#turnabout talents
fishandshesmygills · 1 year
i loveee identity theft but only if you fully commit to it. like twins switching places or getting facial reconstruction surgery to steal your dead sister’s life or killing a guy and taking over his life because he didn’t love you back
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mekatrio · 5 months
bridge to turnabout's fanservice was so good it fooled everyone into thinking it was a well-written murder case when it really truly was Not
#thinking abt it again and godots plan to counter morgans plan was literally just#step 1.) get misty to channel dahlia so pearl cant#step 2.) monitor her actions#step 3.) see what happens. :)#didnt think to restrain her or throw her into the cavern or anything literally. nonsensical actions#had her try to dissuade pearl from channeling dahlia but when that failed it was like#'well ok misty go and channel her instead. yeah dont worry abt it surely nothing crazy will come from this'#iris just going along w constructing a fake crime scene so maya wont get incriminated#even tho godot could just. confess to his crime instead of risking maya getting convicted#and even then we couldve had a lovely scene explaining tht iris went along w godots plans bc she had#felt remorseful abt her sister poisoning him or something or the other#but no. no such thing#every one of godots nonsensical actions is explained away by He Did That Bc Of His Prideeeeee#and yet the ppl who can forgive this are the same ones who cant stand turnabout serenade for accusing a blind minor murder like pls#this type of absurdity is hardly distinct or unique#3-5's murder case is literally held up by toothpicks when u take a closer look at it#while paired along with some of the worst conclusions to various character arcs ever cuz takumi#is talented at writing story devices but not characters#and its only at the very end does this very blatantly show#but bc edgeworth is playable and franziska returns etc etc etc it doesnt matter 10/10 game amazing. Pleaseeeeee#aaing
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caiabresebun · 2 years
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My piece for @turnabout-cinema
Thank you for the opportunity to work with so many talented artists 🐯🐉
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getlancered · 4 months
Okay guys whos ready who is locked in for one of 3 ace attorney turnabout bigtop rewrite ideas. if u guys are hyped for this i will drop the rewrite 7 years in the past where diego is the defense lawyer 🔥 OK LOCK IN
i wrote a lot. read it if you love me. also no read more because i hate you read it
rudinn’s painfully detailed rewrite of ace attorney JFA case 3 turnabout bigtop
so. this may be a little all over the place?! because ive never put it in coherent order i just spontaneously get new ideas and add onto it. maybe i should actually tell u guys about the entire rewrite of the original circus tragedy! yes that sounds like a good idea.
june-ish, 2017
it’s supposed to be like 6 months prior to the murder right
i made the idea of failed equipment... essentially russell decides to teach regina how the equipment is hooked up and taken down so she can do it herself when she ideally runs the circus one day. and before a very rushed show where everything is out of order regina decides to be helpful and hook the net up herself! she does it improperly but there isn’t really time to do anything about it befire the show starts. russell insists acro cant perform without a whole functioning net but he trusts his skills and theyve never actually had to put it to use becuase acro and bat are just that talented!
acro, mid performance, many feet in the air misses a catch. instead of falling to his death bat essentially dives down to act like his net and break his fall. they hit the ground, bat dies on impact, acro is permanently paralyzed.
regina doesnt ever see whats happening because ben shields her and himself from watching the fall, which leaves the crowd and moe to watch the death happen in very real time. he never recovers, the incident marks him with CPTSD and he will shut down at any mention of the accident.
after moe breaks down on stage, the berry big circus holds a final performance before a long overdue break to give everyone time to process.
when they resumes performance, russell decides to hire max galactica as the brand new star of the show! he takes a liking to the anxious and unassuming benjamin woodman and is extremely curious about the person he is behind the persona of trilo. being the first person in the circus to take a liking to him as a person and not the crutch to his crippling anxiety, trilo quist, they quickly grow close over the 6 months following.
december 26th, 2017
russell berry is traveling solo for a networking event, and is extremely nervous about leaving the circus in moe’s hands. moe is extremely clumsy and immature. he’s not at all confident in moe’s ability to fire a gun (you know, in the canon game where he shoots a lion? i’m keeping that.) this fear is reinforced during a game of darts between the two of them, where moe rips a hole in the circus tent in an attempt at reassuring russell of his impeccable aim.
russell decides to teach his dear friend how to fire a handgun. and because russell has never fired while wearing gloves, he’s hesitant to let moe try it, so they practice without gloves on. (because how else would the defendant’s fingerprints be on the gun, silly?)
a few hours later…
6 months after his brother’s violent death and acro’s permanent disability by his own misjudgement, he can’t live with himself. he takes russell’s gun from his office up to his room, places a suicide note on his bed, and—
regina berry walks in.
there’s nothing she can do but ask why. having been spared the details and the moment of the death thanks to ben, she doesn’t understand. so acro explains it to her. they have a very heartfelt conversation clearing up a lot of resentment, and they begin their steps together to mending their relationship and acro’s mental health. regina takes his suicide note from his room because he doesn’t need it. she, ultimately, decides to keep it as the first harsh reality she’s had to face and as a milestone for acro getting better.
december 27th, 2017.
uh oh.
by now, the entire circus tent is well aware of maximillian galactica and his anger issues. it’s smart to let him win any disagreement out of fear of it turning into a heated argument.
russell berry laments to moe about this in his office, shortly before the murder. he’s nervous about leaving the circus when he tends to be the mediatior. (mostly between moe and max.) moe tells him, ever so gracefully, that it is russell’s circus and he should fucking act like it, and to please put max in his goddamn place already. aka, talk to him about it. russell, who is notoriously bad at confrontation, decides to go and finally have a long overdue chat with max, who is still in the dinner hall. so he leaves moe in his office to go and do just that. (chronologically, this translates to this scene, but like. with moe instead of max. i havent gotten around to redrawing it...)
