#zoe giardi
randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
New-Ish ocs
Eve Dearly ( OUAT ) – Henry's twin sister, was adopted before Regina could get both babies, ran away from home and wound up in Storybrooke, the only person other than Henry to age or to realize that time is passing, adopted by Angel Dearly
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Gabriel Whittaker / Klaus White ( OUAT ) – Snow's twin brother, Regina tried to have him killed in the Enchanted Forest and he's believed dead but he survived, lost his memories but is sure that if he can just meet Snow, it'll all make sense
Taken in by the Dumas family (Angel Dearly in the Enchanted Forest) and still lives with them in Storybrooke
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Ginevra Maroni ( Gotham / The Batman ); x Bruce Wayne – Sal Maroni's daughter, looking to topple her father's criminal empire but has a very specific plan in mind and buts heads with Bruce over how to handle it
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Helena Jackson ( PJO, TV verse )
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Kirsi Tremblay ( PJO, TV verse ) – unclaimed camper of 5 years, originally from Quebec, sibling dynamic with Luke, unofficial co-counsellor of the Hermes cabin
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Livana Gold / Amaris Pan ( OUAT ) – Peter Pan's daughter with a witch from Oz, she wants a child for bloodline magic & Peter basically wanted this child because he thinks if he sacrifices a child's heart from his own bloodline it will extend his own immortality, her mother found out about Peter's plans and went to Rumpelstiltskin for help, they make a deal for a protective charm in exchange for the child's name, the charm is designed that if she's ever in danger it'll bring her to him so he's raising her in Storybrooke, she ages at the same pace as Henry thanks to the charm
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Malia Constantine ( Titans ) – bisexual british witch bitch, youngest member of the original Titans, didn't handle the group splitting up well and went a bit off the rails, now running cons to alleviate her boredom
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Maristela Carrillo ( Harry Potter ); x Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott – Slytherin Queen, knows what she wants and is not afraid to take it, stuck in the longest game of romantic chicken in the world with Blaise and Theodore
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Michelle Beaton ( Gossip Girl ); x Blair Waldorf – Catherine Beaton's daughter (with Bart Bass, he doesn't know that), goes to the Hamptons with her mom and ends up in New York, Blair enemies to lovers
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Veronica Bacall ( OUAT ) – Jessica Rabbit
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Zoe Giardi ( Glee ); x Mike Chang – Kendra (Del Monico) Giardi's eldest child, cheerio, not part of the Unholy Trinity but friends with them, interested in trying out for Glee but her mom would hate it (so she convinces her mom that she should join to make sure Uncle Will isn't having an affair), Quinn would hate it (so she convinces Quinn that not only should she join but so should the Unholy Trinity so they can keep an eye on Finchel), and Sue would hate it (so she convinces Sue that the four cheerios should be her spies), but honestly she just wants to vibe
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The Witching Hour ( Teen Wolf ) – extensive supernatural/hunter family verse, characters are still being named but currently have 16 characters cast
Originally part of the Calaveras, one man saw a young witch girl about to die in a witch burning, killed everyone who was part of it and then adopted her More defectors joined, not all related but consider themselves a family Hunt monsters, not the supernatural (would hunt Deucalion or Peter, would also hunt Kate & Gerard), take in kids whose families were lost to the supernatural world (supernatural kids whose families were killed by hunters, also hunters whose parents were killed by supernatural creatures, also kids who aren’t either but whose parents died in the crossfire) Travel wherever they’re needed but home base is in Argentina
Unnamed OUAT ocs:
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also, recent-ish plot bunnies so I don't lose them all:
Mimi Morton (Glee)
Sutton Reeves (Glee)
Tracy Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Azaria Lynn (Twilight)
Coralie "Cori" Parks (PJO)
[more to come]
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
➰ + Steve?
