mosessumney · 5 months
On 10 Years of Mid-City Island
I was painstakingly self-conscious in the beginning of my career. I’d grown up accustomed to writing in a vacuum, in my childhood bedroom, in my dorm room, hiding my songbook inside my mattress or at the bottom of a drawer. I always thought I’d get to make my first recordings in total obscurity, clumsily clanging around.
But months before I began recording my first EP, things blew up.
After a few shows and 2 bedroom recordings, seemingly everyone from the Los Angeles music scene was suddenly peering into my window, waiting to see what my first offering would be, hoping for commodifiable gloss. I was wined and dined and unrefined.
But I didn’t want to record the “R&B record” that would make me famous. I wanted to make something experimental akin to the early recordings I loved – Linda Perhacs’ Parallelograms; Sufjan Stevens’s A Sun Came; the scratchy musings of Cody ChestnuTT and Milton Nascimento; the kitchen candor of Jessica Pratt. Instead I was often shipped to fancy producers’ and execs’ home studios and offices, forced to listen to them preach about how I was a star-in-waiting. I didn’t want to be a star. I wanted to be honest.
But secretly, I did feel like a star. Gaseous and infinite, distant and intangible, shining bright in the middle of a constellation, unable to touch the celestial bodies around me. I scribed “Man on the Moon” on a red guitar I bought on sale from a shuttering music store.
In one of these producer meetings, I journeyed to the top of a mountain to meet TV on the Radio’s Dave Sitek. He gave me a four-track recorder and told me to say “f*ck off” to everyone trying to sign or produce me. He told me to find my own voice or others would find it for me. He taught me how to record myself to tape, sparking an affinity for analogue processes. I “borrowed” the tape recorder, promising I would come back when I had found my sound. It sits now on the topmost shelf in my home studio. I guess I’m still searching.
Mid-City, Los Angeles was more of a concept than a place. Seemingly nobody had ever heard of it, and yet it was the geographic center of the city. Living there felt analogous to my disposition as a “rising” Angeleno – highly visible and invisible at the same time. It was an urban island and the sun beat its concrete ceaselessly. I sat on my bedroom floor and wrote “Plastic,” listening to Amy Winehouse demos and thinking about how we let our stars fall as long as they entertain us on the way down.
I recorded these misgivings straight to cassette on that Yamaha MT4X, feeling like a historian tracing my own origins. I loved that it sounded older than it was. I felt older than I was. I decided then that I would press it to vinyl in 10 years. I couldn’t afford to make vinyl records anyway. Instead, I backpacked little cassette tapes I would sign and sell at shows.
I realized early on that being visible (but not necessarily seen) was just gonna be a part of my story. How blessed I was to push through it with clear vision – and now I’m forced to stop and reflect. 10 years later, I’m still thinking 10 years ahead. Ask me about now in 10 years. Shoot, ask me in 20.
- M
"Mid-City Island," our limited-edition 10 year anniversary black vinyl, is available to pre-order now: mosessumney.bandcamp.com/album/mid-city-island
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iamlisteningto · 2 months
Moses Sumney’s Sophcore
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zemaribeiro · 1 year
Wilson Zara apresenta Tributo a Raul Seixas no Teatro Municipal de Açailândia
Pequena turnê do cantor também inclui apresentações em Santa Inês, Imperatriz e Tuntum O cantor Wilson Zara. Foto: Manlio Macchiavello/ Divulgação Inaugurado em junho passado, o charmoso Teatro Municipal de Açailândia, na Avenida Santa Luzia, às margens da BR 222, será palco de um Tributo a Raul Seixas, apresentado pelo cantor Wilson Zara. O show acontece dia 6 de setembro (quarta-feira,…
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adlinkai · 22 days
CW: possibly upsetting content. If I specify it would give away like half the (unfinished) story, but it is concerning self neutralization
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'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe
"Beware the Jabberwocky, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand;
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So he rested by the Tuntum tree
And stood a while in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with it's head
He went galumphing back.
