queenofthedramedies · 6 years
Mystic Falls: Homecoming Ch. 17
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Hello, my lovely readers. So, we're still a little off schedule but the good news is that we get to see five of the six Original siblings! Yay! On with the show…
Chapter 17: Deal with the Devil
New York felt hot. Jacob strode down a long alleyway—the body of his latest victim—lying beside a gray wall. He moved swiftly. There was work to be done, and no time like the present. His pace slowed only when he stood at the entrance of a brownstone. Nothing about it would tell you that two of history's most heinous killers resided there.
Smiling, Jacob ran up the steps and he began to whistle as he hit the doorbell. The maid opened the door. "Hello, Mr. Salvatore. Please, allow me a moment to inform them you're here," she said with a smile.
Jacob rocked on his heels, his ears perked to the sound of a teenage boy moaning about the public school system, and how private school was no better. Another voice joined the boy's. "Theo, we have tried everything in this town. You must settle on one, or the other."
"They're all lame, mom!" Theo Gerard's voice echoed down to Jacob's ears.
"Stop arguing with your mother. You'll never win. Trust me; I've tried," another voice added.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Sir. He's here," the maid told them.
"Yeah. Send him in," the third voice said with a heavy sigh.
Jacob waited for the maid. She led him into the house and to the living room where the family sat, all except the girl. "Mrs. Gerard. Mr. Gerard," he greeted them.
Rebekah pursed her lips, giving Jacob a quick glance before looking at Theo. Rebekah Gerard, nee Mikaelson would appear like an ordinary young woman to anyone, except Jacob, who knew about her secret. Not so long after her marrying her beloved Marcellus, he offered her a choice—to become like him. And so she transformed herself into part wolf, like her beloved. Now, she was a very special creature altogether.
"Go to you room, Theo," Rebekah ordered the seventeen-year-old, who stood over her. At six-feet-five, Theo did not look like the kind of boy that many people told what to do, unless, it was his parents doing the talking.
"Fine," Theo grumbled, he walked past Jacob with a nod.
Jacob grinned at them. "And I see I can still clear a room," he told them.
Marcel narrowed his eyes at him. "Get on with it, Jacob."
"Right then," Jacob said. "May I?" he waved at the couch, across from the couple.
Rebekah nodded, and Jacob sat down, throwing his arms across the back of the couch. "This is lovely. Where did you buy it?" he inquired. "Nice cushions. Are they difficult to clean blood out of?"
Rebekah let out a snort of laughter while Marcel let out a snarl. "Do you have anything useful to say this time, or do I need to dump you in an alleyway, like last time?"
"Touché," Jacob rolled his eyes. "Alright then. I have been with your little niece, Hope –" he began when Rebekah jumped in.
"How is she?" Rebekah asked, her eyes wide and a smile made her light up.
"She's lovely," Jacob told her.
"Good," Rebekah glanced at Marcel, who gave her a look. "Well then, did you two figure out how to fix us?"
"We're getting closer," Jacob told her. "We need a coven to make this work though. I'm on my way to Rio, to talk with Kol and Davina."
"You keep Davina the hell out of this," Marcel yelled at him, on his feet and in Jacob's face.
Jacob leaned away from Marcel; looking to Rebekah. "Before he bites my head off, I would like to point out that you do want you family back, yes?" he looked up at Marcel who looked to Rebekah.
Rebekah nodded. "Yes. I do. More than anything," she stated.
Marcel sighed, and stood back, moving to sit with Rebekah. She took his hand and a glimmer of a smile crossed his face before he turned to glower at Jacob. "Good," Jacob continued. "As I was saying. We need Davina, but do not fear." He offered Marcel a smile. "Hope is very powerful, on her own. And so am I. But with Davina's power, along with your sister, Freya's—and a few others—we could end any kind of curse."
"You seem pretty sure of yourself," Marcel snapped. "But I've seen things go down. Things that would make your hair stand on end. And if you put Hope, Davina, or anyone else that we love in danger, I will hunt you down."
Jacob nodded. "I'm sure that you would, if you needed to, which you will not." A smirk crossed his face and he got to his feet. "We'll be in touch."
Music throbbed in the club. People danced close together and Jacob reminded himself to bring Hope—here—when this ordeal was done. He scanned the crowd and spotted them. They danced in the middle of the floor. Their bodies were pressed together; mouths locked. Jacob could almost smell the sex.
Grinning, Jacob moved through the crowd and stopped near them, "May I?" he called and Davina looked over at Jacob, who held out a hand to her.
Kol turned on him, his lips pulled back from his teeth, fangs glinting in the blue lights that moved over them. "Kol," Davina whispered. "Give me a minute with him." She headed over to Jacob and took his hand.
Jacob winked at Kol, who gave him a death glare while Jacob moved to the music with Davina pressed to him. "Things are progressing. You'll have him back to his old self soon." Jacob promised Davina who pulled back to grin at him.
"I hope she likes you as much as I do," Davina told him, spinning back into Kol's arms.
"I'll see you two, again. Soon," Jacob called to Kol, who refused to acknowledge him. Jacob's flirty banter with Davina had caused Kol to dislike him from the get-go. That was alright with Jacob. He would have centuries to make Kol warm to him. Ending this thing with The Hollow would be a good start.
The countryside smelled divine and Jacob strode toward the vineyard. Elijah Mikaelson sat in a chair, reading a book, and drinking a glass of wine. "Bonjour, Jacob," he said, holding up a finger.
Stopping, Jacob waited for Elijah to finish the page he had been reading. He looked up with a fond smile. "How are you?"
"Well. Thank you for asking," Jacob replied. "May I?" he pointed at a chair across from Elijah.
Elijah nodded. "How is America?"
"It's been better," Jacob replied. "And worse, I suppose." He looked at the book that Elijah had set aside. "Dante's Inferno. Interesting choice. No light reading for you," he said with a chuckle.
