#tw derm
safety-writes-noms · 1 year
i have the biggest pred crush on miguel. Omg those teeth?? And how complex his character is?? He has me in a chokehold. Whoever designed him deserves a huge clap on the back fr. Might write a couple hcs or scenarios for him
edit: I wrote some lmao
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the couple of times ive posted in r/askdocs on reddit its always been like "my loved one has bipolar and is in a manic episode. they hit their head really hard and wont go to the doctor bc that's what they are like manic. how can i tell the difference between their baseline manic behavior and a concussion?" And the answer is always a variation of:
"I don't feel comfortable answering this because in a manic state someone can be a danger to themselves and others. You should call the cops and have them placed on a psych hold. -Some Fucking Dermatologist"
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These body focuses behaviors sure do repeat.
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pmrin · 2 months
im fr i cant even tell if what im experiencing is actually my eczema and if i have to go to one more doctor this summer im going to blow a fuse
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plasticbabydollhead · 6 months
presentations / technique
anatomy images
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god I feel so bad hoping no one shows up tonight but this flare is killing me
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wormboytrav · 4 months
pov: you're on tumblr in the death note universe
💟kira-kira4652 Follow May 24, 2007
friendly reminder that if you support L you're not welcome on this blog <3 i hope you know you're gonna get what's coming for you eventually
👨‍💻touchmyevilghost-deactivated387421 Follow May 30, 2007
kira supporters continue to make no sense lmao, you do know he kills people that think like this right
🏩xxgod-of-furyxx Follow June 3, 2007
Lord Kira will judge you. Real name is Joel Derm, link to face here.
👨‍💻touchmyevilghost-deactivated387421 Follow June 4, 2007
the hypocrisy of doxxing someone to kira while keeping their own face off their blog will never not be funny to me
#tw kira
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🌁los-angeles-reaper Follow Apr 14, 2007
gonna be liveblogging the new wara ningyo murder doc on netflix guys, keep an eye out! i'm so excited, they got the aesthetic spot on!!! ^-^
🚍muffinstory Follow Apr 14, 2007
gross. anyway you can donate to the family of the victims here, here, and here
🌁los-angeles-reaper Follow Apr 15, 2007
okay wow, god forbid i have comfort media. if you're going to stalk the tag to spam that shit you might as well block it. i'm literally neurodivergent and a minor too imagine being a grown adult arguing with a child on the internet.
#true crime discourse #wara ningyo murders #straw doll documentary
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🎁milkpuzzle Follow July 8, 2007
why generation 1 had the best bionicles, an analysis
Read More
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 8, 2007
🎁milkpuzzle Follow July 8, 2007
you can leave if you're not having fun, mello
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 8, 2007
fuck you i hope you get run over by a bus
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🎰tsukigod Follow May 2, 2007
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Desk Setup Inspo
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#clean aesthetic #stationary #follow for organizing tips
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👔wirewerewolf Follow Apr 5, 2007
oh my god i'm just trying to go to my sister's college entrance ceremony in peace and these two dudes in the front row will not shut the fuck up i hate it here
👔wirewerewolf Follow Apr 5, 2007
update: one of them is barefoot (?????)
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🎩official-l Follow Sep 26, 2007
Due to an overwhelming amount of spam, asks have been temporarily disabled. Updates to follow.
🎹 gaming-matto Follow Sep 27, 2007
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visual representation of your ask box once i'm done with it
🎩official-l Follow Sep 28, 2007
What does this mean
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🔋littlevanishworld Follow July 8, 2007
okay but does anyone else think L and kira are the same guy
🔋littlevanishworld Follow July 9, 2007
no hear me out on this, they appeared at the same time, which is pretty convenient. and despite L supposedly being a great detective i can find no evidence of cases he's solved in the past and he obviously hasn't solved this one yet. so he's either kira or he's stupid
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 9, 2007
bad take op
#you guys just dont understand him like i do #he's smarter than youll ever be
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🧇thebazoinka-deactivated28479912 Follow Oct 24, 2008
✨KIRA SAFETY SPELL: like to charge reblog to cast✨
🎍taro-matsui-here Follow Dec 2, 2008
Claimed! 🙌
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Hellooo love! Omg could I ask where did u go for your vacation? I know you announced it and we've all been suffering ever since but I didn't realize you actually went full on another continent, did you have fun? I hope you had a wonderful wonderful time and omg I can't wait for sunday!!!!
