah, i’ve noticed that myself lol
and it’s not even good porn or anything tasteful either. it’s those weird super posed pictures like an off brand low budget playboy
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mybelovedpeepy · 2 years
Sir Knight King Spenkule Unforbidden Planetoid Aluminum Foil Hexagonal Omega-Titanium Alloy POLISHED TINFOIL Tinfoil Duck Cat Daffodil Bongwater Florence Nostradamous Mr Lips Glitter Glitter Meow Meow Silver the Hedgehog Razzmatazz Fluffernutter Shtonker Hamleur Count Von Zeplin Little Fuck Esquire the XXXII
(Feel free to add even MORE names..)
I hope you guys are proud of your son..
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biipies · 2 years
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5 posts! I am pro tumblree
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so just to get it out there:
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screechhhpengu · 6 years
Can Tumblr create memes out of nothing but one post or is that just a myth?
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kanayagf · 2 years
How to use tumblr? Who killed “e” and Laura Palmer? How do you call local folks around? Tumblrees, tumblrians…?
proof that new tumblr users exist and do in fact look like porn bots
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katerix · 4 years
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I made some lockscreens and decided that I wanna share them with others:) Originaly it’s iPhone XR size, but you are free to ask for your size. Please like or reblog if you like/use!You also can send me a wallpaper request^^ Second post
P.S the last one was inspired by another tumblree, I loved the idea:)
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