#turquoise adirondack chairs
shamardj · 1 year
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Austin Patio Patio - mid-sized farmhouse backyard tile patio idea with a fire pit and a roof extension
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somepanther · 1 year
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Brighten up your poolside with this turquoise stained Adirondack chair. These chairs are made of solid resin for superior durability and strength. They feature a fanned plank pattern back and finished with a weather-proof paint and make excellent seats for lounging by the fire or bringing to the pool or beach! https://ift.tt/Ux1Aab7
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holisticsoulhealer · 2 years
Deep Love - A Spiritual Story
I have been so fortunate to witness some of the most precious, deeply profound love stories that exist, even within the limitations of mankind. I have many favorite stories to share. This is one of them………
Many years ago, at my Southern Californian healing center, I helped a young garden architect and landscape designer with her business, vision of success, with requests to help her access happiness in all areas of her most fabulous life desire. This included her owning a turquoise Harley Davidson motorcycle. Within a few months she drove up on that bike, and she had a grin from ear to ear.
We were almost at the end of the year, when she booked an early Christmas gift for both her mother and father to have individual readings with me. She took off as the only child, to arrange dinner plans and more for her beloved parents, who were visiting from out of State. Her mother settled into the soft cushions of one of our Adirondack reception chairs, chatting easily with my gorgeous mum, while the dad came back to my reading room with me, to start his 90 minute session of a reading followed by a healing massage.
We sat down, me open and ready to track his energy, while he sat with arms and legs crossed and busy closing me and any guidance out. I saw thick books and he confirmed that he had written many of the texts that students continued to use as references at a major University. He had led a respected and accomplished life. I also knew that focusing on his career was’t enough for this session to reach the points needed.
I asked him if he wanted to be reached and more deeply read. He nodded, which inspired me to ask him to open his arms, placing his hands on his lap, and keep his feet firmly placed flat on the carpeted floor. He did so nervously. I closed my eyes and invited him to do the same. As soon as we did so, we were both in his energy field, where I saw the deepest love I’d ever witnessed. I saw a story playing out like in the movie of “bridges of Madison county” where the leading man fell completely in love with a woman, who was married and committed to her family. He walked away and they never got to be together.
Her children found the love letters years later after she died. I felt this man’s story was very much like that one. I opened my own teary eyes, looking into his, while tears dropped and fell down his weathered cheeks. He admitted he too had given up deep love to remain committed to his family. He was the one who had walked away. That great love had kept a friendly connection all these years. She had passed away from this earth plane yesterday.
I sat shocked and saddened. He was devastated and the tears poured. We snuck into the next room, where he laid on the table, releasing her and feeling the love he had carried all these many years. I simply held space, sending great healing for him to connect with her on the outer planes of existence. Theirs was a deep, forever love.
He lay there for quite some time. I promised him our session was a private matter between him, me and the whole Universe, including her of course.
While I then worked with his wife, his friend, his sweet life partner, I also knew he had known the deepest love there is in a pure, unconditional and unrequited way. There was something to be said for at least knowing that deep love, even if it could not be fully experienced here on earth.
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Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!! Connect with me and see what they have to say!!
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elegantone · 4 years
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Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas
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patiochairaroch · 4 years
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@^#!+ Wooden Outdoor Adirondack Chair Solid Hardwood Patio Seat All Weather Turquoise https://ift.tt/32DzMcP
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sportymama · 5 years
Leaving Dickson, we set off for Campamento Perros. This day was one of the most beautiful! One of those days where you can’t stop taking pictures and can’t help but be grateful to be alive, to be breathing and seeing this scenery. I was starting to feel better but nowhere near 100 percent yet. We took our time and took in all the beauty of Patagonia. The mountains spread as far as we could see. This part of the hike was forested, dense, and thick with some pretty decent accents — the first coming right out of Dickson Camp. There are fantastic views of the backside of the Towers and extraordinary views of the Valle de Los Perros during this section.
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Rockin’ my Elevation hat…as always!
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We stopped to eat alongside a river. One of the things any backpacker has to consider is water. It’s vital and, in my opinion, one of the most important things to consider.It’s a vital life saving force. In most of my hiking experience….(ok other than when I was a hose-drinking wild kid and didn’t know better) I’ve filtered water. I have a great filtering system that condenses down into a small pouch. I’ve heard the horror stories of people not filtering and falling so sick that they’ve had to stop their hike. Heading into this trip, ALL of my research showed NO FILTERS were needed along this hike. I was skeptical. The last thing you want is to be sick… from bad water. The flu I can conquer, but hiking with a stomach illness, sleeping in a tent, with little to no showers did not sound great to me. I packed the filter, but ultimately after talking to people and guides in Chile before leaving, left it along with our “travel clothes” in the hostel in Puerto Natales. That’s trust in humanity!
“Patagonia water is the best water you could ever possibly drink,” we heard over and over. “It’s straight from glaciers and the purest, finest, cleanest water ever!”
I’ll tell you, though, the first time I had to take the lid off of my bottle and dunk it into a water source and drink, I was on my knees praying that everything I had read and had been told was the gospel. And it was! That’s faith!
G and I still talk about the water there and wish so terribly we could find a way of getting it here. It’s hands down the best water on our planet!
We got into camp a little early, set up our space, and backtracked along the trail to Los Perros Lake and glacier. We marveled at the icebergs floating in the turquoise water of the lake. We took a ton of photos and sat taking in God’s creation. We breathed in the Holy wind.
G and I, even though we spend a lot of time together, never lack in conversation. He and I can sit into the wee hours of a morning, from the night before, talking. We can go to dinner together, sitting across a table from one another, like no one else is in the restaurant and have a 3 hour dinner just chatting away. BUT we also crave our alone time. Our independence. It has always been an important and essential part of our relationship, and we always consider and honor one another’s space.
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Bridge For One
  On this day…after the funny pictures and skipping rocks into the water, trying to reach out and touch some icebergs we both found ourselves wandering to the opposite sides of the lake. Taking our time, individually to pray, meditate and just be alone. We have been coexisting in a 2-pound backpacking tent with a space of 88 x 42 inches for the past 7 days….we needed to air out our minds, our hearts….our pits. HA! We needed to get quiet, to listen, to take in what was being given to us. What nuggets were we going to glean from this adventure?
As we were getting up to leave, we heard the strangest sound… we stopped, looking around, and right across the water, a HUGE section of the glacier was cracking off. It plunged right into the water! We stood there mouths gaped.
The next morning was an early alarm. We knew we were hiking over John Gardner Pass. The weather on the pass can change in an instant, and we knew our best bet was to get an early start because weather conditions in Torres del Paine are generally better in the mornings.
We put on our headlamps and started our ascent in the dark. The first section is forested. It is wet, dripping, and had parts with creek-like crossings, and oversized puddles. It is swampy and has mud holes that will swallow you up. The rocks are slippery, and we had a couple of slips, nothing too terrible, but I was happy for my Jackie Chan-like skills when one of my trekking poles slipped off of a boulder and left me falling headfirst towards the deep, dark, black mud. Somehow I was able to hop-scotch my way whilst falling headlong, recklessly. I somehow recovered gracefully after bouncing over several logs, roots, and boulders. We stood and laughed for the longest time, remarking how we wished we would’ve “caught that on video” and thinking about what it would’ve looked like had I fallen. I am glad I didn’t find out!