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everybody in the circus treats acro and his disability like a forbidden topic, and max is sick of it! all he has for some damn context around here is a picture of the scene in action, which is supposedly in a tabloid somewhere. he’s not satisfied with this, so he decides to go straight to the source and demand that someone finally tell him what the hell happened to this shitshow of a circus.
acro, of course, attempts to calmly turn him down, but max refuses to take no for an answer. when acro gets defensive, their argument turns heated.
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you all know this scene well as ben and max’s argument. however, instead, max breaks the bottle over acro’s head. he immediately goes limp, blood spilling down his split forehead a-la turnabout trump.
max fucking panics. he takes his obnoxious hat and uses it to cover acro’s wound, and then wheels the dead man straight to benjamin woodman in absolute hysterics over what to do.
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ben proposes the idea of faking acro’s suicide, citing that he was already suicidal and that way no one goes to jail! max has no reason to deny it. so ben tells max to retrieve russell’s gun, a pen, and a piece of paper while ben takes acro’s body upstairs to his room.
at the same time max is heading out to retrieve the items, russell has finally gotten around to speaking to max after procrastinating with a few chores regarding regina’s animals. he walks into the dining hall to see a small pool of blood on the ground, a broken glass bottle, and no max.
what’s it like to be a murderer?
well, when you’re max galactica and moe is asleep at the desk in russell’s office? pretty easy after a quick heart attack. there’s papers on top of russell’s desk, though. looks like someone’s been snooping. he takes the items he needs, remaining undetected, and then meets ben in acro’s room.
ben creates the forged note while max removes acro’s headpiece and drapes his hair in a way that conceals the wound. he then attempts to work up the courage to shoot acro in the temple with russell’s gun. after some more hysterics from max trying to hold a gun, ben decides to do it on his own. while wearing max’s gloves of course, he’s not stupid.
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he might actually be stupid though, because he later ends up leaving his beloved trilo quist behind. oops! ben and max carefully lay acro on the bed and leave their victimless crime behind. it’s better this way, isn’t it? now nobody has to be arrested.
not unless your name is moe and your life sucks!
upon waking up hours later, still very russell-less, moe decides to check in on acro because it seems long overdue given how late into the night it’s gotten. he opens the door to see acro lying dead in his bed, and he breaks.
he holds acro close for a long long time. he just holds acro and cries. when he’s too tired to cry anymore, he sits on the floor at the foot of acro’s bed, head to his knees in a state of shock. and he remains that way even when russell finds the two of them, even when russell attempts to shake him out of shock. even as police cars pull up and whisk him away from the scene of the crime.
at first, nothing is out of the ordinary. acro died by suicide, he left the note. regina is sobbing, insisting that he would never, but as a young girl who has never had to deal with grief to such a degree before, her cries aren’t taken to heart.
not until they discover the real cause of death, and a moe’s fingerprints on the gun.
gumshoe takes moe in handcuffs, attempting to calm the panicking clown under the guise of “asking a few questions.” when he lets the fingerprints slip, moe calls to russell to tell them what’s actually going on and to clear up the horrible misunderstanding!
russell does not. he stares in somewhat of a trance at the ordeal unfolding in-front of him. being a man who cannot act without a prior plan of what exactly to do, he isnt sure what to say to make sure moe isn’t incriminated further. so he says nothing, and moe is taken to the detention center.
umm the rest of this is. a little vague? i havent worked out the trials or investigation sequences yet.
i do plan for this little rewrite of mine to, one day, be a playable thing! i am so passionate about this case that i want people to see it through a new light and love it like i do.
i will give you all the unstructured rundown of my ideas further, including my evidence list, some fun little dialogue snippets, potential sprites i’d be drawing, and a couple of random ideas for what could happen during the playable bit of the game.
evidence list!
basically just everything phoenix will find/have on him throughout the case. sorted by room and in order of discovery. sort of. subject to change…
Attorney’s Badge - It’s my all-important badge. It shows that I am a defense attorney.
Maya’s Magatama - Slightly translucent. It radiates softly with a mysterious light.
Crime Photo - A picture of the crime scene. (recieved from detective gumshoe)
Moe’s Gloves - They’re covered in blood. Supposedly, because he was holding the body. (recieved from moe)
Incident Photo - A picture of Acro mid-air. (recieved from max)
Newspaper Clipping 1 - Acrobat Sean Dingling falls to his death. (recieved from russell)
Acro’s Autopsy Report - Time of death: 8:30 PM. Cause: Sharp force trauma to the forehead. (presented by detective gumshoe)
Pistol - Belongs to Russell. Two shots fired. Bears Acro’s and Moe’s fingerprints. (presented by detective gumshoe)
Broken Glass Bottle - The murder weapon. Found in the cafeteria trashcan covered in blood. (presented by franziska)
Newspaper Clipping 2 - Berry Big Circus closing it’s doors for the foreseeable future to watch the health of their performers. (presented by franziska)
ringmaster’s room:
Max G. Promo Poster - Covered in sparkles. His stage makeup is certainly flashy.
The Flying Dingling-Berries Promo Poster - It’s color is faded from years in the spotlight.
Letter of Resignation - An unsigned letter detailing someone’s desire to move on to better employment opportunities.
big top:
Torn Circus Tent - A large hole torn in the main tent of the Big Top. Not far below a hanging dart board.