Yes yes here’s another big list (help I am already shipping some of these)
Abbie Hudson
Dolly and Barbie Corcoran
Betty Fabray (and the band)
Charlie Sylvester
Delilah Puckerman
Demi July
Gilbert Hummel
Hadley Roth <3
Hillary Holliday
Jeremy St. James
Joy Schuester
June Harris
Kendall Pierce
Marilyn Pillsbury
Natalie Astor
Roxie Flores
Sadie Berry
Tegan Wright <3
Zoe Giardi
Send me ➰ + one of my ocs and I’ll tell you which of your ocs I think they’d get along with
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 4 months
➰ + Garrett?
The only valid answer would be everyone bc I need it! Also also, gonna include Ellie in this bc yes, now she has a lot of big sibs (and she deserves it) 🥺
Aurora Anderson (This also includes Ash, Roman & Knox ovb)
Abbie Hudson
Amelie Kline
Barbie Corcoran
Betty Fabray
Colton & Cece Cartwright
Charlie Sylvester
Demi July
Dolly Corcoran
Hillary Holliday
Jenny Gardner
Jeremy St James !!!
Josh St James !!!!
Joy Schuester
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Marilyn Pillsbury
Natalie Astor
Zoe Giardi
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the-witching-ash · 4 months
Crossover list, Zoe Giardi?
- Andrew Andrew Andrew 🥺
- Henry Schuester (cousins!!)
- Lorelei Zisis
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cecexwrites · 4 months
List of Maite Crossover Vibes™ that have jumped out to me (very open to others too!)
Abbie Hudson
Betty Fabray (they have the same audition song, it’s fate) & the Band
Cece Cartwright (and Colton but I feel like she and Cece would be best friends)
Christie Hummel
Demi July, obviously
Jason & Robyn Del Monico
Jeremy St James
Johanna Berry & Camilo Ayers
Joy Schuester
Mimi Morton (does Maite even go to NYADA no idea, Mimi is just fun)
Natalie Astor
Perrie Copeland
Satine Smythe (on the masterlist as Charlotte Smythe but she's been renamed/recast)
Savannah Evans
Zoe Giardi
Yes to everything. Absolutely everything
Also! Betty and Maite doing a duet of Fearless for their graduation- like the OGs did 10 different renditions of Don't Stop Believing
Maite could go to NYADA I could totally actually seeing it be a thing between her and her parents who want her to go to a 'real college' and she wants to follow her music dreams ooooh yes.
Okay yes, I need them all
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thechoir-roomhq · 3 years
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IT IS 2043....
the classes of 2041 and 2042 have both graduated and scattered across the world to chase their dreams, pursue education, and bask in adulthood...or something like that. whether they be in new york, chicago, columbus, lima, l.a, or even overseas, it seems that good times, juicy drama, and adversity still follow them wherever they go. now weaning away from the “glory days” these lima losers at heart are facing problems familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, heartbreak, long distance, working, studying, and finding time to partake in the college party scene all at once.
spring break of 2043 was epic, but like all good things, it’s come to an end. class will be back in session come monday, jobs will be returned to, and life will pick back up to it’s repetitive and tedious nature. luckily, the end of the semester is close at hand, and hopefully they’ll find some relief in returning home for at least part of the summer...
below the cut are results from our member surveys about what happened in the past two years. this info exists for world building, headcanons, or to put a cherry on top of those character bios! please make sure to post your updated bios by thursday, 3/18 at 11:59pm EST.
on that note...read more! take a look at the yearbook and get acquainted with the past as we prepare to jump into the future!
ACTIVITIES (2041-2042)
Senior Class President: Joey Hummel-Anderson
Vice President: Jaz Evans
Football Captain: Rocky Remington
Titus the Titan Mascot: Julien Schuester
Cheerios Captain: Ivy St.James
JV Cheerios Captain: Samuel Chang
Science Club President: Noah Puckerman
New Directions Co-Captains: Jaz Evans, Julien Schuester
Vocal Adrenaline Captain: Kenna Giardi
please check the headcanons server to see which roles have been claimed in these productions.
