#turn Caleb Brewster
rosemeriwether · 4 months
Turn as “shit characters”
Benjamin Tallmadge: “Sort this shit out” Caleb Brewster: “Has the shit” Abraham Woodhull: “Start this shit” Anna Strong: “Handle this shit” Major Hewlett: “Knows his shit” John Graves Simcoe: “Is the shit Robert Townsend:”Done with your shit” Abigail: “Has shit to do” John André: “This is some good shit” Benedict Arnold: “Literally is shit” George Washington: “Get your shit together” Robert Rogers: “Better watch your shit” Mary Woodhull: “OH SHIT”
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knowltonsrangers · 7 months
theoretically pt.9
[first , prev ] [female reader]
[//tw: swearing, guns, death and blood ahead\\ also angst]
By all means, you should have been fine.
Continually failing at trying to peel the knot apart which currently held your wrists hostage, you silently cursed at such a simple thing that just would not go your way.
You weren’t asking much, realistically speaking. Tossed on horseback, greedily speeding miles away from the beach, you were certain that whenever Caleb and the Major returned, they would likely follow the shoreline, in the opposite direction.
The skies had quickly clouded, and with little warning, the rain pounded against the Earth, drenching your clothes and your hopes that someone would find your clue.
“Identify yourself!”
You physically jump, startled at how fast they had approached your hiding spot. Though one could argue you weren’t really doing a great job at the feat, silently praying they wouldn’t venture any further.
“Ah, fuck—“ There wasn’t much to do other than oblige, so you stand on shaky legs and throw your hands up, hoping that the ‘I surrender’ mentality would save yourself here.
“Don’t shoot!” When you move your arms, your hand brushes the pocket that concealed the knife. Inwardly groaning, you can hear the metal hit the ground with an aggressive thud. For once, you find a moment to think rationally, you use the toe of your sneaker to draw an arrow in the sand.
They’ll likely take you the way they came from, one could hope.
“I’ve been stranded here,”
You begin talking straight nonsense, begging words that seemed an inkling of believable to fall from your lips.
“Miss, this is really no place for a lady to reside,”
When they finally arrive right in front of you, they lower their weapons, seemingly unanimously agreeing that you were no perceivable threat.
That kind of hurt, for some reason.
“Sorry for the binds, but we are on strict orders to take anyone or anything in that comes onto that beach,”
Your nose wrinkles, opting to not say anything at all. If you hadn’t dropped that fucking knife-
“That area is a known smugglers destination, ma’am.”
The younger one speaks, the one who’s currently sat behind you on the horse. His red sleeves are the only thing you can see of him, but as the sun would soon begin to rise, you would dare to take a glance back at his features.
“Your silence is proving you guilty,”
The older one chides now, but not by much.
“If I told you what really happened, you wouldn’t believe me,”
You whisper, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Subconsciously, you never wanted these guys to see you cry, but the frustration was starting to eat away at you. It was all building so fast, that the world started to spin, and as if it was nothing, it all stopped.
“You have permission to speak it, so I may relay it to the Lieutenant when we arrive back to camp.”
You roll your eyes, a sarcastic “Gee, thanks,” bubbling in your throat, but you remembered instantly what Caleb had told you.
"I promise, even if you come 'cross some lobsterbacks, they wouldn't harm a lady. Just say ya got lost, and ask for the Captain or Major. They'd be able to help you."
His index finger comes to his lips, as if he's about to disclose a secret.
"Jus' don't mention anything about the camp, alright? Yer a patriot now, y/n, don't go switchin' sides."
Maybe you should bide your time the best you could, stretching it until there was no more room to give.
“Lieutenant?” You warble, sniffling slightly.
“Yes, that is who we report to. Anyone else you wish to speak with is denied, until further information is provided.”
You sigh, straightening your shoulders as well as you could, positioned in between the officers arms.
“What if we are headed in the completely wrong direction?”
It’s a very good question, one that every time it arose in his thoughts, he pushed back away. Becoming increasingly irritated, the blonde sighed, pushing away some flyaways from his forehead as they entered deeper into the woods.
“That is a very good possibility.” Is all he can reply, having a bit more incentive to get to you before you slip up, now having knowledge of the camp and that the General was stationed there.
He trusted that you would keep those secrets, but he did not know what level of…ill treatment you could take before the words came racing out of your mouth.
“So why didn’t we split up? Coulda met back there in a coupla hours.”
“I am hoping we are going the right way.”
If Caleb knew he was being very annoying, he was doing an excellent job at it.
“But what if we aren’t—“
“Caleb, please—“
And before he can say another word, there’s a rustle of something, wet leaves underfoot as silhouettes cast shadows in the daybreak.
“Shut up, please.” Ben asks, voice almost nothing as they both drop to a crouch behind some shrubbery, a couple hundred feet off. Although capable of seeing them, they were unable to hear what was being exchanged.