Acrobat’s Net - A tightly-strung net for the acrobat’s performance.
Bloody Footprints - Despite having seemingly no origin, a short trail of footprints lead from the cafeteria to the Ringmaster’s Room.
moe’s room:
Sentimental Photo - A framed photo of a young Acro and Bat with Moe wrapping his arms around them.
regina’s room:
Suicide Note 2 - Hidden in Regina’s drawer. Acro will never be able to put the accident behind him, but he doesn’t want to keep the circus in the past with him.
acro’s room:
Suicide Note 1 - Left on Acro’s nightstand. Acro can’t live with himself knowing Bat died because of him.
Trilo Quist - A ventriloquist's puppet. An operatic tenor who doubles as Ben's sidekick.
Headband - A golden headband with red gems. There’s traces of blood on it.
ben’s room:
Silk Hat - Made-to-order fedora that is a symbol of Max's fabulousness. There’s blood on the inside of the hat.
White Gloves - Pristine white gloves with a bit of sparkle. Also, traces of gunpowder.
WHEW. Done
some things i cooked up regarding evidence pieces…
Incident Photo - A picture of Acro mid-air. (recieved from max)
when interrogating max and presenting the acrobat’s promo poster to him, you get this line of dialogue.
Max: Oh, hmm…They were fabulous, I’ve heard. And believe me, I’ve heard very little. They’re something of a touchy subject.
Max: When I asked why, Ben gave me this photo and told me to never bring it up again.
Max: Apparently it was rather the scandal! They had to close temporarily until I came along, of course~
max gives you the incident photo, which you then show to the members of the circus. phoenix learns from regina and russell that, aside from acro, moe took the incident the hardest. russell also gives you the first newspaper clipping.
when you show this photo to moe in the detention center, he freezes up and puts up psyche-locks. i haven’t done much with those yet, though.
The Flying Dingling-Berries Promo Poster - It’s color is faded from years in the spotlight.
when you show this to moe, he absolutely loses it laughing. that’s it. just a stupid bit about how absolutely awful their name is. he cracks the expected jokes.
Newspaper Clipping 2 - Berry Big Circus closing it’s doors for the foreseeable future to watch the health of their performers. (presented by franziska)
franziska, at some point in the trial while moe is on the stand, attempts to make a case against him and how he’s mentally unstable using the clipping being about his breakdown on the stage. she also brings up his severe depression he experienced for some time after the accident, his unnatural behavior upon finding the body/his response to fear, and his tendency to severely dissasociate any time the accident is brought up.
Letter of Resignation - An unsigned letter detailing someone’s desire to move on to better employment opportunities.
various reaction dialogue snippets incoming
Moe: Me? Quit? HAHAH! Yeah right, Wright! I think Russ would feed me to the lions if I even tried. Ha. Haha…
Moe: …I’ve got no reason to, anyhow. They’re like my family.
Moe: Give it to Max. I’ve always hoped its his. The whole circus would be better off if an attitude like his would magically disappear!
Max: Oh, darling, this circus wouldn’t run the same without me! I bring a fabulous sparkle that’s impossible to replace~
Max: Not to mention a fabulously packed audience. I make the circus all of it’s money, sweetie.
Max: Not a soul on this earth could resist the talent that is Maximilian Galactica!
Max: Hmm…Don’t let word slip, now, but Ben might know a thing or two. He’s been having a few…struggles, lately.
Trilo: Max and his big mouth…! He’s a huge gossip! Him and his fancy agency…
Trilo: Those flamboyant douchebags are used to spilling all sort of secrets, I tell ya!
Ben: W-What—um, Trilo is try—trying to say—
Trilo: Spit it out! Ugh. It’s not his, and it sure ain’t mine! Ben’s a quitter, but not me, no siree.
Trilo: I hate these looney-tunes bunch of jokes, but the entertainment industry is all about CONNECTIONS! Max is like a goldmine! No way I’m leaving now.
Trilo: Ben and this Berry-Big-Joke are stuck with me!
Trilo: It’s Acro’s. Gotta be. I thought he was gonna kill himself, which…Oops! Awkward. But he must’ve—
Ben: Tr-Trilo…! Goodness! Don’t speak ill of th—the…of the…
Trilo: Dead?! It’s not “speaking ill” if it’s just the facts! Are you trying to silence me?! Your own partner?!
Ben: …
Trilo: Thought so.
Trilo: Yeah, not sure what happened! He probably tried to quit and then gave up and killed himself or something. Who knows!
Ben: M-my gosh…
it’s bens btw. he’s a liar.
brief playable section outlined? i dont have a lot of specifics…
opens with a playable bit from the POV of moe waking up in the ringmaster's room. he walks around the berry big circus in a bit of a daze. when he leaves to see a dark sky, he comments on how late it is and that he should probably go check on acro. you find the body and get a bit of an emotion snippet before it fades to black.
maya calls phoenix and tells him to look at the TV, apparently there's been a death at the berry big circus that they went to see the day prior and they should check it out.
moe isn't visible in the detention center. that is, until maya presses her face to the glass and sees moe sitting on the floor, pouting. he tells phoenix and maya, who he mistakes for max galactica paparazzi, to go away. you show him your attorney's badge and get a dialogue bit about him being abandoned by russell, and also not believing this is genuinely a murder and just a suicide. when you get through to him that he is under arrest for murder, he essentially begs phoenix to represent him. like usual, maya guilt trips him into it.