Hello my darliiiing! ❤️
Oh it was wonderful overall with a very specific issue 😁My vacation story is a bit long, so for anyone who'd like to hear about how my own body hates me having fun, it's under the cut 😁
TW: Mentions of skin issues/eczema
Alright so first of all, for my vacation I flew to my dream city and it was absolute perfection EXCEPT my own body self sabotaging me somehow.
So for starters, let's see the summary;
Things I have: Very dry skin Diagnosed anxiety disorder
Things my vacation didn't have: A health insurance for a different country. Any available doctors I could see that wouldn't make me go bankrupt.
So what happened was that, a lot of things went wrong on the day of my flight and I was very much stressed the day before. And like I said, I have such dry skin that I didn't even get acne when I was a teenager, and one would think it's a nice thing but it's actually terrible because I basically turn into that "Moisturize me" character in Doctor Who whenever the weather changes 😁 So anyway, I took the plane, I landed and my skin went INSANE?
My bff and a family friend derm think it's eczema which was probably caused by stress, but I've never actually seen myself or my skin like that. It took like a week for my skin to get better and I swear to you, even my under eyes cracking and peeling😭 And the worst part was that I couldn't even go to the doctor and like, that made me even more stressed and it was basically a domino effect 😁
You'd think that'd be the end of it, but nope!
So my new theory is that it's something on the plane, something that I'm allergic to or something that fuels this eczema thingy. Because I landed today and I just got home and looked in the mirror and guess what I saw?
I look like how I looked when it first happened 😭
So I took some meds and I'll see how it looks within the weekend and then I'll go see a doctor if there's no improvement🙈
If we ignore that part, it was such a lovely vacation! ❤️ I had so much fun and I was so so sooo happyyy! ❤️❤️❤️
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angria · 1 year
TW: SH (venting about doc appts...no details)
Fucking hell...I was trying to make it till Tuesday when I see my new doc. Then I would be free to SH. I have a derm appt in August, but I was brushing it off because my derm has seen fresh cuts before. Yea, not exactly without judgment, but better than most doctors and enough to tolerate.
Except I received a call today that my derm is leaving the practice. They scheduled me with a new derm, who is male. So I had to call and request a female, which was an easy switch at least. But, now I'm seeing a new doc again. Who knows how she will respond to my scars, let alone fresh cuts.
FUCK. And the new appt is in September. Which means it will be over the year mark since I last SH'd (if I make it). Making it a year brings a whole other level of dysregulation and sabotage and self-loathing.
Fuck this. FUCK. As August gets closer and closer, the more I obsessively think about SH. It has been well over a decade since I last went this long without SHing. Like high school/college. Of course, T is happy with this, which feels invalidating. Like he doesn't understand how distressing this is for me. How much I don't want to give it up. His argument is that I can't tell a kid they don't deserve to SH when I'm doing it to myself at the same time. Like, okay I get that. At the same time, I have literally done some form of SH since kindergarten. It has been there almost my entire life. I don't know how to live without it.
I can't.
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thelasttime · 1 year
i’m grossed out but also SO impressed
this is why i can’t be a dermatologist i am sorry to my sister who dreams of me being her derm in the future
pimple popping tw (it’s a cake)
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sentientworm · 4 years
You know what is totally not cool
Preface: there is nothing wrong with you if you have derm/trich. You are beautiful no matter what. Patches, scabs, scars, or any other damage cause by bfrb dont define you. This is just a vent.