"I believe you are not here to ask about my reading choices," Elijah said, he crossed his jeans-clad legs at the knee, steepling his fingers. "What can I help you with?"
Jacob clapped his hands on the end of the armrests of the chair. "I need help with a spell."
"I'm sorry. I do not understand," Elijah's eyebrows furrowed.
Nodding, Jacob sighed. "I thought you might not. It's to do with your family. The ten times he'd tried to arouse any kind of emotion on Elijah's part to do with his family's welfare, he'd received a flat-line. It was as if the Elijah Mikaelson, who struck fear in the hearts of others, who threatened The Original family was gone. He had been replaced with this…this piano-playing, Stepford Vampire, who did not have a care in the world. It might be amusing, if it weren't irritating as hell. Elijah was part of the plan. They could not defeat The Hollow—once and for all—without Elijah.
"It is about what was done to you," Jacob tried to explain. Again, Elijah gave him a blank look. "One day, soon, I will come back to speak with you, and you must come with me."
Elijah smiled at Jacob. "If I am not busy. I will attempt to help you. Good day, Jacob." Picking up his book, Elijah flipped a page and went back to reading. He might be the hardest part of their plan, but Jacob would reunite the family, even if he had to snap their necks and stuff them in their coffins to do it.
New Orleans teamed with tourists when Jacob arrived during a late evening. He walked through the crowds on Bourbon Street—on his way to the Mikaelson compound. When he got to the compound, he stood outside, waiting for Freya to sense him and come to the door.
It took over an hour, and Jacob wondered if Freya had forgotten about their meeting. Old age could do that to a person. Smirking, when he saw the woman heading toward him; he waved at her.
Freya attempted to smile back, but her smile seemed stiff. "Are you alright?" Jacob inquired.
Freya shook her head. "My girlfriend, Keenlin, she…" Breaking off, Freya stepped aside. "Come in," she said.
Jacob stepped through the gates and walked with Freya back to the house. "Keenlin is ill," Freya told Jacob.
"Oh, something I might help with?" Jacob inquired, pulling his shirtsleeve up.
Shaking her head, Freya looked at the ground as they walked into the home. "She has cancer."
"Oh," Jacob sighed. He knew from watching a human friend pass—years back—that there was nothing to be done. "How bad off is she?"
"She's got a month; according to her doctor. I'm trying see what I can do to make the progression slow, but the harder I work, the more pain I seem to cause her." A forced smile appeared on her lips. "We're enjoying the limited time we have left."
"I am sorry. Truly," Jacob told her, Freya nodded.
"Tea?" Freya asked him, picking up a teapot from the table.
"Yes. Thank you," Jacob watched her pour him a cup, and he took it, sipping it, trying to the think. "I'm sorry I came at this time, but we're drawing closer. I think that Hope is working on her side while I collect those we need to complete the spell."
Nodding, Freya smiled again. There was a glimmer of happiness there, overshadowed by pain. "Thank you, Jacob. For everything that you have done for this family, for whatever reasons that you have."
"You know my reasons," Jacob retorted. He knew that Freya and Klaus were the least trusting of The Originals. Not necessarily the most lethal, but the most paranoid.
"Yes. I know," Freya offered him a smile. "I've been in your head. I know how you feel for her. But if you hurt her, it will not be me you must fear, but Niklaus. His anger is something that no being would like unleashed upon them."
"Yes. I've seen Niklaus' wrath, and it put my own to great shame." Jacob was only half-joking.
"You will talk to Vincent. Convince him to help us?" Jacob asked her.
Freya shook her head. "Vincent needed no convincing. The Hollow took his wife and his child. He will do anything to end it. Once, and for all." Freya's eyes gleamed as she looked at Jacob, a small smirk twisted the edges of her lips and Jacob offered a smile in return.
"Good." Jacob got to his feet. "Thank you for the tea. I must return to Hope and see what she has accomplished. I will return for you." Freya led him to the gate, and Jacob turned to her. "See you again, soon, Aunt Freya," he added the last part with a teasing smile.
Freya smirked at him. "Do not get ahead of yourself. Hope is a willful girl. Her heart might lie with another."
"Oh, I suspect I know exactly where her heart lies, at this moment, and that is with her great love," Jacob paused. "Her family. I do hope she has room for one more." He offered Freya a smile and then walked back into the night.
Another day. Another eight hours of his life lost to the public school system. Freddy felt bored, restless and annoyed. Todd was still pissed off at him. Not like Freddy cared. They'd never really been the best of friends anyway. Freddy partied with Todd, sometimes. They hung out in different circles. Todd was a jock, and Freddy was more of the cool guy who just floated around.
Freddy walked out of the high school; feeling free. He spotted Jos and Sandy, headed across the parking lot. "Girls," he called to them, chasing after them. He threw an arm around their shoulders. "What's up?"
"Nothing," Jos said, shrugging him off.
Sandy walked along, like he wasn't there. "Where are you two lovely ladies off to?" Freddy inquired.
"We're going back to Sand's, to study. You're not invited," Jos snapped, taking Sandy's hand and walking off.
"You wound me!" Freddy shouted after them.
Freddy's shoulders slumped as he kept walking. He spotted Sam and Fanny walking a few feet to his left. "Sam! Fanny!" he shouted.
Sam stopped, shouldering his bag as Freddy approached them. "I don't have any cash on me, Freddy," Sam said.
Rolling his eyes, Freddy leaned against somebody's car. "Sam, do you think that's the only reason I hang with you?"
"Yes," Sam replied.
Sighing, Freddy shook his head. "Man. That hurt." He stood up, and looked at Fanny who held a textbook against her chest. "Okay. Well, I'm sorry I bugged you. Later."
"Freddy, why don't you come to our house, and hang out?" Sam called after him.
Stopping, Freddy began to smile. "Ya sure?" he asked Sam.
Sam nodded. "Yeah. My dad's coming to get us."
Damon pulled up in the minivan while Sam was talking. "Hey, kids," he called to them.
