#tw cyberpsychosis
cybersoldier82 · 2 years
Ok so I’m back on my cyberpunk vore bs and I just thought of smth…
You know abt cyberpsychosus yeh? For those who don’t it’s basically where you have too many implants and your brain can’t handle it and you go insane, literally. Well what if a prey is taking meds to stave off said psychosis and they’re at their friends place but they forgot their meds and they’re basically on the verge of going cyberpsycho, we’re talking full mental breakdown the works, but then they’re friend comes in, noms em, and it calms them down, granted it doesn’t outright cure it but it holds it off long enough for the pred buddy to get to the preys place so they can take their meds to and keep it at bay properly. And of course the pred basically offers to help them with keeping track of their meds after this so it doesn’t happen again, but for the remainder of the day the prey chills out on the preds tum and they just snuggle and chill for a while.
Kinda messy but I thought this was really cute^^
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zonkedz · 1 year
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Didn’t feel a thing.
Effects of Cyberpsychosis
Cyberpsychosis is not necessarily always violent. Not all "cyberpsychos" are violent. However, a number of cases, particularly those who have already manifested psycho-pathological or sociopathic tendencies, will find those tendencies magnified to a dangerous extent. Specifically, their view of others as things to be used or harmed without thought or empathy increases dramatically.
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skeletonfumes · 2 years
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022)
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welcometosector1 · 1 year
𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜: 𝙿𝚝.𝟻
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tw: kidnapping.
11:00 pm.
Seonghwa had let himself down the vent, trusting himself in the knots he tied on some pipes on the roof. His holo was dimly lit as he listened to Yeosang direct him towards the part of the vent that wouldn’t be seen by the cameras in the room – though, it’s not like Yeosang wouldn’t shut the cameras down for him to nab the implant anyway. Yeosang was directing him, the only thing yeosang saying to the older man being “left”, “right”, and the occasional “stop’. Other than that – radio silence.
As he crawled around in this small metal maze, and finally made it to the room; he arrived a minute earlier than expected, so he continued to where the guards were about to go on break, watching their mannerisms, watching how they act and how they interact; Seonghwa was able to decipher how they would act if they were to find him. Hwa was confident that these two knuckleheads would act first think later – that is, if they were capable of thought. BioBastion Inc., behind the scenes, was given under-the-table funding from their government for military research and implant development. This research and development included everything under the sun; human testing, torture, and even going as far as to change genetic makeups to create compumania, which was a kind of cyberpsychosis.
Compumania is a more developed, parasitic form of cyberpsychosis, creating a whole new person through the use of implants. When someone replaces their entire body – no organic matter – with cybernetic implants, it rips them into bits and feeds off of what they used to be. While it is still a dissociative disorder, it also affects their physical.
Seonghwa had been caught up in watching the two before he realized it was a minute off from their break, so he slid backwards in the vent, happy he was flexible enough to get back to his original position. He watched how the guards checked the lock when they went back to their position at the door and he looked around, noting how silent the room was. Seonghwa was thankful he had an infrared scanner built into his holo, just in case – Yunho truly thinks of everything.
His H.U.D read 11:10 pm, and as he expected, he was able to get down with no trouble. He got the signal from Yeosang that all the cameras would be off for two minutes before their systems caught it – kind of pathetic coming from a multimillion-dollar company. Yeosang was just that good.
“Two minutes.” Yeosang said through the holo.
Seonghwa skillfully removed the cover without making a sound and was able to drop down, expecting the room to be empty.
It wasn’t.
Where the schematics said there was going to be a pedestal, but instead, there was a procedure chair that had a body on it. A frail, small body. The body of a young girl (around 3 years old) in a hospital gown. Near her comatose body, he saw notes from what he was assuming would be the head researcher and doctors. She had the implant already attached. Judging by the notes, she was completely artificial, except the rosy fake skin that covered all the mechanical parts they built her out of.
Usually, something like this would go back to Hongjoong, but he was unreachable. Then the command would go to Seonghwa. “What do I do…?”
Fuck, they needed this implant.
This was the only time Seonghwa spoke to Yeosang. “The implant is in the girl.” Because of the time constraint, he panicked.
“Your choice, Hwa, but if we don’t get this implant, it sets us back 6 months.”
“One minute, by the way.”