tw: skin picking/ hair pulling
I started repetitively running my hands through my hair and pulling on parts of it. I’ve dealt with excoriation/ Dermatillomania. BUT NOW. Are you kidding me. I started to grow out my hair.. One of my biggest worries about being on T was losing my hair. I didnt start to notice my hair falling out (I think a normal amount) until my hair was about 6 inches. It makes sense since it harder to not notice long hairs flowing about. Now I catch myself doing it a lot. Just fucking with my hair. I dont know what worse. Making my face all gross, broke out, and full of scabs, or have piles of hairs surrounding just waiting for there to be patches. I will actively pursue loving myself no matter what, but damn. I have too much to deal with as it is... thats probably why its happening. fuck bfrbs
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heli0s-writes · 4 years
Girl I was on acutane for like a year and I FEEL YOU. Summer was the absolute worst to be on it cuz of how easily I burnt + I'm blessed (cursed) with hella eyebrows which I had to wax them every 3 months and it took off so much skin each time 🙃 I'm 6 years off it now and honestly it was the best decision of my life. I hope you like the results you see but either way you are a goddess 🥰
Babe!!! You’re not supposed to wax on Accutane!! Omg that’s the equivalent of self flagellation. 
I started my first dose in Feb so by March half of my face was barnacles and the other half was flakes s2g. COVID happened soon afterward so, happily, I didn’t go outside for the rest of the Skinpurge 2020. :^) Ugh. The shedding process was horrific. I’m pretty sure I was just a walking open wound.  ✨✨✨ 
I’m glad we’re both finished with it! And thank you-- but you’re the goddess. :’)
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dmfornewurl · 4 years
was picking at my scalp and now im bleeding. great.
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Ok im still having half formed thoughts about fjord!!! I need them out so i can sleep!!
Tw: dermatillomania, picking, references to self-harm (in the general sense, nothing graphic)
The tusk thing is really getting to me. I made a post a long time ago when the story of kids making fun of him for his tusks and him picking at them and filing them so they wouldnt grow back. And now its a habit he cant/wont stop. That little detail means the world to me as someone who picks conscious and unconsciously.
Now, he's letting his tusks grow back after the assurance of the nein they wont make fun of him and he doesnt need to change himself. (I have no idea if the accent is a part of this but let me pretend for a moment ok). Like just fjord becoming more comfortable in his body and his skin and not hiding himself anymore. Fjord not ashamed of who he is!!! The tusks being a sort of reclamation of himself.
And also on a more personal level which definitely veers into more headcanon-y territory but thats what fiction is for. Stopping picking is hard. Really fucking hard. It takes effort and concentration and being constantly on alert. And hes doing it. And Jester noticed and rewarded him for that. For something that is so misunderstood and such a personal, vulnerable thing, thats huge!!! So huge!!! I really dont think I will ever stop a lot of the derm behaviors I have, mainly picking my lips and fingers and biting my cheeks + ripping any bump, scab, or blemish apart. But idk. Its such a small detail but it means the world to me. Not to mention the general overlap with self-harm i tend to gravitate toward and project onto any character I remotely identify with. The shame around his body/physical features, the silent battle, etc. etc. fits very neatly into a lot of the feelings and tropes around selfharm.
I havent seen a lot of people talk about this but i also am still valiently trying not to spoil myself so im sure im missing tons of crap.
Tldr fjord and his tusks make me emotional. I cant think about it too much or I cry.
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boybottomboy · 7 years
dermatillomania is
going into the bathroom just to go to the bathroom but then before you even go to the bathroom for real, you stop. you look at yourself in the mirror. scan every single pore on your face and neck. there's a blackhead pop it whitehead pop it cyst maybe? pop it popopopopopopopopopo- wait it's been a really long time go to the bathroom wash hands look at yourself in the mirror you missed a spot there pop and there pinch and there scratch crap it's been too long again only 30 minutes though... there's time for more there are ingrown hairs on your arm. pick them out. take off your shirt. take off your binder if you wear one. look at your back it's a hard reach but you need to pop those 20 minutes have passed since you last checked your mom is knocking on the door "everything okay in there?" you get pulled out of the trance wash your hands get the blood out from under your fingernails what have you done don't do it next time stop you can't good luck next time 😒
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faheemkhan882 · 4 years
*Common Abbreviations*
> Rx = Treatment.