Summer Talent Show Fundraiser for the New Directions (2041)
Hairspray (Lima Players Fall Production, 2041)
Sweeney Todd (Lima Players Winter Production, 2041)
Heathers (Lima Players Spring Production, 2042)
2nd Annual Lima Talent Show (Summer, 2042)
The New Directions won the 2041 National Show Choir Championship with a setlist of Northern Downpour (Ivy St.James, Julien Schuester), Perfect Places (Troubletones, 3 features available), and Life in A Northern Town, (5 features available)
Vocal Adrenaline placed second, and the Warblers placed third.
In the 2042 Season, the New Directions took home a second 1st Place Nationals Trophy, ushering in a new era of never before seen success.
Homecoming Queen: Ivy St.James
Prom King: Joey Hummel-Anderson
Kenna Giardi and Heidi Anderson competed for Girl of the Year.
Austin Nelson and Winnie Clarington-Smythe welcomed a daughter, Caroline Brooke Nelson, into the world in the Fall of 2041. Her Godparents are Zoe Puckerman and Rocky Remington.
Candy Motta moved to LA and has not really been in contact with anybody
Samuel Chang was offered a record deal with Columbia Records.
Rocky Remington was set to go to North Western in the fall of 2042, but after being contacted by his mother after years of radio silence, he impulsively changed his plan. He has been off the grid and exploring in South America with her, rebuilding their relationship. He hasn’t been in touch with anyone in Lima in the past year.
if you would like to claim something for your character that hasn’t been listed above, please contact an admin and post in the hc channel on discord.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
WBW for Zoe
full name: Zoe Abigail Giardi
gender: female
sexuality: bi
pronouns: she/her
family: Kendra Giardi (mother), Phil Giardi (father), Kyle & Max & Josh Giardi (brothers), Terri Del Monico (aunt), Will Schuester (uncle)
birthplace: Lima Memorial Hospital, Lima, Ohio
job: student, cheerleader, tutor, retail worker at either Bath & Body Works or American Eagle
phobias: snakes, needles, mice
guilty pleasures: glee club, boy bands
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Zoe x Mike
ot3: TBD
brotp: TBD
notp: Zoe x Rachel
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
💙 + Zoe
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
Ok nothing Specfic but thoughts on more possible platonic/besties glee crossovers?
(Probably missed some + very open to others but in the name of vibes) (+ for all three of these lists, almost any non-related & sexuality compatible options could also have romantic potential but I didn’t want to leave them out)
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Charlie Sylvester
* Christie Hummel
* Daphne Carter
* Gabriella Wright
* Gilbert Hummel
* Jaci Jones
* Jason & Robyn Del Monico
* Larisa Bowman (she’s Demi’s canon best friend so 🥺)
* Lilibeth Anderson
* May Taylor & June Harris
* Melody Naccarelli
* Betty Fabray
* Jaci Jones
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Bobby Seurat & Savannah Evans & Valeria Ramírez
* Carla Vasquez
* Cece & Colton Cartwright
* Christie Hummel
* Demi July
* Gabriella Wright
* Jeremy St James
* Josie St James
* Mimi Morton
* Sutton Reeves
* Betty Fabray
* Jaci Jones
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Savannah Evans
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Betty Fabray
* Jaci Jones
* Johanna Berry
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Savannah Evans
* Abbie Hudson (+ the dance squad)
* Barbie Corcoran (enemies to friends?)
