#tw noose mention
aloeclown · 8 months
Details about the Black Rabbit Brotherhood/The Fox & The Cat, & overall Chapter 5 that reflect back to the original book of Pinocchio (Masterpost here)
Starting with the design of the Eldest Brother (seen below)
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I believe that the noose around his neck is reference to the fact that in the book, the first time we are introduced to the black rabbits is when Pinocchio hanging from a tree.
Speaking of trees, there’s that one important tree in the game (you know it, you love it): The Gold Coin Fruit Tree
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In the book, while Pinocchio is returning home with 5 gold coins, he meets the Cat & the Fox, who, eventually, tell him that if he plants his coins, a tree will grow and produce even more. (Obviously, a lie just so they can steal the coins later.)
Originally, I believe in an early patch of the game, the first harvest you obtain from the tree is in fact, 5 gold coin fruits. And of course, as you continue to play the game, you can choose to give the Fox/Cat gold coin fruit.
And back to the Fox & Cat in general: In the book, the Cat is going blind, that detail pretty much stays in the game. What I haven’t noticed in the game, however, is the fact that the Fox has a limp/lame leg as the book states (Fought her once, and she never mentioned anything regarding her leg)
Oh, and of course, it makes sense that you meet the Cat & the Fox right outside the Red Crawfish/Red Lobster Inn, since in the book, Pinocchio dines with them there! (And they ditch him there, just like they do before you fight the Black Rabbit Brotherhood for the first time)
And that’s all I really have I suppose! Perhaps I’ll update this post once I finally fight the Fox to figure out if she mentions she has an issue with her leg or not. Thanks for reading!
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hallofpain · 1 year
Waiting to Implode
I hate the feeling of eyes on my back More than almost anything else I know it's my burden to bear Inescapable, just like Atlas My fate to take it until I can't take it anymore Every time I hear the door open It's the crack of the whip The lashings I've earned Hearing the voices over my shoulder As the noose tightens As the sky crushes me towards the earth Second by excruciating second But I can't help wanting to stop it Barricade the door, stab their eyes out, I don't care Drop the sky and let the world end for a quiet second alone The trouble is I know there's a way out And I'm too much of a coward to take it So whatever happens next is my fault And however much I hate it is my problem And it never gets easier Every time I try for a deep breath I hear another rib snap Under the pressure
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kel-is-here · 1 year
What's the greatest kind of knot that you can tie with ease?
It's useful and it's happy, and it suits your every need.
Well, I'm about to tell you, but first I have to note,
That you never should ever consider putting a rope around your throat!
So let's learn how to tie a noose! It's practical for every use!
All you need is a piece of rope, and to never give up hope.
You make a loop, and the snake (rope) goes down, but changes it's mind and turns around.
And climbs back up to the top again, this is where the fun begins ;)
You take the snake(rope) and spiral down, and at the bottom, what has he found?
The snake(rope) goes into the rabbit's hole(the second loop you just made)
Then you give the top a pull, never consider self abuse. This is how you tie a noose!
You take the snake(rope) and spiral down, and at the bottom, what has he found?
The snake(rope) goes into the rabbit's hole(the second loop you just made)
Then you give the top a pull, never consider self abuse. This is how you tie a noose!
There's a hundred uses for the hangman's knot, that have nothing to do with K.Y.S. (never do that)
You can make a stylish belt to hold up your pants, you can tie them to your wrists and do a hangman's dance.
Well, you could tie your shoes, or you could make bananas fly, you could stir a mixture, hang a picture, anything you try!
So let's learn how to tie a noose, It's practical for every use!
All you need is a piece of rope, and to never give up hope!
Never consider self abuse, this is how you tie a noose!
"Oh isn't that that one song... the family friendly noose song or something like that?"
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miserableyoplait · 2 years
so today i learned one of my triggers.... 😖
i uh like wasn't totally sure if this was a trigger for me but it is apparently; it's uh hanging/nooses..
um yeah...
we're reading oedipus rex and antigone in english rn and we're doing a visual-verbal essay on the plays and themes. i did a thumbnail for my project yesterday and today was working on the drawings. since one person hangs themself in each play and i had a strings of fate motif, i was going to have a hanging/noose motif. but i went to draw it and just yeah. felt sick and not good mentally and had to just take a minute to not freak the fuck out or cry. so uh yeah. yeah uh. that was great.....
i knew suicide/hanging definitely bugged me. like i have difficulty talking about it anf saying the word suicide. but wasn’t quite sure if like it was enough to be a trigget but uh here we are...
feeling icky....
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i-monika · 3 years
“You know what happens once she dies?” Ivy tells Monika the rest of the story of ddlc. “And then YOU DIE, and the game basically ends until the player-me- replays it. Is that really what you want?”- Ivy
Monika thought about that for a second. Her eyes stopped glowing, and deleted the rope.
"I won't kill her. As long as you still love me, then I won't harm any of the girls."