We took our time over this section and eventually came to the boulder field that is the toughest part of the pass. It’s full of small and large boulders that require maneuvering around. Quite a few places were gushing water from melting snow, and we felt like we were climbing through waterfalls. Essentially… we were. We were happy that this day was sunny and hot and that the glacier water was ice cold! There was a steady stream of hikers heading up at the same time, and we would watch as other hikers, looking like ants, would disappear over the saddle to their first view of Glacier Grey.
The final pitch was steep and seemed like we were never going to get over the top… then… there we were!
The view!
Isn’t it incredible how after so much effort in a huge climb, there is a reward. Kind of like like, huh?
I often get overcome with emotion when I hike in the mountains. The enormity of it all just takes my breath from my lungs. I feel so small and it really humbles me to be surrounded by such giants. I stood in complete silence and awe.
We were gifted on this day with perfect hiking weather. This pass is riddled with wind, snow, and rain, but today was full sun, blue skies, and NO wind. We talked with several guides who said that type of weather happens about three times a year on that pass. THREE TIMES A YEAR! and here we are atop the pass with the most perfect view of Glacier Grey, in the most perfect weather, surrounded by snowcapped mountains. I could’ve just died right there it was so magnificent. Thank you, God.
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Grey Glacier is a glacier in the Southern Patagonia Ice Field. It flows southward from the Patagonian Andes Mountains into Grey Lake. The glacier is 6 kilometers (3.72 miles) wide and over 30 meters (98 feet) high. It occupies a total area of 270 km2 (100 sq mi) and a length of 28 km (17 mi) It’s the second-largest contiguous extrapolar icefield. There are truly no words to describe this glacier!
After taking photos and spending time taking in this marvel, we made the massive decent down, relishing the views of the glacier and having fun on the suspension bridges. If you’re afraid of heights… stop here, because these bridges are incredibly long and the valleys that they connect are DEEP! The highest and longest bridge is 80m high (262 feet), and 50m (164 feet) long.
Luckily it wasn’t windy, and I wondered as I crossed how these bridges would be in heavy wind. Thank you, Jesus!! I read over some blogs before our trip that said to be sure and HOLD ON in high winds. Ummm… We stopped at Paso Camp today. We rested, drank, filled our bellies, and chatted with fellow hikers about coming over the pass. We were exhausted, sun, and heat beaten and were happy to be off of our feet this day. One thing to note, there is zero ozone in Patagonia, so if you’re planning a trip, pack FIRST; sunscreen, SECOND; glasses! The sun is no joke!
Paso to Grey Camp was up for our next day. Grey was initially not on our itinerary… but ya know… those pesky eleventh-hour reservations… We were quite happy to get to Grey. We had decided we would sleep inside (a lot of people opt for the tent area) and had a shared room with another couple. Funny enough, it was a couple we had met a few days ago on a windy ascent but hadn’t seen since. It was like a family reunion when we opened the door of our bunk house. This is the first time in our history of travel that we’ve “bunked” like this. We were a little hesitant about this sleeping arrangement with total strangers! Turns out after hiking all. the. days. adding in a nice HOT shower and a legitimate meal in the restaurant… no one cared. We were so tired, after some small talk about our future adventures, we each collapsed onto our beds and slept straight through until the morning.
Grey Camp was in a gorgeous area against a sheer rock face. We sat out on the deck in Adirondack chairs, watching the sunrise the next morning.
From Grey, you can hike to the Glacier Mirador. After the Mirador, we headed off to our next camp, Paine Grande. This is the part of the trail where you meet up with the W hikers. This also begins two-way traffic on the trail, as there are a lot of day hikers and hikers heading in and out for an overnight or two. The trail gets busier after this section. G and I always call them “the shiny people” because frequently we have been out backpacking for DAYS and sometimes WEEKS and to day-hikers, I’m sure we look and ..ahem… smell like hobos. They pass us in their clean khakis and white t-shirts, smelling heavily of that morning’s shower. They have applied deodorant, fresh-hair in perky ponytails… and I think… I used to look pretty like that!
Paine Grande is a bustling place with O-hikers, W-hikers, and day-trippers. It sits stunningly on a lake with towering mountains to its side. We had already booked a room (alone) for this night’s stay. We checked in, showered, bought meal tickets FOR REAL FOOD in the morning, and set out to explore.
First stop; the fantastic bar on the top level. With its panoramic view, great music, and ice-cold beer, how could we pass that up? It was here that we talked over the trip that we knew would soon be ending. We talked about our ups and downs and the emotions that hit you when you’re on long treks like this. The peaks and valleys, and how real life seems to always follow trail life. We both hit low points. I was upset I had not felt 100 percent dealing with the flu, and I had times I got extremely frustrated with the congestion and nose blowing. Greg’s came after descending from John Gardner Pass, where I am convinced he was suffering some slight sunstroke and dehydration.
Looking back, I am still so glad I took the risk to start this hike.
Always take the risk! I could’ve let the sickness win, the fear of being miserable, the dismay of starting and maybe not finishing the hike, but like every hard thing in life, I pressed on and was so happy for that. I (we) never take our travel for granted. We both know there are people unable to travel as we do. There are couples who, one likes to travel, and one doesn’t, so they both don’t! For some, it’s a financial burden, some constrained by their career, some just simply don’t like to travel and some… are just paralyzed in fear to take that first step into something unknown. I can’t be that person and am thankful to have married a man who feels the same! There is no chance of tomorrow, and there is no chance that we will allow this precious life to pass by us.
We sat in this bar for a couple of hours and talked about the stories we will have for our future generations. Our grandkids… when looking at the globe someday, can hear stories of us climbing mountains and hiking all the miles, getting flooded in monsoons, eating God-knows-what from street vendors all over Asia. Standing in the Sea of Galilee in Isreal, getting stuck in the middle of the jungle, alone, on a motorcycle in Panama, having lightning strike so close that we felt our hair stand on end on a backpacking trip. Walking across a border crossing into Nicaragua, paragliding and sky diving, climbing down into war tunnels in Vietnam, surfing with giant sea turtles and stingrays all around us, nearly falling to my death in the Colorado Rockies… the list goes on…..
I know all grandparents have beautiful stories to tell their grandkids… and we can’t wait to share ours if someday God blesses us with littles.
We did a little sink laundry before heading over to the mess tent to cook some dinner. Greg was utterly crippled with eating dehydrated meals, so he opted to shop in the small store and buy… none other than Cup-a-Soup. Because that dehydrated food in styrofoam was far superior to the Packit Gourmet meals that we were currently existing on. Can you hear my sarcasm? I say this laughing because BOY does that food get old, and Cup-a-Noodles is like five-star cuisine when you’ve gotten tired of what you’ve packed.
As the sun set on another incredible night, we saw a Mama fox and her kits running around and playing in the meadow just outside. We moved out to take some video. They YIPPED and wrestled with one another until it was too dark to see.
Didn’t catch the first part of our Patagonia adventure? Start by clicking RIGHT HERE.