"Hey, dad!" Fanny called, pulling a door open and climbing inside. Sam followed her in. Freddy hung back, looking at the car, his arms folded over his chest. If he got in there, and people saw him, his popularity would take a nosedive. Oh, well. Climbing into the back, Freddy sat between Sam and Fanny. He slid down so people couldn't see him. He so needed to get his car back from the garage.
"How was school?" Damon asked them.
"Great. Fine. Boring," the three said at the same time.
Fanny looked out the window, while Sam pulled out his phone like he expected a call. Freddy watched the view from the front windshield—hoping to get out of the school's parking lot before anyone saw him.
Thankfully, they got out, without seeing anyone Freddy gave a damn about. On their way to the house, Freddy sat up, and looked at Fanny, who looked like she lost her best friend. "How're things with you and Sandy?" he asked her.
"I don't want to talk about it?" Fanny mumbled.
Damon glanced at them. "Something wrong you and the Sand-Lady?" he inquired with a smile.
Fanny shrugged.
Freddy offered up intel. "Sandy's got a girlfriend."
"Freddy," Fanny snapped, smacking his right arm.
"Ouch," Freddy groaned, rubbing his arm.
"Anyone I know?" Damon asked Freddy.
"Yeah. Jos," Freddy said, and Fanny hit again.
"Everyone is going to know soon, anyway," Freddy snapped. "Stop hitting me."
"I'll hit you if I want to," Fanny snapped back, smacking him three more times.
"Fan, we don't hit people. No, we don't hit friends. No, we don't hit people, and tell mom about it," Damon told them.
Freddy let out a laugh. "Rules to live by."
The van stopped in the driveway, and Damon got out. "So, about you and Sandy not getting along," he began when Fanny looked over Freddy's shoulder.
"Oh, come on, dad!" Fanny yelled.
Freddy spotted Sandy, Jos, Li, and Hope on the Salvatore's front porch. "Bonnie and Caroline have a thing and they wanted to have a Ladies' Day at a spa, or some crap like that. Guess who gets to keep an eye on all of you?" He pointed at himself and crossed his eyes.
"This is not fair," Fanny mumbled as she got out of the car.
"It sucks," Sam added, his mood deflating as Freddy followed him to the house.
Damon walked past them. "Hello, girls!" he called to them.
"Hi, Mr. Salvatore!" they called back.
"Ugh," Damon muttered, opening the door, and waving them inside. "You wants chips and salsa, and whatever else I can microwave, since I'm tired?"
"Sounds good," Freddy called after him.
Damon left them in the living room. Hope kept staring at Li, Jos and Sandy. Jos refused to look at Hope. Freddy suspected that something was up.
"Thought you girls were going to your place?" Freddy teased Sandy, who gave him a dirty look. "Want to take this outside?" he said, pointing toward the back of the house.
"Yes," Fanny said. She led the way.
"We're going out to the pool, dad!" Sam yelled to Damon.
"Okay!" Damon shouted back.
The group went outside, and sat beside the pool. Hope broke the silence. "Freddy, can we talk?" she asked him. He felt confused as she nodded at the house.
"Sure," Freddy got to his feet and followed Hope into the house.
Damon walked past them. "I've got food," he told them.
"We're going out to the porch; I dropped something," Hope explained.
"O-kay," Damon rolled his eyes and continued to the back of the house.
"I need your help," she told Freddy, once they were outside.
"With what?" Freddy felt so confused.
"I'm bringing my family back, and your mom might try to interfere with that." Hope sat on the porch swing and looked up at Freddy. "But you have to stop her."
Shaking his head; Freddy laughed. "Me? Stop my mom from doing anything? You're funny, Hope. Really."
"Freddy, I'm serious!" Hope cried, grabbing his arm and pulling him down next to her. "Look, your mom is like this hunter, and she's going to be upset about my plan. And she can't get in the way. She might die, Freddy."
"My mom is a professor. Not a hunter. That was my dad," Freddy replied. Getting to his feet, he started to go back inside, when Hope darted in front of him; pressing her body against the door.
"Where is your mom, Freddy?" Hope questioned him.
Freddy sighed. "She's on one of her expeditions."
"Where?" Hope demanded.
"I don't know. It's not like she tells me everywhere she's going, or that I tell her everywhere I go," Freddy sighed, moving to sit down on the swing.
Hope sat down next to him. "She's your mom. She would tell you where she went, unless she didn't want you to know what she's doing." Her words rang true. Freddy settled back into the swing.
"Okay. So, what is it that you're planning on doing that you don't want my mom messing with?" Freddy asked Hope, who shook her head.
"I can't tell you," Hope replied.
"You want me to help you, and you refuse to tell me what I'm helping you with? No deal." Freddy got to his feet.
Hope tugged him back down. "Okay," she said, turning to him, and folding her legs underneath her. "Promise me you will tell no one?"
"Yeah," Freddy said. Hope gave him a long look. "Okay. I said: Yeah? You want my blood?"
"No." Hope shook her head. "I'm bringing my family back. The Original family."
Laughing, Freddy shook his head, and then he saw that Hope was not laughing. "No, Hope. I'm not helping you with guy who ruined my dad's life." He got up, and Hope jerked him back down, again.
"Freddy, please," Hope begged, taking his hands and nearly crawling into his lap. "Please, help me, Freddy," she cried, pressing closer to him.
There was a time that Freddy would have welcomed this kind of attention from Hope, but those days were long over. "Nope," he said, shifting away from her.
"I can help you see your dad," Hope cried as Freddy stood up and started to walk into the house.
Hope's words hit him like bullets, and Freddy felt like he should check for blood. "What?" his voice came out low as he turned to look down at her.
"I can. Jacob is working on a way to see his father. If we can do it, then there's no reason that you can't see yours. They'll all be in the same place. Freddy, you can finally meet Tyler," Hope cried, getting to her feet and grabbing him by the shoulders. "Isn't that what you've wanted forever?"
