#tusli gabbard
drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Maybe, just maybe, elected officials shouldn't be allowed to switch parties during their terms.
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mongorevera · 2 months
Tusli Gabbard Placed On Secret Government Terrorism Watchlist
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letsjanukhan · 2 years
Tulsi Gabbard: Campaigning with Republican not a move towards joining GOP, says 'I'm an independent'
Tulsi Gabbard: Campaigning with Republican not a move towards joining GOP, says ‘I’m an independent’
LOUDON, N.H. – Emphasizing that former Army Gen. Don Bolduc puts “country first,” former Rep. Tusli Gabbard of Hawaii urged the lunchtime crowd at the Eggshell Restaurant “to support” the Republican Senate nominee in the battleground state of New Hampshire “and to bring at least 10 of your friends along with you when it comes time to vote.” Gabbard, who made history as the first Hindu member of…
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themfp1 · 2 years
Tulsi Gabbard Formally QUITS Democrat Party, GOOD RIDDANCE Trends, Tusli...
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bearded-shepherd · 5 years
Democratic Debate
Started shitty, ended Shitty
Straight up, CNN should never host a debate ever again. This was the most skewed, bias, boring, shit circus of a debate.
Anyways, I miss Tulsi dropping bombs of truth on these candidates and Yang’s memes.
Unnecessary anecdote everywhere in every questions and IDPOL more than the previous debates.
A lot of time wasted during the debate talking about the Bernie/Warren incident (stupid af) when they could talk about policies instead.
I wish they touched more on Climate change, workers rights, guns, voter’s rights, Puerto Rico.
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silvestromedia · 4 years
With the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, Catholics should buckle their chinstraps for the torrential cascade of anti-Catholicism that will be belched up by her opponents. The vituperative attacks on Catholics will probably rival the Know-Nothing riots that rocked the nation in the 1840s and 1850s. But this time, there …
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politicalcomedy · 5 years
Edward Snowden Comedy Tribute
Did you know the NSA keeps a permanent record of your movement through your cellphone’s location?
Is the government’s mass surveillance program even legal?
Edward Snowden is the NSA whistleblower who revealed the full extent of the government’s bulk data collection.  In this episode, we go over some of his shocking revelations about the Patriot Act and Stellar Wind (the program of warrantless wiretapping).
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phroyd · 8 years
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Tusli Knows!
It’s All About The OIl and Natural Gas Pipeline Control Through Syria 
Nothing More!
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beardedmrbean · 3 years
How did Tusli "torpedo" Kamala? I'm not to familiar with the story.
This is the extended cut where kammy tries to cover her butt, you can tell she's really rattled because she doesn't do her normal uncomfortable laughing when she's trying to deflect.
It was a kamikaze run by Gabbard I think. I can't imagine she thought the DNC was going to forgive her for this one.
Managed to get my vote though.
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angelicguy · 5 years
dont really like tusli gabbard but she would win against trump so hard. he would just start stuttering because he CANT insult a smokeshow
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thebaptistbaby · 5 years
Tusli Gabbard is a far right conservative. This is what happens when you hate democracy. You think Kamala Harris isn't a liberal because she worked for the government, and you think a genocidal racist fascist like Gabbard is a progressive.
Kamala Harris isn't a liberal because she locked up a bunch of people in Cali for smoking weed when she herself says she smoked weed, not because she worked for the government. She didn't have to lock them up, but she wanted to be "tough on crime". Taking away people's freedom for minor offenses like weed is not exactly liberal.
As far as Tulsi being genocidal, she wants to dramatically draw down US troop presence in other countries. Newsflash; most of our troops are not in other countries for altruistic or selfless reasons. I'd love to hear how that's genocidal.
Fascist? Dude, she is pretty much the only candidate that has been consistently pro-whistleblower, and has said she'd pardon Snowden and I believe Assange. A fascist would NEVER defend the right of citizens to expose government wrongdoing, that is the exact opposite of their entire thing.