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      Patagonia Ocho a Diez Leaving Dickson, we set off for Campamento Perros. This day was one of the most beautiful! One of those days where you can’t stop taking pictures and can’t help but be grateful to be alive, to be breathing and seeing this scenery.
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Florida Beach Cottage
  This is a post you want to save and come back to anytime when things are feeling a little blue, because I can almost guarantee that this home will leave you feeling a little lighter and much happier.
To say that I love this designer’s work is an understatement. She design homes that are tailored without losing their soul. In another words, she design interiors that are meant to be lived in and not just looked at.
Lisa Peterson, interior designer and co-owner of Pineapples, Palms, Etc. has always dreamed of living in a comfortable, relaxed, Florida Cracker style cottage, with views and breezes from the water that create her “Barefoot Dream” lifestyle. Peterson and her husband were fascinated by the “Old Florida” appeal of Hobe Sound. The unincorporated village, adjacent to Jupiter Island, is a little slice of heaven. Covered with Banyan trees, the neighborhood they chose to build their home was laden with history. The lot next door housed an Ice House in the late 1800’s and the stretch of Intracoastal waterway in front of the home was once the site of a ferry landing for boats to carry perspective land buyers to Jupiter Island.
“Cottage on Cabot” was built with the true Florida Cracker architecture of the past, and blends perfectly with its historic surroundings. Cracker architecture was used widely in the 19th century in Florida. Florida cracker homes are characterized by metal roofs, wrap around porches, long and straight central hallways from the front to the back of the home. Peterson loved this concept so she incorporated many windows and doors that open onto the large deck, allowing the constant ocean breeze to fill the house.
Pineapples, Palms, Etc., is a popular retail and interior design store in Jupiter, just 15 minutes away from the home, and is known for its crisp, modern coastal style, with a unique brand of casual elegance. The sisters opened the store in 2001, and it remains in the same location today, providing interior design services to locals, as well as many professional athletes and celebrities that reside in the area. Peterson took the vibe from the store, which is loaded with one-of-a-kind pieces and comfortable, slipcovered furniture and infused Cottage on Cabot with a similar energy. The result is open, airy and inviting.
All furniture and decor are available through the designer.
  Interior Design Ideas: Florida Beach Cottage
You start falling in love with this beach cottage the moment you see this custom-crafted white gate and arbor with a circular design. How enchanting!
A New Path
The stone pathway is Key West Coral stone.
Lisa’s main goal of this home was to achieve a home that fit the Old Florida neighborhood it sits in. She wanted it to look as though it could have been built 60+ years ago. As for the interior, she wanted something relaxing and tranquil that felt fresh and clean.
Architectural Style: Low Country, Florida Cracker.
Square Footage: 2900 (inside) 3700 (outside).
Adirondack Chairs:here & here– similar
Year Built: 2017
Timeless Details
Large wraparound porches, metal roof, lap siding, louvered and Bahamas shutters adds to the curb-appeal of this beach house. The exterior paint colors are custom.
Front Door: Custom.
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 4
Lanterns: here & here – similar.
Front Porch
The front porch offers a breathtaking ocean view.
Lighting: Bevolo Lantern (similar here) and Visual Comfort.
The porch flooring was handcraft from old dock wood.
I really hope this home is bringing a hint of magic and happiness to your day!
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Welcome home! The front door opens to a bright foyer with shiplap walls and wood shiplap ceilings. The large Pecky Cypress custom mirror complements the custom console table.
Entrance Table: Custom Made – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Rattan Chairs: Ralph Lauren – Others: here & here.
Pillow: Hila Pillow by John Robshaw – similar here.
Rug: Dash & Albert – Other Beautiful Entry Rugs: here, here, here, here & here.
Design elements such as French wide plank white oak flooring, white marble countertops, white cabinets, shiplap walls, open shelving and an oversized kitchen island, truly make this kitchen feel timeless and current at the same time.
Kitchen Island: Oversized 9′ x 12′.
Counterstools: LEE Industries- C-5203 – Available through the designer – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Countertop & Lighting
Countertops are Extra White Calacatta Marble.
Lighting: Visual Comfort (available through the designer) Other Beautiful Lighting: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Faucets: Dornbracht – similar here.
Sink: here – similar.
Cabinetry & Backsplash
Kitchen Cabinet Details: Custom-wood shaker cabinets in Super White by Benjamin Moore.
Backsplash: Walker Zanger subway – similar here & here.
Cabinet Hardware: Mix of RH and Armac – similar: pulls, knobs & latches.
White Pitchers: Homeowner’s collection – similar here, here, here, here & here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Floating Shelves: Custom.
Paint Color
This cozy nook is the perfect place for morning coffee. Wall and trim paint color is “Benjamin Moore Super White”.
Pillow fabric is China Seas, Quadrille, and John Robshaw – Available through the designer.
Ceiling Treatment: Shiplap in satin “BM Super White”.
Small table was custom made.
Dining Room
This stunning dining room features a one-of-a-kind dining table. The antique 1800’s farmhouse table was originally from Belgium.
Other Beautiful Dining Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Host Chairs: Lee Industries –  Available through the designer – Others: here & here.
Side Dining Chairs: Rattan side chairs from Arcadia Design Group – Similar: here, here & here.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort Linear Darlana Polished Nickel – Affordable Option: here & here.
Flooring: The flooring throughout the home is French wide plank White Oak – similar here, here & here.
Family Room
This open-concept Family Room features the same stunning shiplap walls and pitched ceiling. Floor-to-ceiling windows and French doors open to a waterfront porch.
Sectional: Lee Industries – Available through the designer – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Swivel Chairs: Lee Industries – Available through the designer – Others: here, here & here.
Coffee Table
Coffee Table: Custom made – Available through the designer – Other Beautiful Coffee Tables: here, here, here & here.
Candles: Feathers Touareg Scented Candle.
Pillows are China Seas & Quadrille.
Fiddle Leaf Tree: here – similar
Rug: Stark – Similar: here, here & here.
Powder Room
This powder bathroom is filled with great ideas! The designer used an antique table as vanity and added a vessel sink. Mosaic marble floors, board and batten wainscoting and a Phillip Jeffries wallpaper complete the space.
Wallpaper – Phillip Jeffries Aux Abris in Reed Pattern – Other Beautiful Wallpaper Ideas: here & here.
Sconces are Visual Comfort.
Mirror is by Abner Henry Bittner Circular Mirror – Available through the designer – similar here & here.
Flooring: Blue Celeste and White Thassos Marble – similar here.
Faucets: Newport Brass.
Sink: here – similar.
Guest Bedroom
Crisp white elements are beautifully contrasted with navy blue decor. Wall, trim and ceiling are Super White by Benjamin Moore.
Bed: Lee Industries, Tufted with rails – similar here.
Chair: Lee Industries with Quadrille fabric.
Pillows on bed – Quadrille
Lighting: Oly Meri Bowl.
Nightstands are Worlds Away Pagoda Nightstand – similar here.
Rug: Dash & Albert.
Classic with a Twist
This bedroom feels serene and classic. I love the blue and white motif!
