thereteller · 4 years
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Turks and Romans around ~1000 - 1100 AD according to Byzantine Empire of the time. In the ages of Roman Empire and/or Eastern Roman Empire also known as Byzantine Empire or Byzantium, self-describing of Byzantine Greeks was “Romans (Romaioi)” instead of “Greeks (Ellines)”.
To the Romans and/or Eastern Romans (Byzantines), after diplomatically, commercially and militarily being in contact with the Khaganate of Tourkoi (Turks) who were formerly known as Skythikoi (Scythians), now known as Tourkoi (Turks, i.e. Turkish Khaganate, also Gök-Türk Khaganate or Turkic Khaganate), thus the ethnonym Skythikoi was used together with Tourkoi as cognates, and slowly replaced its usage completely to Tourkoi in time. Those Turkophone groups included tribes such as Huns, i.e. those who originally bore the ethnonym Hun, popularly and falsely known as “Hun elites”, should be called as “Huns” only, thus excluding their non-Hunnic allies who are Indo-European or Uralic speakers who cannot be counted as Hun and/or Hunnic or Hunnish. After the dissolution of the Khaganate of Tourkoi (Turkish or Turkic Khaganate), Turkophone tribes who arrived around boundaries of Byzantines and raided towards Europe and Iran (and/or Persia) and also directly towards the realm of the Byzantine Empire such as Anatolia and Balkans, continued to be called Tourkoi besides aging usage of Skythikoi. One of the examples that Romaioi used both Skythikoi and Tourkoi together commonly for collective Turkophone tribes is the name of a prominent unit they used in their military ranks called “Skythikon (Scythian)” which only made up of strong warlike cavalry of Turkophone tribes such as Pechenegs, Cumans, Bulgars etc. Prominent Turkophone tribes who remained around Europe after the dissolution of Hunnic Confederation without losing their identity such as Ogurs (Oghurs, Oğurs, Onogurs, Uturgurs, Kuturgurs, Saragurs, Altzikurs) and Agacheri (meaning in the language of Turks: “woodman, woodmen”; Akatziri in Huns, Agathyrsi in Scythians) were also called Tourkoi and their realm was called Tourkia. For example, the realm of Onogurs was called Western Tourkia even after the arrival and domination of Turk-identified Uralo-Turks called “Magyars” who were led by other Ogur Turks of Arpad together with the Turkophone Kabars who lost the Khazar Civil War, in the Ogur Turk ruling Confederation of Onoguria (Onoguria > Ungaria > Hungary) until around 1300s, thus the Kingdom of Hungary was always called “Tourkia (Turkey)”, or “Western Tourkia” in contrast to “Eastern Tourkia” also known as Khazaria, a khaganate established by an Oğur or Oğuz tribe called “Khazar” (the Turkish Khaganate called them “Sabar”, a Turkophone tribe which was also allied with Huns, also known as “Sabir”), which was established soon after the dissolution of the Turkish Khaganate. Before the arrival of Onogurs in the Pannonian plains and causing Byzantines to call their realm “Onoguria” or “Ungaria (Hungary)”; they were living around a region called Etelköz, probably north of the peninsula of Taurica around modern-day Kyiv (Kiev), the land they will arrive was ruled by the Avars, another Turkophone tribe that lost a great war against the Turkish Khaganate and fled into the Pannonian plains, defeating the Germanic Gepids. They had Turkish-named khagans like Bayan, and their realm was called “Avaria” by the Byzantines, and they were sometimes called “Varchonites” which is the unification of the ethnonyms Avar and Hun, thus Varchonites > Avarhuns, Byzantines also called them “descendants of Huns”. Khagan of Tourkia sent diplomats to demand the withdraw of the Eastern Roman recognition of Avar rule in the Pannonian plains and a joint Turkish-Byzantine offensive towards the realm of Avar tribe, self-described as “Avar Khaganate”.
Also other Turkish tribes such as Pechenegs, Oghuz (Oguz and Ogur tribes were the biggest and the main body of all Turkophone tribes, all other Turkophone tribes anciently split off from this great tribe in early times. Oguz or Ogur means “the tribes” or “the people”. The Tribe or “Oguz/Ogur” constitued the greatest and most populous tribes or tribal unions of the Turks in history), Cumans (or Kipchaks), and a prominent dynasty or clan from the Oghuz tribe called Selchuk who founded the Seljuk Empire, controlled and conquered nearly all of Anatolian peninsula after conquering Iran (Persia), and also other statelets of Oğuz Turk clans which was established in Anatolia after the arrival of populous Oguz Turks in Anatolia following the conquest of Anatolia by the Seljuk Turks, such as Saltuk, Danishment, Mengujeg, and the first Turkish sailor in history named Tzachas (Chaka or Çaka); were also called “Tourkoi” and their realm “Tourkia”. Tzachas was a captive from a battle between Tourkoi and Romaioi around Smyrna, and until Alexius Komnenus rule he lived in the Byzantine court and served for them, but when Komnenus forcefully kicked him from Constantinople, he fled to Smyrna and as a commander he defeated the Romaioi armies, he allied with Pecheneg Turks and made assaults against the Byzantines together, captured Smyrna and cities and towns around Smyrna and establishing an Smyrna-based independent Turkish state, and created the first navy of Turks in history and conquered Midilli, Sakız and Sisam islands around 1090s. From the other heavily populous mass migration of Oğuz and Cuman Turks who arrived in Anatolia (other than other destinations for them such as Hungary, Bulgaria, Iran, India, Egypt etc.) fleeing from the Great Mongol Invasion of Genghis, clans such as Jandar, Teke, Eretna, Germiyan, Ottoman etc. settled in Anatolia under the protection of Seljuk Tourkia which was later defeated by the invading Mongols just like Cuman Tourkia which was defeated by the Mongols; leaving the Mongol vassal-state Seljuk Tourkia and established independent beyliks to rebel and fight against the Mongols and their allies to end the Mongol dominion over Anatolia. After the dissolution of Seljuk Tourkia, Ottoman Empire rose up and the realm of Ottomans was also called “Tourkia”, thus since the ages of Seljuk Tourkia and Ottoman Tourkia, it’s still called the “Republic of Tourkia (Turkey)”.
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