> Hx = History
> Dx = Diagnosis
> q = Every
> qd = Every day
> qod = Every other day
> qh = Every Hour
> S = without
> SS = On e half
> C = With
> SOS = If needed
> AC = Before Meals
> PC = After meals
> BID = Twice a Day
> TID = Thrice a Day
> QID = Four times a day
> OD = Once a Day
> BT = Bed Time
> hs = Bed Time
> BBF = Before Breakfast
> BD = Before Dinner
> Tw = Twice a week
> SQ = sub cutaneous
> IM = Intramuscular . .
> ID = Intradermal
> IV = Intravenous
> Q4H = (every 4 hours)
> QOD = (every other day)
> HS = (at bedtime)
> PRN = (as needed)
> PO or "per os" (by mouth)
> AC (before meals)
> PC = (after meals)
> Mg = (milligrams)
> Mcg/ug = (micrograms)
> G or Gm = (grams)
> 1TSF ( Teaspoon) = 5 ml
> 1 Tablespoonful =15ml
~ DDx=differential Diagnosis
R/O=rule out
s.p=status post
PMH(x)=post medical history
Bx =biopsy
Knowledge About Blood.
1. Which is known as ‘River of Life’?
Answer: Blood
2. Blood circulation was discovered by?
Answer: William Harvey
3. The total blood volume in an adult?
Answer: 5-6 Litres
4. The pH value of Human blood?
Answer: 7.35-7.45
5. The normal blood cholesterol level?
Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml
6. The fluid part of blood?
Answer: Plasma
7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in?
Answer: Clotting of blood.
8. Plasma protein globulins functions as?
Answer: Antibodies
9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH?
Answer: Albumins
10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cell?
Answer: RBC (Erythrocytes)
11. Non nucleated blood cell?
Answer: RBC (Erythrocytes)
12. Respiratory pigments present in RBC?
Answer: Haemoglobin
13. Red pigment present in RBC?
Answer: Haemoglobin
14. RBC produced in the?
Answer: Bone marrow
15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
Answer: Haem
16. Protein containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
Answer: Globin
17. Graveyard of RBC?
Answer: Spleen
18. Blood bank in the body?
Answer: Spleen
19. Life span of RBC?
Answer: 120 Days
20. Total count is measured by an instrument known as?
Answer: Haemocytometer
21. A decrease in RBC count is known as?
Answer: Anemia
22. An increase in RBC count is known as?
Answer: Polycythemia
23. A high concentration of bilirubin in the blood causes?
Answer: Jaundice
24. The disease resistant blood cell?
Answer: WBC (leucocytes)
25. Which WBC is known as soldiers of the body?
Answer: Neutrophils
26. Largest WBC?
Answer: Monocyes
27. Smallest WBC?
Answer: Lymphocytes
28. Antibodies producing WBC?
Answer: Lymphocytes
29. Life span of WBC?
Answer: 10-15 days
30. Blood cell performs an important role in blood clotting?
Answer: Thrombocytes (Platelets)
31. Vessels is called?
Answer: Thrombus
32. Anticoagulant present in Blood?
Answer: Heparin
33. A hereditary bleeding disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
34. Bleeder’s disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
35. Christmas disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
36. A type of Anemia with sickle shaped RBC?
Answer: Sickle cell anemia
37. Viscosity of Blood?
Answer: 4.5 to 5.5
38. Instrument used to measure haemoglobin?
Answer: Haemoglobinometer
39. Who demonstrated blood groups?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
40. Who demonstrated Rh factor?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
41. Blood group which is called Universal donor?
Answer: O
42. Blood group which is called Universal recipient?
Answer: AB
43. Blood group is most common among the Asians?
Answer: B
Everybody should know the basic functioning of Human Body and its main parts in order to express and explain their ailment to the Doctor and at the same time one should be able to understand the diagnosis expressed by the Doctor in the medical terminology. For easy recognition of the Compounded Words used in the Medical Terminology for naming the disease, Suffixes are added to Prefixes. For this hereunder giving you a few such prefixes for your ready reference and understanding.