Freddy gulped. He'd heard so many stories about his dad, from his mom. But to see him, to talk to him and to be able to get a hug from his old man. Looking at the sun, Freddy felt his whole world titling. "How do you need me to keep my mom out of this?"
"By any means possible. She won't hurt you, and you won't hurt her. You just have to keep her out of the fray," Hope told him.
Sighing, Freddy looked at his sneakers, and then at Hope. "I guess I can try. But if your plan doesn't work; don't blame me. You can probably blame your boyfriend, because he's an ass." Freddy opened the door and walked back into the Salvatore's house; trying to not think about this conversation. Why did he feel like he just sold his soul to the devil?
The Originals will return in Ch. 19: Homecoming: Part I and will be with us 'til the end of this story, followed by more of them in Bad Moon Rising.
Thank you for reading, liking, reblogging and following. :)
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queenofthedramedies · 6 years
Mystic Falls: Homecoming Ch. 12
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Hello, my lovely readers. It took longer to release this update due to weather and real life problems to deal with. On with the show…
Chapter 12: The Morning After
Early morning rays of sun reflected off her car's windshield and Caroline smiled as she passed by the houses of her fellow Mystic Falls' residents. She'd spent a pleasant night, at an all-night diner just outside of Mystic Falls. Klaus had been in a chipper mood after seeing Hope. They'd drunk coffee, exchanged news of events in the supernatural world, and then went for a long walk in a nearby woods. She didn't admit that she missed him and he didn't manipulate her into admitting it. It was just there.
Caroline hummed along with a song that her girls liked. "I'm perfect," she sang along. Pulling into her driveway, she didn't see anything out of place. Nothing that would give her a clue that something was wrong. Her senses did not go on alert.
Hell, Caroline was smiling when she unlocked her door. She needed a shower. Dirt still clung to her pants and light blouse which she would have to throw away anyway, thanks to Klaus. Why did he always have to rip her clothes apart? Sighing, she shook her head, a rueful smile on her face.
Tucking her hair behind her ear, Caroline's smile dropped instantly as she set her purse on the table near the door. She heard noises from upstairs. Sex noises. "Seriously!" she thought. She knew what it was like to be fifteen, her hormones racing all the time, but did they have to do it under her roof!
Sighing, Caroline sped up the stairs and down the hall. Li's and Jos's doors were wide open and no one was inside her girls' rooms. Eyes widening, Caroline turned on her heel to stare at Hope's room. You have got be kidding me! She grumbled inwardly. The girl knew she wouldn't be home for hours; so she took her boyfriend to Caroline's house. No! Just no!
Caroline stalked over to the door, and wrapped her fingers around the knob, bracing herself for the confrontation about to take place. Swinging the door open, Caroline stood, hands on her hips, and then she felt her jaw drop. "Hope!" she shouted.
Hope turned to Caroline, her cheeks flaming, and she quickly dismounted, jerking the sheets over her bare chest. "I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow!" the girl told her.
Jacob sat up. "Do you mind giving us a moment to dress?" he inquired, sliding off the bed and standing up.
Caroline's eyes widened before she spun on her heel. She never thought she would see her dead husband's son naked. Chalk that off her things: She-Never-Wanted-To-Do list. "Make it quick. I'll be in the living room where someone had better explain to me what in the hell is going on here!" she growled at the two before speeding downstairs.
Oh, Klaus would kill Caroline if he found out which was not fair since she had not authorized, or in any way encouraged, this… Whatever this was. She didn't even know that Hope and Jacob were seeing each other. She thought that Hope was with Todd. Hadn't she just found Hope's underwear in Todd's car? What happened between then and now? Jacob couldn't compel her; so he couldn't have forced the situation.
"Caroline, I am so sorry," Hope said as she came into the living room. "You were not supposed to see that. Not yet. Well, not ever, really."
"Not ever?" Jacob said, coming up behind her and placing a hand on her stomach, pulling her close to him. "You never planned on introducing me to your family?" he teased her.
Hope's mouth twisted upward, her eyes on the floor. "Jake," she murmured.
Letting out a shriek of frustration, Caroline watched Hope and Jacob wince at the sound she made. "Good. Now, that I have your attention. You," Caroline narrowed her eyes at Hope. "What are you thinking? You know what he is!" she pointed an accusatory finger at Jacob who moved to sit on her couch, pulling Hope down onto his lap and staring at Caroline with a smirk. She only glared back at him.
Hope slid off Jacob's lap and sat beside him. "Yes. I know what he is," she stated, taking his hand.
Caroline's mouth worked but no sound came out. Oh, Klaus was so going to kill this boy and she would help him. "And you're okay with his lifestyle? Didn't I teach you better than that?" she cried, waving her hands in the air.
Hope looked at Caroline and then at Jacob. "No one is perfect. Certainly not anyone that I know." Hope's gaze fell on Caroline who let out another indignant shriek.
"Can you stop making that sound?" Jacob inquired, wincing.
Flashing her fangs at him, Caroline grinned. "This better!" she demanded. "Now, get out of my house before I toss you out on your ass!" she yelled at the invader.
Jacob sighed. "I wish that I could, Caroline, but I can't." he stroked Hope's shoulder. "We've been magically sealed into your house. And the moment you walked through the door, you were, too."
Frowning, Caroline's fangs retracted and she stomped to her front door. Trying to walk outside; she let out a groan. She was all too familiar with mystical barrier spells, having fallen victim to one, thanks to Klaus, years ago. "That is just great," she grumbled, turning to glare at Jacob. "Care to tell me who did this to us?"
"Oh, you'll love this one," Jacob told her, his eyes glowing, a slow smile appearing on his face. It hurt seeing Stefan's son acting like Damon used to. She forced herself to keep staring him in the eye, although she'd like nothing better than to run away and weep. Thankfully, Stefan did not have to see what his son had become. It would tear him to pieces. "Your daughter did this to us," Jacob told Caroline.
