#tv talk: Glee
roennq · 4 months
Currently alternating among the four Arrowverse series (Arrow s05, The Flash s03, Legends of Tomorrow s02, Supergirl s02), Constantine, Marvel's Daredevil s03 (it's really good, can't believe they went and cancelled it), Reacher s02 (giant man), and Glee s04.
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Had a blast watching Grant Gustin as both the hero in The Flash and the antagonist in Glee s03. Update: Oh, he's in Glee s04 as well. ❤️
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And now the marvellous Melissa Benoist in Supergirl and Glee s04.
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What's on your watchlist (only if you don't mind sharing, no pressure!): @highfunctioningflailgirl @dandelionflowery @angst-is-love-angst-is-life @corcracrow @itsaspacie
@enigma-the-mysterious @eowynlyra @bastet55 @true-illusion @ardinwriter, @winterinhimring and anyone else who'd like to share, highlight, or recommend a show/series/movie.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
one thing about me i'm always rewatching something
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4minutesgcv · 6 months
the thing with finchel is that it sucked sooo bad but....that was Real 2000s television
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amedetoiles · 10 months
have i waited almost a decade for grant gustin to one day come onto a glee rewatch podcast and talk about how sebastian smythe is not a villain, with a side comment about kurtbastian and sebastian’s sexual tension with literally every character because he is king™️? yes. yes i have.
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inotaro · 3 months
i swear i hate getting into new fandoms late, im cursed with no one irl knowing what im talking about, and people online no longer talk about it UGH
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angelhummel · 8 months
saw someone complaining about how the klaine fandom is just as toxic as it was in 2012 and then concluded with the ol faithful "klaine is the gay ship for the straights" like goddamn talk about get some new material champ
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
New-Ish ocs
Eve Dearly ( OUAT ) – Henry's twin sister, was adopted before Regina could get both babies, ran away from home and wound up in Storybrooke, the only person other than Henry to age or to realize that time is passing, adopted by Angel Dearly
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Gabriel Whittaker / Klaus White ( OUAT ) – Snow's twin brother, Regina tried to have him killed in the Enchanted Forest and he's believed dead but he survived, lost his memories but is sure that if he can just meet Snow, it'll all make sense
Taken in by the Dumas family (Angel Dearly in the Enchanted Forest) and still lives with them in Storybrooke
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Ginevra Maroni ( Gotham / The Batman ); x Bruce Wayne – Sal Maroni's daughter, looking to topple her father's criminal empire but has a very specific plan in mind and buts heads with Bruce over how to handle it
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Helena Jackson ( PJO, TV verse )
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Kirsi Tremblay ( PJO, TV verse ) – unclaimed camper of 5 years, originally from Quebec, sibling dynamic with Luke, unofficial co-counsellor of the Hermes cabin
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Livana Gold / Amaris Pan ( OUAT ) – Peter Pan's daughter with a witch from Oz, she wants a child for bloodline magic & Peter basically wanted this child because he thinks if he sacrifices a child's heart from his own bloodline it will extend his own immortality, her mother found out about Peter's plans and went to Rumpelstiltskin for help, they make a deal for a protective charm in exchange for the child's name, the charm is designed that if she's ever in danger it'll bring her to him so he's raising her in Storybrooke, she ages at the same pace as Henry thanks to the charm
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Malia Constantine ( Titans ) – bisexual british witch bitch, youngest member of the original Titans, didn't handle the group splitting up well and went a bit off the rails, now running cons to alleviate her boredom
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Maristela Carrillo ( Harry Potter ); x Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott – Slytherin Queen, knows what she wants and is not afraid to take it, stuck in the longest game of romantic chicken in the world with Blaise and Theodore
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Michelle Beaton ( Gossip Girl ); x Blair Waldorf – Catherine Beaton's daughter (with Bart Bass, he doesn't know that), goes to the Hamptons with her mom and ends up in New York, Blair enemies to lovers
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Veronica Bacall ( OUAT ) – Jessica Rabbit
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Zoe Giardi ( Glee ); x Mike Chang – Kendra (Del Monico) Giardi's eldest child, cheerio, not part of the Unholy Trinity but friends with them, interested in trying out for Glee but her mom would hate it (so she convinces her mom that she should join to make sure Uncle Will isn't having an affair), Quinn would hate it (so she convinces Quinn that not only should she join but so should the Unholy Trinity so they can keep an eye on Finchel), and Sue would hate it (so she convinces Sue that the four cheerios should be her spies), but honestly she just wants to vibe
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The Witching Hour ( Teen Wolf ) – extensive supernatural/hunter family verse, characters are still being named but currently have 16 characters cast
Originally part of the Calaveras, one man saw a young witch girl about to die in a witch burning, killed everyone who was part of it and then adopted her More defectors joined, not all related but consider themselves a family Hunt monsters, not the supernatural (would hunt Deucalion or Peter, would also hunt Kate & Gerard), take in kids whose families were lost to the supernatural world (supernatural kids whose families were killed by hunters, also hunters whose parents were killed by supernatural creatures, also kids who aren’t either but whose parents died in the crossfire) Travel wherever they’re needed but home base is in Argentina
Unnamed OUAT ocs:
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also, recent-ish plot bunnies so I don't lose them all:
Mimi Morton (Glee)
Sutton Reeves (Glee)
Tracy Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Azaria Lynn (Twilight)
Coralie "Cori" Parks (PJO)
[more to come]
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schrodingers-romy · 3 months
Do you guys remember the glee 'smooth criminal' cover
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I love my new tv (I haven’t had my own tv until this year) but I love it because I can air play my laptop to it and do you know what that means? 