russell is in the bigtop circus tent. you question him about the hole, and he tells you about moe's terrible aim. you bring up a dialogue bit about "abandoning moe" and he tells you about the arrest. you can show him the acrobat/max promo posters after picking them up and get a bit about that too.
you chase ben around the circus for a bit before finding regina in the lodging house and learning that he doesn't talk to anyone unless he has trilo. you also talk to regina about the murder, she reinforces that this can’t be a suicide because acro would never do anything like this. not after all they talked about.
talk to gumshoe in acros room, discuss what he knows about the case and get respective evidence pieces from gumshoe. and also get trilo.
give trilo to ben, talk to him about the circus. also, talk about the supposed new star of the circus and how great he is. after showing max’s promo poster.
break into moe’s room. find his very sweet photo of acro and bat
trial one, gumshoe first as per usual. trial 2-1, brief testimony from moe about his alibi. cross examine regina about her conversation with acro. then, cross examine her about the gunshot she heard and the time she heard it. trial 2-2, cross examine russell about his alibi. prove that he isnt really telling the court everything he knows.
second investigative period, this is where it gets way less structured LOLOL. meet max formally for the first time, get the incident picture from him. investigate more about the incident.
show the picture to regina, she gives you testimony about the accident and moe. show the picture to russell, he gives you the newspaper clipping. show the picture to ben, he tells you about him giving it to max.
you can show moe’s sentimental picture to ben and get a bitter little dialogue bit! nothing fun, yet.
show the letter of resignation around. get the dialogue pieces i showed earlier. unlock some psyche locks from ben to find out that its his
break into reginas room. find acro’s not forged very real suicide note
break into bens room. find everything incriminating max galactica
show moe the newspaper clippings and unlock some psyche locks and he cries to you for a very very long time about the accident
more psyche locks from russell probably. argument between max and acro revealed and the rest of the shit he’s been hiding. man i dont know
trial 4-1, cross examine moe and his testimony some more. franziska calls him crazy for a while. put him to the side while you get a very brief max galactica testimony, then some stuff from ben. trial 4-2 ben openly breaks down on the stand about feeling unloved and left out by the circus and that max is the only person who gives a shit. cross examine max and find out about the argument with acro. max galactica murder breakdown. thats it? we win? max goes to jail?
HOLD IT BITCH. the stupid clown is not done. he starts begging phoenix not to ruin their circus, that max can’t be a murderer because he’s the star and acro must have killed himself. phoenix gives moe acro’s real suicide note and then he just cries on the stand for a while.
comfort moe some more outside of the courtroom, convince him that acro doesn’t hate him forever and that the circus will be okay.
the end 🔥
regina fucks up the net for the acrobat performance. no one does shit about it. acro and bat fall and die. onlt bat dies though actually
moe is FUCKED UP over it. breaks down on stage and the circus shuts down PTSD PARTAY
enter gayboy stage left he flirts with ben like no freakin tomorrow dude
russell has to leave for work because plot purposes and moe is fucking stupid. tears a hole in the tent trying to prove to russell that hes not fucking stupid
so russell teaches moe how to fire a gun incase he needs to Fire A Gun while russell is gone. gloves off duh silly his fingerprints gotta be on there somehow!
yeah when theyre done with that gun acro tries to KILL HIS FUCKIN SELF
regina finds him and cries. they makesies upsies and become best friends. so regina takes his suicide note
MAX GALACTIA IS A FUCKING CUNT. — russell berry to moe in his room. moe tells him to Man the fuck up snd talk to him
moe falls asleep when russell leaves lol
while they talk about this shit max galactica proceeds to be a fucking cunt by killing acro with a glass bottle because acro didnt wanna tell him about his tragic dead brother
max puts his hat on acro’s head to hide the gaping fucking wound. goes to his forbidden gay lover to ask what to do with a dead body?! the Normal Logical Thing of course; stage a suicide
russell procrastinated btw so when he goes to find max he finds blood instead
max finds stuff to forge a suicide note, and because he’s too much of a pussy to shoot acro himself ben does it for him. like a good boyfriend
moe wakes up like 5 hours later after a terrible nap and stumbles around the circus until he finds a Body
holds acro instead of calling the cops. sits on the floor instead of calling the cops
when russell finds them in the morning and calls the cops they arrest moe after like 2 seconds of realizing its not a suicide and this dumb bitchs fingerprints are on the gun
Russell doesnt do shit btw. lets it happen. like the loser he is.
im not bullet pointing the playable stuff this shit took fucking forever
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jotunvali02 · 3 months
Playing Ace Attorney Turnabout Samurai part 4
So... Gumshoe DIDN'T tell the Judge or the prosecution that Vasquez threatened with a brutal death the fucking defense attorney and a minor girl?
Is Phoenix only clever when he's in court?
"Guilt weighed him down." Oh Edgey... 💔
Miracle! Fee-Fee finally has some empathy for his client!🥳
"Yes, that's a reasonable observation." No, it's just all of you who are dumb.
"I don't understand. Wasn't Edgeworth the one who said he always gets a guilty verditct?" "Edgeworth..." 💗💙
Edgey remembers after 15 years his real talent and true self are being a defense attorney. TAT
"Ah! Nick! Edgeworth!"
"Say something, Wright!"
"Huuh?..." ^///^ Fee-Fee is already swooning and blushing.
"I am saddled with ✨✨unecessary... feelings.✨✨"
"Get out of my school, Wright."
"What's the deal with you and Edgeworth?"
All right! We kiss! We make out!
So, Powers plays the Pink Princess?