"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
The chortled in his joy.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
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portalimaranhao · 15 days
Cinco pessoas da mesma família morrem em grave acidente na cidade de Tuntum
Um grave acidente registrado nessa quinta-feira 5, na BR-226, na cidade de Tuntum, resultou na morte de cinco pessoas da mesma família. A única vítima identificada até o momento é a estudante Mirelly Sousa Teixeira, do Centro Educa Mais. Conforme as primeiras informações, a família saiu do povoado Ipuirú, zona rural, com destino à sede da cidade, quando ocorreu a colisão com um caminhão…
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abraaocostaof · 1 month
Eleições 2024 em Tuntum (MA): veja os candidatos a prefeito e a vereador
São classificados como concorrendo os candidatos na seguinte situação de candidatura: cassado com recurso, deferido, deferido com recurso, indeferido com recurso, pedido não conhecido com recurso ou aguardando ou pendente de julgamento. São classificados como inaptos os candidatos na seguinte situação: cancelado, cassado, indeferido, falecido, não conhecimento do pedido ou renúncia. Source link
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audiofuzz · 2 months
Moses Sumney Announces New EP "Sophcore" with Stunning Visualizer and Film Debut
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Moses Sumney has announced a new EP, *Sophcore*, set for release via his Tuntum label on August 2nd. The EP includes Moses' recent single "Vintage" and a new track, "Gold Coast," which is accompanied by a captivating visualizer showcasing Moses's silhouette. The new songs highlight Moses' musical growth, with both tracks incorporating R&B elements more prominently than in his previous work, while still maintaining his unique voice. *Sophcore* marks Moses' first new project since his critically acclaimed 2020 double album *græ* and the 2021 live album *Live from Blackalachia*, which received praise from major outlets like Entertainment Weekly, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, NPR, Pitchfork, and Variety. Discussing the EP, Moses said: “*Sophcore* explores the meeting points between sensuality and intuition, esotericism and populism, deep feeling and fun. It dives into subterranean rhythm, bass, and drums, making music for the hips as well as the heart.” The announcement of *Sophcore* follows the release of the Ti-West directed A24 film *MaXXXine*, in which Moses stars alongside Mia Goth, Kevin Bacon, and Halsey. The film premiered last Friday and has garnered praise, with The Hollywood Reporter highlighting Moses' "easygoing appeal" and The New York Times describing the film as “funny, occasionally wistful, and deeply empathetic” in its Critic’s Pick review. Read the full article
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chrisryanspeaks · 2 months
Moses Sumney Announces New EP "Sophcore" with Stunning Visualizer and Film Debut
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Moses Sumney has announced a new EP, *Sophcore*, set for release via his Tuntum label on August 2nd. The EP includes Moses' recent single "Vintage" and a new track, "Gold Coast," which is accompanied by a captivating visualizer showcasing Moses's silhouette. The new songs highlight Moses' musical growth, with both tracks incorporating R&B elements more prominently than in his previous work, while still maintaining his unique voice. *Sophcore* marks Moses' first new project since his critically acclaimed 2020 double album *græ* and the 2021 live album *Live from Blackalachia*, which received praise from major outlets like Entertainment Weekly, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, NPR, Pitchfork, and Variety. Discussing the EP, Moses said: “*Sophcore* explores the meeting points between sensuality and intuition, esotericism and populism, deep feeling and fun. It dives into subterranean rhythm, bass, and drums, making music for the hips as well as the heart.” The announcement of *Sophcore* follows the release of the Ti-West directed A24 film *MaXXXine*, in which Moses stars alongside Mia Goth, Kevin Bacon, and Halsey. The film premiered last Friday and has garnered praise, with The Hollywood Reporter highlighting Moses' "easygoing appeal" and The New York Times describing the film as “funny, occasionally wistful, and deeply empathetic” in its Critic’s Pick review. Read the full article
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ocombatenterondonia · 6 months
Chuvas levam oito municípios a decretar emergência no Maranhão
As fortes chuvas dos últimos dias no Maranhão elevaram o nível dos rios, o que levou oito municípios a declarar situação de emergência. Segundo a Defesa Civil do estado, 438 famílias estão desabrigadas e 845 desalojadas. Os municípios de Formosa da Serra Negra, São Roberto, São João do Sóter, Tuntum, Monção, Pindaré-Mirim, Conceição do Lago Açu e Trizidela do Vale estão em situação de emergência…
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footballnews10 · 11 months
Artilheiro do Altos na Série C, volante Sousa Tibiri retorna ao seu estado natal para ser uma das referências do Tupan no Campeonato Maranhense
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Após 26 anos de ausência do futebol profissional, o Tupan, que já foi tricampeão maranhense, retomou suas atividades oficiais em 2020. De lá para cá, o Índio busca retornar à elite do estadual. Para isso, nesta temporada, investiu pesado e contratou jogadores reconhecidos no estado. Um deles foi o volante Sousa Tibiri, de 27 anos, e que já passou por: Sampaio Corrêa, Imperatriz, Tuntum e Chapadinha.
Natural da cidade de São Luís, Sousa Tibiri não esconde a felicidade de voltar a jogar em seu estado natal. “É especial retornar ao Maranhão, sentir o calor da família e dos amigos. Aqui, eles me viram crescer e avançar em todas as etapas da minha carreira. Jogar aqui novamente e contar com o apoio e a torcida deles bem de perto será sensacional”, admitiu o volante.
Recentemente, Sousa Tibiri disputou a Série C pelo Altos. No clube piauiense fez 14 jogos na competição nacional e marcou dois gols, sendo um dos artilheiros da equipe na terceirona. Agora no Tupan, ele não esconde que a expectativa é de acesso à elite do Campeonato Maranhense. A estreia acontece neste sábado, às 9h30, em casa, diante do Santa Quitéria. “Estamos prontos. Tivemos uma preparação muito forte. O clube investiu no elenco com objetivo do acesso. Individualmente, me sinto bem fisicamente e também adaptado ao estilo de jogo do professor Danilo Brito”, garantiu Tibiri.