It means I can watch dramas from my laptop on my tv.  Which means I can watch Killer and Healer on the “big screen”.  Oh my god, I’m so excited
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blorbodiaz · 1 year
someone in a tiktok comment section said that ‘i can see you’ would be the perfect song in glee BUT specifically that one episode where rachel is obsessed with mr schue and now i can’t stop thinking about it. its traumatising my every waking second.
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chaospacemarines · 1 year
can we all be like glee and get more transgender choirs in our fucking tv shows. my god.
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rubberbandballqueen · 9 months
About your tags: is there more that you can share about the OW fandom and fics? This was a phenomenon I wonder about too. It was one of the most popular fandoms around 2017-2018, but the way the fandom stopped on its tracks around 2019 was hard not to notice. Especially from people who didn't play the game but were aware of it's fandom.
oh! overwatch is one of about 50-ish fandoms i track for this one spreadsheet project i do as a hobby (which i Technically blog about @fandom-data-scientist, but i've been too lazy to do a proper writeup to explain what the hell it is i do), wherein i try to answer the age-old question: when did the weebs move to ao3?
(the answer is late 2015/early 2016. most likely this was in large part a result of undertale and sports anime, but that's currently just my own conjecture)
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According To My Research(tm), the overwatch fandom peaked in late 2016/early 2017 when it comes to the number of new fics posted per month. after this, it declined quite rapidly, as it didn't even get to enjoy a plateau period.
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(there's a reason why the plots are really wonky towards the end of this graph-- it's bc i found the past dates for number of fics archived to a particular site via the wayback machine. since those snapshots are typically bot crawls, the number of fics shown on the fandoms listings will not include fics that have been archive-locked. although i technically started this project in august 2022, i did not add overwatch to my tracking list until this june/july or so. my current guess for the small uptick in the rate of ow fics published to ao3 in october 2022 is that the sequel came out? and then the rate plunged for january 2023 bc of the ai scraping scare that happened at around that time-- nearly every single fandom i track had a significant drop right then bc everyone was archive-locking their fics. the rate shooting up in like july 2023 on this chart is bc like i said, that's when i added ow to my list of tracked fandoms; because i'm logged into my own ao3 acct when checking these numbers live, i get access to the archive-locked fics and so the display number goes up.)
in my experience, fandoms will generally kind of plateau in their fic production after their peak, which will ofc normally gradually taper off. games that receive regular lore or story updates probably have fairly long or stable plateaus, although i haven't made scatterplots or made any comparing analyses to prove this rigorously. this plateau period generally represents a time of fandom stability as the fair-weather, casual, or migratory slash fans run off to the next big thing.
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if we ignore the fact the plague and quarantine happened, we can see a nice, steady, and very consistent plateau period for the danganronpa fandom from about 2018-2020!
let's look at an older fandom, like my archnemesis final fantasy:
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granted, the ao3 numbers are kind of all over the place these days, but you kind of get my point by now, right? that healthy fandoms tend to plateau as the wind carries away the faintly-interested and leaves the long-haulers behind to form their communities.
overwatch struck me as unusual when i was on one of my long wayback machine trips because of the way there was a net increase of only two fics published from 1 july 2021 to 1 october 2021, when before then it had usually been in the hundreds or so. i then went on a work tangent n googled around n more or less concluded it had Something to do with some kind of scandal with the development company, but otherwise i don't really have any more comments on it hahaha.
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timeisacephalopod · 8 months
Sometimes I'll be watching an American TV show and there's this idea that if you're treated like dog shit you'll want to win or succeed to "prove them wrong." Like on Glee Finn describes putting up with Sue's abuse as hurtful but mostly it makes him want to win, and idk if this is a uniquely American thing or not but it baffles me.
When I work hard on stuff and people act like it's shit, or don't acknowledge my effort, or some other thing I don't get motivated. I have the opposite reaction especially if I've worked hard on something and that effort ultimately ends up being for nothing- like why would I try HARDER at something that didn't work? That's a waste of time lol I stop putting effort in at all and put the effort I was spending on something that didn't work out into something that might. Do people seriously believe that being treated like shit or otherwise having your hard work dismissed is motivational?? Because that sounds extremely counterintuitive to how I feel like people work unless I'm built different and I don't think I am in this case.
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munamania · 2 years
the normal version of this came on while i was outside at a party once and i stopped my friends around me like have u heard. have u heard the glee version though. and then i pulled my phone out and played it as though it was going to beat out the speakers. 🙂👍
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me and my mum are about to watch the very first episode of glee, hence commencing our full watch. gonna be interesting.
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futilefangirl · 1 year
okay literally tho i do not understand the will schuester hate i have never got it like at all hes kind, caring, extremely patient, and obviously talented and has nice arms .... why is everyone literally so hateful to a character who isnt even a bad guy like i dont get if its just like ironically hating him but none of it makes any sense
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