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avetato · 2 years
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[aai2-3] the inherited turnabout
this was my piece for @eurekazine ! leftover sales are happening now, you can grab something at the link below! (physical orders are for us buyers only, but non-us people can get a digital copy!)
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 23/02/2024
Through the F​-​F​-​Fire and the F​-​F​-​Flames
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume D
Ripped by R.L.99
In my excitement leading up to February 22nd and to finally get to write more in-depth about Kara's Flowers' meaning to the SiIvaGunner channel...it dawned on me a bit too late that I was ignoring another meaning to the very date before it. I'm still very proud of how the post on As Miku Collides connects together with Collision Clouds, but there was something far more important to remember from February 21st. The birthday of late ripper R.L.99.
R.L.99 is the second known SiIvaGunner team member to have left us in tragedy, and its always going to be a very difficult topic for someone like me, effectively an outsider, to approach. The first was Marrow, who I've written about thrice now with Telling Fish Tales, Turnabout Fishters and 8​-​bit Fish With Dreams - a true friend to the SiIvaGunner team whose contributions are too many to list, but had been present since the very early days of Season 1. I can't claim to have known the guy, nor ever claim to have felt the same grief that his friends did upon his passing - yet althesame, through how recognizable and frequent his contributions were, losing him did hurt. Yet with R.L.99, my heart sank for a somewhat different reason. I'd barely had the time to truly appreciate him before he was gone.
As a ripper, R.L.99's most defining trait lay in his ambition - he was always seeking to outdo his last work, always shooting higher, yet higher. Joining the team early into Season 5, his twenty-one contributions across the year, ambitious or not, all feel crafted to a sheen. In a Season that already had some of the strongest output in the channel's life, his rips often still managed to impress beyond those expectations. I described one instance of this occurring on my one prior post on the ripper, One Winged PSYcho - V​.​S. Sepsyrop, but it needs to be reiterated that this was effectively standard procedure for each of his big projects. But despite the reverence I hold for him now, I'd chosen the worst possible timeframe to begin distancing myself from SiIvaGunner - during Season 5, I was at my most disinterested in the channel's goings-on, and thus paid far too little mind to the incredible efforts the entire team were making during the year. I'd check in, add some rips to playlists, and check out.
When the news of R.L.99 broke early in Season 6, I didn't know what to think, because...I didn't know R.L.99. But as I looked through my own playlists, looked through his list of contributions - I realized that just about everything he had ever made had found its way into my list of all-time favorite rips. I'd loved his work without ever truly acknowledging or understanding who made it. Without ever having had the chance to truly show my appreciation, until it was too late.
Linked under his username credit at the start of this post, you'll find a Twitter thread I made two years ago now, the day the announcement was made. I wasn't able to appreciate him during his time, but on that day I wanted more than anything else for other people still like what I once was, people far too blind to the talent and care individual rippers put into their work, to know exactly what kind of legacy he left. And so, I put the thread together as one of my first-ever forms of written SiIvaGunner analysis, trying to concisely convey all the ways that R.L.99's work truly was unique - in all the ways I'd failed to pick up on before it was all too late. There was, of course, a lot missing from that thread - notably the as-of-then unreleased rips he'd made that would be uploaded the day after in his memory, culminating in the downright breathtaking Dancing Masked. Yet, I still want to dedicate todays post to a rip I'd heard from before that day, one of those rips I'd loved for so long without knowing the man behind it. A rip like Through the F​-​F​-​Fire and the F​-​F​-​Flames.
A hugely ambitious project, it feels difficult to find one rip that quite so concisely encapsulates all the qualities of R.L.99's work. A distinct love for the MOTHER series, a love for rip arrangements of popular music, a love for Rock music, and the aforementioned scope - it all culminates in a nearly 8-minute long tribute to the legendary Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce. Althewhile, it adheres incredibly well to the expected restrictions of a Game Boy Advance game, each of the shredding guitar samples used being from MOTHER 3 itself, with vocals authentically bit-crushed to match. It manages to rock out incredibly on its own, and that's without mentioning the insane details strewn throughout, such as the song's occasional bumps in tempo to match other boss music within MOTHER 3, or the other songs from MOTHER 3 that become referenced throughout the arrangement. Released on the date of MOTHER 3's birthday, much like Jesus of the Underground - it's a beyond impressive tribute, with love shown in every second of its runtime.
The fact remains, though, that I never knew R.L.99, and never knew Marrow either for that matter. There's far, far too many rippers that I've still not been able to express my full gratitude and affection toward, and many of which I'll likely never be able to reach. But that's part of why I want to run this blog in the first place - to give myself, and other SiIvaGunner fans that chance to show genuine, outspoken love for rips and the people behind them while we all can.
Rest well, R.L.99.
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blueberryscones30 · 6 days
you guys NEED to be watching turnabout: an ace attorney musical
This show is too underrated and I really want more passionate aa fans to hear about it. It’s on YouTube for free and it encompasses The First Turnabout/Turnabout Sisters in Act One (about an hour and a half) and Turnabout Goodbyes in Act Two (two hours I think?).
To put it bluntly, TAAAM is amazing. The songs are catchy; the entire cast is incredibly capable and talented; the story is comprehensive; and the characters are fleshed out. The emotion and grit packed into the entire production took my breath away and it’s the perfect balance of dramatic, hilarious, and self-aware. There’s an audio drama and a visual version with in-game sprites for free, so give it a watch and the creators your support!!
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classificationhell · 7 months
I have this brain worm of MC/reader being in little space and having a big cat and cub interaction lmao. Like they’re trying to scare the caregivers but being completely obvious but CG acts scared to make them happy.
