#turn robert townsend
knowltonsrangers · 1 year
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everyone look at Robert Townsend- I simply adore how he’s drawn here :)
from A Spy for General Washington, by Raynham Hall Museum.
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rosemeriwether · 1 month
Turn as “shit characters”
Benjamin Tallmadge: “Sort this shit out” Caleb Brewster: “Has the shit” Abraham Woodhull: “Start this shit” Anna Strong: “Handle this shit” Major Hewlett: “Knows his shit” John Graves Simcoe: “Is the shit Robert Townsend:”Done with your shit” Abigail: “Has shit to do” John André: “This is some good shit” Benedict Arnold: “Literally is shit” George Washington: “Get your shit together” Robert Rogers: “Better watch your shit” Mary Woodhull: “OH SHIT”
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timelessxmemories · 1 year
I see no difference.
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him the entire show 😐
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culperscomet · 3 months
TURN “I Know The End”
Every good fandom needs an honorary ’i know the end’ edit that’s just how it works. Please go ahead and direct all hate to @tallmadgeandtea it was her idea I am guiltless (kidding ofc). I fear I will be getting jail time for this and having my editing privileges revoked. But I simply had to do what must be done.
Please watch until the end. I spent my entire spring break working on this and nearly caused my phone to overheat.
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redfish-blu · 3 months
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vmpirevnom · 1 year
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Turn: Washington’s Spies as cursed Roblox images because I think I’m funny
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theancientwise · 11 months
All i can say is that Turn: Washington's Spies is one of the BEST historical dramas I've ever watched. I loved every single episode of it. The characters, the ambientations, the writing, the soundtrack. Perfect. Just Perfect.
(well, expect for Anna and Abe's drama: i've found it unbearable, even when they already had such amazing patners like Mary Woodhull and Selah Strong)
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knowltonsrangers · 8 months
all through the night.
Robert Townsend x reader
in which you find out about Robert spying.
“—y/n, no. I insist, l will be fine,”
“Robert, please—“
“I can help-”
“Leave it be.”
“I said, leave it be, y/n.”
As if his words didn’t contain enough venom, for good measure he sends a look over his shoulder, one that would normally have you shoving him away, yet, it seems the finality of his words was up to interpretation.
“Must you? I am only trying to help.”
Your hands clasp at your front, increasing your speed just a bit to keep pace with his long stride. It takes a moment, yet you join next to him on the sidewalk, arms brushing as he realizes how fast he’s walking. He looks your way, and slows his step.
“For the umpteenth time, y/n—“
Robert takes a sharp intake of air, but quickly deflates.
“It is not up for debate, nor is it about how much you’d like to help. It is in reference to you, and your safety.”
“I never knew you to be a—“
It’s not snarky, the word is at the tip of your tongue,
“Don’t you dare say such a thing in public without being prepared to see me killed.”
Ah. He thinks you were going to call him a spy.
Your initial shock dissipates as you simply shrug your shoulders in defiance.
“Mhm. I was going to say such an worrier, but never mind. Seems your attitude has gotten the best of you.”
Robert falters on the sidewalk as you see your chance, continuing onwards without him with a quicker gait.
“y/n, you know I—“
Once he’s caught up to you, it appears that he hasn’t quite thought of what else he wanted to say. You wait, much to his annoyance, staring straight ahead, yet at least acknowledge his presence.
“y/n, you know how much I…care for you, you must understand how this is out of love, and not because I wish to exclude you from this.”
He sighs, hand finding your arm as he pulls you close to his side, nearly sending you toppling with his unwavering hold.
“I was told by Culper to keep everyone out. Since my Father, I cannot have you messing around with things you shouldn’t.”
That’s right. He’s right. Your eyes fall to the stone, watching the way they mismatch along the old road.
“I am a worrier.”
Robert announces to no one but you.
“And it’s something I’m not going to apologize for. So, this is the end of this conversation, y/n.”
Most of him expects you to fight back, so he can watch that ferocity brim then explode in your eyes, full of anger that he had shut you out once more.
But to his surprise, you relent, holding his arm a bit tighter as you hang your head, bobbing it once before agreeing.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Robert.”
He hadn’t meant to upset you, but he had to know that his sternness was met with some sort of equal understanding.
“I don’t need an apology,”
His right hand comes to brush a few wisps of your hair back behind your ears.
