#robert townsend x reader
knowltonsrangers · 11 months
all through the night.
Robert Townsend x reader
in which you find out about Robert spying.
“—y/n, no. I insist, l will be fine,”
“Robert, please—“
“I can help-”
“Leave it be.”
“I said, leave it be, y/n.”
As if his words didn’t contain enough venom, for good measure he sends a look over his shoulder, one that would normally have you shoving him away, yet, it seems the finality of his words was up to interpretation.
“Must you? I am only trying to help.”
Your hands clasp at your front, increasing your speed just a bit to keep pace with his long stride. It takes a moment, yet you join next to him on the sidewalk, arms brushing as he realizes how fast he’s walking. He looks your way, and slows his step.
“For the umpteenth time, y/n—“
Robert takes a sharp intake of air, but quickly deflates.
“It is not up for debate, nor is it about how much you’d like to help. It is in reference to you, and your safety.”
“I never knew you to be a—“
It’s not snarky, the word is at the tip of your tongue,
“Don’t you dare say such a thing in public without being prepared to see me killed.”
Ah. He thinks you were going to call him a spy.
Your initial shock dissipates as you simply shrug your shoulders in defiance.
“Mhm. I was going to say such an worrier, but never mind. Seems your attitude has gotten the best of you.”
Robert falters on the sidewalk as you see your chance, continuing onwards without him with a quicker gait.
“y/n, you know I—“
Once he’s caught up to you, it appears that he hasn’t quite thought of what else he wanted to say. You wait, much to his annoyance, staring straight ahead, yet at least acknowledge his presence.
“y/n, you know how much I…care for you, you must understand how this is out of love, and not because I wish to exclude you from this.”
He sighs, hand finding your arm as he pulls you close to his side, nearly sending you toppling with his unwavering hold.
“I was told by Culper to keep everyone out. Since my Father, I cannot have you messing around with things you shouldn’t.”
That’s right. He’s right. Your eyes fall to the stone, watching the way they mismatch along the old road.
“I am a worrier.”
Robert announces to no one but you.
“And it’s something I’m not going to apologize for. So, this is the end of this conversation, y/n.”
Most of him expects you to fight back, so he can watch that ferocity brim then explode in your eyes, full of anger that he had shut you out once more.
But to his surprise, you relent, holding his arm a bit tighter as you hang your head, bobbing it once before agreeing.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Robert.”
He hadn’t meant to upset you, but he had to know that his sternness was met with some sort of equal understanding.
“I don’t need an apology,”
His right hand comes to brush a few wisps of your hair back behind your ears.
“I just want you to be safe.”
You mumble, finally looking up into his stare.
“Though you would be the best back up I’ve got,”
Robbie muses, a smile dancing on his lips.
“I’ve got some friends around. Not quite as good as you, but they’ll have to manage.”
He can feel the worry drown from his shoulders, catching the beginning of a smile on your lips.
“Sounds good to me.”
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gardensofivy · 16 days
Taylor Townsend is an attempted homewrecker, she tried to break up Seth & Summer and had the audacity to think summer was her friend right after that
it’s called character development. obviously she was a shitty person in s3 but we see that it was because of her mom. she matures and grows out of those ways. taylor helped summer (and even ryan) come to terms with herself and with what happened with marissa. btw summer chose to continue being friends with taylor which is clearly shown!
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Words on Your Skin
Based on this request:  Could I get another Townsend Soulmate AU where the first words you hear your soulmate say are written on your skin? Maybe reader meets Robert when he comes to Setauket to see Abraham and she brings Abraham food for Mary just in time to see Robert punch Caleb?
Here you are, lovelies! *Familiar Characters are NEVER mine!*
Fandom: TURN: Washington’s Spies
Warnings: Soulmate AU, slight angst-ish??, Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Robert Townsend x fem!reader, bff!Caleb Brewster, Abraham Woodhull
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Forgive me for showing such violence
         The words on your wrist that you long since memorized felt odd that morning. Still, you tried to ignore it. With Abraham working so hard on rebuilding his and Mary's farm after the fire, you had taken to looking after Thomas and helping Mary when she needed you. That's what you were doing now. Heading to Abraham's land with a basket of food for the man. Without you and Mary, he would probably starve. You were absolutely not expecting what happened that afternoon.
         Your brows furrowed in confusion when you approached and saw a man you'd never met before punch Caleb Brewster right in the nose. Caleb, unsurprisingly, began to chuckle. Your mouth dropped open just as Abraham saw you. "Y/N!" he called with a smile, "What are you doing here?" You held up the basket, but before you could speak, you found yourself being picked up and spun in the arms of your childhood best friend.
         "Y/N/N!" You squealed then told him to put you down. He did with a grin and kissed your cheek. "Missed ya, girlie!" You snorted out a laugh. It was only then that you saw the eyes of the stranger on you. You smiled at him. He watched you for a moment from underneath his wide-brimmed hat. The words on your wrist burned a bit, but you chose to ignore it. "Oh, Y/N. This is Mr. Robert Townsend. Townsend, this is Miss Y/F/N." You curtsied slightly, your eyes never leaving his.
         "Forgive me for showing such violence." You froze, the words on your arm feeling like they were literally on fire. "I-There is nothing to forgive, Mr. Townsend." His hand went to his own wrist as his eyes widened. "What's happenin'?" Caleb asked, but you hardly heard Abraham's response. Your gaze couldn't seem to tear away from Robert's.
         "It's you," you whispered, unable to believe it. The burning in your wrist was nearly unbearable. This part was where  a lot of people grew uncomfortable. The burning wouldn't stop until your soulmate touched the words on your wrist. Touching someone you'd just met was awkward, soulmate or not. Still, you weren't sure how much longer you could handle to sensation.
         Robert took a small step toward you. "Caleb, we should give them a bit of privacy," you heard Abraham whisper. "This isn't something we Quakers do," Robert said softly, "But, may I?" He indicated to your wrist. You bit your lip. "If you'd like. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable." He smiled. "Thank you. Your concern is touching."
         He took your arm gingerly and pushed up the sleeve of your dress to reveal the now burning mark. He frowned upon seeing the words. "You must have thought so poorly of me all this time," he whispered. You gave him a gentle smile as his eyes met yours again. "Not at all. I figured you would have a good reason for violence and seeing as it was Caleb, I'm certain of it now."
         "HEY!" Caleb snapped, but he was still smiling when you and Robert looked at him. You rolled your eyes. Robert brought his attention back to your wrist for a moment before looking at you. You nodded to his unanswered question and he placed his fingers on your wrist. If you weren't soulmates, this action would have been frowned upon. You couldn't bring yourself to care though as the burning sensation in your wrist finally subsided.
         You grinned at Robert before he let you gently touched his mark. "Thank you," he whispered. It seemed nearly impossible to look away from him now. At least until Abraham spoke up. "I don’t like this." You whipped your head over to him and glared.
         "I beg your pardon?" Abraham placed his hands on his hips and sighed. "Look, you know what we do, what we're going to continue to do. It isn't safe. There's no way to guarantee your safety or that any one of us will be getting out of this alive." Robert opened his mouth, but you beat him to it. You were not about to let Abraham get away with his hypocrisy.
         "Is that why you made the choice to be unfaithful to your wife and soulmate? Because there is no guarantee?" Abraham began to argue, but Caleb held him back and you continued on, "Whatever happens or doesn't between Mr. Townsend and myself is no business of yours, especially since your reasoning reeks of hypocrisy."
         Abraham tried to argue again, but Caleb once again shut him up. You glared at him before turning your attention back to Robert. He was smiling at you. "So, you're a part of Abraham and Caleb's madness, then?" you asked and he nodded hesitantly. You frowned slightly. Abraham was right. There was no guarantee that Robert would still be around when the war was over. Still, he was your soulmate and that had to mean something, didn't it?