Who do you would act scared vs who would turn and scare them/catch them in the act?
Sorry if this is confusing, I adore everything you’ve written so far!
Okay so might just be because I'm sick and tired (stomach bug nothing serious just super nauseous) and therefore not thinking all to well, but what I think your asking is Reader trying to scare their Caregiver like how a cub will randomly try stalking and pouncing on its mother or father who usually know but let it happen anyway.
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"Oh my goodness! You've got quite some talent there, my little ange, but I hope you realize this means war."
Turnabout is fair play, after all. He doesn't mind pranks or games like these, but he gets a bit too into it sometimes. Like with anything, if he has to make an effort, he's pulling out all the stops. It's kind of cute in a way, and he'd never scare you too terribly.
Vox is an absolute ham and will overact when you scare him. Though if you try to do that with Vark you will actually scare him so make sure to comfort the poor baby afterwards. Vox will brag about your skill and how he was so surprised. "But y'know I think being spooked woke something up," He says ominously. "Uh oh." "That's right you woke up the tickle monster ggrrrroar!" He makes a growling roar noise when he lunges and begins tickling you. (Despite being a dick he's a good Daddy)
Lucifer might genuinely have been scared as he does have a tendency to get hyperfixated on something for a few good minutes, especially when the two of you move into the Hotel. He'll laugh with you when you giggle about having got him and toss you up in the air and catch you to make you laugh more. However, if he does know you're coming, he's going to catch you mid pounce and comment on how he caught a cute little cub.
Mourningstar has a hyperfixation and that is you. So he knows where exactly you are at all times and never truly takes his eyes off you. However, he'll let you get up real close and then catch you I'm the act, perhaps startling you a bit before stating that you could never sneak up on Daddy, but it's cute to see you trying.
Vox and Val 2p-
I feel like Vox would get alerts about where you were going through monitors and such, bit he'd be totally up for scaring your Papito with you. Val would make a show of clutching his chest and going, "Ay, caramba! Aren't you two just the pair of predators. I didn't know mi bebé could be so fierce."
Fizzarolli is the type to turn around and startle you in turn, but then offer to help you get Daddy Ozzy, and then he'd slingshot you at him and, of course, Ozzy knows and catches you. However, your too busy giggling about flying a bit to be upset about any spoiled plans of yours.
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ive been doing some thinking and a few facts have become clear to me:
1. the wright anything agency is still a talent agency as of dual destinies/spirit of justice, as far as we know 2. talent agencies primarily attract people in the preforming arts, but artists in general would probably be able to land contracts 3. vera misham is an artist and had her primary mode of income dismantled at the end of turnabout succession
the conclusion is obvious: a very specific extremely talented painter may be working with ms. trucy wright at the waa
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nftstealer · 2 months
Sematary or buckshot
Sematary all day tbh he as the Discography that wipes buckshot and talent wise he is such an amazing producer and artist in general. Buckshot only has one album And 2 singles in like 2 years like they are both masterpieces but he needs more. turnabout came and left and we still haven’t got new buckshot 💀
(I could yap all day about this and the mound In general)
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Women of Ace Attorney, pt. 1
So, there are a lot of women in Ace Attorney. And there is so much to say about all of them. The biggest chunk of women connected to each other, though, is the Fey Clan. There are five named characters who you actively interact with who have the last name “Fey,” and a few more who share ancestry with the Feys, even if they don’t have the same name or prestige. Moreover, the Fey Clan is notoriously exclusionary to men. Whether or not this is intentional, I don’t recall if that’s made clear, but either way, men don’t typically stick around, and the village is an isolated matriarchal community. This makes the Fey women particularly good subjects for this kind of analysis.
I’ll be completely honest, I think if I had to choose one character who exemplifies the trauma of being a woman, a mother, a sister, and a daughter better than anyone else in the franchise, I have to choose Morgan Fey. There is a lot we can speculate about her character, but first, I’m going to list a few things we know from canon:
Morgan was the eldest and was, therefore, meant to become the Master of Kurain.
Morgan stepped up to lead Kurain Village in her sister’s absence.
Morgan raised Mia and Maya after Misty disappeared.
Morgan believed her daughter, Pearl, deserved to be the Master because of her abilities.
Morgan has had other children before Pearl (namely Dahlia and Iris Hawthorne).
There are obviously more facts than this, but these are the key points I’ll refer back to.
When we meet Pearl, she is eight (8) years old. Already, Morgan knows that her spiritual powers surpass Maya’s. By this metric, we can assume that Morgan knew Misty was the stronger of the two of them for a very long time. Before this point, every Master had been the eldest daughter, who traditionally held more spiritual power. Thus, this led to Morgan being scorned and looked down upon by the other inhabitants of Kurain Village.
Ever since Morgan was a child, she was told just how much of a failure she was and how she would amount to nothing. Her birthright was stripped from her, and she had it rubbed in her face time and time again.
I think we can agree that this is fucked up and would absolutely ruin some of our self-esteems were we in Morgan’s shoes. However, through all of this, Morgan works diligently to restore her family line to their (at least in her eyes) rightful place as the Main Family. She marries, has twin daughters, realizes neither of them have enough spiritual power to beat out Mia and Maya, divorces, and sends her daughters away (this is a segue into a later post I will make about Dahlia because she is interesting as hell).