Racist. Okay? Against who?
I'm not gonna lie, Tulsi has been disappointing me lately by distancing herself from Medicare-For-All and repeatedly defending Biden, but this ask was completely ridiculous. Get some Aloha in your life.
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b0bbynash · 5 years
tusli gabbard is danny chung because won’t shut the fuck up about having served
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Logo opinion time! The text is okay, but the “earth” logo in the back gives me, like, late 1990s/early 2000s PC computer game logo screens. Also, is that white supposed to be Antarctica? The Arctic?
Learn from Tusli Gabbard’s mistakes people and don’t use cheap gradients in your logos.
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guruwithin · 5 years
The Jimmy Dore Show: Tulsi Slams Kamala “NOT QUALIFIED To Be Commander & Chief”  >
Link to video: https://youtu.be/JQCltJp8QOo
Iraq war veteran Tusli Gabbard says former Kamala Harris is unfit to be commander and chief.
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affectos · 6 years
Top News Today You Won’t Hear On TV:
Joe Biden’s 70s Integration Comments:
An interview from 1975 has resurfaced of then-congressman Biden talked about how he was against the integration of minorities into schools and busing.
“I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60s, which said, ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race,’ ”
Then he was against the government’s attempt for it:
“We’ve lost our bearings since the 1954 Brown vs. School Board desegregation case,” he said. “To ‘desegregate’ is different than to ‘integrate.’ . . . I am philosophically opposed to quota systems. They insure mediocrity.”
While 40 years ago and considering that people can change, this is something that Biden himself has to address, not having his spokesperson doing it for him.  Look at Tusli Gabbard; when it was shown she had a poor anti-LGBTQ+ stance as a teen, she came forward to talk about how she had changed since then.  Biden needs to do the same if he wants to save face.
Learn More from TYT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cXbJ-qPXZg
Chelsea Manning Forced Back To Jail
WikiLeaks journalist Chelsea Manning is being forced back into jail after refusing to testify to a closed-door grand jury where they are trying to get her to testify regarding how she exposed the War Logs that showed that the US was engaging in war crimes in Iraq.  She was already arrested for this and taken to jail for seven years where she was tortured and intentionally singled out and put in solitary.
Say what you will about WikiLeaks, but Chelsea Manning EXPOSED the fact that our own country was partaking in war crimes, believing that the American citizens deserved to know this.  Several outlets ran the story she broke, and now if the Trump Administration can try to use this in an attempt to attack the freedom of the press if they run any story that uses leaked government documents.
Learn More At The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/08/us/politics/chelsea-manning-wikileaks-jail.html 
Mitch McConnell Officially Comes Out As Pro-Corruption/Anti-Democracy
The Democrats have put their first official bill into the Senate: HR1, For the People Act.  
This bill is all about making voting more accessible for people by making voter registration easier, allow same-day voting, two weeks of early voting, has an independent party re-do districting to reduce gerrymandering, and has a strong ethics area where candidates have to show 10 years worth of taxes (including presidential and their vice president), and that candidates have to show where they are getting their large corporate donations are coming from.
Cue Republican Senate Leader (and uncooked flabby turkey) Mitch McConnell refusing to put the bill up for a vote, claiming:
“a hostile takeover of the body that regulates political speech,” 
And by ‘speech’ he means corporate money he takes in that the Supreme Court claimed that corporations are people and that giving money is ‘speech’.
McConnell would go on to claim that the bill is a ‘solution looking for a problem’ and claiming that Democrats are ‘ballot harvesting’ (the act of collecting absentee ballots and either changing the choice or not turning them in...something that a REPUBLICAN was caught being guilty of in North Carolina)
Learn More At TYT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU_Up8oTd7Y
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brainstatic · 7 years
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Great, progressive scion Tusli Gabbard spreading completely unsubstantiated speculation on a terrorist. Maybe she needs another scrum with Assad to get better talking points.
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