Jacob's words hit Caroline like a vervain dart laced with wolf's venom. "What?" she spoke so quietly that she barely heard herself.
"Josette. And the Bennett-Gilbert girl. They cast a spell to keep me in here. Apparently they had some elaborate plan to "end" me as they put it. My little cousin, Fanny and the Lockwolf were in on it, too. If you don't believe me, then ask them yourself," Jacob told her with a smile. He seemed to be taking pleasure in his words as Caroline felt like he kept stabbing her with a stake.
Caroline had trained Sandy. And Fanny? She wouldn't hurt anyone. Freddy. Well, Freddy was still learning to control what he'd become. But Jos? Why? Why would she do this to her sister? The girls got along so well. Hayley and Ric never told her that they'd been fighting. Why would she lock Hope in here with Jacob? Or did Hope want to be in here with Jacob? Was it an accident?
Pulling out her phone, Caroline tried to dial Jos' number but her phone made a shrill noise in her ear. "No signal," Hope stated. "I already tried, when I got locked up with him." She patted Jacob's knee.
"Yes. We had to learn to get on," Jacob said, nuzzling Hope's neck.
A look of disgust crossed Caroline's face as she shoved her useless phone back into her pants' pocket and sighed. "Did Jos lock you in here on purpose?" she asked Hope.
Hope shrugged. "I have no idea," she told Caroline.
Jacob smirked at her. Caroline glared at him. "Why don't you just siphon the magic and let us out of here. You obviously got what you wanted," Caroline snapped at Jacob.
Shaking his head, Jacob looked at the window. "I would but there is something here, some kind of magical talisman or candle, or some such that keeps producing power. It's quite strong and rather delicious," Jacob told them. "I can't seem to get enough of it and it just keeps giving me more and more power."
"Hope, can't you break the barrier using your own magic?" Caroline asked the girl.
Hope looked at Jacob. "I don't know," she said.
Sighing, Caroline rubbed her eyelids. She felt wary. "Okay. I'm going to go take a quick shower. Please, do not have sex on my new sofa."
"No promises," Jacob called after her.
Caroline walked upstairs and locked her door. Crossing to the shower, she turned it on before sitting on the edge of the tub, tears beginning to run down her cheeks. She hadn't allowed herself to think about Stefan in over a year. Now his son was stuck in her living room. It brought back a mixture of feelings and stung. She'd learned to live without Stefan. It's not like they would have had a long life together. He was human and she wasn't nor did she want to be.
And there was Klaus. Klaus' promise to be here last. She knew he meant it. She wanted him to mean it, because no matter what she said or did, Klaus Mikaelson was the eternal creature who she wanted to end her days with. He scared her. But he also challenged in her ways that no else did. He knew her better than anyone else. He saw her, even when she didn't see herself. And his daughter changed him. Caroline saw his humanity, although she'd heard rumors that he'd done things since losing Hope, again, that made her frown. She knew that he'd never be an angel but she could live with that. She had begun to accept him, all of him.
Stepping into the shower, Caroline cleaned up and then stepped out to find some clothes. She heard voices from downstairs. Hope and Jacob chanting in French. Their voices mixed together, becoming louder and then Hope's groan of displeasure.
Pulling on a pair of jeans and a tank top, with a light sweater over it, Caroline sped out of the bedroom and downstairs. Hope and Jacob sat on the floor, still holding hands but Hope's head laid on Jacob's chest. When Hope lifted her head, she had a trickle of blood running down her chin. Her eyes were glazed as her head fell backward.
Jacob caught Hope, standing up with her in his arms. He carried Hope to the sofa while Caroline went to the kitchen. She wet a cloth and came back as Jacob held out a hand. "Thank you," he muttered, his eyes back on Hope as he gently cleaned her face.
Hope's eyes closed and then opened. "It's too much," she told them.
Nodding, Jacob pulled her back to his chest. "It's alright, love. We'll try again later," he said, stroking her hair.
Caroline watched them. Something about this scene felt familiar. She watched Hope press her head into Jacob's shoulder, her breathing becoming more rhythmic as she fell asleep in his arms. "What is it that you want, Jacob?" Caroline asked, leaning against a wall, ten feet from Jacob.
His eyes hit her and Caroline gulped. They were the same shade of green as his father's. "I want my father," Jacob said simply. Then he turned his head, lying down on the couch, curling his body into Hope's and closing his eyes.
Again, Caroline felt like the wind was knocked out of her. His father? He wanted his father? How the hell did he think he would make that happen when Stefan had passed over? Slinking to the floor, Caroline felt very small as she watched Jacob and Hope sleep. How the hell would she deal with this new turn of events?
Warm. She felt warm and more comfortable than she'd ever been in her fifteen years of life; like she was wrapped in a protective cocoon. Maybe she would wake up to find she'd become a butterfly. Probably not. That kind of thing only happened in the fairy tales that Caroline used to tell them, during Story Time, when they were really little and going to the boarding school.
Sandy turned over and snuggled her nose into Jos's collarbone. "Good morning," she mumbled.
"Mornin,'" Jos mumbled back, her lips clumsily searching, moving over Sandy's cheekbone until they found her lips.
Smiling, Sandy kissed her girlfriend. Wow! Girlfriend! She had begun to suspect that she would not be saying that word until college. Or grad school; given her luck. "Hi," she murmured, when they parted. Opening her eyes, she looked into Jos' hazel ones and saw Jos' smile. Her stomach flipped.
"Hi," Jos said, rubbing Sandy's lower back. "Did you sleep well?"
"Like a baby. You?" Sandy inquired, playing with Jos's long blonde locks, wrapping Jos' hair around one of her fingers.
"I slept the sleep of people who are really, really happy," Jos replied, nuzzling her nose.
"You are?" Sandy asked Jos,' feeling a prick of insecurity. She half-expected Jos to tell her that this was all some kind of practical joke and to point out a camera.