Prefix - Meaning
1. Adeno - Glandular
2. An - Not
3. Anti - Against
4. Aorto - Aorta
5. Artho - joint
6. Bleph - Eyelid
7. Broncho - Bronchi
8. Cardio - Heart
9. Cephal - Head
10. Cerebro - Brain
11. Cervico - Cervix
12. Cholecysto - Gall Bladder
13. Coli - Bowel
14. Colpo - Vagina
15. Entero - Intestine
16. Gastro - Stomach
17. Glosso - Tongue
18. Haema - Blood
19. Hepa - Liver
20. Hystero - Uterus
21. Laryngo - Larynx
22. Leuco - White
23. Metro - Uterus
24. Myelo - Spinal cord
25. Myo - Muscle
26. Nephro - Kidney
27. Neuro - Nerve
28. Odonto - Tooth
29. Orchido - Testis
30. Osteo - Bone
31. Oto - Ear
32. Pharyngo - Pharynx
33. Pio - Pus
34. Pneumo - Lung
35. Ren - Kidney
36. Rhin - Nose
37. Spleno - Spleen
38. Thyro - Thyroid Gland
39. Urethro - Urethra
40. Vesico – Bladder
Here are the suffixes used in Medical terminology. Check out!
Suffix - Meaning
1. -aemia : Blood
2. -algia : Pain
3. -derm : skin
4. -dynia : pain
5. -ectomy : removal
6. -Itis : inflammation
7. -lithiasis : Presence of Stone
8. -malacia : softening
9. -oma : tumour
10. -opia : eye
11. -osis : Condition,excess
12. -otomy : incision of
13. -phobia : fear
14. -plasty : surgery
15. -plegia : peralysis
16. -ptosis : falling
17. -rhoea : excessive discharge
18. -rhage : to burst forth
19. -rhythmia : rhythm.
20. -stasis : stoppage of movement
21. -sthenia : weakness
22. -stomy : outlet
23. -tomy : removal
24. -trophy : nourishment
25. -uria : urine
Compounded Words - Meaning
1. Anaemia - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood
2. Analgesic - Medicine which alleviates pain
3. Arthralgia - Pain in a joint
4. Cephalalgia - Headache
5. Nephralgia - Pain in the kidney
6. Neuralgia - Nerve pain
7. Myalgia - Muscle pain
8. Otalgia - Ear ache
9. Gastralgia - Pain in the stomach
10. Pyoderma - Skin infection with pus formation
11. Leucoderma -Defective skin pigmentaion
12. Hysterodynia - Pain in the uterus
13. Hysterectomy - Excision of the uterus
14. Nephrectomy - Excision of a kidney
15. Adenectomy - Excision of a gland
16. Cholecystectomy - Excision of gall bladder
17. Thyroidectomy - Excision of thyroid gland
18. Arthritis - Inflammation of a joint
19. Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi
20. Carditis - Inflammation of the heart
21. Cervicitis - Inflammation of the cervix
22. Colitis - Inflammation of the colon
23. Colpitis - Inflammation of the vagina
24. Cystitis - Inflammation of the urinary bladder
25. Enteritis - Inflammation of the intestines
26. Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach
27. Glossitis - Inflammation of the tongue
28. Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver
29. Laryngitis - Inflammation of the larynx
30. Metritis - Inflammation of the uterus
31. Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord
32. Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidney
33. Pharyngitis - Inflammation of the pharynx
34. Blepharitis -Inflammation of the eyelids
35. Cholelithiasis - Stone in the gall bladder
36. Nephrolithiasis - Stone in the kidney
37. Osteomalacia - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin
38. Adenoma -Benign tumour of glandular tissue
39. Myoma - Tumour of muscle
40. Diplopia - Double vision
41. Thrombosis - Formation of a blood clot
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