         You slowly reached out your hand, offering it to him if he wished to take it. Caleb had decided to pull Abraham away. Your best friend knew how long you'd been waiting to meet your soulmate and he was NOT about to let Abraham ruin it for you. Robert glanced between your face and you hand for a moment before reaching over to take it his.
         "You will be careful, won't you?" you whispered. Robert gave a you a soft smile. "You are worried for my safety already?" You let out a little laugh. "You are a kind soul, Mr. Townsend. Even just meeting you I can see that. I want the chance to get to know you, if you'll let me."
         You weren't usually so forward, but his eyes kept you mesmerized and you couldn't seem to stop yourself from saying every thought that popped into your head. The slight pink tint to his cheeks made it worth it, though. "I would like that. Very much," he whispered. You gave his hand a squeeze and replied, "Then please, be careful." He smiled. "For my soulmate, of course I shall." You continued to stare into his eyes as the rest of the world melted away.
(a/n: I do love a Soulmate AU! I hope you enjoy it!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @supernatural4life2022​ 
All Tag lists are OPEN!
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televisionlines · 4 years
Robert Townsend (turn) x female reader short fic
i have never written fanfic before if someone reads this please give some feedback or send submissions or something because i’ll write more if people want it! sorry in advance if this is terrible.
(Y/N) sat by the window and watched as the intensity of the wind and rain broke tree limbs and flooded the streets. Behind her, Robert was clearing the table where they had just eaten dinner. They were alone in the coffeehouse.
“See anything of interest?” he asked.
“No, nothing in particular.”
She heard Robert moving to stand behind her. She felt his presence. He was close enough so that she could feel his breath on her neck. Never close enough, she thought.
“You seem...” he paused. Choosing his words carefully. He always spoke with such eloquence. “Despondent.” he finally finished.
“I appreciate your concern,” she laughed. “But rather I feel glad.”
“Glad? What ever for?” He sounded confused. She liked to be able to confuse him. She was happy to have any sort of effect on him.
“I feel glad to be glad. Why waste life feeling despondent?” she turned to face him.
“Some feelings cannot be helped.” He answered.
He looked down at her. He had to have feelings for her, right? If he didn’t, he must at least know about her feelings for him. It had to be obvious; she could recount many instances in which she had become a breathless, stuttering mess after only a simple compliment from the man.
“Do you know this from personal experience?” She asked. She was hopeful.
He let his hands find hers, and held them between their two bodies.
“I hope you’ll excuse my candor,” he began, “but you should know. I care about you (Y/N), perhaps more than I should.”
Robert was a smart man. Outwardly he always seemed very stoic, which was probably a good thing considering his involvement in espionage. However in this moment his stoicism abated, and was replaced with a look of trepidation on his face.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was shocked. She knew this was a good thing; this was what she wanted. He did have feelings for her. She knew she needed to respond but had no idea what to say.
The silence became painful for Robert. “I’m sorry if I have offended you, I-” He was cut off by a loud crack of thunder above their heads. (Y/N) jumped, startled, and her head collided with Robert’s chest. She wrapped her arms around him and he immediately returned the gesture. She finally spoke, “I care about you too, Robert.”
He smiled. “Now I am glad as well.”
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Turn BoisXReader
“What did you just call me?”
(P.S. This was inspired by @wordsfailing’s random sentence starters)
I tried to keep these drabble-y but sometimes I got carried away and some are longer than others.
More to come...
Marquis de Lafayette
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“Bonsoir Marquis.” You grin as he steps toward you. He smirks, that expression alone sending a pang of nostalgia to your heart. Gathering you into his arms, he pulls you securely against his chest so he can reassure himself that after your latest mission, you are, indeed, in one piece. He sighs. “Bonsoir, mon amour.”  He murmurs, ducking to capture your lips with his own. You falter, frozen by his words and captivated by his kiss. When he pulls back, you’re still in shock.  “What did you call me?” You whisper, the corners of your mouth quirking up in hope. He kisses your cheeks, then your forehead, and finally your lips again.  “You speak French very well, Ma cherie, I think you know.” He teases before wrapping you in his embrace once more.
Caleb Brewster
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You’re in Washington’s camp, searching for your wild whaler. Before you find him you’re accosted by a drunk soldier looking for an evening frolic. You shake your head but he won’t leave you alone. “Hands off the lass.” It’s Caleb and he’s thankfully found you. You breathe a sigh of relief.  “I saw the wench first, Brewster.” The soldier shouts, grabbing you. You wrench your arm free and stumble into Caleb’s embrace. He quickly pulls you close, aiming a pistol at the soldier. “She’s my woman, Belhoff.” He warns. “Touch her again and I’ll do worse than just kick your arse.” He says, cocking the hammer of his gun for effect. The soldier grumbles, too drunk to realize the gravity of the situation. You turn to Caleb. “What did you call me?” You grin. You couldn’t help the flutter in your chest when he’d laid his claim to your heart. “My woman, if you’ll have me.” He cups your chin tenderly. You nod, pressing an eager kiss to his salty lips, his beard tickling your skin, reminding you just how wild he was. He chuckles when you pull away, keeping you tucked firmly against his side as the two of you walk back to his tent.  
Robert Townsend
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The tavern is empty when you find him. Robert is sitting at a table, staring intently at the glass of liquid in front of him. “Robert, is something amiss?” You ask, pulling up a chair to sit beside him. He shakes his head. “Everything.” He replies dejectedly. You cover his hands with your own, coaxing him to continue. “How are we to know what is wrong and what is right?” He asks. You shrug. “We can’t, we can only try to do right.” You say, rubbing the top of his hand with your thumb. He sighs. “Robert, I know it all seems confusing now, but sometimes leading with your head just won’t cut it.” You tell him, cupping the side of his face for good measure. He looks up, finally meeting your eyes. You smile, trying to show him compassion. He seems receptive and leans toward you. “You think I should lead with my heart?” He asks as you rest your hand at the base of his neck and nod in reply. “Sometimes. In this case, yes.” You say, referring to the earlier conflict he was battling within himself. “And what about us?” He asks, rubbing an errant lock of your hair between his fingers, focusing on the strands twirling rather than your inquisitive gaze. “Well, what does your heart tell you?” You ask, smiling softly as you lean forward. He meets you in the middle, pressing his forehead tenderly against your own. “It tells me that you are the light of my life and to never let you go.” He says. You pull back abruptly, your heart soaring.  “What- what did you call me?” You ask, if only to assure yourself that this was not a dream. “You are the light of my life, please never leave me.” He repeats before bringing you toward him and kissing you passionately.  
Benjamin Tallmadge
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You are waiting in his tent as you always do when he is away on a mission. Curled up under the covers, you lie awake in fear of all the terrible things that could’ve happened to him. You begin to imagine another scenario in which you might lose your dear Major Tallmadge when the tent flap opens and he steps through into the candle light. “Ben!” You sit up, a smile on your face, which soon falls when you see he has blood on him. “Ben—” “It’s not mine.” He hurries, quickly removing the offending garments until he’s only in his linen pants. He sits down quickly and rubs your arms. “I’m unharmed, look.”  He demonstrates, twisting his body to show you he was unscathed. You nod, still doubting that he was safe in front of you. You reach out and touch him slowly, then eagerly, smoothing your hands over his skin and finally pulling him toward you to crush him in a hug. He kisses the top of your head as you bury your face in his shoulder. You’re pressed against him tightly as he pulls the covers up over the both of you and kisses your forehead. “My love, please don’t worry.” He whispers into your hair. You pull away slightly to look up at him. “What did you call me?” You ask smiling. He smiles back. “I love you.” He replies, drawing you back against his chest so he can kiss you. At first slowly, as if he’s savoring every moment, and then hungrily as if it would be the last time between the two of you. The blood beneath your skin seems to rise in an effort to greet him and goose bumps break out across your body at the joy of being so near to him once again. There would always come another night of worrying, wondering if he’d return or not, but this night would be spent worrying no longer.    