Even more than that, after Misty disappears following the DL-6 Incident, Morgan takes the reins in Kurain Village and raises Mia and Maya. We can see from the way Morgan interacts with Pearl that she is strict. We also get this sense from the way Maya reacts when Morgan is brought up in conversation during Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2). A recurring motif in the Ace Attorney games is the idea of being the best or being perfect, whatever that means to any given character, and Morgan is no exception to this. The expectations she places on both Maya and Pearl are evident, and it takes a fairly obvious toll on both of them.
So, we have a woman who has been beaten down for decades, since she was a child, who was stripped of her rightful place in the family and cast aside. She climbs anyway, she raises the entire next generation of Fey women, and they revere her. She works in the shadows to better her own lineage, because she doesn’t want her daughter, Pearl, an incredibly talented medium, to be relegated to a Branch Family when her rightful place is the title of Master.
Morgan sends away her daughters who lack spiritual abilities. Why? Maybe because for Morgan’s whole life, she’s been taught that power is everything. Without spiritual powers, a Fey woman is worth less than dirt. At least, that’s the lesson Morgan took away from everything. So, she strives to put her family back on top, where they belong, and she seeks to destroy everything that stands in her way. In some ways, everything Morgan does is for Pearl.
In some ways, Morgan is a fierce protector, a mother bear. Morgan is a woman who was taught the only way to survive was to use her teeth. So she does.
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thegoofyfanaticus · 2 months
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. ))
The audible gasp came from not only the pack, but from Daniel as Greg struck with a Brachial Stun. Greg knew it wouldn't be enough to knock Daniel out because of the angle of the strike. However, the strike would be enough to stun Daniel enough to reverse the situation. Greg would be sure to teach this strike to anyone in the pack who would want to get out of Daniel's "victory" pose. To get out was almost as easy as a bearhug. The hold trapped people in a sense of panic and despair much like a bearhug was a show of pure domination. If any fighter locked into either of those holds was able to keep their head clear from panic, then escape was as simple as attacking the neck or head for both holds. 
Wyatt turned to Dustin with a smile as he held out his hand, "Told you not to count Greg out." Dustin begrudgingly got out his wallet and handed Wyatt the cash. Inwardly, Dustin smiled and licked his lips because now Greg could be his to beat and own. "Dustin, dude," Wyatt tapped Dustin on the shoulder bringing Dustin back from his brief daydream of drilling Greg's ass. "I know what you're thinking because I'm thinking it too. You can forget what you're dreaming up, Dustin. That man there," Wyatt says as he points to Greg, "Is mine to pop. Pure and Simple." Wyatt turned back to Greg and grinned as he and Greg made eye contact. Wyatt nodded to Greg to let him know what he expected Greg to do. Greg's wink was all Wyatt needed to see to know the message was received. Wyatt was going to sit back and enjoy the show. 
Greg quickly took advantage of the situation, forced Daniel to lie flat on the mat, and started to trap Daniel in a half-nelson. It was Greg's turn to play and he knew Daniel was basically spent. The labored breathing and showboating Daniel had done was meant to finish the fight. "Too bad your showboating didn't finish me off, old man," Greg bluntly stated into Daniel's ear. "You and I both know you are spent and got nothing left in the tank." Greg smiled slightly as he finished his line to Daniel, "Turnabout is fair play, eh old man?" Greg knew Daniel knew exactly what Greg meant by this. Daniel had put on a show to not only display his power to the pack and to the cubs but also as a way to humble the new guy through the humiliation of being completely dominated. Now it was Greg's turn to humiliate Daniel. Greg leaned in and whispered, "and I will make sure you hurt Grunt. I will make sure you hurt..."
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I owe you my life for recommending Dating For A Turnabout. I came across the rec on my fyp after only recently getting into AA and now those hopelessly gay lawyers live in my head rent free.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic!
We have such talented authors in this fandom and I'm glad I've been able to share some of their work.
Enjoy having these helpless fools live in your mind~
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buthowboutno · 2 years
totally not late 15k hits post
hmm? what’s that? we hit 15k hits on ATWLP?? like, yesterday, right? mhmm? yes?
We’re just gonna totally gloss over how I’ve left y’all on a cliffhanger for the past two weeks but uhhh HERE’S SOME CONTENT PSPSPS I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER IS COMING OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (my gf was visiting, i was too busy fawning over her to type xoxo.)
I would just like to say again that my readers are so fucking insane and talented and you guys have really been SUCH a huge support for every step of the way. It only took like three chapters to gain 5k hits!!! That’s absolutely /wild/. 
So anyways, to the stinkies that have been here since the beginning and the ones that have joined us recently, i love y’all so so much and here’s to the second half of this truly monstrous fic.
Beneath the cut: Donnie’s POV from the end of Chapter 15.
QuarkedUp: not dogging on the newbies but she may or may not have caused us to have to redo our entire experiment
BootyShaker9000: You? Not being outright facetious to someone?
BootyShaker9000: Who are you and what have you done with the short nerd?
BootyShaker9000: Follow up question, will you keep them forever?
QuarkedUp: I hate you
Donnie snorted at your text as it popped up on the screen. He caught May smirking at him through the corner of his eye while he typed a response.
“What, am I not entertaining enough company?” she asked, taking a sip of her cocoa and keeping eye contact with Donnie over the rim of her mug. May had pointedly left the matching set alone for you and Donnie.
Donnie had appreciated that with words he couldn’t begin to form yet.
“I fear there’s no way to answer this without getting on someone’s bad side,” Donnie said.
May snorted, setting her mug down and reaching for the tupperware Donnie had brought over. Mikey had made more lavender sugar cookies that he insisted that Donnie take over to you that night, nevermind the fact that you were coming over later tomorrow.