Bed: Lee Industries – available through the designer – similar here & here.
Artwork: Gyotaku Fish Print on Cobalt Linen – available through the designer.
Framed Dalai Lama Quote Art: Sugarboo Designs – available through the designer.
Nightstands: Bungalow 5 Valentina – Others: here, here, here & here.
Mirrors: Mirror Image Home.
Lighting: Arteriors
Bedding: here & here – similar.
Master Bedroom
How dreamy is this master bedroom, right?! The stunning decor is complemented by vaulted ceilings clad in shiplap. Paint color is Benjamin Moore “Paper White”.
Bed: Vanguard Cleo bed in Aztec White linen – available through the designer – Others: here (similar), here, here, here, here & here.
Bench: Lee Industries – available through the designer – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Chairs: Lee Industries.
Lighting: “Ro Sham Beaux Malibu”.
Bedding is Matouk.
Rug is Dash & Albert.
Nightstands: Vanguard Pebble Hill Three Drawer Chest in white finish (Available through the designer) – Others: here, here, here & here.
Lamps are Global Views.
Pillow fabric is Kravet. 
Window Treatment: Plantation Shutters.
Barn Doors
Painted in Benjamin Moore “Super White” these custom double barn doors lead into a serene master bathroom.
Accent Table: Worlds Away.
Tub: here & here – similar.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom features custom framed mirrors and a custom double vanity with shaker cabinets painted in Benjamin Moore Super White.
Coral Sculpture is from Pineapples, Palms, Etc and done custom by a local artist. – similar: here.
Cabinet Hardware: RH Lucite pulls – similar here.
Countertop: Calcutta marble.
Faucets: Newport Brass.
Chandelier: Robert Abbey Bling – I love this chandelier!
Sconces are Visual Comfort.
Bathroom Flooring: White Thassos hand laid herringbone floors.
Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Paper White.
Vanity Chair: Worlds Away Klismos Chair.
Window Treatment: Plantation Shutters.
Shower Tiles: White Thassos Subway.
The mudroom features plenty of shiplap and an inviting work station.
Chair: Bungalow 5 Jardin Faux Bamboo Chinoiserie Lattice Side Chair – Others: here, here, here & here (in turquoise).
Runner: Available through the designer – Other Hallway Runners: here & here.
Lighting: Sconces & Pendants.
Back Porch
Outdoor slipcovered dining chairs make this back porch feel inviting and comfortable.
The outdoor furniture is Summer Classics & Lee Industries.
Porch Swing
This dreamy porch overlooks the Intracoastal Waterway and it features a white porch swing. How perfect is that?!
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Porch Swing: Custom – similar here, here, here & here.
Pillows: Available through the designer.
Chair: Summer Classics.
  Many thanks to the interior designer for sharing the details above!
Interior Design: Pineapples, Palms, Etc. (Instagram & Facebook).
Photography: Jessica Glynn Photography.
Cabinetry: Leeds Custom Design.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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discovercreate · 5 years
Fire Pit Makeover
Check out the before/after of this lakeside firepit makeover with DIY ombre adirondack chairs and turquoise garden stools! from dwellinggawker https://ift.tt/308YCza
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lharvey250 · 8 years
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THE EMPTY CHAIR: Murder in the Caribbean Penny Goetjen
My Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️▫️
Publisher: Secret Harbor Press Publication Date November 15, 2016
SUMMARY Olivia Benning travels to the Virgin Islands to settle affairs after receiving news that her mother has died in a boating an accident. Upon arrival she meets a handsome guy who comes to the rescue when her ride fails to show. Olivia soon discovers that the police have no record of her mother’s death or even an accident. Olivia desperately needs the truth even if she has to find it herself.
A bar brawl, a break-in, and her mother’s Caribbean bungalow ransacked. Can things get any worse at picturesque Magen’s Bay? Olivia search takes a sinister turn when a charming man claiming to be her mother’s lover is shot and she’s the prime suspect.
Entangled in the same dark web of crime that may have ensnared her mother, Olivia is low on cash, high on mistrust, yet must rely on the ruggedly handsome stranger who seems to surface when she’s most in need of saving, but is he her rescuer turned lover or her deadly foe?
REVIEW THE EMPTY CHAIR is like riding on a roller coaster. The story has up and downs, and twists and turns, it’s fast and then it’s over, way to soon. An adrenaline pumping, heart pounding ride. Once you start it, it’s hard to put down. And you really don’t want it to be over.
The descriptive setting in the St Thomas, Virgin Islands was picturesque and idylic. Who wouldn’t want to go there! I felt as if I was riding in the blue jeep right next to Olivia, so afraid of going over the side of those narrow mountain roads. I would love to be able to sit in Olivia mom’s turquoise adirondack chair at Serenity Villa and absorb the stunning views of the bay and the ocean and feel the sultry heat from the August sun.
Olivia, a five foot two, blond dynamo has a knack for finding trouble. Or rather trouble seems to follow her from the minute she leaves the Cyril E. King airport. In the first forty-eight hours there’s a bar fight, a missing car, a strange fax and a visit to the police department that knows nothing about her mom’s disappearance and she is rescued by the handsome Colton not once, but twice!. The blue-eyed Colton seems to be everywhere just when Olivia needs him. He might be some kind of knight in shining armor, and don’t we all need one of those!
Thanks to Secret Harbor Press and Net Galley for providing a copy of THE EMPTY CHAIR in exchange for an honest review.
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cloutshoes · 4 years
Signature Design by Ashley - Sundown Treasure Outdoor Adirondack Chair
Signature Design#by Ashley - Sundown Treasure Outdoor Adirondack Chair
Model: Signature Design by Ashley
Shade: Turquoise
OUTDOOR CHAIR: Want just a little additional consolation outside? This chair is simply the factor you want with a design that weathers all of the seasons and shell again shaping for the perfect of type and performance
DURABLE DESIGN: Manufactured from virgin excessive density polyethylene (onerous plastic) materials with a textured grain…
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albinohare · 6 years
6 Vacation Homes You Can Own for $800,000
Whether it’s a log cabin nestled deep in the Montana woods or an upscale beach cottage in the Bahamas, sometimes you just need a place to get away. These properties all offer an escape from the ordinary for $800,000. Choosing the right location and making a smart financial decision for your vacation home can seem a tall order, but the six properties below are striking in their balance of both.
Londonderry, Vermont, USA
Lee Brown & Bobby Waite, Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Realty
Set on 30 acres in the Vermont countryside, this early American-style homestead is the perfect pastoral getaway. Built in the late 1700s, this multi-building country cape has been outfitted with modern amenities including in-floor radiant heating and a new gas range. Start the day with a bath in the master ensuite’s deep soaking tub, and take your morning coffee outside to enjoy the view of distant Bromley Mountain on the stone-tiled patio—this retreat is undeniably about taking it slow. The reclaimed post and beam style living space features tall, A-frame ceilings and an antique wood-burning stove. After skiing in the nearby mountains or exploring the property’s trail system, ease yourself into the sauna or fully-tiled hot tub.