George Washington
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You tip toe to his room in the middle of the night. You’re betting he’s awake. You creep inside his room and softly close the door behind you. He’s standing at the window looking out across the river, but he turns when he hears you enter. He smiles at you and you can’t help but smile back. He opens his arms and you eagerly wrap yourself around him, sighing deeply. “Hi.” You whisper against his chest, staring up into his kind eyes. “You are my one truth.” He says suddenly, his chest rumbling as he speaks. “Hm?” You inquire gently. “In a sea of faces, yours is the one I will always turn to.” He continues. “I know that no matter what happens you will always speak the truth.” He explains, pressing his lips against your head to breathe in the sweet scent of your hair. You smile. “My little dove.” He murmurs affectionately. “Your dove?” You chuckle. “You will always bring me peace.” He says before pressing his lips against yours.
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
Turn AMC A-Z Fluff Masterlist
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Have uploaded Abraham and Ben’s chapter! Will update periodically.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30871313/chapters/76223198
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Chapter 1: Desecration of the Sabbath
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Ladies, Gentlemen and Sea Captains!! It is officially here! Chapter 1 of Eye for an Eye is out and ready to be read! Come and start the story of a Jewess caught between patriot sympathises, family and the all reaching hand of the British Empire. Firstly; a huge thank you to the amazing @ms-march​ who is a fabulous person and a brilliant beta reader- if you haven't already please check out her story Luck be a Lady. Thank you as well to @tallmadgeandtea​ and @culper-spymaster​ for being so supportive and welcoming their stories the The Summer Solider and The Sunshine Patriot & Band of Brothers are also fantastic!! 
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Turn (TV 2014) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Robert Townsend (1753-1838)/Original Female Character(s), John Graves Simcoe/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Abraham Woodhull/Mary Woodhull, John André/Peggy Shippen, John André/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Robert Townsend (1753-1838), John Graves Simcoe, Edmund Hewlett, Richard Woodhull, Samuel Townsend, John André, Mary Woodhull, Abraham Woodhull, Hercules Mulligan, James Rivington, Anna Strong Additional Tags: Arielle Nathan, American Revolution, 18th Century, Jacobite, Jewish Summary:
"You are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."
- Exodus
In war no one is left unscathed, untouched by the horrors man can do to their neighbour. The American Revolution is a war of liberty and brutality, of honour and of spies categories that are rarely neat. Arielle Nathan, is a young Jewish heiress whose life is thrown into spin by the British interest in her family; half Jacobite covert and half Jewish, having travelled in short space from London to New York they represent the cultural identities of Britain's enemies. Over the years of the revolution her girlhood melts in Setauket as she learns to take matters into her own hands, those of love from a youthful infatuation with a British Captain to the love of her life-a Quaker in New York to those with more serious consequences- matters of life and death. It seems the Old Testament will continue to ring true.
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miss-rori · 7 years
“Maybe In Another Life” Abraham Woodhull x Reader
Request for @the-brilliant-questioner with prompts 3 and 19 (will be in bold)
Warnings: I think just angst 
The ride to New York was long and quiet. You were out with your ‘husband’ to carry out important business. You remembered the first time you met him as if it were yesterday.
War was a dangerous game that America was losing at, causing distress and tension among Patriots. There was no room for errors and Caleb Brewster knew it. You and he go way back. He suggested to help his dear friend, Major Tallmadge, to add an important asset to the spy ring; A smart partner for Culper. Though he proved to be useful, he tended to be a bit reckless.
Tallmadge seemed a bit skeptical but with convincing, he agreed to Brewster putting you in to help Culper. Of course, he had every right to question why you would be trustworthy enough to know who Culper was but that subsided, knowing there was more at stake if he didn’t agree.
You, quickly being sent to Setauket, found the man of interest. He had been aware that you were coming and introduced himself as Abraham Woodhull. Though you hated to admit it, he was rather courageous for taking on the double life. No one fit the role better, being the son of Tory Judge Woodhull. Things were a bit awkward between the two of you at first because anyone could see you meet up and get the wrong idea, but that didn’t last long. A beautiful friendship blossomed out of the weird situation. A couple months in, you started to wish something else would grow from that friendship.
Before you knew it, an officer stopped to question Abraham. Were you really on the outskirts of New York already? Thinking seemed to really pass the time.
“State your name and business,” the redcoat rehearsed monotonously. The question was just protocol, nothing more. The two of you had already talked about this ahead of time and were fully prepared.
Abraham gave a soft charismatic smile, “Abraham and [Y/N] Woodhull, sir. My wife and I have a family gathering to attend with permission from Major Hewlett.” He whipped out a parchment and handed it over. Through your smile, your body was fighting itself. Between the flutter of your heart at the sound of ‘[Y/N] Woodhull’ and the confusion of how he got a letter from Hewlett, you were not sure what to focus on.
A moment rolled by as his eyes scanned the note. “Alright. You’re free to go,” he announced. Abraham nodded in respect as the two of you progressed into step two of the mission. Now that you got past the authorities, it was time to do some damage.
The hunt to find a place to stay didn’t take long at all, a place titled Rivington’s proved to make the cut. As you sat down at a secluded table in the corner, there was a matter to discuss.
“Since I don’t have my money on me I can pay you back when we return,” you reasoned in a low volume.
Abraham protested immediately. “There’s no need. We have to share a room,” he informed with a shake of his head.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“We’re posing as lovers, right? We can’t let people think differently,” he explained in a whisper but you scoffed.
“That’s not necessary, none of these people know that. Only the guard at the border,” you fierce eyes met his.
“And if he comes here,” he questioned.
“He’s too busy guarding the entrance,” you countered.
Abraham did not want to admit defeat by any means. “We need to be safe. Just in case.”
You thought about it for a moment before sighing. At least he was trying to be cautious for once. “Fine.”
Both of you got up and he led the way to the bar in order to speak to the employee. The man running to bar seemed to stand out to you, always keeping to himself yet having his calculating eyes on everyone. A smart and discreet man. Your mind immediately told you to be careful around him, in case he mentally noted you and Abraham.
Renting out a room was no big deal. Abraham asked for a dozen hard boiled eggs and the man complied with no issue in the matter. You knew they weren’t really for eating purposes but the man hardly batted an eye at the request. With a simple thank you, you were off to the shared room.
Being the last one through the door, you closed it behind you. “So, do you plan on explaining how on earth you got a letter from Hewlett,” you inquired with a snarky undertone. He sat down at the desk against the wall, completely blowing off your attitude.
“I told you I’d find a way for us to get across,” Abraham mumbled as he set up his little station consisting of a small stack of mini intelligence papers. The eggs, quill, a burning candle, and kitchen pliers.
You sat on the bed the two of you had to share. “There is something you’re not telling me,” you pointed out. You had the intention of continuing your lecture but the employee from before opened the door, followed by another man.
He saw you laying on the bed with your arms crossed and Abraham heating up an egg with the pliers and candle. “Pardon, uh, this isn’t- your room is the next one,” the employee informed the man. The man turned around and left, the more conservative worker going to follow. He began to close the door but stopped once more. Giving Abraham a perplexed look. “Is there something wrong with the eggs I got you?”
Abraham stared at him for a moment, “No. I just like them warm,” he sputtered out awkwardly. The man then left with a slightly amused yet light smile. That was probably the first time he’s seen something so absurd. You internally groaned. Good job, Abraham.
Once the room was now [rovate and it was only the two of you, you spoke up. “Way to go,” you scoffed.
That night, the two of you slept in the same bed with your backs turned to each other. You had even offered to sleep on the floor but he wouldn’t have that.