From the looks of it though, you had them right where you wanted them. They had halted their riding, the two horses idling as you stood next to a tree, arms bound but within reach. Your mouth was moving, and the two soldiers appeared to be at least satiated with whatever you were saying.
“See? She’s fine,”
Caleb hums, nudging the Major in the ribs. Ben turns to look at him so quickly he’s sure he’s just given himself whiplash.
“If I remember correctly,” He gravels, voice a bit elevated.
“I was the one consoling you,”
“Nah, I don’t remember that.”
Ben watches you carefully, and as if he willed it, your eyes made brief contact with his, looking just past the two officers. Nearly doing a double take, your eyes jump wide, but dart back to the taller man, so you wouldn’t give up their location.
You begin talking, your mouth moving once more but he’s unable to read exactly what you are saying. Catching your unexplainable surprise in what lies so far out into the trees, the shorter man spins around, scanning the horizon for something out of the ordinary.
Just as Ben turns to Caleb, ready to devise some sort of plan, you begin to shriek, piercing screams echoing through empty space as if it was amplified by a thousand.
The one redcoat, the one who was scouting, visibly jumps, turning to face you with a mixture of surprise and anger on his face, while the other attempts to figure out what was causing the screams.
“There was a spider on me!”
Ben will never be sure if there really was one on you, but Caleb audibly laughs, taking the opportunity that was so easily given to them.
Now, completely occupied and unable to console your loud cries, the two make a break for it and cross the remaining yards with ease.
“Hands up,”
Though the click of his flintlock pistol is satisfying, shoving the barrel directly between the man's shoulder blades, the willingness to squeeze the trigger is almost antagonizing. Caleb followed suit to the other officer, eyes trained on you, as if any more movement would cause you harm.
They both hesitantly raise their arms, making no move to agitate the situation further. Ben briefly wonders how you've so quickly wound your way around Caleb's finger, but then again, he'd be lying if you didn't have the same effect on him.
You offer a watery smile, fervently shaking the legs of your pants one last time, shrugging your shoulders as the two men look fixedly at you, shocked nonetheless at your stratagem.
What did nonplus you so much was that they both fired their weapons, and you watch in horror as both bodies crumble lifelessly to the ground.
Both horses, now spooked, take off in a direction that Benjamin doesn't quite care to take note of.
Something that he wishes he never saw was the look in your eyes, the panic and trepidation as if you couldn't really believe what you just saw.
"They didn't do nothin' to ya, did they?"
Caleb is first to break the stalemate, shoving his gun back into the loop on his belt, and stepping around one of the bodies to get closer to you. Smoke clearing, Ben slowly lowers his weapon, eyes impotent to leave yours and feet rooted to the dirt.
"N-no," You shuffle awkwardly, weight shifting back and forth between your feet and now unable to meet either of the men's gaze.
"M'sorry I left...you alone..."
The brunette watches the Major, then his eyes bolt back to you. He's piecing something together in his mind, and before he can say it, Benjamin beats him to it.
"We need to go."
"Ben-" Caleb starts, his hand reaching out to touch your arm, but recoils it back when he realizes the blood that splatters across it.
"Sorry." Is all that can fall from his mouth.
"I-" You swallow thickly, still staring at the ground, just shy of the two bodies.
"It's fine. Thank you.”
It's a whisper, and your gut is screaming at you to run as far away as you can from here, mind reeling at the events that unfolded so quickly yet in slow motion all at the same time.
"What are…er, what are are we gonna do now?"
Ben's silence is agonizing, so you take it upon yourself to fill the quiet.
"Maybe we should...part ways."
Caleb immediately repulses at such an idea, and when he looks to Ben once more for concurrence, he's met with the nauseating truth.
"No, not a chance in hell."
You had said it so maybe Benjamin would remove that tape from his tightly pressed lips. You were so numb to the events that you could not offer anything more than a suggestion to leave.
In reality, the disgust that was eating him up inside was the reasoning behind it all. He would never be able to wipe that look you gave him from his memory, as hard as he might try. His subconscious now had complete control of his actions, and it did nothing but render him speechless.
He wanted you to stay, with him. But articulating that after you just watched him kill a man was downright impossible. He wasn't thinking right, and that was his problem.
Clearing his throat, you finally tear your gaze away from the ground, blinking up at him expectingly, and it's then he catches the glint in your eyes.
"We will take you back to camp, and you will remain in my tent until nightfall. At that time, I will then personally escort you to the camp line, and from there you will do as you wish."
Caleb opens his mouth to protest, but you purse your lips, pulling some hair away from your eyes.
"Yes, Major."
You were nothing but trouble. It was a thought that had crossed your mind while doing much more than mildly inconveniencing these men just trying to do their duties. You landed in the middle of a war, this was no time to laugh or make fast quips to bargain your time.