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b0neless-gh0st · 3 years
Me: *sees a post with a character hanging from a noose*
Me: Before my imagination gets a hold of that we’re gonna scroll past!
The post: *Comes again*
Me: Man, u really wanna trigger me dont ya tumblr?
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vellichorom · 3 years
Okay first of all your ideas are God tier and I love them, and I do especially love the idea of the neck cuffs hanging over people during the trial, the aesthetic there is insanely cool, but I was wondering if you could tag noose mentions that go in the main tag just because it's a huge trigger for my friend who loves dr but gets triggered from it a lot because of things like Kaede's execution going untagged
Sorry to bug you and thank you!
  -- anonymous asked!
HEY YOU’RE NOT BUGGING AT ALL, THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME !!!!! that’s honestly Super sweet & super thoughtful of you to let me know on behalf of your friend, whom I send ALL the best of wishes to! thank you SO SO SO much for letting me know !!! consider it tagged !!!!
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sunflowertwins · 4 years
Don't worry kid, I have a thing that can help you *gives him a noose*
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[Claus didn't like that.]
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acrobaticcatfeline · 5 years
Do you ever feel like you live with a noose tied around your neck? It's disturbing but hear me out.
Do you ever feel like everything has been going fantastic and that constricting weight around your neck is gone only to have one more stressor, one thing goes wrong and suddenly it's like the rope has tightened and you aren't on solid ground anymore?
Suddenly it's too hard to breathe or think or be rational and you feel like everything is crumbling around you and you're there hanging in the middle of nowhere, struggling for your life where no one can see or hear.
It doesn't matter how many people are around you, they don't get it, they think you're overreacting, that you're just "freaking out" over nothing but they don't get it, they don't see the rope burns on your neck, they don't see the obvious scars and you're as alone as ever only now it's not just you alone, now it's a social event.
Come see the public hanging!!! Come see the witch be burned!!! Because people are afraid of what they don't understand, and they don't understand you, which makes you their enemy and they will stop at nothing to erase you and make your memory cease to exist.
But keep living. This won't be the first witch trial you go through. Keep living for that one day when you can show your whole self wholeheartedly and not face danger, or scorn, or judgement, or humiliation just for who you were born as or who you choose to be.
You can't "fix" it, you can't change it, it will never go away, but you have to stand strong anyways. Because whether it's your religion, your gender, your sexuality, your mental state, there will always be those who point and say it's wrong, it's not real, it's dangerous.
And they're wrong. They're always wrong they don't know you, not like you do. They don't understand and they're afraid and they will be cowardly and hurt you to protect themselves but it doesn't matter because you're you. Rope burns and all.
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kel-is-here · 1 year
Basil knows how to tie a noose
"...why?? Do I need to check up on him??"
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kel-is-here · 1 year
Kel have you seen the jump rope pile outside? I don't know why but some of them are tied into nooses and it's kind of horrifying.
"Oh God... No, I haven't... And I don't think I'd want to..."
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i-monika · 3 years
Ivy wrote a poem for Monika again and then went to bed.- Ivy
"You can't hide from me~"
She coded a rope to appear on Sayori's bed.
Kill yourself.
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vellichorom · 3 years
oh shit wait I have more DR hot takes strap in everybody
extremely disappointed that we had monokuma iron maidens RIGHT THERE & yet there was not a single iron maiden death used DON’T YOU TELL ME “ BLAST OFF “ COUNTED, THERE WAS WASTED POTENTIAL THERE !!!!!
i mentioned this to two friends but-- the execution cuffs THE ONE THAT HAPPENS W/ THE FIRST EXECUTIONS IN EACH GAME, DRAGGING EVERYBODY AWAY ???? they should have hung above the trial podiums like nooses ( or straight up put nooses there ) to pressure everybody into making their answer quicker just remind them that their lives are on the line if they screw around !!!! & of course the cuff would be used w/ the culprit to drag them out of the room
OK SO DARKNESS & DEATH ASIDE I have absolutely NO issue with kazuichi’s crush on sonia, but I think it would have been interesting if he Wasn’t crushing on her in DR3 & they were instead just Super good friends after a crush that never worked out ??? show us that Development that inevitably had to be erased once the despair worked it’s magic show us kazuichi getting over a broken heart but coming to adore sonia as a friend & !!! let them have a close bond all things despite! THIS SAID, I love sonia using kazuichi’s adoration to her advantage like ‘ hey soda please do this ‘ “ YES MA’AM AWOOGA “ 
I REALLY enjoy...... genocide jack’s va from the anime & wish that was her actual voice ??? I ENJOY HER OTHER ENGLISH VA JUST THE SAME but anime! genocide jack just holds such ENERGY like yes ladie cut me up -- this said about the anime actually, I feel like they could have put together a better crew in terms of voice actors, because some sound COMPLETELY off from the character, no hate -- this also said, sagishi’s true voice ??? please give us something better please give us stannies some delicious fucking food
i guess this is it for today my lovelies 💕
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