#tw: fear.
anthromimicry · 2 months
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peter crowther, armored heart | franz kafka, diaries | ernest hemingway, the garden of eden | chris mcgeown | 664, yag65 | morrissey, harukimuracallme | pat the bunny, i'm not a good person | fyodor dostoevsky, notes from underground
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mad-hunts · 11 days
in the list below, bold all the fears your muse currently has, italicize all the fears they've worked through or grown out of, answer the questions below, and then pass it on by tagging your favorite muns to participate!
why do they have these fears? are these fears innate, trauma-based, or generational? barton had feared small spaces as well as failure due to several things that had happened in his childhood, but he was able to overcome these as a teenager. as for hospitals... barton was afraid of them due to a specific event that he went through for a short time after winslow had officially become his surrogate father. without talking about it too much, his fear of suffocation is trauma-based as well. and as for being alone / being abandoned, these were sort of a mix of innate and generational fears for barton. imperfection is, unfortunately, another fear of his that came about due to trauma.
the dark l small spaces l suffocation l water l thunderstorms l dogs l snakes l spiders l insects l clowns l blood l dentists l hospitals l needles l germs l heights l fire l insects l public speaking l large crowds l meeting new people l being alone l being touched l failure l imperfection l societal rejection l physical intimacy l emotional intimacy l being abandoned l being forgotten
what other fears do they have? his biological father, wesley mathis; becoming his father, losing his freedom / autonomy (to some level), death, and hurting members of his family due to losing control.
have they ever tried to work through or confront these fears? how did it go? barton has attempted to work through his fear of his father due to him no longer being around and his fear of death, too, which really didn't go so well. this is because even though he is able to understand why he has these fears, whenever he exposed himself to both of these things, he tried to think his way out of the fear he felt rather than just letting himself feel it... and this is a necessary step in quote unquote 'conquering them' because the mind is prone to getting stuck in thoughts that actually feed your fears when you aren't able to fully process / accept them.
tagged by: (stole from @astrronomemes!) tagging: @cxpperhead, @thewomanwholaughed, @ofgctham, @lamprog, and anyone else who might like to complete this quiz!
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captainharlock · 24 days
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comic i made about out-aging the person i've been grieving
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atsuwumus · 22 days
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sweetberrylover · 16 days
// blood 🩸
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Dominating Soul
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kocho15 · 5 months
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vesper100 · 2 months
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nosramus and enki discuss the homunculus
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dashflashy-arts · 4 months
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Cahara's my favorite! for reasons you'd least expect
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cyanwyrmy · 4 months
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Oh dear… (cw: needle and syringe)
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(Fan Art!)
I think Eddie is afraid of needles and dreads doing his T-shot each week. It’s not that he doesn’t want the T, but he’d prefer it didn’t come from a nasty poke every Monday. Thank the stars Frank always remembers. Now that I’m thinking about it, Eddie would genuinely forget sometimes if he’d done it. Poor sap.
If it’s not obvious, this is based purely on my experience with T-shots 😅 it might be silly, but it’s a comforting thought to me that Eddie might share my struggle haha. I’m very blessed to have people in my life willing to help me 🩷
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anthromimicry · 24 days
okay, but i think it is about time to talk about one of misao's fears is, because i believe that they can tell you a lot about a character and their psyche — and i came to tell y'all that the one i'm going to be talking about today is that misao fears becoming a mother / motherhood. the first reason in which why i believe this is because misao just genuinely thinks that she is not the nurturing type and that she would likely be a terrible parent to her child ( which i know is a very depressing thing to think about. but it is something that she has feared for a long time, unfortunately. ) this likely stems from a mix of misao's inability to deal with her own emotions, though, as she feels like it's better to just bottle them up and deal with them all on her own rather than the alternative. and this would be to try to confide in someone and/or get help from them should she need it. so, misao feels as if her child were to come to her needing emotional support from her, she would absolutely fail at it and the last thing she wants is to emotionally neglect someone the way she had been as a child ( p.s. of course, this was mostly just borne out of unfortunate circumstances, as i've stated before because of kaiyah's illness. though this hasn't stopped misao from feeling the brunt of the impact that it had on her. )
plus... i feel as if misao also doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself whenever it comes to the concept of always being able to put a child first, as she has a pretty negative self-image of herself deep down if i'm being honest. she sees herself as an extremely selfish person who can't even become friends with one person because she is so afraid that someone will hurt her, and in her opinion, that makes her pathetic or weak. so she doesn't feel like she'd be able to take care of a child with the amount of responsibility that is required to in order to raise them properly and protect them at the same time.