Donnie might have… left out that detail when Mikey had asked him.
“Ah, well, don’t let me get in between you and your partner,” May teased. She bit into a cookie and hummed appreciatively.
Donnie’s cheeks felt warm as he began typing again. He would never get used to May calling you his partner. Between her and Splinter, Donnie’s mind had been rife with intrusive thoughts about you.
Thoughts about grabbing your hand with his when you placed it on his knee, about sticking his face in his hoodies when you finally returned them.
Thoughts about…
Nope! Lock it down, Donatello.
BootyShaker9000: You do not.
BootyShaker9000: Would you like me to make you something to drink?
QuarkedUp: oh yes pl
BootyShaker9000: Have we reached the point in society where we just aren’t finishing words anymore?
BootyShaker9000: May and I just finished off the last of the hot cocoa, but I can make you a green tea?
Donnie got up from his beanbag and walked over to the little area where the kettle was set up, flicking it on and searching through the little drawers for the tea you liked.
“I’m so glad the two of you use the mugs I bought,” May said as Donnie pulled out the matching pair to his mug. Donnie gave May a soft smile before turning back around to retrieve the honey.
“We use them every time I come over. I think their excessive abuse of caffeine is the last thing keeping your roomie tethered to reality, if I’m being honest,” Donnie said. Not that he, admittedly, was much better. You had forced him to start limiting his Redbull intake to just two cans a day if you couldn’t have your third or fourth cup of coffee.
‘Turnabout’s fair play,’ as you had told him.
‘I’m an engineered weapon of war,’ Donnie said back, ‘I can handle a little caffeine.’
How rude of you to care about his well-being.
May cackled, reaching into the tupperware for another cookie, “That’s what they get for being an engineer. Us art majors just go insane in the poetic way.”
Donnie huffed a laugh through his nose, “How very Plath of you.”
“I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” May said. Donnie walked back over to retrieve his mug and took a long sip while he opened up his chat with you.
No new messages.
BootyShaker9000: Sweetums?
“Has your roommate texted you in the last five minutes?” Donnie asked, setting his mug back down and tapping at his tech gauntlet to check your location.
“You’re… really overprotective, aren’t you?” May asked, but pulled out her phone all the same. With a few swipes she looked back up at Donnie, “Nothing since this morning.”
“Some might say I’m paranoid within reason,” Donnie said, focusing his full attention to his tech gauntlet. He tapped on your icon showing your location and pulled up your health stats. Heart rate slightly elevated, but nothing else too concerning, “My concern is backed up with years of empirical data and, for lack of better words, gut feeling.”
“I can refer you to some resources on campus for your anxiety, you know,” May said. She looked concerned, but Donnie just waved her off.
“Still not a student, but thank you.”
Donnie’s gauntlet started beeping obnoxiously, startling both of them. Donnie’s heart stopped when he saw the familiar notification on the screen.
“Something happened,” Donnie said, engaging his jetpack and taking off immediately through the open window. He didn’t wait a second to give May any explanation. How could he? How could he waste any second that should be spent making sure that you were okay?
He hovered above your last known location, finding nothing but the faint scent of your body wash and acetone that you had undoubtedly spilled earlier in your lab. Donnie dropped down to the ground and tried to trace where your smell was coming from. His eyes locked on his your hoodie that was folded neatly and placed on the edge of the sidewalk.
Donnie practically fell to his knees as he grabbed it. Your phone fell out of the front pocket as he did so with a note taped to the screen. Donnie’s hands shook as he picked it up off of the ground, thumbing the piece of paper open so he could read the messy scrawl.
Othello Von Ryan,
For old time’s sake, I’ll be frank. We have your partner and you have significant funds. There doesn’t need to be any hassle tonight, just so long as you follow every instruction.
Load $20,000 worth of Bitcoin onto a USB and go to the address sent to your phone. Bring no one. Leave your weapons behind. If you try anything, we will not hesitate to cut our losses and move on.
Consider our graciousness for your years of theft to be a gift for the happy couple.
–Purple Dragons
Donnie felt a eerie calm wash over him. It was like he had retreated into the back of his own skull, only merciless logic and cold fury guiding his next actions.
He pocketed your phone and rose from the ground with the hoodie in hand. He ran his thumb over the soft fabric, his mind completely focused while he pressed call on his phone.
“Leo? I’m going to need you to listen very carefully.”
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jotunvali02 · 3 months
Playing Ace Attorney Turnabout Sisters part 3 (or Fee-Fee's dumb & stupid part 2)
"Mr White, you should confess your crime now."
*gasp* Edgey, I love you! 💖
"Confess for the wiretapping."
You little son of a bitch!!😠 I still love you, take me on that desk.
"Let Mr Wright have his last chance."
*gasp!!*😭 I love you, I love you, I love you!💞💞💞
"Edgeworth is on the ropes." I wiiiiiiiiiish... ^q^ his big tits are so perfect for hot and beautiful shibari.
"I'm so lucky to have you and Maya."
You're above all exceptionally STUPID, Phoenix! You had TWO critical and vital pieces of evidence on you the WHOLE TIME and you almost went to jail because you FORGOT about the one and didn't think to TURN OVER the other???
"buT wHaT aM i SupPosed to dO wItH tHat RecEiPt???"
OH MY GOD, are you SERIOUS ??
You're so stupid and so unprofessional you needed the help of the victim's GHOST to give you the obvious answers and yet people praise you as a talented attorney??
You're such a fraud !!
Also, I'm curious about what Edgey would have actually done if he had been allowed his extra day of research.
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