After looking over the notes and the girl, he made his decision. From what he could tell (again, thank you Yunho (who would ever think of something like this?)), she had no tracker in her. Seonghwa stuffed all the notes he could find into a discarded document envelope and picked up the girl – she was as light as a feather; must be some sort of magnesium alloy.
“Thirty seconds, Hwa. You need to get out,” Yeosang said through the holo, his tone getting more and more worried each second. And so, he did. Seonghwa managed to keep her from falling off his back as he jumped, lifting the two of them through the vents again. He had to scale up through the vents again, and he had to do it silently, while staying as flat as he could so he didn't do any harm to the little one on his back. She couldn't be more than three years old.
'Fuck. Shit. Ass.' He mentally cursed with every movement, and he hurried himself up with the countdown that was ringing in his holo. He managed to get to the rope he had to climb up, and he brought the baby in front of him as best as he could, grabbing it before he climbed up it, using his long legs to shuffle him up.
'Fuck. I'm gonna have Yeosang's head after this.'
At the last moment, Seonghwa pulled the two up and out, panting heavily as he scurried to his feet. "I got the implant. And a little extra. I'm gonna need help with the extraction." Seonghwa had murmured into his holo, looking over the toddler. He saw a marking at the side of her neck.
New runners?: @beastfights-starting (🐉) @k-venturetime (👑) @thepatchedpaw (🔮) @redlight-cb (🚨) @mxthxbot (🌊) @kingdom-of-dicentra (🐺) @evicted-oc @teyvatcb @theonesxcb @mutant-academy @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @kim-theo-oc @k-half-blood @namiras-rose-tattoos @ocmyths @your-au-boys @yourocboys @ateezmystery @lucky-charmsanhwa @enhanced-cb @onlyomega-cb @welcome-to-maniac @domxbot @reve-rv @coffeexdreamcb @cafe-bot @divineblood-cb @silcntxnight @actorxhyunjin @weeb-wonwoo @hybridclub @thegoodplace-oc @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @fantasyxkingdoms @theinvitation-bot @yanderexcb @oc-honeys @dawnswonderland-entertainment @livealittleoc-cb @hleee @yuto-on-the-go @k-dislyte @chnchoi @league-of-assassins @screamcb @3rachabot @kq-rescuecenter @camboys-com
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medtech-mara · 11 months
10, 12, 24, and 30 for Mara? <3
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List for questions can be found >here< pls ask me more, or rb so i can ask you some ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃
TW death.
10. Does Mara have any regrets?
I'm going to be completely honest here, and it gives me a pit in my stomach. The answer can easily be answered with Yes, but at the same time its more complicated.
I'll explain a bit, Mara suffers from Cyberpsychosis, though she's not totally out of control, she exhibits classic signs. One, of those is permeant. I took it upon myself to add this characteristic for her as her only way coping with everything thats happen. No amount of therapy will ever scrub from her. mechanically speaking, she could just go to therapy and if she gained enough humanity back, she would then lose that characteristic.
Mara's traits are the following currently:
Impusle control
Poor behavior control
Cunning and Manipulative
Failure to Accept responsibility
The last one was determined the last time she had dropped to 1 humanity point from full cyberpsychosis, one of those i rolled to see which one would be the perma trait..... So...(IF I had lost 1 more point... I would have had to turn her over to the DM, I no longer get to play her til she gains more humanity.)
Thats where it gets complicated.
God, I feel like I have so much to include here so I'll totally understand if you never ask me a question ever again. xD
If you were to ask ME what I want her to feel regret about its for Jack's death, after all it was her fault. If she had been open and honest with him before she left for the city center gig, he might have been saved from being mauled by one of Biotechnica's experiments. She knew in the pit of her stomach that Jack was up to something, but was too busy trying to remove the kill switch to do anything about it.
If you want to know what she regrets, its a few things:
Not going half on that Sig frame Jago wanted the night before he was beheaded.
Not reaching out and grabbing Jago to keep him from pissing off Tetsuo Okada.
Putting her fear aside and taking her chance with Jack Adams .
12. Does Mara have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer does she believe she has a sense of style?
Honestly, not really. Due to Mara being 6'2, its not easy to find clothes that fit her, so she often has to have things custom tailored for her. Which works great, because she gets the help she needs.