La Romana, Dominican Republic
Jolanthe Suchy, Sergio Llach Sotheby’s International Realty
Stop dreaming and start living your beachside idyll in this enchanting Dominican home away from home. The property is located in the tranquil beachside neighbourhood of Los Lagos, just steps from Playa Minitas beach. The east-facing, three-bedroom home is the ideal locale for those looking for a relaxing tropical getaway, but also has the potential to generate extra income as a vacation rental. Vaulted ceilings and whitewashed walls translate to a serene space that blends seamlessly with the tiled patio and turquoise pool just outside. With an outdoor brick oven and spacious seating area surrounded by palm trees and tropical flowers, you’ll be tempted to spend every spare moment here.
Lakemont, Georgia, USA
Yetty Arp, Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty
Escape to the South with this contemporary retreat custom-designed by renowned interior designer Jill VanTosh. The open-concept living space features exposed beams and floor-to-ceiling windows that wrap around the space, bringing the majesty of the outdoors in. Spend the day lakeside, tend to the property’s garden, or lounge on the wraparound terrace and soak up some of that Southern sunshine. In the evening, build a bonfire in the fire pit and settle in to easy Adirondack chairs for stellar stargazing.
O’ahu, Hawaii, USA
Carvill Sotheby’s International Realty
Hide away in this snug vacation property on Hawaii’s O’ahu island. Situated alongside preservation land and perched on a tropical hillside, the residence is one of only four single-family dwellings in a two-acre condominium project. Step outside onto the private balcony and enjoy the view of the Kaneohe Bay and Kualoa Ridge—or just open the wall-to-wall sliding glass doors that lead into the main living space and let the tropical breeze inside. The neutral-toned kitchen, with built-in koa cabinetry and terra-cotta-toned tile work, features picture windows that look out to the lush flora surrounding the oasis. Bonus: it’s an easy commute to all that nearby Honolulu and Waikiki have to offer.
Whitefish, Montana, USA
Sonja Burgard, Glacier Sotheby’s International Realty
Sitting on 11.3 acres on Montana’s Whitefish Lake, this cabin is a quintessential forest getaway. With expansive views of the lake and the woods beyond, this charmingly rustic log cabin is a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the outside world: take a seat on the porch as the sun rises, saunter through the spellbinding woods, spend the day on the lake, and come home to soak in the tub bathed in natural light. The property also features a level building site for those looking to expand, as well as a dock with shared lake access and boat slips. This is the place to bask in the restorative influence of the wilderness.
Elbow Cay, The Abacos, Bahamas
Jane Patterson, Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty
Things really do slow down in the Bahamas, especially at this upscale beach cottage located in the Abaco Islands. Aptly named the Abaco Rum Punch, this little oasis features three bedrooms, cypress wood walls, and ceramic floors to keep you cool in the tropical heat. The main living space spills out to the balcony, leading to a private pool and deck. Walk barefoot down to the beach, just minutes away, and soak up the sun or partake in the area’s excellent surfing—it’s all about taking your time.
Everyone needs to get away from the everyday. Whether you prefer the woods or the beach as your chosen escape, these properties all offer a space where you can recreate in style.
With an option for every portfolio, find your next beach escape or country address with the Sotheby’s International Realty brand.
The post 6 Vacation Homes You Can Own for $800,000 appeared first on Sotheby's International Realty | Blog.
Source Birkin bag for sale Authentic Luxury Hermès Bag at www.crocodilesbag.com
from WordPress http://www.amansions.com/6-vacation-homes-you-can-own-for-800000/
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deladane · 6 years
Day 10: Saturday, March 10 ~ Barbados
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Day 10: Saturday, March 10 ~ Barbados
(Eddy’s pronunciation: BAR – bah – dose)
This was my third visit to Barbados and my third trip to the Boatyard Beach club at Carlisle Bay.  It is such a pretty beach with powder-soft white sand, turquoise blue water, and it is close to the cruise port, making it an easy and enjoyable plan for the day. They have a package where $20 USD buys you a lounge chair, a shared umbrella, a cup of rum punch or a beer, use of their bathrooms, use of their water toys on the beach, and free wifi. They also have a bar and restaurant with decent prices if you want to buy lunch.  One thing that has changed since our last visit here 3 years ago is that they now also include a short boat ride out to the bay to go snorkeling, whereas we used to have to pay for that separately with a vendor on the beach. We had a not-so-great experience with that last time we were here (see my Carnival Valor review for more details!), so we were happy to have it included with admission this time.  The $20 also includes a taxi ride back to the port at the end of the day, but you need to find your own way there in the morning. They open at 9am, so my goal was to leave the ship by 8:30am to get a taxi and arrive there just as they opened so we would get lounge chairs in a prime location.
Today’s daily schedules:
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As usual, we started our day with room service breakfast on the balcony.  
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At 8:30am, we gathered up our bags and took the elevator down to Deck 2 to exit the ship.  I have always been on the only cruise ship in port when I visit Barbados and I have always been docked very close to the cruise terminal. Unfortunately, today there was a P&O ship docked in that spot so we were docked further away from the terminal. There is a shuttle to bring you from the gangway to the terminal, but it was not there when we left the ship so we just started walking.  It took us 15 minutes and over 2,000 steps on my Fitbit to get from the gangway to the taxi stand on the outside of the cruise terminal!  We were walking very quickly because we were eager to get to the beach, so the walk probably would have taken a lot longer at normal walking speeds.  
We asked one of the taxi dispatchers for a taxi going to the Boatyard and he directed us to a van that was nearly full. Half of the passengers were getting off downtown for $2 per person, and we were charged $5 per person to get to the Boatyard.  I guess they don’t have inflation in Barbados because that is the same price I paid in 2012 and 2015 haha
We arrived at 9:05am and there were already a lot of people at the beach.  Our goal was to arrive early enough to get lounge chairs in the front row along the water, and while we did accomplish that, there were only a few chairs left in the front row, so it’s a good thing we didn’t arrive any later! At the entrance, they explained everything included in the package, collected our $20 per person, and gave us each a wrist band with a pull tab flap to redeem for our free included drink.  We went down to the beach and got settled in our loungers, and then realized that they never told us about the snorkeling tour.  DH went back inside and put or name down on the list for the 10:30am tour.  We didn’t know if this was the first tour of the day, but there were already a few names on the list.  I usually prefer to snorkel as early in the day as possible before the other tour boats arrive and it gets too crowded, but the schedule is less flexible now that the tour is included with admission.  
We spent some time relaxing on our lounge chairs, and then at 10:10am, they made an announcement over the PA system to call several parties by name to go on the tour.  This was sooner than we expected so we rushed to get our belongings ready.  We took our money, ID, and seapass cards with us in a plastic bag in the pocket of DH’s bathing suit, but we left the rest of our stuff behind on our chairs, including our towels.  I am actually pretty sure that they did not allow anyone to bring their bags, towels, or shoes on the boat.  It was okay to bring hats, sunglasses, and of course, snorkeling equipment.  The reason they called us so early was that everyone was given an inflatable life vest which they put on each of us individually, and they also gave out snorkel equipment if you didn’t bring your own.  There were about 25 to 30 people on the tour with us, so that took a few minutes. Once we were all ready, they walked us up the pier and onto the boat.  The boat was pretty big, with plenty of seating and shade, and there were cubbies below the seats to stash your hats and sunglasses while swimming.