The sun’s rays pushed through the thin curtains, invading your eyelids. When you shifted, you felt a force in front of you move back. Curious, you opened your eyes to see the cabbage farmer you traveled with. You were cuddled into his chest with his arm around your waist. Your stomach dropped but your heart soared.
Your body flew from under the sheets as you stood up, unintentionally waking Abraham. Waking him up was the least of your concerns. All that mattered was you were still on your shift and you were no longer in his arm arms. As one would imagine, you were quick to dress yourself.
“Get up, Woodhull. We have a long day ahead of us,” you said as you fixed your dress around you. You did everything you could to shake off what happened, wanting to stay professional. He surely wouldn’t like you anyway, right? It was a long shot.
The day was a total waste. Even though you and Abraham had split up to cover more ground, you both turned up empty-handed. It was no secret that Abraham didn’t have as much patience as you did, but he was causing yours to wear thin. He had a tendency to take his anger out on others and that is exactly what he was doing.
“We're not going to win a damn war by being useless,” he muttered the moment you closed the door to your shared room. You turned to face him, seeing that he was angrily shoving off his coat.
You were tired of being talked down to. He might not have meant it to be hurtful, but it did make you feel guilty. If only you had been better at your job and found something to work with. “And you’re not going to win it by complaining now are we,” you shot back. You knew you shouldn’t have said it but it was too late to take it back.
He went quiet for only a moment, carefully processing your words. No matter how many times he mulled over them in the few seconds of silence, he could only assume that you intended to harm him and immediately took offense. Perhaps that wasn’t rational of him to think, but it seemed fair at the time. “And who are you to judge me for that? You should hear yourself,” his voice was filled with venom. He didn’t understand why he was so angry. The words may be directed at you but the anger wasn’t, that much he did know.
You turned your eyes to him and when he saw your cold gaze, he knew he was in for it now. “What did I ever do to you, Abraham? I’d like to know what I did to deserve this treatment,” you paused. Part of you was expecting an answer but the part that wanted to justify yourself took over when he kept his mouth shut for once. “Oh yeah, I remember. I took a possibly permanent break from my life to help an ungrateful spy whom I’ve never met before, only to be judged for something neither of us can help. Now, are you going to be harder on yourself than necessary, or are you going to pull it together and keep going?” The further your speech went, the softer your tone became.
Abraham ran a hand through his hair, eyes meeting the ground with a guilty stare. He mumbled something under his breath and you felt you deserved to know at this point. You were about to ask him to speak up but he beat you to it. “Why am I not good enough for you?” By his tone change at the end of the sentence, you knew he regretted saying it.
You blinked a few times. “Pardon?”
“I’m not the kind of person people fall in love with,” the farmer trailed off. You had no clue he felt that way. After all this time spent imagining a moment of confession, you had never expected to feel this small and ashamed. It all made sense now; The way he came up with the cover of you being his ‘wife’, insisting on sharing a room, waking up tangled together… You had shared the same delicate secret through all of this. This secret wouldn’t help Washington win the war but it could give you peace of mind.
Your posture softened and you took a step closer to him, which seemed to surprise him. “Where did you learn that from?” Your voice was now delicate as if you were afraid of scaring him off.
The farmer sighed. “[Y/N], I’m just me,” he responded lowly.
“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” you immediately said. Your feet took you to the now occupied spot in front of him. At this, his stare shot up at you once more, a look of shock thrown your way.
He swallowed the dryness that began to take over his throat. ‘What do you mean by that,” he asked hesitantly. You rolled your eyes scoffing at how blind to the situation he was. There was only one way you could mean that with the context given, yet he failed to see it.
“I mean,” you began as your fingertips hesitantly trailed themselves up his arm, “you’re the kind of person I love. We’re supposed to be colleagues so I didn’t say anything. But Abraham, you’re the only one I would continuously stick my neck out for like this. Your safety is my main concern and I care for you far too much to have your protection compromised. If you mean what you said, I understand but-”
“I didn’t mean it, [Y/N],” he cut you off before you could ramble on and put yourself down any further. This was a side of you he had never seen before but he didn’t shy away, afraid that he might never see it again. Silence took over once more but this was more comfortable than before. The two of you didn’t need words to communicate, all you needed was your beating hearts and each other.
You couldn’t process this moment completely but that didn’t convince you to stop moving closer, body taking you where it wanted to go. The only thing you wanted was Abraham, not to finish the mission and return to Caleb like you knew would happen if everything went according to plan. He was the only pleasant thing on your mind.
Slightly chapped and warm lips were pressed to your forehead. The spy didn’t wish to see the distressed look on your face that you hadn’t even noticed you were making, it made his heart sick. Was he the reason behind it?
“What’s on your mind?” His hand cupped your right cheek, thumb idly brushing the smooth skin there. As he waited for your answer to put an end to your pause, his rustic eyes glimmered with worry.
You sighed before responding. “You know this can’t last forever, this partnership. We either fail or we don’t. One could lead to death and the other would lead to Caleb taking me back to continue my normal line of work.”
You could see his mental gears turning. He was trying to find some form of loophole. “Let's say we find anything, yeah? We head back to Setauket and you stay around, problem solved,” he reasoned but you would not accept that answer.
“No,” you said immediately, “what’s the point if we’re not free? I’m sorry, Abraham, but the revolution comes first. I do want to be with you, but you also have a life and a family. All I have is the songs of liberty, I’m not throwing that away.”
He opened his mouth but silenced his protests, knowing you were right. He was a married man with a song, and you were a single woman at work. Not to mention, you were of marrying age. It all started to make sense to him. “That’s why you do it. Without freedom, you’d be forced to settle down into marriage no matter what.”
“Loveless marriage isn’t something I’ll wait around for,” you nodded.
Without anything word, he expressed his comfort in the form of a tight embrace. His arms snaked around your waist and yours around his neck. You closed your eyes, taking in his warmth and truly being at peace with him for once. Everything you had been holding back could now be exposed without a moment’s hesitation.
A few moments had passed before he loosened his hold on you, looking down at you with an underlying need for you. “Let us enjoy the time we have together,” Abraham whispered. He moved in to kiss you and you complied. All you could think of currently was ’finally!’
The kiss was sweet, as gentle as a flower. Even with an action so soft, you conveyed your deep emotions into it. Within a second, your lips lowly parted with reluctance. He was on his way to turn up the heat with a more passionate kiss but you stopped him, grabbing his shoulders to get your message across. You knew the two of you couldn’t continue, even if you wanted to (which you didn’t because you had stronger morals that overruled it.)
“Abraham, remember that you’re married,” you whispered. His look turns helpless but he knew you were right.
The spy nodded. There were other ways to enjoy each other’s company. “Come then,” he said and led you to the bed. You followed and you two laid down next to one another.
One of his arm found your waist once more, prompting your next move of nuzzling into his side. A slight frown stayed on your face, knowing this would most likely be the last night with him. You would head back to Setauket tomorrow, back to his lover. And there was no way you would sneak around behind Mary’s back, she deserved better than that.
Abraham spared you one last glance before closing his eyes. “Maybe in another life,” he muttered into his hair.
“Maybe in another life,” you repeated back to him before retiring for the night.
The check at the edge of town was dramatically more weary than the one previously. Not only would you be in Setauket before the day was to end, but this was your second time in the line up. Abraham had somehow been missing the egg with your intelligence and you sprinted after him the entire way back to the tavern you stayed in to search for it. The search had led to something greater, something that was solid enough to send you back to Caleb. Another potential spy. That was a good thing, but the ring would no longer need your assistance there and you would be stationed back to the post you had beforehand.
Not a single word was said until you reached the outskirts of Setauket where you were to meet Caleb.
“This is it,” Abraham paused, “I’ll write to you.” Those words warmed your heart in a bittersweet way. All least he would think of you.
“See you around,” you said,  voice audibly on the verge of cracking.