* Cece Cartwright
* Delilah Puckerman
* Hillary Holliday
* Jaci Jones
* Josie St James
* Satine Smythe
* Jaci Jones
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Abbie Hudson
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Betty Fabray & Mac Hudson
* Carla Vasquez
* Charlie Sylvester
* Christie Hummel
* Gabriella Wright
* Jaci Jones
* Jeremy St James
* Josie St James
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Melody Naccarelli
* Robyn & Jason Del Monico
* Tegan [ last name ]
* Zoe Giardi
* Carla Vasquez
* Demi July
* Dolly Corcoran
* Mimi Morton
* Josie St James
* Jaci Jones
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
Post-Countdown To-Do List
gotta keep track gotta keep track
1 – finish current round of pinterest boards
Margaret Fox
London Carter
Hillary Holliday
Lily May
Lilibeth Anderson
2 – Plan next round of pinterest boards
Lucas Gilmore
Spencer Hargrove
Maristela Carrillo
Bellona Plinth
Mina Ambrosia
3 – Finish summaries / intro batch
Olivia Olsen
Piper Gordon
Corvina Karkaroff
Dulcinea Ollivander
4 – Create intro moodboards
Margaret Fox
London Carter
Hillary Holliday
Lilibeth Anderson
Coco Bates
5 – Finalize / make next intro batch
Callisto Plinth
Eva Nightborn
Margot Kline
Mirella Gold
Spencer Hargrove
Waverly Coin
Willow Abernathy
Estella Tyler
Nineve Weasley
Aurélia Agreste
Zoe Giardi
Myra Frollo
6 – Other projects
Post new oc list
Lily May poster
Finish Alchemical edit series
Finish 1989 edit series
Fill kinktober prompts
Fruitcake edit series?
Snow Angel edit series
The Good Witch edit series
Charlie's birthday gifts
Plan birthday giveaway
Guts edit series
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
She’s just vibes at this point but crossovers for new baby Rosalia? 🥺
I'm sure more vibes will come but so far Zoe Giardi because Rosalia went to Zoe's school of "I'll just say that I'm going to spy so y'all leave me alone about joining glee" 🥺
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
Crossover List: Zoe Giardi?
Putting her on Steve’s list reminded me I didn’t answer this
Ashton Daniels (Idk this seems like a vibe)
Steve Schuester (Cousins cousins cousins)
Xavier Carver (Xavier just wants to flirt with all cheerleaders idk)
Felicity Moore (I feel like they’d be sweet together idk)
Karina Jimenez (Again just vibes, maybe shipping)
CJ Kelly (He’d think she’s cool)
Leonard Sparrow (He’d be very sweet and love her)
Beatrice Hudson (Also a vibe I feel like they’d be good)
Christina Pierce (Friends? Girlfriends? Who knows)
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 4 months
Crossover List: Nate?
Lmao can I just say everyone? It's way faster! 🥺💚
Aurora Anderson ofc my babies
Abbie Hudson
Adelia Kline (vibes vibes vibes)
Amelie Kline
Ash Astor & Roman Kline (I just want Aurora's family and Nate's family to merge together okay?)
Barbie Corcoran
Betty Fabray (& Mac, Claude and Tommy as well)
Camilo Ayers
Cece Cartwright (we definitely need to talk more about them)
Charlie Sylvester
Christie Hummel (the potential of these two)
Cole Manning
Colton Cartwright ovb
Daphne Carter
Delilah Puckerman
Demi July
Dolly Corcoran
Faye Anderson
Haruki Knox
Hillary Holliday ofc
Holden Pierre
Jeremy St James
Jo Berry
Josh St James (Just want these two to interact pls)
Josie St James
Joy Schuester
June Harris & May Taylor
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Mandy Abrams
Marilyn Pillsbury
Roxie Flores
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Zoe Giardi
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
Crossover List for Kipp Hudson?
Betty Fabray ( & Mac & Tommy & Claude )
Cece & Colton Cartwright
Charlie Sylvester
Christie Hummel
Jason & Robyn Del Monico
Jeremy St James
Johanna Berry
Joy Schuester
Kendall Pierce
Natalie Astor
Roxie Flores
Sav & Val & Bobby
Zoe Giardi
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
hey besties we all know I have no chill and I'm not even halfway done my current pinterest list so my muses could be somewhere else entirely by the time I start another batch but still
in my next batch of pinterests:
Zoe Giardi or Josie St James ( Glee )
Calleigh Sheridan or Mirella Gold or Odelia Kowroski ( OUAT )
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
Crossover List, Steve Schuester and Carrie Ryan
Abbie Hudson
Betty Fabray
Charlie Sylvester
Joy Schuester
Robyn & Jason Del Monico
Savannah Evans
Zoe Giardi
the only one I can think of is her half sister Demi
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