"Yeah." Jos kissed the tip of her nose. "Really, really, really happy," she said, rolling on top of Sandy and kissing her on the lips.
Sandy groaned, moving her left leg around Jos's waist while Jos ran her fingers under her shirt. "I am really, really, really happy, too," she gasped between heated kisses.
After a moment, Sandy stopped Jos's hand which she placed on Sandy's stomach and had begun to push under the waistband of her underwear. "Wait, Jos." Sandy felt her eyes widen. "I'm… I…"
"You?" Jos replied, sitting up and looking down at Sandy.
Sandy sat up and took Jos' hand. She kissed the back of it, seeing Jos smile and smiling back before she looked at the rumpled blankets. "I've never… you know."
"Neither have I," Jos said, moving to kiss her.
Sandy placed her hands on Jos' shoulders. "No, I mean I've never been with…anyone."
Jos sat back and gave her a long look. "And you think I have? Do you have me mistaken for Li? Or do you just think that all the girls in my family are like that?" Folding her arms over her chest, Jos gave Sandy a stony look.
Feeling exasperated, Sandy grabbed Jos' hand, holding it and moving it to her lap. "I didn't mean it like that. I just thought that maybe you'd had sex. With a guy. At some point…" Trailing off, Sandy felt stupid.
Jos' eyes softened. "No. I haven't," she replied, squeezing Sandy's hand. "So it looks like we have a room full of virgins."
"Where?" Sandy looked around with a grin.
Jos shook her head. "Over here, girlie," she cried, pulling Sandy on top of her and kissing her passionately.
"Oh. There you are," Sandy said, running a finger over Jos' lips.
Jos took her finger and kissed it lightly. "I think maybe we should take things slowly. Like really, really, really slowly. And when we're ready. Then we're ready and we'll take that slowly, too," Sandy watched Jos' eyes search her own and she smiled. "And we'll do a lot of this," Jos said, rolling on top of her and kissing her lips.
"Lots and lots of this," Sandy whispered, kissing Jos back, tugging the blankets over them and kissing her.
A knock on the door made them stop. Then Sandy heard the door open. "Hey, are you up?" Freddy's voice called. "I've got my hand over my eyes. I swear."
"Give us a minute," Jos called.
The door closed and Sandy groaned. "I guess it's time to get back to our normally-scheduled-drama."
Jos sighed, giving Sandy one more, quick kiss before rolling off her. They climbed out of opposite sides of the bed. Jos tugged her pleated skirt and off-the-shoulder top over her cute, little bra.
Sandy tugged at her bottom lip, trying not to keep staring at Jos while she tugged her own jeans and light hoodie on. Jos plopped down on the bed. She opened her purse, beginning to put on lips gloss and mascara. "Do you want me to do yours?" Jos called to Sandy.
"I don't really wear makeup," Sandy replied.
Jos grinned. "I know. But you should use a little mascara. You have gorgeous eyes. I hate that you don't need lipstick. I wish my lips were this pretty rose red." She reached out and tugged Sandy down onto the bed. "Now, open your eyes for me."
"Promise not to put my eye out?" Sandy said as she opened her eyes wide for Jos. She felt the wand touch her eyelashes.
"Don't move," Jos warned Sandy who forced herself not to squirm. When Jos finished, she held out a mirror to Sandy. "See? Looks good, right?" she asked, kissing her on the cheek.
"I guess," Sandy said, picking up her glasses and putting them on.
"And we should get you a new 'scrip, you need to work on your cool factor," Jos said, tossing makeup into her bag.
Sandy frowned, sitting back, against the headboard. "What's wrong with my cool factor now?"
Jos glanced at her while pulling out a package of gum. "Nothing, baby, you just need to aspire to more."
Getting up, Sandy shook her head. "I thought you liked me."
"I do like you. Sort of," Jos said. "Juicy Fruit? Its orange." Holding out the package of gum, Jos did not seem to get that her words were getting under Sandy's skin.
"What do you mean 'sort of?'" Sandy whispered, her voice low.
Jos sighed, tossing the gum back into her bag. "I mean, I like you… You know. I like this." Getting up, she walked around the bed. She grabbed Sandy's by the waist, tugging her body against her own and kissing her deeply. "And this." Jos whispered, kissing her neck and then she slid her fingers under Sandy's shirt, massaging her lower back. "And this."
Sandy moaned, relaxing into Jos' embrace and then Jos' word broke through. "Sex?" she said, pushing Jos away. "Is that all you want from me?" Her eyebrows rose as she glared at Jos.
Jos looked like Sandy had slapped her. "Oh, that is really nice, Sand! First, you accuse me of being some big slut for the boys! Then you accuse me of only being after your body! Really!" Shaking her head, Jos stepped away from Sandy heading for the door.
"Jos, wait!" Sandy cried. She moved to the door, flattening her back against it. "Look, we don't really know each other. We know that we like kissing each other and we know that we get on each other's nerves, but that's, like, it. So, let's talk. Let's get to know each other."
Jos eyed her for a moment. "Okay. As long as you don't try to accuse me of being like Li again."
"And as long as you don't try to change me," Sandy retorted, holding out a hand.
Jos took her hand, kissing the side of it and smiling. "Maybe just tiny changes. Like the glasses? Please!" she said, kissing Sandy's wrist.
"You're bad," Sandy told Jos.
Jos grinned, moving forward and flattening her to the door. "And you like it."
"Unfortunately for me," Sandy mumbled against her girlfriend's lips. Jos giggled.
"Are you two having sex, because I can come back later," Freddy called to them.
Jos let out a groan and Sandy moved out of the way. Jos ripped the door open. "Does it look like we're having sex to you?" she snapped.
Freddy dropped his head but Sandy could still see the grin on his face. Jos reached out and wacked him on the side of the head. "I'm so glad I don't have brothers," Jos grumbled, turning Freddy around and marching him down the hall.
"I do," Sandy reminded her.
"Yeah. You do," Jos said. "See, I know that about you," she cheered, kissing Sandy on the cheek.