In the distance, you saw the familiar hat-decorated figure. You hurried to jump off the carriage and speed walk away, knowing you might not have the strength to leave if you didn’t. A forced smiled graced your lips as you heard the horses take off. You had just let the love of you life slip away, yet you had little to no choice. You vowed to never forget him, to always cherish what could have been.
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megsorick · 7 years
It is the love of books that made me want to write one of my own. While it’s true that I don’t have the time to read as much as I used to –and mostly because of writing and its associated tasks– I still enjoy spending my free time with a good book. Each year for the past several, I’ve participated in the Goodreads Reading Challenge in which I set a goal of reading from a list of books within the year. My goal was to read 20 books in 2017 –a modest amount for a woman who used to read a book a week before becoming an author herself!
I am happy to say that I surpassed my goal and read 25 books! Here is my list:
W.B. Yeats and the Muses – Joseph M. Hassett
A Farewell To Arms – Ernest Hemingway
Too Loud a Solitude – Bohumil Hrabal
Loving – Henry Green
The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
Norse Mythology – Neil Gaiman
Heartbreak Hotel – Jonathan Kellerman
Princess Margaret, A Biography – Theo Aronson
The Complete Works of William Blake
Pills – Jack Binding
Camino Island – John Grisham
Storm Of Steel – Ernst Junger
X – Sue Grafton
The Whistler – John Grisham
Regeneration – Pat Barker
Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen
Speaking In Bones – Kathy Reichs
The Obsession – Nora Roberts
Time To Lie – Phil Taylor
The Human Factor – Graham Greene
Batman and Psychology – A Dark and Stormy Knight
Black Chalk – Christopher J. Yates
Don Quixote – Miguel Cervantes
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
Bistro – Roger Moore
As you can see from the list, I don’t only read novels. The list includes two collections of short stories, two biographies, two non fiction books and a collection of poetry. Choosing a favorite from this group is difficult. Comparing books of different genres is like comparing apples to oranges, but I’ll share some of the standouts in the list, for better or worse.
I was fascinated to read the perspective of a German officer during World War One in Storm of Steel. My research on the Great War had been, with the exception of All Quiet On the Western Front, written from the standpoints of Belgium, France, Britain and the rest of their allies. Ernst Junger presents an enthusiastic (without being unrealistic) narration of his experiences as a soldier in the German Army. This is a marked contrast to the reluctant soldier (a character with whom we highly sympathize) in Erich Remarque’s All Quiet On the Western Front.
Watching season one of The Crown on Netflix made me curious about the romance between Group Captain Townsend and the Princess Margaret. Her biography was intriguing and sad. The book paints a story of a woman who embraced her royal status as much as she rebelled against conformity –quite the tale of two women. The thwarted love affair with Townsend is especially interesting and ironic considering the latest “Meg” to join the royal family is divorced, American and of mixed race. My, how times have changed! (For the better, at least in these kinds of situations.)
Black Chalk was the standout favorite of all the novels on the list. It is a psychological thriller with an unreliable narrator telling the story of a group of friends who begin a game in college which has consequences that grow ever more serious as time goes by –even to the extent of ruining lives. It was awesomely chilling!
And the biggest disappointment of the group was The Bell Jar. This is one of those books that I was ashamed to admit I had never read. Well, I finally crossed it off my to-do list but I can’t say I’m any more enriched for the experience. And I know many of you will say ‘what is wrong with you?’ when I tell you this but I was bored with the story. Bored and worn out with all the similes. The curtains didn’t just flutter in the breeze, they fluttered like the wings of half dead moths (or some such thing). Descriptions like that were stacked one top of another and it got tiresome. I also kept wondering what I was missing. This is supposed to be a life-changing book. I didn’t get it.
The previous year (2016), I failed my reading challenge thanks to an overly aggressive writing and blogging schedule and I realized I didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t taking in as many stories as I was putting out. I strongly believe that a good writer must be an avid reader. That means something different to everyone, as we all have busy lives. Most of us are carving out time from our ‘day’ jobs and our family and friends to make time for writing. How does one find the time to read as well?
My reading time is divided two ways: I read a little before bed every night and I listen to an audiobook while I exercise (nearly) every day. I may read research material for a project I’m working on as well. In 2018, I’m setting my goal at 25 books and we shall see if I can manage it with my writing goals for this year. Here’s what I have on my list, what’s on yours?
Cannery Row – John Steinbeck
The Catcher In the Rye – JD Salinger
The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
The Man In the High Castle – Philip K. Dick
The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way – Bill Bryson
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance Of Horror
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love – Raymond Carver
The Quiet American – Graham Greene
Siegfried Sassoon: Soldier, Poet, Lover, Friend – Jean Moorecroft Wilson
Neverwhere – Neil Gaiman
The Obituary Writer – Ann Hood
Madame Bovary – Gustav Flaubert
Big Little Lies – Liane Moriarty
Y – Sue Grafton
In Cold Blood – Truman Capote
The Pearl That Broke Its Shell – Nadia Hashimi
The Art Forger – B.A. Shapiro
Testimony – Scott Turow
The Complete Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelly
Into the Water – Paula Hawkins
The Breakdown – B.A. Paris
Ghostwriter – Alessandra Torre
Moonglow – Michael Chabon
Party Going – Henry Green
Artemis – Andy Weir
And if you want to read any of my books, The Bucks County Novels, you can find all four (soon to be five) on Amazon. For a preview, visit The Bucks County Novels page on my blog.
Reading Challenge 2017 – What books did you read this year? It is the love of books that made me want to write one of my own. While it's true that I don't have the time to read as much as I used to --and mostly because of writing and its associated tasks-- I still enjoy spending my free time with a good book.
0 notes
knowltonsrangers · 7 months
TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
minor angst, in which Robert is wounded and the reader could not find him.
His hand finds yours, calloused palm sliding evenly against your soft skin, and though more of a subconscious tactic, it squeezes yours tightly, as if terrified to see you go. A breathless sigh fumbles from your lips, unsure of what to say, but you know he's staring expectingly down at you, waiting for your lecture or words of discountenance. Yet, you can hardly bring yourself to meet his eyes, let alone dip into a tangent of how much he just scared you.
"I wasn't planning on leaving," A chill runs the length of your spine as you settle next to him on the bed, eyes trained on the floor. "At least not yet."
Startling you slightly, he stands, his own hand tugging free from yours as he crosses the wooden floor to the window. Though candles bathe the room in a soft orange glow, the look on his face remains hidden as he leans against the window pane, arms crossed.
"If you want me to scream and yell at you, I won't," It’s here you begin, and ultimately Robert guffaws, but it has an undertone of desperation and miserableness. "I didn't think you would, just by the look you gave me when you entered," He says.
It's the first sentence he's really spoken, at least since you arrived, words exchanged first by worried once-overs and a gentle hug that he all but enveloped you into.
"I was worried-" Your tongue darts between your teeth, harshly biting down to keep the onslaught of tears at bay. If Robert had noticed your moment to gather yourself, he spoke nothing of it.
"Worried that something had happened when I could not find you, it’s unlike you to not show up for work. Or not be where you’re supposed to.”
You watch his eyebrows raise in the reflection of the window, nonetheless softened by your fretting. “At least, during the daytime,”
"Clearly, I was unqualified to show up in such a state." He uses the arm not holding himself up against the wall to gesture the length of his body. Your gaze bounces around to the many wounds that litter his pale skin, many easier to see now that he has shed his coat and remained in his trousers and white cotton blouse.
"I wouldn't have expected you to go to work like that." Your throat clears. "But I would have expected you to realize I would wonder where you were," You hesitantly shake your head, registering that what you've said was nothing but a mess of words.
However, the brunette turns, clearly piecing together what you mumbled, with ease.
"You're right," Robert muses. "Sorry. Part of me didn't want you to see me like this."