though this isn't necessarily true as misao has put up those barriers that would normally let people into her heart mostly due to trauma, and having experienced trauma doesn't make anyone weak. i just feel as if she desperately needs to remedy her self-image because it is very damaging to think of yourself like that and it would be really good for her emotional health if she were to try to ways to better cope with everything that she's experienced throughout her life. there are other reasons as well behind why misao fears motherhood while i'm talking about it, however, and these are arguably one of the more bigger ones: the act of giving birth itself and suddenly being thrust into having to not just take care of yourself, but the baby inside of you as well. which sort of makes sense whenever you connect the dots as to how many horror stories misao has heard about delivering a baby and also how much a person's experience while being pregnant can vary from others. i mean, it has been shown that some people may have more morning sickness than others and that they just don't have a very good experience with being pregnant in general, for example. but other's may be 'glowing' as they say and may find it easier to deal with.
so, you never really know what kind of pregnancy you're going to have until you actually become 'with child' as misao would call it. and the unknown aspect surrounding it scares misao more than anything. plus, as it stands now, she isn't sure whether she'd want to go through the process of giving birth as there can be a lot of complications regarding it. but there can also be so many good things about inviting a new member of the family into your home and misao feels as if it is kind of expected of her to have children so she can continue the kanade line.
but misao is just so afraid of it for these reasons that she can not see herself as a mother, even in her head. however... there is the matter of adoption that she has yet to take into account, but with how focused the jorōgumo are about having biological children, i feel as if misao hasn't even considered it to be an option for those who are afraid of giving birth and also to give a baby / child a loving home as everyone deserves one of those. but yeah. i hope that this gave y'all a little more insight into her character, as misao is scared of re-enacting her past in a way, though i feel as if you become a mother yourself... you have to separate what will be your own experience of parenthood from your parents. so, in order to overcome this fear she has, misao would have to treat it as an entirely different thing from kaiyah's experience as a mother and her own child self's experience of her as a mother.
and this is definitely possible. it would just take some work, as overcoming any kind of fear would. plus, i feel as if misao were to accept other people's help it would also benefit her, since discussing motherhood / plunging into the topic of the sometimes seemingly scary thing that is parenthood is definitely not something that you have to try to go through alone.
#ALL POWER DEMANDS SACRIFICE: musings.#NO SLEEP OF THE INNOCENT. NOT FOR YOU: character study.#SOMETIMES AGAINST ALL LOGIC WE HOPE: headcanons.#yeahhh so i know that i keep on posting some pretty heavy things on my pages BUT like i said on my other acc i promise that i will give-#y'all some fluffy content after this JSJSJ but i just had to talk about this because it says a lot about her character and i don't mean tha#in a bad way or anything ofc. i just mean from like a psychological standpoint and i know that motherhood / parenthood can be such a comple#thing to talk about BUT i tried my best to cover all of the reasons as to why misao is afraid of becoming a mother and/or having another-#person to take care of in her home in general. to summarize things her negative self-image and the experience that she has as a child-#regarding how her own mother treated her (though she still VERY much loves kaiyah and knows that she can't really blame her for any of it-#bc of how severe her mental illness was) haunting her in a way as she believes that perhaps she will continue the cycle of emotional neglec#in the family. sooo yeah it is awfully complicated though when you consider that kaiyah did her best to take care of her and that's really-#all you can do as a parent. it is just a very nuanced topic for her but of course that doesn't mean that i hold the same opinion of it as-#misao since you should always separate from the character from the writer but whenever i get in her headspace i feel as if this is the best#way i could describe her fear of it.#tw: trauma.#tw: mentions of emotional neglect.#tw: discussions of pregnancy / motherhood.#tw: fear.#tw: discussions of negative thoughts.
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justxangelxthings · 7 months
I cant believe Halloween came and went and NOT ONE of you chased me through the woods with a knife and a scary mask and pinned me up against a rotten tree and tore my clothes off while I cried and forced yourself inside me while growling like an animal the NERVE ;;
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linterteatime · 8 months
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Like a deer caught in headlights
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gamesgogirling · 5 months
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fear and funger hunger termina picmix frenzy ❤️
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The whole "breasts shouldn't be politicized because the primary purpose of breasts is to feed babies!" can be a fine jumping-off point, but I really wish people thought deeper than that when we talk about the ways in which bodies are politicized and restricted.
Like, why's it that when we talk about breasts, they must have some Higher Purpose? It's true that breasts aren't inherently sexual, but they aren't valuable solely because they can potentially feed a baby. A human body doesn't have to serve a Higher Purpose in order for it to not be legislated against or policed, and I just wish people would remember it isn't always about babies, about other people, about anything else other than the people who have that body.
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kocho15 · 6 months
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A terrifying presence has entered the room...
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saturnisscreaming · 9 months
When you meet The Creature (and you will) give it my regards
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