“I just want you to be safe.”
You mumble, finally looking up into his stare.
“Though you would be the best back up I’ve got,”
Robbie muses, a smile dancing on his lips.
“I’ve got some friends around. Not quite as good as you, but they’ll have to manage.”
He can feel the worry drown from his shoulders, catching the beginning of a smile on your lips.
“Sounds good to me.”
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rosemeriwether · 1 month
I’ve been wanting to do an art series of TURN characters as the constellations thanks to our favorite yet socially awkward Major Hewlett. However this project may be too ambitious even for me. Below you will find who I think is best represented by what constellation and why. Open for discussion and debate.
Major Hewlett: Perseus. He said it, therefore it is.
Anna Strong: Andromeda. Look above.
Abraham Woodhull: Ophiuchus the snake bearer. The actual snake in the garden or better yet, some greek mythology associates this constellation to Asclepius a physician who found a way to cheat death. A complex way of my interpretation is Abe gathering intel to keep the Continental Army alive to defeat the British.
Richard Woodhull: Libra the scale. I have no other explanation other than he’s a judge.
Caleb Brewster: Canis Major. His name “Caleb” means “faithful, devoted” and is at times associated with dogs. He’s the loyal bestie everyone wished they had.
Benjamin Tallmadge: Sagittarius. There are two official centaur constellations but, the zodiac one is usually thought of Chiron the most peaceful and wisest of centaurs. In the night sky, Sagittarius s positioned with his bow aiming at Scorpio avenging Orion’s death. Which brings us to…..
George Washington: Orion the Hunter. He may not be the best fighter but he is the Commander of the Continental Army therefore held in high esteem much like the mythical hunter.
Benedict Arnold: Scorpio. To wrap up this theme going on, a scorpion is a spiteful person or the symbolism of evil. In some greek mythology, the scorpion was sent to kill Orion.
Robert Townsend: Aquarius the Water Bearer. Sorry, that’s what you get for working in a coffee house. 💗☕️
John André: Lyra the harp. Charming and his fondness for music.
Mary Woodhull: Ursa Major. Mama Bear
Peggy Shippen: Corona Borealis the Northern Crown. We can talk about the hair style John André had Philomena Cheer do to look like Peggy’s because that’s the only thing I got.
John Graves Simcoe………… if we’re going with Hewlett’s theme, Cetus the sea monster that Perseus saved Andromeda from. Personally I’d go with Hercules. Hear me out and it’s not because I’m a Simcoe apologist either. Everyone knows about the strength of Hercules and a hero he was for the 12 labors he’s done. I don’t believe Simcoe to be that black and white but rather a ton of grey. He has his own moral compass (pyxis) that he follows and Hercules did have a moment of madness which he killed his wife and children. Basically man went through a lot but accomplish good in the end.
Robert Rogers: Leo the Lion. Going with Simcoe’s theme of being Hercules and losing the Queen’s Rangers to the sociopath.
Bonus: Ensign Baker: Columba the dove. He was too pure for this world and I am not strong enough to think about it anymore.
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timelessxmemories · 1 year
What if I were to make an AU for Abe and Townsend being self aware of sorts? Like, they know none of this is real, but the rest of them don't. They would work together on trying to get the rest of them to become self aware of what's really going on.. It would probably be based solely around horror and derealization. Abe would be the first one to know what's really going on, and then he'd go to Townsend and tell him, which of course, Robert doesn't believe him at first, but then Abe explains everything that's been happening, and shows him the routines of absolutely everything, that's when it clicks and Robert agrees to try and help Abe to get everyone else out of the dark and in the know. But they know it isn't going to be easy. In fact, not at all.
@amrevgeekworld & @lauraroleplayss , thoughts?
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gotta try this out fr
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july-nostalgia · 10 months
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You take the wheel I don't wanna do this anymore It's so surreal I can't survive If this is all that's real
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incorrect-turn · 6 months
Abe recruiting Townsend: See? One day you’re gonna look back on this and laugh.
Townsend: I assure you, for the rest of my life, every time I look back on this I will personally go over to your house and smack you.
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alexander-the-ham-man · 8 months
I miss writing about the Culper Ring so much, I miss being totally immersed in the American Revolution. I just need to know more, to write more, to get lost over and over again in a time that fascinates me like no others.
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