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We went out a short distance into the bay and then dropped anchor next to the ship wreck.  There were already 2 or 3 boats snorkeling at this spot, so the water was crowded with lots of swimmers.  The heavy winds continued to follow us through the Caribbean, and the water looked very choppy with a strong current.  The guides instructed us to stay directly over the ship wreck and not to swim further away, and everyone was required to keep their life vests on at all times.
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As soon as I jumped in the water, I immediately felt the current.  It was really hard to stay over the ship wreck because as soon as I stopped actively swimming and tried to float, I was carried away.  Plus, with so many people in the water, we kept bumping into each other and getting kicked.  It was definitely not the greatest of experiences, but on the bright side, the snorkeling was wonderful!  This was my third time snorkeling over the ship wreck here, and I think this was the most fish I have seen.  There were tons of the sergeant major damselfish that I am used to seeing all over the Caribbean, but there were also lots of other fish.  The current made it hard to take good photos, but this is the best of what I could get…
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I spy two parrot fish!
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I stayed out in the water for 15 minutes, and then went back on the boat to save some energy to swim with the turtles. The guides never told us how long we would stay at this location (and shame on me for forgetting to ask!).  It turned out that I could have stayed in the water an extra 15 minutes so I only did half the snorkeling time.  That’s okay, we are still going to the other snorkel spot with the turtles, right?  Wrong!  Once everyone was on board, the guide said we were heading back to the Boatyard.  I asked him if we were going to snorkel with the turtles and he said there have not been any turtles in Carlisle Bay for over a week so we were just doing the one snorkel stop today.  I understand that the guides probably assume we are all first timers to this our and didn’t know anything was missing, but there was a sign posted at the entrance to the Boatyard which mentioned snorkeling with turtles and when DH signed us up for the our, they told him it is not guaranteed we will see a turtle.  That implies that we will TRY to see it, but the guides indicated we were not going to try because it had been so windy all week that there were no turtles in the bay.  If that is the case, it would have been nice for someone to tell us that upfront so we would know what to expect.  I wasn’t even that upset about missing the turtles… after all, this isn’t a zoo and the turtles are free to come and go from the bay as they please!  I was really just bothered by the poor communication. I like to be kept informed so I can make my decisions accordingly, and I would have stayed in the water to explore the ship wreck longer had I known this was our only stop.
Anyway, we got back to the pier at 10:55am and the next group was already lined up to take their tour.  I guess they try to make it an efficient process to get guests out to snorkel quickly.  From the pier, I could see the cruise ships docked in the distance.
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There is also a great view of the Boatyard and the neighboring restaurants and beach clubs.  The yellow umbrellas are all part of the Boatyard.
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Every lounge chair is occupied by 11:15am so you have to arrive early if you want a seat!
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I also wanted to point out those 3 brightly colored Adirondack chairs in front of all the loungers.  Those are a new addition since I was last here 3 years ago and they seem to be a big annoyance.  When we first arrived this morning, nearly every seat in the front row was occupied, except the seats directly behind those chairs!  They have these chairs on the other side of the pier too, and those were also the only vacant seats in the front row on that side.  We were lucky to get a spot 3 umbrellas over (you can see our spot if you look closely- it’s the 2 vacant chairs to the left of the Adirondack chairs, with grey towels and my bright teal beach bag on the seat). Notice how there is more space between the sets of lounge chairs that are behind the Adirondack chairs?  That’s because the people on either side moved closer to their neighbors so the Adirondacks don’t block their view!  I guess these chairs look cute and beachy, but they sure do cause an annoyance to people wanting front row seats with unobstructed views of the beach and water!
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My hair was a mess after coming back from snorkeling, so I went to dunk my head under water really quickly.  I was holding my camera at eye level to take this photo- notice how close I was to the water line?  There is a steep drop off not to far into the water so just be careful not to lose your footing!  No need for water shoes here- there is nothing but soft sand on the floor of the bay.
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As evidenced in the photos above, our bags were waiting for us back at our lounge chairs when we got back from snorkeling. Unfortunately, the other thing waiting for us was the wind!!  It was very windy the whole day and the waves were quite loud crashing in on the shore. Usually the water is very calm here, but not today!  Much like we saw in St. Maarten, people kept getting knocked around by the waves.  At least it was entertaining to watch them from our front row seats haha
At around 12:30pm, we started to get hungry.  We always bring a few Clif Bars into ports with us because they are filled with protein to fill us up, and they meet the requirements of being pre-packaged food that is safe to enter a foreign country.  Today, we decided to try something new and we ordered food from the restaurant.  We have never tried flying fish and I have read that people really like it so we ordered the Flying Fish Fingers and Fries appetizer to share.
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DH placed the order at the bar and they told him to pick it up from the counter when his name was called.  They said it would take 30 to 45 minutes for our order to be ready, so we used this opportunity to redeem our free drink coupons. I ordered the Shark Bite (left) and DH ordered the Pirate’s Punch (right), and both were strong and tasty. We brought them over to one of the tables at the restaurant and waited for our food order to be called.
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Sure enough, it really did take 45 minutes for our food to be ready!  I guess they needed time to go out into the bay to catch the fish fresh for us??  The portion was a bit on the small side, but it was very good and I’m glad I tried it.
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We returned to our lounge chairs to enjoy the rest of the afternoon at the beach.  This isn’t exactly a calm and relaxing beach because they play loud, upbeat pop and hip hop music in the background, but I enjoy the fun vibe here.  At some point, DH went up to the pier to use the rope swing, but I didn’t join him because I was too comfortable sitting in my lounge chair.  I was so lazy that I didn’t even take any more photos here for the rest of the day! To be fair, this was my third visit here and not much has changed in the last 6 years, so I guess I just didn’t feel that inspired.
At around 2:30pm, we decided it was time to head back to the ship.  When we got to the front parking lot, they immediately directed us to one of the waiting taxis with another couple.  I think the first shuttle back leaves around 11:30 or noon, and then the shuttles run every 15 minutes or so for the rest of the day, so there is never much of a wait.  The ride only takes about 10 minutes, and they dropped us off at the front of the cruise terminal.  We walked passed all the shops and exited at the other end to find a nearly-full shuttle bus that was about to leave.  Perfect timing!  It was standing room only, but we didn’t mind standing for the 2 minute ride back to the ship, considering that saved us 20 minutes of walking!  
Once we were back on the ship, we went upstairs to the Solarium to spend 20 minutes soaking in the hot tub.  There were a few people in there already when we arrived, and they were still in there when we got out. I always thought you aren’t supposed to sit in a hot tub for too long, and the water actually was quite hot, so it seemed weird to me that these people were spending so much time sitting there, but I guess it’s not for me to judge!