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trashpandaqc · 1 year
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realjaysumlin · 1 year
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Today I speak to you in Twi and in English.
Me nuabeanom ne me nuanom adɔfo, mese mo akwaaba na mepɛ mo mmusua yiye.Mewɔ anidasoɔ berɛ biara sɛ yɛbɛyɛ baako sɛ nnipa baako wɔ ɔdɔ ne asomdwoeɛ mu. Yɛama kwan ma atoro abusuakuo a ɛyɛ aborɔfoɔ no apaapae yɛn mu na yɛda so ara kɔ yɛn akwan mu sɛ yɛbɛgye saa nnipa yi na deɛ wɔatɔ yɛn pɛn ara ne ahokyere ne aniwuo sɛ yɛyɛ Abibifoɔ. Minni obu anaa m’ani biara mma saa nnipa yi a wɔtan sɛ wɔyɛ Abibifo ne biribiara a wobu no sɛ ɛyɛ tuntum sen wɔn honam ani kɔla no.Mede onipa ko a meyɛ no hoahoa me ho.
English translation.
My dear sisters and brothers, I say welcome to you and well wishes to your families. I'm always hoping we become united as one people in love and in peace. We have allowed the fake race of white people to divide us and we still go out of our ways to accommodate these people and all they have ever bought us is hardships and ashamed of being Black. I have no respect or likes for these people who hate being Black and everything that is considered darker than their skin color. I am proud of who I am.
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Vasco e ABC-RN medem forças, a partir das 21h30 (horário de Brasília) desta quinta-feira (16) no estádio de São Januário, pela segunda fase da Copa do Brasil. Nessa etapa já não há mais a vantagem do empate para os times visitantes. Assim, quem vencer nos 90 minutos avança. Em caso de empate a vaga será decidida na disputa de pênaltis. A Rádio Nacional transmite o confronto. Mesmo vindo de derrota de 3 a 2 para o Flamengo pela ida das semifinais do Campeonato Carioca, o Vasco chega motivado para esta partida. Com o revés diante do Rubro-Negro o Cruzmaltino terá de vencer na volta para se classificar à final. Porém, antes o foco está totalmente na partida desta quinta. O Gigante da Colina tem 13 jogos na temporada, com oito vitórias, dois empates e três derrotas. Na primeira fase da Copa do Brasil o Vasco goleou o Trem por 4 a 0. A esperança de gols do time carioca nesta quinta é o atacante Pedro Raul, que já marcou sete vezes em 2023. Gabriel Pec e Alex Teixeira também são peças importantes, e podem ajudar o time ofensivamente contra o ABC. A novidade na lista de relacionados fica por conta do atacante Luca Orellano, que retorna de lesão e fica à disposição do técnico Mauricio Barbieri. Assim, o Vasco deve entrar em campo com: Léo Jardim; Puma Rodríguez (Paulo Henrique), Capasso, Léo e Lucas Piton; Andrey Santos, Jair (Rodrigo), Gabriel Pec, Alex Teixeira (Nenê) e Marlon Gomes; Pedro Raul. Já o ABC faz uma boa temporada em 2023, com apenas três derrotas em 18 jogos. Na Copa do Brasil atropelou o Tuntum pelo placar de 5 a 0. Na Copa do Nordeste o time potiguar está classificado para a próxima fase. Os artilheiros da equipe na temporada são o meia Raphael Luz e o atacante Felipe Garcia, ambos com sete gols. O técnico Fernando Marchiori deve mandar o seguinte time a campo: Simão; Alemão, Afonso, Richardson e Daniel Vançan; Jailson, Raphael Luz, Walfrido e Gustavo Hebling; Paulinho Moccelin e Felipe Garcia. O Vasco já enfrentou o ABC em 17 oportunidades, com direito a duelo pelo Brasileirão da Série A. Destaque para os confrontos pela Copa do Brasil de 2011, quando o Vasco levou a melhor sobre o time potiguar e acabou levantando o título da competição.   Agência Brasil
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josmundodivulgacoes · 2 years
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🎂 Aniversário de Tuntum - MA #67anos #tuntum #maranhão @jonasesticado @janainaalvesoficial (em Tuntum-Ma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiAHwCIOXOW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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londrifiguja-blog · 6 years
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portalimaranhao · 1 month
Justiça Eleitoral condena empresa em R$ 53 mil por pesquisa eleitoral irregular no Maranhão
Em decisão proferida pela 079ª Zona Eleitoral de Tuntum, no Maranhão, o juiz Raniel Barbosa Nunes condenou a empresa M R Borges Serviços – ME, também conhecida como MBO Publicidade, Marketing e Pesquisa, ao pagamento de uma multa de R$ 53.205,00 por irregularidades em uma pesquisa eleitoral realizada no município de Santa Filomena, também no Maranhão. A ação foi movida pelo Partido Socialista…
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