24. Does Mara have any Enemies?
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She has no shortage of those... Some I don't even think I can name, because I just don't know them yet. Those I can name:
Tetsuo Okada, one of Wakako's sons, reasons for Night Raid putting him in the hospital for killing Jago.
Another one of Wakako's sons.. For J I H Z Z Y publically humiliating him and shaking him down for the repairs and solving their maelstrom turf war on livestream. I was too drunk over J I H Z Z Y being a bad ass to remember his name, im gonna be real.
Voodoo Boys, for stealing a black box containing unknown program, could have been the A.I that infected NIGHT RAID with the killswitch. Also killing Brigitte second in command, just as equally formidable as Placid. Also the violence between the two is starting to ramp up again. Due to hearing Panthera's interview with Genesis Vijun they've decided to leave a calling card on Mara's clinic door.
Saul Herrera- Valentino Fixer- While, if you ask Saul, he'd tell you she's just a borg'd brain bitch who needs to downgrade, and probably regrets ever contributing to her upgrades. He'd say it started when Desiree "Token" Yang had asked her told flame to help with a prank NIGHT RAID wanted to pull on a sleeping Panthera in the back of the crews car. He agree'd went with one of his chooms, pulled out his piece and tapped on the window of the car to wake Mara, he was to act like he was robbing her.
What NIGHT RAID didn't expect, Mara's reaction to be woken up with a gun in her face. Pulling the lever to get out of the car, Mara slid quickly back and kicked the door as hard as she could, causing the two valentinos to fly back, then Mara pulled her gun out and was about to paint the pavement when Saul's choom grabbed her by her hair pulling her off, kicking, screaming, and determined to go down fighting, Mara hissed clawing at the mans hand warning him if he didn't let her go she was going to rip his throat out with her teeth. Thats when NIGHT RAID stepped in and was like "Its just a prank, bro"
However, you ask Mara, she'll tell you the disrespect he's shown her every single time they met before the prank happened.
30. If Mara had the chance to be famous would she take it? If She is famous would she rather she weren't?
As it stands, Mara is famous. NIGHT RAID is on everyones lips currently. She's easily recognizable by anyone. Frankly, she wishes she wasn't.
It wouldn't matter if NIGHT RAID had stayed under the radar or not, she's married famous South African Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y, who has been making waves in the club scene from JAPANTOWN to Wellsprings, you'll hear his new single.
Though thankfully, Mara brings a threatening energy that most dont wanna fuck with, so they don't really approach her much.
I'm so sorry, Info dumped a lot, theres just so much about this campaign and so little time (and frankly peoples interest) to talk about it. I hope this doesn't prevent you from asking in the future. AND DONT JUDGE ME for giving up on linking every single person to the character key or do their respected pages. It's a lot to do. And I think you get the point by the first few times. This is probably all word vomit but its how i thrive in chaos.
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pvthfinder · 4 months
Hi. I'm pvthfinder, a virtual photographer, graphic designer, and multi-fandom blogger. 30+, she/her, queer. No minors, please.
Find me:
Bluesky: drunkbard (active, multi-fandom, personal)
Twt/X: drvnkbard (inactive, lurking)
What content you can expect to see here:
Cyberpunk 2077
Baldur's Gate 3
Final Fantasy XIV ⮡ FFXIV main is @whitherwanderer
digital photography
realspace photography
occasional original writing
personal rambling (tagged, mostly positive/neutral vibes)
other things I enjoy
Other things:
No reuploads, thanks!
I talk in the tags. A lot.
Asks and mentions welcome.
Queue is once daily. Might be as long as 30 days.
No commission work offered.
I don't use or condone gen-AI.
⚠️ OCs and tags under the cut.
Most things are tagged by subject matter, source material, or character, but rarely by TW/CW. Reach out with tag requests, but I reserve the right to decline to tag something.