Neither of us was feeling 100 percent tonight. I’m not sure if it was a little sea sickness from the boat rocking so much, or maybe it was dehydration, but we both just felt off.  Instead of our usual routine of bar hopping before dinner, we decided to take it easy and relax in the cabin.  For the first time ever, we spent a few hours watching TV!  I watch tons of TV when I’m at home, but I have never spent any time watching TV on a cruise ship before!  We found a marathon of Property Brothers running on HGTV, so that was the perfect way to pass the time until we had enough energy to go downstairs for dinner. I was kind of bummed that I didn’t feel well tonight because this was another new menu for us and I was really looking forward to trying some of the new dishes!  The first appetizer on the list was Hawaiian Tuna Poke.  In the last year or two, poke bowl restaurants have popped up all over San Jose and it is one of our favorite dinners, so I was really looking forward to trying Celebrity’s version.
Tonight’s menu:
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Poached Anjou Pear and Gorganzola Cheese
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Hawaiian Tuna Poke (this was delicious and had I had more of an appetite, I would have asked for a second round of it!)
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Pappardelle Con Funghi
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I am still disappointed that I didn’t have more of an appetite that night because I would have loved to try the pate and the lamb kebab, but I guess that’s a good excuse to take another cruise!  In the end, I only had room for my 2 appetizers and about half of my entrée, so I definitely didn’t have room for dessert. We finished eating rather quickly since we didn’t order as many courses as we usually do, so we just wondered around the ship to walk off the meal.  They have this funky wall sculpture back near the entrance to the Ensemble Lounge, and we thought it made a nice background for a photo.
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I really like this piece that is located next to Qsine.  It reminds me of origami…
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The Wine Cellar was almost always empty.  I liked the décor in here but we never spent much time here because it was always deserted and boring.  It does make for a pretty place to take photos though!
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Tonight’s show was a solo performer named Liam Ryder. We thought he was a very talented pianist, and a pretty good singer.  He played a few classical music pieces, and a few rock and roll songs.  
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My favorite part was when he played the full version of The Flight of the Bumble Bee and played a cartoon that was perfectly synced to it.  I was able to find the cartoon on Youtube so you can see what I am talking about. Imagine seeing this live with the cartoon playing on a big screen at the back of the stage, and a pianist playing the music perfectly synced to the cartoon.  I can’t really give him credit for the cartoon itself, but seeing him keep up with the music was absolutely incredible to watch in person.
After the show, we were feeling much better so we went over to Café Al Bacio for dessert.  The cakes in that display case always look so yummy, and since we skipped dessert after dinner, we thought this was a good opportunity to finally try it out.  DH had the coconut cake, and I had a slice of strawberry chiffon cake.  Honestly, both were just okay and they looked a lot better than they tasted.  Maybe it just wasn’t sweet enough for me?
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Tonight was one of the theme parties up in the Sky Lounge, so we headed up there to check it out.  The Eclipse Orchestra performed songs from the Big Band era while the performance dancers danced to it.  
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The Sky Lounge has a terrible set up for a show like this where everyone wants to see the dance floor.  The chairs and banquets are positioned poorly and block your view, and there are thick support beams surrounding the dance floor area.  There are very few seats offering a good view, so people end up standing around the perimeter of the dance floor, just behind the first row of chairs, and that blocks everyone else’s view.  We had to keep asking people to move so we could see the show from where we were sitting, and it made for a frustrating experience. We stayed for about 20 minutes, then gave up and grabbed a quick snack at the buffet before going to sleep just before midnight.
Step Tracker Daily Total:  7,632 steps; 3.060 miles
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Interior Design Ideas How wonderful it is to start the weekend with your presence here. Today’s “Interior Design Ideas” is filled with beautiful interiors and I am sharing many sources, from paint colors to lighting to furniture and décor. Find a quiet place and start dreaming! I know that you will feel inspired! Interior Design Ideas Modern farmhouse exterior with LP SmartSide Siding (color Chestnut) and black exterior trim – LP SmartSide in “Coffee”. Windows are Marvin – Integrity Series – Oil-rubbed bronze. Stone: Weathered Fieldstone Hedberg. Similar Exterior Pendant can be found here or here (in “Brushed Steel”). Gordon James Construction. Kitchen Inspo Kitchen Renovation: This is a great example of how to design a current kitchen in a small space. Lighting is Visual Comfort. Alice Lane Home Collection. Photo by Ace and Whim. Cabinetry by Sollid Cabinets. Brass White kitchen with brass hardware, steel hood with brass strip and white quartzite countertop and full slap backsplash. Hardware is Pottery Barn. Alice Lane Home Collection. Cabinetry by Sollid Cabinets. Photo by Ace and Whim. Kitchen Island This white kitchen features a black island and plenty of personality. Farmhouse sink can be found here and faucet here. Alice Lane Home Collection. Cabinetry by Sollid Cabinets. Photo by Ace and Whim. Dining Area This farmhouse-inspired breakfast nook is so inviting! I love the elements used in this space. The breakfast nook features a sisal rug, wingback dining chair, trestle table and industrial chandelier. Alice Lane Home Collection. Cabinetry by Sollid Cabinets. Photo by Ace and Whim. Get The Look Farmhouse dining room furniture and decor ideas: Alice Lane Home Collection. Cabinetry by Sollid Cabinets. Photo by Ace and Whim. Butler’s Pantry Butlers pantry with black cabinets and brass hardware. Dream White Kitchen White Kitchen with narrow and long kitchen island with square legs. Jeffrey Court Inc. Get the Look: Countertop Kitchen with white quartz countertop and natural stone mosaic backsplash. Jeffrey Court Inc. Backsplash Kitchen with basketweave pattern marble mosaic backsplash tile. Tile is Gapstone Mosaic by Jeffrey Court. Similar basketwave backsplash tile can be found here and here. Jeffrey Court Inc. Cabinetry Kitchen with white shaker cabinet. Lighting is Harbour Point Three-Light Semi-Flush Mount. Jeffrey Court Inc. Gorgeous Kitchen White kitchen with custom hood, grey kitchen island and arched black windows. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. See the house tour on Home Bunch. Grey Island Paint Color Beautiful grey paint color by Benjamin Moore; Trout Grey by Benjamin Moore. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. See the house tour on Home Bunch. Countertop This kitchen features thick countertop edge. The countertop edge on perimeter countertops is 2.25″ and 4″ edge on island. Countertop is Carrara Marble slabs. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Kitchen Hood The stone hood is 68″ Stone hood is by Francois and co. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Island Dimension The island is 6’x12′. Notice the drawers and appliances layout. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Carrara Marble This large island features two polished Carrara marble slabs. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Runner Get the Look: Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Lighting Lighting is Visual Comfort. Similar living room chandelier: Currey & Co. and Visual Comfort. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Open Feel Gorgeous open layout living and dining room furniture layout. Dining room chandeliers are Currey & Co. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Wall Paint Color The paint color throughout the house is Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Front Door The front door measures 11′ x 7′ and it is by Iron Door Works. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Grey & White Tile Foyer with stone fireplace and white and grey checker tile. The grey and white checker tile from Daltile. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. See the house tour on Home Bunch. Pantry This home also features a walk-in pantry with grey cabinets and Carrara marble countertop. Farmhouse Mantel Decor Ideas Farmhouse fireplace mantel with fall decor, pumpkins, art, vases, farmhouse sign art, shiplap and reclaimed wood. @idreamofhomemaking. Farmhouse Fall Decor Rustic farmhouse dining room with shiplap and reclaimed wood. @idreamofhomemaking. DIY Wall Bottle Vases Farmhouse dining room with DIY bottle wall vases. Chandelier is Quoizel ABN5012RK Auburn 12 Light Chandelier In Rustic Black. The metal chairs are from Amazon. @idreamofhomemaking Farmhouse Kids Bedroom Farmhouse kids bedroom with shiplap, vintage furniture, antique books and wall decal. @idreamofhomemaking. White Dove & White Oak Mudroom cabinet painted in Benjamin Moore White Dove and combination of white oak. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. See the house tour on Home Bunch. Turquoise Laundry Room The cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Summer Shower. Wall color is Silver Cloud by Benjamin Moore. Countertops: Iconic White Quartz. Sink Faucet: Kingston Brass Heritage. Backsplash: Snow White Beveled Edge Ceramic Tile. Lighting: Varnum Brass Pendant. Village Homes inc. @villagehomes_inc Bathroom Tile Bathroom with grey cement tile and grey cabinet. The grey cement tile can be found here. Pearl Developments. Bunk Room Fun bunk room beds with custom bed railing. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. See the house tour on Home Bunch. Closet Closet painted in Benjamin Moore Trout Gray. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. Bedroom Textures The plush faux fur and brass base benches can be found here. Interiors: Danielle Loryn Design. Builder: Tree Haven Homes. See the house tour on Home Bunch. Home Exterior & Gardens Blue-Grey Front Door Paint Color: Benjamin Moore 2129-50 Winter Lake. Village Homes inc. Fall Backyard Inspo Backyard decorated for Fall with many mums, pumpkins, adirondack chairs and outdoor string lights. @idreamofhomemaking. Dream Home Farmhouse exterior with attached barn art studio. Witt Construction. Paint Colors & Color Palettes Interior Designers Favorite Paint Colors: Benjamin Moore Grant Beige. Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. Benjamin Moore Wickham Gray. Sherwin Williams Sea Salt. Benjamin Moore Icy Morn. Benjamin Moore Natural Cream. Benjamin Moore Manchester Tan. Sherwin Williams Modern White. Benjamin Moore Shoreline. Benjamin Moore Simply White. PPG Anonymous. PPG Salty Breeze. Benjamin Moore Ashwood. Benjamin Moore Swiss Coffee. Benjamin Moore White Dove. Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Benjamin Moore Millstone Gray. Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze. Benjamin Moore Rockport Gray. Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal. “C & P” via Pinterest. Quote of the Week Posts of the Week @urban_farmhouse_build: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: New & Improved Kitchen Design Ideas. Wednesday: Custom Single-story Home. New Southern Living Showcase Home. New Construction Modern Farmhouse Design Ideas. Interior Design Ideas: New Interior Design Ideas. Trending on Pinterest: Hamptons-Inspired Home with Coastal Colors. Trending on Home Bunch: Open-Concept Family Home Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello, my wonderful friends! Do you guys have any idea how grateful I am of your presence here?! I hope you feel appreciated every time you’re on Home Bunch and that you can feel a little more relaxed, a little lighter and a lot happier! May you have a Blessed week, surrounded by the people you love. We’ll talk again very soon. with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!” Save
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Apartment Patio Makeover
We loved this apartment patio make over  from Home Depot and wanted to share it with all our residents.
Decorating a small apartment balcony comes with its challenges. But Amber Kemp-Gerstel, the creative mind behind Damask Love has the small patio decorating ideas needed to make her tiny outdoor space beautiful, comfortable and great for entertaining.
This is Amber’s contribution to our Patio Style Challenge series. We send terrific design and DIY bloggers patio sets from The Home Depot, and they come up with amazing patio decor and easy solutions to some of the problems we all face with out outdoor spaces.
Amber truly made the most of every inch of her Miami apartment balcony. We love the coral and turquoise color scheme she used. She also offers up some very simple decorating ideas that would work on any patio, including a darling framed chalkboard vertical garden. And the grass is so inviting!
Yes. Grass. On an apartment balcony.
Ringing in at a whopping 60 sq ft., our balcony is small but mighty.
Well…I take that back.
Before the Home Depot Style Challenge, the balcony was small and sad. So very, very sad. It housed a dead lemon tree, a pair of dirty sneakers and a plastic Adirondack chair that my husband loved – but I wanted no part of.  Basically, it was 60 sq. ft of concrete dying for some attention. Home Depot came in to save the day.
The goal with this makeover was to extend our living room room and design an outdoor entertaining area that could hold even more guests this Spring. Mission accomplished.
Step 1
My first assignment was to gather up some inspiration for color…and the Behr paint sample wall gave me all the inspiration I needed.
Step 2
Next up – replace the Adirondack chair…with something a little less reminiscent of a prison yard…although they probably don’t have Adirondack chairs in prison. But you know what I mean. I knew I could create something beautiful with the unfinished Adirondack chair that I picked up at my local Home Depot. Behr’s Youthful Coral in Semi-Gloss gave this baby a hefty dose of color that I love.
Read Step 3
via https://apartmentsfayetteville.com/apartment-patio-makeover/
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patiochairaroch · 4 years
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@^#!+ Sundown Treasure Outdoor Adirondack Chair - Turquoise Turquoise Single https://ift.tt/2PTHHNn
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Apartment Patio Makeover
We loved this apartment patio make over  from Home Depot and wanted to share it with all our residents.
Decorating a small apartment balcony comes with its challenges. But Amber Kemp-Gerstel, the creative mind behind Damask Love has the small patio decorating ideas needed to make her tiny outdoor space beautiful, comfortable and great for entertaining.
This is Amber’s contribution to our Patio Style Challenge series. We send terrific design and DIY bloggers patio sets from The Home Depot, and they come up with amazing patio decor and easy solutions to some of the problems we all face with out outdoor spaces.
Amber truly made the most of every inch of her Miami apartment balcony. We love the coral and turquoise color scheme she used. She also offers up some very simple decorating ideas that would work on any patio, including a darling framed chalkboard vertical garden. And the grass is so inviting!
Yes. Grass. On an apartment balcony.
Ringing in at a whopping 60 sq ft., our balcony is small but mighty.
Well…I take that back.
Before the Home Depot Style Challenge, the balcony was small and sad. So very, very sad. It housed a dead lemon tree, a pair of dirty sneakers and a plastic Adirondack chair that my husband loved – but I wanted no part of.  Basically, it was 60 sq. ft of concrete dying for some attention. Home Depot came in to save the day.
The goal with this makeover was to extend our living room room and design an outdoor entertaining area that could hold even more guests this Spring. Mission accomplished.
Step 1
My first assignment was to gather up some inspiration for color…and the Behr paint sample wall gave me all the inspiration I needed.
Step 2
Next up – replace the Adirondack chair…with something a little less reminiscent of a prison yard…although they probably don’t have Adirondack chairs in prison. But you know what I mean. I knew I could create something beautiful with the unfinished Adirondack chair that I picked up at my local Home Depot. Behr’s Youthful Coral in Semi-Gloss gave this baby a hefty dose of color that I love.
Read Step 3
via https://apartmentsdurham.com/apartment-patio-makeover/
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