This whirlwind dream had just really turned into a nightmare, and for all you know, the moment you cross those camp lines, your fate was in the hands of a time you never knew to call your own.
"Now hold on just a fuckin' second."
"I just said-"
"When have you ever known me to listen? I'm the reason we're standin' right here in the first place!"
He shouts, and Ben finally holsters his flintlock, something you take notice of that he hadn't done yet. The blonde grabs his upper arm, not harshly, but enough to tug him away to whisper something in his ear.
"If you're calling me a bitch, you can do that in front of me."
You call, at long last moving away from the officers, all the while brushing runaway tears from your cheeks. It was fair enough, you in the least deserved some name-calling for the unbridled mess you unknowingly just created.
"Nah, but I won't repeat what he said, cause no lady should ever have to hear such a mouth." Caleb shoves him off.
The three of you exchange glances, and finally, you've had enough. The silent scream you release is more-so for yourself versus for effect, fierce enough that your hands ball into fists and your eyes squeeze shut.
After a good moment, you finally nod.
"I had thought maybe it would wake me up because this isn't fun anymore. I hate being here, I hate all of this. Just please. Take me back to camp, and let me pack a fucking bag, and let me leave."
Ben falters, mouth opening then closing, words fighting to his throat but all he can offer is a noise of approval. You cross your arms, shuffling past Ben as you start off towards the shore, leaving the duo standing, jarred.
"I hope you're happy," The brunette snuffs, watching you go for a second.
"Part of this was my fault, but this is all your fault."
Caleb gives him one more shove for good measure, and starts off after you, calling your name, but you make no move to slow your pace.
If he could find his voice, he'd scream just as loud as you.
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simcoesleftear · 22 days
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turnposting vol. 9
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papers-pamphlet · 4 days
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Erm . TURN bookmark
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rhcenyra · 7 months
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Look, I had to trade some goods. Caleb Brewster is running a shop out of his whale boat on Devil's Belt. I had to trade with him. Caleb? You saw him? How is he? He's the same as ever. He's unshaven, he's insane. I saw Ben Tallmadge, too. What? You saw him? They were together? No, no. Ben is a... he's a Connecticut Dragoon now. He's got a shiny helmet and all. He tried to recruit me for a secret mission. Against the British? Don't worry, I won't do it. Why not? What are you waiting for? What more do they need to take from us?
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Is this anything guys
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(Also if it’s unclear the “keep active” one is Selah running for his life, on all fours for some reason)
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thesilverrarrow · 17 days
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has anyone done this yet?
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harmonikauvegajto · 3 months
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I’ve been watching turn lately and these two are always next to eachother like whats their deal
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culperscomet · 6 months
TURN “I Know The End”
Every good fandom needs an honorary ’i know the end’ edit that’s just how it works. Please go ahead and direct all hate to @tallmadgeandtea it was her idea I am guiltless (kidding ofc). I fear I will be getting jail time for this and having my editing privileges revoked. But I simply had to do what must be done.
Please watch until the end. I spent my entire spring break working on this and nearly caused my phone to overheat.
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rosemeriwether · 5 months
Culper Ring Band
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“And I pray Oh my God, do I pray I pray every single day For revolution”
“What’s Up” Four Non blondes.
I was going to color this but, do I have it in me? I might add this to my coloring book so if anyone wants to, feel free to color it yourself.
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knowltonsrangers · 10 months
theoretically pt.6
TURN!Benjamin Tallmadge x F!reader
[ part one , part two , part three , part four , part five ]
Throughout the night, Ben remained still as a tomb in the desk chair, chin resting in his hand as he stares distractedly at the cot. Watching as you wrapped yourself up in the thin sheet to attempt to seek heat amongst the brimming snowstorm outside.
He couldn’t stop himself, the thoughts spinning around in his mind wouldn’t allow him sleep, lest not anytime soon. The feeling of guilt ate him away, the waking thought that the General had left this decision to him, such a heavy responsibility terrified him. While he was eager to please his superior, he wanted do right by you, for whatever the purpose may be.
And what that meant, he wasn’t entirely sure. Subconsciously, he knew he could never just toss you into town when it came time to move camp. With how confused you were, he couldn’t bear the thought of you wandering aimlessly in streets you didn’t call home.
Why were his thoughts so loud in his head? Typically, on nights like these, he’s happy to welcome the opportunity to sleep, blue eyes heavy with exhaustion. Tonight, it seemed he’s not going to get much rest, if any.
He ponders aloud, shifting uncomfortably in the wooden furniture. Ben hated to make rash decisions, he relished in the safety of careful and calculated moves, and yet, here he didn’t have that luxury, to make one that would hold your fate in his hands.
Hastily, he turns back to his desk, beginning to draw up a proper course of action, something he can slip Caleb without having to exchange any verbal words amongst the camp.