For your dashboard management:
#my writing || #personal || #shitpost
🡮 OCs
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Cyberpunk 2077 → Nomad. Driver. Sniper. Busker with an old guitar. Separate story from V. Shipped with fallen corpo asset and walking cyberpsychosis risk Dugald Walker (@mamanewt's OC).
main tag || ship tag || playlist
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Cyberpunk 2077 → Corpo. Former Arasaka Risk Management. Heavy weapons and close combat specialist. Following V's story. Ship pending?
main tag || playlist
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Cyberpunk 2077 → Streetkid. Cybersec turned hacker, making deals with forces beyond the Blackwall. Musician and indie music producer. Separate story from V. Shipped with AM-3S Version H1.A, aka Amesha (also @mamanewt's OC).
main tag || playlist
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Warframe → Mesa. An ancient gunslinger newly freed from her duties as a warden, waking up to a masterless solar system and discovering her new place in it.
main tag tbd
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daisyeyes-plays · 1 year
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at judy's place
!suicide tw
done a gig where v had to forcibly take someone's cyberpsychosis medication bc he didn't have the money to buy it. took his own life on my out of the building. damn I felt bad... I thought we could refer him to regina or something...
had to come to judy's for a little pick me up
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fagdykefrank · 3 years
Hey, everybody! If you are interested in playing Cyberpunk RED, the roleplaying game, you should be aware that the game contains a mechanic called "cyberpsychosis". This mechanic is wildly ableist, on even more levels than you automatically assume. However, removing the mechanic entirely would likely break the game, as it is intended to curtail body modification and introduce a fear in the process behind it. The mechanic as presented does this extremely poorly, so I took the liberty of rewriting it, to make the game a more enjoyable experience for all players. Feel free to use this improved mechanic, which I call cyber-shutdown, described below.
In the game Cyberpunk RED, cyberpsychosis occurs when you install too many cyber-upgrades, and lose too much Humanity, which is based on your Empathy score. The gist is getting to much cyberware will cause you to lose your mind and start killing people (yikes!).
By contrast cyber-shutdown is when you get too much cyberware, which opens up your body to corporate takeover. Humanity is replaced with Security, which is your Will score multiplied by ten. Every modification decreases your Security, which makes you more vulnerable to cyber attack. Whenever a hacker or corporation tries to take control of your body, your mind, or other cyberware, they must roll a Tech check against your Security. They will role 1d10 x their Tech score, and if they roll higher than your Security, their hack is successful, and they seize control of some or all of you.
While in control of your body, the person or entity which hacked you can control any part of you that is cybernetic, while you remain in control of any human parts or biomedically engineered enhancements. Therefore, lab-grown enhancements or cosmetic surgery will not cost Security.
In order to escape cyber-shutdown, an experienced Medtech will need to make an opposing Tech check against your hackers to free you from your own body. However, you will also need to escape corporate police, who will try to eliminate you in order to cover up the cyberware attack on your body.
You could also be a victim of a ransomware attack, in which a hacker gains control of your body and puts you in cyber-shutdown in order to demand a ransom from family or friends. You will remain under the hacker's control until the random is paid or an experienced Medtech is able to free you.
Please feel free to boost this rules change, as I feel it is both more true to the spirit of the game and more inclusive of all kinds of players, who may be psychotic, lack empathy, or be otherwise disabled!
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durchlauferhitzr · 3 years
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It's better to burn out than to fade away.
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system-of-a-feather · 4 years
Cyberpunk 2077
(TW Stigma)
I looked into it because my fiance said the beginning sounded like a fat DID mood and that the main character was dissociating, so I searched it up and found this beautiful thing. (Link)
And any hope that there was that it might be a good reference went down the drain in the first to paragraphs.
Cyberpsychosis is a mental illness, specifically a dissociative disorder, caused by an overload of cybernetic augmentations to the body.
Sounds fine and cool, maybe this new disorder for the world might shed some understanding on dissociative disorders
Those afflicted with cyberpsychosis are known as cyberpsychos, those who have existing psychopathic tendencies, enhanced by cybernetics, and as a result have lost their sense of identity as a person, either to themselves or others. They come to view regular people and other living things as weak and inferior. With their enhanced physical abilities and complete disregard for life, Cyberpsychos are extremely dangerous to anyone that crosses their path. Cyberpsychosis can affect anyone modified with cybernetics eventually, but the less empathetic or psychologically unstable a person is, the more susceptible they are to it.
There is no real cure, though treatment is available (see below). The effects are cumulative. A single cyber hand probably won't push you over the edge. Replace all four limbs and both eyes though, and you'll probably start down the slippery slope to madness. Cyberpsychosis symptoms are gradual, ranging from decay of self-preservation, distancing or disregard from friends and family, and poor or impulsive outbursts or acts. They start to identify more with machines than people, and stop doing things that used to give them pleasure (eating, sleeping, socializing, sex, etc). Eventually human interactions become irritating, and then irritation morphs into contempt, and finally violence.[2]Not all cyberpsychos are physically violent. Some have fragmented personalities, some are kleptomaniacs, others are compulsive liars. But violence towards living things, especially people, is most common.