"All beaten to hell and looking like a kicked dog?" You tread dangerous waters, but are delighted to find that satisfied smirk of his brimming on a busted lip.
"Oh, y/n, how you wound me while I am already on the ground," Pushing off the wall, he makes his way back over to his bed, hand now resting on the wooden footboard.
"It's deserved, Robbie. I can say that with upmost confidence.” Sniffling, your palms splay flat against the blanket, leaning most of your weight onto the bed as you tilt back to look up at him.
“And who dressed those wounds?”
“Myself. I haven’t left my room today, in case you haven’t noticed, y/n.” The usual snark slips into his tone, a small bout of agitation in his brow, yet, his eyes remain soft and content.
“May I ask who—“ Any hope at all is instantly ripped from your chest, his reply firm and curt.
“No, you may not.”
You toss your head back and forth twice, mulling over the choice you had. You could either press onwards, or disregard the notion altogether and help him re-bandage his injuries.
“Is it because—“ It’s unable to be helped, so it seems.
“y/n, what did I just say?”
Robert sighs, joining you once more on his bed, one leg tucked beneath him so he faced you.
“It’s just in my nature to worry. I’m worried.”
“There’s nothing to be worried about. I made a mistake, and it won’t happen again.” He argues, right hand coming to the blanket, just shy of yours.
“You said that the last time.”
“That was different.” You blink. “How so?”
“You really are disregarding my wishes to not speak about this,” He stalls, and you relax, shoulders sinking in relief, not realizing how stiff you were.
“I’m not interrogating you about the how, I’m asking how it’s different than all the other times,” Robert shrugs, fingers sliding closer to yours against the blanket.
“It’s different because it was my fault. All the other times it was not.”
There it is. You smile, teeth sinking into your bottom lip to swallow the smirk that fights its way to the surface.
“You are not laughing.” When you don’t reply, turning your head away from him, he suddenly becomes exasperated.
“Are you?” Your own voice betrays you, a slight warble in your words.
“It’s not funny, I don’t understand how it being my fault is so hilarious,” He sounds tired, finally fed up with your nonsense for the evening.
“Because you’re so adamant that the other times it was not possible for it to be your fault. It’s not funny, you’re right. I’m sorry for laughing,”
“I am not saying I am always right,” He insists, fingertips brushing your knuckles.
“But usually, I am.” He adds, and your nose wrinkles, mildly indifferent to his gaze.
“Come here.” Robert slides closer to you, taking your hand in his as he does so, finding the empty spot next to your side easily.
“I’ll re-dress at least this one, I can’t stand the way you’ve done it so haphazardly.” His eyebrow raises.
“You cannot stand it? I’m the one who had to do it one-handed,”
You reach over to his beside table, grabbing the gauze he’d left there. Still at his side, you pull your hand from his hold and begin unwinding the knot he had tied.
“Such a child, stop moping.” He rolls his eyes.
There’s a welcomed silence that enters his room, his eyes trained on your fingers as they expertly peel away the now marred gauze, and wipe away any dirt or dried blood that had gathered there.
“I am sorry.” It comes quietly, nearly a whisper, and you have to move your eyes up to even see that his lips moved.
“I know you are. It’s alright.” You say, carefully wrapping his forearm, then tying the end in a small knot. “You know me, Robbie. I worry, and especially when you are doing things you shouldn’t be.”
“y/n.” You realize that your eyes are still on his arm, and you blink, eyes moving back to his, pulling away gently.
“Yes?” It’s meek, but it’s said.
“Stop worrying. I will always find my way back to you, no matter what.” His words are effortlessly sincere, and you sigh, hand settling in the crook of his uninjured arm.
“I know, I know. Can’t blame me, can you? I’ve been running around all day, looking for you, and you were in the first place I should have checked.”
“Well, that’s on you,” Robert snuffs, to which you gasp. “Rivington said—“
“I don’t care what he said, you should have known the only place I hide is here.” The candles flicker, almost loudly, enough to encourage him to try and get some rest soon.
“When you smile with a busted lip like that—“
“Enough, y/n, seriously. I’ve had it up to here with you.” He gestures above his head, but as irritated as he may sound, he only pulls closer to your side.
“Yeah, like I’ve heard that before.” You pause, before pressing onwards. “Get some rest, Robert. I’ll have to be on my way, so for the sake of my poor heart, please, just sleep.”
He nods twice before squeezing your hand, silently letting you know all was well.
“Come by tomorrow? I’m off of work as well. I’ll return Thursday,” It’s hushed, and there’s a twinkle in his eye.
“Of course. I’ll be over in the morning with something to better treat that arm.” You stand off his bed, feet dragging across the floor as he’s hot on your heels, reaching just past you to open the door.
“Can I at least walk you—“
“No. Thank you, but I’ll be just fine. Rivington will see me out.” You offer one last look before heading out the door, minding the narrow stairs.
Robert sighs, closing the door once you’re out of his sight and moving towards the window, hopeful to at least make sure you make it to the end of the street.
The candles are all extinguished, except for one, the same that sits squarely on his desk as rough hands run along parchment and folded letters.
For what it’s worth, it seems to have been an advantageous endeavor.
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knowltonsrangers · 11 months
the river
TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
[a/n: this can be a continuation of ‘all through the night’, but could also be read as a stand-alone fic! for full effect, i listened to ‘The River’ by Daisy Jones & The Six while writing this!]
When you turn the corner, expecting nothing more to continue straight on your path, a scream tries to rip through your throat as a hand clamps over your mouth, a arm pulling your waist taught against someone’s front. Squirming, you try to break free, but the assailant merely keeps you hushed as a trio of redcoats brush by your hiding spot.
Stumbling drunk, the three men take post down at the next block, eventually a good distance away, and your heart sinks at the sight.
“It is me, y/n.”
A heavy voice whispers in your ear, finally relenting in the pressure to silence your pleas.
You turn, shoving him off of you, hand coming to your beating heart to attempt to quell its rampant rage.
“What is that for?”
You huff as Robert feigns innocence.
“Why did you just do that?”
“I thought it best to speak to you where others wouldn’t be watching,”
Robert suddenly appears apprehensive of his actions, fiddling with his thumbs as his brown eyes gaze tiredly down at you.
“How far deep are you into this?”
Your hands come to his arms, pleading silently that his actions would cease, and you could once more go normally into the town without Robert shying away from your presence.
“They cannot know, and I won’t allow them to.”
He says sternly, as if your question was outlandish and hasty.
“My father—“
Robert watches something flash in your eyes, and he withholds the burden from your shoulders, shelving it for another time.
“Never mind that. I…I wanted to see you, and this was the best way I could think of, without meeting in the cellar,”
He almost seems timid, and for a moment you wish to tease him for it, but you can tell this spying game is sincerely starting to get to him. The way his eyes flit past you at every shadow that dances along the brick walls, the dark rings that have gathered under his eyes.
This wasn’t what you wanted.
But it never was about you, at least not this time.
“I’ve missed you,”
You say, hand coming to cradle his cheek, exhaling softly as one of his hands finds your unoccupied one.
“Oh, my y/n, I’ve missed you more than you can imagine.”
His forehead finds yours, and for once in a long while, you feel complete. For all the hours Robert has managed to dodge your attention, you could wait them if just to hold him now.
“I’m set to meet Culper Senior in a few hours. Think we can make it back to your house in secret?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
You laugh quietly as he nudges you forward, signaling he would follow you close behind.
“Go ‘round the back, please.”
You whisper, finally releasing from his grasp, the warmness of his touch escaping you immediately.
“I’d sooner climb through the window.”
His sarcasm returns, and it’s enough to crack a smile across your worried features.
“See you soon,”
Robert watches you off into the night, the street lanterns chasing your shadow as your feet shuffle along the dirt roads.
Just when he thought he could survive this war without you, just thinking about you every moment nonstop, he realized he needed you.