They entered the dining room where everyone but Todd and Fanny were. "Todd's mom is cooking for us. I want to move in," Li enthused, her eyes lit up until she noted Jos and Sandy sitting down together. "Ugh! Is this," she waved a fork at them, "still a thing?"
"Yes," Sandy snapped. Jos just glared at her sister.
"Sand, can you go get Fanny?" Sam asked her through clenched teeth. His eyes were on the table cloth. "Before I murder the only son of the mayor."
"Where is the mayor?" Sandy asked the group.
"He had to leave early. Someone else is missing," Li told them.
"Who?" Jos demanded.
"Why are you asking me? We're kids, remember? No one ever tells the kids what's going on." Li fell back in her seat, taking a sip of her orange juice.
Sandy got up and went to get Fanny when Todd came into the room and grabbed her by the shoulders. "What in the hell were you thinking?" he screamed in her face, his cheeks turning bright red, a tiny vein popping out at his right temple. "Tell me!"
"Let go of her!" Jos shouted, on her feet, and trying to pry Todd off of Sandy as Todd shook her. His grip on her arms had begun to hurt.
"Todd, stop it!" Fanny shouted, coming into the room. She was crying as she tried to pry Todd off of Sandy.
"You locked her up with him! Why would you do that? Why?" Todd continued to yell at her.
"Hope can handle herself," Freddy muttered, "And from the sounds I heard last night, Jacob can handle her really well."
"What?" Todd demanded, staring at Freddy who continued to stare at the table top.
Sandy looked at Freddy. She could not believe what he just said either. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Scandalous sex," Li breathed, her eyes wide as she locked eyes with Sandy. No one in their group saw that coming.
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queenofthedramedies · 7 years
Mystic Falls: Homecoming: Ch. 1
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Hello, my lovely readers. So, this story has been a long time coming. I wrote it back in July and could not stop writing 'til I finished a draft. There are a number of OCs, who are the kids of our favorite characters and you'll have to wait to meet some of them. I hope you enjoy this. On with the show…
Prologue: Long Ago
Blonde curls bouncing as she strode to her rocking chair—at the front of the room—Caroline smiled at all the small faces that turned upward. The children smiled back at her. Their trust and excitement were clear in the glimmer of their eyes. Caroline sat down, placing the large book on her lap and leaning forward. "Is everyone ready for Story Time?" she asked the tiny children, ranging from three to six.
"Yes, Ms. Forbes!" the kids cheered.
Laughing, Caroline opened the book to begin the story for the day. "Story Time" became a tradition that Lizzie and Josie suggested—when they were little—for the other kids to enjoy. It became a tradition at the Salvatore Boarding School.
"Once upon a time," Caroline began, her eyes wide as she moved the book in a circle for the kids to "oh" and "ah" over Jeremy Gilbert's illustrations, "there was a magical kingdom called Mystic Falls."
"Like here!" a little girl named Audrey cried, her dark hair flying as she bounced around on the floor.
"Yes! Just like here," Caroline called to her student. "And in this kingdom lived a queen and a knight. And they ran an enchanted school, for special boys and girls." The kids looked as she turned the page to show Jeremy's fairy tale version of the boarding school. "There were two princesses who lived at this school, with the queen and the knight. But they were waiting for someone else to arrive."
Turning another page, Caroline showed a little girl, with red hair, arriving with her mother. "They were waiting for a third princess and a new queen. Now this queen and the queen who was already there; they did not always like each other. But the queen of Mystic Falls would do anything to protect the new princess—for her father—a friend of the queen of Mystic Falls, from a time long ago."
"And then what?" another student cried, watching her closely.
"And then the three princesses became 'fast friends,' as the king from long ago would say," Caroline chuckled. "The three little girls were inseparable. They did everything together, including magic. Well, one day the oldest little girl had an idea. She said, 'Let's make this into a frozen castle,' because it was their Winter Break, and the girls were bored."
"Unbeknownst to the queens, or the knight, the girls performed a spell which sealed the school off—so no one could enter and no one could leave," Caroline inhaled deeply for effect.
"And then what?" the children cried.
"Then they stayed in the school for seven, long years until a friend of the knight and the queen of the kingdom broke the spell. Well, that was a loooong seven years, and a lot happened," Caroline told them, flipping a page.
"Like what?" William, a child warlock, called to her.
Caroline grinned. "Like the queen from the land far, far away fell in love with the knight. It didn't happen overnight. It took five, long years, but during the fifth—the queen from this land—locked them in a room; until they confessed their feelings for each other." She turned a page to show a queen in a long, white dress and a knight in a suit; being wed by the queen of Mystic Falls. "And the first queen married the queen from far, far away to the knight and the three princesses became a family."
"Yay!" the kids cried.
"And then what?" William asked, scratching his left elbow.
"And then they left the kingdom, after the spell was lifted, to be reunited with their friends," Caroline told them. "But…"
"What?" the kids yelled at her.
"But the queens, the knight, and princesses did not realize that they had been gone for MORE than a day," Caroline cried, her eyes wide, a smile on her face. "So they were shocked to find that the world they knew and had been gone from for these long, seven years had changed. The queen from here and the knight's friends now had children who were their children's age!"
"Wow!" the kids looked astonished.
"And today, we are celebrating, because two of the princesses are to leave us again, to rejoin the kingdom!" Caroline waved her hands at the doors like she, too, could perform magic and the doors opened.
Two teenage girls walked into the room, in a pair of ball gowns. The brunette wore a green gown. The blonde were a pink one. They smiled at the children, coming down the middle of the room. "And they have a special surprise for you!" Caroline told the kids.
Another brunette haired girl walked into the room, wearing a long, red gown. She smiled at the children before she raised her hands and the other girls did the same. Snow began to rain from the ceiling and Caroline lifted her face to smile as the snow touched her cheeks and nose. The kids got up and began to laugh and dance around in the flakes.