Annnnd nevermind. I’m not gonna go running around saying CANCEL CYBERPUNK 2077 cause I haven’t played it, I don’t know the story, and I can’t judge how badly this is done
But to people out there playing it, please keep in mind
1) People with psychosis, antisocial personality disorder (”psychopathy”), and dissociative disorders do exist in the world and we aren’t dangerous or horrible
2) Psychosis =/= Psychopathy! They are very very very different things and its really tiring to hear people constantly mix them up.
3) Psychosis =/= Dissociation! One is a disconnect reality, one is a break from reality. They are also very very different things.
4) Having psychosis does not inherently make anyone dangerous!
5) Having psychopathy does not inherently make anyone dangerous!
6) Having a dissociative disorder does not inherently make anyone dangerous!
7) People with these disorders are not fated to eventually turn into violent and criminalistic indiiduals
8) People with “fragmented personalities” are REALLY not dangerous or crazy and are not going to kill you
9) People in this game are almost certainly not like anyone who has the disorder
10) Real people exist with these disorders and are just trying to get through day to day and are more likely to hurt themselves than they are you. Please be considerate~!
Thanks for reading, have fun with you game.
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pinkydude · 3 years
Aldecaldos Veterans’s health
Mitch got a bottle of pills in his Colby Safe to assume the other veterans have those as well
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It’s Red and White capsules, with no imprint on it, the bottle doesn’t have any indication either 
SO- Y’all know me, I went looking a little bit 👁👄👁 Since there’s only shape and colors it was funky to find anything precise- but remember everything IN GAME HAVE A PURPOSE AND IS THERE FOR A REASON SO LETSGOOOO (tw for pills/medication yo)
Using this website, I found out (didn’t go through all of them) that the majority of those red and white capsule are either for chronic pain or headaches
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Acetaminophen/oxycodone is used in the treatment of chronic pain Durabac is used in the treatment of pain
Iso-Acetazone is used in the treatment of headache Duradrin is used in the treatment of headache
etc etc
AND It makes a lot of sense with what we know :
Panam - Ghost Town Scorp and Mitch? Yeah. Panzerboys. They both got some kick-ass combat implants and a stack of really fucked up nightmares.
Panam - Lighting Breaks I think you had nightmares. You screamed a few times. Don't worry, I'm accustomed to that sort of thing. When Mitch and Scorpion came back from the war, they tossed and turned night after night. For months this went on.
Mitch, Bob and Carol - With a little help from my Friends What's there to say? They just packed you into a panzer down in Mexico and said full speed ahead, soldier. Then it was weeks talking either to yourself or the onboard AI, drinking iodide like water because your Geiger wouldn't shut up. Mmhmm. I'm sprouting a rash on my ass just thinking about sitting in that boiling hot coffin.
Mitch - We gotta live Together They gave us chem-cocktails. Supplements, boosters ‘n  God knows what else.  They shot them into our veins. Our biomons went wild, but only for a second before stabilizing. And boy did we stabilize.
Especially what Mitch is supposed to tell us during All along the Watchtower but I think it’s still glitched?
Back in bootcamp they made us pilot them alone in case our partner got dusted off. Guess it turned out useful in the end. I'm old school, y'know, from the days when mercs were sent into all-out war. Back then they trained you to be a warrior. Downside's that my head's gonna be killing me for the next few months.
They were exposed to radiation, possibly on the edge of cyberpsychosis thanks to all the combat implants, but all of it got “controlled” by the chem-cocktails, right? It also align with Mitch’s moments of absence and dissiociation, muttering to himself and all that... ouuugghhh hh h  
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Back Against The Wall Gig
Okay, so this is specifically my hatred/gripe with this one gig. So, it will contain spoilers for that gig, but nothing regarding the main quest/storyline as it doesnt impact that. More important than spoilers though
TW: suicide, mental health stigma/mistreatment
This is a gig you get from Regina, where you're getting back stolen meds that were traced to an apartment. When you get to the top floor where the meds are, a man confronts you with a gun. You soon learn hes a veteran, mistreated and used as a guinea pig, he's suffering from cyberpsychosis now. He plans to kill if i remember correctly the ripperdoc who gave him the meds, who he feels also mistreated him and a politician who threw him and all others with cyberpsychosis under the bus.