Just this once, he will neglect Culper’s advice.
Then, he’d leave you be, until he’d manage to pull far enough away from the ring.
“I can do this.”
He mumbles, shoving his hands into his coat pockets, tailing you with just enough distance to not seem suspicious.
“Don’t know how, but I can.”
I’m an echo, in your shadow
And your shadows, they run so deep
In the river, your reflection
Is a promise you couldn’t keep
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knowltonsrangers · 1 year
love language: acts of service
Robert Townsend x reader
“Which one is it?”
The paralyzing numbness temporarily escapes by his inquisition, causing you to visibly shake off the feeling of despondency and quickly stand up from your spot on the bed.
“Oh—It’s the purple bottle, inside the medicine cabinet.”
Robert seemed startled that you answer the question from the bathroom doorway, when he was sure he was very insistent that you remained on the bed.
“I thought I told you—“
He sighs, realizing the incoming argument wasn’t worth it, silently opening the cabinet and scanning the shelves for the purple bottle.
“I’m sorry.”
You whisper, and before he can even ask what for, you ramble on.
“This is…I’m totally fine.”
He notices how you say it, as if you were convincing yourself of such a thing. You enter the bathroom fully, heading towards the sink and picking up the jar of cotton balls off the counter. Now standing next to Robert, you can feel his eyes on you, very adamant that you knew he was staring at your face, waiting for your next move.
“I said I had it.”
He reiterates, grabbing the remover and closing the cabinet door over, and you find it easier now to watch him through the mirror rather than face him directly.
“You don’t have to—“
“I want to.”
He sticks his hand out, fingers curling as if to wordlessly say ‘hand it over’, gesturing towards the cotton balls in your grasp.
You in turn sigh, giving him the cotton balls.
“Sit down on the edge of the bath, would you? Let me do something for you, for once.”
When you walk past the mirror, you catch yourself in the reflection, appalled at the streaks of black that run down your rosy cheeks.
“You’re acting like you’ve never cried before, y/n.”
“I haven’t, not in front of you.”
“So, what about it?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“Says you.”
“I’m an absolute mess, and you’ve already put up with enough of my nonsense tonight.”
“I think I’m the judge of that, and I don’t agree.”
Robert joins you on the edge of the tub, though he sits so one foot was inside the shower, and the other remained on the tile floor.
“I just pour it on these?”
This causes you to crack a smile, and though his question was serious, it delights him to see such an expression back on your face.
“I can show you,”
He rolls his eyes, but relents.
Once the cotton was saturated enough, with as much care as he could, Robert began to gently wipe away the makeup that stained your face.
You start, eyes fluttering shut as the remover runs across your lashes. Robert’s eyebrow raises, but hums in acknowledgment.
“Thank you.”
You nearly shudder at the way his left hand comes to cradle your cheek, thumb pressed gently yet firmly right below your cheek bone. His touch his cold, yet you’re sure he’d warm up quickly just by how red your face was getting.
“Do you feel any better?”
“Hm? Yes.”
There’s a pause.
“I haven’t the slightest why you wear this stuff. It’s like permanent marker, y/n, it’s everywhere.”
Your whole face breaks out in a smile.
“That’s what happens when you cry in mascara.”
“Is that what this is?”
“Don’t wear it ever again.”
You go to open your eyes, when his right hand comes to settle on your unoccupied cheek, holding your face firmly in his hands.
“You’re beautiful just the way you are, y/n.”
Finally, your eyes blink open.
“Thank you Robbie, I love you so much.”
In a moment of pure clarity, Robert bobs his head twice in agreement.
“And I, y/n, do love you so much as well.”
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knowltonsrangers · 2 years
Clumsy attempts at flirting with Robert Townsend please? Thank you!!
#20: clumsy attempts at flirting.
TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
[a/n: yes of course!! enjoy!]
Any person could point out how emotionally stiff Robert was, and it translated very well in any attempt to garner your attention. Every time you sent a smile his way, no matter how small, he would be lying if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat.
“Hello, Robert!”
You hum, a bit of hurry in your stride to match his pace. He can’t help it, automatically slowing so you don’t have to rush.
“y/n, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I was just thinking of you, I was hoping to see you today.”
There’s a good moment where his words stick to his throat.
He asks incredulously, as if it was an impossible statement.
“Yes, you!”
You gently nudge his arm with your elbow, laughing breathlessly as you shove your hands into your pockets.
“Whatever for?”
“Ah, would it be possible that someone enjoys your company? C’mon, I like to talk your ear off, that’s typically our repartee right?”
The thought shuffled around his mind for a moment, then he comes to a conclusion.
“Well, I hope that you know I enjoy your company.”
All that thinking and he fumbles the delivery.
“That’s kind of you to say, thank you.”
There’s a lapse in time, where you just keep walking to wherever Robert was previously headed.
“I was meaning to ask you, if you could spare some time later,”
It comes out as a stuttered mess, tripping over your own words as the sentence tumbles forth.
“Need help with something?”
He asks, hands clasped behind his back as he keeps his gaze forward.
“N-no, I mean, yes? Ah, I was just wondering if you could help me out by having dinner together later.”
Robert stops, dead in his tracks, and you take two more steps before you realize you’ve lost him.
“You might have to say that again, y/n, I think I’ve heard you incorrectly.”
You falter, for just a moment, then a small smile overtakes you.
“No, you didn’t. I think my signals have been mixed, I thought maybe it best to just get out with it.”
You know that his silence isn’t rejection, yet, it’s hard to think otherwise as he remains two steps behind you.
“Is that alright?”
You venture, rocking back and forth on your heels.
“Forgive me,”
His hands come his his front, fiddling with his jacket as he takes another step to get closer.
“I was starting to think I was hallucinating. Of course, I’d love that.”
You smile brightly, sliding back the remaining step to join him where he stands.
You start, and Robert begins to walk again, you following him close behind.
“Funny, because I’ve been vying for your attention ever since I met you.”
He mumbles, and you stop this time, tripping over your feet as you stumble after him, begging for an elaboration.
“Wait, what?”
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knowltonsrangers · 2 years
If the ask box is still open, would “Asking them about their day with Robert Townsend be possible? If not, that’s totally okay. Thank you regardless!!
Asking them about their day.
TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
[a/n: of course you can! thanks for requesting, enjoy! ♥️]
Robert paused, head pulling from his book that sat in his lap as he realized just how quiet it was. Lingering silence usually meant that you were up to no good, and he didn’t know how long it had been since he’d last seen, or heard from you.
Thinking back is the least of his troubles, as he closes his book over and sets it on the table in front of him. The echo of nothing carries throughout the hallways, and as he turns the bedroom knob, he’s surprised to find you not there.
Instead, he finds you in the office, nose in a book yourself. The door was ajar, so you know he’s standing in the doorway when the hinges creak.
“You alright, Robbie?”
You ask, finger marking the page as you meet his gaze.
“I didn’t know where you were,”
When you had both returned home, you simply had exchanged exhausted ‘hellos’ before retreating away from each other. While the alone time Robert appreciated, he never wished to be away from you for that long.
“Meh, I saw you reading, thought with some downtime I could put a dent in this one myself.”
You haphazardly hold up your book, and watch as Robert raises an eyebrow.
“You are truly one of a kind, aren’t you?”
He asks, and your head tilts, mouth open to question just what he meant by that, when he comes further into the room to lean back on the wall, across from you.
“How was your day?”
Robert crosses his arms, and you know he’s attempting to solve something in his head. You weren’t plotting anything, no, least not this time, and you can practically watch the gears turning in his head.
“It was fine. I’m happy it’s Friday. I was just tired, I thought you were too. That’s why I left you alone.”
He makes a humming noise, as if to agree to something, when you continue.
“And how was yours?”
“Great. Perfectly fine.”
“What did I do now, Robbie?”