He needed a second opinion on this, and it wasn’t going to come from you.
“I like yer pants, y/n. Where’d ya find ‘em?”
Somehow, you ended up a shivering mess in the middle of the woods, hands running along your upper arms to try and regain some warmth. Ben and the newly met Caleb had been chattering about what to do, and their conversation seemingly ended as the brunette turns to you.
“Oh? Um—“
You turn around to try and see where the logo was, forgetting yourself for the moment.
“They’re probably from Aerie—oh. You don’t know what that is. Right.”
Ben gives Caleb a look as if to say: ‘I told you so!’ And the shorter man replies with a face of dumbfounded curiosity.
“Don’t ya know what you have here, Ben?”
He exclaims excitedly, shuffling a step closer to you as your teeth begin to chatter.
“And what might that be?”
“If you say someone who can help you win the war, it’s a hard no.”
Caleb visibly deflates, spinning around to give you the saddest look you’ve ever seen on a man, his bottom lip actually jutting out slightly.
“Aw, why the hell not?”
“‘Cause I don’t know anything about the American Revolution. I know enough to skate by an Early American History class, but not enough tiny details.”
You shrug.
“And besides. Not really a good idea to mess with the black hole I probably fell out of.”
“Oh, forget it, will you? I asked you for help, not to turn this into some sort of solution to the war.”
Ben interjects, white snow beginning to scatter around the fallen leaves and dirt.
“Can I please get a jacket, I am going to freeze my butt off.”
Caleb chuckles, immediately shrugging off his outer leather coat before Ben can properly react. He tosses the material around your body, your shoulders basically melting at how warm the heavy black jacket felt.
“O-oh, I didn’t mean—“
“S’alright. Ye looked like a leaf.”
Smiling in thanks, you happily sink a little deeper into the article of clothing.
“That problem being solved, what am I to do when camp is set to move in a few days?”
Ben’s hands come to his hips, almost impatiently.
“Washington wishes for a solution by tonight. Think you can get out of here for the time being?”
Caleb bobs his head, mulling the question over before giving a hum of approval.
“Yeah, I think so. Where do ya have in mind?”
“Wait, I’m leaving?”
A slight ring of worry laces your words, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other.
“Just for now, y/n. I haven’t quite decided what I am to do with you, but I need the General to think you’ve left.”
“Why’s that?”
“If I keep you here any longer—“
“Yer going to raise some eyebrows, miss.”
Caleb finishes.
“Oh? In a good way or a bad way?”
Ben, unamused, becomes even more so as Caleb throws his head back in a belt of laughter.
“I like ‘er! I wouldn’t mind a bit takin’ you across the sound for the night.”
“I like you too,”
Offering Caleb a small smile, you then swallow thickly.
“I know I don’t have a say.”
You next turn to Ben, watching the way his eyes read you inquisitively.
“But I trust you. And if you trust Caleb, and think it’s best, then I have to trust your decision.”
The blonde sighs, hands falling from his hips as he takes a hesitant step forward.
“I trust Caleb with my life. But please, don’t think I’m doing this because I want to. I’m doing it because I don’t have any other options.”
You sniffle, looking up at him from under thick lashes.
“Fresh outta those?”
It makes your heart leap for joy when he finally gets one of your jokes.
“Yes. So it would seem.”
Caleb looks between the two of you, smiling to nobody but himself as he begins to outline his plan.
“I’ll keep her safe, Benny,”
He needn’t to ask, but it reassured him nonetheless.
“I’ll likely see you tomorrow night then, y/n. Be well.”
It’s the bitter air that was full of hesitation and fear, but you decided it was best to make the move on your own volition.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,”
You joke breathlessly, a slight skip in your step as you walk over to the Major, just as he turned to leave.
“That’s hardly any advice, I—“
He’s stunned speechless as you wrangle him into the quickest side hug you’ve ever given, squeezing him tight before letting him go.
Ben, unfairly, never had any time to respond.
“Ahem. That’s not very good advice, y/n. I would never do anything you would do.”
With an amused smile twitching on his lips, he bids you and Caleb farewell before heading back through the woods, likely to the General.
“Ready to go, y/n?”
Caleb asks from beside you, a slight tremor in your voice as you watch the Major until he disappears behind some trees.
“Yeah. Ready.”
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simcoesleftear · 27 days
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turnposting: twitter edition vol.2
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samuelroukin · 8 months
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SAMUEL ROUKIN as Captain John Graves Simcoe & DANIEL HENSHALL as Caleb Brewster in TURN: WASHINGTON'S SPIES (2014—2017) Episodes 1.01 Pilot
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rhcenyra · 6 months
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the best of the culper ring [3/4]
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incorrect-turn · 6 months
British officer: What are your names?
Caleb: Don’t tell him, Ben.
Ben: Good job, Caleb.
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