And you can either start a fight or talk him down, I talked him down, because I felt it was right. He then told me to just take the meds and went to sit in the corner of the room.
And I knew what was coming. The writing on the wall.
Johnny appears as i go to grab the meds, he feels for the guy and I do too, but my only choices are essentially: "nothing i can do" or "everyones going through hell, what do you want from me?" And i hate that, because i would never say either, my V would never say either. Johnny says I should kill the ripperdoc or the politician (maybe theyre the same person i cant quite remember) but I remember wanting to do it. I wanted so badly another option to show up to track down and kill the people who mistreated this man, but it never did.
After I got the meds, i went to the corner and tried to open more dialogue with the guy. Because the writing was on the fucking wall, I knew if I left he'd kill himself, I could feel it. So, i expected a chance for more dialogue, to tell him about Regina the very fixer who sent me who's whole fucking schtick is treating people with cyberpsychosis, telling him she genuinely cares, that she wants to help, that I've brought person after person to her for treatment.
But the option never shows up, no new dialogue shows up, I cant even take his gun from him.
So, what am I suppose to do? Sit in this apartment forever, begging for a chance to talk to him that will never come, I have 50 other sidequests, the main quest, 30 vehicles to buy, and a cat to acquire. I cant just sit around waiting when theres nothing to do and hey, maybe I'm wrong, maybe the game wont do that to me. Wont have a man kill himself without me having offered the most fucking easiest way to help him. I mean im allowed to talk a car off a ledge, certainly they'd give me a chance to save this man if it was an issue.
And so I leave.
And there's a gunshot.
I go back and low and behold, the man has killed himself. Johnny has a comment but I cant be bothered to recall it other than, yeah its a bummer and the world suck, I know johnny.
But, there were so many options and choices that were instantly on my mind that could have helped him. And i tried to replay to see if there was any other way i could have done anything. I used a cheat to get max everything in case it opened a new option; nothing. I tried seeing if I needed to go to him before I took the meds; nothing.
I understand, you cant save everyone. I get that. And if I had gotten the chance to try to get him treatment and/or to offer to kill those people for him. And he still killed himself, Id be far more accepting of this, because sometimes you can try everything and it still doesnt save them.
But please, let me try everything, let me offer these obvious fucking ways to help. Let me try to help instead of just no, you cant even try!
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fane-oh1 · 3 years
Hello! I’m Brittany. I love a good sci-fi setting, and I’ve been enjoying my Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough (albeit very slowly because I get distracted by everything). I’m a full time student right now, so I’m probably going to be slower than I’d like to be on replies, but I’ll do my absolute best!
Anyway! This here is my child, Fane. He’s a piece of shit. And I have a love-hate relationship with him. If you want to plot with this idiot, either dm me on Discord or hit me up on Tumblr!
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…// (Seoirse O’Fannaín the Seventh, Male) has entered Night City. He is 28 years old and looks a lot like Sebastian Stan. You can usually find him working as a Solo somewhere in the (Northside Industrial District). Some would describe him as (Loyal and Creative) as well as (Clueless and an Extreme-Altruist).His aesthetic is often described as (Crisp and professional, dutiful sentinel, and deadly when provoked) and he’s known as Fane.  \…
TW: Death of Parents (accident), Military Service
Full Name: Seoirse Rían O'Fannaín the Seventh Preferred Name: Fane O'Fannaín Age: 28 Birthday: September 1, 2049 Sexual Orientation: Panromantic demisexual Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Former Militech Special Operations, Solo Nationality: American [first generation Irish-American]
Cyberlimb Left Arm [Illegal Militech Prototype]
Gorilla Arm (Cyberlimb Function)
Rocket-Launcher Arm (Cyberlimb Function)
Mantis Blades (Cyberlimb Function and Human Arm)
Smart Link (Cyberlimb Function)
Militech Berserk Mk. 5
Kiroshi Optics Mk. 3*
Bioplastic Blood Vessels*
Subdermal Armour*
Synaptic Signal Optimiser*
Lynx Paws*
Fortified Ankles
Limbic System Enhancement
Visual Cortex Support
Bionic Joints
Bionic Lungs
Dense Marrow
Titanium Bones
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York Hometown: Brooklyn, New York Current Residence: Night City, California Health Issues: Hypermetabolism, Missing Left Arm Traumas: Losing his parents at eighteen, Losing his arm in service to Militech
Face Claim: Sebastian Stan Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Dark Brown Height: 6'0" Weight: 172 lbs [192 lbs. including Cyberlimb] Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc.: Scarring all down his left side from the synthetic musculature he needs to stay upright under the weight of his Cyberlimb.