"Say good-bye to Princesses Elizabeth, Princess Josette and Princess Hope!" Caroline told the children who waved at them frantically as Hope held out her hands to Li and Jos. The three left the room while Caroline wiped away tears, she would miss her girls, but it was time for them to join the rest of Mystic Falls, and that would start with high school.
"How was it?" Bonnie asked, sitting down across from Caroline, with a cup of coffee.
"The part where the girls almost ditched me today, or reading the watered-down version of our-frozen-in-time-spell-hell?" Caroline asked, wryly, sipping her own cup of coffee.
"It wasn't that bad," Hayley cried, glancing at Caroline from her seat opposite Caroline's.
Elena began to laugh, but stopped at Caroline's dark look. "Sorry. Damon's having a hard time babysitting Sandy and the boys. Look at what they did to him!" she cried, showing the group a pic of Damon's rolling his eyes while wiping blueberry pie off of his face.
Bonnie sighed. "I knew he wouldn't be able to handle them on his own," she said, grabbing her purse. "Let's go, Lena."
"Wait!" Caroline cried.
"What?" Bonnie glanced back at Caroline. "Look, I want to go collect my kids, before Damon goes nuclear."
"It's your turn to pay for the drinks," Caroline reminded Bonnie. This had been their tradition, every week, since Caroline, Ric and Hayley returned from their isolation.
Bonnie eyed Caroline. "Why don't you compel the waiter?"
"Because, I'm trying to set a good example for the kids. And using compulsion for minor things—like paying a bill for coffee—is violating those rules," Caroline informed Bonnie with a smile.
Hayley rolled her eyes. The waiter came over to them and Hayley placed her hand lightly on his wrist. "We already paid," she told him.
Caroline's eyes rounded. "Hayley!"
"They overcharge and my drink was supposed to have been a double-shot of espresso. I only got a one-shot," Hayley retorted, getting up and pushing her chair in.
Sighing, Caroline got to her feet. "I'll see you later," she called to Elena and Bonnie. "Tell Jeremy that we're having a meeting this weekend, and to not be late, again."
"I will," Bonnie called back, already on her way to save Damon from the clutches of his kids, Samuel and Stefanie, and her kids Sandra, J. J. and Robert. Just the thoughts of trying to handle two fifteen-year-olds, a fourteen-year-old, a thirteen-year-old and a ten-year-old as a human made Caroline shiver.
"So, I was thinking about throwing a party for Li and Jos; before they go to the high school this fall," Hayley was saying as they walked through the town's square.
"I think that our daughters do enough partying? Don't you?" Caroline questioned Hayley, her eyes on the town's folk who smiled at them and then began to whisper like she couldn't hear them talking about her and Hayley.
"I know Ric thinks so, but don't you think it's better that we're the ones supervising whatever they're doing?" Hayley pointed out.
Caroline thought about that. "That's true. I guess we could have one at my place."
"Why your place? Our place is bigger," Hayley retorted.
"This is just like all those years in the Boarding School," Caroline complained.
Hayley turned to glare at Caroline and then she let out a laugh. "Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry. We'll use your place. But next time, it's going to be at ours."
"Fine," Caroline conceded. "I'll see you later." She hugged Hayley before they split off, going in different directions.
On her way home, Caroline stopped at a street corner as her phone beeped with a message. "You have a new alert!" her phone chirped at her.
Caroline opened her alerts, and frowned; her eyes widened.
Two more bodies have been found near Mystic Falls, the headline read. Caroline had been working on this story just before she decided to take a two-week vacation. The murders had begun in Richmond; now they had traveled eastward. It left Caroline with a sense of déjà vu, and not in a good way. No known suspects. Just victims who were drained of blood.
It was beginning, again, and Caroline hurried home to her girls. She would have to warn the others, but today she wanted to tell them about the party. Today, they had a right to cling to the façade of a normal, happy life, right before it was ripped away from them.
I hope all of you have a Happy New Year's!
So, let me know what you think and I hope you look forward to more and meeting some of the new cast members in Chapter 1.
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
Through His Eyes: Ch. 13
Hello, my lovely readers. This is our last chapter in Seattle. On with the show…
Chapter 13: Sleepless in Seattle: Part II
Lying on her side, the next morning, Freya Mikaelson felt an odd sense of peace. She never thought she could feel this kind of calm. Lying next to Stefan Salvatore—ignoring his temporarily residing inside the body of her little brother—Freya still felt…happy. It was a pleasurable feeling, but also one that left Freya feeling misgivings.
Freya slid off the side of the bed. She had things to do. They both did. Finding answers about the Gemini. Pleasant work, she thought with a familiar air of sarcasm. This she understood, her complicated feelings for Mr. Salvatore, she did not and preferred not to dwell on them for the time being.
"Freya?" Stefan's voice was gruff with sleep. Glancing over her shoulder, Freya blinked, thinking she could still see Stefan's real face before the vision faded and Klaus' features took its place. Stefan ran a hand over Klaus' scruff. "Good morning." He offered Freya a smile that was so un-Klaus-like that it made Freya shiver.
"Good morning," Freya said, cupping her elbows and forcing a smile.
Sitting up straighter, Stefan seemed to note her change in mood; her attempt to distance herself from the intimacy of the night before. "Are you okay? Is this about last night?" Pushing off the side of the bed, Stefan approached Freya who steeled herself and did not take an instinctive step backwards.
"I'm fine. Just readying myself for the meeting with Gemini." This was partially true. Freya gave Stefan another tight smile before she turned sideways and motioned toward the door with a wave of her hand. "I really should be getting ready."
Stefan shoved his hands into the pockets of Klaus' pants and nodded. "Right. Well. Did you want me to come to get you? Or were you coming back? Before we go." His words became sharp, little fragments and his eyes were barely able to hold her gaze.
Inhaling, Freya said, "I'll come to you."
"Right. Okay. See you then," Stefan gave a quick nod before turning away to look out the window.
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