“What? Nothing. I didn’t say that you did.”
“I can feel your scrutinizing stare from all the way over here.”
In reality, he was being so much less scrutinizing than he typically is. He just wanted to make sure you were alright, since you were acting a little off.
To him, he’d take notice of the smallest thing wrong, because proven true, he could read you like an open book.
“No, I am just making sure you are okay,”
You shoulders sag, he wasn’t being sarcastic, he was being observant, and it made your head a little dizzy.
“Not that I am complaining, but normally you and I…spend some time together, after work.”
He says it like it’s painful, yet you can tell just how much pout is hidden behind those strained words.
He was genuinely concerned that you hadn’t come to “bother” him.
“Oh, haha–“
You snort, standing and tossing the book on the side table next to you.
“You’re trying to figure out why I didn’t come harass you?”
“So it would seem.”
There’s a passing moment of silence, and you watch as he attempts to stand his ground, but he’s failing, terribly.
“Aw, alright, c’mon Robbie, I’ll come bother you.”
The man makes no effort to object, allowing you to take his arm and drag him down the hall.
Little things, like this, is what makes him twitch that tiny smile of his onto his face.
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knowltonsrangers · 2 years
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TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
[a/n: this was the very first prompt that came up when I put in Robert, knew I had to do it.]
You knew he was being a brat, the way he kept giving you major side-eye from across the room. Jealousy was never a good look on anyone, but it definitely wasn’t something Robert could venture to hide.
Anyone could tell by the look in his eyes.
“Done anything more than be an absolute prude this entire evening?”
Suddenly, he’s beside you, grumbling under his breath as he leans against the wall. A fair attempt to try and get you alone, and then beg to sneak out of here, and go home. You can tell, just by his demeanor.
“Me? The killjoy? Really, Robbie, the way you’ve been treating me, I was going to say the same thing about you.”
You sniff, huffing and crossing your arms. He could try and make it seem like it was you all he wanted, but he knew it was him. The grump himself knew he was going cause problems, the moment you stepped in the tavern.
“I do not like…how they gawk at you, like you are some sort of prize to be won.”
He’s swirling whatever’s in his glass, most likely water or something that has been dismissed of any alcohol.
“Is this your poor excuse of saying you’re jealous?”
Yes, the emotionally stiffened man could not for the life of him verbally express any kind of sentiment. Instead, he’d bring the issue to you, rather confrontational about it, and expect you to solve it yourself.
So the price of loving the damn man.
“Must you be so proud for translating, it’s rather obvious.”
He looks down at you, from behind the rim of his cup as he takes a slow drink.
“If you think so shallow of me-I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to unwind, and relax.”
You say, taking your turn to spin your drink in its thin glass.
“You don’t have to be so far away all the time, Robbie. You can talk to me, that’s what I’m here for.”
“You are here for other things, y/n, I am your boyfriend, not just some man.”
It’s hard to miss his sarcasm, it’s dry humor that he’s so good at. But it does elicit a bit of a laugh from you, causing him to smile warmly at you.
“Yes, yes. How could I forget.”
Slowly, he comes to cage you against the wall, setting his glass down at the bar just within arms reach.
“What are you doing?”
You gasp, surprised at such public affection from him. Maybe there was alcohol in that drink.
“Just giving you…a little…embrace.”
He breathes in your ear, arms rounding your shoulders as you turn to look up at him. Shocked, you find it hard to close your mouth.
When Robbie moves, so his eyes pull back to meet yours, you know there’s a witty remark on the edge of his tongue.
“I do not like your new shampoo.”
His smug ass.
“How dare you!”
You smack his chest, faint heartedly, because how could he just give you the nicest hug and then criticize your new fragrance choice for your shampoo?
“Why did you change it? I happened to like the other one. Very much.”
“Your roundabout way of saying I love you, is very much difficult. But I love you too, Robbie.”
You catch the way he turns abruptly, unable to make eye-contact, ear’s turning pink.
“Mhm. I…you could change the scent back.”
It’s funny, the way he expresses himself sometimes.
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knowltonsrangers · 3 years
Hello dear! Could I request an imagine with Robert Townsend in which he and the reader have a dynamic similar to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet — like, their pride has gotten in the way of their understanding of each other. But then something happens to clear their misunderstandings and they realize that all the tension they’ve been feeling has, in large part, been caused by their feelings for each other? Thank you so much!
[a/n: hi hun!!! Of course you can!! I really appreciate prompts like these because I’m always looking for ways to work on writing emotions and thoughts! Thank you so much for requesting! ♥️]
Robert Townsend x reader
“I’m not going to apologize because I’m not wrong! You really expect me to saddle up to you and apologize for something that has nothing to do with me?”
Ouch. Recalling the fight that caused two doors to slam shut and a pretty vase to tumble over really pricked at your tender wounds. Thinking back on what he said in the heat of the moment really made you want to roll over and wallow in your own pity party.
But you couldn’t, because of what you then said back.
“Of course you won’t! You never seem to care about anything, especially when it comes to me!”
Telling Robert that he didn’t care shouldn’t have fallen from your mouth so easily. It did seem to feel that way though—the both of you were to prideful to admit that you did have one large thing in common:
Neither of you can admit when you’re wrong.
The arguments that once were playful digs and jokes turned into shouting matches that turned into agonizing days of silence. Nothing either of you said or did seemed to make that hurt go away, nobody apologized and the trench just grew deeper and wider.
“I can admit when I’m wrong! y/n…this—this isn’t working—!”
“What isn’t? Us?”
You said it so quickly and regretted it just as fast.
Robert seemed greatly offended by your words, and had to take a step back before continuing.
“This argument started because you say I can’t admit when I’m wrong—“
He stalls.
“I’m taking a break. Our friendship, if you could even call it that, isn’t going to bandage up over night. Give me ten minutes.”
But he disappeared for a long time. He slammed the door, you slammed yours, and sat on the edge of your bed holding back brimming tears.
Stubborn about one thing:
Robert would not see you cry.
The funniest thing was, was that no matter how much you both fought, you always made up. Always. Whether it be ten minutes or four days, either or always came back to the other and made up for their mistakes.
“Can we talk?”
It’s you, reaching out an olive branch this time, because Robert really did disappear for six days. You couldn’t let it go on for a week, just an unbearable amount of time to let an explosive fight like that fester.
“Look, I’m sorry. I know I said some brash things in the heat of the moment,”
You began, now seated across from him at some restaurant that smells heavily of wine and garlic.
“But none of it is true. I value and appreciate our friendship and I wouldn’t want you to believe that I dislike you—“
“I love you,”
He said it so quickly, so nonchalantly, so…easily. You can feel your jaw dropping, mouth agape as he props his hands up on the table.
“I’ve had way to much time to think about it. I admire you, wholly y/n. You are the reason why I’m always coming back to you after fights…I hate seeing you so sad.”
“You are so headstrong and while our personalities clash, I think the reason for it is because I was getting angry at my feelings.”
“y/n, you did nothing wrong. I was upset with myself and took it out on you. I now accept those feelings. And I can only hope you do the same.”
Hearing him speak so eloquently and so meaningfully made your heart swell. Robert, who admitted nothing and had the hardest time expressing his emotions, just laid his heart out on the table in front of you.
He let his guard down for you.
And he’s waiting to get hurt again.
“I do.”
Your mind speaks for you once again, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as you sit up a little straighter.
“Maybe I just didn’t see it before, but I understand what you mean. I…was angry with myself that I couldn’t see it through with you, so I directed that anger towards you.”
You clear your throat.
“Thank you for making it so clear. I really do reciprocate your feelings.”
He smiles, his tiny little grin of his, and finds it hard to contain his utmost joy.
“I really am sorry for all those horrible things I said.”
“Me too. Let’s just…start over. I think it’s for the best.”
“Me too.”
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