Father’s Full Name: Seoirse Conor O'Fannaín the Sixth Father’s Status: Deceased Father’s Cause of Death: Automobile accident Mother’s Full Name: Darina Nollaig O'Fannaín Mother’s Status: Deceased Mother's Cause of Death: Automobile accident Siblings: Eibhlín Sibéal O’Fannaίn [Alive], Sutton Bonavitz [Found Family, Alive]
Ex-Significant Other(s): None of Note Current Significant Other: N/A
Hobbies and Talents: Fane is a musician, through and through. He loves writing music, he loves playing music, and he loves listening to music. Fane can play nearly any instrument, and any instrument he doesn't know, give him twenty minutes, and he'll be proficient with it. He has a particular affinity for the piano and the guitar though. Fane is also a talented vocalist (Voice Claim: William Beckett).
Fane is a former special operations sniper. He’s a near-perfect shot, and even more so with his enhancements. He’s quiet on his feet and tactical when the situation calls for it.
Fane speaks English and Gaelic fluently
He keeps a collection of notebooks and various sticky notes to keep things that he thinks he ought to remember safe.
Fane absolutely loves food in any form. He's not terribly picky and eats just about everything.
Despite loving food, Fane cannot cook. He's an absolute disaster in the kitchen and should not be trusted alone in one.
Fane’s Cyberlimb causes him daily pain, but the fact that it’s an illegal prototype makes it hard to have it looked at.
More facts to come as I think of them!
TW: Death of Parents, Military Service, Non-Graphic Dismemberment
Born to Irish immigrants in Brooklyn, New York, Fane thought he’d always live in New York City. He didn’t care that it was an old city, with new technology being built on old structures. He loved it. Brooklyn was, and always has been , his favourite place in the world. He grew up as the diligent older brother to a sister that was eight years younger than he was, and he had dreams of becoming a school teacher.
But when he was eighteen, the worst possible thing happened. His parents were killed in an automobile accident, hit and run. They never found the person or persons responsible. At that time, Fane was enlisted in the Militech army, looking to save some money before going away to college, so his sister was taken to a cousin that lived in Night City until Fane ended his tour and could meet them there to live.
That was not meant to be, unfortunately. For, Fane was injured whilst serving, had his left arm almost completely severed. He expected the army to fix his arm, maybe install some cybernetics to make it go, but he did not expect them to completely remove his arm and replace it with an experimental prototype. The prototype is heavy, and in order to support the weight, his entire left side has been rebuilt out of cyberware plating and metal.
But Militech didn’t stop there. They had the perfect subject to turn a human into a living weapon, so they did. Nearly every organic part of Fane’s body was replaced without his consent. Only a few pieces of his cyberware were things he chose*. Now, his body houses an unsafe amount of cyberware, and he’s often in danger of succumbing to cyberpsychosis.
After becoming Militech’s experiment, however, Fane used their new upgrades to run away. He deserted the army and ran straight for Night City and disappeared beneath the crowds. He tries to keep a lower profile, keeping to himself when the situation calls for it. He earns a living a solo, choosing to act as a bodyguard somewhat off books. If the price is right and he’s desperate enough, he may take other jobs. But he would rather use his illegal cyberware to protect people instead of hurt them.
*See above List, they are starred
Wanted Connections//
Possible Relationship (Fane can be difficult to ship with. He's 100% demisexual, and his panromantic side does tend towards males or male-presenting individuals but not exclusively)
Friendships  (Fane loves making friends, he's just, not the greatest at keeping them sometimes)
Enemies (While Fane himself is not prone to making enemies, he is a former Militech soldier, which can be a sticking point for some people)
Got other ideas? Let me know! I'm open to a lot of things!
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